Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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    inn nPiti! umha. rfcBUCAKY 16, 1912.
The Topmost Value for Your Money
Hospe's Sale of Exchange
" Pianos Bristles With
Bargains , ;
$350 Kimball for $178
Burner & Co. S:i'5r:...,...SI25
Ar.-n "'is'"1"' rrice-
FrliA Original Price
lei U9
Original Price -$3(!0,
$3."0, now
Jn,IIAy Original Price ,
DaUer, $3.)0tnow..;r.f.
Original Price
150. noir, v
Veser BrosS.rnr.:. .......S176
Temt To Sait Every Purchittr
Hpit .6.-
I 1513-15 Douglas St.
If MfVstL
I....KUUIY $2G5,now
$35, now
CiA:nA Ongmal Price-r
ll.l!f 8. 1.... Original Price-
Article of Ineorporttiom Filed for
. lebruka Bailroed.
Attswwey General MaVrs rtaaiaa
V Teawre Office' ml fmlr A.
laew fa Herrle
efere tho rear. ,
I (Prom Staff CocTeeporiderit.) I
I 1JNCOI.K V.k KWh IT. Kn-4al V !
Article of Inenrporatlon were filed today
' for proposed saw railroad which la nrb
)ecteo to run from ftprfngview in Key.
Paha county to'femkljng, areely county.
passing through th counties of Greeley.
iGarfleM. n'htfwr. Holt. Rack and Keya
Paha. Th capital atork of the compear
la find at SMfcoao, with authorlsatpe tor
a bonded debt of the aama amount. Th
Inrorporatora ara: Charles F. Leer. Jon a
r. Carr. C. A. Mpley. J. N. Caseadv. jr.,
and SC. B. Coon. Tho KkanrMfHaM
of the paper waa mad id Omaha. '
Keya- Paha county at present la wlth
out a railroad, the niwd Ma betac the
Northwestern to tho south. Nuroeroa
plana hare beea formulated In the paat
loowvelt and I Follette Men Meet
for Purpose with Governor. '
Keeretary of State Adhere to Plan
t. Alternate ' Groan of Haasee
laetead of Iadlvidaal Same .
- 1 Thesese-lve.
' , ' (From a Staff Correspondent.). . .
LINCOLN, Feb. U.-tSpeclel.r-rThe gov
ernor's office. we .the scene of a lengthy
conference teoay,- at the conslullon Of
which. It was sal .there wa nothing to
Sir out. Fran tt-epereonael et tho party
and sum thing which have tone before
It probably would not be far rom the
truth to amy It' waa for the purpose of
Ins If something oould; be done to eq.uelch
John O. Yeleer. Anonf thoaa preaent be
side the governor were 1. C. llarpbara
of Lincoln, La Follette candidate for dele
gate to the national convention from the
First district; F. P. Cornea, secretary of
the L Follette league; W. H. Reynolds,
candidate for delegate on the La Follette
ticket from the Blxth district; Don L.
Lore of Lincoln, candidate for delegsts-at-larse
on the La toilette ticket, and T.
J. Howard of Greeley county. Tha.1 the
meeting was not accidental Is evidenced
by too fact that one of the party who ar
rived late asked; "Has the meeting com
menced 7" - V
Governor Aldrlch Is an avowed Roose
velt man. while the others ara classed In
the La Follette column.'. Jt'ls well known
that the governor Is of the opinion that
tho entire delegation If elected could eas
ily be turned to Roosevelt, and that he
deprecates the action of Telser In calling
1 Roosevelt meeting.
It they really expect to squelch -John
they evidently do not know the man as
well as soma others do. for his reputa
tion for bobbing up serenely la firmly
Matatloa oa tho Ballet.
F. M. Currle, secretary, and C A. Ad
ams, president of the Taft league, called
on Secretary of State Walt today Id re
gard to bow the names of candidate for
delegates were to go on the ballot. Both
the La Follette and Taft organisations are
understood to favor some method by
which tho respective delegatlona can be
designated by the name of tho candidate
'they stand for, and that each aet bo
grouped and the groupa rotated Instead
of routing tho Individual names. Mr.
Walt holds that In the absence of any
specific prorleloa he will follow the la
ment of the law, which clearly la to make
the ballot Intelligible to the voter. This
plan I expected to accomplish the result
unless some legal obstacle not now ap
parent Interfere.
Philip H. Kohl of Warn baa tiled as
a candidal tor senator from the Seventh
Ber.ii with Itching. Spread Fart.
Fingers Fairly Bled. Cried Night
and Day. Tried Cuticura Soap and
Ointment and Was Entirely Cured.
Kedoado Beach. Cel. "Eight yean ago
I got edema sil over my heads. My angers
lairly bled and it Itched until It slatott drove
me I ramie, ine ctupimm.
-began with ttcbiag under
the skin. It spread fast
from between the infers
around the Balls and all
aver the whole hands. I
got pair of rubber gloves
m Anl .a wmh diaaea.
. Then it spread alf over the
left Mds of my chest. -1
cried night sad day. Tbea
I decided to try Cuticura
Unan and Ointment, but
,' without murk hope es I
. hut mm an letur. There
we a marked change the second day. and
a oa uaui I was entirely cared. The Ouo
eara Soap w hsv. always kept labour
home, and wa decided alter that kwea that
It Is a cheap soap la price and the very beet
kt quality. Mr husband will use as other
sap la ha sharing mug.
I have always used Cuttrurs Soap and Ho
other for my baby, aad be has never had a
oreof say kind. He does no. ere chafe as
aaost babies do. I feel that It h) all owing
to Cuueura Soap for be b fins and healthy,
aad wbea five months old won a prise In a
baby contest. It makes my heartache to go
late so many homes and Me s nreet faced
baby with the whole top et Ms head a aalid
ansa ot scarf, csiaied by the use of pooreoap.
I always recommend Cuticura, aad cine times
aut of tea the next time I see toe mother she
ays 'On! I am so glad you toid me of Outl
eure. (Signed) Mrs. O. A. Selby. J-a. It. Tl.
Catienra Soap and Of nt n old Sampl of matted free,
with 32-0. hook. AdJreu. ; Cottnira.
Dept. T, Bostoa. Tender-faced men shod
sbav wits Cuueura Soap Sharing suck..
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 15. Special.) The peo
ple at tb tuberculosis hospital at Kear
ney have turned their backs oa th
ancient classics and taken up with the
modern cult. Some time ago tho' board
bought two horses for us at th Institu
tion. They came to the establishment
bearing the classic cognoments of Minerva
and Venus, but now all this has been
changed and they have been reehrtstened
Mrs. Mutt and Mr. Jeff. Mr. Mutt I
a demur and docile animal, but Mrs.
Jeff Is not easily managed. . She looks
Innocent and docile enough, but she I a
gay deceiver, for she tempted th haad
nurse, a woman who la somewhat of a
horsewoman, to mount for a ride. Th
first time the rid was-a, pleasure, but
tho second effort waa not so successful,
aa Mr.- Jeff took a roach In her back
elevated her heels and the aura waa
unceremoniously dumped In a snowbank.
The board and thoea In charge of the
institution are expecting to produce a
considerable portion of tho supplies
needed. They have a cow which furnishes
an average of twenty quarts of milk a
day. which supplies the Institution and
leave a surplus from which some butter
I made. A supply of garden eeeds has
beea ordered and as the grounds can be
IrHgsted It la anticipated tho hospital
will have tho prise garden In that section.
-v (From a Staff Correspondent.)'
LINCOLN. Feb. le8pecuU. Twenty-
five student from six colleges were
graduated thla evening at th State uni
versity midwinter graduation
Following Is si list of tho graduate: '
Graduate College Master' of arts: Sam
uel Copperemlth..A. B. lle. I'nlrerslty of
North, Carolina, soology); Sllaa Calvin
Feemster, A. B. (107. Dniry coliegs,
American Hlatory; John Torrence Tate.
B. Sc. (131. University of Nebraska, Phy-
The Collewe of Arts and Sctaneeo Bach-
elors of Arts: Randall Fuller Curtis. Earl
Harrison Dans. Guy Russell Davis, 2ora
KiisabeUt . Fltsgerald. Margaret Haxet
Hstbaway. Carrie luu Lute, Frank C.
Mile. eBatrlre Moffett. Bachelor of
science: Morris Jos In Bllsh.
The Teachers College Teachers college
diploma and -university teachers' cer
tificate: Charles Fmlle Benson. Rachael
Nellie Blodgert. Margaret Haaei Hatha
The College -of Agriculture Bachelors
of Science: Kdwm Lovedoy Currier, In
technical arrieuMure; Richard Allison
Phillies. In forestry.
The College of Engineering Bachelors
or enenr:' ueorge Morris Aeaermaa.
' George BSanchard Blackstone. W alter
i Howard Ijsuharti. In civil engineering
Edmond B. Berger. In mechanical engl
i aeerlng; Frank Woleaenaky, la electrical
', The College of I .aw Bachelors of taw
I John Clancy- Mullen. William J. Scott.
; Sylvester aclar Shonra.
- John C Cow in has gone to New Tork
! on legsl bosmea.
W. K. Palmatler of the Merchant Ns
tlonal bank ia In Chicago.
F T HevnVn le botim. frnm r-slirAenia
j where be spmt five weeks. .
C. O. Ts Image, manager of the Colum-
Dia r itr iiwiwitn aawoiuoo, la IB
Chicago on butinesa.
to get a line Into tho county to
It with the Northsreetem. but up to tho
preaent they have met with little en
couragement. The articles last filed pro.'
vide for a tine operated either by steam
or electricity. ',
-.- Aaatvewoarw -of - watoewa.
Today la tho ninety-sixth birthday an
niversary of Rev. Haniaaai Preseoa.
father of Rev. J. H. Frssson of tho gov- j
ernor'a office. -Though aeartng the een-
tury mark. Rev. Mr. PrsasoB la la good i
health and retain hi mental faculties
unimpaired. He la a veteran of the civil
war, and am of tho pleasant feature of
hi anniversary has beea call made on
him by comrades and by member of th
Relief corpa Martin Blair, a grandson
from Grand Forks. N. D.. came to visit
him on the occasion. Rev. Harrison
Preason was a pioneer preacher of Ne
braska, having In IK preached tho first
sermon ever delivered in the present dly
of Omaha.
-kallac on Joe 's fvae. . - - .
In response to the query of C. A. Just
of Boyd county, tho attorney general ha
ruled that In th absence of aa election
for county assessor ra mi on account of
tho change In the taw the' old officer
hold over.
Th eounty board of that county had
held differently and declared the office.
of both tho county assessor and of the
precinct seer vacant. The attorney
general hold they wore wrong and that
tho assessor hold until their successors
sr elected and Qualified.
Price Visits Fresaaat.
But Engineer Pries ha goes to Fre
mont to look over the state aid brldg
project at North Bond and to consult
with th county board of Dodge county
regarding general bridge matters.
H. C. Lindsay, clerk of th supreme
court, will leave tomorrow for a visit to
Florida and other point In th Math.
Auditor Barton. In aocotdanc with th
opinion ot tho attorney general, ha de
cided to ritar the water bond ot tho
town of Leutsvtlls. - , . . -
Dalrrssea Pay Free.
S. C B asset t, secretary of tho Dairy-
man' association, has deposited with too
stat troasurar ta membership fees re
ceived at tho aaual meeting of th aa-
sodatloa last month. Tho dairymen's as
soclstloa has tho largest paid member
ship (JM fsny association la th stat
allied to agriculture. The last sees Ion ot
tho legislature enacted a prorl.loa re
quiring that all fees received by any
tat Institution acting under or by vir
tue of any atatute or authority to receive
any fee shall be paid Into tno stat
treasury within thirty days ot th re
ceipt ot asm. ' ' ...
Hardware Mea Meet.
Tho hardwar men's convention waa
again held behind cloaed doors today,
none but meber being admitted. eMtbod
ot business were dlerussed. patlcular at
tention being given to methods of ascer
taining th cost of doing business sa a
factor In determining tho percentage of
profit above tho actual coat of tho good.
It waa alas urged that moan bo taken
to ascertain Just what profit waa mad
oa eaoh kind of good bandied. Sharon B.
Jones, national president, wa nnabte to
bo preaent and his place oa tho program
waa taken by M. Ia Carrie of Argos, In,,
national secretary.
Reversing th usual ardor of thing
Orikis! Broth
318 -320 South 16th. St.
Sold from $19.50 to $39.50,
0n Sale Saturday at...
See Our Advertisement Tin Friday Evening Papers
. . . . " Tuwiice City, Neb., Oct. 21, 1911.
Bankers Life Iu.s. Co.,
luicolu, Nol.
1 laving received many letters recently inquiring as to my
riettletnent with your company on my fifteen payment life
policy No. .1008, which matured on October 19, 1911, 1 thought
a statement from me to jour company might relieve me from
answering so many inquiries as you would have my f tatement
to which to refer inquiries. ' -
My policy was for $2,000.00
Surplus 1,122.16
' Paid up participating policy 2,000.00
.Matured la the . .
Oil llni i BiRkm Lid Insirtoct Conpiit)
of Lincoln, Neb.
Total ....,$3,122.16 ,
, I was exceedingly well pleased with settlement and only
regret that my policy was not larger. ""
Very respectfully, - - s
Nantsi of Insured, Wm. J. Halilrrmaa
" ncaldrnre Burrhard. Neb.
.. Amoerot of Police , fJ.OOO.OO
Total Promlam 91,774.80
Surplus In Cash ....... ,,
Aad paid ap partlfipaUii( '
. . . . , .9S,I29.16
W 'Aak the m&n who owns one of these policies.
Write aa for aa
water waa th cause of a fire In Lincoln
today. Melting snow ran into tho base
ment of Labor Temple. The water dis
arranged the feed ot oil used In the fur
nace and It ran In so fast that It
ran out o ft he furnace and took fire on
tho floor. Tho floor of th eboilar room
waa burned and tho Joists overhead war
soorchsd before the blase was subdued.
Frlaoo Before Coart.
Albert Prince, colored convict, who
killed Deputy Warden Davis at the peni
tentiary Sunday, waa arraigned today In
county court on tho charge ot murder In
th flrts degree. Ho pleaded not guilty,
waived preliminary hearing and waa re
manded for trial. Ha was brought Into
court from tho penitentiary handcuffed to
psxjsj i rvx i
LOUIBVlLLa. b,: eb. 11 -President
Taft and 'hla administration were an
ted by tho republican state central
eammlttee which met her thai afternoon.
Folk Petition at ; ;
Lincoln Withdrawn
LINCOLN. Neb., Feb. U.The aeiitloa
filed last Mondsy asking that th nam
of Joseph W. Folk of Missouri be placed
on the democratic preferential . primary
ballot has been withdrawn at th request
of tho Missouri ex-aovernor. Th with
drawal waa effected by E. H. Brlcson- of
Brlntow. Neb. He announced in a letter
to fcretsry ot State Walt that after
corrospondenoa with Mr, Folk ho wished
to withdraw the petition at the earnest
deslr of I he latter.
The bank clearings for yestsrday wer
tt.Mt.Ml47 mora than for th correspond
ing day last year. Th clearing yester
day amounted to M,)7,1W.e and last year
Every woman is invited to consult our Staff of Physicians, Surgeons and Specialists, at the
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y.,by letter at my expense R.V.PlEROt, M.D.
There is every reason why women should not trust' their delicate constitutions in the
hands of unskilled persons. It requires a thorough medical education to appreciate and
understand the female organism. There is every reason why she should write a specialist.
As a powerful, invigorating tonic " Favorite Prescription" imparts strength to the whole
system and to the organs .distinctly feminine in particular. For over-worked "worn-out,"
" run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners,' dressmakers, seamstresses, " shop-girls," house
keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women generally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is
unequaled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. ,
As a soothing and strength- .. . . . .
nervine " Favorite Pre-
to Ms at CM AM
,!jJLV JiskrZ
The Skin
is) at 1 0a THItOO . ALL OIALKRR
Plesss ssad ms letur ef ssvirs sad year Bosk for Woswa, s wee sad seetage paid
-wttheat say sbhasnoaa sa any part wkatsvsr.
Are yea worried?
I which res suffer. Two c
I (XX)
...Kidney Trouble .
...BMder Tresses
...WembTlwsble .
...Ovsrlsa Pats
...HotFuuhet .
...itefcin fsru
U asert if sea wis.
...Skis IW.ISSS
...liesere Bleed
script ion" is invaluable ' in
allaying and subduing nervous
excitability, irritability, nervous
exhaustion, nervous prostra
tion,neuralgia,hysteria,spasms, fainting spells, and other dis
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commonly attendant upon
functional and organic disease
of the distinctly feminine or
gans. It induces refreshing
sleep and relieves mental anx
iety and despondency.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription is devised and out
up by a physician of vast experience in the treatment of woman's maladies,
hive the indorsement of leading physicians in all schools of practice.
The " Favorite Prescription " is known everywhere as the standard remedy for diseases
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Accept no secret nostrum in place of "Favorite Prescription" a medicine OF known
COMPOsrroN, with a record of forty years of satisfaction behind it. Sold by all Druggists.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigorate the stomach, liver and bowels. One to three
a dose. Easy to take as candy.
Send 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost'of wrapping and mailing only
of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, cloth-bound,
and Surgical Institute, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo. N. Y.
Mr Nssss
Pest OAea. 1
Age?.'.. Hew Issg sIBctsdT
" Make s cress (X) is front ef thesllmsea
la float ef the cos from watch yea surTsr awst.
...... Ceoetiseaioe Bearing Dowa
...... DKsiaess - - FUattag SpsUs
female Wesknest Chsnge of Life
. BJT Ueerriss aag efker rywsfesu e a ar
Its ingredients
on a free copy
Invalids' Hotel
One-Way 'Rates
Utah v
Washington -British
March 1st to April 15th
(' OVXRIJIAD EXFBEHB for California via Den
ver, Sonic Cokorado, Salt iatka,- with through
tourist sleeper every day to Los Angelet tnd Sau
' ' j Pl'GKT HOUND UMITKI) via No'rthofti PaclfSe
ralrway, with all claaatsa ot equipment. Including
tanrlst aleerpera for Butto, Helena, Spokane, Port
land, Seattle, Tacoroa.
with afternoon trains for the Pacific coast; personally
conducted tsarist sleeper exnraions every Taeadxy
via Deaver aasl Use Santa -J-w.
11:35 P. M
1 ' GREAT XOKTHERS KIPRiXS. with all rlaraes
' I of eaaipmost, tnclndlnw tourist sleeper to Great
ralli, Spokane, Seattle, TaneoirrT, etc.
Tneae rates are for Colo nhrt tickets. - They apply to the KorUvwett,
via direr Una or via bntrver and BfllingK libera, stop-ever prffltesms west
of tbe Hook tea. Seoura yrmr arcsommodatloni at once if yon -expect to go
earty in Uarch. ,
. a REVSOLD8, aty
gtr A grot, 1303 Fsnaxa 8t Omaha, h.
Comic Section
The Sunday Bee
WW. Eappr Hooligan, Uttk y
NeJTf. thd Katuiijamnur KidM
mtdthtvhokmttreatkig family