Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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JUt aUot Mat It.
h Bw. rtxtarse. mtwuta,
V uable to geBooth'a Guaranteed
Cumed Oysters of your dealer, call Doug
las S2t tor nearest dealer's nam.
Banders' Zxohaags aunoker Members
of tbe Omaha Builders' exchange will
hold a smoker Tuesday evening is the
exchange rooms In the Barker block.
Kan Auditorium Shares Donated
Auditorium ahares to the number of
J.B7H have been donated to the city, the
lateat donor being D. H. Brotchle, who
gav five shares.
O. X. Sou weald be Commiss loser
Clet E. Dunn, brother of Ix. J. Dunn
has filed hla petition for nomination for
commissioner. There are now lie petitions
Being circulated or have been filed.
waat wan uoxomlesloaer A commer
cial club In Oklahoma has asked Com
mercial Guild ot :h Omaha Commercial
club to asslt it In finding an ambitious
young man for olub secretary at H0O a
month aa initial salary.
-tweeters is Court agaia Another
blow in the fight between Samuel Kn
ter and Louie Kneeter. ladies' tailors.
waa struck In district court, when Sam
uel Kneeter started a suit to enjoin Louis
Kneeter from advertising himself as the
only original "Kneeter. ladies' tailor.'
Samuel alleges Louis la getting his busi
ness away from him by such advertising.
Will Talk Ooeiailsslna rorse Women,
as well as man, are Inlvted to a "neigh
borhood meeting Tuesday evening at I
at Calvary Baptist church, Twenty-fifth
and Hamilton, to learn of the commission
form of government E. A. Benson and
Charles A. Alden will deliver addresses
on the subject, emphasising the benefits
to bj secured and the dangers to be
Big Buffalo has Bespits Old Mon
arch 11. the big buffalo bull condemned
to death for killing Nels P. Anderson at
Rlvervtew park, has been given a new
lease on life. 'but the sentence haa not
been commuted. E. J. Cornish, a mem
ber ot the park board, la now In the
east and will be unable to attend a meet
ing of the commissioners until the latter
part ot the month. No disposal of the
animal will be made until Mr. Cornish
Be Que for redral Authorities
Federal prosecution ot ike Greek hotel
proprietors who sre held by state offi
cials upon a while slayery charge may
be Impossible, because of lack ot Juris
diction, according to United States Dis
trict Attorney F. 8. Howell. Mr. Howell
says that -the only way the Greek
owners of the Athens and Grand hotels
ran be prosecuted by the government Is
to offer proof that they, procured girls
for Immoral purposes from other states
or countries. The girls rescued by the
Juvenile officers are residenta of this
state and for this reasonthe govern
ment authorities are powerless.
Purington Petition
is Held Sufficient
Wood Hartley, of the city legal de
partment, has examined the petition of
the Purington Brick company, to pave
Leavenworth street snd says that with a
"few changes It was found sufficient."
Another petition, also claiming three
fifth, msjority of toot frontage on the
proposed paving district, was filed by the
Buffalo brick promoter- As both could
not be sufficient the Buffalo brick peti
tion Is ruled out by the legal department.
A contest Is expected.
Births aad Deaths,
Births-Cecil and Julia Van VsJken
burg. 1W6 North Twenty-fourth, boy; John
and Annie Hubertl. BIS Pierce, girl; Otto
G. snd Nettle Brhorat. 1M Emmet, boy;
Rodney and Lydla Drake. VOi Maple,
boy; William and Mary Calkin. Benson,
boy; Grover and Helen Mlnnlng, SOU
Spring, boy.
Deaths uorothea May Williams. S,
Methodist hospital. Mrs. Mettle Lock
wood, 2t, Twenty-second snd Howard;
Mrs. FYancIa Bekassa. M Tenth and
L'astellar: Mrs. Sophia C. licrglund. U. 1711
North Twenty-fourth; Mrs. Maria short,
IT, Council Bluffs; Mrs. Jsne B. Sherwood,
0. 1110 South Thirty-second. Mrs. Mary
Dougherty. S8, lzu South Tenth: John
Ahroloa sj, fortieth' and Poppleton;
Dennis Maher, 04. Ills Williams; Marjorie
Andersen. 1. 321 Lincoln boulevard.
Marriage Licensee.
Name and Residence. Age.
Carl J. Anderson. Sloan. Is. 25
Kdna Shuits, Kloan, la .17
Alexander Reynolds. South Omaha. ...3
Marie K. Ftshei. South Omaha 29
John Woodson. Omsba . 46
Ada J. Boon, Omaha H
.Percy L Blakely. Sprlngview, Neb....
Mary Watson, Omaha J7
Peter Wirts. Omaha tt
Kettle Cack, Omaha .- 24
John Ceeh. Omaha , 26
Maria Kosir. Omaha a
Baildlag Permits.
F. A. Brags n, 401 Davenport, brick
dwelling. 112, (W.
Women who bear children, and re
main heal tor are those who prepare
their irate mi n advance ot baby's
coming. Unless the mother aids
nature in 1U pre-natal work the crisis
finds her system unequal to tie de
minds mad upon it, and she Is often
left with weakened health or chronic
ailments. No remedy la so truly a
kelp to nature as Mother's 'Friend,
and bo ex pec taut mother should tail
to um It H relieves the pain and
discomfort caused by the strain on
tho ligaments, makes pliant and slas
tlc those fibres and muscles which
nature Is expanding, prevents numb
ness of limbs, and soothes the Inflam
mation ot breast (lands. The system
seine thus prepared by Mother's
mend dispels the tear that the crisis
may not be safely met Mother's
Friend assnres speedy and complete
recovery tor the mother, and she la
left a healthy woman to enjoy the
Tearing ot her
Friend is sold at Mother's
vVrit'for oar free Friend
book for expect
ant mothers which contains much
trainable Information, and many sug
gestions ot a helpful nature,
Abcsrt tkw sis of ymtr snW-ft. tt'a Mb attPrtai
lit ksKS-eT that MlY PMP -"
ma-ten- fey r-kaklBR Altaa Fsw -. tb iW
tw Dovdan- raw tbMsV " thing for Omw
In a Pnim. Ttf ltbr Say, and fnr BrktBf
13 Narw fbon. Jihrn rabbtn r fsTrrwiw rvcm
SMrarr m4 ypct iVm ptar, A'Jea FtHm
fttm tsMtut rviieaf SaiJ tt'i, X Sauay-.
AMrm. OIsmH J Kef, V 1".
Hot a Hobday in This State and
Buiineu Houses Are Open.
Omaha Grain Market la Open, 4k
theagh Others at the reentry
Heaer the Day by t los
ing Baaks Open, j
Observance of the anniversary ot the
birth of Abraham Lincoln, born In a little
log cabin In Kentucky 103 years ago, and
destined to be murdered April IS. IS
was confined in Omaha largely to the
public schools, as banks, business houses
and official offices acre open throughout
the day.
la every school In the city programs
were rendered appropriate to the oc
casion. History aad language classes re
called incident In the life of the great,
sad-faced "emancipator" and inspiring
recitations were given.
A picture' of a gaunt, ungainly, hag
gard, preoccupied and unassuming man.
towering above, hla fellows, with shoul
ders rounded under the weight of many
oares, standing before a breathless multi
tude on the war-rent field of Gettys
burg, was vividly drawn for pupils and
teachers when his utterly honest words
that day were again spoken. And the
Short address he made, following the fin
ished oration of Edward Everett, was
universally repeated by the school chil
dren. Business kept its ususl course, but the
expression, "This is Lincoln's birthday."
from hundreds ot lips, lent a new spirit
ot Americanism to the turmoil of the
day. The picture of the best beloved
president the people ever elected bung
on every school room wall. In lawyers'
offices, in banks and manufacturing
houses, and even m conspicuous places in
many stores.
The Omaha Grain exchange was kept
open because of the large receipts.
$100,000 Worth Corn
Per Day at Omaha
Circulars making plain the magnitude
and Importance of the Omaha corn mar
ket have been sent out to the trade in
Nebraska, aa follows:
"More corn cornea, to Omaha direct
from country elevators than to any mar
kst on the earth. We have received here
In the last ten days about l.;so.ow bush
els of corn, worth at least S1.000.0UO. The
value of corn received at this markst
for the last ten days is more then '&
000 per dev. We have taken care ot this
with Tory little break In price, the mar
ket now being within less than 2 cents
of the high point for this crop.
"We want to Impress you with these
facts, so you will not think of this as a
'little, dinky markst,' but see It as it Is
a large, stable and substantial market
end have confidence that your consign
ments will be properly taken care of at
their full value."
Wreck of Maine
Floated in Dam
HAVANA, Cuba, Feb. IS. -The wreck
of the Maine floated free ot the mud
tonight when the water was turned Into
the dam surrounding the wreck.
The water within the dam Is about
fourteen feet below the harbor level at
low tide It is the Intention tomorrow
to admit the water more rapidly, so that
by nightfall the wreck will be raised
to the harbor level, leaving nothing more
to be done except to break the dam and
float out the ship.
Water waa forced Into the dam through
a system of pipes fixed st the bottom
of the ship, the power being supplied
by s pump which had been recovered
from the wreck. The ship began to rise
almost Immediately. No leaks ot any
importance have been discovered. The
ship will remain secure within the dam
until orders are received from Washing
ton to float It out. which eaa be done
within a fortnight.
Throng of Socialists
Attends Cremation
PARIS. Feb. ll.-Thousands of social
ists, revolutionaries and anarchists at
tended the Incineration today of the syndi
calist Aernoult. who was prominent dur
ing the labor troubles here several years
ago and who died while serving In a
disciplinary battalion in Africa.
The ceremony took place at Fere-La-
chalse cemetery and the demonstration
was the biggest of the kind since the
funeral of Louise Michel, the communist
and revolutionary agitator, who died
in 1905.,
The anarchists while returning from
the cemetery attacked the police with
paving stones and serious rioting con
tinued for more than an hour.
Proprietors of Three
Disorderly Houses
Fined by Court
Three disorderly houses were raided by
the police Sunday night and early Monday
morning. In all fifteen persons were
caught in the net and taken to the station.
Israel Resnekay. proprietor of the Cass
hotel, waa fined tat and costs In police
court, and the four Inmates were dis
charged. Lou Jennings, proprietor ot a
piece at SJ3 Webster street, was fined
tli and costs and the inmates discharged.
M attic Cut hill waa fined $3 and costs
for running a disorderly houses at MS
North Seventeenth street. Two Inmates,
who were released on bonds failed to
appear in court and their bonds ot Sift
each were forfeited. Three other In
mates were discharged.
Nearly Half a Million in Value
Comes on Lincoln's Birthday.
Haa ml Cera far the Last Tws Weeks
Haa Beea Stress, with the
FHre Holdiag I s More
is Expected.
Grain to tbe value of t3a,3 arrived
on the local grain market yesterday,
which is the reason the Omaha Grain ex
change felt that It could not afford to
observe Lincoln's birthday. There were
ta cars of corn, worth KM.STO; sixty-six
cars ot wheat, worth fifty-five
cars ot oats, worth H;,S1; three cars ot
barley, worth S3,3Se. ande one car of
rye, worth 11,051-
The run ot corn for the last two weeks
haa been the biggest in the history ot the
exchange. Eight hundred cars of this
grain were received last week and 1.100
cars the wek before. Chief Inspector
Powell snd his assistants worked all day
Sunday and until midnight testing corn
tor Monday's trade.
The street railway company was ad
monished to employ more lawyers If nec
essary to speedily reach and try the law
suits In which It la Interested by Judge
Sutton of the district court.
When the docket waa called Attorney
Thomas of ths company's law department
asked to have several cases continued, as
Mr. Connell of tbe law department al
ready was busy trying a case and the
other members of the legal department
also were head over heels In work.
The cases were continued for the time.
sut the judge sternly told Mr. Thomas
that tbe courts are through letting cases
drag and It necessary more lawyers must
be employed by tbe company.
W. 8. Wright, "father of trade ex
cursions," bead of the Wright at Wll
helmy company, and A. C. Smith, presi
dent of the M. E. Smith company, will
be among those who will address the
Federation ot Nebraska Retailers, which
will meet in annual convention in Omaha
March 12. U and 14. President Lang-
horst has selected the Borne hotel as
Principals of schools nave been In
structed la a circular letter issued by
Superintendent E. U. Oraft to refuse to
give names snd addresses of pupils to
any one making the request unless the
superintendent's office is first notified.
This action is necessary on account of
agents and others who obtain addresses
of children aad swamp the home With
Recital is Held by
Concordia Society
The third recital of the German Ladles'
Concordia society was beard by several
hundred at tbe German Home en South
Thirteenth street Sunday afternoon.
The assembly room wsa decorated In blue
and gold. Prof. T. R. Reese directed ths
After Ihe "Vereinsmarsch" by the Con
cordis society Mrs. M. Flothow, president
of the society, delivered sn address' of
welcome. Misses Hsttle BUS snd Frances
Laux sang a duet, "Oh Tell Us, Merry
Birds." With Mrs. Icken aa soprano
soloist, the society ssng "Elfenlocken Ira
Walde." following which Miss Margrett
Damm, soprano, rendered an aria from
"I Traviata." , Mrs. Axel Grandjean
played the Tyrolean "Hetmaths-Klange'
on ths violin. Folk songs were sung by
the Misses Anna Kuhl, Emma Wennlng
hnff, Gussle Landrock, Bertha Wennlns
hoff, Dora Hamann, Anna Kolovratek
and W. Mach, Carl Reese, otto Nleoer
wieser and M. Prelner and John and
Lucte Rahn.
"Angel a Serenade," from "Brags." waa
rendered by Mrs. Icken. with Mrs. Grand-
Jean accompanying on the violin and
Mlsa Damm at the piano. Soloists who
took part In the program were: Mlaa
Margrett Damm, soprano: Mrs. Axel
Grandjean. violinist: Mrs. G. W, Icken,
soprano; Miss Anna Kuhl. Miss Ousels
Landrock. Miss Emms, wennlngnorr. Miss
flattie Bils and Mrs. Prances 1-su.
sopranos: Miss Kara Harmon, Miss
Bertha Wennlnghoff and Miss Anna
Kolovratek, altos; William Mach, Carl
Reese, Otto Nlederwleser and M. Prelner.
Omaha Eltinges of
Ak-Sar-Ben Are Sore
Trouble Is brewing In the realm of Ak-
SarBen. - Jack Brennan, -Clifford Boy lea.
Harry Benford. Bert Minor and W, B.
8trykcr. who have Impersonated female
characters In the Ak-Sar-Ben den shows.
and each of whom considers himself
second only to Jullsn Eltlnse, are "we"
because the leading feminine parts In
'The Jolly Musketeers- have been given
to real women.
It la said that some of them have gone
so fsr ss to perfect themselves In the
tongs snd lines of the feminine roles snd
are Jealously hoping that the young
women filling the coveted roles may fall
to Qualify, and that they may thus get
a chance to shine before the footlights
in a real opera and In a real theater. It
requires all the tact of the show managers
to keen these understudies In good
The first rehearsal of the show to be
held on the actusl theater stage will be
held Tuesday evening at the Brandels.
where the opera will be presented to the
public on Februsry 8 and 34.
The death of Mrs. Peter Smith, nee
Msry Robb. occurred at her residence,
ltt4 Locust street, at I o'clock Sunday
Mrs. Smith wss a native of Aberdeen
shire. Scotland.-where she was born in
1a, " snd accompanied her husband to
Ireland at the time of their marriage In
the year. lsis. During May of the year
le. the family moved from Ennlacorthy.
County of Wexford. Ireland, to Omshs.
From the time of her arrival here to
the time of her death, Mrs. Smith was
closely associated with the First United
Presbyterian church of this city, to which
church she was particularly attached be
cause of her family connections, being the
daughter of Rev. John Robb of Aberdeen
shire, and the niece of Rev. Aadrew
Sprott of lnverneashire. Scotland, both
United Presbyterian ministers. Mrs.
smith la survived bv three sons and twn
daughters. John Smith with the Havens- I
White Coal company, Edward Smith with
the Dakota Plaster company ot Rapid
City. S. V.. Robert Smith, clerk of the
district court; Penelope M. and Jane
Sprait Smith, both teachers in the Omaha
High school, and by Mrs. A. M. Web
ster of fan Bernardino. Cel.. a sister.
Funeral services will be conducted by
Dr. A. C Douglass at the residence, mt
Locust street, Tuesday afternoon, Febru
ary U, at 1 o'clock and Interment will
be later at Prospect Hill cemetery.
General Manager Waiters of the North
western is back from a trip Into the Black
Vice President Munroe and Freight
Traffic Manager Wood of the I'alua fs-cifu-
are back from the east.
Dan Hurley, manager of the kenla'
furnishing department at Hayden Bros.,
- m ' m sass est a buvlaus sviaw
Repair and Improvements Planned
for City Hospital.
Oaaaha Flrss Kxswcted tw FtM Ac
ceptance et Offer ef Ceatrect for
Haadred Tkeasaad DelUrs
Worth ef Beads.
Wlth.c the next few weeks repairs and
extensive Improvements will be made on
the South Omaha hospital at an expense
ot between fc, snd tlo.OO. The im
provements contemplate a new operating
room, additional ward space and an In
creased number ot private rooms.
At present the hospital accommodates
only thirty patients, and the hospital au
thorities are compelled to refuse admis
sion te prospective patients every day.
The chief need Is a new operating room,
an elevator and more ward space. Owing
to the great number ot accidents and
surgical cases the present accommoda
tions are Inadequate to the proper hand
ling of the wounded and injured patients
that are sent to the hospital.
Tbe money tor the improvementa Is to
be raised by private subscriptions, and.
it Is understood, the narking houses and
sttok yards, together with the railroads,
will contribute heavily towards the new
Improvements. At present practically all
of the emergency cases from the packing
house district are sent to the South
Omaha hospital for treatment.
Mlsa Myrtle Been, superintendent ot
the hospltsl, says that at present ths
wards are crowded beyond their capacity
and that extra beds have been installed
In every available space In the building.
The superintendent, speaking of the num
ber of cases handled, declared that the
hospltsl would handle more charity work
If outstsndlng accounts could be col
lected. Last year the hospital was unable
to collect 11,500 owed for services and
Fire Dasaases Stare.
Turpentine, paint and wall paper com
bined to make a hot flame, when from
some -undiscovered origin fire broke out
In the rear ot Fred Parks store. Twenty
fourth and L streets. South Omaha, early
last night. A roaming house above the
store waa badly damaged by smoke and
water. The loss was estimated at 11 .000
to the building and M.00O to the stock.
Will Accept Head Offer.
At this evening's meeting or the city
council It is expected that Allen Bros,
of Omaha will file their acceptance ot
the offer of the contract awarding them
fl 10.000 of renewal bonds at A per cent
The attorneys for Allen Bros, and rep
resentatives of the city attorney's office
have been in consultation several times
on certain polnta pertalmng to the le
gality of the Issue. These points. It Is
understood, have all been of minor Im
port and have been settled In a manner
satlafactory to both parties.
With ths sale of these bonds eloaes one
of the most bitter Internal flghta that
the present city administration haa ex
perienced. The fight closes to the ad
vantage of the taxpayers and ally at
large and to the discomfiture of the ones
who put up a fight which, had It been
successful, would have coat the city sev
eral thousands of dollars.
As soon ss these bonds have been de
livered ta Allen Bros, the urgent demand
for money with which to begin the spring
Improvement work will make necessary
the Issuance of the annual au
thorised by the city charter. This Issue,
it Is expected by the mayor and his sup
porters, will entail possible opposition on
ths score of the Interest to be paid by
the city.
Mayor Tralnor and those who uava won
the present fight are anxious to float
the new Issue at I per cent instead ot tit
per cent, the rate paid heretofore. It Is
Ihe Intention of the mayor to have the
city attorney hereafter draft all bond
ordinances at a s per cent rate. The
mayor and many business men of the city
snd even disinterested bond buyers think
that ( per cent la good Interest upon an
investment so assured as city improve
ment bonds,
tleta Broken Head In F1sbt.
Peler Cardlasls of Thirtieth and R
streets Is st the local hospital with a
broken head, the result of a blow from
the butt end ot a pistol In the hands of
George BtefaaoTich yesterday morning at
S o'clock.
According to testimony given to the
police, Carduuis and Stefanovich, to
gether with several others, spent the
night In the vicinity of Thirtieth and R
streets, where a big celebration waa going
Towards morning Cardlasls and
Stefanovich entered into an argument,
during which Cardlasls Is said to have hit
SiafanovkJs over the head with a bear
Stefanovich, enraged at the assault, fol
lowed Cardlasls to his home In the neigh
borhood and after breaking In the door
ot the house la said to have drawn a gun
on Cardiasts, who waa hiding under the
bed. In the melee that followed Stefano
vich discharged hla weapon and then
beat Cardlasls over the head with It
Mertlvtra Swindled.
John Martivlcx came into the Justice
court ot Judge George Collins Saturday
with a tale of fickle womanhood and a
vacuum In hia pocketbook to the extent
of ITS.
With tears tn hla eyes and snger In his
voice. Mortlvics' told the court how he
had met in Austria a woman who is now
Mrs. Henry Frantacls of South Omaha
The two became engaged and Mortivlci
came to America to make money suffi
cient to warrant the expense of married
life. As a packing house employe he
labored and painfully gathered together
ITS, which he sent to his fiances in Aus
tria. Of the sum sent IKS were for ex
penses Incident to travel and the re
mainder for a trousseau. The woman
arrived some six months ago and ths
date ot the wedding set.
At a prenuptlal feast, however, a more
alluring swain than Mortlvics captured
the fancy of the bride-elect, and before
Mortlvics could interfere the woman waa
Mrs. Henry Frsntscis.
Now Mortlvics wants his 75 hack again
and Justice Collins allowed the sum by
reason of default on the part of the de
fendant, who. In the Joy of married bliss,
neglected to reepond to the summons of
the court.
Men Charted wills Robbery.
Dick Livingstone, Mike Patrick and
Mike Miller, aa the result ot too frequent
potations, are held to the grand Jury
In connection with an alleged robbery of
box cars ot the Book Island railroad at
the Rock Islsnd tracks and Washington
street In South Omaha-
The three men i r? arrested within the
last three days by the South Omaha po
lice, who claim that the prisoners are
suspiciously connected with the alleged
An Investigation ot the haunts of Ills
three men revealed a quantity of sugar
that had been hidden In a house In Al
bright. The total value of the goods
stolen amounts to SM. It la thought ef
the police that the men were urged to
the alleged crime by their bibulous crav
ings. Urlsas Makea Raid, s
Rooms over Austin's saloon at Twenty
sixth and O streets were raided at M 20
o'clock tills morning by Chief of Police
Urlggs and Captain Elsfulder, and John
Austin, proprietor of the mi loon, was ar
rested, with two women and another
man. The place has had a shscly reputa
tion for some time and it was rumored
that a number of city officials had been
patronising It, guaranteeing It Immunity,
Chief Brlggs says this raid Is the first
gun in a rampalgn against vice In South
Omaha. The prisoners wsre released on
bonds. '
Magic City Uewals).
Good bed and rug for sale at XM M
St. Home after T o clock evenings.
Phone Bell Houth MS-jnd. F-1M for a
as of Jetter Gold Top. prompt Delivery
to any part of the city. William Jetter,
Jack Cery and family will leave this
week for Dana. la., there to engage In
farming operations.
Fred Osrjow has returned hnms after
a fsw days spent ss the guest ot his
brother. Herb Osrlow.
Captain Hank Elsfelder yesterday re
ported a quiet day In South Omaha police
circles. Several suspicious saloons were
found by the captain, but nothing In ths
way ot tangible evidence could be ob-
Evangelistic meetings will be held every
night this week st ths Swedish Bsptlst
church. Rev. S. O. Csrlsnn and. Rev. P.
Ryden will preside at the meetings. Serv
ices open at I o'clock snd all Scandinav
ians are especially Inviml to attend.
Downtown Hotel in Washington to
Hold Kenomination Bureau.
Bryan la Kl Pass) Says Shadow ef
Moaer Treat Already Is Darken
ing Prospect at Deasorratic
,iaccesa at Polls.
WASHINGTON. Feb. li-At a confer
ence today between Charles D. Hilles,
secrets ry to President Taft, and Rrprw
sentative William B. McKlnley of Illi
nois plans were completed for the open
ing tomorrow of a Taft headquarters In
a dosvntown howl. The headquarters will
be known as the Taft renomlnatlon bu
reau and Mr. McKlnley will assume
charge as director.
Mr. Hilles turned over to Mr. McKln
ley data dealing with the political situa
tion In nearly every state. This had
beea collected during the last tew weeks
and It will form the basis for an Imme
diate beginning ot the campaign to win
Taft delegates.
Colonel Walter L. Hawser, manager of
the presidential rampalgn ot KenUor La
Follette, left Washington tonight tor
North Dakota, where it Is fesred by La
Follette adherents there Is a dsngsr of
the 1 Follette aentiment being trans
ferred to Colonel Roosevelt. '
Halbert tint for Hoeeevrlt.
ST. PAUL, Minn., Feb. U-llugh T.
Halbert. who last nlght.realgned from the
board of directors ot the Minnesota. Pro
gressive Republican league, following the
board's endorsement of Senator Robert
W, La Follette for the presidential nom
ination before the Chicago convention, to
day announced his Intention of forming
an organisation of the supporters of
Theodore Roosevelt in Minnesota.
Wllsea and Clark Share Honors
offlclal returns to the Oklahomanfrom
forty-six of the seventy-six Oklahoma
counties in which primary conventions
were held yesterday Indicated tonight that
Woodrow Wilson would control twenty
five and Champ Clark fourteen of the
county conventions. The county conven
tions next Saturday will elect delegates
to the state democratic convention, which
on February 3 will elect delegates to ths
national Convention. The twenty-five
counties will have UU delegates In ths
state convention and the fourteen 18.
Seven counties, with flfiy-elght delegates
are considered doubtful.
Brraa Fears tor Party.
EL PASO. Tex.. Feb. It-William J.
Biyan arrived here tonight on his way
to Tucson, Aria. Discussing the outlook
for the democratic party he said that
proKprcts had been good, for 1511 unlll
the 'itstlHitlon of an Investigation of the
money trust which in ts p esent status
h mihI hi? brllcved to be an InsiNrallon
of Wall street and calculated to produce
democratic disaster If It results In a
"It would put Ihe party In Ihe altitude
of being afraid to attack the most often
slve of all trusts, the money trust," be
He declined lo say whether ho would
attend the Investigation, but said "Wall
street cost the dnmorratio party l.BO.OW
voles by running the democratic conven
tlon In 1904." .
Was in Poor Health and Sayi it Wat
Difficult to Get Relief.
Tkoassusds la Uasaka Sefferleg wttaj
Sasae Traable Ceased by Strata
ef Medesw Life New Teals
Will Relieve Yea.
I have been a sufferer front nervous)
and stomach trouble for soJOetlme past,
said Frank V. Gross, X3 South Twentieth),
street city, "1 seldom had a good appe
tite and when 1 did eat I would suffer!
from gas en my stomach for sometime
afterwards. 1 slept poorly and my sleep
did me little good. I would become
fatigued more readily than during my
previous good health and It waa difficult
to get relief, t had tried other means toj
restore me to my normal condition with
out results.
"I purchased a treatment ot Toms
Vita' about three weeks ago and I saw'
Immediate results. My appetite Improved
Immediately. My stomach Is now In per-,
feet condition snd I can aleep well M
nights. ,
"I consider Ton a Vlts' about the beat
tonic I ever used, and am pleased to have
this opportunity to recommend It to myt
friends or anyone who might be tn need
of a preparation of thla sort to build up
the system. It made me eat and sleep
better than I had eaten or slept for m
long time and after taking It I got mora
benefit from food and rest from aleep than,
I ever got before. Judging from my ex
perience, I regard Tons Vita' as the best
medicine ever sold here."
Thousanda In Omaha are afflicted wit hi
the same trouble In a more or less aggrai
valed form, said the specialists who were
Introducing "Tona Vita."
The strain of modern city llfs," asMf
ons of theas speciallata, "caused Irragu-i
larltles with regsrd to sleeping and eat
ing and produce a most miserable eondH
tlon of the body, which Is known to us
as nervous debility, a modern plague
whose symptoms are Imperfect digestion,
bowel trouble, nervousness, depression of
spirits, little Tttsltty. headaches, back-
aches, sluggish mind snd poor memory,
dull pains In tht hark, poor circulation,
cold feet, susceptibility to coughs and
colds, dlssy spells, spots before ths eyes,
uneasy slsep snd poor spsetlte.
" Tona Vita, " continued he, will re
move this condition, affording ths right
food material tor complete rejuvena
tion, of all organs and their restoration ts)
a healthy, normal condition."
"Tona Vita" la on sals at DrasdelS
Drug Dept., ISth snd Douglas (Ma., southj
side main floor Adv.
Antiseptic Powder
A wVWfrMc that twnM M
frriUtM tM WM atll?l4j jajnmbvno
naasasaA rMttM 4aVeaf hav
jtWsii pxTtr-earaiiTsj xupnraa, sssjsj gut gav
Mt sstBMmtWa),
OYSTER BAT, N. T.. Feb. 12.-'olonsl
Theodore Hoosevelt, who Is honorary ell's
president of the Boy Scouts of America,
had as guests at luncheon today Lieu
tenant General Sir Robert S. S. Baden
Powell, leader ot the liny Scout move
ment In Knglahd, and several leaders of
the movement In this country. Plana
for enlisting college undergraduates as
scout masters In Ihe Boy Scouts of
America formed ihe principal toplo of
discussion, It Is said.
Slashed with a Baser,
wounded with a gun or pierced by a
rusty nsll Bucklen's Arnica Salve soon
heals the Injured part. Ouaranteed. Vic.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Order the Best
wm y
Coat) met n
testssrlr Is wster. no
eertD-a r aa-uciass sii mt wtM
s. svsr escu
foe St yeses.
toss suae
Bold ky diegglsta sisi skew.
isk year sorter er ssad far ssslust.
L L TYUs-, CaesaAWaskisW).C
Bronchial Tonrnra
Hsvs ths votes la all kinds ot weather. Is raise.
le to siegers and spsaksrs foreleaflBg taewriee.
Tilers Is aotklag sMre e8 satire for Throat Irrita
Hoe. Hoarseness and Couxhs. mxi -ftne tmp
laUoa. Soldoalylaboiss, Ham pie mailed tree.
1. -rrwjww BMPi, Boston, MSSS.
llsMf tftia
SrTV- 1 fipTi
mm i I
jV. - V Ji' "' I Of ' "A . liSm&
"T ' . .... -d ... I ssssssgsssssBnsssMeaaeafjn
-BJt 4, . -Vi. -1 ' T. - ..i.l i 1 I a W
' "v , ;i- . ' 1 Us-
r0k Ik
iron Htsi
-3k -aT'. JLaW i l " Af -tl
Lightens Sweeping
ayi irt e-essvT Msjm ssssj mewf. MsVssw as) inst
fcras-sja cms, aedfi Ugir. 4 sktM lmr tmrk.
ansasat vr-Kwrm. II Mf 4taMaa I fcrtt
rppC IstM IW WIM IliM
ft! I DfjajtiM ft frM vn. WIMM
4-rt. -am. LktW tMt. Vtttfimttm tmi
M("iMk. rki." IskSkkW. a-Tia.. mtrticmlMf.
I HarrahB Stewart Mfg. Co. I
sU-na Cmmrt At.., Um Ummm, Ua-a,
A N order for Pabst "Blue Ribbon" Beer
carries with it the distinction of quality and
good taste. Served with your lunch or
dinner, Blue Ribbon lends zest and refreshment
most satisfying. Every bottle is pure and whole
someworthy of your table the best beer brewed.
Bottled only at the brewery in crystal clear bottles,
showing at a glance that it is clean and pure.
A trial order will convince you. Phone or write
to know thst your Bonds, Pri
vate Papers snd Jewels were
locked up In our great Safe De
posit Vaults safe from Fire er
There's no doubt about their
being safe here.
Vou have access to them any
time during banking hours a
safety box casta but ILM up
wards yearly.
Omaha. Safe Deposit Co.
1SI 4 rarnasa Unit
should know about tho
n07,lavenwprth Piwne$Dwiia 79, a w$
Omaha, Nebr
Marvel "Whirling Spray'
Best safest most convenient.
Cleanses instantly.
If year drsgglst cannot supply me
SAKVEb, seaastaa-piorumsrrszaa
book sealed, coetams illisi Hues
tavsmabls te ladles.
Mew York
II. i. Hutches Va., Distrlb'a, Oraaba, .