Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 15

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Dealers Who Know the Public Tasles
r y
Spark Plug Vital'
to Car Mechanism
Ait a chain it is n. Mionefr than Us
weakest link, so Is an automobile cnKlne
no nwre efficient than lt weakest rt,
and with the developments of the rao
lin engine hai com the development
of the ipark plug, a device hardly larger
than a man's thumb, but one (hat has oc
cupied the attention of engineers for
years and to perfect which has liven a
task for almost two decades.
Small a It in, the spaik plug is vital
to the efficiency of every engine of the
Internal combustion typ and rei MKiiUinK
this V. V. iSpHttlorf has recently installed
a separate factory In New York illy
vhera spark pluies are miulr exclusively.
MakinK an efficient ppaik plug, like mak
ing almost anything else, la simple when
you know how. A moic of jtirlw at the
Hplttdorf factory Bind the thin flakes of
white India mica around the tapered cen
ter phi. and pin and mica are then in
serted In the bushing and put under a
press which forces them together.
and utiles eery facility Is afforded 50
that delay can be obviated, the pur
chaser finds himself in an awkward no-
-n l o- . . . , 1 lthm. M.ifntenanc rosta become unduly
J. J. Denght GlYM Credit to the srem. ami. what Is worse, he finds that
Builders of Pleasure Cars.
Makers t 4. a In the Repaired
Kiper-eiae tm Amy Other Way
CivtoMrri Vat He JtUflesJ
by All Mew a a.
"The arty days of the pleasure car
business, strenuous as they were, were
not marked by the startling growth which
on sees today in the commercial vehicle
Industry." fa'd J. J.MVrtght. "People at
first were Inclined to attribute this start
ling advance to various reasons, hut to
day most purchasers know that the de
velopment Is principally the result of Che
his truck is not available at times when
urgently aeeded.
"A properly organized service depart
ment assures the man that he can de
pend on his truck giving maximum serv
ice at minimum cost, with delays practi
cally obviated.
London Engineers
Have a New Tire
A report coming from Kntland states
that a new lire la about to ba ptared
on tha market by the llolmea Knglneertng
company of tandon.
It la Mid that It will live 36 per rent
mora t.ervlc than any other make manu-
experience rained In building pleasure - f, tmr,l at the present time, and that the
Twenty Twenty Farnam Street
CAPITAL $50,000.00.
"While the conditions under which the
pleasure cars and trucks are operated
are so radically different as to necessi
tate entirely new designs for the com
mercial vehicle, too iniicii stress cannot
be laid on ttie value of this prior experi
ence. The automobile hop practice calls
tire can be produced and sold for v per
cent less than anything manufactured
Tl Ingredients of this new tire are still
a profound secrsi, but It la known that
rubber ts the base, and that the scrap
leather ground to a fine powder and mixed
with-the rubber and other unknown tnate-
for such accuracy and preclaenesa that ! rials under an extremely high pressure are
experience gained In some other line of
work is nt of much value.
"A truck manufacturer who previously
has gained a reputation for reliability
and durability through the performance
of his touring cars cannot have failed
to have acquired a great deal of Im
mensely valuable Information.
Relative Valaea Taaaat.
"This experience has taught htm the
relative values of different metals, has
given him aluabl data on the action of
materials under the vibratory conditions
of actual service, has enabled him to
train a force of competent workmen and
has permitted him to devise and test out
efficient shop systems. Th purchaser
who buys a truck from a manufacturer
having this experience reaps the bene
fits in getting a better truck for any
given amount.
"Better and more Important than hat,
he is dealing with a concern which long
ao rea I tied t he necessi t y of k cep! tig
every customer satisfied.
Hervtee gyeleaaallsed.
"As a result, the purchaser has at hit
command a service detriment, carefully
and thoroughly systematized and manned
by expert men capable of making ad-
justpitnla In the minimum time. A capa
bjleervlce department assures the owner
of loo per cent service, the only service
which wilt satisfy a business man.
'Tnteiw auch a system in maintained
used In Its manufacture. The elalin is
made that It 1s equally as resilient as
the usual type of tire of today, and that
In one respect It Is even more so fr
the reason that It can be used with lower
air pressure in the Inner tube without
result snt damage to the casing. Tests
made on the famous Rrook lands track
vJnear London, covering several thousand
miiea, snow mai a car ia quuv mm ibsi
equipped with these tires aa with the
regular pneumatic. Tests have been con
ducted for the last two years and the
only point at which the makers do not
claim superiority 1s with reference to
skidding, and o this point they claim
there la absolutely no difference between
It and the usual type of tire.
It la rumored thai the manufacturers of
tha Mitchell car have secured the ex
clusive American rights, and that a
factory for Its manufacture will be erected
at Haclne, Wis.. In the near future.
A novelty for men Is a large pair of
trousers of warm woolen material,
leather finished, having mift leatber
staoes and a leather belt They are In
tended to slip on over the other clothing
fur added protection In stormy weather.
A rwrtaaat Tesaa.
R. V. Goodloe, Pallas, Tex., found a
sure relief for malaria and biliousness In
t'e King's New Life Pills. Only Sic.
For sal by Baton trug C
Will Open March 1st, 1912
We will cany a complete
assortment of all standard
lines of supplies at prices
that will save you money.
We have desk space at the
Automobile Show in the
Auditorium and can take
orders subject to delivery
March 10th. We will be
pleased to meet you Mr.
77. . G. AD .
Arthur C. Storz, Pres. Hal. M. Brady, Vice Pres.
vx fir 1 1 r i j I y
PRICE $900.
Wheel Baie, 108 Inches; Tread, 66 Inches; Bodr, two-pusenger tor
pedo roadster; Motor, 4x4H; Home Power, SO; -Tnnimtsalon, elective,
three speed! and reverse; Ignition, Dual, SpHtdorf magneto and bat
teries; Front Axle, drop forged I-sectlon; Rear Axle, seml-f loatlni ;
Wheels, artillery wood, 12 14-tnch spokes, 12 bolts each wheel; Tires,
"2.3M:-tticti, quirk detachable; Finish, overland blue; Equipment, three
oil lamp, two gas lamps and generator; Tools, complete set.
""nr I j
in. - y
PRICE $1,200
Wheel Base. Ill inches; Tread, 56 Inches; Body, four-passenger fore
door torpedo; Motor, 4x4Vi; Hone-Power, 35; Transmission, selective,
three speeds and reverse; Ignition, Dual, Remjr model 8 magneto aad
batteries; Front Axle, drop forged I-sectlon, Timkea bearings; Rear
Axle, semi-floating; Wheels, artillery wood, 12 Hi-Inch spokes, 12 bolts
each wheel; Tires, 34x4 inches, quick detachable; Finish, Overland blue,
gray gear and wheels Equipment, three oil lamps. In black aid brass
finish, two gas lamps and generator; Tools, complete set
Why These Automobiles are Worth More
Than the Prices Asked for Them.
No other producer can manufacture an automobile as economically and aa thoroughly at
does the Willys-Overland Company, for they make in their factories every part that enters into
the construction of the cars. No manufacturer (and we do not except the highest priced ma
chines) works to closer "limits of tolerance" the shop term for fitness of fit and accuracy. No
other car in the market is so highly standardized as the OVERLAND. To the man who knows
automobile values, these cars at these low prices speak for themselves. They need no explana
tion. But to the man who has never owned a car and is now in the market for one, we simply
ask him to compare what we have to offer with that of anyother maker in the world, and the
economy of buying an OVERLAND will be apparent even to the novice.
Now, let us tell you something about OVERLAND antomobiles themselves. No matter
what you buy, you must make some kind of a comparison to determine values. Every time you
fail to do this yon lose money. And the more eareful and thorough you make your comparison
the more secure and satisfied you feel with what you liavs bought. No article requires a closer or
more thoughtful comparison of values than an automobile. It represents a lot of money.
For instance, compare the Overland Model 59-T, shown below, price $900, with any of the
popular priced cars selling around $1,200 to $1,500. Take each list of specifications compare
item for item and see if you can make $900 go as far as $1,200. Then compare this car with all
other makes selling at about the same price. The added value in the Overland is plainly to he
disoerned. , (
A glimpse at all models illustrated on this page and a review of the short specifications
and prices under them cannot help but convince you of the superiority of the Overland auto-
PRICE $1,500
Wheal Baas, 116 Inohes; Tread. If Inches; Body, two-paasengsr tor
pedo roadster; Motor, 4x4tt; Horse-Power, 45; Transmission, selective,
three speeds and reverse; Ignition, Duplex, Bosch magneto and batteries;
Front Axle, drop forged I-aeotlon, Tlmken bearings; Rear Axle, fall
floating, Tlmken bearings; Wheels, artillery wood, 12 14 -Inch spokes.
12 bolt fmnt wheel, IS bolts rear wheel; Tlrea, 84x4-lnrh. quick detach
able; Finish, Brewster green, Ivory stripe, all bright parts nickel plated.
Equipment, three black and nickel oil lamps, two black and nickel gas
lamps with gas tank; Tools, complete set.
Van Brunt Automobile Co.
Omaha, Neb.
Sioux Falls, So. Dak. Council Bluffs, Iowa
s 4
PRICE $1,200
Wheel Base. Ill inches; Tread, 56 inches; Body, Ore-passenger
fore-door touring; Motor, 4l1x44: . Horse Power, Jo; Transmission,
select re. three speeds and reverse; Ignition, Dual, Remy model 6
magneto and batteries: Front Axle, drop forged I-sectioa, Tlmken
bearings; ReatAxle. semi-floating: Wheela, artillery wood. 12 1
ineb apokes. 12bolts each wheel; Tires, 34x4-!nch, quick detachable;
Finish, Overland blue, gray gear and wheels. Equipment, three oil
lamps, in black and brass finish, two gas lamps and generator; Tools,
complete set.
60T Z. ,.AW
PRICE $900.
it . " 4J,
til .! K . .
ii. in f
PRICE $1,500
Wheel Base, 115 Inches; Tread. SC Inches; Body, four-paasenger tor
pedo; Motor, 4,x4H; Horse-Power, 45; Transmission, selective, three
speeds aad reverse; Ignition, Duplex, Bosch magneto and batteries; Front
Axle, drop forged I-seotlon, Tlmken bearings; Bear Axle, full floating.
Timkea beartsga; Wheels, artillery wood, 12 11-inch spokes, 12 bolts
front wheel, IS bolts rear wheel; Tires, 34i4-lnch. quick detachable;
Finish. Brewster green, rrory stripe, all bright parts nickel plated.
Equipment, three black and nickel oil lamps, two black and nickel gas
lamps with gas tank; Tools, complete set
Wheel Base, 10 inches; Tread, i6 inches; Body, flve-paasenger fore-door touring; Motor, 4i4V; Horse
Power, 30; Transmission, selective three speeds and revese; Ignition. Dual, Splltdorf magneto and batteries;
Front Axle, drop forged I-sectlon; Rear Axle, semi-floating; Wheels, artillery wood, 12 lVs-inch spokes, 12
bolts each wheel; Tires, 32x3H-lnch, quick detachable; .Finish, Overland blue. Equipment, three oil lamps,
two gas lamps and generator; Tools, complete set
PRICE $1,500
-Wheel Base, 115 InAes; Tread, B Inches; Body, fire-passenger tore
door touring; Motor, 4?sx4H; Horse-Power, 45; Transmission, selective,
three speeds and reverse; Ignition, Duplex, Bosch magneto and batteries:
Front Axle, drop forged I-sectloa, Timken bearings; Rear Axle, full
floating. Tlmken bearings; Wheels, artillery wood, 12 1-tnch spokes,
12 bolts front wheel. IS bolts rear wheel; Tires. 34x4-inch, quick detach
able: Finish, Brewster green. Ivory stripe; all bright parts nickel
plated. Equipment, three black and nickel oil lamps, two black aad nickel
gas lamps, with gas tank; Tools, complete set
Our Booth at the Auto. Show, Auditorium, is No. 29. See the Full Overland Line there Thjs Week