Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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in every section of the city advertised
under the new heading" Amusements"
first column on the want pages.
Live lrk UniilHln Mereka
TAflrt PROS. handle cattle. hoCT. sheep. Ixrj)! Cattje t0 Uvtt petd.
Clay. Rvbirvtoa 4t Co.. M Exchange laid., .
crs fully oicauy.
Interstate Co. Heller results. Ship 10 u. .
CLIFTON Com. Co.. 3 Kwlllim Bldg,
L. E. ROBERTS CO.. 239 Excb, Bldg j
Cox A Joma, O.-m Co.. bonch orhustlers '
Farmer L. 3 Com. Co . 309 Excb. Bidg.
Deposit proceeds of shipments in Slock
Yards Natl B.nh Only hank at yards.
Martin tiro. & Co.. S3-4 Ksxh. Bldg
M XSSXCE Treatment Mr, birele.
-uaoOJUti ;tw Dodge. Ground i .w.
M ASS (iV Baths, "It glow aromatic
JVJiJ treatment, lime, Allen of
Chicago. MO 17th St.. 1st floor. D. TOSS.
THE SALVATION AR."Y solicits cast
off clothing: In fact anything you do not
lieca. We collect, repair and aell at 1S4
N nth St. for con of collection, to I lie
worthy poor. Call phone Douglas tL3 and
whkom Kill call.
i:el estate.
SWEDISH 's'e. vibrator ana
ol,ljmo11 radiator treatment. Mrs.
Snyder, K Bee Bldg. Red WOO.
KW I.D1SH massage for rheumatism,
must lea. Joints, disease. Kareten Ton
ret h, only Omaha maseeur graduate In
Sweden. 4M Om. Nat l Bank. Doug nS.
MASS (iE 8',i,n movement Apt.
l (i'ETTPr,",mn'- E. Brett. '.TJ
REST bracer for men. Gray's Nerve
food Pills. i per box. postpaid. Sherman
er McConne:! Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb.
Thousands of people have
found the home they were
looking for among the real
estate ads on The Bee want
ad psite. The home you
want to sell can be disposed
of quickly at coat of only a
few cent through Be want
Kaffir corn makes hena lay, tZ per MM;
screenings. 11.36 per 100, Wagner, 901 N. It
KIK1S fir hatching from the Brandets
farm. Thoroughbred 8. C. White Leg
horns, runty slock, I1.M a setting or
per 100. Exhibition or show -mock. 13 to
li a setting. Write for catalogue. Address
A. P. Brandels, Omaha. Tel. Benson trot,
Phone Douglas 11. MlltHoward St.
I.KiHT Brahmas. single comb reds. 1834
N. 30th. I'hon Douglas 64s7.
8. C. W. leghorn chickens, new laying,
,3c each: t'so Incubatora and brooders,
l'hone Ind. 1194 or Florence .
Reed Abstract Co., oldest abstract office
In Nebraska. S Brandels Theater.
NKALE CAMPBELL. 1714 Farnam 8L
Klectrlc gna fixtures. Omaha Silver Co.
ideal Cement Co., 17lh and Cuming.
Fucin. Son ii Blind, painting. decorating.
ROOFINU paints, building papers, plas
ter boards. Amer. gup. Co.. 110X Nicholas.
WELL Digging.
N. 16th 8t.
F. F. Grossman, 1668
". miles out: good -room house, barn,
orchard and other fruit. One mile of rall
load station: K.UI. McOee Real Estate
Company. Council Bluffs,
We have some well located and
that we can sell
If you want trackage either for
Immediate use or as an Invest
ment we will be glad to talk
lo you about the above property.
O'Neil's Real Estate
& Ins. Agency
1VB Famam St.
I'honea Tyler 10M. Independent A-UU.
Hi N. ih St.. 8outh Omaha.
Phone South 193, F-1191.
New p ven room, modern, oak flnfahed
house: attic; east frojit, on carllne;
lament walkf; lot 9x142 ft; a fin prop
erty. Ternii, 1709 caah. balance eat?y.
iH.n t fail to luok this up. U la worth r
ut your conatderatlon.
Fine Dundee Corner
Two lots 100x136 ft. In the wry beat
I art of Dunde. A bautfful location fur
h fine home. Price on inquiry-
Benson & Carmichael
C Paxton Block.
1-AKiiB brick factory building with
a. re of trackage. Cheap for cash or ex
change considered. J. W. Raap Co.. ess
Brandels Bldg.
$300 CASH
We can ail you a strictly modern S
room rott&jce on ear line and paved treet.
In ttof north pan of the city, for $2,100:
cash, balance r.D monthly. tnclmtin
interest. The eotta" i In firxt-clan con
rtltlon and rente! to a cttod tenant for
per month. Surely thla beat payln
out money yar after venr lor rent.
1 Douglaii itki or A-ll.
Evening and Sundaye Webster 2X
TWO lot In Kenwood addition at re
duced piiig; et' terms. Harney till
Buy Direct from
GooA five-room house, havfna gan and
complete bath; within waiktoi ilrtan?e
of poo t office. Lot 4di.14b, and a fine puoo
to ralM chickens. North part of city.
No. 15th. 1'hont Webster $U34 after
p. m.
Farmers nd land buyers
a t over the country are
rt tiding Bee want ads every
day and snappinfar-P every
tarirain offered
Katca 1S ont per word
If run only one time, lc per
word If run two or mora
ttnu-a conaocutively.
Write and mail your ait
today to .Heal JSeiate depart
ment vt The Omalia Bee.
Kcult are sura
2 aci'?t 1 miles scab of Q on aith St..
rotm cottap.', barn, two chicken hniwer
and all kiiuls of fruit. v,,p cre chicken
Hjfht. 2W U. St. l'hone ituth ioiitli
KX 1 1 A LK-e-room houae and t h ree
! a rite loU. 50x5H on 62d and Francis,
SI :-n. A. A, Kuray. Station U. Harney
BHtlah Colambla.
Hazelton B. C.
HAZELTON has the largest anthracite
coal fields, equal In extent and quality
to those of Pennsylvania.
IIAZKI.TON la the center of the rich
est mining sons of North America.
HAZLLTON has the law materials for
smelters, factories and saw mills at Its
HAZLRTON has the large! agricul
tural and fruit districts surrounding It.
HAZKLTON to at the head of naviga
tion from the Pacific ocean, like Portland.
HAZELTON mill be the first large dl
vision point east of Prince Rupert on the
Qrand Trunk Pacific railway.
Over orth of property gold to
residents of Old Haselton and Prince
Ruoert In eleven daya wrien the ratiroad
commissioner located ysrda and station
In Haselton. To take advantage of this
offer you must act quickly do not hold
back until the prices are advanced, or till
the business section te sold out.
We Invite you to Invest In a manufac
turing and mining center. We handle
future cities, not future towns. Call or
write quickly for full Information. Ad
dress Canadian National Investors. Ml
Paxton Bldg., Omaha. Neb.
Will buy for anyone British Colum
bia Farm Lands on uncompleted- Grand
Trunk without commission axcepuni per
centage of profits. Largs returns cer
tain. Frank Crawford, all Homer Street.
Vancouver, or Omaha.
We are offering 10, and ee-acra tracts
and upwards located In Columbia county
near Lake City. Florida, M miles west of
Jacksonville and only a miles from St.
Augustine. This property la Intersected
By three railroads o( national reputation,
which furnlsk the best service at
reasonable rates to all markets of the
United Htatts.
The climate ll Ideal. Fine farm, are
now being worked In our tract witn
exceptionally good results. Own one of
our farms. Investigate our offer, tfmall
uash payments and eaey terms.
Low riles daliy. Tlcasts good until
J tine L
(Salea Agents.)
MO Omaha National Bank Bldg.
Omaha. Neb
Traversed by the
Lands adapted to the widest range of
crops. All the money crops of tne south
plentifully produced. - For literature treat
ing with this coming country, Its soil
climate, church and school advantages,
write x
General Faroencer Agent.
IRRIGATED lands produce a greater
net profit per acre than dry farm lands
and you can bur Idano state lands for
leas money. Why not try fsrmlng where
conditions are more favorable and sure
results can be relied upvn. Long term pay
ments csn be had on these lands.
Northwestern I-and Co., Burley, Idaho.
.vviaN or Stanley county. S. !.. land.
If -eti want to eelL send nutr.bers and
lett price. W. 1.. Frost, Sioux City, la.
STRICTLY- modern 6-room lottaae:
state price, terms and locality in lirt
letter. N IITt Her.
OMAiIA Propertv and Nchranka I-ejiiia
wit New Omaha Nat l Bank Bulldrng.
LOAN, farms and city property. J. H.
Iiumont 4k Hon. UW3 Farnam St., Omaha
WANTED City loans, Peters Trust Co.
VI TY U)ANS. BemU-Carlberfc
SUM! I rand Hi Theater.
WATKl-Oity loans and wamuita.
W. Farnam Smith Co , lift) Farnam St.
"TW0NEY"tn loan on business or rsal
fience prcprtles, to iW,m. W. H
THOMAS. tVtS First afl Hank Hldf.
100 to IIO."t made promptly. F.
Wead. Wead Bldg., 19th and Famam.
! Ixwns, $MX- and
''Omaha Nat l Uank.
Have a very choice, nicely impro'l
SO-acre farm, located tn a hiithly -improved
locality. 8 mi leu from a pmnl town
Alfo have some Rood city property; mil
exchange for a Rood, cheap, small ranch,
located tn central r WfniMn Nb. ; muM
be priced rUht tiire full deacrlpiion of
what you have to offer, with price and
location. If you want an answer. Ad
dreaa. Bo 176. Omaha.
WHAT have you to trade for a Mo-acre
Klnkatd relinquishment In Cherry
county. Nebraska, part food arm land;
mujt turn thla at om- regard leas of
M acren well Im proved land, 10 miles
from town; price lit pr acre; will trade
for stock of (pjode. hardware or Implc
menis. I.. I. Brailev, oeirlcha, Ho. lak.
IsARUK slue billiard table at once or
will trade for wnuill safe or furniture.
Douglas wtrr
WHAT have you to trade for seveii
room house in excellent condition, mod
ern except furnace? Price. tSMW; l,W0
mortRaxe against I he property, leaving
ll,jntt equity.
Scott & Hill
II. (Sl.V Ind A-17M. HC-lt McCsgue Hldg.
I handle trades everywhere. If you want
resuils write or call Dean. &17 Bi. D l.t&
WILL Hade good level H sec. In west
ern Nebranka tor dtv renldenoe worth
li.HM. Addn-sa F M. care Hee.
WK desire lo borrow .l.ujo or x.odo on
g!lt-eOged security from prlncltial. Will
pay per cent Inleieat. Address Y 21,
csre Bee.
id-hand goods. Kle-er. liuo Center. U. tesk.
WANT TO HLT-etoca ot merchandise
in country, (or caah. box iu, Omaha.
WANTEl To buy. about February JO.
team of young mares; also 1 or 3 young
rows. Prefer cows tu calve this apnug.
B 119C. lice.
A YOCN'tl man desires room and board
tn a refined family where French la
HDoken. P M, Bee.
WASHING and Ironing done. T., II. MJS.
EXPERIENCED slenographcr wishes a
position witn a iirm: good speller and Is
cast on tne inderwood typewriter. Ad'
dtess, II 1U7. csre liee.
Fhsi-i lass, pracilral nurse. II w. A-2414.
IIIDUI.K-AUKU, nrii.ed widow wauu
position as housekeeper for a respectable
widower, or wtu take charge of a room
UilC houe. Address L 7. Bee.
Nollie la hereby given that pursuant
to a resolution of me City Coum-tl of
the City of Winner, South Dakota, made
at a regular meetiti of ild emim-ll on
the th day of January, 1SI2, sealed bid.,
will lie received, to be filed with the city
auditor ot said city, up to and until S
o'clock p. ni. on February 23d. 1912, for
conntrui-llnR suit equipping a system ot
waterworks for eu,-h i-lty. according to
the plan and epei-ificationa therefor,
which are now on file at' the office of
the tity auditor of said cliy. In said
cltv. ami acordttiK to a copy of satd
plans and Kpecifk-atiuna which will ba
found nl the offt.-e ot the Engineering
News. 1137 Monadock Block. In the cliy
of Chicago. .tate of llllnol?..
All bids will l opened ny tne said
city council at the cmco of the Mayor
of said cltv, in iald citv. hi R o clock p.
m. on the dav of February, I91S.
The said city council reserves the right
to relecl anv or all bids rerelved.
Paled at Winner, S !.. January list,
A L. RAWSON. City Auditor.
INtl Notice Is hereby (gtven lhat the
regular .innual meeting' of the stock
holders of Ihe South Platte lind Com
pany will be held at the office of said
company at Lincoln. Neb., at II o'clock
a. m., on the sixth day of March. A. 1).,
C. II. MORRILU President
V B. MINI 'It. Secretary.
IJncoln, Neb.. Februar t. 1S12.
Mieep Lambs tu laaaller Rewetpt
Tkaw tsual oa ttoalir, vrltk
Price, kteaar ( Ten to
Flfteesi Lower.
10. IM
SOl.TII OMAHA. Feb. 12. WIS.
Receipts were: Cuttle. i.heep.
Estimate Monday 4.7IM K.ITO
San.e dav la.t week ... J.0 .T
Same dav 2 wka ago... S.STs 5X1
Simc day S wks ago... 6X8
Same day wks a-o... 3, 14? Sl7
!iame day last vrar.... M04 T
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date as compared w-lth
laMyear: IslJ. 191V Inc. le.
Cattle Ut.fiU H7.7KV iltl
Hogs eTJOMS L'SOSsS !U.7l
sheep at.ns 3u. lftK;
The following table shows the range of
prices paid for hogs at iSoulli Omaha for
the last tew days, with comparisons:
I Mite. I IMS. iUll.!M.lW.:t!MM 117 mil.
Fell. 1. 1 uV
reb. .(
: Fab. 5
, Feb. .
Feb. ;..
I Feb. s..,
Feb. 9 .
Feb. h
Feb. 11.
Feb. Ii.
I i l S ll 4 1 I I U
7 40 I t 04l 4 i:l W
I ai ii; 4 as, m 5 a
Ut 4 Ti S SI i 1U
i 4 Ml t m i 5 M
07 4 !W SJ!
161 I 91
am 4 I7 90
13! It' (II
00'.! 7 :i 81
7 301 S 471
f itu. 7 a
a ti 7 l s 4
T 1
I 71
6 70
Receipts and disposition of live stock
at the Vnton Stock Yards, Smith Otnaha,
fur twenty-four hours euding at 3 p. m.
Cattle.Hogs Sheep-Ur sa
found most of the larger packers tn a
bearish of mind and the market
proved very atow from the outset, very
little stuff moving across the srales until
after two or three hours had elapsed. All
buyers refused to enter tftw trade at Fri
day a price, and, with the demand ap
parently llfilea. It was necessary to mane
various Inducements, the trend to values
being lower In all lines of fai stock. Ue
cltnea were genetwlly quotted at loliiac.
but some business was done that looked
very nearly eteedy. quality strings get
ting the preference.
Receipts were estimated at fully ,0o
head, a total that consiated largely of
fed lamNi and fed ewes, two or three
shipments of Mexicans being included in
the lamb offerings. 8ome Coloritdo-Mexl-rana
were among the first to ae)l.( bring
ing ev?o. and It would take something
strhily choice In every respect to pass the
$6.: mark. Medium to poor lambs sold
unevenly below Km. the range In values
proving ery wide.
In the sheep trade, ewe sales made up
the hulk of business, scarcity of wethers
and yearlings being a market feature
that has been shown daily during the past
monlh or two. Uood to choice ewea were
wanted only at S3.j04i.19P, Indicating mod
erate losses, while common varieties were
decidedly slow at big discounts. High
grade wethers would probably sell around
H.26. while estra good yearlings claimed
a ouotable limit of i-V-l.
There were only a few scattered orders
for feeders and with the supply equally
small nothing much happened to change
the general situation, liouritful prospects
on the spring market, high cost of feed
stiiffs, etc. are mainly responsible for a
slack Inquiry, last week's purchase
amounting to a scant e.ojo head.
quotations on sheep and l.amre
Iambs, good to choice, Mev:l, lambs,
fair to good. eVltati-OQ: rarllns9. good to
choice. S&.15416&. yearling, fair to good,
te ?& wethers, good to choice. Ilohu
436. wethers, fslr to good. B.7iu4l,
ewes, good to choice, $3 KW.90, ewes, fair
to good, saotsfls w.
Kepreseiiiauve sales:
The tinnuaJ meeting of the stockholders
of The Hee Publishing company will be
held at the company's office in the Bee
building, Omaha, Neb . at 4 o'clock p. m..
Monday. March 4. Wit for the election
of a board of directors for the ensuing
year and for the transaction of such other
business as may properly come befure
the meeting.
Bv order of the president.
Ftd-30t. N. F. FEIL. Secrets i .
C. M. St. I' 1$ 14 .. I
Cnlon Ficlllc a t V 4
C. N. W.. Fast.. 14 4 1 1
t N. W West .... M 5 :
P. 81. I'. M. O. .. S3 It 3 i'
C. R Q.. Fast .. .. S
C. R. . West .. 47 37 s
C. R. 1. ft V., Fast.. 4 - 3 ..
Illinois Central .... 6 r. ..
C. tk W. .., J ..
Tofal Recepis ,...1 1J1 34 1
PLANT: Chief Quartermaster's Office.
Central Division. Federal Building. Chi
cago. III.. January li, 19U Sealed pro
posals. In triplicate, will be received by
the quartermaster at Fort Omaha, Ne
braska, until 11 o'rlock. a. m. central
time. February 16. 19U, and then opened
for the conatruction of a Filtration plant
al that poet. Full Information, plans
and specifications furnished on applica
tion to that officer or to this office. Col.
Jno, L. Clem, chief quartermaster.
J1V16-17-1. f II 1.1.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co SM 1.741 1.34s
Swift 4k Co 7J va 1.730
Cudahy Packing Co.... (4 S K1 issD
Armour Co 735 l.stH I,t
Worrell U
Harvey 33 ... ...
Benton, Vansant 41 Ijuah
Hill Sou SI
F. R. lTWls 1
Iliiaton Co 7S
J, H. Root ft CO 1J
J. H. Hulla
U F. lluea
U Wolf 4
McCreary Kellog 194
Werthetmer Oegen .. 96
H. F. Hamilton M
Rothschild 1M
Mo. Kan. Calf Co .... t
Other Buyers 43 ... , ...
B 4 tt BIB
. all SS pra B I IS pm
. all Ufa IS pel
..a t-e an a 7 n am
..all M pm .1! H an
.4 IS pet SIM pel
..allS pnj a I at pat
. a I IB am a I pm
,.a 4 SB pm bib M bib
bll ll pm t 1 N pa
Pacltle .
. aim am aim Pis
..BlIUUB .14:19 pig
..a 4 4i am a t.-3 pm
... 4 IS pm a I IB pm
4:77 pm Bit II pn
inn a I is) am
. a I 01 am a E M pm
.a lata a 4 so pm
,.. I OS pat all 41 am
...IS:47 pav alt SO an
, .a I 34 pm a I II is
,.a 7 as .m atlil pm
l im in IS am
leera. I
TUB esalest way to tmd a buyer for
your fixtn la to Insert a small want ad
in the Des Moines Capital. Largest cir
culation In tbe stale ot Iowa, 4J.iaj daily.
The Capital la read by and believed In
by tlie standpatters of Iowa, who simply
refuse to permit any other paper tn their
homes. Rates. 1 cent a word a day; II ii
per line per month; count six ordinary
words to the line. Address ix Moines
Capital, Des Moines, la.
Curtains launoeled. Guaranteed. V.:.
-WA.TK1-Iay work. Cleaning pre
ferred. !.toug)aa iTiTC.
$150 CASH
ivroom cottage at W0J Burdette St. In
fine condition has cemented cellar, elec
tric lights, cement walks, fruit and shade
'.reea near cars. Buy from owner. 11.500
ah. Tel WebMer S737.
l'ine. large, nix-room mone house, tbor
cuahiy modern, finished In birch, full
tasment. kt 5('ili, nice lawn, some
mail fruit snd shrubbery: mut rate
money and if sold at once will take tii'-a,
ll.'JUO caab. balance can be arranged,
owner live In house. :. N. 29th S one
i t the beat residence district. tn Omaiia.
8 1 ' B I R B A X B r NO A LOW.
Attractive i-room. well planned bun ra
it . War Sliiler Prk', parlor, hail, dtn
intr room finished In oak; bedrooms,
oik floors, w hite enameled wodo work ;
wall, roueh aand finish; beautifully dec
i rated; sleeping room and tun parior;
irge cemented basement and attic; taior
oug iily modern ; la rge lot : nice neigh
l -or hood; houe just finished a few
months ajeo; an ide-il home for small
family who wish to enjoy the country
and yet be near town; only S3 minutes'
ride to Farnam t-t. Tel. Webster TT.
Buy This Lot
in Benson
Et Lot 10. B ock Si
323.09--II .() down, balance K1 Pr j
month. It Is fell located, not far from
car and achool: Is 30x1: Just tbe place I
for small bouse and g jod home. Address
Four milee ot ctty; t miles of car line.
About 70 acres the same kind of land
Adam first fanned; no better anywhere.
30 acres of It set In alfalfa: li a res low
land, with some umber: no buildings.
Level road lo city cheap at t'.vOO. McUee
Real Estate Company. Council Bluffs.
EXPMlK.NCi:i olflce clerk wants
position half days only. Call Webster
4649 ,
W ANTKli Position by Al audit loan,
thoroughly experienced In credits: calla
ble of taking entire charge of credit de
partment; salary, tttAul per month. Ad
dress. Lock Bos 439. Omshs. Neb.
IMO gTATION Teeth and Mason
1'aloa Pacific
TVpart. at-rl.e
daa Pr.a. overlies. LlmllHl. a 9 5 am a T 44 pm
Ckin. a Japaa Kast Mall .. a I at pm a I 41 pm
Allantle Ksotefla
tli-e(on Kiprew ...
Ijt Aneale limited
D.arer sperl.1
Caeuwatal sui. Faecml
r'nlerailo BipreM
OrmiB-Wuhlastoe Llmltsd.
North Plane Larsl
Grand raised tact...
strwaiburg leeal
I klcaao, Rock Island at
rtwkr Maaatala Umltml ...
Iluraso lsal Paewagar....!
lii.'Bo IM. giprM.
Cblcau Kiprea.
l. Moln l-al PamnsBr.
I' Umiled...
Chltaio Neb U to Lleeela.
ChlcaB-tlorBde g.peM.. ...
OBIaMaaa Tbib. mpr.i..
Hk Minialsla Ismiies ...
Umaha-St Laula Kipreaa....
Mall BBS gtpeme
Suaberrr Un-al tfrom C. B )
Nlaeoarl Paelfle
K. c. a Si. LauIb Kvpreas. .a 9 SS am a 7 w am
K C. a si. UuIb Kipibbb. .all . II pm i I D ia
t klcaao, Mllwaskea t. Paet .
OvtrlBad Limited s 7 to pm at:llam
ivrrr Local a 4 99 am all. 00 pm
Col.ruln Kxpreaa a I SO pat a I II pm
CAlorade apetlal a T 41 am a 4:49 am
Pvrry Loral k I 14 pa bll;4l pta
t klcaao at .Noetkmealera
HlinDrnwIia-St. Paul KapreM.s 7 4, am
atinnMpulla-st. Paul Limited. a 7 en pm a I as am
Tela Otr BipreBB.. .......... -a 7 4fe am alO.N pm
siom ntr Lucal a 4 46 pia a 4 1 pra
Mlaneapoll. A Dahuu Bip--..a l a an a t 11 am
Tain tup Mian. a I pm a I ts am
Mlaeiaala Kasrsss all at am
f'.rroll Loral
IMrllfht tlilraae
(TlUBiu 1KBl
1' Sparl.l......
Paclfl. OMBt-Cfclrafo
Loa Aagclea Umltad.
Owlaoa Limited
OBrrolt lieal
faa Mall I
Cedar Haplda. Slous Lily and
Omaha ... a 1 91 pm
CenlsBBiel Stala Limits 13. Warn 11:1a Pel
Loos ra a lei am an al am
Nnrtolk-llBUaB a l et am al II am
uni rtaa-Ltaeola s 1.14 pm
He.tloga-liup.rt0r 3:11 pm a l.te pm
Deadweod Hot SiirlaaB a I 14 pat a I IB pm
leapar Under ' a 114 pm .Ilea pm
Kramoat Albion k 4 av pm list pa
hlrago l.reat Wewtrrm
Tla lily Umltri a 94 pm a 7 ll am
Tpia Citr KiprMe ..a 7 41 am a I S3 pm
ChlcBf. Exenaa ....a let pa, a 1.44 pm
llllaele Cealral
Ohlcaso Eipreae ..a 7 14 am a l:tt pm
CkUase Llmltei a I 49 pm illi.
a T 40 am a I 14 pm
..a 7 49 am bib m pm
..alt SI pm a I tl pm
..a 4.14 pm a I II pm
..a I 01 pm a 4 ll am
. .a 4 U pm a i n pm
..a I 40 pm al3 W pm
..a 7.U pm a I 14 am
..a I s pm all as Bm
I N pm a l: pm
EXPKKiKNl'KO men In repair shon
and mechanics want position at any kin 1
of work In this line; will guaranty the
Job. Address 3613 Seward St. or
Liorcas St. F. J. Renak.
Barllngtoa g tat low -Trath at Maaoa
FXl'KHIEM'KU lady billing clerk,
good references. Call Douglas
ltOY wants day work Webster emst.
I'dMilll li rilhwashrr desires osltkn.
Cail Webster 24J0
MAN wants sit!oa aa house cleaner.
Phone Webster S7S7.
WAN'TKU lsy work of any kind.
Web. 7t
LAOV wants place as chamber maid or
to assist with housework, colored girl.
, Itougias s
409-ACRE Improved farm in Polk Co.
Minn.. t( miles northwest Beltrami; lit
acres under cultivation. Kvery foot can
be plowed. Good five-room house; good
barn. Flowing well, good water, doll es
good as Iowa or lllin'ds soil. I am the
owner--you pay no agem s commission. KKFINKD middle-aged widow wishes
W. O. Bock. New Albtn. la j portion as housekeeper for reapectable
Kefcemeksv i widower-. Phone Sunday. Red 724.
FARM bargain near Omaha; possession
given. Grin a Merrill. LIU City Natl
bank Bldg.
Pester A Chllmrela. ..
1417 ' Fusel Soand Kaprern. . .
tNaaraak. polau.
HUcs, Ullla
NMIheeat EaprM.
Nabraaaa Eiptaaa
h. no. lor-1 i.ll.woath
Uti'Oln lr.l
BMUIoTiM-Piattamoatb .,
'bicass sperl.1
fsmv Spl.l .,
Call : Chlrasa Bipissa ,
isKipi r.m s.
OeaiQa tla I Lm-al
at Loeis KapeeM..
Total a.Oel I0,o4 1.7
CATTLiS-The week slarta out wllh
very liberal receipts of rattle. 11 oars
lielng reported In. The quality of t(io of
ferlnirs wss about the same as last week,
there being a large proportion of ahort
fed steers, wllh nothing really prime.
Advices from olher selling points were
discouraging, wklch had a rather de
pressing effect upon tne maraet nere.
while buyers were out in tne yams in
good season this morning they were nol
Inclined to take hold of beef steers very
freely, apparently waiting until reports
from other market points were more com
plete. A few cattle that happeneo to find
fnvor In buyers' eves sold at prices not
verv much different from last weeks
close, but as a rule the market waa lor
to as much as 10u lower, nue mere
was nothing choice there were some cat
tie good enough lo bring
Cows and heifers sold anywhere from
steady for a few cattle that happened lo
please buyers to s much as lo lower
for other kinds. As high as .0 waa
paid for a bunch of very good heifers.
As usual on a Monday Ihere waa a
very good demand for feeders and stock
tile. Desirable kinds of feeders were
fully steadv. and If anything a little
stronger. Even Ihe Blockers sold more
freely than late lust week and at prices
that were If anything firm.
Quotations on i-atlis: Wood to jnolos
i t -. aa an.f.7 TB fair to good beef
,imib 1 mlit'i rw common to fair beef
steers. K, lu.U; good to choice heifers,
00Oi.0u; good to choice cows, RWV&.J&i
fair to good cows and heifers, t3.TMil.Si:
common to fair cows and heifers, 13.00(1
1 71: good to choice stockert and feeders,
IS.40Oe.20; fair to good stockers and
feeuore, S4 501(4 40; common to fair Block
ers and feeders, t HH.: stock heifers,
I3 40i4.7; veal calvse. 3.H7.7t; pulls,
stags, etc., U.WXrt SO.
tibr, QiK,
,. 700 I IS
,IU la
. , on in
..ins laa
,.!'! 4 10
t: d i
..mi 4c
.. Ill I a)
Vll to
.111 1 19
. . 4 :
. 444 4 B
. . 1A1 4 at
.914 I
.. on w
. 101ft 1 it
.lit 4 K
., 404 I 04 4
.. Lid I 11 I
. Ill 4 14 I
. Il. 4 II t
.. 444 4 II
49. . . .
JW, '
11 ,
I .
'. FT.
.1100 4 14
.1 ise I a
.ltl IS
, . Ill I 10
.Ml ( 45
,.tlS 7 IS
. 11M 7 N
. lie 4
..041 4 14
M 4 74
l7 I BS
..Ml l
..II&4 1 U
..IUS 4 SB
. . 940 I I
. . lal ill
el IE
. 704 l do
. Ill 4 74
.. 4M I So
1040 I M
7.M fnl laniha ...
w fell wethers..
?i fed ewes
Eds fed lambs
13 fed lambs. Cl
:Md fed ewes
fcM f.-d lambe....
m red ewee
330 fed lamba..,.
3d fed ewea...v
413 few ewes
... l
... 3
... w
... 97
... 73
... r,
... 9
... 97
I 30
4 4i
3 90
4 0
II 90
Deaaaad for tattle and Hog a glow
kheep Weak.
CHICAOO. Feb. H.-CATTLB-Reoelpts.
KM head; market, alow, generally 10c
lower; beevea, 470.aW head: Texas steers.
HeT'tfe TB; weetern steers. 14 .HMJ'.W: stock
ers and feeders, taajnAi; cows and
heifers. K 1ia)i.o; calve.. lV7Mr.3k,
HOO-Recelts. sO.tMU head; market,
alow: 4c lower: light, IS 6tr 10: mixed,
te y a; heavv. tI.,lV8 30; rough, tk Mi
H it; pigs. HaJtiW; bulk of sales, H.10V
HHEEP Rec-lpls. n.OOO head; maraet.
weak: lc lower: native. 33 IMd o; west
ern. Hem 11; yearlings, t4.7tjS 50; lambs,
native, 41il 4i. western. t4oOU.46.
Ksesas Clip' Live Itm-k Market.
Receipts, 10.000 head, Including 1.400 head
southerns: market steady to Its- lower;
dressed beef and export steers, ti '!.:;
fair to good, lex'": western steers.; atookers and feeders,;
southern steers. th.OMu.ou; eouthern cows,
t:l.w0U.:. native cows, t3.iiotf0; native
heifers, t4.S4jti.60; bulls, tt WHIu A; calves,
HW7 7l,
lltHJS-Heceliits, 11.000 heail; market, Co
to 1M lower; bulk of salea. t.snti.3t:
heavv. b.toti.30; peckers and butchers,
ti6tr.3. lights, ta.wkfl.10; pigs, tt.OOW
HHEKP ANI IJtMBei-necelpta, 18.009
head: market steady to 10c lower: lambs.
yearlings. Rl.die&tl; wethers. ewee. ta,3bi.p; itocaera ana
feeders, UOfjJ.71.
HI. I.eele Live stock Market.
HT. Uium. Feb. lt.-CATT1.9-Re-relpts,
3.4110 head. Including eon Texans;
market loc lower; nstiva stilpplng and
esoort sieers. C.HMiH; dressed and
butcher steers, .'Otis '0; steers under
l.tia) Hounds. t3.iejei7&. stockers and
feeders. Ut.00j 00; rows and heifers, tl.Tf.
t 00: tanners. KOtirrd.oo; bulls, i3.tMfe.i0;
oaUves, ti'vOOtm iS; Tessa and Indian steers.
tt utn un. cow a and hetrsrs, tii uuiiti.tio.
IMXiM Receipts. IiVWI heed: market
.'aJilOo lower; pigs and lights. 14 .JStrs-26;
mixeil and butchers, ee.htalX: good
liMin'. pi.ti! X:
NIlhlFP ANU LA M BM Receipts, 4.0W
heail; market steady: native muttons,; lambs, tr.Oouii.60; culls and
bucks, tl U3.; Blockers. .aiaoO.
K. ti: F. a. H and f. tfi.eT!,; K. 17.10;
N, eT ; W3,; WW, V-ii-
BUTTER No. I. Mb. cartons, 33c: No.
L tn eO-lb. tubs, rc; No. 1. 32c,; psu:klag.
CHEV'SK Imported Swiss), SSe; Ameri
can Swiss. Mc; block Swiss, 30c; twtnu.
tOc. dalalra,- 30c; triplets. 2c; young
Americas, tic; blue label brick. 20c: Urn
berger. Mb., 19c; 1-lb, Hie.
POL' LTRY Broilers, Jo.OO per ox.i
spnnga. lie; hens, 14c; cocks, Mr; ducks,
loc: geese, lie; turkeys. a: pigeons, per
doa.. tl JO. Alive, broilers. 11 Mc; hess.
9c; old roosters and stags. So; eld ducks,
full feathered, lie; geeee, full feathered
10c; turkeys, 14c; cuinea fowls, 35c each;
plgeona, per doa, iac; homers, r-er dos.,
il.eO; squabs. No. 1. tl.30: No. t toe
FISH (fresh frozen) Pickerel. Te;
white, lor; pike. Ic: trout, lie; large craw
pies, 1Z&14M); Spanish mackerel. 7c; eel.
Uc: haddocks. 13c; flounders. 13r; green
catfish, Lk-'; roe ahad. tl each; shad roe.
per pair. 3i'; salmon. 14c; halibut, loo;
yellow perch, ac; buffalo, txi; bullheada,
I'lpc: No. 2, 13.c: No. J, 10Vc. Loins:
No. 1. lsc: No. i 14V,c; No. J. llVc.
Chucks: No. 1, sv,c; No. 3. TSac; No. a,
Tc. Rounds: No. 1. Uc; o. 1 M,c:
No. J. fcc. Plates: No. L tHc; No. 4
Cc: No. , 5Hc
FRl'ITf-Apples: Kxlra fancy Ben
liavls. er bnl.. &;&; Jonathan and
Grimes Golden, net bbt., I4..V; fancy
Wtneeapa. per bM.. tl.oO; fancy Missouri
PI l-pi in. per Mil.. El.jO:. fancy Ganoe, per
bbl.. ti.i'. Idaho Jonathan, extra fancy,
per box, I-' 6; Washington fpltsenheig.
per box. 1:40; Washington R. Beauty,
per box. &.o0; Washingion Htaman Wine
saps, per box, 13.50. Bananas: Fancy se
lect, tier bunch. .2to2.oO; Jumbo, per
bunch, K-7.i3.7a. Cranberries: Wisconsin
tencv, per bbl . tio.73; per box, fJ ii.
Oatea. Anchor brand, new, JO 1-lb. pkga.
in boxes, per box, f3.25; Dromedary'
himnd, new, 30 1-lb. pkgs. In boxes, per
box. 13.00. Figs: Calllornia. per case of
13 No. 13 pkgs.. lie: per rase of 3 No. 13
likgv.. 13.e0; per case of 60 No. g pkga.
t-'ou. bulk. In H and MMb. boxes, per ib..
Uk-; New Turkish, a-crown. In 10.o.
boxes, per lb., Ihe; 0-crown In 30 lb. boxea
per lb., 10c; 7-rrown In 3ti-lb. boxea. per
lb., lie. Oiape fruit: Florida. e-1 slaee,
per crate, tfitiO; ov-ad-ae sises, per crate, Qrapee: Malaga, ID bbls.. 10. j(
tie (m. lemons: Limoneira selected brand,
extra fancy, 3i site, per box. 16.00; Loma
Umonetra, fancy, 800-300 alses, per box.
tfi.50: 240 and 4 sisee, aOc er box lees.
oranajea: California Camellia brand,
navels, extra fancy, 9M:K-lp-17e.a-31-
alses. per box. 13.00: extra, choice, all
sises. per twx, 13.76.
VEtlETABI.FH-Oabbage: Wisconsin,
per lb.. Sr. Celery: California Jumbo, per
dos., tl-00. Ctioumbera: Hot bouse, per
doa., I3.ISJ, Egg plant: Fancy Florida.
per doc., uariie: Extra, fancy,
white, per lb., lie. Lettuce: Extra fancy
leaf, per doa. He. Onions: California,
white, boiling, par lb., 7c; Wisconsin.
rellow uinne, per id., c; red Olobe. per
b . JSc, Hpanlsh. per orate, 11.90. Part-
ley: Fancy southern, per doa. buncnea.
hWitc. Potatoes: MlnneeoU Early Ohio.
prr on , ai m; Wisconsin white ttock, ii
hu , II. tn; In tt-sack Iota, le leas. Ruta
bagas: In saoks. per lb., lvpc. Totnatnee:
Florida, per t-bsa. crate, KOO; Cuban,
per carrier, Uktl.
Miw ni.l.ANK.(icee-Almonaa: Tarra
gona, per lb., uuc: In sack lota, le lees.
l ocoanuts: Par tack. 16.00. Filberts: Per
to . lie; in tack lota, lo lees. Peanuts.
Roaeted, per lb. 7tac; raw, per lb., (c.
Pecans: lrge, per lb.. 17e; In snck lota,
lo lees. Walnuts: New crop. 19U, Cali
fornia, per lb., 17c: In tack lota, le less.
cider: New Nehawka, per u-gel. u bbl.,
t3.a: per K-gsl. bbl., K M; New Tork
Mott s. per li-cal. H bM.. It U per
i-gal. bbl., tt.40. Honey: New, 24 frames.
13 76. Kro'it: Per la-gal. kef, 13.00, per f
gal. keg, U.K.
Couiicil Bluffs
t. Joaepk Live atoek Market,
BT. JOBKPH, Mo., Feb, ll.-CATTl.B-Recelpte
l.auo head; market steady; steers.
i.3Mi.00; cows and heifers, 13.IMjn.0O.
calves, 40Btr7 o.
Hoott-Recelpts. I.0M hesd; market 6c
lower; top, lM; bulk or sales, MWtrwJO.
HEFP AND IMRe-Recetpts. M
hesd; market steadv; lambe, to ouffs to.
ktoek tn Rlgkt.
Receipts of live ttock tt the five prin
cipal weatern markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hugs, riheep.
South Omaha 4.7oo li.otm
St. Joseph i.aMt k.iaw . I.JJ0
Kansas City lo.oa) il,a n.ooi
HI. 1OUlS J , 1S.OO li.WIO
Chicago 3MM eo.otio 39,iwo
H I an
. taao I on
. ive i as
.1400 4 11
..1430 I it.
,.1194 I ta
BM 4 00 1
lit 4 W 1
1140 4 I ....
Met 4 44 1
400 4 14 1 .
Ill 3 7J I i 6 7S
.. 410 I 75 k 10 I so
. ... ISO I Oa t 04 7
Sao I !4 S ... Mil!
IM 1 14 411 131
. ... 414 4 11 4 ( M
.... 4701 4 14 mi I 44
lil i :s
MoOrf-Slumpy trend to hog prices
the corn belt. Iht miles to town: posseeeloo
March I. 1912; easy terms. 11. Larson.
Owner. Clarke, Neb:
EXPERIENCED stenographer and
bookkeeper wishes position as stenog
rapher, bookkeeper or general office
work. Phone or write James Dunlevy,
Bo.tuet hotel.
LADT violinists. orchestra leader,
thoroughly experienced, l-tel. theater
.p . T.T,, cr care, good repertoire of moste, both
BIOGKT IN rIT?LI.H. classicil and standard, would like steady
40-acre Iniproved ranch, located nthe; ob)ectlon to leaving town.
. - -: - ,V 1 none not rename
Be acres in cuilivai-Hi. ' ' au.eiiK, Rnn w
hl Kav and nasture land, all wel
grassed. Good, fair improvements, all' WANTED A position In drug store,
fenced snd cries-fenced, good toad, to experienced. 3t4 et. 19th lt.
This Is a canoy smau rancn. ,
i none bot reliable people need apply.
1 Room IH Wellington hotel.
Price for quick sale. IT 50 per a' re; tl.snj
i ash. balance k ng time. Don t answer
unless you mean rusiliess and can go at
once to s .his. Write or wire Box 7,
Omaha. Neb.
..s 9 Is an a I 49 am
. alt lepm .:
. a 7 11 am an il pm
. all M pm a 7 oa am
..a 4 14 pm a : pm
. a 4 la pea a 04 am
.a. I at pm bit a
...a I 94 pm all tt.m
Kaoaaa city St. JoMph. - sis 44 pm a 4 41 am
Kanaaa Cur tt. tomeb ...a 4 -It am a I to cm
Uaaaa l.Hy 9A- J iaepb a 4 14 pm
Webster Slallasi lSIsi mad Wekater
Mlaaeerl Paelflti
A. bora Lacal
( klrage, Ki.
Cioaa Otp Expea
Omaha Local
I'.NI City
Twin Otr ramanaai
tmparl. Arrl...
.a l to pm at tl pm
a 4 10 pm 3 44 pm
s I 30 am . 4 la a.
.a . i pm a 1 II Pm 1 CJUsen a reaujustmeni ill me iraoo inai
b l so pm au 14 pm was anything but aurprlslng. as Ihe local
ail at pm a 7 oo am 1 market at last week's close was popu-
.s 1.14 am a 4 10 am larty oearrlbeil aa the highest one on the
a 3 04 pm bio .oam ,.,,. Dim. ilecllnes on all weights were
s l 04 am j .n-rai ,, the demand, even at eheaoer
cost, lacked activity, and ll was well
along In the morning before killing
droves had attained very much also.
Heavy receipts afforded one argument
for lower values, and a top-heavy, un
natural set of prices another the latter
rtrcunistance probably having, more b-ar-lah
Influence than the former. Packers
Dougnt cautTouaiy troin ine sieri. in
I striking contrast to the reckles demand
I last week, and there existed practice!!'.'
no competition from shippers or specu
lators, only a few loads of the iz. head
;e.'1niate eeiltna: on outside orders.
Trade wore along In this fashion until
'after mid-day. clearance being further.
at i delayed by several train loads of eto. k
thst did not triive until alter movement
had fairly started.
Best heavy hoga dropped to to-lC.. ar
compared with raturdai'a top of tn.I7,s
-hkI heron classes sold from tVoi down
ward. Chol.e heavy butchers sold almost
on a par witn good lard grades In several
Instances, bot medium butchers occupied
i ttie middle spread, the Same aa recently.
THAVEMs. Representative sales:
, 44. 7(0 l'fc.rtl) SI.MO
l.oadoa gtovk Market .
IINIION, Feb. It. -Closing stock quota
tions: cmiboIb, mnatr .... Illalealavlllo 4V Ktak. lMI.
do sreoast 7l-.Uo., Kan. aV Taau. 3144
Amal r.ppr ... .. 4-ll.N Vork Caatral. 1144
Anarosda T, Norfolk A WmtarB 111
Alrhlaon ... . W d. pfd 91
do p'd ...I04'imula Waatara. I7H
Baltimore Ottla.ioai.n.nniylvaala dtta
laadlaa raHflo ..lev.ltaad Miimb 414
Chaomla AV 'hk Tt'.itwdlas BO
Chi. llrMl Wastera. II toaibern fly
rsl.. Mil. tt. MOBll aa pfd 7414
n. HMra lt49oiilhm F.rltio '
DoBT.r 4V Rla O ... 211410100 Paolflo ...... 1444.
II oa pro 44
11 r g 9IB.I BOB.
ilV. Pfd Iistt
4ISW.. abash 714
H do pld Mi
d. lal pfd..
do 3d fpd ..
Orand Tnink .
tlnnnl. I '.oral
ttll.VKK-Bar. ateady at 77 )3-16d per
MONET-3'4 per cent.
The rale of d'seount In the open mar
ket for short bills is 314 per cent; tor
three monlhs' bills, 3H per ccnu
Liverpool tirala Market.
I,IVF.RI"fgU Feb. 13.-WIIEAT-FU-tures,
eeay; March. 7a OVI; May, 7s &Vd.
CORN rtpot, firm: American mixed,
new, o 64d: American mixed, old. es
lld: Amertcsn mixed, new, kiln dried,
as hied: tures. steady; March, at 1VJ.
May. Ss Sd
FLOCK-Winter patents. JSs 3d.
Pratt Comet to Confer with Elgin
oa Bluff 1 Extentioui, ! .
Fstrsaal Opealaaj of Seer Cxrhaagp
Will Bo Held Win Kant Rmmtse
41 Otker laBprmveaaenta
Are (daaplrteal.
U. II. Pratt, $40eral eonstructlon super
intendent of thai Nebraska Telephone
company, will be In the city tomorrow
to consult with Manager Klgan In rela
tion to the eiienelon of the linea In
Council Bluffs authorised at the di
rectors' meeting on Saturday.
The result ot thlt conference) will be
the determination to some extent ot tbe
character of the contemplated extensions.
The western part of town trill receive
a liberal part of the new Una. The
oompanyi underground condtitte now ex
tend nearly all the way along West
Broadway and many aerial lines can ho
connected with these main cabiea. Hev
oral thousand new telephone! oan now ko
added without reaching the limit fixed
by the number of these mala wires. .
A suggestion made by President Casper
E. Yost of the Nebraska oompanjr dur
ing the mooting Saturday wag for tt for
mal opening ot the new Scott street ex
change with general Invitation to trio
public to visit the building. Maoaccr
Elgan will not content to have this
opening until the rest .room! and retir
ing a part moots arc completed. Cooes
pollened, draperlee and run tn p aoa and
all of the furnishings Installed. This will
take at least three weeks. The reception
then will lake the form ot a social event.
Boysen Succumbs to
Pneumonia Attack
Isroart. atIw
k 3 40 pm all tl am
Past, Ml.arapolla
, .k : 15 pm ell 03 pm
.. . I It am c l et pm
.hlUpm kilt am
daliyi o -aally except Caadar. tel. taadar
We have for tale over 20.00 acree of
Cheyenne county. Nebraska! choicest
farm land, where the crop yle ds tor 11
veers, including IW and ilU average
with the best In the state- Alfalfa a. so
a leading crop Better soiL water and
climate cannot be found. Write for fuil
eformatlon today. Agents wanted every-
Kidney. Neb.
F.KKS GRAIN CO., grain merchants. I
Consignments sol'ctted. 7s. Brandels. ?
The key 10 success mi business it the 1
tudhiouo and persistent use of newspaper
.-hip yur alx:k tc- Hojth Omaha. Have,
rr.lleege and shrinkage. Tour cor-slgn-!
mema receive prompt and careful atteu-
Lun. I
l.tve Merck CwaMBetaelma Xrrraasta t
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising,
persistent Advertising Is Uve Road to
B S Returns.
liyers Broe. A- Co eitrong and ' export s-b,a
WtAD BRiHt . So-H Exchange B:dg.
Great WeeL i.'oa. Co.. Omaha at Denver.
TbTsMIT HtTfSON jUirkaurdlValietik
West Indies
Ihe American Ririera
The Roial Mail Steii Picket Co.
lrecially attractive tour of
For Partu-uiars Write to
aaderawn ak Son. Oea. AVgeatt,
IS So. La alls BL, Chicago.
Or Any tltearaahlp Agency.
' N..
I 14 .
... i 44
... I M
40 4 14
. . I 4;
l I tt
. . I 40
... 4 44
... 4 oa
... 4 4
. . 4
. 4 04
11 44
... 4 OS
. 4 05
4 10
No. A. a. rr,
B7 ... 4 II
;t m ... i is
a . . 4 w
U S19 . 4 IS
74 ill H 4 10
4. Ht . 10
tt ; ri ... f 10
43 HI ... S !
71 Ml .. d 171a
94 314 lis d li
74 tit. 40 1
: st d 11
4 at . . o 14
tj 2 49 I li
7 ... 4 i.
eo 343 ..'
rsi to 71
00 344 . 10
47 V . . V .0
70S ... 4 ;
11 ; ... 4 ro
.. . : ... 4 n
40. 354 ... 4 2i
1'hlladclphta Prod see Market.
but steady; weetern creamery, spe
cial, I7c: weetern creamery, extra, :Sc;
nearby prints, extras. :ic.
Ell';. Steady; Pennsylvania and other
neert.v firsts, free cases, 110.00 per case;
current receipts, free cases, lit SO per
cac: wwstern flrsta. free rases. 110 ir
case: current receipts, free cases, io.s
lrr case.
t'H KEHB Firm: New York full creams.
fanc , 1WI.V: New York full creams,
f:,lr i.i gord. I74V1C-
( klrwarm Prwdeee Market.
KOilrt No markrL
CHEKKB Hteedy; daislet. KHtflTHc;
twine. Wdilc: Young Ameritaa, 17''i
17Sc: long horns. l7i,tri:iC.
POTATOES Receipts. & cars. Market
easy; Wisconsin. II QOfri.fiC; Michigan and
Mlnneenta. tl 0t.
POI LTRY sitrong. Turkeys: Uvo. 14c:
ilreaeed. 19c. Chickens: Live, lf;;
dressed, 14c. Springs: Live, Hljc; dressed,
VEAL-Steady at Jfillc.
f-aenke J. It. Uoyaen, well known In
thlt city for many ysars, died law Sat
urday night at hia horns, 4W Sixteenth
avenue, after a brief lllnees from pneu
monia, Mr. Boiscn lisd been suffering fior.i
heart trouble for tbo last fifteen montlil
and quickly succumbed to tbo attack o.'
pneumonia. Mr. Boysen waa born In
Oermany on April 21, IS73. and cam to
thla country in W. For the last twenty
three years he had been a continuous
resident of this c'.ty. Several years ago
he retired from the saloon business an 1
two years ago, in company with Mis.
Boveen. made a long visit to the okl
country. He was a member of the St.
John'a German Evangelical church, stone
ot Herman and the Eagles. Ho Is sur
vived by his wife, one ton. Ben 8. Boy
sen of this city, and two datigbtert, Mr.
N. L. Nehli of Chicago and Miss Tlllla
Boysen. residing at the fsmi.y borne. To
brothers. August iloyaen of this city and
P. J. Boysen of Omaha, also survive him.
The only sister. Mrs. Henry Bluhm. re
sides in Chicago. Funeral arrangeniant!
will not be made until absent retattrco
are consulted.
Waol Market.
BT. IjOFIB. Feb. ll-WOOI-8teady:
territory and weatern medtums, 16tfl9c;
fine medium. Ifjl7c: fine, ltat)i6c.
Klarim Batler Market.
ELfilN. Feb. 12. BITTER Firm at
Sc. same figure aa last week. Output,
:i.i pioinda.
3 .. :rs to la
tt . ?!. .. 4 it
! :i ... 4 to
74. ... Vj .. 4 10
44 . r? 140 d id
1 SilELI'-Sellero of fat aheep and lamii
Twrwentlae sad Masalm.
llrm at 44V: sales. 400 bbls.: re
ceipts, 07 hbis : sbipments. bbla.:
stoi-ks. 37.a31 on la.
RtmiN Klrm: aaiee, 711 bbls.; receipts,
97i- bbls : abipmenta 793 bbls.; stocks,
bbla. SfuotaUoot: B, fvai; I) and
C oeeell Rlaffs Prwdwee Market.
The folloalng quotatlont, thowtng prlcee
paid to producers, are corrected dally bv
William tUggeoon. city welehmaater, for
publlraUon in The Beo: -
Corn. f4c per bu.; wheat, 97c ptr bu.;
oats. esdjMtc per bu. : hay. looae, lltirms
le.i per ton, alfalfa, aooee. 10 lit
per ton.
A 9' screw Ariavrk
of malaria, liver derangement and kidney
trouble Is easily cured try Eiectrtc Bit
ters, the guaranteed remedy. , fur
sala by Beaton Drug Co,
Key- to tbo Wtuauon-Bee Want Aaw.