Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1912, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee
Fair; Warmer
1 , i i
VOL. XLI-XO. 210. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 17. 1912-SIXTOKV PUJFX ivm.w nrwv -pvta nrx-rc
- " . UlVliiJJ WaV A 1 II V XfcJa
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C ;' aswawaawwaw.
Application of Adjutant General to
Lmto Anny is Approved by
President Taft.
Aetiott Taken to Mean Dropping of
' " the Charges. -
Friend of General . Auuworth in
House Preparing Eesolntion,
Adjataat General and Inspector
- General to Be Members at Gen."
eral State aad .-taborei.
' aate to the Chief.
worth cam took midden turn lata today
when PreaMent Taft approved the former
adjutant general's application for retire
ment. Tlile meani there will be bo court
martial, it to amid. . . ' ,
A congressional Iht-estlsatlon of the
tVnr department probably by a house
committee appeared today to be a cer
tain outcome of the Ainsworth-Wood line
and staff controrersy, which resulted yes
terday In the relief of Adjutant General
Fred C. Alhaworth from office.
. WASHINGTON, Feb. 16.-A eongres-
alonal Investigation of the .War depart
ment probably by a nouss committee ap
peared today to be a certain outcome of
the Alnswortn-Wood line and ataff con
troversy which resulted yeatarday In the
relief of Adjutant General Fred C. Alne
worth from office.
- Frienda of General Alneworth In the
houss were said today to be preparing
. the resolution of investigation, and It wai
aid that an effort would be made to
have' the erope of the Inquiry ao widened
aa to Induce an inquiry Into the admin
istration ef affah-a in Cuba at the time
General Leonard Wood, now chief of staff
of the army, waa military governor of
the island. i
. Judge -Advocate General Crowder'wae
busy today preparint the charges on
wnica General Alnsworth will be tried
by court-martial. , j
lloase Axaeada Army Bill.
Meantime the house-' of representatives
look a hand In War department affairs
6 adopting an ameqdment to th army
appropriation bill consolidating the
orrtcea of chief of ataff, adjutant general
and Inspector general Into a single- bu
reau of the general staff. . The chief of
staff would be the supreme and directing
head, with the adjutant general and. In
spector general members of tba staff.
Representative Berger of Wisconsin,
socialist, attacked the policy of an ex
tensive .standing army, declaring it to
be a" "standing preparation tar war.
,. "Texas alone." ha said, "could whip.
Mexico I) case of aa attack. If the Cana
dian should try to attack us I believe
New fork could do the Job." '
The War department officials are busy
selecting the court which will try General
Alnaworth and In formulating the
charges. Necessarily a dumber of retired
officers of high rank must be placed on
the oourt and the department la communi
cating with some of these officers who
are not low In Washington to ascertain
It they would find It feasible and accept
able to serve on thla court, which from
the Importance of the Issues Is likely to
be one of the -most notable In army
history. If may be several daya before I
the Issue of the formal order creating
the court and citing General Aln worth
before It ,
Although the Issues to be tried are ex
ceedingly Important, Involving aa they do.
all of the old rancorous disputes that have
been waged between the line and the
atari for quarter of a century, local
officers of the War department do not
think the trial Itself wiU consume much
time, it Is behaved the evidence to be
presented win be principally documentary.
Including the varloua orders and reports
that have Issued from the adjutant gen
eral's office within the last four years
and especially . the letter made public
yesterday from Secretary Btimson to Gen
eral Alnaworth. formally charging him
with disrespectful conduct. In view of the
limited accommodations at the War de
partment the court probably will assemble
at the war college or at Fort Myer,
The National Capita
Friday, Fehrwary It, ,
The Senate.
Not in session. Meets at p. as. Won-
uay. -Manufacturers
of steel prodocta eon.
tinuea to protest before finance com
mittee against house steel tariff kill.
Appeals for constitutional amendment
granting votes tor women made before
woman suffrage committee.
Senator WUliama of altealaalnel rev
ested before the senate interstate com
merce committee Ms bill for the regul
tlon of Interstste eoroo atlona.
Delegation from the American Bankers'
association urged the enactment of lerl
latlon for better regulation of bills of
suing. H .......
The Houe.
Met at noon.
rtotida everglades investigation con.
tinned, new Interest added by proposed
prosecution or recently dismissed agri
cultural Department orncers.
Interstate Commerce Commissioner
H. Meyer at a hearing urged wide POW
era for the commission. Including phys
ical valuation of railroads and supervi
sion or do no,
consideration of army appropriation
oni resumed.
Consolidation of divisions of chief
staff, adjutant general and .inspector gen
eral in oureau or general stair agreed to.
Congressional Investigation of the War
aepartment said to be a certain out
come oi toe Alnaworth Incident
Chinese Celebrate
Beginning of the
New Governmen
PEKING, Feb. lt-The proclamation ef
the republic of China la being celebrated
with enthusiasm In numerous dtles. and
no reports of aetioua disorders have
come to hand. '
General Li Yuen Hang, the republican
military leader at Hankow, who waa ap
pointed vice president of the republic by
Sun Tat Sen, urges the selection of Wu
Chang as the capital ef the republic. ' It
la thought In some quarter that ha
doing this with a. view to assisting Yuan
Shi Kai by dividing the republicans In
the south.
NANKING. Feb. 11-The republicans In
telegraphing news of Ma selection ax
president of the Chinese republic to Yuan
Shi Kal at Peking informed Mm that he
waa second - only to George Washington,
who waa the only other president of a
republic who had been unanimously
HONGKONG.- Feb.. M.-A report
received from- Swetow today that the
st earner Kum Chow of Hongkong, flying
the. British flax, entered that port con'
veylng 1008 revolutionary Chinese sol
diers bound for the aerth. When they
attempted to land the local troops pro
tested and threatened to open Are.
The Weather
For Nebraska Generally fair.
For lowa-l naetilel weithcr and r rob
ably occasional rein. r
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday.
s s. nK.
kvbW ?tS:::
f la. m...
fl . .Li i p. m...
s- Mi 5 p.m...
; f
... t:
Wickersham Advised
Prosecution of Two
Drainage Engineers
WASHINGTON. Feb. M.-A at Inter.
est Was added today .to the. congressional
Inquiry Into the Flor.-a Kvsrgladea , by
the fact that Attorney General wicker.
sham had recommended grand Jury con
sideration of the charges of transference
of publlo funds against the recently dis
missed officials of the agricultural drain
age bureau. C. G. Elliott, chief drainage
englnetr, and hla assistant A. D. More
F. E. Singleton, chief accountant In the
department, i now under suspension, and
R. P. Teela, formerly, an accountant, also
are Involved In the papers sent by Mr.
Wlckersham to the local district attorney.
J. O. Wright formerly an assistant to
Elliott, waa cross-examined today.
Solicitor McCabe of the Department of
Agriculture filed: with the committee a
full Hat of congressmen who had been
accompanied on speaking tours by ex
perta of the department but the commit
tee excluded the Hat
The list it Is said. Indicated that the
toura had not by any meana been eon-
fined to campaign days.
Two Harden Came Quintette to
Walk to Gallows While Friends'
Seek Clemency.
After Bobbing Him,
Murdered Truck Fanner Needlessly
Fails to Convince Judge Ehonld Not
Fay Death Penalty.
Maw Wha Slew flarenc Hlller
derated Deeptte Plem at
Hts Attorney.
Mysterious Death of
Aged'Millionaire is
to Be Investigated
SAPULPA,' Okl.. Feb. lt-Examlnatlon
of the body of William BerryblU. a mil
lionaire producing oil land owner, who
died suddenly yesterday, waa begun today
by physicians at the Instruction ef rela
tives who assert the belief that the man
waa the victim of foul play.
The aged man, father of Antra Berry-
bill, was found dead In hla bedroom at
the family home yesterday.
Sensational developments are expected
when the final report of the physician la
made. After a preliminary examination of
the body the physicians had a conference.
A more thorough Investigation waa de
cided upon. - "
j; OKLAHOMA CITT. Okl.. Feb. lt-WII-t:
j ham D. Berryhlll. now dead at Sapulpa,
ls a Cherokee Indian. For several years
SK I his Income from royalties oa oil lands
3 ' has been more than SlW.Ooa a year. Hla
land Is 'in the Glenn fleld'aeai Sapulpa
at i and Tulsa, along the Arkansas river. . -
CHICAGO. Feb. Ml-Flve murderers
were banged In the Cook county Jail to
Thus more men Buffered the extreme
pjenalty than met death for throwing
the Haymarket bomb In the anarchist
riots of ISM, Two murders caused all five
to walk to the gallows and drop to their
death through the trap, while four were
hanged for the Haymarket bomb throw
Frank Shlblawskl, Emll Shlblawakl. hla
brother; Philip Somerllng and Thomas
Schulta. slayers of Fred W. Guelaow,
truck farmer, whom they killed In cold
blood after robbing him. died while their
spiritual adviser waa seeking to convince
Judge that the four were Insane.
Priest Tries to Save Lives.
A Polish Catholic priest declared before
Judge McKlnley In the superior court
thst he believed the youths were Insane.
While the death march of the Shlblawakl
brothers was In progress la the Jail office
bailiff from Judge McKlnley's court
sped to the Jail office and aummoned
Jailer Davlee to court But three minutes
before the' bailiffs arrival the Shlblaw
skis had been swunglnto eternity.
Laviea reruarn to obey , the summons
to ths superior court. Instead. Chief
Deputy Peters' telephoned to the Judge
that two of the men had been hanged
and that the executions of ths other two
Would proceed unless a formal writ pre
No writ waa Issued and Summerilng and
Bchults followed their companions In
crime on the gallows.
edge Refasea a teo Eteeatlens.
The hanging of . Thomaa Jennings.
negro, who killed Clarence HI Her. while
attempting to rob the Hlller home, came
after Judge Landla In ths t'ntted Statee
dlatrfct oourt had denied a petition for
release th s writ of habeas corpus which
eat forth that Jennings had bean eon.
vtotad ea finger-print evtdenoe which he
had been compelled to give the police fa
violation of kla rlghta. '
Jssfe tandls did aot ruts on the com
petency of fhe evidence, holding that ths
paint If taken to the federal courts at
air should Have' been carried directly to
tne United States supreme oourt from
the state supreme court. ' H also declined
consider the evidence of the photog
rapher that ha had been asked by the
Police to -retouch photographs of AVn-
nlngs' finger prints snd sharply criticised
the man who mads the affidavit for de
laying to -make his statement until the
trials and appeala ware over..
The five hangtnga caused many to dis
cuss the abolishment of capital purO-th-meat
In Illinois
M order ef Gwrlaser Bratal.
The men murdered Ouelxow on the
northwest aide While ha was on hla way
to market with a load of aarden truck.
Ouelsow, who had been married a little
more than a year, pleaded with hla
assailants take his money but spare his
lire for the salts of his wife and
month-old baby. Instead, his slayers
attacked him with cluba, knlvea and re
volvers. After they had killed him they
disfigured his body. They were arrested
wane trying to sell Ooelsow's horses.
Ths crime waa committed October M,
ltU. The six were found guilty De
cember It' The punishment of the twe
youngest was fixed at lite Imprisonment
and ths other four at death. They wars
to have been hanged December Jt, but
Governor Deneen granted a stay until
today. .
Jennings was convicted of having
murdered Hlller in the latter'a home,
September IS. ISM. on being discovered
la the act ef committing burglary.
'tfo A Hurry and See Your Tailor!"
"6Wn s n
A a'A I ' ft
From ths Cleveland I-eader.
JACKSON. Ky.. Faev 11-A long alum-
; bertng Breathitt county feud, war waa re-
? I: S:::::::::::: Jt i feud war in Breathitt
V "V AeMlttVu Ijk SB, s. ...
CMp.ratlve Local Iteewrd. ; TliUUfl I I I2 KtVIVtO
i. i wit isnt itite iw I ;
Hlshest yesterday...... 41 t
lowest yesterday II 35 4
Vean ImMWiiM 31 T7 - A -itj
Preciplutlon . .) .o Thursday, when John Davidson sad
Temperature and oreclDiutlon deu--! Lvl Johnson were killed and another
lure from the normal: man wounded ' near Buckhom. about
KrTea? formtt?d.7 !twenty miles from here. Ths shooting
Total excess since Maroh i im.'.'."" its w" " from sndlta' " along ths
is or m l precipitation .S2 inch
i cr:ciencY r.r tne csy..rf m Inch
Two Former Bankers
Are Granted Paroles
Charles E. Mullln, formerly cashier of a
national bank . at Pittsburgh. Pa., and
Clarsnes C. Waller, formerly connected
tth a bank at Fort Smith. Ark., are
among ten prisoners for whom paroles
were received at the federal penitentiary
nere today.
ssuiun waa received June S. talk, to
serve live years for cmbeixlement Wal
ler, charged - with using artifice to de
fraud, was brought hers September U,
HI", te serve two and a half rears.
Army Officer Who Led Squad Into
Juares in Custody.
sr neaartsaeat Decides ta DmI
Drastlewlly with Maa Wis
pearly Cssaed lateraa
- tleaal Clash. ,
WASHINGTON. FeV lS.-The War de
partment derided to deal drastically with
Lieutenant Ben W. Fields of the Eight
eenth Infantry, who, In command of
squaa or American soldiers, made the
mistake of crossing Into Juares. Mexico.
from El Paso, Tax., yeatarday afternoon
and nearly precipitated an International
clash. Fields haa been placed under ar
rest pending further Investigation.
V. bile the War department Is convinced
that the mists ke waa dus to ths un-
famlllarlty of Fields and his men with
ths fact that the trolley car they boarded
was to cross Into Mexlcsn territory
fore reaching Its destination on American
soil. It Is desired that thla fact be thor
oughly Impressed on the Mexican off!
Th Mexican gsvernsteat has promised
ine tnitsa . mates te protect the ten
Americans now at Tlaahuallle, state of
uarango. '
Street Care jtaja Haaalag
JH. PASO, Feb. MStreet ears resumed
running ,ts Juaraa this momlac after
suspension of, service for twenty-roar
hours aa a result of American ao Idlers
crossing Into Mexico with . their arms en
street car yesterday.
Newa reached Jaurea this morning that
Vaeoulstaa raptured the town of Guerrero
Chihuahua last night
The state legislature at Chihuahua has
nt peace commissioners to all parts ef
the stats to endeavor to Induce the rebels
return to the ranks of ths Medertstaa.
Troops have been sent from Caaanea
into the mountains after the troops whs
rebelled there two sights ago. The
troops have orders to show no mercy to
tne rebels U captured.
The company of stats militia called out
last night by the state adjutant General
Hutchlns, waa not called to arms today.
Flood Damage in
Portugal Amounts
to Ten Millions
LISBON, Feb. it Whole - villages aad
parte of some towns wars, wrecked by
the floods which recently swept Portugal
and whose subsidence makes known the
fact that damage to the amount of tie.
000,000 was done by them. The provlnoea
of Estremadurs, Algarva. Alemtelo and
Mlnhd suffered most
Scenes of havoc and desolation are ob
served for miles along the country roads.
Houses and other buildings have col
lapsed, and among their ruins dead cattle
lie la thousands. There also have been
many human victims. Hundreds have
been left destitute.
The government has sent M,ul loaves
of bread. iO.sw pounds of fish and 10.000
bottles of wins to ths diet reused people.
mountain road aad five mew are said to
have participated.
Davidson recently waa acquitted of the
Total rainfall since March 1...H7J inches
Iflc!ency for cor. period. !ia U S6 Inches r" murdering John A beer, who
Excess (or oor. period. 1KB est knebee : toos d btn htenttfled with the Cal la-
Temp. High-
I p. m.
te rta frwsa Starless at T V. M
elation and
titate of Weather.
Cheyenne, snowing..
I "even port, cloudy...
oenver. Cloudy
Dee Moines, clear ,
podge City, clear.....
Lander, clear
North Platte, cloudy.
Omaha, cloudy
Pueblo, clear
RapM City, cloody...
Santa Fa. Hear
Salt Lake City, cloody.
oaaia ne, etear..,
Khcridaji elaurfv
(Sous City, clear. ...
salenttne, cloudy
L- A. WELSH. Loea:
... 43 St
bans of this section.
He wss friendly with the Deatons, which
baa resulted la what Is termed the Dea-
04 ton-Davidson dsn. Ths shooting today
occurred within tares an Ilea of Ed Cal
la ban's boms. It si feared the trouble
ei win brine so further issumptles of bos-
. ttlitiea. .....
. 41
. 41
. 40
. 4
WEST LIBERTY. Ia.. Feb. M.-Bpeclal.)
Harry Rockwood. aged It. a farm laborer
employed by George Angercr, was crushed
and smothered to death last night when
tne contents of a alio fell upon htm.
Ths ensilage had frosen In the silo, snd
la taking It out It had been dug out from
the bottom. When Rockwood entered
the slle the frosen contents of It above
him fell. Relatives live In Shelby, Mich.
BERLIN. Feb. at Tne German aviator.
Schwtdt died today from ths effects of
a fall of 10 feat while he was firm ye
tarday la hla biplane. The cause of the
accident waa the breaking of the ele
ven ne rudder.
SAX QUENTIN. Cal.. Fab. It-Armed
with a sharp pointed file, Edward Del-
hantle, a negro eoovlct believed to be
insane, ran amuck In the prison yard
today and killed William . Kaufman, a
fellow prisoner, while William Peterson.
also a convict received fatal wounds.
Ths negro sprang at Peterson as ths con-,
vlcts Hned np for breakfast When Pet-
ereoa fel. be fled across the yard, en
countering and stabbing Kaufman as be
ran. Aa Dementia stood at bay against
the wall. Guard Duffy walked up to him
quietly asked for the file. The
negro gave n up and went to hla cell
without resistance. Delhantle waa sen
tenced for aa unnatural crime.
.Cbleat-s Waaeaua Killed! ky Haadtaad.
Mt CHICAGO. Feb. kt While Mrs. Ksw
.)) stantla Zamkowskl lay la her bed sleep
.04 1 Ing here today, her husband. Frank, shot
.00 'aad killed her. Then he attempted aui
0S dda by shooting himself. Taev bad aou.
r:rVT!-Tr "mesne eiiairs. nvs children near Alex, Okl.. today. Tba i.
" I J. ?'r?'n " caaiag away when flames from eooalna7 stove
salts to boaaa waita.
Three (hlldsww ImH te Bests.
ftmCXASHA. Okl rva s .n
dren. one an Infant a mm,th.
bemad ts death when the farm honae
of Tb.ii i lie. Friend waa destroyed by fire
I room were ankaned by the abeua--
FORT DODGE. Ia., Feb. lt-4Specis!
Telegram.) Elevator manager attending
tne Farmers Grain Dealers' Association
of Iowa la thla dty today organised aa
auxiliary arsaaisstloa far their owa busi
ness advancement. D. 8. Dick of Ha
wardea was made president; William
Lynch ef Green Mountain, secretary:
Manager Green ef Jefferson, vice presi
dent A eaaamlttas was appointed in re
port oa a constitution aad bylaws at
Sosi CHy next year dating the next an
nual grain dealers aasstlsa. Ths oommlt-
tas is somposud sf Ota at an Lynch,
Managers Toyne ef RaJston. Thompaoa of
Badger. Daily ef Chad wick aad Olamaa
of MelTla. . . . . ,
American Woman
is Charged With
Bigamy in London
LONDON, Feb. 1S.-A remarkable
sequel hss developed to ths marriage be
tween Horace Field Parahall of Mllford,
K. T., the American capltallat-enalnear,
who la chairman of the Central London
Tube railway, and Mrs. Ueborrah Jef.
freya, which took place at Eltham reg
letry office on May S, last year.
The woman waa arraigned yeatarday at
the Bow st ret police court on a charge
of bigamy. She Is vary attractive and
appeared before the magistrate la a
handsome costume. In answer to the
charges, aha said:
1 am deeply sorry for what I have
done. I would not have dona It tt my
husband had not made me."
In a formal statement made to ths
oourt she declared that she first mat
Mr. Parshall la January, 1311, whan she
s presented as a widow. Ha after
ward proposed marriage to ber. Her
husband, Herbert H. Jeffreys, from whom
she waa separated, urged her to marry
i-arsnaii tor bn money ana threatened
to kill her If aha revealed to Parshall
that (he was married.
Mr. Parshall afterward received an
anonymous latter la which his supposed
wife confessed what shs had dona. Thv
meniaie waa annulled by ths high court
United States
Circuit Judge
Lanning is Dead
TRENTON. N. J., Fsb. 1.-Unlled
States Circuit Court Judgs William M.
Lanning. died at hla horns la this city
today from heart trouble.
Judge Lanning was to bavs sst with
Circuit Court Judges Gray and Buffing
ton In ths government suit sgalnst the
United States Steal corporation and Its
Judge Lanning waa a years old. He
haa been III for several weeks. It waa
believed he waa suffering from a nervous
breakdown and it waa thought with rest
ha would recover.
Judgs Ijinnlng was prominent In the
affairs of ths Presbytwisn church and
was a member of ths board of trusti9of
the general assembly of that denomina
tion. He waa a director of Princeton
Theological seminary and waa a trustee
of the Lawrenoevllle school.
Woman Testifies Claimant is Not
' Her Son Who Disappeared.
She Saya Wrltlanj la ths I .altera Hs
eat Res Is Kst at All Like
Writing st Her Sea Did
' 'et Kaew Nlles Fwant.
Disclosures Throush Forty Thou
sand Missives Alleged to Impli
cate Iron Workers.
All Defendants Charged with Guilt
ia FurtJierin-r "Johs."
Accused Sleti Held Guilty of nieg-alj
Oil Magnates Take
Fight Into Court
. Lons. Feb. H.-Attorneye and
representatives of the Standard Oil- I
ST. LOUIS. Feb. lA-Melodrama reached
Ita climax la the Klmmet case today,
when Mrs. Est slle Klmmel. IS years old.
and ths man, apparently St. who Is put
forward by an Insurance company aa her
son. George A. Klmmel, stood .Ids by aids
nerore the Jury, and when, after oompar-
Ing them, feature by feature. Attorney
a n. Taylor demanded:
Is (hat man your eonf"
Hs Is not my son.", replied the mother
in a hard, firm. voice,.
"My Instinct and mother love."
testified with streaming eyas and trem
bling voice, "would tell me if he (mear
Ing the claimant) were my aon, boae of
my bono and flash sr my flesh. And I
would recognise him.' .
Tou feel absolutely, sure, thin." ahi
was asked, ' that he Is. as longer Uvlagr
xes, i aa sure -my son is dead."
no testified jt hat she saw the claimant
la the Matleawaa, N. T asylum, and
that sbs decided thea that the oonvtct was
not her son. Ha was resulatva re. her
shs testified, and ha did aot know people
In Nlles. Mich., that her son would have
Letters-written by ths olalmant and by
ner son were Mentined by ths witness,
who declared that her son would not
navs written the kind of letters ths en
vici nea written. The conviot s words
wsrs poorly spelled snd Klmmel'i was
On cross-examination Mrs.- Kimmsl tes
tified that she would not feel morally
bound to return to another Insurance
company the money aha received from It
oa bar son's Ufa If ths Jury In ths present
trial found that the claimant was her son.
Plan Pension Fund
For Aged Ministers of
Presbyterian Church
raise a fund of itt.W for tha aunmx
of aged clergyman of ths Presbyterian
church may be ths outcome of a confer
ence which to being held between a sub
committee of the general assembly and
ths board of managers of ths atrstanta
tlon fund for ths support of ministers
mors than It years old.
If plsns are carried out a aaw avsiem
of insurance will be an assurance against
Rockefeller Interests who attended the ' """"J' ministers In their old daya
annual meeting of ths stockholders of j " p"u b""l on that of life
the Watera-Ilerce Oil company have lr,urcs companies and the cost to ths
been served. It wss announced today, with mlBU"r begins his payment about
subpoenas to appear Monday and give
depositions regarding the me mods em
ployed by the Rockefeller Interests in
ths reorganisation of tha Standard Oil
The subpoenaa were served on M. M.
Van Buren aad Walter Taylor of New
York. H. W. Stewart of Chisago aad
George N. Mayer of Kansas City. It Is
believed that the taking of the depoat-
tlona will serve to stay the mandamus
proceedings before Circuit Judge Ktnsey
tomorrow. . . ,
The mandamus proceedings arc to force
Clay pierce and hla associates, owners
of ths minority stock In the Waters-
Pierce Oil company to certify the votes
the Rockefeller stockholders In ths
Missouri corporation. Herca contends
that the votes should aot be counted, and
a statement hla lawyers charged that
ths Standard Oil company was attempt
ing to perpetuate a trust, '
his twenty-fifth year will be from Sit to
S annually. This Is expected to procure
tor nun an annuity of IfOC in hla old age.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb. lC-Spsolal Tel
ogrem.) A double disappointment and a
funeral falls to ths lot of a young
Roumanian named Herscovlta.
Several years ago he and Rosa Rosca
berg were sweethearts In the. old coun
try. He-earns to America to make his
fortune and after, several years of toll
waa able to provide her with a home-
She started en the etemmar Puu
which arrived In New Tork February 1L
En route Rosa died and word waa aent
to her brother, Israel Rosenberg of this
city. When the body arrived todav it
waa learned that aot only waa the
woman whom HerscovtU had .expected
to mane hie wife, but that more than
rear ago she had married- another. .'who
was ills rival before he came. t ihi.
Correspondence Telia A boat Part
Played by Local Officers aad
ef the Parmenta Made te
INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. 11-New diaolft.'
cures made la the dynamite conspiracy
cases through ). letters and telegrams
quoted in the Indictments aa tmpttoatlnc
practically all the cfflclala of the Inter-.
national Association of Bridge and Struo-'
tural Iron Workers will be the basis. It,
waa declared today, oa which tha rovers-'
ment will seek to convict ths fifty-four i
defendants who are charged with cam-'
mlttlng sr abetting In si most MS ex-
plosfcas. '
The correspondence contained In anal
of tha thirty-two Indictments and em
bracing what are termed "uncoasum-l
mated acts of conspiracy," la held as
showing that a vast plot, known to and I
furthered by Frank M. Ryan, preetdent
ut the Iron workers, and to members of I
his sxsoutlvs beard and many business
agents, was carried on for six years to'
destroy the property of steel and Iron , I
contractors who employed nonunion I
labor. '
lew Plot Devclopee).
It charges all the defendants with be-j
Ing squally guilty as abettors. It also'
purports to reveal evidence that "Jobs"
became tha accepted term to be sent
through the mall to designate some place
that wa to be blown up. and that grao-.
ually the officials of .local unions began I
to call ca the International headquarters
In Indianapolis to assist by dynamite aad t
nitroglycerin In Increasing the expanses i .
of "open shop" contractors. Ortls K.
McMaalgal. Herbert S. Hockln, second
vies president, and Jamae aUMoNamarai
became. It la charged, aa. organised (
"dynamiting craw." .
Letters are Included to . show regular j
feea were paid to McManlgal, snd thst I
ths cost sf doing local "Jobs" frequently I
waa discussed In letters,
A letter from Olsi A.. Trsltmae of thai
local union la San Francises t J. J.I
McNamara In Indianapolis, after tha Lor
Angeles Times disaster, atwting ha "hsiaxf.
lanta cfaui would be as kind aad gen
erous to yon with surprises." la quoted
to show ths conspiracy spread from Boa-,
ton to ths Pacifie coast. ' t i
Peas Mace ladlctaeeate.
Four mora Indictments, not yet made!
publlo, supplement ths principal Indict-1
ment containing the correepnodencev
These Indictments . name all the fifty-
four defendants aa implicated la the gen
eral conspiracy and make tksss charges:
That, on thirty-four counts all ths
defendants are guilty aa principals la
Illegal transportation of dynamite.
'That, oa thirty-tour counts, MoManl-
gal, John J. McNamara. Jamas B. Mc
Namara and Hockln are guilty of lUagally ,
transporting dynamite, and all the other
defendants are guilty of aiding and abet
ting them.
That on sixteen counts all tha asfsnd-
snts are guilty aa principals In illegal
transportation of nitroglycerine. That on
sixteen counts McMsnlgal. John J. Mc
Namara, James B. McNamara and .
Hockln are guilty of Illegal transportation
of nitroglycerine and all ether defend- -ante
are guilty of aiding aad abetting)
them. ,
Ha ad red Tweaty-Blght C seats.
Tha wide scope of the thirty-two Indict
ments, which contain in all US counts, la
due. It kt announced, to the theory of the
government that tha defendants' alleged
guilt kt equal no matter how small aa
individual's personal activity la the con
spiracy may have been. Mr. Miller said
it haa been determined to press all tha -counts
of the Indictment against each
of tha defendants. .
"The Indictment setting out un consum
mated sets ef conspiracy, extensive aa '
It Is, In presenting a mass of alleged ta
erimlnatlng correspondence between the
defendants." said Mr. Millar, "only sub
mits typical acta If we had chosen, this
Indictment might havs been run into
many mors hundreds of pages. Forty
thousand letters were seised In the head
quarters of the International Iron Work
ers' association and front them the In
vestigators chose evidence that we can- '
alder much more than sufficient to prove
our case whan offered In connect loo with
corroborative evidence of wide extent
and varied character. The freedom with
which these men put ea paper their .
plans, motives and ths working oat of
their purposes Is smastng."
I.esleltaer Reaaed Writ.
DENVER. Cola. Feb. 1A-Judge Lewis
In the United States district court hare
today declined to hear a petition for the
MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. lt-The cot lane country.
the stand of Miss Gussls Ryan, one of i- While
the etate-e star witnesses In ths trial of her little babe survived and waa bmu.hi
'"i nren. lormer acung treasurer! to .Lincoln and la now at tha kn. r k
i ox tne iniveraiiy or Minnesota, accused rwotner.
of failure to turn over funds belonging to
the state, was the principal development
today In the bearing. Mlaa Ryan was sent
to her boms. The trial may be delayed
some time.
ST. LOUIS. Feky lfc-Edward Howard.
years old. of Jackson, Mo-, waa killed
today by falling seven stories dowa aa
elevator shaft la the National Bank ef
Commerce building. He attempted to
leave the elevator while the doors wars
has? easssd and the car wi
DBS MOINES. Ia, Feb. itFrank
O'Connor of Nswhsmpton. democratic
floor leader la the lower nouns of the
leais'ators last year, today formally an
nounced Mmsair as a candidate for gov
ernor on ths democratic ticket. .
MASON CITT, la.. Feb. ll-E. G.
Dona, former secretary of the Farmers
and Grain Deal era association, today
formally announced bis candidacy for
governor an the democratic ticket. He
waa endorsed by ths grata desists yea.1
tarda, x
Servant Jokes
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