Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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It's a Poor Rule that Doesn't Work Both Ways
By "Bud" Fisher .
wu mamv niwts MrNK
X TCH.0 YXlTMCtfiftltt
'"VSGlNt You Mvta. ryo
w. - - - . 1
I'M GONNevBuy Yne
TXNNeH. eVNrTHlrtw
to evr f
f w nil the f.RHW iwn uur
NlCt PlKiT OF Vet:
7 . J
x f I
v to eT a j . i i 5Vt
vtxi vniAnt?
r'.i v foi
I coOn ee J xtajNfc xv I ill
v s- & Pkx xoon. I
jl j
WW ls rem wv .rase CW $&jBBBBaM?y.
Vew Yorker Defeat! UoCormick is
; Final Bound of Match.
Chirac Flayer Appears Aereeaeaad
Prove Eur la First Two Ca
tests, bat Mailt la
i Ik Third.
i TUXEDO PARK. N. T.. Fsb. UW. 0.
rJoogtss of New lark defeated Harold F.
MeOsrralch of th University eluk of C hi
es loamy la Ik final round tor th cold
raoqust championship of Mil It I the
third tin Douglas hu m tb charnplon
skip and thl victory gtvee htm posaee
toa at tka Claraao Maekay trophr.
' Tk Chleasa playar nu kaatra In thro
"tralckt lainaa bf mnw of It-1, 1M. 17-II.
MeCaratlck Momd norvoua aad la th
ftrat In (anwi Douclu aaallr kad th
attar of aim. Tb ekamplaa aeoraa Bva
aon kr aanrle at tlx Mart, and kofon
MoCanniek kad tot kla kMrlnga h fol
io wad It p with all awn, awklnc a
ear of 11 to I Th Cklcacoan at
toaatnar avarcoaw kr thle lad,
Tka atoond cant aa alro all an-ildd.
Dmalaa gvttlnt Ihlrtaoa aeo with kli
fmt hand lo MeCornilck'i am.' MoCor
Briak ralHad la tka tklrd in and plarod
. la rrn hanan VP to l-all. wkan th nm
wa aH t tha kt of Mr aoa. Ioulw
Mnrod krUUaatlr d won ky Biargia of
twe ana..
Jowa to Play Foot .
v Ball in Milwaukee
MILWAt-KBB. Wla.. Ftb. 11-Th
'Itvanlnc Wlaaonila a (hat attw ?ar
mt patlaat wattlnc. Mllwaukat will nav
a akaaca to altnaaa an ef Ik Ml foot
-toll (ana at th cumin aaaaoa. th a
tot ktwa Iowa and lb linlvertlty af
Wtoronala a Novwnbar B, .th I
of th Maton for th Wloouln
His FM Black Eye
By Hal Coffman
Vt who m MMY vi S
r 0- - - rra
Mt 0M " tt.W'- JlCSOM
mi n
- Final arranaBnl ar (aid to hav
aaaa nada kr Coach Jaa Hawlr of
lew aad Hod Coach JUaharda of WH
cotwln. . othor Wlaoamln unlvrltr data In--cluda
a aama wltk t"kicn at Madlaon
'Novamhar t; Iwrotie. oa IKtobar I,;
Purdu at Madltun. Ortotwr 11 Th
Mlnjoaoia gam, aaick hu W
aclMdulad tcntallvvlr for Mortrabar k,
wUI ha Pa;ad at Minn poll aa Mo
Tmkr 11
;Premont Thinks
of Leaving League
FMUfOKT. N.. F.b. i:.-A rot
at oappoftw of tha local ban bill txun
wtU dos whthr ttw Fntnnnt trm
'plar la th Noraka mat IwMtu not
'aaaunr. atr lndpndnt ball or mako
applleatloa for trantr ta th Mtnk
Imiw Tb ot will k ukon at a
'maatlnc kre thla arantnf. Btnllmant
aTor withdrawal from th mat Ivairoa
at-aae. Tha ntliant acalmt nmain-
lot la th baaii atarud at th annual
'amtlac whoa tha faction enlrolid kr
Ifaraur Piwilaant Slavar of Urand
lslaad aararad tka alartloa of a prVilnt
frMa kuaortor. Fnaont eontndd that
ta kaad at tha lru thou Id k lrud
itroa a ttr aot Inwnnod dlretlr la th
rnlt of th nnnl rac.
League Leaders to
Meet Tonight at
Th Plral hakt toawr. Icadtra la th
Trl-Clly iMku. will rlh with th
Omaha lllib arhool qiunttt at tha local
"V" fymnaatura thla vnln( In what la
ax poet ad to ka two of th beat axhlbl
tlona of th floor aport, whlrh wilt b
pullod off In Omaha thla araaon. Aa tka
two flvaa ar about avtnrj' malrbad and
th loaa of a aama oa th part of olthar
will maaa a ehana la th Uacu atand
ln(. tha fame will b all thai mora hard
A a preliminary ooattat, tb Crlf hton
Bv will mt th Bvllavua eollaflana.
Falrkarr Flara Tkr Oaaia.
FAJRBfRY. Nb.. Fab. U.-RparlaL)-Tha
bnya' hlh achool baakat ball aam
haa rturnad from a trip to Hrbron and
Utnava, wham It playad tha hlch arhool
Iim Tha Habrsn-Falrbur)' om waa
won by tha FaJrbury tram, tt to 36. In tha
Kalrbury-Gancva aama tbr Falrbury tram
waa badly outclaaiad. Tha aror aloud
Th Falrburr girl' baakrt half tram of
tha hlah arhonl wnt to !ru a no niavn
th atat normal tram. Tha aror waa W
to 1 In favur of tha Parv glrla.
v CAMBRIDOB. Han.. Fab. 1--A caU tor
IHarrar oaadldaU tor tha nrotty rrawa
aoay raraalr th fact tha Crorga Von
11-. Myr, Jr.. aoa of th aacrrtary of th
ary and a mambar af tha vainly fnui
taf'laat raar. kroka hi tr whllr roaating
laat atght and will aot a abl to row l!
yar. Mrr la a mamiwr oi tn
.Jvator elaaa. and on aorourt of hla abil
ity ta low tthr a a-irt or atarnoard oar
jwaa on of tha moat i.romiaing of tlia raa
idataa for th varaltr alaht. Hla Injury
jcanatota of a romnonmt (ractur uf th
rtgkt lag.
'-" "yew YORK. Fra. K. Twa l!thlarlght
orlng koata on mt latrrnatlanal clar
'aetar, war arranged r-er today. Th
flrat. ktwra Packr;- Mclai!-:;d and
Tammy MaWnry. wl'l tal. plara right
tat? Fabi iiai j S. cd t'i W6r on March
. t wUI bring fbt'rr -Ona Riund"
Kocaa ef CaHfom'a abd Oarn M.Maa of
McFarlaad and Moionrr will acgh In
at IS aoanda at C o'd a. wh!l lioaaa
iaad Moraa will maka 13 pounda at th
' rtagaHa. Both bout a a il : uf tea
Culled from the Vifires
Tha racord for th number ef ila'miffa
Involved la a ault tn th Montana eourta
naa bran broken In tha ruing at Butta
In an action of the Butte Mill and 8mel
trrtnan a union to enjoin the VYaelern
Iteration ot Mloera from revoking Ita
Mr 8. If. Bcliermarhorn. wife of a
Cnvaao broker, waa arrtoualy burned
elcn an alcohol tre overturned In a
comprtment of a car on th Santa Ka
t'nlitorni rlralted train Bear Umpurta.
Coniiderable Commotion, Howerer,
Canted by the Henry Smoke.
i -
Irk Waaaaa Carried Urra Ike Fir
Baeape Mat Fall Dwa tha
Fir arlglnatlng In th baaement In tha
potato room of tha Paxtoa hotel and
eating Ita war up through th floor ot
th cloak room and Into tha Northweetera
office at Fourteenth and Faraara etrceta
drew thouaanda ot pacta tore and eauead
genaral eacltcmant yaatarday afternoon.
Tha alarm waa turned In at I o'clock .
At th height of the aidteraent Thome
Shield waa being holated la th Itnpro
vtaad elevator en th Woodmen build
ing aeroa the atrett. At th aecond floor
he turned around to look upon th eoene
alow and bacama ao fruatrated that b
loot hla balance and tumbled to the
ground. U wu tavaraly brulaad. but
waa not put entirely eut ot eommleaton.
Damage don to th Pastoa hotel la
regarded aa trifling, but aa eadl
amount ot fear waa caueed among tb
gueata, who hurried out of th Muldlng.
All tha hall ware filled with amoke.
which eourerd a pth alevator-ahaft and
Ipuffad out of th window oa th top
Amoflg th gueata waa a atck woman,
and Immediately upon th alarm ot fir
ah wa taken down the fire eerap by
aureea and other attendant.
Th crowd that gathered at tk arena
waa ao large that th police met with dif
ficulty tn holding, th curtoua one back.
YtRS' IM& KifiG-
YwaLly Was ?RtsiNTlt
NIT A KkAtM 6 YE. Ana WAT TWf tnPfp
Director Mait keet Examiner at
Each Examination.
rtv Maadrea Oaaka atlfleal that
Tkrtr Reroat Kleetlra at Nea
reeldeat Olrectara fa
WABH1N0TON.'. Feb. It-Comptroller
of the Currency Murray today ordered
that boarda of dlreotor ot national bank
hereafter ahali meet the federal bank ex.
amine re at every examination to dinua
tha affaire of toe Inetltutlona, eopectally
thetrioaaa and dlaoounta.
In th large oltlaa when the aaaembllng
of tha dlreotor may oaua eonaldarabla
tnconvenlanoa, th eaamlnara bar been
authortnd to uaa their discretion In en
forolng the new rdr unleaa om condi
tion I found la th bank deeervlng crltl
clam. Carrying cut th aphit of thla regula
tion tha comptroller today advtard about
Mt bank located In vartoua parte of th
country that tkrlr coo raa In recently
electing as a auOortty of their board,
director who are aot reetdent of the
place where th bank are located were
"objectionable." ,
Tramn Break lata hal Haee.
YORK. Neb.. Feb. 11 Special.) Twe
trampe brok Into Maple Orova acbool
haaat last Friday night by remorlng toe
glaaa from a window. They built a fire
ami mad themeeleea comfortable. Later
they were a Treated and arraigned before
Judge Wray. who hnpoaad a fine ot M
each upon them. They . wttl remain In
Jail twenty day.
Convict Who Silled Deputy Warden
Indifferent as to Fate.
Pealteatlary Aatharltlra I aable t
Learn Jlaaae ef Priaeaer Wk
Held Prlae aad Preeeatrd
Farther Vleleece
. (From a Staff Correepondent.)
USCOLN. Feb. U.-t8peelal Telegram.)
Albert Prtaoa, th negro convict who aa
aaultad and killed Deputy Warden X. J.
Davie at tha penitentiary Sunday. Is now
confined In a solitary cell. He expresses
no regret for hla crime and aaya that h
xpaots to hang for It. Even this P roe
pert doe not appear to effect him In
Ihe least and ha dlecuasea it with Indif
ference. Tha prison officials ar taking
th utmost car that th dee Derate man
doe no harm to anyone alee. '
Whenever there la occasion to enter
hla call two men will be there, the duty
of one being to watch Prince to see that
he does no harm end great care Is also
being taken that ha'doaa not hare an
opportunity to ooromlt sumtd. There
Is every reason to believe that no one
beside Prince had any hand In ar pre
vious knowledge of th propoaed crime
though all tha drcumatanoae show eon
eluatvaly- that It Was premeditated and
carefully planned.
Th first on to some to the aid of
Warden Da via waa a convict, but In th
confusion none of tha officials noticed
who It was. Neither the convict himself
nor his tallows will tell, and though the
officials would Hks to find out they have
been unable to do ao. Juat why thla
ahould be can be explained only on the
generally known fact that onvtrta'are
alwaya disinclined to talk about anything
which happens In Ihe prtton.
The authorttlea are preparing to bring
the cane to tha attention of tha court aa
soon aa pooalbl and a a needy nroaaca-
tloa la aeeured. Th complaint will be
filed Immediately after th funeral ot
Mr. Davie, which la art tor Wednesday
afternoon. Th coroner's Inquest will be
held tomorrow.
A aha Frleade In tat a ta Ca
alarr Him taw Waaalaatlea.
ST. LOUIB. Feb. lX-Former Governor
Joseph W. Folk today asked frUoda
Nebraska not to consider him as a
dentlal candidate, declaring he haa
pledged his support to Speaker Champ
Clark. '
Tha request followed the receipt ef a
telegram from V B. Erlcson ef Bile
tow, Neb., m which h aaM ha had filed
a petition with tha secretary of stats,
asking that Folk's nam be piaeed on
tha ballot tor democrat preeldentiall
candidate before tha April prtxaartaa
The telegram ended with this etatement:
"Fold sentiment I strong In Nebraska,
specially In among th Bryan men and
I feel confident you win win."
Mr. Folk replied a follows:
"I hare your communcatton adrtatng
me that you have filed with th eortary
ot state, a petition to plans my name an
tha ballot for the democratic presidential
primarlee In Nebraska.
"I appreciate your friendly Interest,
but as I sm not s candidate for praetdent
and sm pledged to Mr. Clark. I must de
cllne to hav my nam eoneidered and
ak you to withdraw th petition."
IwevtflVebennleklnhfmwg kk gk gk
The key to auceee tn business to tk
jndlctou and persistant us of newspaper
Big Returns.
' - Traal Ptarera Bark.
iLarned ef New York. Maurice K. Jle-
Lauahlia f Saa Franciac and Bee la t
- Wrlakt at Boston, who contested with
.'the Aastrallaa teenls trto for the Inter
national Darts cup. amed ker today oa
1 the OoaaMe Liner Merre from Australia
The Americana lost ta the Auetrallaa
. player.
ate las Defeats gmllh.
! BOSTON. Feb. It-la a well fought
f wr-eat match C. Hutch In. of B.ton de-
feetaa F. B. Mnrth of Palllinore todar
la th fmale for the amateur equaah rac-
peet eheekpteaahip of tn i aite Mates.
vara U-tt. li-ls. la-U, 17-li.
Embryo Giants Who Are Looked on With Favor
6. A. Whetan Diafignre Het While
She i Sound Asleep.
Dorter Bare Wma la la Berla
Csadltlaa, Face, Keek, Meath
aad Ssetrlle Belac
Badly Baraed. x
O. A. Whetan took a look at hla wife
Sabbathmorn at dawn, then arose, pre
pared a bucketful of concentrated lye
and dashed It Into her face aa aha alept.
8he Is In a serious condition and under
tb care ot a doctor, while Whetan Is it
large, whereabouts unknown. Tha
Whetana have been married tor twenty
five year. Their horn Is at 1621 North
Twenty-second street. '
The matter waa made publlo when Mrs.
Whetan's two daughters appeared at
police headquartera and a-ked that their
father be located and a Treated. No reason
was given for the assault Dr. T. J.
Dwysr has the case and says tbs woman's
condition Is very serious. Examina
tion, shows thst ths woman was fright
fully burned about the faoe and neck.
H-r llpa and noatrtla are burned by the
lye, as Is also her mouth. Part of ths hair
is burned from her head. Luckily her eyee
were cloasd when aha received th oon
tenta of th bucket.
De-a (analttr Deliberately,
According to the story told by Dr.
Dwysr. Whetan arose and dressed about
In the morning, without awakening his
wife. Ha went to the barn, mixed a
quantity of lye and water In a bucket,
returned to the house and without a word
threw the contents of the bucket over
his wife's face and neck. He then left
th house without saying a word and has
not hem seen sine. Mr. Whetan Is ovsr
to years old. She ha two daughter, one
married and the other to Single, living at
horn with her mother.
Two Men Hurt When
Wheelbarrow Falls
at W.OW. Building
Two laborers ware aarloualy Injured at
4: o'clock yesterday afternoon when a
wheelbarrow loaded with brick fell from
th hoisting shaft between th second
and third floor ot the Woodmen of th
World building. Both were taken to the
Wla Memorial hospital. Their condi
tion, although serious, is not fatal. They
are T. Stubba, SaT Martha, and Taylor
Ollck. 467 Harney. ' .
Ths two men were working on th
ground floor hauling brick from tb In-,
ttrtor ot tha building to th foot ot th
elevator shaft They had Just placed two
wheelbarrows loaded with brick on the
levator and were taking the empty
wheelbarrow Into the building to be re
filled. When directly underneath the
haft one of tha wheelbarrow on th ele
vator worked loos and fell. Ollck waa
directly underneath tha elevator whan th
bricks felL He waa eut about tha head
and his left forearm broke. Ha may be
Internally Injured and at least en rib
I fractured. Btunbs, who waa a Httl
to on side of the shaft, waa struck a
slanting blow on the hip and back. Ills
condition la net reported as being eery
serious. His back may hav been
Van Riper Made
Boston Professor
BOSTON. Feb. 11 - Special Telegram.)-
Dr. B. V. Van Riper, prufessor of philoso
phy at Nebraska Wealeyan university, has
been appointed professor of philosophy at
Boston university and will begin hi duties
next September. He ta a graduate ot
Alleghany collage, Chicago university.
Jena and ths University of Berlin, and
31 years old. Hs will sail for Europe
next Wednesday and spnd th next two
month In study Is Germany.
Secretary Fuller
PleadsNot Guilty
KANSAS CITT. Fsb. lt-A. R. Fuller,
secretary of ths American Union Trust
company, today pleaded not guilty to a
charge of embexslement when arraigned
In a Justice court His preliminary hear
ing was set for February M and ha wss
released on bond. Th charges agalntt
Fuller and thro other officers of ths
trust company grew out of Its failure a
few weeka ago.
Key ta the gltusttoa Da Advertising.
Four Cleat recruits w be are expected j tnp.
to become regular during th DJ apruuj P tehee,
iljohnatoa. outfielder, from Saa Aatoai.
A tissue league: Bert MaxwelL pitcher. I Texas league, and Bd Munsdl, pitcher.
treat Catuahie, at th South frm Birmingham. Southern league: Jack Jtrvm Dallas, ot tn Texas leagwa.
Before any sore can heal, the cause which prodnees it must be remoYed.
Aa long; aa the blood, from which our systems receive their necessary noor
ishmeut aad strength, remain! impure and contaminated with disease germs,
any old sore on the body will remain open, and resist every efiort made to
heal it. The nerres aad tissues of the flesh around the places are continu
ally fed with unhealthy matter and nature is simply disposing of the poison
by draining it from the system through the sore. The only cure for an old
sore is a thorough cleansing of the blood, entirely ridding the system of the
cause. S. Sl S. heals old sores by removing every particle of impurity from
the circulation. It goes down to the very bottom of the trouble and so com
pletely cleanses the circulation that there is no longer any impurity to drain
through the sore, but the place is once more nourished with rich, health
ful blood. 8. & S. heals the sore from the bottom, the place goon fills in
with healthy, firm flesh, the tenderness leaves, all discharge ceases, the
akin regains its natural color and when & S. 6, has thoroughly cleansed and
purified the blood the place is permanently healed. Book on Sores and
Ulcers and any medical advice free to all who write.
I- I