THE OMAIIA Sl'XPAV BKE: FEBBUABY IS. 1912. B ADTO BUSINESS TREMENDOUS VICE FKKmEirr siraEBAKia'cvn'i'fTi'rw'VHrMiiiitvii'i'fv'i'fH'iJ'y I CORPORATION. '- t . 3 Big Firm. Which Made Hone Drawn ! , , , n , . KprlTIS 111 I TUCRS 1 t - 3 .1 ; 15. Vehicles Sow Make Antes, E ORSIS ARI A1S0 DJCRZASI5G D "ibl la Xorr la Iro Ta nr. Before ia Spite at rredlc tlaa that 111 l air grated. u- h,f.iii:m ti ur.utKi:n. jb. lunn its n:trv.-r:i rw ii-.m liuihiTifi. twelve yeur ur.'. i a wumiwd proJuc tion of t.0V' north of motor ears in Mil the automobile intlualry ! in curred an Smalm; numlHT of oU;.ilio:i. Manufacturers are brine constantly re minded of Ihelr d.-lt the bicycle, the rubber tire. tl.o motor boat. Ira dec . t.-iclan the good rvJi!s iitt!iu.-t"t. the protective Unit, tile to -I m.-ker. the nrwspair. the ir.aKSilne. the leader worker and a hol f other. Vet, Influcniit' en. all these el-menu ha been to.ard r; lectins or.i -"1-uiarliiiut Hie modern m dor csr. 1 he hex thera la no one of thrm tlrl has nlven more help Hun the horvdrawn vehicle business. It la mora than coincident that the two larscst flrma makin motur cara today were cloaely linked from their ve.-y ba- Klnninlia to comt'.nl.w long famous as urea builders of horse-drawn vehhles. The same atateim-nt I true of at lea half aoaen of tha smaller produce of automobiles. And It ! more than a co incidence, as well, that many of tin largest dealera in motor can scored their (Irat business successes aa retailer, of borae-drawn vehicles. That an enterprise, superficially cmlltej with an aim to make tha horse o1olete, aliould secure so much of Ita flrat Im petus from manufacturer! and dealera tntereated In hnrse-drawa vehicles aeema a atranca condition, strontly sutfestinc . buelnea aulclde. But. as. It worked out that way? No Indeed. Aa a matter of fact, lha horaa In crcanaa la numbera aa tha motor cara rows In popularity, tha demand for wagons and carriages baa. Instead of fall- lug off, advanced, step by atep, during me : cWr. : fc ! "it r"2" & E Rapid 1 Ton Truck WE have two 1 ton and one 1 ton trucks UDon which we will 4 make such a low nrice as to make 3 Iteam hauling look foolish to you.l CLKMENT STL'UEIIAKKII, JR. t aama time- ' Nothing eli-a than tha Dlaln IokIo oi common Intereat la bncH of tho nlllanca of tha automobile and vehicle Induatrlea. How vitally thla la trua will probably ba , eaaleat (or ma to explain hr iivtnf lha , tiperlenoa of tbo firm In which I ant In tereateC Karly la tha hl.tory of tha automobile.' Induatry. tho Btudabaaar Broa. Mann-1 fai'turlnf company of B"uth Bend, Ind., aaw that tha motor car waa bound to affect atroiujly tha market for lilnh claaa ran-lacea Una of manufacture In which our firm had won International fame. W j decided that our only defenrw waa to en- j ter tho Bow field ouraelvaa. Wo did ao. Our moat Important al u waa to buy tha output of tha K-Xt-F company of Detroit Tha atudebaker K-M-f alllnnco datea ba'k to tha aarlleat hlaiory of tha nuto moUla company nd baa nteadlly atrenfthened until now tha vehicle and automoMla planta ara-mcnied Into one, corporation, dotnc buelnrea throuih com-. mon ahaaaau and working In a anlrlt of , harmony that adda a freal element of j power to each. Tha E-M-F waa a typa of ear ' which wa knevnto ba fitted to meet tha general daman Lalr a added tha ' Pkude " anialler and rraa mora ' aooDomlcal car, built of tha aaroa ma J tertala and on almoet Identical line. To tha marketing of theee oara wa, brought a aalra force and a firm reputa- i of experlenco In the vehicle buaineaa. Our I nranchci were rt:mly eataMiehed in all tne larirt at cinea. uur tnouiary aeaiera can be found In nearly every village. Our export department waa well In evidenco In all the foieinn trade center. It waa an organization alrrady well fitted to Uau'lle j motor cara. Hut few of Ita membera ' needed to be changed. Tha buying public ; had a long and favtruhla acquaintance with S:ii'lchaker producta and pollclea. Tl-.e developmenta of our buInena under thia new condition brought out many in teresting fcatuiea. Aulomobliea and hoi-Kc- ' drawn Vehlflee i. rM e,innrf u kIamIu i allied that their pruvlnrea often overlap. 1 aiany n man cornea to ona oi our aioraa, t doubling whether a horae-drnwn vehicle or motor car la what ha really naeda to do lila work. In aurh caaea ha alwaya haa for tha asking the aervicea of an unpreju diced expert, who haa both klnda for aale. In ame of our branchea tha auto mobile) tnieineaa now rxceeda that In re hlclea of the horee-arl n type. Better pick one of these snaps up while you can. IE E. Fredrickson Auto Co.l 2044-46-48 Farnam St. Agents for Chamlers & Pierce Arrow FfatvLUtULiAvlLLtttULiAiliLlii.iL!-ittL.UiliLtt V cr ? Ivery Tracts See Them at the Auto Show Auditorium Basement 1 to 5 Ton Capacity Wanted Automobile Salesman A higli-cliiHS Automobile Salesman, with a successful Bellini? record, now engaged, wishes to make a new con nection. Address M. 78, Bee. cTho Six fVlickels" arc having a MOTORCYCLE SHOW of their own. Visit their store and seethe 1912 Model "Excelsior" and "Thbr": Motorcycles Just in and worth while seeing Nebraska e Co. Cycl FIFTEENTH and HARNEY STREETS. ONE BLOCK FROM THE AUTO SHOW. aV SINCE WE INTRODUCED THIS TRUCK AT THE LAST AUTO SHOW SEVEN OF THEM HAVE BEEN PUT IN SERVICE IN OMAHA, SOUTH OMAHA AKD COUNCIL BLUFFS, AND HAVE RECEIVED THE ENDORSEMENT OF THE FOLLOWING PROMINENT BUSINESS FIRMS: OMAHA MERCHANTS EXPRESS & TRANSFER CO. CLAAR TRANSFER COMPANY. BIG 4 TRANSFER COMPANY. JEWEL CROCKERY COMPANY. POPEL GULER BREWING CO. , Proof of the kind of service AVERY TRUCKS will give your busi ness is demonstrated on Omaha streets every day. Don't fail to see these trucks at the Auto Show, and let us prove to you the AVERY will cut your delivery expenses in half. 1 Johnson-Danforth Co. S. W. Corner 10th and Jones Sts. On the Viaduct. New York : PenniyltinU : Massachusetts : WtintoB : Delaware The Only Complete Carl- The Electric Self-Starting, Electric-Lighted Labjr-Savlng ind Self-Controlled Hill King of All Cars for r g.r, n , Interstate Model "40" ' atonal 40 I Paaaenaer, Pnra Vhmt Taurine Car. onel 414 PaaenKer I I Tonneau. Modal 4t Itoaiiklrr tpe all vllh the aplenrild new n blue motor. bore, f. S- 40 Korea Vowe Inch elroke. Ievelonln I In I II V. mora than rated. 3 eieda for ard ana one reeerne. completely eulpped and with all Vi fea ture, here uieuuoned.. o aoraa rem $2400 Mod I SO 7 raoKoncrer, Knn Itoor Touring Car. Modl 51 4 PasftiKr l?nil Tonnraa. Moal M ltnalMHr ty ? U niiti now "T" head -in ii nor, ti-in. n strt'kA motor, H lom Powir urrii',Mn 1 1. i-. moro i nun tHitni l-y actual tern, 4 sDectl forwanl anil rpwr, cotnplftply fi'i'i'rfi ann with an isij fca- nira tier int)n.tea , . , o mors rowir $3400 ' Year ahead l th rtweenlritrea, eonatrtartiOB. and romfrta of tlie Inter-Stale Sextom of V lrr trie eielMHattine;; Klertrrr llghu: ImproTol dlmniina: Helliglit; Aatoinntlc power Tiro Pump; act of five Uemoantahlc Kiiua; Aatomatir t'arbarrtnr regulatrtl by the apreil of tho Motor; Anxlliary Air Control rorated on stceiin powt and oprratrd by tourh of the finger; C'avoliuo t.auge on daoli telllna inatanltj the) supply of fuel for the raa. Think Wbat These Innovations Mean! The car itself performing; all the labor of Starting, Lighting, Tire Pumping and the Automatic Regulation of Fuel Consumption. No cars in the world are as complete and as fully equipped as are the Inter-State Models '30" and "50" Inter-State Automobile Co. Omaha Branch, 309-11 Sooth 18th Street Kansas : Dakota : Alabama : Nebraska : Idans : Vermont aa I o E .e- SCoa.l "40" ai,460 (Top Extra.) THE WELL BALANCED MOTOR CAR An automobile, like anything else, la just as strong as Its weakest unit. By that we mean that the service jour car will give you depends largely on Us de sign and construction, and the relationship of one part to another. There must be complete harmony between the motor and the clutch, between the clutch and the tranamlssion, and between the transmission and the driving ahaft. Of what use Is powerful motor, if the clutch is bad? Of what uae Is a good clutch if the transmission Is not correct? Of wbat use is a good transmission If the driving etasft is weak? Do you get the thought? The good motor car must be a complete harmony. The relationship of one part to another must not be only well considered, but must be scientifically correct, and yonr Ideal car must be of medium weight, too, which means longer life to tires and In sures fuel economy. Every principle employed In Oakland construction Is founded on satisfactory ser vice. ' . Don't forget that, During the 1911 season Oakland cars started in nineteen events, and won fifteen firsts, three seconds and a third a consistent showing,' conclusively proving superior design and construction. . . . ....- OUR 1912 LINE OF 30. 40. 45 H. P. MODELS. $1200 TO $3000 Modal "45" S pacific tloaa. 4-cyliniler, 4 'fcxii !4-Ik'Ii motor, unit power plant: ll'O-tnch wheel laae: Kchehler farl'tire tor: Hoarh magneto; full floating rear axle; tires 36x4 Inches. Modal M40" IpaclfLcitlone. l-cyllmlcr. 4 UKt--liich motor, unit power plant: 112-Inch wn-jel lase: tfcheliler Carbure tor: Hen.y magneto tdual gyuteni); tires, 34x1 Inches. Modal "30- Specifications 4-eyllnder, 4x4inch motor., loti-lnrh wheel ba,e; Schehler t'ariuretor; Ifne tut. taUlat'r, tires, 34x3 inches. , Body Datum. Models "4S" Tonrlnc far. niotlel "W 7-passenaer. . .99.100 Limousine. inolet "43," "-passenger. .. .aj.ooO Body Seaia-na Modal "40" Totirlnir Car, iuod-l "4t'.' &-paaaena:er. . .(1,450 t'olonial Coupe, -nodf-l "40.'' electrically iiKhleil. 3-pa.cnser tl,O0 Sociahle lUwlster, model "IIV 3-pas- feiiRcrs, on one seat $1,450; Body .SMtra Medal "30" Tourinar t ar. 3 paasenifer...... S1.S00 All Models Ready for Delivery. Established Dealert art incited to mmkt marly application far available territory. v Lininger Implement Company FACTORY DISTRIBUTERS McINTIRE AUTO CO., LOCAL SALE AGENTS s ss e. a - sa n Imperial Cars Get There xnd Back . ...... rMFZBIAIi AtTTOMOBIXB CO, JACB308T, MICX- MAXZBS. ' furaiah more power, better .tyl. and mare vain, for the money, than la fouc 1 in any other car -on earth. SEE THEM AT THE SHOW ti.te week Id Section F. FrsDaa, WM t. 1,760, fally ee.aip.ed. T. O. B, Jack- E RAD LEY, MEREIAM & SMITH, DierrfbuteT. foe Wleter. w JJl?JS . 1US otRc M Salaaraoat. 700 Jta.131 mm, OQDaTCH. BLrrra, IOWA. Advertisers! The Omaba Bee goes into the home and is read by women who do the buving for the greatest num ber of Omaha homes.