Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 16

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    iL OMAHA iic'-SDAi.' Bi.L: rx,mn.iii.j. io, lai-
Bat Many Affain Appear to Take
Place of Tabooed Parties.
Bis Dtawer Hume ts FlaMae fee
. the Coaster flea tor Taestar
Swata Aatesaefclle Skew
Attrsu-te e-ttr.
Serial Calradar.
' MOXPAT Mrs. John R. Hint-wait, t.a
for Mrs. Charles 4". AU.n; Mrs. John
X. Ba.dwln, dinner for Judce ana Mr.
Smith McPherson of Red Oak. la.; Mr.
Kurt Blanrhard, luncheon for Mltm Dil
lon of 1 h lea (fa.
TI KSDAT Mlaa Adele Moorea, afternoon
bridge: Dinner-Dance club, dinners at
the homes and dance at Country club,
j WKIEsit'AV-rer n!ht at Auto
mobile show: Mra. Clarence Peterson,
meetlne of W. V. dub.
THl'KSIiAY Daughters and Sona of the
American Revolution. Washington birth
day party at the M-tmpolltan building.
Annual dtrmar at Omaha elub. axhlbt
tlun at Hmwr, Hall: Ufa Vlry Key
nolds. entertainment for PrUKllla Aiden
society of the htalt school.
FRIDAf Mlaa Kathenna Beeaon. meet
ing of Debutante Bridge club; Fort
Crook, fortnightly hop.
8ATTRDAT Kappa kappa Oamma so
rorlty. luncheon at loung Women's
Christian aaeoctatlon; Mr. and Mra. Karl
B. Klpllnger. dinner fr Mias Gertrude
While and Mr. J. C. M.-L'lurs.
Society la due to go Into sackcloth and
'aaltea this week. but. although there will
be no large aortal affairs after Ash
Wednesday, there will be plenty of op
iportunlty for entertainment of a differ
ent kind. With the automobile show at the
Auditorium, the exhibit of American,
art, which opened last night at the pub-
lie library, and grand opera at the r d.
society win not be utterly berelt of
amusement when dinners, dances and
brides pan lea are tabooed.
After Mra. John R. lUngaalt'a tea Mon
day afternoon for Mrs. Charles C. Allen,
who Is vleltinc her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
. Henry W. Vatrs. at Hillside, Mrs. John
'.V. Baldwin's dinner fur Judge and Mia
Smith McPberaon of Red Oak, la., Mon
day evening and the closing dance of the
i season of the Dinner-Da nee club at the
Country club Tuesday evening, there will
be a lull In social fu net lone.
But society night at the Auto show
I Wednesday will bring out a bl( delega
tion of automobile enthusiasts, both men
'and women. It similar occasions of for
mer shows may be used as a criterion.
This season there are Innovations In
many of the cars which will be of espe
cial Interest to the women. Chief among
them Is the sHf-startlng device In the
gasoline machines. All milady needs to
do with these Is to Jump lit touch an
electrlo button and away she goes. No
snore cranking for the feminine motorist
Car te Mateh Clothes.
That Omaha women are becoming fas
tidious regarding their motor cars and
trappings, is shown by ths fact that one
matron, Mra, J. M. Metcalf, recently or
dered ear to match the special shade of
blue of which she has her tailored suits
made. The car Is a seven-passenger
limousine with leather upholstery and
other fittings which ehe herself selected
and which are the very acme or good
eaataatee Will erlsa. ' -Nearly
all of the twelve attractive
young debutantes are planning to learn
to swim and have joined class which
will start swimming lessons April 1 In
She new pool In the Metropolitan build
ing. Mr. Wlllard Chambers has engaged
'Miss Mary Ceo per to give swimming les
sens. About seventy-fire young women have
Joined the Swimming elub. Among ths
young matrons who are taking a keen
Interest In swimming are Mrs, B. a.
Westbrook, who Is probably ths cham
pion swimmer, and Mrs. J. T. Stewart,
tad, wbe spends each summer at the
Maele at Oauaa dab.
The house committee of the Omaha
ctub baa sent out cards to the members
announcing that here will be mucle Hun
day evenings from ( to I o'clock In the
ladies' cafe.
ilra. W. H. McCord la chairman of the
committee and has arranged to hare In
teresting musical progreme given.
I This will be a much enjoyed Innovation
and will be quite a drawing card.
Tbe Ossaka Idea,
Two youngsters, eon and daughter of
prominent Omaha families, were convers
ing the other day about their future
careers. '
"When I get big, I'm going to be a law
yer," declared the small boy.
"Oh, goody,'' exclaimed the little girl.
"Then when 1 grow up and get married,
you caa get any divorce for me."
Principals in the Ak-Sar:Ben Opera
' "
fit $?r
fer ssi leal - ' ' 5 ' , fr . , K C 1 : J '
Pleasures Past
Plchelman. C. O. Shockley, F.
Schnell. E. Croatler. W. M. Welch sna
the Misses Unda Kchnell and Kthel Olson.
The Faunler club met at the residence
of Mrs. Amanda M. Hhjn, llli Kmmet
street, Friday afternoon. High five was
plsyed snd prises were won by Mrs. Stn
ney and Xlrs. Ctft. Those present were:
Mesdaines Mesdamee
M. J. Ai"l-rv)n. N. A. I.undberg,
W. i. blackburn. Amanda M. Ilkyn.
Ctalg. J. Miimn hhat,
W. it. Crlrhton, 8. Y. 8winney,
Charles Gift. Towel.
Roy O. I Unman, L. . Wolf.
Mrs. Albert Krug entertained tha( Fri
day Whist elub, prises being won by Mrs.
U. Talbot rltrelti snd Mrs. X- HsmUn.
The neit meeting will be at the borne of
Mrs. Btreti. Members present were:
Meadxmes Mnfdames
C. Wslcner. J. H. Korster,
II. I.nii. slr, I,. It. Morgan,
8. I'urchase, W. Moore,
K. KHsnsun, C. nmihart,
U Talbot. T. Hamlin,
l Thomsen, Htrelts.
B. Kastman, V rumen.
H. Oood, C. Nleklaa.
Mrs. W. P. Johnson gave an Imitation
stag party Thursday evenulng for her
guest, Mrs. W. K. 81ms of Oklahoma
Clly. The guests' came In texlceba clad In
male attire. Those present were:
W. K. 'ima,
W. Boyd,
Blanche Ke-anr,
Klllle Keysor,
Minnie Phelan,
Fiances Klockner,
Alma Berg.
s Mesdames
George' Johnson,
Chris Jenson.
Grace Keysnr,
AgnHi Fhelan.
llssel Johnson,
Anna Teterson,
Irene t ronemeyer,
Miss MllilrsJ MrMurphy entertained at
a leap year valentine ,party Wednesday
evening at her home. Decorations were
carried out In valentine favors. Games
and musls provided lbs evening's enter
tainment. Those present were
Oracs Newton,
lis Ml Ralph,
Ruth Psrtrldire.
Charlotte Wlllard,
Lucy mone,
Karl Issuer,
Arthur Dunbar,
Jity Cooksey,
W. C. Jlouges,
Ore ataunders,
Jean Watson,
Mildred McMurphy,'
WUda Klianey.
llumer Frohart,
Oeorge Henley,
Rush Wuigel. ,
For the Future
The Diets club will give a Oeorge
Washington party at the club rooms
Thursday evening, February .
Tbe first annual dress masque party
given by the Tom Moore club will be at
Turner hall. Thirteenth end Dorcas
streets, Monday evening.
Mrs. Burt Blanc hard will entertain at
luncheon Monday for Miss Ms Dillon of
Chicago, who Is visiting ner sister, airs.
B. J. McAdama. Covert will be piacea
tor twelve.
Peetntflee Clerks tlaaee.
me of the large parties for the week
will be the dancing party given at ine
Rome hotel Monday evening br she
Omaha Postofflce Clerks' association.
The entertainment committee have been
working for several weeks. There will
be elaborate decorations and apodal
mualo tpr that evening. H. F. Meyers Is
chairman of the committee.
The next meeting will be held at the
residence of Mrs. IL P. Page at 4M8
Reward street
Tbe next meeting will be held at the
residence of Mrs. 8. P. Bwinney nt all
North Twenty-fourth street.
lsjor and Mrs. carl r. Ilartman of
rt Omaha entertained at a dinner party
(sat evening at their quarters at the poet.
Mrs. William Robert Wood entertained
informally Friday aftersnea for Mra.
Raymond Helm of Duluth. Eight guests
were present.
Mrs. C W. Turner. Jr., entertained In
formally at luncheon Saturday afternoon
at ber borne la honor of her guest, Mias
Ava Jane Raxe of Tacoma.
Mra. Everette of Council Bluffs enter
tained at a whist luncheon Saturday af
ternoon at ber borne. A number of whist
players from Omaha attended.
j A Valentine surprise party waa given
I Mr. and Mrs. R. F. O'Brien. SB Da ten
pert street- The guests came la coetumee
representing Valentines. Twenty-guests
twere present.
Mr: and Mrs. Barton Millard gave a
party Thursday evening for Miss Rase of
Tacoma. At the table, which had a
unWrue valentine decoration, covers were
laid fur Miss Rase, Mr. and Mrs. C W.
Turner, Jr.: Mr. and Mra Frank WU
helm and Mr. William Jaekson.
Mrs. Ray G. Hlnman waa hostess of
the Inter-Nssn dub Thursday afternoon
at her home, !93 Grand avenue. High
five was played and prises were wen by
Mrs. Hlnman. Mrs. Pace and Mra, Grif
fith. ' Those present were:
Meedamee Meedamee
W. H. Cnchton. Hcary F. Meyers,
K. I. Foster. W. U Ortts,
M. N. (in ( nth. H. P. page,
.Koy G. lilnmaa, W. U Rice,
T. A. iFaaeaun. i. Milton 8hay.
tt C Madison,. t. W. Welch.
A surprise party was aires far Mrs.
C. 1. Olson Friday afternoon la celebra
tion of ber birthday. Those present were
Meedamee O. R. Cook. R. O. Babeock. A.
Benson, kf. Cady, H. J. Deskra, A. Dun
can. J. O. Edmswosoa, S. H. Cady, M.
Re oxer, T. HuteMnsoa, C. HsJL J. B
Laredo, C C. VUroess, J. O'Connor, C.
Mr. Oeorge Benderhauf left for Milwau
kee hut night, where he Is te be married
to Mlat Ida. L. Oeorge of ehat elty next
Tuesday morning.
The ceremony will take place at me
Oeau parish residence. Rev. Father Hay-
den officiating. A wedding breaktesi
will follow the ceremony el the home of
tbe bride's parents, nt which only near
relatives will be present.
Miss- Lily dcbelblnger, cousin of the
hrlde. will be bridesmaid, and Mr. Charles
sJenderhauf of Lincoln beat man.
After a short wedding tour In the east
Mr. Sender hauf and hla bride will be at
home at 13 South Twenty-eighth street,
this city.
Dinner Dance Club
VH..e- S V, , ,
"e ' !
qzm5iA zzxm dwzcfr
'") Jv
i'jt5 .,;v,,i
be Captain and Mrs. C. C. Allen. Mr. and
Mra. K, C. Barton, Mr. and Mra W. D.
Ifosford, Mr. and airs. M. U Learned,
Mlfs Can, line Johnson of at. Joseph, Miss
Ella Mae Brown, ' alls McPherson and
Mr, Charles Drown.
Mr. and Mra John T. Stewart, id, will
entertain Mr. and Mrs. Oeoige Redick,
Dr. and Mrs. Ft Utks, sjnl Atr. Frank
Mr. and Mrs, W. K. Poppleton's guests
will be Mr. anil Mm. Joseph Baldrlge,
Mr, and Mrs. Charles B. Keller, Miss Mae
Hamilton snd Mr. Htockten lleth.
Mr, snd Mrs. Chsrles Ueorge wilt en
tertain Mr. and Mr. ''Edgar Hcott, Mr.
and hire Jsmes L. Paxton, Miss Dodgs
and Mr. Randall Brown. -
With Mr.nd Mr. Barton Millard will
be Mr. and Mra T. L. Davis, Mias Todd,
Miss Butler, Lieutenant Watson and Mr.
Walter Roberta.
Mr. and Mra P. A. Nath'a guests
be Mrs. K. W. Dixon, Miss Doane,
Luther Drake and Mr. K. M. Fslrtleld.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Whaion will bava as
their guests Mr. snd Mrs. Wslter Mc
cormick, Mr. and Mrs. Moshlss Colpetser,
Miss Morgdn, Miss Dinning, Mr. Gerald
Wharton and Mr. Walter Crunden. -'
Mr. and Mrs. Edgsr Mortman, Jr., will
entertain Mr. and Mra John U Kennedy,
Mr. and Mra William E. Martin. Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Hamilton, Mr. and Mra
Samuel Caldwell, Mrs. Otfutt and Mr.
Milton Darling.
Dining with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Smith
will bo Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wllhelm,
Mr. and Mra Floyd Smith, Mr. and Mra.
Harry Doorly. Miss Kiliabeth Davis,
Miss Mary Rtngwalt. Lieutenant Ray
Smith and Mr. Harry MrCormlck.
Vassar Women Unite
Omaha women who have attended Vas
sar college organised yesterday at the
public library out of loyalty to their alma
mater. They chose Mrs. W. C. Shannon
president and Mias Hilda Hammer secre
tary and treasurer.
The local Vaasar women are alumnae
which any alma mater might be proud of.
Mrs. Shannon has headed the activities
at the social settlement with marked suc
cess for several yean. Mra, Warren
Blackwell Is president of the Society of
Fine Arts. Mra Arthur Gulou nee Mlse
Genevieve Baldwin wss. before her mar
riage, a partner of Mra. Chatfield-Taylor
In an enterprise of artistic bookbinding
In Chicago. Mrs. George Haverstlck Is
one of the best players In the Omsha
Women's Whist club. Miss Julia 8chwarts
la an author of charming storlea for chil
dren. Mrs. Frank Crawford continued her
Studies In history at Oxford university,
England. Miss May Cupeland Is a high
school teacher. Miss Sophia Anne Grum
man and Mlsa Helen E. Davis are tecchy
eis In Brownell Hall.
Mra Robert I'pdlke. who before her
The last large society event before Lent I marriage, was Miss Winifred Sherman of
rill be the party of tbe Dinner-Dance Lincoln, attended the state university be-
elub Shrove Tuesday, February . Small : fPr, attending Vasear and is a number ef-j gleaner Burkle
dinners will be given at ine nomee oi rlta Oamma sorority. She hi the dauxh-
fourteen of the members, after which they ter f prof. Sherman of the English de
will all go to the Country club, where , partment In the university.
there will be dancing, and bridge for those
who do not care to dance.
Those wbo will entertain at dinner
and their guests are:
Mr. and Mr. Harley Moorhead will
have aa then- gueets Mr. and Mr. Clarke
Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Rose Towle. Mre.
Louis Clarke, Mrs. F. a Wallin of Grand
Rapids and Mr. Lawrence Brink sr.'
Dining with Mr. snd Mrs. A. V. Kinsler
wilt be Mr. and Mrs. Goald Dirtz, Mr.
and Mr. Wilson Low. Mr. and Mrs. Ed
win Swob. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Kennedy,
Mra. Eva Wallace and Mr. Elmer Cope
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Crofoot will enter
tain Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Prtns. Mr. and
Mrs. F. 8. Cowglll. Mr. and Mr. Ward
Burgess, Miss Nash and Mr. C. W. Hull.
Mr. and Mrs. Latter K ousts will have
a their guests Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Tukey. Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Hull. Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Wheeler and Mr. Andreesen.
With Mr. and Mrs. Clement Chase will
The other alumnae, each of whom Is
talented In some special Una, are Miss
Hammer. Miss Margaret Bruce, Mrs.
Samuel Rees, Jr., and Mrs. Isidore Zlegler.
city, arrived yesterday to be guests of
Mr. and stVa. Howard B. Smith.
Mra R. L. Barker of Chicago, formerly
Miss Elisabeth McConnell. Is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. iMcConnelL
Mr, and Mra, Arthur Mete, who have
been spending a few weeks In New York
and Washington, D, C, returned home
last week.
Mr. William Fullerton of Ottawa, III..
arrived yesterday te Join his wife, who
has been visiting Mr. and Mra Harry
Doorly this week. They leave today.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lymes and Mr.
and Mrs. Casper F. Yost are planning
to leave February tl for Coronada Beach,
Cel., where they will Join Mr. and Mrs.
K. M. Morsman.
Mr. A. Martin and daughter, lira. H.
Colin, of Chicago, have left to spend
Manll Grss week In New Orleans. They
will then go oa to Cuba and Florida for
the rest of the winter, -
Dr. and Mrs. Nelson Mercer have been
enjoying the winter at Wengen, Switzer
land. Dr. Mercer expects to com home
about March 1, leaving hi wife and his
sister, Miss Mary Mercer, In England.
Mr. Louis Mats Is taking a, vacation
on the Paciflo coast. He will visit all
Ike principal cities along -ths coast In
California, returning borne by way of
Portland and Seattle. . He will be ab
sent severs! weeks.
Mrs. H. M. Lord, wife of Major Lord,
who formerly lived In Omaha, but went to
Manila, Philippine islands, Isst fall, sailed
from there Wednesday for San Frandlsco.
and Is expected In Omaha March It to
spend several months with her dsughter,
Mrs. Frank Tan Renssalaer,
Mrs. E. V. Lewis 1 suffering from
broken arm and severe bruise from a
fall oa the ice ten days age. After several
days In the hospital Mrs. Lewis returned
to the Loyal, where aha will remain until
I la able to travel and jom her son,
Mr. Arthur Lewis, and bl wife la To
ronto, Can.
Dr. Leroy Crummer, accompanied by
Dr. Dunn, le In Minneapolis attending
ths Vienna Vereln, an arganlsatlon made
up -of physician and surgeons who have
studied In Vienna and who thus cele
brate the fact by coming together once
a year. From Minneapolis Dr. C'huromer,
goes to Chicago, where Be Joins Mra.
Gannett, Mra. B. F. Crummer and Mr.
Earl Gannett for a trip to New Orleans.
318-320 South 16th. St.
a . . . i g a
Your Unrestricted Choice
of Several Hundred Fine
Tailored Goats: Sold from $19,50 to $39.50
LjLate Models, Suitable for Spring or
Next Fall, All Sizes, All Colors
Masejaerwde for School Set.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton C. Peter will en
tertained at a valentine masquerade danc
ing party last evening at their home on
south Thlrty-seoond street for their sqn.
Douglas Peter, snd his young school
friend. It eras m favor dance and
the ball 'room was bright with an
elaborate decoration of red hearts. The
guest Included:
Misses ' . Misses-
Grace Allison. Esther Wllhelm,
.Kvelyn Austin. ' Klsle Stora,
Katherlne Baum. Krai Reed,
Kalherlne Barton. Evelyn Ledwlch,
Dorothy t'avanaugh, Ethel Plel.
Dorothy Klpllnger. Haxel I'pdlke.
Helena Chase.
Dorothy Judeon.
Personal Gossip
Helen Pea roe.
Blanche Welch,
Charlotte Rosewater,
Virginia Orfutt
Ruth Carter.
Channlng Jerdan.
Burdette Klrkendall,
Hearknees Kountae,
Robert Millard,
ttaiston scobie.
Mr. D. T. UcCrath Is ill at Ms home
with an attack cf grip.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. F:txgerald left Fri
day evening for a brief stay In New Tork.
Mra Clarke Powell Is expecting her
aunt. Mrs. Edward Lalk of Riverside. 111..
to visit her shortly.
Mlsa Leeta Holdrece has returned from
a three weeks' visit with Miss France
Rogers In St. Paul.
Mrs. C J. Greene left yesterday for
Chicago and later goes to Burlington,
la., to visit Dr. and Mra Ransom .
Mrs. Robert Brslford. who has been
Vtsitinr in New Tork and Philadelnhi
be Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Biucan. Mr. and ( for a month. Is expected home shortly.
Mrs. Howard Baldrlge. Mr. and Mrs. 1 Mnk ,. ptrpont and Miss Helen
Henry Wyman and Mies Folda. Pierpont of New Haven. Conn., mother
With Dr. and Mr. J. E. Summers will and sister of Mr. Henry Pierpont of this
Clslre Dougherty,
Mary Fuller.
Dorothy Smith,
Marjory fnith.
Dorothy Darlow,
Chsrlea AlHson,
Robert Burkley,
Harry Burkley. Jr.;
Wadlelgh Barton,
De Wolf Barton.
Robert Buckingham, Jams Reynolds,
rransianipDeii. j udson aoulree.
Ralph Campbell, Clarence Squires,
Kdw srd Crofoot. Robert Store,
Sidney CulHngham, James Wyman,
Kdward Daugherty. Fred Walratb.
Robert Downs, . Jamee Lowe,
Kdoard Fuller. Donald Klpllnger,
Donald Hall, George Stocking.
Twenty- Greatest
Dairy and almanac day books.
Ribie and psychology text hooka
Speller and did ionary-word book
Hank book and cook . book dough
Pocket book and Mother Goose Jingle
Check book ad hotel register-signature
Dream book and book of verse run on-
arv books
Telephone booX and arithmetic number
Oration book and city directory-books
of edd reeves. .
- Book in which men turn ever a r.ew
leaf and the great American novd-joke
books. Judge
Have yours CLEANSED during
the FIRST balmy spell we get, for
winter ISN'T over yet by ANY
means. And mind you, if WE
cleanse your furs you'll notice the original "nap,"
life, and sparkle again. It's all in KNOWING how.
Just 'phone Tyler 1300, or Auto. A-2225, and get posted.
We pay express one war on shipment of work amounting to $3.00 or
over. Vp-town receiving station at Brandela Stores, Pompetan Room,
and at Dresner, The Tatlora, 1515 Farnem Street. ,.
DR&SHER BROS., 2211-13 Farnam Street
MJ ee.
Diamond Solitaires
This spring we have
the finest selection of
solitaires ever shown in
Omaha for $25.00 to
$500,00. Mountings,
Gold and Platinum
Settings "We handle
only finest qualities, so
that in buying a dia
mond at this store you
are absolutely certain
of getting one that will
be a pleasure to own.
Qualities and prices are
always guaranteed here,
C. B. Brown Co.
Jewelers and Silver
smiths. 16th and Farnam.
QewwV ' Vtf "wVi
Have Yeur
Winter Garments
Cleaned Now
During this warm spell Is a
good time to have your winter
clotbea cleaned: they no doubt
are getting a little dingy after
auca a long hard winter. You
will need them for some weka
yet, ao why not have them
brightened op.
Prices for Pry tleaalng:
Men's suits, $1.50; over
coats. fl.50: trousers. 50c;
ladies' tailor suits, 11.75 to
52.00: plain skirts, Tic;
pleated skirts, 51.00; one
piece dresses, 11.25 to 11.75;
fancy dresses, 52.00 to 53.60;
waists, 50c to 51.00; petti
coats, $1.50.
We also rellne jackets, make
alterations and do all kinda of
repairing of both men's and
women's clothes.
Phone for a wagon.
trOOD Gleaners and Dyers'
1515-17 JONES ST.
Phones Douclas 963 In rx A-368
Daddy, get me a Baker.'
Won't any electric do you?
Any is better than none, but I have reasons for
preferring a Baker.
, What are they?
You know to a woman most electrics look alike,
are upholstered alike, are equally comfort"
able. But they do not run alike. ,
How do yoa know? ' ' .
I've looked it up. There is a wide difference
between them in the number of miles they
can travel on a charge in the cost of running
v. them. The Baker has the mileage record;
has always had it
And it cottt lets to operate? x
Exactly. You see, a Baker hasn't a' lot of dead
weight to lug around. It weighs less than any
other equal powered car. And people tell me
that its high speed motor is vastly more effi
cient than the more cumbersome type of slow
motors used in other cars. Less battery
equipment is required ; and battery equip
ment costs money, you know.
Well, well, what a head yoa have, daughter.
' . You've got more tense than the average man.
It's only common sense, Daddy, to get the most
efficient machine for your money, and save
expense in running it
Special el e trio staewsaatic er
' Me4s kik effidiarr twaieei tins.
1 fasswawttaeieaitssiilirwitsissiial.
Bee Baker' Electric exhibits at
principal Automobile Shows.
Electric Garafe Company II The Baker Motor-Vehidetk
Omaha IHstribators JJ JfWacsmr
2SM-22 Faraaa Street. " Omimad. Ohio