THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 16. 1912. The Sale sof Rugs and Linoleums that will take place at Brandeis ' Stores Next Monday and Tuesday Will Be the Greatest Rug and Linoleum Sale Ever Held by Any Store Any where. : : : : ' : Brandeis bought the entire stocks of rugs and-linoleums from a retailer retiring from business. The rugs are all bright, new, spring patterns, rich in coloring and design; selected with careful discrimination and faultless taste. All the Bugs on sale Monday All the Linole ums on sale . -Tuesday. . N. ITIWITI51T3I Floor Space Larger than Floor Space of Auditorium. 85, Clerks. BEIEF CITY; NEWS Bav Boot Frist It. hi, Bias. Fixtures. Barge ss laim If utl to get Booth'a Guaranteed Canned Oysters of your dealer, call Doug las CM tor nearest dealer's name. Tweoty-Oae in the Field Twenty -one candidates have (lied for th nomination for commissioner, the latest being Eugene B. Brando and Elbert Leamona. The petitions taken out to data number Hi C. F. Hyde, O. W. Hill and K. A. Clark are the .last candlatea to take out blanks. am. tan berry W1U Vot Los Fingers -An erroneous report waa given out that Mr. A. gtan berry, who had her fingers crushed In a mangling machine at the City Steam laundry Wednesday morning, had to have th Injured members ampu tated. Ths woman la In no danger of los ing her fingers and her condition this morning waa reported aa being greatly Improved. . Crippled Olrl Xakee Cherries Miss flelma Ohlfs of South Omaha, for twenty five years a cripple, has discovered i method of making vary naturally colored fruits and has placed specimens of cher ries on ths market for Washington's birthday boutonnieres. The are mad of cotton. Th Associated Charities Is as sisting the crippled girl In disposing of ths cherries. Faaeral of Miss Welptoa Friday The funeral of Kiss Marquerltt Welpton, aged 1 years, daughter of 1. W. Welp ton of Ogallala, will be held there Friday afternoon. Miss Welpton, who was student of Brownell hall, died at Dos Koines Tuesday, following an operation. Her father, J. W. Welpton. was formerly president of ths Nebraska Stat Bankers' association, and Is a brother of Douglas Welptoa of Omaha. s NIXIES DEPARTMENT AT - POSTOFFICE IS GROWING Larger quarters for the "nlxle" depart ment of the Omaha postofflcs will have to be provided for If the "nixies" con tinue to pour la at their present rata At present there are over loot packages and about 10.0OJ letters that are im properly addressed and these take up a largs amount of spaoa In the mailing room. Ths packages are large and In some Instances their contents are valu able, so the need of mor adequate quar ters la keenly felt. ROBBER EXACTS CONDITIONS Aiken, Looter of Kail Pooches, Pre fen Federal Prison, WHL ENTEB PLEA OF GUILT? Cealtia Is that Ha Will Hot Bs readied la reatteatlary for Leaaer Tfcaa Period sf Blasters Meathe. . J Tkr u appetite and food digestion in a steaming" auh of Faust Macaroni strength and energy, too. 5c and 10c package at your grocer a. MAULL BROS.. St. Lo"ui,Mo. "i set oftherhiri Old Clarke Bourbon q Clarke Bros. & Co- the largest whiskey distillers in the world, for years have had the highest reputation for making a pure Rye Whiskey. CJ For the past ten years they have manufactured a high-grade Bourbon and today present it to the general public for 1 first time. ( This Bourbon is manufactured from the highest quality ot corn and small grain, a first class Bourbon h every respect Itsqialky s guaranteed by Clarke Bros. & Gx, the largest whiskey distfDers in the world. Bottled m bond. 100 proof, under the so pervBkm of the V. S. GoTerameot. (J Try Old Clarke Bourbon one tune, luat an we asK, we teare the rest to your judgment ojuoai, ft The anticipated confession of A. D. Aiken, alias Krutslnger, on of the mem bers of the Pruett-Pahst-Custln-Kerns Sana of freight car looters, has been conditionally mads at Council Blurts. It connects him directly with the theft and destruction of the reflstsred mail pouch, aa well as a number of the others. Ths confession waa considered to be sufficient by Poetofflos Inspector Ranter, and ha has left ths city. Alain's proposition is that ha will go Into ths United States district court and plead gulltr to ths chart of assisting la the theft and destruction of the mau baa and its valuable contents. Including about V7M0 worth of bank drafts and obecks, provided his sentence to ths Leavenworth federal prteon Is not for a term looter than eighteen months. This kt about equivalent to tne remainder ox the term h will hav to serve In the stat prison at Anamoaa If ha la turned ovr to the Iowa slate authorities. The matter waa laid before United Stale District Attorney Temple Wednes day afterHoon by County Attorney CapelU but he waa una to glvs any assur ance until after a conference with Judge Smith McPherson. Aiken has expressed ths greatest aversion to being returned to ths Anamoaa prison. Hs said If he went back there after making his con templated confession his lifs would bs mad miserable by tba men, many of whom are friends of soma of those who will bs further implicated by his confes sion, notably Papet A Ikes' Checkered Crr. Aiken's prleon record wss received by County Attorney Capsll Wednesday from tha board of parol. Hs wss sen tenced In the Polk county district court on May . 1M, to aa Indeterminate sen tence of five years sftsr eonvtctlon of bxor robber! ee at Valley Junction, la. He waa received at the Anamoaa prison on June L 1W, and paroled on Septem ber U, ,111. with fifteen months and five days ot unexpired tuna to serve, after all deductions bad been made. After his sentence he Implicated another named La wren oe, who he said helped htm peddle out the stuff stolen from ths mere handle cars. Hs had been working as a switchman at Valley Junction two three weeks before hi arrest. The personal history of tha man tells ths usual story. He waa born at Eureka, N.v., twenty-Ova years ago, and left horn when he waa 14 years old. In bis railroad work ba started as a fireman and then want to braking. Hs held thlr. ty-thre Jobs whlls engsced In railroad work, and the parol board record shows all of the towna where he waa located. Another Incident, almost pathetla. Is the reference to th death of the boys father, J. E. Aiken, at Eureka whlls th son was In prison. Mall Sacks Are Feaad. Yesterday morning Aiken was taken out la aa automobile by officers with a view to locating th sacks that war stoles from th Milwaukee depot. Aiken la un familiar with th streets and after some difficulty th sacks wars found la a well at WB South Eighth street This place was formerly occupied by Fabst, whom Aiken Implicates la th robbery. The rack had been ripped open with a knife end ths contents removed to Pahst' house, where th letters were rifted sod bunted after th valuables had been moved. Aiken will make a formal i fesstoa this afternoon Implicating Pahst snd Kerns. GERMANS COUNTER THE DRYS Anti-Saloon League Attitude Toward Charles Kagel it Resented. SEND PEOTEST TO PSESUEHT Gfflaaa-Aaieriraa Alliance) ef Ne braska Deaeaaec l.ea;ae'e Actlea aa fjawarraatea ' and Iasse-rtlaeat. Nebraska Germans hava mad forcible resentment airalnst the efforts of the State Antl-8alooa league, which seeks to prevent th appointment ot Charles Nat el, secretary of commence and labor, to a seat on the United States supreme bench. Tha league, claiming to repre sent W.Ks) temperanoe people ot th stats, haa forwarded to President Tart n pro test against th appointment of Nagel, and now a counter protest com from th Germ an-American Alllano ot Ne braska. The counter protest, which Is in ths form of a resolution, and aarnad by President Val J. Peter and 8eertary John Matte, jr., haa been directed to President Tart aa follows: -Whereas, Tha Antl-Salooa league of Nebraska, claiming to represent and act for aj,0SJ temperance voters ot this state, bat taken It upon Itself to forward t you a protest against tha appointment to a Justiceship ot the supremo court of the Hon. Cbarlea Nagel, tha present secre tary or commeroe and labor. "We hereby denounce their action as an unwarranted and impertinent Interference with your executive prerogative) and -Speaking advisedly tor mors than a), 000 voters of Nebraska, whose devotion to tba causa of personal liberty we can vouch for, wa beg to assure yon that th appointment to a place on tha supreme senoh of Mr. Nagel, whosa qualifications for that position and his splendid record la his profession, as wall as a publlo offi cer, are fully recognised by a large ma jority of the voters or this state, would ba most heartily endorsed and appre ciated by this alliance. "We consider that th objection mad by tha Anti-Saloon league to Mr. Kegel's appointment on tha grounds that ha ha acted tn a professional capacity for Adolphua Buacn. one ot tha moat pubUo eplrtted eltlsens at St, Louis, whosa be nevolence and boundless charity Is uni versally acknowledged, and whosa good name a most highly honored on both sides of th Atlantic, la a manifestation ot narrow-mindedness quit unprece dented and deserving of th severest con demnation by all fair-minded eltlsens. "Wa hav too high an opinion of th Intelligence of Nebraska voters to Ueve that such narrow views could hava tha endorsement ot even tot voters la this state." I'Je Announce for Saturday Only a special offering of the balance of our entire heavy weight stock of Men's Suite at a price that will enable men to buy high class suits at an extremely low price . Hundreds of these suits are suitable for SPRING WEAR. This sale gives you an exceptional op portunity to purchase fine suits for little money MiidftaCfb Omaha's Largest and Best Equipped Clothing Store BOSS Young Society Folk Give Two Programs Friday at Studio Miss Isabel Lowden will entertain at a studio tea Friday afternoon and evening. Interesting programs have been arranged. Original pantomimes, reading and danc ing solos and duos will be given by the young society people of Omaha. Tha program for ths afternoon Includes: PART I. (a) English Suite ft. Osorg Raff (b) (Prelude, Minuet 1 and II Olgua.) lAvauna Mosart Club. I Prion Pease practice) piano ....... .tMIAO' Vosa Son practice) piano ... .0400 Gilbert aprlght plana ......'J00 Kimball Speight piano ..... .V tiaWer aprtcbA piano ...... 1 1400 Alton aprujht piano ..OTB Brba pricha ptaao ........ 5 loxlnaTtooi npriah tlano ,,..tHOO Voss at Son aprtffct piano. ...asAO Fisher nprtgbt piano naoo Smith Barnes) iprlght piano $1150 LOVELAND MAKES GOOD IN CAPITAL OF KANSAS Dr. Prank U LsvetanoTs proaiililng has been a municipal feature la Topeka since be went from tha First Methodist church of Omaha I tha First Methodist church of that city a year ago, and It mad the need of a larger church Imperative, ac cording to th Central Christ las 'Advo cate, m an article on th dedication of th r amort nli d church and Its aew annex. Dr. liaveland, with n stirring sermon. started a subscription campaign, sars th Advocate, and ss a result tue etrareh aodttorhua now has aa additional seat lug capacity of as) and an annes has been added to ths building for the ac commodation sf a large Sunday school snd th young people's societies. Fifty thousand dollars wss spent In ths lm The church waa dedicated on January M end an that, day a niawaa mbjrjih. Aesthetic Walts-Walts Dream.... Btraoee Mary Mors man, llria LAiigdon, camiua nuaojm, juunenne eunyuit Josenhlna Platner.l Wand Drill Dickie Btowart. Junior Mash, Mershoo weicn, rucnara weipton, rjosmr i "ra ms n, DeWolf barton, Jasper Hail, Louis Meta Harkneea Kountae. Reading Rosebud's First Bali Lola Bobbins. Amerlrsn Beauty.... Josphlne Williams. Katherina Bquler. rantomineocene la an inaiaa staia- en a Lue ..... Isnsdffll. La Fsrla Arranged by Challf Miss Btubbs. . Pantomime Catherine Barton, Charlotte Rosewatar, Eleanor Austin. Marions i avers. Olsdys Prenlca, Haael Nicnois, VVadielgh harton, uawvii RutM Russian Danoe-Sf r-nata Moskssilaka PART II. Don Juan Overture Mosart Mosart Club. Rondo Caprice Sudds Cathsrln Barton, Margery aenoio, nass Nichols ReadlnvMv Aunt Tabltha. Oliver w. noimes Harriet Sherman. Dance Gladys Prenloa. rvtimh sun Drill Mary Morsman. Olds Iangdon, Josephine Plainer, Josephine Wllilama, Mm. erlne Squler, Ksthertne Smyth. Pas ds Amphores-Ths Butterfly Cbamlnade Oretchen Langdoa. fteaillnewThe Cmm'a children. .Phoebe Cary Helen Ooodrlcn. Pantomlme-The Thief, "My Cnlldraa Cried for Bread" Adelaide Fogg. Russian Pantomime Danes Ala vonto Rhapsody Friedman BHse f rancos Nasn, Mr. wnnam ittyiur. OrfhMI ra under the direction of Mr. H. J. Hock. Pantomimes originated by th performers. Evening program ioiiows PiRI f (a) English Suits Bt. Oeorge I &EW TXKXS ADDED TO THE LIST (rretuoe, suowvi s u wsr . ,W.. .VIi.,.T, Schmoller says: "No piano house on earth ever sold high grade pianos at the prices offered dur ing this sale." Y6 SHEEP Of Every Piano from our So. ' Omaha Branch (Just Closed) IN DOUBLE-QUICK TIME Our Booth Omaha Brnach wag dosed tba last da of January. Tbe otlr stock M broosht to our Omaha Saicnroora for qaick dlspoesJL. ilaay llano wer exrid tho past wek, bat wa bav oat th prioss on too balaara stlU daspnf to cloaa them all oat thin wwek, an wo mwt hava tha room. Read These Prices Carefully Every one of them tolls a story of saving which demands your Immsdlats attention Prtr Baldwin upright ptaao ........ MO Katey ttprl(ht piano rT5 Masoolm es laro aprlfbt ptaao tSOO Btcsjer es Bon aprlKht piano . ,t00 Knabn nprtght piano , , $000 Btatnnay a bob aprigttt piano (760 tack (mad piano (MOO Boa graad pUao . .WM ' Emorsoa nprlgbt piano ...... $400 eVNoto Fearer Piano 9AOO M-Note PUrer Plaao tooO Mow 155 8310 $450 310 M MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS Wo are excluaiv tepreseisiUtlvea for tb asntrhlesa Btednway aad - Pianola Ptaaoa; also the celebrated Weber, Hnrdnian, Kmeraoa, Stager es Boas, McPhall and tho sereeO toned aVtuneller el Maeller piano. Bold (rem factory to thecoma in every tate la the Union. . . Order by mail wtU receive prompt attention. Writ for (llaatrated eatalogao aad price list. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. , MASrFACTCRKRS, 1811-181S TARS AH STREET. ' WHOLESALERS, RETA1LE118. OMAHA. NEB. SiajsyprTf! SHOW NEW BUSINESS WAGONS Commercial Vehicle Diiplar Auto Show to Be Large. at (b) Cavatina Haff jsosart v.iuo. Wan Drill Edward Crofoot. Wadlelgh Barton, Asn Harper, Philip Thomas, wuiara Mil lard. Cullea Root Richard Hue.,. Slnva Hmlth UuKsrt PlnkertoO. La Feria. Arranged br Chalirr Mis BtuDbs. Rdlng-A Mortifying Mistake. Majori Cavers. Motor Msrcn. ttora nate Sapplr Cassaaai' to Be Clvrn trace .. t).. .( th a.vtfttariaas Cnaaell Blaff rirsa is Added. elaborate display of commercial vehicle ertll be exhibited In th basement LouuT RobMnn HairYrt"6&rm th Auditorium at the automobile Onndrleh. I show next Weak. TMi mnA at tha shoe) Pantomime The Thief, "My Children aa wall as all tha ther einlblta. Is going . I la tar mxtl In minting. arui huni. Adelaide rogg. ; .. . . .. : Pma de Amohores-Tha Buttrrtly..... previous eiiorxs ot tn daaMra. cniminsm i ih vnur oaasnwnt will De devoted to uretcnen Luram. - th. 4iani a Readlnc-Th CroWs Children. ........ ',fr, . , . moooe ry i - Helen Goodrich. I truck will ba shown, la former years AH GsdIUno Arranged by Challtt only n portion of th basement wa need Mis. cowi miss Armstrong. I and part of the main floor was dsvotrd Dan Juan Overture Jtosart commercial tracks. This year th Brat Mosart liua. noor is to p asea snureir lor pleasure cars. On of ths features of ths commercial exhibits will bs a Flanders "BT deliver? wagon. Thla la tha first ear of this kind that tha Studobaker corporation has ever put out and Is arousing much In terest in sutocnohil circles. Tha Regel Bales company win not ex hibit as It waa Impossible tor th fac- to ry to get out a lata model of th Ragel ear. The company's space tn tha base meat has been given to tha Elect lie garage- Tba space en th mala floor has been taken by tha Marsh Auto company of Council Bluffs. Th Stors Auto Supply company la on of the sat aocesaoi exhibitors granted space en tha stage of tha Aadttarium, A full line of aotofnobtle supplies will as shown by this company. Tha company waa organised several days sgo. Mlladl Canrte Clare Daugherty. Read log The Minuet.. Mary Ma pes Dodge Eleanor Austin, RnTwtMi Canrtoa Sudds Catherine Barton. Margery Maaold. Masai lilonois. Pantomime Been la aa Indian Maid en s Life Oretchen Laogdon. Eugen Onlgaa-naater'a Walts . nuiiniw Mlea Stubbs. Reading My Aunt Tabltha w. noiDsee Harriet Sherman. Oriental 8alte-BJlKiryptian...tlg1na ai Cymbal Lianoe. o in uwit Flower, to The Spirit of incsnee Adelaide Fou. Russian Pantomime DesKe-eiavorde tuutpsoay rneomaa Miss Nash. Mr. Taylor. Orchestra under th direction of Mr. H. J. Bock. Pantomime originated by the performers. If your children are eireject to attacks of creep, watch for th first symatoa. ueiaess. Hve Chamber Iain's Ceugh Remedy ss soon as the child becomes hoars and tbe attack stay be warded ad. racjaJehy. all druggists. . J Reeafron Hignaet Asrarsl World s Pore Feed CALUMET BAKIHG PO'.yDER ; , The wonder of bak ing powders Calumet f1Jyt7.?bll Wonderful in its nuW ' powen its uniformity. its never failing result, its punty. Wonderful in its econam. It costs less than the hieh-orice trust Druids, but K is worth an much. It costs a tnfle more than the cbeap and biz can kinds a ts worth more. But proves its real economy in the baking. U CALUMET-tha Modern aeon reveler. At all Grocer.. .A. . . Aa Aasetrtaaa Kin Is the great king of cares. Dr. King's New Discovery, ths Quick, safe, sue cough and sold remedy. 9o and XL For .sal by Beaton Grac Co. Railroad Manager Sees Big YearAHead Oeneral Manager Sllfer of the Oreet Western hi In town, after bavins; nsad a trip over the entire system of ths road. Speaking of tha outlook tor a crop dur ing . th coming sssson, hs says that through Iowa, Minnesota, hflssoarl and Illinois it is th best In years. The en tire area for weeks has seen covered by a heavy blanket of snow that is now slowly melting and the water -"''m Into the ground, putting the sou la splen did condition. , Inspired by present high prices betas Isald tor aU'akiads of grain and farm Produce aad tha nkelihood of these prleee eeotlnninc tor a mdeftntt perwd, Mr. 811fer says that wherever he has trav eled farmers are laying their plana tar planting a large crop. Ha predicts that this year none of the farms will Ba kilo. but Instead every here of tillable la will be cultivated to eomething that will bring good returns. As ts business with the renM ma. surer says It at picking op wendarfBUn wita every nsaicaaoa that it ts coin? to eontinne to grew better aa the seal advances. rred Bewfeaaas Republic candidate for publie buds aad bttldtnga. Key to the giUistloa BeeA4Tmrtlyj0; J