Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1912, EDITORIAL, Page 10, Image 10

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In lllrj HCjU: UJLUUl. OA! Liviai, tuuvam "i ass- ggg
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I .vr-.i t. v. I Inlv a cnnnlnnt ttiA.r ft III WVWln 1 - i I ! s-.ass--.s- I I
Tee Omaha daily bee
Entered at Omaha potiaUn as seoond
! matter.
Tn.K OK bl'B'K-TlON.
Sunday Be, one year Jj-
8at day Bee. ne ymr
laliy be (without 8unday. on year K
Daily Bee and Sunder, one year Kw
ferenlng bra iwilh Sunday, per
Dally bee (Including Sun.iay), per n..eo
Dslly Ilea (without Sunday), per !.
Addrees all complaints or irregu.arlUea
la aeueery te Cltv Olrrulat'on Kept.
Remit by draft, express or potts! order,
payable to The Bee Publishing company.
Only l-nt atampa received in payment
of mall eccouats. Persona! checks, ex
cept on Omaha and eaatera exchange, not
Oaths The Bee Binldlng.
Mouth Omaha-ail N Ot.
Council Btufts-H Scott St.
Lincoln I.lnle Building.
OilrsaoIMS Mamuefte BulMmg.
Kanaaa City Reliance Building.
New York-M WM Thlrtv-thlrd.
Washinston-TS Fnrtenth St.. K. W.
Com unlcaiiona relating to newa and
editorial matter , should he addreaaed
Omaha Bee. Editorial Department.
Stale of Kehrasks. County of Douglas, m:
Dwlght William, circulation manaaef
ef The Baa Publishing company, being
duly sworn, nya that 'be sverege dally
circulation, leaa apolled. unuaed and re
turned copies, for the month at January,
waa 49.721
Circulation Manatee.
Subscribed tn my praaenoe and sworn to
before m tula tth day of February. UU.
' Notary Public.
Sabaerlbees teavlatj the elty
I IrMerarllr ahowld Bar The
Bee mailed to theiw. Address
' will It cheated aa atlea aa re
i lecsted.
i For change, that grand jury li
leading people to expect something
from It,
. Hello, the telegraphers' propose
that the government take over the
Ariiona U bow In the ilsterhood
ot states, and when Alaska cornea
in the glrle will all be at home.
' If the man has been found who
can squelch Yelser, be will be the
first one to play that role success
A Kational Purpose.
Former Senator Beveridge said In
his address to onr Omaha business
men that what the United States
needs and has failed to do is to de
velop a national purpose to the
extent Germany , has done, aa
Ideal that looks beyond individual
selfishness to the larger good of all.
He compared ns individually with
Germany and attributed our short
coming to the "over-developed idea
of liberty until It is very near to
license and the idea of slap-dash in
dividualism Instead of a sense of
duty." "Every German,' be added,
"works hard for himself, but more
for the whole German people."
Every thoughtful person knows
that Senator Beveiidge has struck
close borne In that trenchant arraign
ment. And every thoughtful person.
especially the one most prone to
complain of the Inequalities of our
Industrial system with a power of
correcting the faults, should search
himself to see If he shoulders any of
the responsibility for such a condi
tion. It Is all a mistake to say that
competition to thing of the past In
this country. Competition is the
most animate aspect of our national
life. It Is fiercely alive. We pursue
with reckless abandon the chase for
Individual aggrandizement, leaving
our neighbors to look out as best
they can for themselves.
Less ot such gross selfishness and
more ot a co-operative effort, less of
the sordid passion limited by the
meager bounds ot personal gain and
more of the broad, anxious concern
for collective prosperity to needed
to achieve a national purpose wor
thy ot America and Americans. In
theory we make laws for the whole
people and too often apply them
only to the other fellow,' Offr
economics are not on straight, but
resemble a cocked hat In their tilt
Te correct conditions, men with a
patriotic concern for the nation, with
a decent conception of a national
purpose, must do their part irre
spective of laws and legal mandates
or penalties.
1 , It's dollars to doughnuts Champ
Clark would not exchange his Job as
speaker for the chance he has to be
come president.
. Still, the passenger in the wrecked
train with 180.009 of securities on
him thought ot his life first whsn
the crisis came.
A California man has been ar
rested 115 times for being drunk.
Xren John Barleycorn out there
practices the recall.
There are some stats secrets,
doubtless, which those legislative
veterans did not let escape at that
reunion la Lincoln.
That Indiana woman who has dia
monds set in the heels of her shoes
proposes to make herself dstsllng
from the ground op. ,
t A new boosters' organisation at
Col ton, 8. D.. to called the Hammer
dob, on the theory, doubtless, that
every knoek to s boost.
' Boas Murphy has selected James A.
Foley IS succeed the late Senator Thomaa
F. Orady.-New Item in New York
The people, doubtless, will ac
quiesce In their boss' selection.
Mr. Bryan to ssld to get 1400 an
acre for bis cabbage on his Texas
farm. Aa acre ot cabbage, then,
will hardly buy a Chautauqua ad-
idly to supplant their old wooden
passenger coaches with those of steeL
Railroads are rather captious of crit
icism for wrecks. Only very recently
bss one of their publications gone
into lengthy and labored detail to
9how that the blame for each ac
cidents must not be allowed to fall
too heavily upon the railroads. That
to a matter the railroads, them
selves, cart regulate to a degree,
by preventive measures. The first
consideration for them should be safe
transportation. After they have
done their best to insure that, there
la nothing more for them to do, of
course. Even tne installing or aieei
cars will not become an infallible
guaranty against accident, for there
Is still left the element of "human
fallibility" and a few other things.
but as this catastrophe forcibly dem
onstrates, the strength of the pas
senger coach will help mightily to
protect humsn life.
terribly Distressed.
Pursuing Its customary tactics, the
local democratic organ professes to
be terribly distressed over the course
of The Bee and ita editor with refer
ence to republican politics, and as
usual It sets up one straw man after
another In order to knock them
dowa. In one sentence It describes
the editor of The Bee as the head of
the Taft "machine," an Irreconcilable
and uncompromising reactionary,
and In another pictures him aa turn
ing a somersault Into the Insurgent
camp. In one breath It charges the
editor ot The Bee with being re
sponsible for Colonel Yelser's letter-writing
activity, which got Ita
original Inspiration right In the
World-Herald office, and In another
declares that Yelser bss been but the
tool used by Oovernor Aldrich. The
only thing that stands out plain to
that the steadfast support given by
The Bee to President Taft and its ex
posurs of democratic deception con
stitute a thorn In the aide of the
democrats, who are voiced by the
World-Herald and who. In their In
terne desire for democratic suceeaa,
would rather have the republicans
nominate some other candidate.
Former Senator Beverldge of In
diana has Just made his first visit
to Omaha, which all who met him
and heard him trust will not be his
last visit among us.
Press dispatches say - that the
Chinese republicans hsve cut off
their queues and put on, American
hats. It Is the Manchus who are
wearing the cocked hat variety.
The man ef courage and eonvte-
tlon may be ever so fsr wrong and
yet retain the renpeci of his fellows.
which the man wrong without cour
age and conviction cannot claim.
Anthracite coal mine owner are
said to be satisfied with prices and
will not advance them. The con
sumers are dissatisfied, but they
would not think ot advancing them,
The slight hitch la Lillian Rus
sell's marriage plans Is to give her
betrothed time to qualify, convinc
ing sites Russell thst his Income
amounts to at least (CO.SOO n year.
Why Our People Art Skeptical.
Much as they would like to have
the project consummated, the people
of Omaha hav so many times hsd
their bones raised by announcement
that the Platte river power canal
was fully financed and about to be
built that they are naturally skep
tical on the subject That there Is
water enough and fall enough in the
rivers to the west of us to feed a
large power installation to fully at
tested, and the engineering and me
chanical problems Involved in build
ing the canal and la generating,
transforming and transmitting the
electric current can be worked out.
The real question has been and Is the
financial one how much money
would be required to build the eaaal
and develop the power what would
be the fixed charge and cost of
operation, and, finally, what would
be the possible revenue? tTp to the
present the assurance of profit, com
pared with risk, ha not been suffi
ciently tempting to capitalists and In
vestors. That explains why ' most
folks hereabout apply the rule ot
"seeing to believing" to tbls power
canal project. We are all ready to
booat, provided only something
tangible and feasible to presented,
but not disposed to waste time on
any mere speculative schemes.
By resolutlng In favor of direct
legislation, Nebraska's ex-lawmakers
have set another example ot high
minded self-sacrifice. They are quite
willing that their successor be dl
vested of part of their lawmaking
powers very much on the order of
the famous humorist, Petroleum V.
Nssby, who waa so eager to hav all
his wife' relatione go to (war.
South Omaha will soon have .a pos
tal savings bank. South Omaha to
a field that ought to offer particu
larly good play for thrift and laving
exercised by such a bsnk because of
the large number ot wage workers
there with moderate earnings. It
will be Interesting to see whether
they take full advantage of the pos
tal saving law.
That letter giving Information that
"they hav no police protection
within ten blocks of th Job" as an
Invitation to dynamite the Omaha
Street railway power house, I a re
minder that Omaha'a police fore to
so limited by lack of funda that
lot of territory entitled to police pro
tection doe not hav It
Ot course, If the Taft force need
th governor' office In . th state
house as their meeting place for
political medicine mixing, w would
expect loud protest from certain
source. But it always make a dlf
terenc who oi to gored.
Th fact that a railroad falls to
hive a surplus after meeting Its
monthly dividend may mean only
that the dividend rate haa been set
too high or that th amount of out
standing stock baa been unduly In
Yes, but If 8mltb persists In run
nlng for delegate-t-large to the Bal
timore convention, It may spoil that
democratic harmony program which
Edgar Howard any haa been agreed
Hippies la Ike 'Water.
Sioux City Journal.
Is Nebraska they are talking about
"Rooeeeelt and Aldrich." The eucteatioa
ot a favorite son for vice president can
easily be mads In a dossn states, but It
never creates a lend plain.
A "elate fence eaten,
i Philadelphia ledger.
Mere man la grateful for promised re
lief: the National Association of Retail
Milliners baa decided upon small hats
thli year. Now "the man behind" may
be able te ses what Is kapenlng on the
feohn Backward
lllibDay inOmalia
f COMPIU.D prop ett rix.sw
FEB. 17.
In Other Lands
Bo aw tid lights
Timasplria- Among
aa rss nation of
a What is
the ear
Dwattaa- Old I ass its.
' Pittsburgh. Dispatch.
Hobsoa Tia taken down Ms Japanese
war semra from the shelf, dueted It eft
and Is trying te get It late action, other
quondam persdere ot tb spook seem
sahamed to parade ft sew. It does seem
ss It Hobsoa might Invent some new
form of the old story. A Swiss Invasion,
te make all the population of the t'nlted
States go to that mountain lend and
pay not leas than ga a day at the
hotels, would be refreshing with at least
a color of plausibility. -
Thirty Tears Ago
The Evanirsllcai Lutheran mission eon-
grecatloa bousht the Christian church
building en Seventeenth street betweeen
Dodse and Capitol avenue, th purehase
price being I7.M. Th mission congre
gation vrtu occupy their new property in
about a month. The present pastor la
Rev. J. A. Hultman.
There are at present thirty-five in.
mates of th county poor hous. ever
which Superintendent Pierce presides.
Active work has begun on th Academy
ef the Barred Heart, the ground hems'
pious hed up, and nine teams being en
cased In hauling sand.
Our well known county commis
sioner. Mr. Fred Drerel. has Just
turned front a trip to Colorado, Utah
and Idaho.
James Stephenson has been awarded
the contract for grading the property
recently condemned and purchased by
the B. M. for depot grounds. Tne
contract will sum up st lesat WXeDS rarda
at SS cents a yard, amounting to SK.OOS
or ,.
The charges against City Marshall
Angel and Deputy McClure were dis
missed by the council, although careless
snd looseness in their conduct ot the
department wss admitted.
Tb Saratoga lyceum, after a tierce
debate, decided that th statesmanship
ef the present Is Inferior to that of th
The Omalia Glee club, which la re-
hesmhJg for Its concert with Fannie
Louise Keilosg as th soltat. hss received
from bar th music ot "Th Sweet By
snd By," arranged especially for her by
L. F. Brcktt of Boston.
Miss Anna Dickinson played "Hamlet'
and "Th Lady ot Lyons" at Boyd's.
being the guest while in Omaha ot Mr.
snd Mrs. , Georg P Bemis.
Twenty Years Ago
Mr. snd Mrs. W. M. Marshall left for
Lexington, Ky. Mr. Marshall Intended to
make a tour of th battlefield of the
south where he participated In the civil
Just before The Be went to press It
received a telephone messsae stating
th death ef Pst Hinchey. th veteran
polios offloer, and ths parson receiving
th mesas understood It as Pat Heafey
snd forthwith chronicled ths sad news ot
th death of thst prominent undertaker,
who had laid awsy so many himself.
President J. H. Hamilton ef ths
Kearney A Black Hills railroad was In
ths elty on business.
Miss Hamilton gave a delightful ken
elngloa, her guests ot honor being Miss
Hambleton and Miss Kngush. Ths others
present wars Misses Turner, Yost, Ken
nedy, Rawlea, Chambers. Lemlet, Wal
lace, Chandler, Mary Poppleton, Sher
wood, Hushes, Wadlelsh. Brown, Sharp.
Dundy, Jeeal Hlllard, Wool worth. Paul
ine Wadlelsh.
Mr. snd Mrs. P. I. Tebhlns wers sur
prised by ths "Jolly Sixteen" at their
home In th erenlr.s. In honor of their
recent marriage. They war presented
with a beautiful card tahl at a token
of friendship. Those present wen Mlaeea
Flora Oroourth, Track, Jshn, Clara Jahn,
Lena Tehblas, Julia Wuethrtcb, Imma
Wuethrich. Mamie TJ art well, Messrs.
Tusch. Msz Reic hen berg, Blatert, Hem
merer. Myer, Fleacher snd Wuethrich.
Ten Years Ago
W. F. Pearne of Grand Island, while In
Omaha, said It wss believed thst the
sussr factory In Grand leland, which had
been closed for two years, would soon
be reopened.
Chickens were retelling at UWj easts s
pound In Omaha, which was ths top
price for many years here.
Governor Bars ram up from Lincoln
and was closeted with friends from Lex
ington at the Millard hotel, talking Dol
lies, it was riven out- ,
Th proposition te eatabllih a gymna
sium with bath appurtenances snd sup
plying sn Instructor at 3 a month for
the sirla ef the high school, was re
jected by th Board of Education. Mem
bers W. F. Johnson, Howard. Robert
Smith. J. J. Smith and Mclntpsh made
speeches In favor of It. and Stubendorf,
Levy snd Homaa opposed It. Homan said
be thought th children of Omaha had
all ths physical culture they needed.
WlUiasa L Klersteed. secretary of the
Board ef Fir and PoMee Commissioners,
celebrated hm fiftieth birthday anni
versary at his beautiful home, OS
Florence boulevard, la ths evening.
when twelve friends ef hi family were
entertained at dinner.
nn T de' meddle with lobe that Deionc
itn the Mtular DracUtioners." Chicago
No law prevents people, otherwise
eligible to the matrimonial tie, from
having the nuptial "knot tied on the
itage It they want, to. Still, we
doubt whether public sentiment, even
In Omaha, to disposed to countenance' what happened In the
aud encourage the commercialising fast Pennsylvania Limited.
of the marriage ceremony to this extent.
It is a good thing for th new
Chinese republic that It creator,
Er. Sua Yat Sen, to big enough to
ttsnd aside willingly and let tbat
other big man. Yuan Shi Kai. tri
tome president, since he is the one
with a hold on the old forces, whose
peaceful submission will be one of
the requisites in perfecting anything
approaching a popular government-
5 ' '
Th aaetdat Ueetde.
Pittsburgh Dispatch.
Senator La Follette's declaration that
he will not slv his support to sny man
for ths presidency "unlesa he adopts
publicly. In blndlnc terms, th true prin
ciples ef progressive government by the
people' Is taken widely as sn lrrecoa-
ellaW stab st Roosevelt. But Roosevelt
or sny ether men can rush to bind him
self to th "true ntinelpMs of proareooitc
government by th people," the
data, ot course, being the en te
what those true principle ere.
Louisville Courier-Journal : For a spoa
tsneous movement that la to sweep the
country th Roosevelt boom seems to re
quire a pereletent amount of laborious
pumping-up by Ita promoter.
Houston Post: The democratic bead hi
usually big enouch and actlv enough, ss
Is ths democrat! coned eae. Tb trovbi
Is thst to blabbing otitic frequenUr
telle to eo-rdtnats with th thinking de
part merit.
8mu City Journal: The first Iowa dt-
eate to Uw national republican coneon-
tioa will be elected at a cssvwntlaa In the
Sixth district March s. It would be a
nice piece of advertising for lows, snd
tor Taft ss well. If th country could be
notified on the morning' ef March I that
th First district delegates ssleded In
lows, were Instructed for Taft. Present
Indications are that laws and Taft will
set this eealraMe airsrrisl ns.
BWJttsMrs American: Se thst whO the
sunlit banner of progress Is being raised
over the ramparts of Oyster Bay, the
starlit banner of Amu has poll ate a
waving ever th White House. Th pea
pi will he wis enouch to keee that flag
waving snd not supplant It by a Mongrel
device ef political experiments, euch ss
The Steel Car Vindicated.
It seems like miraculous interven
tion when only three live sx lost in
a railroad wreck where nine coaches
filled with passenger roll from the
tracks down a steep embankment to
the brink of n river. .Yet that to
ot the
looking for n miraculous Providence,
however, we may readily accept th
explanation that the small death roll
was due, at least In part, to the fact
that the nine coaches were made ot
steel Instead of wood. Had they
been wooden ear of th old-fash
loned type, the death roll would, ST1(M ,B,rlv. th referendum' end th re-
People Talked About
Don't cry, little Pu Tl, they are sending
your bottle along.
Thomas A. Fulton, whs wss (S yesrs
old recently, said he would challenge any
man of his yean to run wp sis fllghtt of
ttsirs. Mske It down six flights, Thonuu,
sn you might get some takers.
Ths us-co-the-mlnute convention city
which brings together for mutual lament
ation all th deposed rulers now on the
back benches will "put ons ever" Its
rivals, bee Idee getting en th front page
of life and taking In all kinds of money.
Th validity of a provision ot the will
of Henry Harteau ot Brooklyn, leaving
xn.W for th erecting ot a statue of
Ueneral Lsfayette, to be placed la Pros
pect para, Brooklyn, after the death of
Mr. Harteau, waa upheld by th New
York court of appeale.
J. B. Carman of Dee Moines, secretary
of the Seventh Iowa Infantry association,
announce a rennm ot the Iowa Hor
setf Nest association on th battlefield
ot Shitoh at Pittsburg Landing. Ttnn..
April snd T. tb occasion being the Cf.
tieth anniversary of ths battle. Through
he Louisville Courier-Journal Mr. Car
man extends a cordial Irmtarioa "to all
the eld confederal veterans who fought
t gallantly and heroically on Shlloh's
bloody field" to join in the reunion.
Of the many etorte recalled by th an
niversary of th birth ef President Lin
coln, th on which afforded him the
greatest amusement was often told by him
self. During his circuit ears a stranger
presented. Mm with a jackal fa and this
explanation: "This knife," said be. "was
placed In my hands soan years sgo with
th mjuBctlaa ss reee It until I found a
man more homely than myself. I have
carried It from that time to this. Allow
m t ear. sir, that I think roe are en
title to th property-"
reports say. hav been "appalling."
Her seem to be a complete vin
dication for th comparatively new
all-steel passenger coach. This ex
perience should more railroads rap-
call. which noil mean ths death of the
representative system of ua eminent. The
trua progressive sea those that Insure the
aatloa th right of war In th direction
ot Ha destiny as marked out by the coa-atltotlon.
Twenty-sixth Republic.
Taking the dispatches from Shanghai.
Nanking and Peking at face value, th
Chines republic twenty-sixth In the ros
ter of republics, has been formally
launched by ths surrender snd sbdica
tion of ths Manchu dynasty. .Ths new
republic adds about esO.000.IMS people, al
most one-fourth of ths population of th
world, to fh divisions of the humsn
family operating various systems of self
government Hitherto ths United States
rightly considered Jteelf th giant of the
republic family, a foster father tor th
youngsters of the new world snd tb
bearded elders ot the old. In six snd
quantity ths celestial republic crowds
Uncle Sam off to center of the stage
snd comes to ths front with a multitude
of rsw material equal to the population
of existing republics- A large and unex
pected addition to a family very oftea
checks natural exultation. In th ease
ot China prudence suggests thst the wel
coming acclaims be deferred until time
gives assurance of permanency. It Is
no small task to hold that multitude In
on cnb. Millions of them sre not f.
that they are cribbed and will not know
until th party leaders lins them up st
ths primaries. At present there are two
divisions of th republtethe Simon pur
section ruled by Dr. Sun Tst Sen, snd
the dvnastlo Hand patten for whom
Yuan. 8M Kai Is official receiver. Th
former Is en Americanised celestial: the
latter aa foxy as 'the Chinaman Immor
talised by Bret ' Hart. Both may hav
a few cards up their sleeves, th playing
of which might at anr moment alter the
present aspect of ths game. Obviously
the safer plan Is to reserve ths cheers
until ths play Is finished.
, , ess
Developments In Afelea,
Africa Is advancing at a notable pace
Without tb great tides ot Immigration
which hastened ths settlement ot ths
middle west of ths United States, ths
dark continent Is developing In a manner
hardly less astonishing. In ths interior of
ths great unknown of only a few yesrs
sgo electrlo lighted cities now throb with
business snd havs night life centering
around cafes snd theaters. Fsr up ths
Nile, even st Khartum, where Chinees
Gordon fell, universities are being built
At the great Zambesi falls that Living
stone discovered only a half century ago,
a modern nolel lights up the very in
terior of Africa. Pleaaure boats ply on ths
Isolated Victoria Nyanss. ths unknown
headwaters of the Nil of only a few
years sgo, snd here snd there In ths
night thst settle down on ths continent
electric lighted trains creep like glow
worms. Their pasesngers enjoy French
table d'hote dinners snd are refreshed
by shower snd needle baths Africa hss
"com" very fast and ths year WIS re
corded all but th complete passing of
th Africa that Stanley knew forty years
Prosperity In Ireland.
In en article reviewing th condition
of ths real estate business In ths United
Kinsrdom. aa shown by ths transactions
ot ths year ML ths London Economist
refers to Ireland as having exhibited, fsr
nor distinctly than any other part ot
ths country, sn improved stats of things.
"In Ireland," says ths Economist, "th
magic of property has worked wonders,
snd ths mere fact that th teasnts own
their landa haa produced an enormous
Increase In agricultural Industry and
prosperity." This statement la In accord
with, tha nbservatlona and narratives of
visitors to Ireland for some time past
The land purchase legislation enacted by
Xariiamamt after so many years of sal
tation hss smply vindicated ths claims
of thee who so earnestly an psrsist
sntly urged that reform of ths system
of lsnd tenur wss ths ons moat vital
need ot the country. "Foremost among
ths names of thoss whose influence wss
exerted in behalf of this wis and salu
tary policy," comments ths New Tork
Post "should be placed that of Joha
Stuart Mill: how much misery and how
much political difficulty and danger
might havs been obviated had his coun
sels been heeded seventy. Instead of
twenty years sgo. It Is Impossible to com
pute." ee
German, Machinery selaeas.
How vigorously Germany la working to
overcome the Americas lead in ths manu
facture and export of machinery Is In
dicated by th "export number" ot th
Berlin weekly. Die Woe be. which devotes
a large section to manufactures and ex
ports. Ths principal article Is by Prof.
Hch It singer of Charkottenburg on "Ths
Place of German Machinery In th World
Market" He shows that while exports
ot German machinery between IMS and
Hut increased from 11.000 tons to M.0M,
th Imports, T.ftJO In 1W snd . ths yesr
following, grew to I. WO In ISM, but sine
then hsvs declined to shout MOi. From
England are exported chiefly heavy ma
chines, while thou from America are
small and light Prof gchleslnger urges
thst German machines be made so good
snd attrsctlvs that they may even over
leap the American customs barrier.
Among ths things te be learned from
America he give first plaos to minute
specialisation and th reduction ot cort
by standardizing.
Mote Liberia sebolar.
Shortly after th passage of the fugi
tive slave law by congress In USA, Edward
Wllmot Blyden. born In the Danish Island
of 8t Thomas in th West Indies ot pure
negro blood, in vsln sought sn education
la the colleges ot New England. With
the assistant- of friends his ambition to
go to the African republic ot Liberia wss
gratified, and through unrestricted op
portunities ot th new country became Ita
foremost scholar, statesman and diplo
matist dying there recently at th age
of 79. lie was versed In French. German.
Italian. Spanish. Hebrew. Greek and
Latin, but bis special field was Arabic.
Dr. Blyden had served ss secretary of
state and secretary of the Interior In the
cabinet of th president of Liberia. In
IM waa commissioner to th United
States for Liberia, In 1ST7-7 wss minister
to Great Britain, and at en time served
th British government ss diplomatic
agent to make trestles with the powerful
Mohammedan snd pagan chiefs of central
She Men.sre mere snimals.
He-Yet you admitted Just now that ot
the' two sexes man Is the mora logical.
She-Oh. 1 meant ecological. Boston
Transcript .
Mrs. D Style Oh. doctor, yon must do
something to get me on my feet This
my "at home" today.
Doctor Don't worry, madam. You'll
be at borne all rig tit-Chicago Record -Herald.
"Don't you think there were some fin
periods In my speech?" asked the Impas
sioned orator.
"A few." renlied the calm critic "But
not enough in proportion to th xclasjuv-
uon points, Hsshington tar.
Sh-Tsklng about women being sol
diers, don't you think they eouid, right at
a pinch?
He-i am sure If there was occasion
for It they could come up to the scratch.
Baltimore American.
S. EL Klser tn Record-Herald.
Good-by. little Pu-Yt
They have taken your throne from yoo.
But there, there, little boy. don you cry.
Ton atlll mav hav much to do:
They hav driven away your Imperial
clan. -
And robbed the leeches of Joy:
But you may be honored when your are
There Is one thing that pleases me lm-
meneely," whispered tne passing millionaire.
They bent to catch nit woros.
"What is that?" they aaked.
"In my policy of fooling the public."
h murmured. "I have posed merely aa S
man ot wealth now they will discover
I am a multl."
And chuckling softly b Passed out-
Cleveland Plain Dealer..
' . - j i h. K-a
juet inherited a fortune went te ses a
"Can you do anything with these,
ma'am?" he asked, exhibiting his hands
Yes, sir." she said, "after you'v goo
to a surgeon snd hsd thos cracks sewsd
Though you now are a poor littls boy.
Good-by. little Pu-TI.
They hav driven you from your throne
But you need not weep and you need not
sigh. :
It waa not for faults of your ewn.
They have ended a shame that waa deep
and old . .
And a fester upon the earth:
But you. er your story ahall all bo told.
May teach them a good man's worth.
Good-by. little Pu-Yl, - 1
You're a poor little boy. after all:
They that flattered you when you were
Will be first to forget your fall:
They will give you blame you never hav
earned. '
Prove worthy In word and deed. .
' .4
Gooby-by. llttl Pu-Yl.
May th fates bring ysu future Joy,
May the world be poorer when you shall
Though you now are a poor little boys
They have taken you down from your
r acock throne.
Freedom Is sested there:
May you win regard tor your worth alone
And not for the robee you wear.
r.lada from grape Cream of Tar
tart absolutely free from alum.
For sixty years American home
wive have found Dr. Price's Cream
Baking Powder a guarantee of light,
pure and wholesome food.
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A good deal more Interest would be
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th backbone of wtnteta
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Springfield Republican.
The orerproduetioa of book ia becom
ing serious. Last yesr there were Issued
ia England volumes, sn Increase of
W er so over IMS. which was a record
I year. The greatest Increase was In phi
losophy, religion, science sad technology.
History, biography, poetry snd drama
alas showed a gain. Of new noreis there
were 1.BS. of which It la not Dkeiy that
more than M per cent merited publication.
Amid so hug a rubbish heap th work
of sifting la necessarily slow.
Assets. Janaary 1. ltia . . 32t Ji
Reserve Fund Janaary 1, 1912 613.01S.BO
beenritir with State Department January 1, 1013 S430.00
(TS Bosars Ons Xsswmaa Oaartteart.
Bats per thowsand, age Sfi (other agea tn proportion), M.75.
Mortality Cost per f 1.000 Inswranco Mesa Amount, Year 1011, 93.10.
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Home Office: Brandeis Building, Omaha, Nek
Telepbosse Douglas 702L.