Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Jig1 Hotel Ken Before Grand Jury
Find Place for Money.
iimta am trti Made All bat
Fwwr Iadlrtaseats, kat Sheriff
fa Maklac AU IIIMi to
l.aae Hla lira.
Though til Doug's county grsad jury
Ih turned out to bo an III wind tor oomo
persona, tha adage about Its being aa "ill
wind that felon nobody food." mil holds
After having hcen examined by tha
strand Jury yesterday regarding the rumor
of a "sheiirlown" of saloonkeeper when
they sought Manor selling Hciosoa, Roma
Miller, proprietor or tha Ron and KU-
lard hotels; T. J. 0"Brtn. proprietor of
tha Henshsw hotel, and T. F. Taggart,
proprietor of the Loyal hotel, turned
their witness tees over to the Child Sav
ing Institute.
Examination of hotel men was designed
to bring- out facts retarding rumara that
hotel men maintaining, bars In eonnee
tlea with their hortelrles were victims
of the alleged "shakedown.' Three re
fused to discuss their testimony before
the grand Jury. Before they were ex
amined they held a fifteen-minute con
feranes In the -corridor outside tha grand
Jury room.
Stiller Makes lasseetlaa.
sillier, O'Brien and Taggart met scale
In tha office of Robert Smith, clerk of the
district court, baring been sent there by
Mi W, Oelger, foreman of tha grand
Jury, who supposed they wanted their
Tha statutory witness fss Is XX. Tha
three hotel magnates wars amused at
the Idea of their demanding tha paltry
lees and were about to decide not to claim
them, when sillier suggested that they
take thera and turn tha money orar te
the Child Sating Institute.
Tha suggestion was approved by the
ether two and the three promptly en
dorsed their check t the Institution.
Miller took them all and said he woiud
see they reached tha right hands. -
The grand Jury adjourned at 11 o'clock
yesterday morning to reconvene Monday
morning. It wishes t finish Its work next
week, but fears it will be unable to do so.
Arrests aa ail Indlctmaata but four
fcave bean made. The persons Indicted In
these have not ben found by Sheriff
McShane and hi deputies, though they
bar sought them diligently. It 1 thought
they hare feared action by tha grand
Jury and bays flown.
Local railroad man are radioed to ex
press considerable surprise over tha In
terview given out la Chicago by Presi
dent Erb at ths aUaneepolls St. Lotus
railroad, who make tha unqualified state
meet that the lino Is to soon bo built
Into Omaha, leaving the mala line either
at Fort Dodge or Dos Moines, la.
The Minneapolis St Lours Is one of
tha read oontrolted by. ths lata Ed wis
JKawiey and la put of the Alton sys
tem. It has terminals la Minneapolis,
St. PsuL Chisago and St Louis. - ,.
Omaha railroad men cos teed that' the
decision of Frsstdent Btv ts build Inn
Omaha would bo of great benefit to t,hta
eity and the entire country tributary.
It would not only give Omaha another
coaaeettos with the Inks, but would osea
new territory into whloh Ih Omaha Job
bers and manufacturers eould go. They
also say that It would be of vast tmpor
tanos to the grain aad live stock mar
kets, drawing from both Minneapolis and
According ts the Interview given oat
by PrssMent Xrb ths Minneapolis A It
Louts I not gains to . stop . with . ths
building of a bos Into Omaha, but will
extend north from Minneapolis to tha
Csasdlan border, tapping tha wheat fields
Of too Dominion.
Famous Diplomat to Speak
Here Washington's Birthday
John Barrett, who will deliver
ths address upon tha occasion of
too annual Washington birthday
dinner at tha Omaha dub, Is di
rector of tha Pan-American union,
an International organisation main
tained by tha twenty-one American
republics. It purpose I the de
velopment and conservation of com
merce, friendly Intercourse and
good understanding among tha na
tions that are thus brought la
touch with one another,
Mr. Barrett waa the first United
State minister to Panama and bad
r haras of the establishment of the
relation of the canal son and tha
government of Panama, A a
United Stats minister to Argentine
Republic, bo Inaugurated the first
big movement for the development
of trad between tha United Stats
and that nation. As United State
minister to Colombia, he begs tha
negotiations, still under considera
tion, for the adjustment of the dis
pute between tha United State
and Colombld over Panama. A
United Btato minister to Sum and
special commissi oner of commerce
la Chins, where be began his diplomatic career, ha waa largely instrumental
In awakening the American commercial Interests to the opportunities la the
far oast.
In hla Omaha address,' Mr. Barrett will discuss tha "Panama Canal
and Americas Commerce; What They Moan to the Central West." .
(Continued from First page.)
shades of Sherwood forest for the sake
of Its tall timber, hence they fell easily
Into Robin msrry crew. There was
"Little Joha (Jim) Oarflold. and "Will
Scarlet La roUetts," and 'Trier Pln
enot" and good ''Dam Marksttlng."
besides Robin Hood, who, introducing
himself a an outlaw, ssng: "But out.
law now, yon see, are mea of wealth
and rank and pedtgre.' Thar waa a
"loud blast" from a bugle la the forest
depths and It was announced. That's
Bob La 'Toilette." (Very faint blast)
"That's Cummin.' (Oenaral mtkup of
discord.) "Hsnry Wattorsoa la la Son
's renee with Woodrow Wilson,"
That tuneful air, "Old Cross Bow," was
glvea a Strang twlat a follow:
A ttateman who dwelt ea tha Out
looks Edge,
Wu A. It alih hla sid me SMIek.
window lease.
lie hit It an awful lick.
A dove of peace lit en hi i
He stopped awhile, and to sigh began;
They heard him both near and far,
If you wait for tha office to seek the
The office says, "stay where you are"
Dame Markettlng declared she ksd been
deoalrsd by ail parties, and expressed her
indignation at the high cost of living, to
the tune of "Oh. Promlss Ms:"
Toa promised me that aa day I could
A strsk without s atortgag . on the
Ton said with Dr. Wiley help, you'd try.
To ehleld in famuy awmasn from ail
. harm.
And yet when I take out my pocksv
. sooa ear nay,
And see hew all my 014 man's ooln ha
allim4l Bav.
1 ahed anether tesrdreo a I ssr.
You promised msi you promised ma
i The "Court af Honor" mat la opsa ses
sion befar the guests to settle all ejus.
tioa requiring arbitration, sanitation and
Illumination," and waa ready to report
Her war some of the question and the
court' answer: ,
"Have yo looked Into this dispute over
universal arbttretlonT"
"W havs"
"everybody favor It, I (uppossr
"Everybody but tha United States sea
ate" '
"What la your decision ra tho dispute
between J yd son Harmon and Mr, Bryan T"
"Mr. Bryan Will allow Mr. Harmon to
remain la the race an ea condition."
"What la that"
"The condition that Mr. Harmon refuses
to withdraw.
"Have you settled the row between Os
car Underwood and Mr. Bryan r'
"W decided Bryan waa Infringing on
a copwrlght. Hs had no business to try
to organise an Ananias eiub."
Too oeurt also decided that the only dif
ference between La Pol let te and Cummins
waa la ths fact that "There la only one
cantor of the tag." Tho august tribunal
cams to grist whoa asked what It had
to say about the rumored struggle be
tween Taft and Roosevelt Each member
throw up his bands and walked out with
out saying anything, and whan tho "press
agent" (an essential feature of the court)
waa appealed to ha exclaimed. In greet
surprise. "MoT I've got nothing to say.
I etarted It"
It remained for ths "Democratic
Steepler)! ate" skit to bring out tho Candi
da tee la full force. A bookmaker ap
peared with blackboard, shestwrltsr aad
other apparatus and announced tho en
tries as follows:
Her ts woodrow W, sired by Jim
Smith and daamned by Henry Watteraon;
brassed out well oa his last trial, going
fast under a hard pull.
'Next I Judaoa H., an sld campaigner,
begot by O rover C, a famous staks
horse, and damned by W. J. Bryan.
"Her 1 Tom Marshall and J. W. Kern,
entered by the Tom Tags-art stable from
tho banks of the Wabash, and coupled la
tho betting.
"Next I Champ and Oovornor Polk,
entered by tha -Show Mo stables. The
Governor has Just been klcksd la the
paddock by Champ, soupled In tho bet
ting with bun, and layer can 1st their
money stand or take It down. W. J.
Stone and J. Reed, both likely boys, will
rid them.
"Here I Wimaia Jennings, who will be
ridden by W. J. Bryan, tho only rider
who has svsr been able to stick aa his
Next corns Oscar W a Uttls eon.
sarvatlve svsr tho lumps, but a fast colt;
J. Bank head up.
"Last but not least I JEugon N, en-
tared tnadvartonly by Henry Cabot
Lodge." I
Tho funniest kind of betting followed
aad ths horse got away, but unfor
tunately th Oridlron club tailed to en
lighten Its guests aa to th Identity of
tho winner, for Just ha th ponies were
banohed.ln th home stretch la aa excit
ing finish th poltcs raided th ball and
"pinched') th bookmaker.
Death from Blood Poles.
waa prevents by O. W. Clsyd. Plunk,
Mo, who healed his dangerous wound
with Bueklsa's Arnica Salve. Only So.
For sal by Beaton Drug Co.
Catarrh for Fly Years
Mr. a 8. Johnson, Greenville. I1L, writes:
1 waa for five year troubled with catarrh. Tw year ago I had an
foot la tho grave I had triad seven doctor aad also wont to a catarrh spe
cie tut la St Louis, sad took ssversi kinds of n. edicts a day. I eould not
walk more than a nundred yards without resting.
-M friends told m to take Psruna. and I did so. I now feel that rerun
baa saved my Ufa It la tho boat medicine on earth, aad I would aot bs withy,
at if -
A Heavy Cold
Samuel McKinley, ltli Oraad Ave.
rr-TTT City, Mo, member of tho Sod
Sty of th United States Jewelry Auc
tioneers, writes:
I can aonostly say that I ewa my
Ufa to reruns. After soma at tha best
doctors la th country gave sac ap aad
old mo I eould not 11 vs aaotast month,
Psruna saved me.
"Traveling from town to town
throughout th country, and having ts
go Into all kinds of badly bested stores
and buildings, somstlmss standing ap
for hours at a time while plying my
trade aa autloneor. It Is only natural
Chat I bad colds frequently, so whoa
this would occur I paid llttla attaaHoa
to It. sstil kat December, whoa I con
tracted a saver case, which, through
my part, ssttted aa my
"When almost toe lata, I began doc
toring, but without avail, until I hoard
of Psruna. It cured ma, so I cannot
praise It toe highly." ,
Knsal Catarrh, Cndgh.
Mr. Emil Plckart. Ill lith St, Ham'
mond, Ind., writes:
"I am entirely cured of catarrh of th
nose, and my stomach la la good condl
den also, I only used about five bot
tle of your great medicine, although I
bad catarrh so bad aad for so many
year that I thought I woalda't live
much longer. I had to consult doctor
right along. Mow all my friends say I
never looked as well aa I do now.
"I can also say that It la a great rem
edy fee1 coughs, berasee I gavs It to my
children. I never will be without It
used enough other medldns to know
now valuable Parana la
"Ton are at liberty to as my nam
la spreading th merit af Psruna,
ComminuoaRi Threaten to Complete
Court Home ThemtelTet,
Demand U Mads aa All Sake est.
tractor ts Maka Statements
Ncsjardlaa Taair Agree-meats.
ZUv Boot Prist It,
Ma, Slee. Putajea. nwigssa Srsssca.
If enable to got Booth' Guaranteed
Canned Oyster st your dealer, sail Doug
las CM for nearest dealer's name.
Waal ths ad tress of every city sales-
traveling salesman and merchan
dise broker In Omaha or territory ad
joining. Something a peel si, ssnd full nam
and permanent address, ga Bee Bidg.
wtsta Sets a Isak-Joseph Stein ha
taken out a oommlssloa blank. Thar ars
now 111 blanks sut Twnty-on hsv been
Trinity Obeli Bmtsrtalasd Dean aad
Mr. J. A. Tanoook entertained sixty
five member of tho Trinity church choir
last night Th evening waa spent In
dancing and playing cards.
1-lga raasral Meaaay Ths funeral
of Martin Ttgha, th Union Paclflo watch-
allied In th railroad yards Friday,
will be held from tho Sacred Heart
Catholic church at t o'clock Monday
Park Beard Meets Wsdnssdsy Th
board of park eoiamiasionore wUI hold a
meeting at th city hall Wednesday at
1:11 o'clock and th public Is invited to
attend. B. J. Comtek, now la the east.
ay be prssenL
snrsUey la Sue Alleging that former
Shorif Edwin P. Brsiley nssaulted him at
tha automobile races June 11. liu, and for
no reason. Alfred N orris of Council Bluffs
ask tlt SM damages la a suit filed In th
federal district court
OsagM eteaJJsg Cera Anton Breeds
wsa arrested by Officer Mansfield while
stealing corn from Droshs Bros., teed
store at 1KT South Thirteenth street He
wsa coming out of the store with the feed
when caught red handed by the officer.
J spasm Imbssssilog Oeealar Ths
new ambassador from Jspan, Mr. Bhinda,
accompanied by hie wife, has arrived la
San Francisco, Ho will pass through
Omaha en Union Peotfio train No. X
Tuesday evening at l:o) o'clock. He at
riding aa aa ordinary pssssngsr.
Xiyaahsr to SeUver Addis Th
Omaha Tbeosophical society will hold a
pabUo meeting In tho Omaha School of
Musts, Eighteenth aad Parnam street,
Sunday svenmg at S o'clock. W. H
Lnnehard of Council Bluffs wUI deliver
aa address. Hla subject will Include a
general resume of tho Tbeosophical
motement throughout the world. Ths
title of Us subject will bo "Sunrls" and
will be sxsspUrislly lateresUag. sspo
dalry to those who kaow Uttls of the
Taeosocolcal nwvaovaut.
For ths tallur of Caldwell A Drake
general contractors on the new county
building, to make reasonable progress oa
ths building, ths Board of County Com
missioners and Architect John Latenser,
will take charge of tho work unless the
general contractors Changs their tactics
within thirty days.
Ultimatum to this effect wss Issued ts
th general contractors and their bonds
man, tho Fidelity and Deposit company,
of Maryland, In ths form of resolutions
by ths board yesterday afternoon.
By way of preparation to take th
threatened alternative telegrams were
sent to the Colorado Tula Marble com
pany of Marble, Colo., aad all other Im
portant sub-contractor asking for state
menu regarding ths present Stat of their
contracts with Caldwell A Drake.
Watchmen Are Appelated.
To guard against any unforeseen con
tingencies that may srUe as a result of
the relations between ths county and ths
general contractors now strained al
most to the breaking point-to board
upon recommendation of John Latenser
appointed day and night watchman for
th new county building and called upon
Sheriff Felix J. McShane to appoint them
deputy sheriffs. They ars W. B. Christie,
dsy watchman, and Tom Kelly, night
The action resulted from a conference
of the board, Latenser and County At
torney James P. EngUib, which was bo
gun Friday aftsrnoon and ended yester
day. It was necessitated by the failure
of Caldwell A Drake and their bondsmen
to take any official notfes of tho board's
action three weeks ago In calling upoa
the bondsmen to make tha general con
tractors rush th work.
When Hsnry Ostrom. dark of ths board,
began reading the resolutions Commis
sioner Thomas O'Connor hurriedly left
the board room. A recess wss taken and
Ostrom sent out to bring O'Connor back
lo vols oa the resolutions. Hs waa found
In the corridor. Hs had a copy of the
noon edition of a newspaper la hla hand
and explained that he had gone out to
get the news.
Tho Reeelatlea.
All five members of the board voted
for this reeolutloni
Whereas, By ths terms and conditions
of their contract, Caldwell A Drake ware i
to have completed the oonat ruction of the
Douglas county court house on or before
May L 1311. and
Whereas, It Is now more then eight
months since the time when said building
should have been completed and the earns
Is suit In an unfinished condition, and
at the rate the work is now prosTeesm
it will require many months longer to
complete the same: and
v hereas. Ths Fidelity and Deposit eom
psny of Maryland Is surety on the bond
of the said CsldweU A Drnk tor the
faithful performance of their contract
for the eonetrucuon and completion of
said court house;
Therefore. Be It Resolved. That ths
ajd Caldwell A Drake and the said
Fidelity and Deposit company of Mary
land as surety on their said bond be, and
they are hereby notified that unless the
said Caldwell A Drake begin sctlve work
upon said court house within thirty 3U)
days with a force of men and material
sufficient to complete the same wlthia a
reasonable time, that the Board of
County Commlasioners of Douglas county
and ths architect John Latenser, will
take possession and charge of said build
In and employ other workmen to com
plete said building, aa provided by the
terms of their said contract with ths said
County of Douglas:
And bs It further resolved that a copy
of this resolution bs furnished to Cald
well A Drake and to ths Fidelity aad
Deposit company of Maryland.
Three men were arrested st I o'clock yes
terday morning, charged with Impersanat
ing officers and for highway robbery. They
ars Aleck Beck. 7M North Sixteenth street;
A. J. Groth. same address, and W. B.
Scott id North Nineteenth street They
were arrested by Detectives Murphy snd
Sullivan on complaint of Robert McKee
of Dixon, Neb.
McKee said hs was stopped at Sixteenth
snd Webster streets by these men. who
told him be had a revolver on his person
which wss stolen and they ware officers
and had received Instructions to search
him. Dtxton objected and finally mad his
get-e-way. but not until th supposed
officers hsd taken Hi of his money away.
The polios havs learned of several per
son who havs been fleeced by this gang.
Th man will bs turned over to th grand
Jury for Investigation.
Vice President Munroe of the Union
Pacific has been called to Washington,
where he has business before the inter
state Commerce commission.
W. A. Wsymsn, formerly local agent
of ths Erie Dispatch, has been promoted
to the position of assistant general man
ager, with headquarters in Caicsgo.
Lew Adams spec's! Immigration offi
cer from Denver, Is In Omaha holding a
oonfsrsncs with H. B. Mills of ths secret
service department relative to the de
portation of undesirable alien women.
Miss Bess A. McClenshan. assistant
secretary of the Associated Charities. Is
In Omaha to visit snd study soctsi con
ditions, paying particular attention to
ths methods employed by the charttebla
organisations here.
Demos Object to
the Attitude of
Senator Hitchcock
"Th fusion forces ex-silver republi
cans, populsts aad Bryan damoerata
have supported atenator Hitchcock." said
& Arton Lewis yesterday. "But bow be Is
attempting to gather and load a delega
tion to the national convention that will
bs solid eg aloe Mr. Bryan aad Woodrow
Wilson. We resent it And wa re going
to fight It
Mr. Lewis said Lea Herd man had
publicly nnnouncad that aa effort would
bs mad by Nebraska desnoarata to
"glv Bryan another taste of the Grand
Island convention." Bryan democrats
are not unanlrsouely against Governor
uim, but Mr. Lewis declared that
any attempt by the junior senator from
Nebraska to win a sou a siarmen alle
gation from thai state would be mot by
ths most bitter sopostuen.
Bens ii Htteheook ha asuMtaaosd that
he would be willing to accept a uoinina
Uon as on of the four delegstes-al-lsrge.
Imi snnnortara aav ha Will BOt St OS at
accepting auch a nomination, but ha al
ready started a movement to send aa
an ti-Bryan man from every one of the
twelrs district from whloh a delegate
will bo selected. "W will mak It warm
for Mr. Hitchcock If hs does this." said
Mr. Lewis. "W supported htm once, but
will not stand for anything Ilk what la
being proposed now."
Ure and the County
Board Come to Terms
on Salary Question
County aad City Treasurer W, 0. Ura,
who hag been asking the Board of County
Commissioner to Increase the salary
schedule of hi ofOc a year, and
the board, which baa been refusing, has
reached aa agreement. Both think they
havs won.
The board adopted a reeoiutjoa giving
Or aa Increase of M, Instead of the in
crease he originally asked. The oounty
rejected hla eatlmat of U.K a year for
B. O. Solomon, as chief deputy treasurer
and several small Hams. According to the
board's resolution tha total salary sost of
the sfflos will be feVeis. Last year it
But Mr. Urs smiled after th board aad
agreed to adopt the resolution. He 1st It
slip out that be has consulted th st stilts
and know th statu ts pro video for a chief
deputy at HM aad th oounty will bar to
pay th salary.
Kay to th Ktuetios-Bss Want Ads.
. - MMilur of the
tnnoru -iui
of Railroad Commissioners of Iowa and
chairman or ins comnimew
ths State Railroad Public Service com
missions of lows. Nebraska, Illinois.
Wisconsin. Minnesota, North and South
Dakota. Kansas. Oklahoma. Texas and
Missouri, that proposes to formulate
plans for attacking th proposed advance
tn freight rates, ha called a meeting
for February 80, to be herd In St Louis.
Mr. Thorn says that under th new
western classification worked out by the
railroads, on some conuuuuiuc nine
will be sn advance of from 50 to V
per cent la the rates. He finds that
tha rat on binding twin will be ad
vanced MO per cent
Pure Blood.
Lily-Pare Skin
Clear Your Blood With Smart's Cal
cium Wafer Pimple Disappear
la Remarkably Quick Time.
Trial Paokars Best Free to Prove It,
Ton can us all th lotions and creams
m th world, but you won't have a good
eomplexloa unless your blood I free
from the Impurities which causa pim
ples, blotches, liver spots, blackheads and
bolls, v
No matter how splotchy or pimply your
face la now you can clear It quickly by
taking Stuart' Calcium Wafers. This
Isn't guess work. It Is a fact Thess little
wonder workers clear tha blood almost
like magi. Calcium Sulphide, their prin
cipal Ingredient 1 th greatest Mood
purifier known to science. Smart's Cal
cium Wafers hare not a particle of poi
son, harmful drugs or opiates In them.
They may be taken with perfect freedom
by any on.
There's no sens in being longer hu
miliated by having to appear in publlo
with a pimple-covered, blotched face-a
face that make stranger star and
your friends ashamed. Stuart's Calcium
Wafer will drive an blemishes sway
and mak your fee a welcome Instead
of an unwelcome sight Tou'll no longer
be a Slavs to pimples, acne, blackheads,
liver spots, bolls, csema, tetter or any
akin eruption.
To pro re what Stuart's Calcium Wa
fer will do we will send you a free
trial package aa soon as we get your
name and address. Writ for It today,
and after you hare tried th wafers you
oaa get a full-si sed package for M cents
at any drug store. Address F. A. Stuart
Co in Stuart Bid.. Marshall, Mich.
A Single Dollar Down
has a tremendous purchasing
power during balance of February
A mere $1
down buys
ANY single -
piece in this store
Regular terms
to be
resumed in
March again
$1 down per
room secures
any of our ad'
vertised room
$1 down leaves
you NO excuse
such as; "I've
no ready money
just now."
Our $1 down
proposition is
you are aware
of that
Durin,, the balance of February we will oSer any
piece of furniture in the store at a mere "dollar down;"
McDougal Kitchen Cabinets, Brasi Bed, Gas Ranges,
Macy Book Gases, Side Boards, Buffets, Rugs, even
Parlor Sets. $1 down takes any piece.
February is usually the dullest month in the furni
ture trade, but we do not intend to have it remain so.
If you want furniture, buy it NOW; your first outlay is
merely $1; pay balance later when money is easier for
you, but enjoy the use of the goods NOW.
Our celebrated, strongly advertised room outfits
may be secured at $1 down per room during February;
this applies to our well known $23 bed room, dining
room or kitchen outfits. Don't remain shy on home
equipment when it takes but $1 down to stock up.
Where, indeed, is the man or woman who cannot
lay down a dollar deposit on some piece of furniture he
or she craves; who cannot afford to grace the home with
a complete room outfit by paying down $J and securing
easiest terms on the balance?
We are sure this offer has never been duplicated
elsewhere on similar high grades of home outfiittings;
we are sure our terms on the remainder of the moneys
due are as liberal as a dealer could devise and still re
main in business.
You've never yet realized the full purchasing val
ue of a DOLLAR. Try us out during FEBRUARY.