B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY IS. 1012. LWhat Women rAre Doing in the World Visitiiig at Her Old Home n..Liii,XUi.tLl.iULl ?T -Xj I HE household economics de- T1 partment of the Omaha Wo Y I man' club of which Mrs. F. ouiww is leaaer wm nave chart of the program of the onen mWlnr r thn eluH anrrnoon. Mrs. Harriet MacMurufcy will tell about "Condltlonrin Nebraska at Found by a Food Insist ,r.- Miss Frances Graves will sea!; oa The De '"" ot the Retail Grocer." i:rs. John P. Hughes of South Omaha, who to an elocution teacher arid parlor reader and n organiser for the Nebraska chapter of P. E. O. sisterhood, will give two read ings a selection from "Anne of Green Gables' and "At the Sign of the Cross; Tha literature department of , the Woman's dob will study twentieth cen tury drama Wednesday,, morning under tha leadership of Mrs. C. H, Mullin. .Two representative plays by contemporary dramatists will be revived-U eOakand n "Awakening of Spring," by Mrs. Heniy McDonald, aad WUde'a Salome," by Mrs. George a Uarr. , Mrs. ' McDonald wlU also review the Oar man dramatists; Dutch landscape and animal painters 0l be the subject of study of the art department of tha Wnm n". i,,r ,..... day morning under the leadership of rs. r, t. House. Mrs.. Rous will re Tlew the paintings of llobbema and Van Goyen; Mrs. J. C. Hammond, Ruysdall; jsiss aiary k. Sumner, Paul Potter. Mm. Grant Williams will lead the program of the orator) department Tues day morning In the sturiio nf uim r int.- "ltch. "Tha 8carecrow" will be the play studied. The household economics department of the Woman's club will hold Its regular bi-weekly meeting Thursday morning. The French class wtll meet Friday morn ing1. - ..... The Dundee Woman's club will meet Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. W. 8. Ourtts. r. H. Smith's '-Colonel Carter of l-artersvllle" will be reviewed. Mrs. N. K. Spyo will be leader and Mrs. K. E. Mayer will report current topics. Mrs. ir. E.' Gregory will read a paper on "Glimpses of Colonial Days" at Wednesday afternoon' meeting of the Woman's club of the railway service at the home of Mrs. C. II. Cherry. Members will respond to the roll call with cooking, sewing or other household Inventions or iginal with themselves. Mrs. E. B. Brown will assume the of ficial gavel and other presidential digni ties at the open meeting of tha Century Uterary club of South Omaha Tuesday afternoon In the public library. Mrs. Brown succeeds 41 ra. E. A. Boyer as president. Mrs. F. H. Cole, ex-chairman of the Nebraska Federation el1l service reform committee, will speak on "Civil Service Reform." Mrs. C. R, Orchard and Miss Louise .Fchtndel of the music committee have, arranged a rmtsclla pro gram. j The Clio club wis eeleorat the Febru ary birthday anniversaries of famous men at Its meeting Wednesday afternoon at tne homo of Mrs. D. E. Jenkins. Mrs. . A. McEachroa'wIII be leader. Mrs. W. D. Feroivml. will tell about George nasmngton; Mrs. t. U Tra1s, Charles Imb; Mrs. Jenkins, Arthur Uallam; Mrs. F. M. Clark. Charles Dickens. The mem bers will respond to tha roll call with notable events which have occurred In February. 1 The Clio club will celebrate Its twelfth birthday April ST. This little club com posed of eighteen norm side women was started a dosen years ago to study history and was called Clio for the muse of history. After confining Its attention to history for several yeers the club branched Into miscellaneous work. In lit erature, curent topics, domestic science. Its colors are lavender and white and Its club motto: Absenoa of occupation is not rest A mind quite vacant is a mind dlstrest.- The Woman Suffrage society and the Frances Wlllard Women's Christian Tem perance union will join forces Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Albert H. Kathbun, 30V7 Fowler avenue, at a Mar tha Washington party. Dr. Eleanor Dalley will tell about her experiences as a voter In Colorado. The local suffrage society Is anxious to have as a sneaker next month Miss Fola La Follette, who Is playing this season In 'The Scarecrow" and giving suffrage A areamuif dish of SKINNER'S MACARONI Creates an envious appetite 9 in everyone ground the table. BETTER THAN MEAT AMD J CHEAPER. Try SJrinncr ' for U j ear next dinnmr II JUST A FEW MINUTES TIME In our Sod oasis will convince you that you have found the right place to spend a few spare mo menta to recuperate after the mat inee or shopping expedition. Where vou can eat a light lunch, .of fee. Oelvon tea. hot chocolate, etc., served daintily and quickly. Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co. lets, and Dodge. I II A Mm Day Sale at Ritp MI88 RUTH MARIE TZSCHTCK or' C HIUAGO, V1S1TINU MK8. F. 8. HOWELU FORMERLY OK OMAHA, IS Iltfl : www1 hud February i, ItaS-Mr. Ed Robinson of Wray, Colo., and Miss May Maynard, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. James W. May nard, were united In wedlock at the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. Allen B. Smith. Miss Florence attended the bride, and Mr. Bruce Robinson was the best man. February 18, 1311 Mr. Jesse Fox and Mlas Martha England were united in marriage at St. Paul's Episcopal church. Rev. W. H. Bayley performed the ceremony. The bridesmaid was Miss Ethel lsltt. and the groomsman, Mr. Russell Jackson. Miss Jessie England, the bride's sister, was flower girl. Messra Sidney England and Douglas lsltt were ushers. A receu- tlon at the bride's home followed the ceremony. February IS. 18T7 John H. Dumont, a leader In the real estate business In Omaha, marks up thirty-five years of wedded life. Mary Emily Kbersolg was his bride and les Moines the scene of the ceremony. February IS. 1SS5 Frank Iouls Halier, regent-elect of the state unlveralty. has a score of twenty-seven years of wedded life. Florence Unlnger. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. I.lninger, waa his bride and Omaha the scene of the ceremony. lectures when off the stage. Miss La Fol lette Is an ardent suffragist. She la a daughter of Senator La Follette and Mrs. La Follette. who Is an officer In the national suffrage organisation. Miss la Follette will speak In Fremont the last of March. Mrs. W. E. Sharer, presl dent of the local society, has written. asking her to speak In Omaha. Harry Purinort Eames will lecture Fri day morning on the paintings of American artist exhibited In the public library by the Society of Fine Arts for the members of the society. (The Omaha chapter of the P. E. O. sisterhood will entertain the South Omaha chapter Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. James Phillips. Mrs. C. R. Har per, Mrs. C. E. Wilcox and Mrs. H. II. N'eale are on the committee for the af fair. The monthly meeting of the women's auxiliaries of the Episcopal churches of Omaha and vicinity will be held Friday, February 2!. at 2:30 p. m., at St. Philip the Deacon's church on Twenty-first street between Paul and Nicholas. Kt. Barnabaa' auxiliary will have charge of the meeting, the principal feature of which will be an address of "How the Church Came to Mexico," by Rev. John Wlllams. The board of directors of the Women's Christian asoclatlon will meet Wednesday at N:N a. m.vat the Young Women's Christian association. The Benson Women's Christian Tem perance union will have as Ita subject Friday at the home of Mrs. E. K. Mur- dock, 'Temperance Among Negroes and Allena" The Visiting Nurse association direct ors will meet Friday at 10:90 a. m. at the Paxton hotel. Woman Object's to Losing Bookcase Mrs. William Thomas, wife of Petrol man Thomas. ' caused a stir around her 1 neighborhood at 2X9 Franklin street bv snooting at Constable John A. Woods when he attempted to serve a writ of re plevin on her fer a bookcase. Woods made hia escape and has settled the mat ter with Mr. Thomas and says be will not (lie a complaint against the woman. Woods, In company with two furniture movers, went to the Thomas home and rartg the door bell. Not receiving any answer he was about to turn the knob on the door when a shot whixxed paat his head and a pane of gla in the front door crashed down on him. He looked around to find - the tvo furniture men making a hasty retreat for the opposite side ot the street, so Woods followed suit. DUNDEE IS TO DO MUCH PAVING THIS SPRING Trustees of the village of Dundee are j advertising for bids for the construction of two and one-halt milea of paving to pave streeta between Webster. Nicholas and Fiftieth and Fifty-second Petitions are nearly unanimous. The cost of tne paving, guttering and curbing planned , wlU aggregate 1,03, ..... - TRAIN CRASHES INTO AUTO Machine Occupied by Three Buiineis Hen Goes Dead. OCCUPANTS THROWN INTO ATA W. A. Wer, J. 1,. emmr m4 N. Matt. Heir Have I.Uely Kxprt. ace a it 4 TTarrew Kacape from Death. W. A. Wagner, secrttnry of tha Omaha Meuengtr Kxprpsa company, J. I. Zl mer, manager of tha Omaha Oil com pany and N. MatUnKly. secretary of the Mine concern hat) a miraculous escape from death about Friday noon when their automobile went "dead" In tha ean tr of the Missouri Pacific tracks at Fourteenth and Grace street, and was btruck by a freight engine. The machine was demolished: aad all three man es caped with minor Injuries. Wagner was badly bruised up but not seriously. The three men were out on a business trip and when they came to the railway crossing they stopped the 'car. The flag man at the rrosnlng gave them a signal to go ahead fast. The car was put on full speed and had reached the middle of the tracks when tha engine went dead. A freight was a short distance off and coming at a dangerous rate of speed. The three occupants of tha car did not have time to get out of the car before the engine waa upon them. The front of the engine struck the hood of the machine and hurled It with Its occupants about fifteen feet to one side. The car was overturned and Wagner waa pinned un derneath. ' For awhile ft was thought that Wajrner waa killed, but several men came to bis assistance. When the car was lifted Wag ner arose smiling, no worn for hia ex perience aJride from a lacerated tight leg and a few other bruise. Had the engine struck the center ef the automo bile It Is almost certain alt three men would have been killed. Family is Destitute; Father Doesn't Work "My mother Isn't able to work. said 14-year-old Klla Crosby when brought before the Juvenile court, "and papa won't do anything. Mamma Is going to get a dlTorre. She has already paid I oo it." Mrs. Crosby was in court and between sobs over her misfortunes exhibited to the court a bruled arm. Her husband beat her, the said. He had left home, after doing time n the rok pile, arid Juvenile offkials will seach for htm and charge him with tvatlng his wife and neglecting hia fanui;. Ella and the other chiliren will be cared for by the Associated Charities and the mother, who is n"ar a nervous break down, will be kept at Tarkwild. where she will be treated. Their rent is tomor row and as they have no mmy to pay It the furnishings will be ptacd in storage. atrick's At the Under Priced Square-Near Elevator 0 1 : U OMLr 4HAMAas 1 J f.,.. : Good! In this lot worth np to t-lUlU dll Uiaill ailU UUll), 111 hjjs, eWy piece for a one day bar- Short Leigths and Dress Lengths. Kimono Silks, late styles, these were 59c yard. Odd lots of Perfect Fancy Silks. I gajQ, at- 49 Cents Monday Fakirs take warning! Last week some of our customers showed us some goodi which they had purchaied elsewhere in the city as Silk which was a libel on the silk worm If such rank frauds are continued there will be some exposurei soon which will be interesting. MONDAY ON THE SQUARE A big lot of Embroideries worth up to 40 cents at 15 cents per yard. A big lot of Embroideries worth up to 15 cents, at 5 cents per yard. At Glove section All the soiled and mussed Gloves left over from our great sale will be sold at 49 cents per pair Many worth $1.25 per pair. All the Wool Gloves for Children and Misses', regardless of whether they were 50 cents or more One price Monday 25 cents pair. 1 iwniMwiwnwfiiMfHW ECHOES OF THE ANTE-ROOM Pythian Veteran. Will Hold Their Annual Dinner Tueiaay. ODD FELLOWS IN SECOND DEGREE VarlM. t.1ge. Iks li.ss.al AettT- li D.rl.g tka Wrfk J. si Clswea B.er Week Ake.a. Tie Nebraska Pythian Veterans' asso ciation will hold Us annual dinner on Tuesday, February 8ft th. Iyal hotel. This dinner la supposed to be held annually on February 1. the annveraary ot tha founding ot the order by Juatua Kathbone. but owing to the plana tnat have been made for the entertainment ot the grand lodge officers on Monday even ing by Nebraska lodge No. 1, the dinner was put over one night. Urand Chancellor John W. Young will be the guest of the evening. The dinner will be followed by a program of addresses. Tha Interior of this grand domain will bo well represented at the board, as many veterana from out In th state have signified their Inten tion ot being present. Only ens death has occurred In the ranks during th year. Knight Julius Weber having passed away on th th of June last. Clssi.ra ot Aaserlra. Lodge No. 1 gave Ita regular monthly entertainment Friday evening in Myrtle ball annex. Cards and dancing were en- Joyed. There were about fifty couple. present. A series of five games were played and prises awarded to winners aa follows: Uetitlemen, Harry Huhlow. first, fountain pen and leather case. George Hansen, second. I. X I office pocket knife;; A. K. Rluuto. third. Im ported stein: Harold l'.oth. fourth, gold cuff links; W. 8. Toxword. fifth, silk sus penders. Ladles. Mrs. Orosa, first, cer tificate for K in dental work at Dr. J. W. Novak's dental parlors; Km ma Keens ti. second, cut glas spoon tray; Carrie Hart, third. Imported vase; Mrs. Christiansen, fourth, sterling hat pin set with brilliants; Kathryn Ualy. fifth, one pound O'Brien s Monte Chrlsto chocolata. Next entertainment will be Immediately alter Lent In th nature of a ball at the Koine hotel. Iil tke Workssea. Union Pacific lolga No. 1J will give an oyster supper 'aad stag social for members snd friends at Ancient Order of United Workmen Tempi Friday evening. Omaha lodge No. II wlU give a social dance for its members, families and friends Tuesday night at Workmen Tem ple. ' Oale City lodg N. wUl give a pro gressive high five party to Ita members. families and friends at Barlght'a ball Tuesday. Refreshmewta will b served free. North Omaha lodge No. IS degree team will give a prise mask ball at Metropolitan hall Tuesday. isarmtoga lodge No. SM will give a social dance at Magnolia ball Thursday. lodge Wo. last Tuesday evening was th most successful stunt of Its kind that .th Ileaooa boys ever pulled off. There was an excellent program. A good supper which was followed by dancing and a crowd In attendance so largo that all of them eould not get Inside th ball. Kalghla ol lytkla District Mediae. Th Knight of Pythias will hold a dis trict meeting with Nebraska lodge No. 1 Monday evening at o'clock at Myrtle hall, Fifteenth and Douglas streeta Urand Chancellor John W. Long and other (rand lodge officers wll be present and a large attendance Is expected from neighboring lodges. Th local members are looking forward to th occasion with much Interest. Th rank ot knight will be conferred, after which there will be refreshments and speaking. Grand Prise Mask Ball. All arrangements hava been com pleted for th grand prise mask ball given by th Union Paclfio Shop Federation at Washington hall Wednesday evening. February XL Twenty beautiful prises have been donated by th merchants and will b on display In the windows ot Black, th batter. This ball will be th largest masquerade ot th season. Aehatea Batvrtal.ase.t. Omaha lodg No. 1. Koyal Achate, will sir a musical and literary entertainment and moving pictures Tuesday night. It will be free to members and their friends. Union lodge. No. 110. will give a mas querade ball at Barlght'a hall, Nine teenth and Famam streets on Thursday evening, February 8. Prises will bo given for beet costumes. Fraternal t'al.a of America. Banner lodg No. 11, Fraternal Union of America, will give an entertainment Thursday at tli Paxton block hall, (Six teenth and Farnam atreeta. There will be refreshments and dancing. Traveler, riaa loel.l. Omaha council No. Hi, United Com mercial Travelers, will hold a social see- I .inn mt it hall Fifteenth and Douclas street, Saturday evening. There will be music, dancing, lunch snd a general good time. ( arda far Mamsen. Laurel hive No. I. Ladles of th Mac cabees of tha World, will give a card party Friday evening at the Paxton Mock, third floor. Refreshments will be Bryan Will Speak In Drnter. DENVBIt, Feb. 17. William J. Bryan will speak to democrats here February 22, according to an announcement here today by Governor John F. Shafroth. The meet ing la to be Informal and In behalf of no faction. lsiaepr.de. Order af Odd Fellow. Omaha lodxe No. 2 will have work In the second degree next Friday evening. Past Orand Master J. W. Kelly of Beaver City waa iu Omaha last week and visited No. 2 on Friday evening. Itntn Itebekah lodge No. 1 will glre a card party next Saturday evening at Odd Fellows' hall. lannebrog lodge No. 21 will have work in the third degree next Friday evening. The annual social sesssom of Beacon Veer CasBssaader (!. Gate City btvo No. . Ladle of the Slaccabees of th World, will hold Its regular business meeting Friday evening. The new state commander will be present. Ussssstlai Da.re. Mondamln lodge No. 111. Fraternal Union of America, will give a danc at Ita hall. Twenty-fourth "an) Parker streets, Monday evening. February IS. PXklaa Meter, at (arda. Lillian temple No. 1. Pythian sisters, will give a card party Tuesday evening at Banght hall. Nineteenth and Farnam streets. . K. labia ( Pythias Bell. Nebraska lodge No. 1. Kniahts of Py thias, will give a ball at M. rtle hall on the evening 'f Thursday. Kehr-.iary 22. Ing at Barlght hall. Nineteenth and Far nam streets, In honor of Lincoln's and Washington' a birthdays. A fins literary and musical program will bs given, to which every on la eordislly Invited. THOMAS HAS HIS PHOTO TAKEN FOR COLLECTION Postmaster B- . Thomas has had hia picture taken and framed and It Is to be hung In th postmaster's office, when h retires from his present position. Th collection ot pictures of all of the Omaha postmasters Is a pet hobby with assistant Postmaster Woodard, who has a large picture ot all except that ot J. H. Kel lom, who waa postmaster In 1M. Th key to success In business la th Judicious and persistent us of newspaper Big Keturns. Old Couple Found in Bad Condition Mr. and Mrs. William T. Fix war found by th polio wandering about th city In a helpless condition and being aged and Infirm they war turned over to th Associated chanuea. upon questioning they It waa found th two old People bed left their horn In Phllltpsburg. Kan., to go to Winifred. Neb., where they say a daughter reside. They are aelng de tained her until th daughter can b located. Henry Kernes' course ot sis Illustrated lectures upon th orchestra will be held Fridays at 4 Instead ot Wednesdays, commencing March 1 In tha Omaha School of Music J The Famous ferj Sample Sale of lew Spring Suits, Coats : Dresses Hera are S00 new Spring Suits, Coata and Drewee fresh from toe makers' hands. Actual 920 and 92S values, Monday $10 and $15 Think of New Spring Cos or Bait at laws pries tlian other stores are asking for winter clime oats. There Is no limit to variety; w coma go on aescnuing uies uoata ana duiis i i i-j.ri nni.. I SiuiVM iiiuciiuiiai;. Hew Serge Dresses at $3.98 These Dresses are in the new Spring styles, made of fine serges. In charming tailored and fancy trimmed models, and are admirably suited for street and utility wear. Do not Judge them by the low price; see them, note the splen did styles and quality. ; EXTRA SPECIAL for MONDAY House Dresses of fine Zephyr Gingham and fine Percale, beauti fully trimmed with embroidery; real 3.60 rallies 98d Sift doxrn newest Iingerie Waists made of fine India Unon or Sheer Lingerie Cloth and trimmed with VaL Lac and Embroid ery in dainty patterns 98 A most comprehensive showing in Spring Millinery. No two hats alike; from v $2.50 to $10.00 ( elebrat Birth .fart. V. S. irant post, Oraivl Army of tht Republic, and the Wcwn i Keltf Corpa will bot4 u open meeting Munda even- ARE YOU INVITED? to one of these early epring weddings! If so, nothing would be more appropriate for your present than a stylish article . in sterling silver. Let us show your our I line line of articles which range from' iSiVJO to $10.00. Remember the New Location 221, SO. 16TH ST PAXTON BLOCK S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 4