Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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This New Spring Boot
-A Beauly-aOO
Tlie high boot will be more in
.favor than ever this spring and
fashion authorities predict that'
its -popularity will continue
" throughout the summer as well.
Thii advance model embrnres every new and a
r V
Idea In clever footwear; It cornea in tan, dull or Vntent leath
er, a chle button ttylewlta a stubby toe which lends the
coveted abort appearance, but not at the expenat of comfort
4. -
Teteruu Who Were in Fight at Fert
Donelion in Dei Koines.
FrwhlMttealsts Censtltutlemal Asm
esattasr Plan IMim Legle
Patera a Pace Cbaaa la
FaaaaaMnatal Law.
what thine are wrong. He kaowa that '
If he does tiioM thtnae be wfll f a to Jail
and he does not do them."
la America, aald the speaker, a mil
Uen speeches have been mads ea a law
pmrf twenty-five yenre ao and tke
courts have tendered many declelona. and
MIU the Amrktl business aiaa date not
know how tar he caa legally ge.
Mea'aheeld Rare Pm Bead.
"American business men," he aald.
should be glvsa aa tree a head ae the
beetneas awn ef ear ether aseatry. It
Ida things that are wrong ware pointed
out te them, and M they were given te
understand that -if they did these thins
they would aet be fined, hut sand te
lati. It woald ae literally true that the
buslaees ef tke world would he the
American business man's field. -."With
mines end, agricultural Wealth,
gnat waterways, lone; ooest Hoe, a doasa
fin dee water porta and the enlerprlee
of ear eltlssns," eald Mr. Bevertdge. 1t
Is a ala and a shaaM that our prosperity
la not greater than H Is and that It I net
steady." He told hew Oerotany. with ae
atlnee. with poor land, a short eoaet ha
and- only two ports lied shown the moot
conspicuous business development la the
world In the last thirty yesrs.
The difference te." he said, "that Ger
many has developed a national purpose
and the United Btatas has not, due both
te the youth of the eeuntir and the fear
of king that ha ever-developed the Idea
ef liberty until It la very near te Itotnee
and the Idea ef alap-dssh Individualism
Instead ef a eenae of duty; whereas every
German works hard for hlmeelf, but kwre
tor the whole Herman people..
1 tatty af Purpose.
."Tale unity of purpose la business.'' be
eald, "cannot came through legislation,
hut must some through the growth of
the spirit ef the sweetie.''
Mr. Heverldg referred te the tariff.
ertih a pla to have It taken out ef
Petit In. eo the buelnees tskrle af tke
country weald aut be torn te pte
every four te tea yean. The tariff
America, ha declared, baa keen handled
wttk antique partlaaa rancor, whoa It at
ae mora a political aueetlaa than lateraat
revenue or railroad rate. In Germany,
he eald. the tariff I not a party matter,
hut I handled by a body of expert
whoa eole buelnees It I to attend
thta aa matter for the nation. .. r.
(Continued from First Page.)
wea a frightful jarrtag aad the aext oar
autvared a though aoena terrible farce
had struck It- he aald. ,
The ears ahead weat erer. As a
aa t saw What had been dene I etarted
to work."
Other paeseagere oay that Mr. MoodeU.
who bad keea ka eherge of eoastruetloa
work la his younger days, organised
relief eerpe and helped get eat Injured
WMch Killed Goebel
HELBNA, Ark.. Feb. U. - Fatally
wounded la a duel with a bartender here
today Jame Oil beet, who cam from
Kentucky, declared be waa the maa whs
fired the shot that killed Governor Ooe.
bet at rrnnkf orv Ky, la January, hm
. k a vhtwav.
arcfTgnorra oi ocsag mtim
Part. ftm. etites.
Ksw TnjtX...Pm. ant....ruMit.
xaw tok....
.BW !,.
New Toeit....
M TukJt-
sxnoa P
MDikA r
.ST mitUTmei...
cms sot no .....
, reel.
Oe. Wsaktaate.
Bank Messengers (
Robbed in Heart of .
New York City
XEW YORK. rob. -Tweoty-flve
thousand dollar In currency waa toln
from a tailcab In the heart of the finan
cial district by three highwaymen who
prang Into tha vehicle aad overpowered
W. F. (ralth and Frank War ail, mes
senger af tha nt Hirer sang at an
Broadway. Both sneessngera . were In
jured aad the robber eecaped with the
money-Wop) la M kill and .W la 1100
bills. The currency was being trans
ported from tha Predare Exchange beak
In the lower part of the city.
The taxlcab Proceeded up, Broadway
without muhep when for some unea-
plalned reason the chauffeur turned from
Rector street lata Chunk street, skirt
ing the side aad rear af Trinity church
yard. About midway af the aid cemetery
three men apraag from tha our. One
jumped on the chauffeur seat, the other
two got Into the vehicle. The man aa
the seat prod a revolver In Ale over
coat pocket against tha side of the chauf
feur. Ouno Martial, and commanded him
to drive swiftly on without aa outcry.
Inside th vehicle the two robber wr
belaboring the bank messenger over the
head. Cmlln. ana of the aieosengera. Is
year old. and he waa bleeding aad
almost unconscious when the taxlcab
reached Park Place, a few block north.
"Wexnell waa badly beatea about the head.
but not aa seriously hurt.
At Park Place the highwaymen Jumped
from the taalcab bearing a tin bos. which
they had wreated from the messengers
and which contained the currency. In a
flask they had sprung 1st aa automobile.
which ssemsd awaiting them, and ware
soon lost In th mass of t raffia.
Martini, tha tnxl chauffeur, continued
la run hit machine until ho found n pe
rt.. Hera ha gave th alarm and
the two Injured messsnger Were taken
te a polio station. . . . , . , , 4,
(Continued from Pag One.)
breeae Clly waa (looted to lake charge of
the noroal training work In the School
of Agriculture. Prof. Pool waa given
leave ef aheene attar May II te study
botanical condition In the sand bill.
inasmuch aa at the close of tha sum
mer school. Dr. Luckey srll lhava taught
for four seeatone without rem una ration.
tha regeata granted him leave of al
for Ih next academic year at full salary.
Thla la In aosordance with an agrmnt
entered Into, a number ef year ago, by
whtek professors sr enabled tp a
year' leave ef abeene ky summer rv-
lee. la Prof. Luoaay's abssaee. Prof
Wolf wll lact aa bead af the department
Ml Aana Tlbbeta waa em ployed to carry
the remainder af Prof, Lackey work
A ceenmunleatloa eras received from Mr.
Beatty of V U street, offering hta hoaee
and lot te the regat at the loweet ap-
pralaed value. It waa Voted that the
preaMent of th board b authorised
acquire, at his dleeretloa, thta propert)
under the Basastt law.
- Academy Akeerhed.
The regeau forwialty authortsed the
ebeerptloei ky the university, through the
Temple High eehool ,ef the old Lincoln
academy. Thte school ha been for many
year under private ownership. There
(urndeat money In th treasury of the
eehool t pay the purchase price, list
Several year ago th regents eoaaidered
buying th erhool at a coat ef n,0v) to he
used la connection with the teacher'
In accordance .with the recommendation
of the eeveral faeultle. the degree and
certifies tee raceaimended by the 1
at th midwinter conuneoeement were ap-
Three Beauty Aids
Women Should Know
(Prom Preach Beauty Monthly. I
"Aay woman vha waate, t bare love
ly aad heaadfut hair eaa da ae If she
ertu aae a dry eh am pee sac a week.
just pat a aupful ef eorameal la a fruit
Jar and mix wttk It aa original package
of therex; sprtakle a Hula ea the head.
end brush out. It brushee out easily
, . taking en dirt with It. aad leaving tke
; lar cleea. bright, wary and lull ef
I Ule. TnU tTMtment eaueea hair te grow,
I "Te avoid talargcd pwes, dark and dl-
i couortd blotches, wrtakles, eoiwrflaaud
' fcair and blmlsbee of complexion, stop
tlng fancy reeanetire and apphr earn
moralng only the atmnie krtleej mad ky
eMsBolving aa original paokage of maya.
tone In half a' pent af witch easel Mo
,. Ik a. and year euanplsxtee soon will
aoft. smooth snd altogether crrnmg.
"Worry I a beaaty destroyer. If there
are children hx year home., don't borrow
trouble, but prepare for emergearlea by
keeping at head a jar af Mother's galea
To world aerer aaw Ha equal aa a healer
ef cuts. bona, kiahin. seres, sprain
and achea. It la tlnd)d for sere throat
I fie catsgh emidj
I I ipeaded wpen aad
J I tax. For aala
( (From a 8Uff Correipondent.)
I VBH MOINES. Feb. U.-(8perlal Tele
gram.) A acors of the survivors of the
j battle of Fort Donelson and their friends
celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of that
event here today. They were In tha main.
' the survivors of the Second Iowa Infantry
I a Men occupied a prominent position In
; the fighting. . The widow and members
of the femlllea af Captain Cloutmaa. wha
I waa killed at the battle came from Kan
ass City to attend the reunion.
' fthoOTlas; Views a Dam.
Hugh L. Cooper, engineer of the dam
acroae the MinUalppI river, at Keokuk,
j epok tonight to th Grant dub aad with
tereoptlcon views showed the work that
Is being don there to develop the great
est water power hi the Mississippi valley.
Aa effort la to be made to hare the
power transmitted here and to put a
stop to the use of aa much coal la the
factories of ths city.
Plnht for Prohibition.
The annual meeting af th executive
committee of th constitutional amend
ment association which la planning to
Induce the legislature to aubmlt to th
voters th question of having prohibition
et liquor sale la th constitution held a
ilon her to plaa for tha work this
year In electing men to state office. They
claim over t.000 for governor and for
members of th legislature.
ONAWA. la.. Feb. lL-8peelal)-
Onawa I on th verge at a thorough
renoveUea from caller to garret A
ement la on foot for tha organ tea-
turn of a Ctvto Improvement league for
the purpose af tha betterment aad ad
vancement of tha town. Committees
hava been appointed to Interest th clt
isens of tha town In such an organisa
tion ana a mass meeting naa neea called
for the evening pf February M. Th
Onawa Commercial club ha planned
for a monster banquet to be held at
Hotel Monona far tha evening of March
1 for the purpose of reorganising. Aa at-
fort 1 being made te salaot , agresMre
candidates for mayor and a' new city
council. It la hoped to combine th ef
fort of the thro separata bodies for
tha boosting of a greater Onawa thla
coming spring. 1
1NDIANOLA, la., Feb. It-Plats Sen
ator A. V. Proudfoot af Indlanola today
authorised the statement that he will
eeek the republican neealaatlon for gov
ernor. Ha wilt make hi fight on a plat
form favoring th renomlnatlon of Presi
dent Tsft.
Mr. John Peter gchroeder of Albion, aged
year, and Ml. Mary Rrlmer, aged 4
years, were married today at the home
of the bride at ayracuee today. They
will make their future home at Albion,
near which the groom own a larg tract
of land. Thla a the third marriage Heenas
the groom baa secured ta thte county. The
Orat waa when he eaa a resident at
yracuse and a years a age.
NEBRASKA CITT, Neb.. Feb, .-
pertal.)-AI . Benedict Catholic
ckureh Wednesday. Rot. Father Meyers
united hi snarriage Mis Oertrude Wetter
aad Mr. John areas. Th wedding
attended by. a large number af relatives
and friends aad wae followed by a
ceptloo at th been ef the bride' parents
eouta af the city.
PLATTlBdOLTH. Neb, Feb. M,-ape-
euu-r-Mr. Art Bvaoa af Gleaweed. la.
and Miss Pear VNcill af tale olty wore
unaea m aeernage at the residence f
Philip Rhla la this atty at I J -eeek
nut alght.. Rev. U W. Oeaa. neater f
th Preebytertaa eh arch arrsEkMed. Mr.
and Mra. Bvaaa ww restd aa a tarsi
V e '"" -
Oaawa Bay Shot by Bratker.
ONAWA. Ia., Fab. Ifc-tBpecUl.) A
ssrious aocldsnt befell Utile Burl Kin-
Ugh. tha 1-year-old son ef Mrs. I. K.
Klntlgk, last vnmg when he waa struck
at the eye ky a shst frosn an air nn
In the hand of his le-year-old brother,
Aa a result, the loss of an ay la feared.
Eye specialists havs been summoned and
as opera ttea will be performed.
Only Sevei Men Indicted is Dyna
mite Cues Still at Large.
fhaix k. PAurna on the list
Pewrla FHeada ml Farmer Omaha
Maa Wha to Wanted any Ma
Haa Net Been There
for Teera.
INpiANAPOUS. Feb. li-Offlclal re
sorts by the government today ahowed
that only six out of ths fifty-four men
Indicted In the dynamite conspiracy had
sot been arrested.
These not arrested or In custody ac
cording to government advices are:
J. J. McCray. formerly aa Iron worker
of Wheeling, W. Vs., but said ta have
left there.
W. Irwin, Peoria, III,, local union
Frank K. Pslnter, Omaha, local union
official, said to have left that place.
Milton H. nnvle, Philadelphia, former
member of the executive hoard.
Patrick- Ryan, Chicago, local business
William J. Raneon. Detroit, nresldeat
of the Letrelt Federation of Labor,
Buckley la Btlll la Jail.
DAVENPORT. Ia. Feb. U.-Dn!l
Buckley, arrested yesterdsy on federal
Indictments at Iadlanapolls, la still In
lall today, but his friends ssy thsy will
get the COM ball necessary by tomorrow.
'Buckley haa been absent from Daven
port only three time In ten years," de
clared his attorney, Oeorge W. Pcott,
today, "and wa eaa account for what be
did every moment ef that time. He Is
Innocent of the charge against him. If
aver a maa -w aa Innocent He bears a
good reputation la the community."
Michael J. Yeaag garreaders.
BOSTON, Feb. .JJ.-M!ehael j. young.
business agent for tha Bostoa branch af
the Iron Workers" union, surrendered
ta a United Btsteo marshal today la
connection with the dynamite conspiracy
Indictment against htm. He was held
In thM bait
Beraed While sighting Fire,
IOWA CITT. la- Feb. U.-(Peclal Tol
as ran) Left alone at their eounfry rea
tdsaos. four mile west of here, today
Nellie and Oeneva Shay heroically fought
tha flames la gave their home aad bath
ware painfully burned. Oeneva, I In a
serious condition. Their efforts wen
.... . .k- , 1 1 , k a. AAA S
Ule ana ves teoe wm we rw
Kmbeealemeat Charae Preferred
ORAETTINOBR. ta., Feb. !.- Special
Telegram.) U B. Frekner, manager of
th farmers' co-operative store, has been
bound over to th grand jury for emkea-
slement. It Is claimed there Is a short'
sas la his accounts ef PV BaH wa
fixed at ..
lalared by On Ksplaolea.
IOWA CITT, I,. Feb. IA.-iBpeclal Tel
agram.l An explosion of gas which
wrecked the horns at Jamea Wilkinson
today seriously Injured both Wilkinson
and hie wife, who were la the houss at
tha tints.
Iowa News Natea.
KUMKTVBrRO-John Olbbs, a prom
tnent young farmer of - Kmmeteburg
owaakln. . was k leg here ireateroay
when hie neck wae broken by a gasoline
pumping engine He waa caught acci
dentally In ths fly wheel.
HAMPTON Mr. snd Mrs. August
Walter ef this place, Thursday celebrated
the fiftieth anniversary of their wed
ding They were married In Germany
rebrusry U, UCI. 1
NAKHt'A Frank Kdnon. a retired
farmer aged W year, eommlttad suicide
br shoot inc himself at his home here
Wedneadsy night. Despondency cauerd
br ill health was ths reason for him
taking kla lite.
Commission Ends .
Two Days' Session
The Nebraska Workman s Compensation
commission wklch had been holding a twa
days- easstesr-tn Omaha, adjourned Mat
evening to meet again March I la Urn-
Alt members were la attendance. In
cluding preatdMt C. D. Traphsgea.
Charms Coffey aad Rev. Mr. Weeiherty
af Lincoln. L D Been of Keaeeaw.
Victor Rose water. F. L , Ellkh aad X
Weltsel of Omaha aad Secretary BhcMeo
of Uacoln,
The niemhera reported aatu factory pro-
greea and entered a vote ef thanks for
hosntullty. They were entertained at
reneheoa Wedaeedey by Victor R
water and were rueats Thursday of the
Manufacturers' ssseetstlna at the lunch
eon tendered ta ex-ekmator BeverMg.
When yau want a Masaie madklni
. It
He as St aad aafa ta
ay ail
New Bank lianiiner
Chosen for Nebraska
X AJW I SOrrOH.' Feb." tapedai Tete-
gram-latata Bank atsammer a a E
u mt Apaeahoa. Nskk. haa been 1
aatatsd aa aaaitleaal bank sinmlasr for
Nebraska ta addition te Bsamlasia Rush
aad Klme.
The ppetartmeot haa been mad at the
eottcttatien Senator Brewa. '
Friday the 1 6 ih
1 M
Hear Elevator Hew Underpriced Section
Hundreds of Remnants of All Kinds and Colors, Woolen
and Silk Dress Goods
lyLb Loss
- Each and Every Day
.... 11 A . nn.-Ji
mnrpQ if tin wnnr LaJiimi ?
Illfl VWV Vga - was BIBSSSSSa
A Daily Visit Means Money Saving
Usually Crowded Iti tlia Afternoons Morning Trading Most Satislactoty
- . ,
Capp Has Long,.Talk
: With -Roosevelt
NEW YORK, Feb, It, -Senator Moses &
Clspp had a long conference with Theo
dore Roosevelt here today. Senator Clapp
escaped the reporter at the conclusion
of tha Interview and Mr. Roosevelt de
clined t aay what bad been dlsoaaaed.
lie denied, however, a report that Wil
liam Loeb, Jr., formerly bin prlvata sse
retary, would manage a political earn,
paign for him.
American Soldiers
Go Into Juarez
' Through Mistake
Eb FA PO. Feb. 11 American eo Idlers
went lata Jsures this morning by mistake
spd iatarnetlonal trouble threatened aa
a result. The o!dlr were new men here.
A compear ef them attempted la go
round from aa tnternaUonal bridge ta
another on the Mexican side. There were
stopped by Mexican guard and the whole
town gutekly was In arms ' -
Car hava stopped running: -n Ameri
cans can get acroesi The nver-la lined
with armed Mexicans doing puarg duty.
.The Amsricaas are, mem Sere of a batta
lion of the KHflrreenlh Infantry, which
earn from Arisen Tuesday. Tha PoMlers
were placed under arrest by tha Mexican
The Americana Vera under command af
Lieutenant Fields, wha soys he made a
mlstsk. The town has quieted down now
and the mbea have been released, .
Owing to the. embargo an traffic acres
the International boundary It wa aa
nouMed at 1 J a'eloek that there would
be ae racing at the Juarea track today.
Aa t'gly ah .
should be covered with clean bandage
saturated with Buck. lea's Arnica Palve.
Heels burns, wounds, seres, piles. He.
For sal by Beaton Drug Co,
CLEVELAND, a. Fab. 14 -When Adam
Bujek called at the home at Peter
Ckauch lata today ta dallver milk nt
peered through a window and saw two
little bodies an a bed. He ealled th
police, who found Ctesueh aa the floor.
with his throat cut On th bed, with
seek a almost ssvered, lay the bodies of
Clesueh's ehildren-Cacflaw, aged I aad
Agnes, i.
Ctesueh died In sn ambulance on th
way to a hospital.
The mother wae away from hems at
Ihe time' ef the tragedy.
It la aald Ctesueh wss despondent be
ns use he waa aut of work and for that
hilled his children aad hi mm II
fCey tg the gituaUoa-iiee Advertising.
. Beak at England atateaseat.
IjOHrtOH. Fen, 11. -The weekly state
ment ef the Bank ef England shewn ths
lollowlng rhsnges: Total reeerre in
rreeaed. (371.000. circulation decreased 123!.
M. bullion Increased OTMJ1. 01 her ee
eurnlee Increased 0,m.Me, other de.
uoelts tncreseed lim w, puatio tieonsue
Increeaed tsUOM. notes reserve Increased, gr-vemment scuritle Increased
(HI aa. Ths pmportion of IhS bank's re
serve to liability thla week-la tl.M per
cent! hut week It was U M per sent.
The Pure Product of
Nature. SprinBt. You will
feel hotter and do bettar f or Uain (
1, :!- na Artnlna lor
comes In every
bottle bearing
the triangular
label. : Just re
member this
and order Blatz.
free- Brwanear
Hiss iainiiteSavsa,
rwssa Prnglnua
The Struggle For "Bread"
3 is as old as the human race.
k While you are struggling, how- i
ever, be sure you are struggling for real bread the kind
that contains all the body-building material in the' whole'
' .... .fry-k.
' wheat grain. In ...
r . -
Shredded Wheat Bisctait
you have all the muscle-building, brain-making elements
.in the whole wheat prepared in a digestible form no yeast,
no baking powder, no grease, no chemicals of any v kind
just pure, whole wheat steam-cooked, shredded and baked in
the cleanest, finest food factory in the world. Nothing so de
licious and satisfying for breakfast as Shredded Wheat Bis
cuit served with hot milk or with stewed or canned fruits.
rusts tTkCa m a ro 14 oat.
Tew druggist win return) asoasp 3
PASO OINTMENT falls t euro aay eaas
ef Uokang. Bnad. nissdiag sr Fretradtng
FUae la t ta U dare. a.
Shredded Wheat is the
"Staff of Life"