REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE. THESE MUST GO l ..JP?ERS ALI- WANT TO SELL-THIMv PRICES ARE RIGHT. BL'T HIGHT CONSIDER A TRIFLE IESS OX SOME. 1 INVESTIGATE. J .NORTH SIDE So. rd St.. east front. iexlS ft-. neat one-story. 5-room cottage, ex cellent repair. Nice bam. Two blocks from car. HTW-j; No. 22d St.. saxm ft., a dandy. well built, nearly new. t-room. strictly mod. bouse; hot water heat, quer tersawed oak finish, handsomely deco rated. Unusually attractive. MUST GO THIS WEEK W Webstar St.. SOxlM ft., rooms, all mod. ex. fur., food repair. Trice, t3.UA. but will consider reasonab :e oiler. e it today. CLOSE IX ttnt-On California St.. near firt. din ft., with a good two-story, tft-room mod. r house. Very cheap. Rental, $, and water. SiSO-On Canfomla St.. near tin. SliIE fu wim a very good S-room house, de sirable location and very cheap. 1 I7.50-On Webster St.. near ast. xlS ft., with two full two-story. S-room houses, all mod. and well built. Rental, tw per month. Will sell separate. HANSCOM PARK TWO REAL BARGAIN'S r.tOD-1030 So. 30th Ave., 60x1) ft., east front, a splendid, food, modern. "P-lp-date, S-room fine hot wat er healing plant, excellent basement with laundry, large reception hall, two parlors, large dining room, maid a room and large kitchen, line hardwood floors, two mantels and grates down stairs, floe euarter-eawed oak sta.rway to second floor, three bed rooms with alcove on second floor; ante barn or garage with stone drive, wouia make easy terms or small discount for all cash. This is choice and Jheup. HT3-On Georgia Ave. near Wooiworth, east front. SSxHS ft., with a good, inod two-story and attic, a-room house, splendid condition: good furnace wun brick basement. Remarkably cheap and a desirable location. Keal, gen uln snap. Can't beat it anywhere. DUNDEE 14.J0S-4S11 Douglas ex.. a dandy, s-room. new. mod. bungalow, exceptionally well built, good attic, cement and brick basement, oak finish, taty decorations and all those little things that go to make a comfortable home. Eight ana ten thousand-dollar homes adjoining. Block to car. j,. ,t-lxlt ft., south front, delightful location. One of the finest, commodious T-room bungalows, finished complete from basement to first and second stories. Thia la very choice and worth the money. Investigate. INVESTMENT r.TCft-Wlthin a half block of the high school, choice corner, nearly new. . rental property; reduced from g$,75v to IT.TSS for Immediate sale. Oet busy on this right off-a BARGAIN. Heaeona for selling. 1. V. SllULtt-S JUAlfAJW, RE 1L ESTATE. Investments tW-50xlS feet on Farnam St., west t Jth. This Is a -tory brick building. S stores, 4 s-rooro flats: Income Ku3 per year. A location where values are rapidly increas ing. Iis,etn)-xis feet. S story and basement brick apartment house, containing 6 apartments of g rooms and bain each. Including gas ranges, re frigerators, etc. Steam heated. Near nth St. car line. Income t-.:t per year. lS,5-tx4 feet. 1 story and basemelt brick, containing apartments oi & and S rooms each: exceptionally well constructed and In beat of condition, near 26th and Harney Sts. Income ll.o per year. S14.30U 3 new fine "-room, modern brick nouses, well construciea; conveni ently arranged; handsomely deco rated: close to the high school. Excellent renting locality. Income II Tl per year. Absolutely first class. $5,700 Kor ; frsme. houses, one S-room and one 7-room. Whlcn snouia easily rent for Kc per month. Lot iiOxSO feet. Bast front. Close to ISth and St. Mary's Ave. 3.7W cash, bal ance five years- at per cent. This is a good location for an apart ment house or brick fist, where values are increasing. Investigate. George & Company Tel. Doug. 49. lnd. A-SMJ. Ml City National Bank Bldg REAL ESTATE. ABSTRACTS UF TITLE. Reed Abstract Co., Meet abstract office In Nebraska. J06 Branrteis Theater. HEALE CAMPBELL. 1714 Parnate t. BUILDERS' IN-OKMAT10SI. Electric gas fixtures. Omaha Silver Co. Weal Cement Co.. 17th and Cuming. Kuchs. Son it Blind, painting, decorating. ROOFING paints, building papers, ples-ter-boards. Amer. Sup. Co.. DOS Nicholas. WELL digging. F. Grossman, 155 n. isth. CITV PROPIfiKTx' VO BALK, Near 6 Churches and 2 Good Schools house. U went Ion hall, parlor. dtnlnjr room and kitchen on first floor. 4 bedroom and bath on second. Lota ot fruit and shrubbery. Driveway on th side. I'ivH at reel witlitn half block of ' good car line. Price Part mnh. READY TO MOVE INTO $3,750 $500 CASH-$25 MONTHLY -room square fcouke. &autt.ull? fin lahH In oak. S room and ntceptlnn hall on first floor and S larg bedroom and bath on second floor, full eemmt base ment. On paved etreeis. tt $-',3(K) -rui tteir imvmn v iftl .UU.tlillJI 7-room house with nice oak floors. City water, gas, sewer, sink In kitchen. Nicely papered and palmed. New lighting fix tures and cement walks. On paved street, paving paid. Fine shade. Price X2.N0. fc cash. $10 month. $l500 SOUTH OF HAXSCOM PARK M -room cottage, uatn, tv and electric lights. Parlor, dining room, kitchen and two bedrooms on fimt floor. On bedroom finished unaialrs. .serge steel rang at tachd that vith th horn. Larr auth front lot. Cmnt watkd. Good ohlckm hoiife and fenr. Thla hoi mo has been built S years. Price t'.0. Good trrma. $200 CASH-$20 MONTHLY t-room cottage. Hath, gas and electric lights. Parlor, dining room, kitchen and reception hall on first floor. Two bed rooms and hath on second floor. Full basement wilh good furnace. Price Formerly KHIMKK A CHASE. American Security Company, BIGOER STRONGER BETTER M 8. 17th Kt. Phone :eW7. $175 CASH $24.25 PER M0 PRICE $2375 New 5-Room Cottage WITH LARGE ATTIC This cottage has same floor plan as one sold last week, but outsido style entirely different, and has large attic; front porch 7 ft. wide and U ft. long, witn neaty raillna and balustere: frunt door 19U de. sign, high, long panels with bevel piate gass at top; neat vestibule opening to nice else living room, south and east ex posure: extra wide mission opening to south side dintng room, light and well ventilated; large kitchen and big pantry arranged for convenience, combination Inside and oulsltle basement entrance: basement, full concrete, with crushed ruck and remcni floor: nice back purch, two splendid bed rooms, with good cioset fur each, both connecting with bath room by common hall, which give privacy to each room; bath room large and fully equipped aith comrleto porcelain plumli- tnr. tub with four.lnch roll rim. pretty lavatory with fie-i.-h apron nlikel trimmings, hlgh-graue siphon wash down water, closet, low tank tmlshed In quar tered golden oak: heavy one-piece aiuk poroelain Kith back, hot and cold water: oak, maple and pine finish: floors all doubled: red oak finish floors, scraped, sandpapered and polished to dull gloss for wsxlnx: all finish lumber selected and evenly matched, electric Ugiits all through, very pretty living room shower oi rive a rope, witn cut glass anaues: dining room, four-light celling shower. witn amber snaaea, an controlled ny pusn button switches. This house Is built naht In everv wav. no nart of construc tion has been slighted. The lot Is a good east front lot, high and slghtiy, witn nice view, well located on good street. A little home you will be proud to own. Your rent will buy It. Price, CU.a: ills cash and tit. per month. The montnly payments uteiude the Interest and s-xi actually keeps up ail requires payments. You have the privilege of paying- as much more aa you like at any time.) Yuu will get a deed and cotnpieta abstract ot title as soon aa deal is completed. The wnole transaction will be carried out on the same fair and business principle as any ail cash deal. This property will soil as quickly aa all others. d nie aa early today as possible. Can ba seen Sunday snd evenings only, come today to 116 South Halcyon Ave., Benson. Phone, Benson 132. K. 8. TRULLINOER.s Jr 1,400 Four-room cottage at C4 fJ. 7th Street wlth a full lot S2I134; good well and cn rn; gas for lighting and cooking. It Is fcorth more. Do not fall to see this, as It kill go tomorrow. Owner on the piaoe and will show It. $1,975 Five-room cottage, modern except heat at MM Seward Street; first class plumb ing; porcelain bath: house nicely decor ated throughout: south front. We can make terms on this; 1400 cash, balance monthly $3,400 Nearly new six-room cottage at 14X Pinkney Street. Full lot; paving paid. Plenty of shade. House has six large rooms: oak finish In the living room, din ing room and vestibule; best of plumbing; fine furnace; elegant combination fix tures: nicely decorated. We can Bell thla house tor tun cash and the balance monthly. It Is a Jim dandy for the money. One block to the street car. A rmstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler IMC. 110 K. 17th Street. Dundee Bungalow For hale This bungalow Is situated In one of the most beautiful parte of Wndee and has six room parlor, dining room, kitchen, den and reoepuon hail on first floor; two large bedrooms and bath on second floor. Beautifully decorated throughout; built-in buffet and bookcases; combination light ing fixtures, brushed brasa ot (he "Lily" pattern In the living rooms, and In the kitchen and bath room all fixtures are nlckle-plated. Full basement, with coal bin, fruit shelves and laundry facilities Installed, tot Is JUilB ft Price, I..M0. Includes screens, window shades, curtain rods and all Dsvlne and other special taxes paid In full. This1 la a bargain, dee usa at one. Payne & Slater Co., Sole Agents. Sixth Floor Omsha National Bank Bldg Post Office Three Blocks Away For Sale $4,500 Ten-room modern houee. in excellent condition, renting $ per year net. Cheapest dose-in property. Investigate quick. D. V. SUOLES COMPANY, Ml City National Bank B dg. Tel. Douglas P. Independent A-H REAL ESTATE. 'Phone D. "J. 902-13 City Nat l or A-175. Hank Bldg Choice Homes JiJth and Meredith Ave. New bungalow, rooms and bath, strictly modern in every respect, vestibule, living room and dining room finished In oak, full cemented basement, large attic room; will have all permanent walk and lot graded and sodded; will be completed and ready to occupy Feb. 15. Price, C.BO. USt Pinkney St. rooms and bath, hard wood finish both first and second floors. large living room across entire front of house with paneled wall and beamed cell ing butlt-tn bookcase, fireplace and man tle, large attle room, full cemented base ment; entire house nicely arranged; on a corner lot In a very gfod location; Just completed. Price, HKW. 2457 Pinkney Pt.-New t-room, strictly modern, hardwood finish both first and second floors, 4 fine bedrooms, kitchen pantry and refrigerator room, very nicely arranged. The house Is on a corner lot and very convenient to the Htn St. car line. Price, HMD. 3523 Uncoln Boulevard-New and strictly modern 8-roora house, with lisrdwood flnsh and hot water heating; one of the nicest arranged houses In the city, stand ing In an Ideal location on a south front lot with plenty of shade treat and every thing that makes a beautiful home. Price, I6.M0. SMS Lincoln Boulevard A new strictly mudern 11-roora house, hardwood finish both first sod second floors, wild three nicely finished bedroom on third floer has hot water liratlng; very nice fixtures; Urge pantries and refrigerator room; full cemented basement. This house Is lo cated on a south front lot on the houle- vard and right In the very heart of Bemls park, alley is paved and all specials paid Will make an Ideal home for anyone wishing a home of this slse. Price I7,XI0. G. W. Garloch Dundee Houses H SO For S-room. 5 story, new modern house, oak finish: one block from car line: east front lot. Terms only MM cash and balance (S a month. KS For a new, 7-room. modern house, oak finish first floor: I good slsed bedrooms and bath id floor; deco rated throughout; lot fcixlSS feet. A good up to date home at a low price. KS1 For a practically new, all modern. fr-rooin bungalow, one diock irom the car line, fronting south on a paved street. This bungalow has a large living room with fireplace, beamed ceiling and built-in book cases. Dinlm? room also has beamed ceiling and built In buffet. tood sised bedrooms and bath. Full cemented basement and fur nace heat. A first class up to date home. 15,000 For a 7-room, t story modern house hsvtng large living room witn nne mantel and grate, dining room and kitchen ftst floor: four attractive bedrooms and bath M floor: full cemented basement; south front lot, sdilSS feet; fine shade trees, tine block from the car line. Af fords a tine view north, east and southeaat. l6.So-Kor a complete, strictly modern. seven-room bungalow, decorated throughout; well constructed and in bctt ot condition; W0 feet front age. Investigate. 17,000-Kor a first class S-room, t story. modern house, convenient to tne csr line; large living room, brick fireplace; sun parlor first floor; I large bedrooms and sleeping porch id floor. Hot water heat. If you are looking for a good home, this la well worth seeing. We are also offering some of the best lots In Dundee at reasonable prices and at terms placing them within the reach ot everyone. If you are looking for a location to build, where you will be sure of your neighborhood and also where val ues are bound to Increase, be sure and see us before purchasing a lot In Dundee. George & Company REAL ESTATE S. P. BOSTWICK 21S SO. 17TH ST, GROUND FLOOR BEE BLDG. $6,500 On Kb st. near the new cathedral, a strictly modern t-room house, with hard wood finish; hot water heating plant: east front; en Farnam car line; house in splendid condition and nearly new. $5,500 South front on Cuming St. near Ut. a new. strictly modern s-room house, wlih large living room; beautifully decorated; built by the owner for a home; 80-ft. lot; paved street; special taxes all pajd; su Ideal home. $3,250 4636 Douglas St.. Iv rooms, strictly mod ern. In fine condition, one block to Far nam car line, good neighborhood. eUtay terms, KM to tsu cash, balance monthly; a good opportunity; Immediate possession. 'Phone D. 7o. 902-13 tuy Nat'l or A-176A Bank Hldg. Good Building Sites X. E. Cor. th and Taylor Sts.. Lot Stxli, 1560. t nderwood Ave., west of "1st (Dundee). Lot 60x155, H.OOO. N. E. Cor. (1st and I sard Sts., (Dundee). Lot ttxlW, 1900. S. W Cor. 4M and Ersklnt Sts. Lot WxX. Xi0. 34th St., south of Brown St. Lot 53x127, r0. tsth St.. north of Hickory St. Lot WxU2, 11,000. Indiana Ave , west of 8th St. Lot 4. 137. tMi. N F- Cor. 41st and Ames Ave. Lot MxlK. $m For terms and particulars see OREIGII. SONS & COMPANY rv.ulas son. V ee Bldg 1704 Hawthorne Ave. Tel. H. ;. The Byron Reed Co (1,700 A nearly new -room, all modern . residence, Just one-half b.ock from Wlh street car and two blocks from I.olhrop school. Excellent arrangement. $1,800 A hew (-room, all modern residence in tne new district Between vei Farnam and Field ciub. one block from car line. tMN cash will han dle thia. MOOO Buys a new -room, all modern residence at ioai nouin atin Ave. Oak finish downstairs texcept kitchen), pine, white-enameled, up stairs: full attic. This Home will compare favorably with the best. Complete witn fixtures, sodding. Walks, etc. (400 cash, baiance monlhlv. fc.OOO On central Boulevard, Just north of I'sJilomla HI., elgnt rooms, a.i modern and nearly new. Just two blocks west of Creignton univer sity and St- John's cathedral. (12,000 A nine-room, ail modern residence In the weet rarnam m strict, very substantially bunt; large lot 77x 1W. Any reasonable offer sub mitted. Investment 11,80 buy tour new mores on a Hood bustneaa corner only short distance from center of town, producing an annual Income of ll.aWtt. C& Wfr-A practically new buck flat build- in on mn Ave. oeiween uewey Ave. and 8U Mary' Ave.; four apartments. Income H.feO per annum. Close-in Lot I1.90 cash buys a lot .iS. only five minutes' wa!k from postofflce. An ideal location for 1 fiats, present owner obliged to sell, has cut the price r. The Byron Reed Co. Both phone. 212 So. 17th 81 r Two Vacant Bargains So. 1-tSttuated southwest corner list and Hascail street, only one boc from west side car; 1 fine building site. Price reduced to UM for ail cash. llexLS feet. Ko. 1 Situated east side of Rta street, 1 feet south of Sprague St- A big bargain at PH. Sewer, water and gas: brick atdewala. W. FABNAM SMITH & CO. jia. 19 Fwraam BL , Tala.: iioug. ttM. lnd- A-l4- Sure 13 Invesment Three good houses in growing district, moderate rentals, always occupied, two are ? rooms each and one 6 roums, nice, stfhtlr location, lot ft. frontage and averaa-eifttf lto It. depth, one block to Har ney ear line. Look at --. Webster St. bo not disturb the tenants. If in teres! -d see us and we wlil show you throutxh. 11 Close-in Investment la at. Two S-room cottages, on corner lot. In creasing in value, near ground that has recently sold for more than $i4 per front ft. These housea are always occupied; era In good condition. Noa 100 3. ftth St. and 2801 Dour las 8L Reasonable terms. Payne & Slater Co., SU Omaha National Bank Bldg. Both Phones Park An t-room striKly all modern home, lo cated Just a trifle aouih of Hanscom Park In Orelghton's Klrst addition Is be ing offered for quick sale at I1M Cost owner Kit lam year to build It. Parlor, recebtfoti hall. den. dining room, kitchen and one bedroom on first floor and three bedrooms and balh on seoond floor, least front lot. This Is situated In one of the best parts of the city, good neighborhood. ask to see it. Bemis-Carlberg Co. SOLE AOENT8, J10-JU Urandela Theater. $5,750 7-room. all modern Dundee home, with 4 lots, making 200x136 feet, must be sold at once; tl.OUD to il.MO cash required to swing the deal. This la a nigh, signtiy location, and street will be paved this year. Larae living room, dining room and kitchen first floor, I bed rooms sec ond floor; attic finished Into one large room. George & Company n. 756 or A-17S6. sus-ij city Mat. sank' 4502 Parker Street 7 Rooms, All Modern, $3,500. Furnace heat one block to car: good bam; lot BOxlMX Terms, or will consider reasonable cash Offer. R. H Landeryou 4t Board ot Trade Bldg. Phone, Douglas UU.a itory, 1 rtt. 2 Bargains and Port 8ts.. 1 rooms. square house, on full lot on pared ot Only S3 Su. IjOO cash, balance monthly. On Georgia Aye., near Wooiworth, a splendid 9-room mod. house, flreplsce, etc.; fine yaid. Only H.K. Jn terms. E. W. Stoltenberg D. 1510. OS Board of Trade Bldg . Building Lots For the Springtime We have some of tbe most Ideal building loti In the neighborhood of at and DavcnDort: paving, aewtr and water all in and paid for; con venient to the Farnam 8t. car line, achool and the cathedral. These lota are situated In a location that la improving dallf, nd the prlcea are very reasonable. For medium-priced lots there Is nothing better In town Prices range from $1,000 to $2,000. if vou do not care to build this spring we can arrange the terms so you can pay for the lot gradually, until you are ready to build. Lim ited restrictions on the class of homes to be built In this neighbor hood. A. P. Tukey & Son 'Phone Douglas 1181. 444-5 Board of Trade Bldg. Wake Up Realize the Value (TUISE-IN: good rooms, full two stories and attic; five large bed rooms; oak floors; speaking tubes, extra lava tory first floor; laundry tubs and cistern; nmt fiirnac: not new. but In excellent condition; only two blocks of Farnam street and four blocks of hign school. Good location for a doctor, or could rent out two or three rooms to advantage. u ffarairn and driveway and lot full depth to alley; paving all paid. Can rent the house at W. Price $ JW; M cash. Glover Kealty Syndicate. 1219-3 City National Doug. gC $2,500 n the south nart of the city, a good double house with rooms on either side. with gma and bath. This property win rent for tl& oer month each side, or KM) per annum i per cent gross on II W. Sals price, fu.aou. a good investment. $9,000 For two atrictlv modern dwellings on a Mtb St.. south ot Union station, lo cated on a large lot. xl41. A good investment tor rental purposes, or live In one and rent the other. $3,850 SM S. ieth Ave., a strictly modern T-room house- eaet front, half block to car. House practically new and In fins condi tion. Owner leaving city and has made a low price; quick possession. ACREAGE $9,500 Ten acres at 4th and Fewler Ave., with good T-room house, barn and other out buildings, all kinds ot fruit, with lots of gsrden room, producing per year In come. On ot the best acre tracts on the market. Terms. IfsOM each and balance $2,200 On and one-half acre at Kth and Cur tis Ave., s-room houee. barn, fruit; lays nice and level; six blocks to Florence car Una. Term. HM cash and balam-s monthly. Immediate possession. Hsre la a good buy. $700 For two and one-half acres of unim proved grouod northwest ot Dundee. S. P. BOSTWICK 218 SO. 17T11 ST., GROUND FLOOR BEE BLDG. TWO NEW MODERN COTTAGES 41S and 414 North 8th Street, Omaha, Nebraska. Complete snd well built hemes. Just finished Clean and new. SUBSTANTIAL, CONVENIENT, COMFORTABLE For sal en reasonable terms. During office hours call Douglass IMS. Alter e p. m., wensisr j.b.- A Modern Five Room Home Probably you do Dot know just what thla means, so we would like to have you call to eee two elegant houses at tlot-tltsl nun st- they fie just iimsnuu an dieady to move Into. Irving room, dining room, two bedrooms, kitchen, bath. pantry, eiotnee ctoeets, vront ana duck vestibule, hard wood finish throughout, elegant porcelain blumblna;. full ce menied basament. fineet furnacea that money can buy. large attic, laundry, vege table rooms, storage spaiie, sanitary sand finished walla, In fact, everything you can think of to make a small, convenient. economical home desirable. Price, i,W and tlaNk South front. Do not fsll to se these housoe, which will be open lor Inspection Sunday arternoun. Armstrong-Walsh Ct. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Kountze Place Vacant Lots and Homes No other addition In Omaha offers an ay better Inducements to the borne buyer than this high class residence section. .. There are only a few vacant lots ten m jvut-tic ruu.u WE HAVE One lot on Pinkney St.. corner S3d I1.K Two kits on Kvans St.. Just west ot the park, each ll.A") Five lots, 'routing Kountse Park Il.l to 1.30 All of the streets In this tract will be paved In the spring and other improve ments, including city water, are in. A 1912 HOME . i,r l-. c.i hmiM lust belli finished, built by one Of thn' best carpenters In the city, modern and complete In every sense of In word, large living room, with beamed celling, open osk staircase, with coat closet: i nf,.i dinlnir room, with naneled walls and hsndsome butlt-ln buffet of solid oak: good kitchen and large, thoroughly equipped butler's pantry; full basement, cemented, with good furnace and laundry apparatus, four fine bedrooms, with good closets, on second floor, one of the bedrooms a sun room: beautiful oak finish, and oak floors throughout all the rooms. Including the bedrooms; fine lighting fixtures and the best of plumbing: leaded art glaaa wlndowa; In fart, everything you would ask la a modern home, and the prlo Is only K2M when completed. Bee us today. NORRIS & MARTIN 400 BKE BI.DO. DOUQLA8 4I70. Dundee W.t Two lots. 7-room house, built 4 years; modern throughout; cntcaen house and on lot covered with fruit trees and grapes. Other busi ness forces sale of this property. nW-Kts house reedy for occupancy; s good rooms, oak nntsn first iioor; east front and handy to car; M cash and ti& a month. M.OOO-Near 4Mh and Capitol Ave.: six rooms, modern: oak finish; bunt in 1!M easv payments. tt.ioa wit Capitol Ave., very neat t-room. an modern home; brick n replace, oak finish. M.I Bungalow, T rooms. 4 bedrooms. south front lot 60x1 and bandy to car: brick fireplace; seam cetlinga, oak finish, etc M.T60 Hungalow, strictly up to date In very way; hot water neat, fire place, etc.; two south front lots, fine view; a little far from car, but In the new coming dtetrlet. K.OOn-Hctwren the car lines: new house; six rooms; all modern; fireplace, etc.: well arranged. t&, 70S New house, full two storle and attic; three bedroom and sleeping porch; Isrge living room arrange ment with fireplace; paving taxes all Paid. $5, SOft-New house similar arrangement. with fireplace, buffet and book case built In; fireplace; never 00- cuuicd; handy to car. H.00& Sunset Add.; t-room, strictly mod ern bungalow, with evdry conv enience: hot water heat.l Ktiiv-OMl Davenport HI., stucco Hungalow, very well bull! and a warm house, hot water heat; Ihree good bed rooms and large closets; larg liv ing room arraiigsmeut with flre- rilace; bookcase built In and buffet n dining room; den downstairs. 16.400 rooms wlih sleeping porch, sun room, finished aula; complete base ment; hot water heat; built ot the beat and a dandy house; got to sell rr.OOu-overlooklng Hsppy Hollow; large lot; sn attractive new house In re stricted dlKtrlctw sun room: sleep ing porch; finished attic; up-to-dat arrangement and finished throughout; tile bathroom; hot water heat; guaranteed well Mini. WE UAVn OTHERS. He our lilt. Vacant Lots Two eaperlall good south front lots: high ground; good view; l each, and adjoining Ms are ll.Wu. We want an offer at one for H. W. corner Mat and liavenport; on of the finest unimproved lots In Dundee. Glover Realty Syndicate 121-H City National. Doug, mi.' j"' 9 diaries E. Williamson, I Company, lU-ut Talk No. 12. BENSON TWO FANCY ROOSTERS A DRIVING HORSE A VALUABLE LOT A SIX ROOM HOUSE of the Oeto City Invemment com pen y of days of the week. Our office is open from v a, nis v w p. i. . ivi minis;- tienson. Oet off at the postomce. are i is .iailJI waj aa linns rtiiiklw anil guarantee Ue workmanship. We can save you money on high frsJe work. Try us It! SU OUR BARGAIN COUNTER Pour-room house, high, sightly loca tion: two full sis lots. One block oft ot paved street. Just think, only SUM. t our-room bouse and two lota. Not so close to the car. but well worth the money. Prlo tM. rour-mmn house, new. Bath, electric lights and full basement: taJS down and kabuic on monthly payments. Prlo ll.Wi. r ive-room modern house, only 1 block from pnstofflr. Just finished. Prte ?,. Five-room houe on paved street and car line. Modern exospt heat. Mi-ronm bouse a paved street and cat! line, . W have several all. seven and eight room house at very reasonable figures. Tell us what you want .and w will tell yea what w h"- Acreage Headquarters We have It. ,Tou had better satisfy yourself with acreage now. After V davS much of It will be taken oft the market. All inquiries courteously answered. Exchanges We have several western Nebraska farms for exchange tor Omaha or Ben son property. What hav you? Pleas answer through the malls. GATE CITY INVESTMENT CO. Phone Benson lad. M Military Ave., tienson. Ktb Tyler MM. tl . 17th 8t Brick House Cheap 7 rooms and reception hall, full ment Klrst floor, reception hall, living room, dining room, library and kitchen; second floor, 1 large bed rooms and bath. House Is not new, but In good condition. Owner removing to Chicago. Can fiv Immediate possession. Price. 13,200. Can make terms. No. IM0 Jackson St. Wr. FARNAM SMITH & CO. No. 1310 Farnam St. Tel : Doug. 10S4, lnd. A-W4.e FOR 8AI.E M lArlmore Ave.. S2.40O. New S-room house, modern except heat. Hee me at once If you want this bargain. Tel. Webster ll $400.00 Cash and tl.a more payable In monthly pay ments, the same as S per cent Interest. will buy two good 7-room cottage, mod em except neat; good plumbing; good condition: east fronta. Just a little south of Ud and Evans Bt. H. A. WOI,F, 49 Brandrla Bldg. Pns Douglas ma. lcOprtdent A-m RAROAXX ON NOHTH WTH BT. US bvy to three frame dwefiirg at tns-O-U North 2Ua BL. was 1 fewt frsnlaca. Pas lug aa paiia. AbtosJ rent saw Per jnr. 9T-- & l title. Ja Baing BSg BUILDING LOANS I am prepared to loan money on im proved Omaha real estate in sums of $1,000 np to any amount desired, where sufficient se curity is offered. Will advance money to build homes, to improve business property, or for the payment of exintinfr loans. Privilege is granted all borrowers to pay from ten to twenty per cent of the principal on interest dates. Loans closed promptly. Your busi ness solicited. W. H. Thomas 503 First National Bank Bldg. 3811 Marcy bt. A cosy bungalow, built of Oiloredo red sandstone, located In one of th best parts ot tne city, close to school and car llns. Reception ball, parlor, dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms and balh, colon nade efssnlng la dialog room and parlor and In reception hall, with consul In re ception hall; best of plumbing; furnace era in every r aspect and now ready for occupancy, rocs, Terms may be had. Keys at KM a Huh Ave. Bemis-Carlberg Co. no-tlj Brandele Theater Investment 15 Income tl.Ste; price. tU.4: It apart ment flat building, five rooms and bath each; best location on the West rarnam hill: sot two year old and has every modern convenience; :l,0o will handle this. ArmstroHg-Walsh Co fit South rna Bt. Tyler 1UM Kountze Place Residence A ma4rnJf.owt li room modem rest dene at 2117 Wirt at; tot sil. ft; pav al peid: larva tarn; elefr&nt shade and shrubbery In the yard; tile bath room and ererythl&sT op to data In the house Let us show jreu thla haus and quota you the price U will astonish yuu. Noov restdent owmt waaU to sell by March L Armstrong-Walsh Co. Paon Tytr ttH z8. nthBt I WANT IT. Hav row lis; a-room bouse that yea wish to sTrksssce far a T-room bsms la Dundee? Ds as bear from you quickly. P. Ol N1KL4KN. Tta Omaha Nat'l Baa. D. BM- West Farnam Residence f tne Jaato a Oak raalaa and floor down stair; what i m l above; splendid tile bata issras: axtra UK tars; an airy mm tnnssgiiisit: sat atilji ft.; pasing aal Bead; Sum osassnt norasi: boo :a llm tinea, of eondltlns) througnoj. Ea07 worth We eaa sea it ' jr ttt-is and rests wary attractive Uma mill i is SBt ua lb beat w Armstrong-Walsh Co. wanawTylcrl . ,ood thing to remind lit rent j, t iH-a-asluiiBlly that the familiar term, landlord." la simply the old feudal title, l.n.l Ixird" in dlagulss, and that ' rent Is merely a modem term for "tribute. IT FAYS TO Or-k'KH PRIZES, other merchants do, why nut real estate? We advertised to give a Ue Angeles wall bed laat Hunday, and aa e spec ted, we sold the pla.e Monday following. We had two ( Iheee wall beds so populsr la 1-os An geles and shipped to us and now offer the llier value " " ny of tliese properties seversl prises, ....,.,.,. f,,,i a u kodmk loiM Edison Columbia gi aphophone moat of theee are itio-Mi t,,e ii Min Deouie. out tliev make a good beginning fur a flnerl- ending later, after you have cut ore rear and saved In this way, a lew nunareo aoi- lars. Boine of these nave targe grwuuus i.tar, so you ran make money gardening and poultry. Must be sold so offer will be considered.. These ai building aaso- ciatlun terms: Hi Aear lit ana Ave. car una, uoiio weet, 2 rooms e.M per month, in Florence car ilne. 7 bias, northwest. S rooms, ll- w per nionlb. (II Carter lke at laa sunn, rooms. !. per month. (4i-in at, car mm, room, ertw pwr month. . , iui ohermsn Ave car line (city water). looms. 111 M per month. ... til i car li. iw, Douin oihni rooms, I iO per month. Hii4th t. car noe. South Omaha, rooms, ll per month. tSi Also a ft-rooi house (modern) be tween Farnam and Leavenworth car, l 60 per month. . tsi ,ear taut ot. c iiun. ,wm inew). Ui.0. , Chas. E. uliainson & Lo., lot B. Hlh St. Corner Dodge INSt-RANCK RENTA1A 1X1ANB ' Home Bargains 12,400 buys a fine s-room oottase, near Ames Ave. car barn: paved street, ' only one block from car, fine south front lot. all nicely decorated, all modern but heat; about 4) cash, test monthly. Ud buys a nice t-room collage, nearly new, modern but heat. In northwest part of city, near car and school, house all nicely decorated, romhlns tlon lighting fixtures; east front lot, IV'iia; II" cash, rest monthly. ,010 buys a fin a-room cottage, modern but heat, paved street, paving paid, only one block from car, just a lit tle north of Cuming St.; easy walk ing distance; about Mot cash, rest monthly. Ii, buys s-room cottage, partly modern. anout s year oia, outit tor a nome. fine larg corner lot, near JDth and Gold Bt... just south of Hanscom Park; will make tsrtns. J. W. Rasp Co. MS Brandets liitr. Pouglaa MU; A-SkA Investments mtinth. wilklng distance, paving paid; . . -. . wf la rail. This SZ.OW loan a - I' "- '- . is a sacrifice for quick aei. r.-New brlok flat, two apartments, rBttSJ-4jid brl-k flata. tw, IS-rooms each. renting ss.s)-BrHk fiat. Kth Av.. two tan ants, renting gs SOS-New brick flat, tw apartnwnta, renting - . . . , ts.sue-Double brick flat near high senoot, renting lljm . tio.we- lxMibl brick flat, utra good, renting $1.11. tJ . , tl UM. 'our-artment brick rat. valu able enee-la corner, and rentlnf M.4U. flT. ssi rns srsrr n wks ... he.i daatrabia corner, does in. renting Sl.WS. . , , . . $ius tirkek lists, ssuvw bh. wws. four apartments, renting tl.. siauue new wu. , - - sate, turn block ot court house, renting gSAen Terrace snunsnu w s asm, resting tl,. imll parUcuiar o appuaauoB. Glover Realty Syndicate itIVB City rtatloaal. Doug. ta. New Home A good, new, T-room house, all modern, for oai or rent. Oner haa left city, bargain. Can sir terms. A good. S-room borne. In good locality; a3 modern bat neat. Price. HI Terms, Tot 1 a m and mast b eeid- Toland & Wiley a a KkKv Better Than 10 Net Six-apartment brand new brick flat: very close In- Built tess than one year ago and very substantial; all modern ex cept heat. I3.MM cash will handle. See thie and Judge for yourself. Also, One Block From High School Nine-room all modern brick house Owner will sell Immediately for 13.89. cash, balance to pay out with rent. J. B. ROBINSON, 442 Be Bide Phone Douglas MST.s In Benson Two Lots $850 These lot are located three blocks south ot the ear Ilne; in a good location: He high and sightly; east front; good msple shade tree In front; also some bearing fruit. Will sell sn lot separately If preferred. Can make reasonable terms. HASTINGS aV HEY DEN, K14 Harney ft Corner for Apartments On cross town line, will divide; street all paved; Mth and Burt, extends to Eid, attlil ft. Pries, feat. Jttb and Pop piston. lOftiUa. Prica. Peon. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., mi Omaha Natl Bank. Dons, or A -Mil Reatdene. Harney 3U3 or Harney SIM. Close in Home Eight-room, modern kom. south front lot CxUS, aloe trait and ahadw; walking distance; close ts school as churches. GALLAGHER & NELSON, 93 Braodeta Bids. Omaba, Kb.e SO AND DA VKNTOHT. T-ren, ststctly modera be usa; not water beat; a very good bom and la Sn re pair; nice cast froat 1st: paved street; toss I vaXk-ing dtstanra and a fin aeUb- Bv Bs p. a svobbx. M Oessvba Xat, Bank,