Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 19

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Industry and Wealth Replaces Idleness and Poverty
. JQ.N. I
- - ryr m . - . . . . I
' if flsQssy
.. r-A a im t m ard m w a & . sav i
.o I I r 1 u I tPU ill t i IKlKv I rl Jr
bro&d-tlrMl rrt hul. I mT T " tV I . ' I 1 : l J W I
hl net th. .feeling, of th. ,low ln Hf . f e-
Ifftl r00' them. Indeed it I. a uue.tlon wh.,h.e l M JV i t CM
a,, ... f I-
(Copyright. IMi. by 1-rank O. Carpntr.)
4omuru.v, D. C.-ThU letter
has nothing to do with th do!
Itlc of th. Phlllppln. It will
not dlicuii tha (nellnn of th
Popl, nor ittX with thir bll-
Jiy or non-ablllty to rule. It
a ouineu lttr and treau of bualncu
rondltlon. I want to ahow you aonwthlnf
f th change which bava taJian plac ln
th lilanda urln th laat twelv yeara.
When I traveled over them In 18 th
chief method of transportation waa an ox
rart with roll.l wooden wheel a big
around aa the top of a kitchen table and
rims ro narrow that they cut like a knife.
nan ino year the roads were rivers of
mud and the other half they were rut.
There was very few roads. The only hllth
waya, through th mountalna wer trails.
eno i round that the people of one to.
tallty had almost nothing to do with their
neighbor over tne hills ten tnilo away.
As soon aa I'ncle Sam took hold ha be
Fan to build mails. He (at the people to
building; iliem, nnd there Is now a good
roads movement throughout the whole
archipelago. It started with building
short sections, but the work is being done
after a great ajsteni and It will In time
lorm a ntwork covering the Islands. The
Insular movement la offering prltea to
the provinces to stimulate road building.
It give a priae of I7JS0O each year to th
one that constructs the greatest number
of kilometers of first clas roads and
keeps It old road In cundltlon. It has
a second prise of 15.000 for the province
which stand next, and a third one of
tl'.MK for the one which give most to tha
road and bridge funds during th tweiv
months preceding.
Koar Thoanaad Mile of Vew Road.
Ah the result of such work done by the
Insular government with tho aid of the
municipalities several thousaud mile of
good roads arc now opened and In excel
lent condition. There are !W miles of
tirxt claa highways which are heavily
surfaced, and over which automobllca can
run aa well aa ovur the beat roads of the
t olled states. There are 2.1W milea which
have been built by 'the municipalities, and
there are' thousands of miles of trails
through the mountainous sections.
The general management of the good
road movement is iinder the bureau of
pubc worke. That bureau ha l.t'W men
In Its technical and eieriral positions and
It has a road working army of more than
lu.vv laborer. The bureau lias mapped
out a great Bchema of road.s covering tne
islands. Kach Hand has its own prob
lems, but there are to be chief roads con
necting Uie provincial capitals and cities
with branch road extending out to the
smaller towns and Important villages.
Tho trunk lines are expected to be com
pleted within the next five yeara and
wurk on the branch roads, having a
length of 3.0U0 miles or more, will be cur
lied on with it. 1 luring th present year
the road and bridge funds, available wilt
probably exceed KS.OOU.OOu. The work' is
going on In twenty-nine of the thirty-one
t'htistlau provinces, and ferries and
bridges are planned everywhere.
The archipelago has been divided up
into road divisions, and these divisions
Into dlstrtcte. Every district ha Its own
engineer and they report to the division
engineer, who get their ordera from the
board of public work at Manila- Most
of tha designing I done at Manila, the
bureau furnishing plans and specifications
for all bridge and culvert.
Keeplns; Vgt the Hoad.
These new roads are better maintained
than those of the United mate. Each
of the province h9 a road fund, taken
out of the provincial treasury, and every
mile of road haa one or tnor men em
ployed to keep It in order. The road man
has shove; nd ptcka, and he spends all
his time on the highway.
The people ure now spending ahout
175 per kilometer, or In the neighbor
hood of S?00 a mile, a year In keeping up
the first class roads. The head man of
each division make a special Inspection
of such road, and the division engineers
go over them every two weeks. A It is,
nearly 1,1104 bridges have been bul l lnce
The most Important of the new roads
now under construction art in fuxon.
There are two principal project. One Is
a wide automobile road runninK from
Manila to the northwestern end of the
Island, and the other hi a second road
rrom me capital m cwihiiuii, hi ahwj, j
are put tip at the croway
Droad-tlred cart wheel.
Th Railroau Movement.
Aa to the railroads, the government haa
been slow in granting conceulon for
them. Indeed It I a question whether It
haa not been too slow. W hv now had
th Islands over twelv year, and at th
present writing we have not more than
1.00 mile of railroad. This I true not
withstanding the population number
s.OUO.00 and that the country I about the
richest of the world.
In thla estimate 1 Include both electrlo
and steam road. There are about too
mile of railroad being operated In
Luton. There are seventy-two miles In
Panay and flfty-nln milea in Cebu. In
addition something like J0 mile nior
are In projection and construction, and
these when completed will glv line
covering tho principal Islands. It would
seem that electric roads might do well In
the Philippine. The mountain streams
should furnish electrlo power and many
parte of th Island ar so thickly popu
lated that the road will pay well.
President Taft say that the chief hope
for profit in the railway Is th pauenger
traffic, but when one considers th enor
mous poMlbllltle In tobacco, rice, sugar,
hemp and other heavy rrope It is hard
to tee why the freight traffic would not
pay equally well.
When we took poaaesslon of th Islands
the only road wa a line 1H mile long
running from Manila north to Pagupan
through a valley covered with rice and
sugar plantations. I rode through that
region keeping my head well away from
the window, which were occasionally
peppered by the shots of tha bandit wno
hid In tha bamboo clump here and there.
The road wa poorly built and noorlv
managed, being owned by the English.
That road ha been reconstructed and an
extended that It open up th northern
part of I.uion. it ha a good traffic and
Is said to pay well.
It Is now sending out branches Into
southern Luton, Into Batangaa, Tayabaa
and other provinces. Th Vlsayan Islands
are being opened up by the Philippine
Railway company, several roads being
under construction In Cebu and I'anay.
Roads have alto been planned for the
Island of Negros.
improving the Porta.
A great deal of work is going on In
bettering the water transportation of the
Philippine and the shipping haa greatly
Increased. There are now more than 1M
steamers engaged In the coasting trade,
and there are 400 or U sailing vessels
and boats which ply from Island to
island. Modern method of handling
freight have been Introduced and sea
going vessel can load and unload with
afety at moderate expense. The har
bor have been deepened, and ship
drawing thirty feet can now come Into
Manila. A new custom house haa been
built there and a great deal has been
spent on the harbor.
lighthouse have been erected along
most of the coasts throughout tha island.
When we took possession there were only
twenty-eeven light In operation. Tho
are now 130 and ln addition fifty-three
beacon and 121 buoya Th waterway
of th Interior have also been dredged,
and many of the river and creeks which
were unnsed In the past are now navi
gated and carry considerable freight.
ro Bavins Baolia.
A to th postal and telegraph services,
they have been thoroughly reorganised.
All th chief cities have a tree delivery,
and there are now in operation In the
neighborhood of X postofflces. connected
with which are 23 pcstal savings banks.
The bank were eeubllahed before we
began to have them In the railed State,
and their deposit ar fast approaching
tl ,,). They have now lt,o separate
accounts and the number of depositors
Is Increasing. During th last year
forty-two new bank were established.
Trleerrank aaa Telephone..
A to the telegraph, it line are every
where. There are more than too stations,
with 5.000 mile of wire and the rates
are lower than those of the United
-Stiles. The forelpn cable aervtc has
been increayed, and one can now send
messages over different lines to all parte
of th world. There are (even wireless
station on the Islands.
All of theee public works are supported
at th southeastern end. When these by the people themselves and not by th
jwaaiij n mm y
cu.tivattHi. Tlits director of th bureau
of &irr!culturr at Manila, sins tli Nraros
I land t us rt. h as that of Hawaii, but
Utat en trouble is that the oil t tc
iH'ii. The can. grows fo fast that
graiie of swear id low. They arv r.-w
tryinf to haunt the soil l fttnUris
rice with te cane.
As it la bow, there is but little ood
machinery In the UKar iiuluMry, Thert
;ar small mills ami Mnall plantations
Onm province ln Luion ha uk:
jrower. who cultivate altogether j;,XN
acres. They make only about two-thirds
of a ton of sugar to the acre, evaporxt
Ins; the Juice In oM cast iron kettles set
In furanc and fired with the refuse
of the cane.
Tbe total sugar exnorts of the UlarMs
last year were valued at only a little
more than $7,000.0
What Is needed more than anything;
else In the Philippines is scientific agri
culture. There Is no richer foil tn the
world, and none so badly farmed by a
semi -civilised people. The iro eminent
has been trylnc to Improve the agricul
tural conditions, and it Is gradually h?t
terlni them. The Insular government
has department of agriculture, which
ha been connected with the bureau 01
education. It .has a college In the
province of I a nun a, two miles from lo
Banos. which Is now entering upon It
second year. There Is a bureau of agri
culture, which has Its experiment sta
tions, and farming and gardening ts now
being taught In all the schools. There
are government agricultural farms,
where they are experimenting with new
lice machines, new plows and other farm
tools, and where the)- are also carryinK
cm stock breeding and the study of meth
ods to prevent cattle disease.
The bureau of education publishes an
agricultural magaslna ln Kngllah and
Spanish, and this gives advice as to Im
proved agriculture and Information as
to tho raising of all sorts of crops.
the c&boxjua ttoixiz-TmznTmz jszA2&s
are completed one will be able to travel
ln an automobile posthaste from one end
of Luzon to the other.
Already there 1 an excellent automo
bile road from Manila to Bagulo, th
summer capital, and there Is a regular
automobile service between the two
places. This carried SOW) or 9(94 paseen
gers laat year. The automobiles also
transport mail and freight.
I am told the new roads have greatly
improved the condition of the localities
United States. A far as I can learn,
outstd the army, th Island are prac
tically paying their own expense, which
Germany, England or Holland, all of
whom try to run colonies, would say is
mighty good work.
Hsw BaslneN ismi.
Much of my Information regarding the
present business situation comes from
C. B. Elliot, the secretary of commerce.
He is also a member of the Philippine
through which the)- go. They are having ".mission at Manila. He says that hurt
the same effect as the building of a new nesa jumped since the market of the
railroad In the United States. Ml n
are springing up aoi,g them, new farrr.
Lave been laid oit ani blacksmith shot
I'nited Stats were thrown open to the
rsisnd products. That was about two
years ago at which time our imports
from there amounted to only a little more
than 17.000,000 and our exporta to about
W.00C.000. Last year th Import amounted
to tll.000.OIW and th export to about
The Importutlun ahow how th people
are growing In wealth. Since 1101 they
have Increased their purchase of flour
3uo per cent, of provision 400 per cent,
and of leather and oils more than NO
per cent. During the last year the gross
alea of good by the merrhanta were
K per cent greater than these of two
yeara ago, and the bank deposits have
Increased SO per cent. '
In the first year of our occupation tho
foreign trade of the Philippine waa only
a little more than K7.0u0.000. II y 190 It
had grown to more than A 000. 000. Then
came free trade Willi us and It jumped
to 170.000.000. This year It I expected to
reach 000.000, which Is three time aa
much as wa th averag during th laat
fifteen year of Hpanlsh rule. Aa It I
now, every business Is growing, and th
hemp exporta (mounted to 118.00 tons
the laat year.
Money la t'oeoanota and Hemp,
At present the two best money crop of
the Islands are hemp or abaca aud copra,
which Is the dried meat of the roeoanut.
The abaca fiber is used for rope and
hips' cablea We use a vt deal of it
tor binding twine, and It goes In quanti
ties to France and ttwltxerland. where
It I made Into fine laees and hat bralda.
It Is also woven Into cloth and there are
thousands of women and girls who are
now making such oluth In different parts
of the Is. ends. We take about 50 per
cent of the hemp exports, and the
best grades come to our country. The
Philippines began ! export this product
about ninety-two years ago. and the first
shipment wss forty-one tons. Last yettr
exporta amounted to lTO.eilu tons, and
this old for more than
How would you like to have a covuanut
gruve? There are men In the Philippine
a ho have some 10 UW tree. Eai h tree
yield them II snd upward a year, and ail ' ur.tur" vst.r.
they hive to do I to pick th nut.
This business haa been Increasing in
value ever since we ook hold of th Is
lands. It has grown le per ceut alnoe
IK. and the exports are now running
about ll0.On.000 a year. They bring In
about one-fifth of all that the Island
sell to foreign countries, and the business
first year, but th trouble ws that they
hurried the manufacture and In their
haat used short filler and bad wrappers.
A a result th cigar got a bad nam
and there was no market for them. Bom
of them eventually went at lee than fac
tory prlcea and th export the second
year were reduced over two-third. Thy
ar now coming up. Th I'hlllppln to
bacco ia excellent and In time It will have
a great market here. Laat year we took
almost half of Ihe export, th number
consumed being about M.ono.OO nd the
valu almost t2.00O.O0O.
As to th sugar crop, that I greatly
Increasing, but It I (till on -the edge of
It beginning. 8ugar can be grown
throughout the archipelago and It needa
only good machinery and brain to bring
up the crop.
Take the Islaul of Negro. That alone
has 100,000 acre In sugar, which la ap
proximately the earn area a that
of th sugar lands of th Hawaiian
Island, which bring In more than P".
000,000 per annum. It I said tliat Ne
gro might do that If It wer properly
This Washer Must Pay
for Itself. '
A MAN tried to Mil vm s kor. one. H wl
II flM bom uS hd apt hint
matter with It 1 vssus a I in Vm bU
i min t koxr tuytblMg
ib hurM nut h. An
i didn't know the ma a
if wH eltfwr.
1 ild Ma I wut
H lJ try the bur for
muoih. He uid ' All, but pmf m tlr.
md I'll tv futt tec
unr muecy if tha bor
isn't all ngfat.", I uido't Ilia
that, i mmm air IS ttva
hofe? wasn't "an
nilit ' ai;d tnat I um
Itava to abUda fur tuj
Mutt? ll i utwe pariwM
wltti it. So 1 dlda lv
tu tit bur although
1 wait tad it bad if Nu
thla fi Hta tfiiafclat
Tun t? nek as fe
ll' ' nlam ta ' im
And I aala tj
lria of ptitpit
think about ny fYaafi
lug Mil klgi t j
ttMsuglti a bant tti aer
ftM aiNMit tS nu wso
'M It.
i i i....r . tac.aa. (key wo.!'t
r,l. . uu m. To M i Ml wa
Ins Minima bj mM. I kan a4 ever kail
arnlluR isat wsy.
So thousSI 1. II h n!, ,, w,,, ,
frOOIllO IrV Bit VuklM Warklu. .... .
capable of Indefinite expansion. Cocoa- f'7. 'T' '' " ' waaiea to
1 fciu what er
nut tree will grow anywhere along the
coast. Copra Is better than apples In
Oregon. All you have to do Is to plant
the roeoanut trees and keep down the
weeds for seven or eight years, when
they begin to bear. After that the nuts
drop of themselves, and they have only
to be taken up and carried to the mar
kcts. In some the nuts are turned
Into ropra n the plantation, and In
others they are sold ss they are.
One dollar a tree Is considered a fair
yield the world over, but there are trees
In the Philippines whi-h bring in more
than K a year, some of the nuts being
worth mu h more thn othcri. To shoe
the difference In the vilue of nut. In
Damoa It takes 7,000 to produce a ton of
copra, while in other Islands It takes
..."jw or earn. There are groves In
Philippine Inlands where nuts
mak a ton and some at Kan Keraon of
which It take less than UU). Our gov
ernment la now sending out information
to the peopl as to the best nuts to plant
and advising them Just how to cultivate
their plantations to get the beet crop.
Jfy latest information from the island
l that cocoanut ar now paying better
than anything else. The officials say that
the copra towns never know hard times
and that the presidente of one of them
complained that he could get no servants
The coouenuts bring in so much that the
people will not work.
"Bar aad Tebarrs.
"he Filipinos sre not satisfied with their
tobacco trade with the t'mted States.
When thf tariff was removed they ex
pected to swamp us with Manila rlgam
and to sell the at Ilnvana prt'-es With
that view they seat about y1.wt.14a the
AOW. 1 know wliat evr "IMS Gravity" Washor
III o I r,w 11 am w.u tko rioilwa. in
put rtiis or tosrtns thorn, ta Iom thoB hair
tber lima Ihft eta eaabea or sand ar or
any ma. tilna.
I B4o It ill waa a tab roll of rorr dlrtf
eloth lo Sli tnlaateo. I altar ou .riaer ma
rtiloo rr la 'tote aaa So taal 11001 rarina
aut the rlofliea
Our "l Ilrarllr" Waaorr soae too mnrk n
aar that a (.aha cao roo 11 olavjaa aa vli a
a otroiji uotas, aa ll eoo I ooor rtre .Mher
liar lno o4gr opt broao button the oar ail
olbrr Ina. Olooo So.
II IJM drireo aoaor ater elaar Ihrougb too
tibera of too elotboo Ilka a fof'.o suero raiRl.
So. aaid 1 to oirwlf, I vlli ,ib ui --I
tlro.Hr" WooLar wbal I orota tba nr.a.i in Ut
!th Ihe bfrro Oalr I wool !! for rHMit.)e to
a m. I'll offor Ilrat. an I II make n,
alter orerr tttno.
Let aoo oro 4 jo a "tMO OrarK;" arbor oa
s roootb's free trial I'll oo too IrolfM qlft f
mj ooo eorkot. aad H roo o- or.r to mo
cblna after roo'ro use tt a moats. I 11 itko 11
ba.k ood par too frtbt. loo. flurely lf,at la
Eatr oooucb. Iss't II.
ImuI II oro.o lhaf I lu "e-i f
the j Warher otoot t aH that I oat t to
Will j Al rou rao por bo oat of 01101 f aarea for
job, it pin oro iu wooie foot ia a 1-w aiootho.
ta voor ao tear os the rlmkea aiooe. so tyi
It vlll aora fi ooo's to n eonta a week oror lliat
to aahwoouo'a oaaoo. If roo kao tho manine
trior too aooolb'o Ir'.o:. 1 11 let oar lor n eot
of vbat tt aavoo roo- It It Botes roo oooto
a erk. Bos ka f eanla a oofc till Bart tor.
I'll lake tost ckeertuilr. aad I II watt for oar
moaor oaui trot Mrhtoo low;r parol the booiBao.
Dro aoo lloe todar. and lat Baa arret root a
book a knot tho "IMS r.rarlta" Waoka too!
aaOoo otottttBB la t BBJaotea.
addrooa a tkas U 1. BarVrr. (Virt
St.. Blvotr.arottoo. H. V. If roe tiro t taaada.
addtooa iw Wosker Co.. at Yoan t . Torsoio,
sa bad'. Tr mtr
Mte aad rvltawrlai -to.
ry hsaaa,
Saitng . ajVMdl Smr mmm.
Laar-i W1I 1.S
Josephine La Tevre Compasj
Pbllaadalplila, Pa.
Ni'd by Batim Uru Co., the bell Urun
Co., and the yme;t Concpaiix, Omaliv
Tallkino Machine
With AH the Tone Qualities of a 5200 Instrument,
and then, If yoti dertilo to keep it.
Brave enough to disarm two men who
ware fighting on aa elevated railroad plat
form. Mlsa Agne O. Lyons, nurse em
ployed by the city health department of
Chicago, lost her nerve and fled when
aewapaper reporter (ought to Interview
Mis Lyon lives at tola Grove avenue.
Iter mission I to look after th health of
th school children In the crowded tene
ment district near Twelfth and Haisted
8h would much prefer, however, to
wear a policeman' star, quell fights and
arreet burglars. At least, that I the
ktatentent of the member of her family,
wno reported that she had gone into hid
ing when he saw h. r name In print.
Mis Lyon Mood on th platform when
she saw two men fighting on the opposite
platform. One of the men waa armed
with a knife. '
(lathering up her sklrta. Ml Lyons
clambered over the tracks, dodged an In
coming train, ell meed the other elds, el
bowed the crowd away and Jerked the
fighting men apart, l'hen h marched
them downstair and -turned them over
te police men who had come In a patrol
wagon. Bhe caught th next train horn.
For Chlldlalm, Fratt-Bltaa
And All Sort Fat
Many person dread th approach ef
winter on account of chilblains and frost
bite which cause a soreness and Itching
at time almost unbearable, frequently
bringing on a nervous condition. To those
afflicted the following treatment will be
welcome Information as It glv Immediate
relief and soon cur. "Dissolv two uble
spoonfuls of Calocld compound la a basin
of warm water mot hot). Boa tie feat In
this for fifteen minutes. Repeat this tor
several night until troubl disappears."
The action of Oloclde compound for ill
foot ailment I really remarkable By It
use corn and callouse can b peeled right
off. Bweaty. ameily feet and tender, ach
ing feet need but a few application.
Bunion get relief instantly. Any drug
gist haa It In stock or will get It from his
wholesale house. A twenty-five cent pack,
age la usually sufficient to put th worn
feet In fin condition Adv.
OVER 403
m ye.
I TW0 1
Around tte World
OS. to TONS)
Th tmriCfintlni Steamer afloat
wm visit Maaei, Steals, Italy.
Carrwt, laaUa, OeyleWa Btrmlta
ahrltlesaewts, Java, rklllpplaes,
Cklaaa. JaoMaa, relet Islaads,
trtrk OotrUs Aaaortra Tear.
TOl H 9 '11 OS I S IN IX VI A
Fria Nf Tart I Fraa Saa Friotbct
Km. U, lili.F.., 27, 1111
Duration 110 Days Each
$650 I ?
"do sisl ttas ats ovsatd f COrrtof"
Wrtta for booUsl.
t t,ir
L ISO W. Baaaelph St, Chiraarei
Okerrlarkt ,.J.
a month until you have compliHod the purcbass,
wlilch Inclittles a full outfit of 12 splendid doublo-dlso
records (24 selections) all at the spot cash cost:
Thl Offpr W re ,0 to nr address tn Omaha, eaa
A IIO SallCI a of the Grafonolas, together with an assortment
tf 1 double-Uloo record 24 selection) to be selected by us or by you
if you prefer. In addition we Include, free, on 'Derr-onatratton double
disc record.
The machine and the record will b sent on three days free trial
to any horn It. th city.
So confident arc w that the instrument will please even th most
critical that w agree to refund all monay paid by any purchaser what
may not In ever) way be aatlifled with tha instrument.
An unconditional guarantee as to malarial and workmanship acoonv
Unle each Ineliument sold, the guarantee being signed by the manti
lacturer and countersigned by us
This 1 th first offer of tills sort w aver mad. W do It now
lerauea we Intend tn either place a Urafnnola In every home In Omaha,
or at least glv vry householder In Omaha an opportunity to awn on.
TIlA Tridjtriimgtnf This twautlful Orafonola "l-atrorite." th
lllO allS 11 UlllCm. rlr ru,netJ, of ,h(. latest Improved
type to be offered at anything like it price. Is probably the best that
lis price will ever buy. It Mem pretty clear that th limit ha been
reached. A a n.-uslcal Instrument, it Is all that any muaical Instru
ment ran be, and all that those costing IttM can claim to be.
Th cabinet 1 built of choicest mahogauy (or of beautiful quarter
sawed oak) polished Ilk the costliest plana
The "Hayorlt" play any ls of record three at one winding, an
ran be rewound while running, tha motor being a powerful triple
spring drive, absolutely client and alwave positive and reliable Th
ton arm lead th eound wavee from tha reproducer Into th sound
chamber, where It la amplified and poured out through the front, sub
ject to reduction In rnlum by th partial or cnmplet eloslgg of th
double doors. The alart-and-stop lever la combined with a spaed regu
lator lever. al lu handy reach. Tha turn-table stands above th top
of the cabin t when th lid Is raised, admitting easy access ta th
record and needle.
It I an Instrument that any man, of any meana,'may b proud te
own and use for a lifetime
Th RfrnrflC Th ou,,,t of rc",s ve selected from
I1IO IVClUIUb. tht mf tBi mott populir ,
tlasaes, and include the famous Bextett fron.' "Lucia" and th equally
rainoua Quartette from "Itlgoletlo." which ought to be xtrn.Iy Inter
esting to any of your friends who own talking machine and have paid
113.00 for those two selections alone.
Tou are at liberty to niak your own selection ef records If you
In addition to those 54 selection, w will giv you, free, on of our
"DemonatretfoT' double-din record, which everybody admits I worth
t least sixty rente of any man monay. All of thaa record ar
guaranteed to te superior to all other In ten. In surface and In dur
ability. They will atwaf any tivw mak ot iwaordg almost w to ea.
OaU, write or telephone aay Sealer, eg
Doug. 1955; Ind, A-2055.' 1311 Farnam St., Omaha.
Soocesaor te
Nralest equipped dental office In
Onieh. Hlghest-grad deniatry at
leasonabls prices, forcslsln fillings.
Just Ilk th tooth. All Instrument
carefully sterilised alls r each apera
liea. - Corker lata aad raraam at.
Brcry rMfler ol thts paper eartMttlr nrdl'
tn amhraea tkia ra.ra ennswuaiitv tn IsMra. fvm 1
dtarft, bow to acquire mad retaia a baalthyj
aoalp, cultivate luxuriant growth oi hair, and
rettore laded or my hair to itt natural rich eolor. j
Tbe ioiormatioo ivcn it worth kwrndrtft wf&Usrt
to aav ooe afflicted with hair trouble,.
Th ffTMt Iwrtara. four ta iiiimMr, enatmla jmui ih
tnhrTDwUoa rarr woman widu and no wu abu.j
ta without turn U ear ter tk $rmlm mM kmr.
imp. BJiod.)r Unpuae thT dcrrlb ta t
araJv diaortWra. iha aaatof aJt hair troutisM, ao that al'lor)
raadiotf tban fm will know jatt rnxmrxij wKMU wrong with
your valp arjd hair. Vw trmt thrmu Alto how to
pnwnt aralp irnuiiona. and avoid tha daarr of sray ant;
avrartir hair. Hap4oniaiy pruitaal im, maiUkktarm. and
arotuaalr tdUiufatrtaiL
Wawil aatx ytm thla ntir 4Hmnaatf fmir ktwi ab
anlalalv f rao. wbaa applfcatMH) ia mad od tha ptaj-d n-,
rimed tn CTr7Pv-kaa ot g Baa Hair Tottteaad W baa
Hair Kasitnrarr. or if tront part of carton la WAica DOtua ia,
Addrtu ULaSKi S.LUS DRUUCU aUampi Taaa. j
Tha Baa orwomaa who today raff an tba atuharrasi-
afto. crar orttraakad lrduasiaofroaarhotMaad
g Uaa Hair Kntortr will poaiUYaiy
lnal color mnc soft, laauooa appaar-
rooth. Ilia do a miDsmraj djra. and its an art ia
nnt iVoiiinn.rnlAr Lha aTlsama. tataa of lf hair- ltak'ta
diratir npoo t'ie internal pith and KMmulatoa thedapimttonofraiamae
wiuiia tot hair. That t why to aXJr-t of Q baa Hair baalrar . pafiAoeMit. ltltnioraa a aortnaj
prod ortio a and (titkn of U, natural pinDaat. and wbaa ad Id DDorrtoa with (. Baa Hair
Toate. l iriarmriv-w to rc-tnivfru hair to it on final an ulgwr.i flory. &om anuor aa ton cima i
ptvkasl li wutiotmd Id roar letter
bark frioniat. tliat alloirs yoato teotit Without euol tf tt lads.
buy. rraee, w coats.
Ask lor signed tutaabss when 70 a
lo a toMood and hair fertiliser. Reiao 1 ss daadnig. oesltltw
ly kills ororr torts, eoraa ail aealp di'ssaos and prareoow khoir
rotnra. It rBtaarres al I otntrwUttot i th liar artonoo of the
scalp, psrraiu a free Sow ot nek. ro.1 blood, aad srtrreeu bald
0000. It Doaiurlr itrro tajlinf hoir ami iDioraataxUJ ttOJ
Beck if it fails. Alk lor signed gtiarasbs wirsa yoa bar. i'rkc. Si lA. a
risaoaa. Alston ksxslrO-SlLI OTt0
Baarraaa 4 atcCoaaall Drag Otx. Owl Dmg Co Bell Jmg Jo-, sMatea Sntj Cev.
J. SL Schmlat and Rchaefar Cnt Pno Drag Store.
If you tuffer. call or write me at once ,
end learn of something you will be grate- I
ful for the rest of your life. J. O. Mc- ,
fcrlde, Lolve oliy Place, lincolo, tb. '
IU rent that vacnt tvooaa, fit
these vacaDt roo tea. tar aaeora
tainra on abort notlca, at a vary
'D ot td yon Hm con-lnafvt