Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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    ilih ULh,: OA1AMA. XLhSDAV, J-EBKUAKx" 13, Mi
Cnund et uinaaa poatulfite a second
class matter.
Sun Jay fees, um year
Saturday i-ee. on ear Bee tlthout Sundav), on yeai
Kaily B end Sunday, ona year
C mill fliinftaW NT mO,
1'ruly Bee osa-ludlrtc. Sunday, per mo- 5
uajlv Be (without Sundarl, per "
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pavabie to Til IW Publishing company
Wily t-cent rump received In payment
of until accounts. Personal checks, ex
cept on Onus wid eestara exchange, not
Omaha-The Bee Building.
South Otniht-au N St.
louncll Riuffe-"!. Scott St.
Lincoln- Little Buildlnr.
htraeo r Marquette Building.
Kanaaa Oty-Rellanra Building.
New York-M Weal Thirty-third.
Wathlnrto-i ""3 Fourteenth 8L. .
. Co-miiuntcatlona relating lo news and
ritltorial matter should be addressed
Omaha Bee. Editorial Department.
ltat of Nebraska. County of Douglas. :
Dwlght Williams, circulation menu-ei
rf The Be Publishing company, bring
duly sworn, says Uia the avsvage daily
circulation, lees polled, unused and re
turned copies, for the mouth sf January,
1912, waa if.iSS.
Circulation Manage-.
FutwertbeJ In my presence and aworn lo
before ma this ith day of February. UU.
Notary Public
Sabsrrtbero Warlas Hly
lessparaHIr sheala have Tbe
He mailed la tkesa. Address
will be ekaaced aa af tern aa re
Nothing so arouses a sleeping
town u a national convention. -
Thou Fire Amesdmesta.
Except for the publicity voluntarily
glvea by tbe newspaper the people
of Nebraska would be left almost
wholly (n the dark with reference to
five Important amendment to the
constitution submitted by the last
legislature for adoption at tbe com
ing election. Under the method of
constitution-changing now prevailing
in this state the decisive vote on the
amendments will take place, not In
the November election, bat in the
April primary. The fire amendments
briefly epitomized are as follows:
1. Initiative and referendum,
1 Doubling salaries of member! of the
3. Creating an appointive board of con
trol for atata Institution.
4. Providing for only biennial elections
after the year 1314.
h. Empowering cities of mora than 5,000
Inhabitants to frame and adopt their own
Only once before have as many
constitutional amendment been sub
mitted for ratification at one time in
Nebraska, and on that occasion they
were all defeated, the multiplicity of
tbe amendments contributing to that
end. In this list of five are some that
will meet with a division of opinion,
and other that will encounter the ob
stacle of Indifference. The danger
thai threatens arise sot only from
tbe multiplicity of amendments, but
also from the still greater multiplicity
of candidates and office on the pri
mary ballot, sure to test tbe staylns
power of the voter. An amendment
submitted two year ago fell by the
wayside of Its own inertia, and in the
absence of persistent agitation It will
not be surprising It one or two of
these meet a similar fate.
qnences, nor are we threatened with
any. Undoubtedly Hayti and the
United States will be all the better off
for our action. That is practically
what we are proposing to do in Hon
duras and Nicaragua. If our govern
ment feel that it can afford to ex
tend this policy generally In that sec
tion, then, it would seem, nothing
need stand In its way. The president
and secretary of state urge It- At
any rate, closer relations between us
and all our neighbor in the Carib
bean and between all of them must
bo established by some means.
Tbe Everglade were swamped bad
uough without thl latest overflow.
Never mind, th venerable secre
tary of agriculture I able to boa hi
own. row.
Old Wilkin Mlcawber still leads
tb batting list of - the Dickens'
character. '
r Duelling In Franca baa been re
duced to an exact science by mean
of wag bullet.
Soma of these "favorite sons
pro bably have that dark, brows taste
la their mouths already.
' "Back to th farm" used to be
yelled only at th dumb ball player.
Now It I a national cry.
James B. Duke ot the Tobacco
trust la soon to retire, but U ducal
dynasty has not decided to abdicate.
1 Baltimore I entitled to tbe demo
cratic convention, for It baa bad ao
tarn since tbaj old champion Oriole
ceased to warble.
' "Coagreat Faces) Important Week.'
Headline. Tea, and that same
headline hat been written each lion
day line congress convened.
"My political career i not muck
different from that of some other
senators," remarks Mr. Lorlmer. Bat
even that doea not excuse him.
The Courier-Journal calls It "Gov
ernor Wilson' tergiversation.
Those democrat call each other
awful name when they get mad.
Tbe Folk-Clark farce la Missouri Is
' referred to aa "A Victory ot Peace.
," How can there be a victory, where
t there I nothing to win or lose?
Tbe foot ball field baa been short
ened ten yards. Now, If they would
only shorten the foot ball season tea
days, th casualty list might diminish
Itaelf. , - .
( On tabloid biographer says ot Mr.
; Bryan that he "edit the Commoner."
( Gee, don't they know Dick Metcalfe
, needs a little thunder, himself, to run
f for governor?
I Judge Gary Insists those records
: tbat were burned contained no Steel
trust secret the government would
care to know. Certainly not, that la
, why they were burned. .
Now, It w only had retained that
opes primary, wouldn't H be line for
I th democrats to fix up a harmony
; slate for themaelvea, and then come
over and help the republicans out
A lew mora penitentiary murder
I might dampen th ardor of the parol
. land pardoa squad, who would turn
', loose, a soon aa sentence I pro
: nounced, every convict who puts up a
15 teartnl tale.
i Ti incident at Bellevn proves
: that the service of the Lord Is lust
at righteous and noble saving
neighbor! boose from flames aa pray
, lag ia church to cava souls from the
fire hereafter.
10a always think more of your
friend with (he anto after be has
dashed madly by yon as yon were
.' standing la the dusa waiting for a
car and spattered a lot ot th slush
upon your alee, new suit ' ,
j B t
-vtoat is the matter with our
army" is being discussed In a series
f articles contributed by ataff offl
cers to a popular macula. What ia
the matter with our army? Perhaps
some ot th Spaniards who went ap
against It ia Cafca. or the Filipinos
vrho cot their experience In the
1'hltlppinea, might give first bud in
f oration. ' ;
Getting: Back the $100,000.
Here I a schedule ot price which.
dispatches aay, has been virtually
prearranged In Baltimore for the ac
commodation of the delegates and
visitor to tbe democratic national
convention, to be held In that city
next June:
First class hotels. DM a day. '
Second class hotels, tw a day.
Third class hotels. 131 a day.
First class lodctns houses, $20 a day.
Heeond class lodging houses, KM a day.
Other lodclng houses, 130 a day.
la taxi cabs, it for the first bait hour
and V for each hour thereafter.
In Chesapeake Bay steamers, 3S per
state room.
Presumably Baltimore knew what
was about when It put up the
f 100,000 cash bonus that landed the
dt-mocratic convention. Presumably
the hotel keeper and other public
service people were not acting purely
from philanthropic motive. There I
rack a thing as casting one's bread
upon the water and, after many days.
having It return multiplied manifold.
This scriptural treasure may occur
to torn of th delegates aa thy go
to pay their bread sad other bill
when th convention la over.
The figures, so reports say, rep
resent only th outside service. All
details, such as, for Instance at a
hotel, bell boys, towel, Ice water,
etc., will corns extra. The Salvation
Army Barracks sr said to be over
crowded aow. No deeping will be
permitted la th convention hall after
regular work hours. Th police will
be Instructed to prevent lounging on
the streets. All delegate, therefor,
wk have no relatives or other mean
ot free entertainment In Baltimore
will be compelled to seek refuge in
a hostelry of some sort. No guilty
democrat will be allowed to escape.
United Statea battleships In Chess-
peak bay, however, will salute tbe
convention free ot charge.
Baltimore's slogan: Why b a con
vention city unless you can get tbe
money ? A moat appropriate shib
boleth for the party ot reform and re
trenchment that puts Its convention
up at auction. ' '
Beg-ardlets of the Verdicts.
Regardless of the verdicts which
the committees on Investigation in
tbe cases ot Senators Btephenson and
Lorlmer submit, it is safe to say that
the methods anda means by which
these men were elected to the senate
have, by the wide publicity of these
tnveattgatlons, been so unpopular aa
to be uninviting to candidates for tbe
senate in Wisconsin or Illinois, or
other states in the future. And If
only tbat has been done, substantial
progress baa been achieved, whether
the final pronouncement of the Inves
tigator i adverse or favorable to
the Individuals involved, or whether
they are retained in their seats or
No sans man, who has kept up
with any measurable part of tbe
Lorlmer case, believes that the meth
ods by which Lorlmer became a sen
ator were what they should have
been. Nobody, not even the senator
reporting In favor of Stephenson, will
dare aay that $107,000 should b
spent without knowing where it la
to go, to be elected to a seal In the
upper branch of congress. Terhaps
It serves a better and larger purpose
sfter all to let these men remain In
the senate, where they will be con
spicuous examples ot th evil of un
savory politic. But-th lamentable
truth Is that they do not stsnd out
In s bold relief from all their col
leagues aa It might be wished they
did. since they, probably, only over
did what. In a measure, too many
others, both democrats and repub
licans, did. 1
Unseating a senator would not be
a victory unless at th same time ve
had uprooted a bad practice In cor
rupt politic. It Is the hops that we
have dons this thst encourages good
people to view with equanimity the
fat of cither Lorlmer or Stephenson.
Regardless of th verdicts in their
cases. It Is safe to predict that their
successors will not be elected by the
same method that gave them their
Thirty Years Ago
A strike of t'nion Pacific moidera took
place at the shops today. Striken aay
they are soinc back, presumably having
had their Kiievancea adjusted.
The grand jury has returned seven In
The regular monthly meeting of the
Board ot Trade listened to a discussion
on paving atone and river Improvement
President Clark appointee P. &. Her and
John A. Horbach to draft a memorial to
congress for an appropriation to protect
the Missouri river bank.
L. C. Northrup, formerly district Judge
and United States attorney of Kouth
Carolina, was admitted by Judge Savage
to practice at the bar of this state.
The committee In charge of the fifth
annual ball of Enslne Company No. 1
to be held March is at Masonic hall. Is
made up of I. V. Lane, C. C Field. C.
If. Pickens, Charles Hunt, E. P. Beard.
George Crager and W. J. Whltehouse.
Mrs. Howard B. Smith left for Chllll-
cothe, O., where her father Is lying
critically III.
The setter connection with the Coemus
house was being made under tbe super
vision of Contractor Hugh Murphy.
J. A. Gillespie of the deaf and dumb
asylum la asking for Information regard
ing th whereabouts of a deaf and dumb
boy about S years old, who got away
from the asylum and has not returned.
Messrs. Wroth and Jones, two ener
getic and experienced lumber dealers,
formerly of Michigan, have opened aa
office In the McDonald building, opposite
the Grand Central hotel, and will handle
all kinds of lumber st wholesale.
Omaha'a new plan ot city govern'
meat sllmlnate all party labela from
the ballot. It also prohibits
municipal officials from undertaking
to Influence other city officials or em
ployes In mstters political. The per
son who In advance of th time for
filing, and before all the entries are
made, agrees to let soma one else
pick his candidate for him, la not
living up to the spirit ot the com
mission plan law.v
Announcement Is made that the
current expense fund for the Univer
sity of Omaha has been raisod ac
cording to schedule, but this should
not prevent any one disposed to con
tribute from making an additional
subscription Just tb same.
Ilcoliini Backward
llmDnv inOmalia
1R. 14.
Twenty Years Ago
It was tbe decision of th Douglas
County Beet ffugar association, which met
at the Board of Trad, that no factory
would be eatabllshed In Omaha for the
year, at least. Dr. George U Miller pre
sided over the meeting. The committee.
which made a report, urging that the pro
ject be pushed, waa John T. Clarke, George
S. Hicks, A. W. Fullried, Eraatus A.
Benson, O. J. Ptckard.
Miss Florence Richardson of Platts-
mouth waa visiting Mrs. Bliss Cobb, 9X3
California street, and other friends.
Ex-Governor Larrabe ot Iowa, called
oa The Bee while In th city enroute to
the Black Hills.
George E. Barker, vice president of th
National Bank of Commerce, received a
letter from a crank, who threatened to
blow Mr. Barker out of this world in a
hurry if be did not send him all the
money his bank contained. Mr. Barker
kept back at least It cents.
Mr. and Mrs. Dal ton Rlsley entertained
the Bhesaay High Five club at the Mer
rlara In the evening. Mrs, Pettlbone won
the ladles prise and Mr. Pettlbone the
gentleman's. Others present were: Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Bryson. Mr. and Mrs,
Draper Smith, Mr. and ' Mrs Charles
Oratton, Mr. Milton Peters and Miss
Ueltyberg of St. Louis. .
Ten Years Ago
County Treasurer G. Fred Elaasser
filed his report tor January, showing a
balance on hand ot tl52.7VT.56.
Jndsw W. W. Slabeugh returned from
Hannibal, Mo., whither 'he had been
called by the sickness ot Mrs. Slabaugb's
Marie Morrlisey, 11 years of age. died
at her home, 1 South Thirty-second
The Au Revolr Kensington club was en
tertained by Mrs. Frank 8. De Vor, 1711
Park avenue. In the afternoon.
Charles J. Greene, returned from Chi
cago. Mrs. Elisabeth Belden. mother of Mrs.
C. W. Lyman, died at the Lyman home,
UM Burt street, at I a. m.. at th age
ot 71 Mrs. Belden, who had resided ia
Omaha for thirty years, had been In poor
health during the entire winter.
W. H. Green and party returned from
Guatemala, where they spent three weeks.
They reached New Orleans en their re
turn In time for the Mardl Oraa.
Around New York
stipples si the Cin-nl f Life
aa Heea la the Great awerleas
Metropolis Owns Day te Day.
Of course, there ought not to be
any suspicion of ulterior motives on
th part of any one engaged In re
forming our city government. It
goes without saying that the ulterior
motives are always actuating the
other fellow,
Secretary Xnex'i Caribbean Visit.
Undoubtedly on ot the chief ob-
Jecta of Secretary Knox's coming visit
to th Caribbean countries is to nave
the way for the relatione that should
exist between those countries and the
United Statea consequent upon th
building ot tbe Panama canal. Mr.
Knox, who haa urged con free to
sanction th loans to Nicaragua and
Honduras, seems exactly tb man and
thta the strategic time tor thl mis
sion. Th United State should pro
mote cordial relation, not only be
tween It and these "countries, but be
tween them severally. Whenever tbe
unbroken pursuit ot peaceful Industry
among these little nation to the
oath is established w shall heed to
concern ourselves very little with
problem that bow vex us.
. But many Americans believe It Is
going too far to buy these conditions
with an extension of our financial
protectorate over these countries.
The Honduras loan, exceeding $100,
300,000, has sot yet been approved
by the senate for that reason. Those
opposing tbe proposition ask that it
we grant this concession to Hona j as
and Nicaragua, as we have already
done In the case of Hayti. where shall
we draw the line? It will establish a
precedent that will be difficult to
break. European countries might be
come too generous In their loan,
knowing that back -'of the volatile
Central American republic stood Its
powerful guarantor, Uacla Sam.
It seems to be simply a question of
how far the United States can afford
to go la this direction. In the case
of Hayti ws practically took over the
financial conduct of the government
But we saved it from bankruptcy and
restored economic prosperity, and
thus far hav met with so evil conce
it Is to be noted that office seekers
who want to climb on to the repub
lican ticket .by the Insurgency step
ladder Just naturally go to demo
cratic organ tor publicity and encouragement-
aa a duck takea to
Thorns Edison only take four
and one-half hours sleep In order
that be may get In plenty of time at
work. Obviously Mr. Edison either
doee not belong to a union or gets
time and a halt 'for overtime.
teas sad rffeet.
Indianapolis News.
Taken by and large, It would seem that
Senator La Folletle la entirely Justified
In feeling what la technically known In
polities a ."a bit sore."
tvilsaa si Wary Bird.
' - Brooklyn Eagle.
Secretary . Wilson is not to be caught
la the swampland of Florida. It he were
to undertake to expose all the crooked
ness of farming there aeuld be no "corne
ous" from the cities and the "back-to-the
land' movement would be retarded
by official Interference,
A laaae tvr SVaader,
Indianapolis News.
And yet one caa't help wondering why
the steel trust reduced Its average price
by gelling lower abroad than at borne, as
Mr. Schwab declares, instead of doing so
by selling lower at home -than abroad,
which policy would have added appre
ciably to Its popularity and might have
avoided a great deal of embarrassment
ia the way ot official Invemtgatioa.
Farilrts) i-aaaas Last.
Philadelphia Racord.
General Porflrlo Dtas may he excused
if be takes a saturnine satisfaction In the
news from the country which, dlsoeur-
teously dispensed wtta his senrlcea, which
were undoubtedly valuable, but had by
ties lapse of time become h-ksome. The
gore amen! that he was the head of was
not republican much hslow the surface,
but r vu a firm government: ft main
tained the peace and tt fostered the
business Interests of the country. Madero
isn't keeping the peace,
People Talked About
Governor Wilson to Colonel Watterson:
"Speak to sne, love. O speak!"
Owing to an overflowing waiting list
of th parent organisation the Lorlmer
Inquiry witnesses will be obliged to form
a subsidiary Ananias club.
Itlllalre Belloc, the English author, who
was some years ego a favorite lecturer,
says that he left Parliament "because I
was getting sick of the vilest and dirtiest
society In which I have ever mixed In all
my life."
Are you a Burke? Prepare to flock to
th standard ot Governor John Burks of
North Dakota, whose presidential boom
haa been an runs In New England. Will
Kelly and Shea fall in er watch the pro
cession so by?
William MeAdoo, who built th Hudson
river tunnels, recently made what la said
to have been a record run In a special
train en the Southern railroad, covering
the 20 miles from Charlotte, N. C, to
Oreenvllle in Mn minutes.
Leo Gow. a Chinaman, said to be the
first foreign born Chinaman to ran for
office In America, Is a candidate for
eounctlmaa at Georgetown, Colo, - The
first thins, he did after announcing him
self was to buy a rllk hat to complete
his stylish attire. -
Superior ability of hie- wife in cooking
mince pies and' Irish stew wan for
St. Louis preacher an appointment aa
missionary to the Island of Jamaica.
Christianity, like an army, adjust Its
pare to the fullness of Its Interior de-
William Watson, the English poet who
is asaia In this country, 1 willing to
forgive Americans for the . way. they
treated him when he was her before.
say a dispatch, which also quotes Mr.
Watson aa saying: "I have been working
recently on a little' work which will be
published simultaneously ever here and
on the other side In about a month."
The tax assessor of Spokane county,
Washington, wtll put eta women deputies
oa the road next spring, with particular
Instructions to set out In the personal
schedules the value of the household
good ta the hoeaea . visited. Milady's
Jewels are to be Inspected and valued as
never before, provided milady Is careless
enough t give the assessor a peep.
New Tork papers minus the pure truth
label Intimate that some of tb Wood
row Wllsoa fund collected by. Colonel
Wattenoa cam from th Puritan Jeans
of Jostah Quiacy and th demure Quaker
purs of Frederick Courtland Penfleld, a
New Yorker who annexed a Philadelphia
heiress. Judging by the notes the fund
created-the contributions were- ta' good
sound money, ,
Stares Klwar Taaael. '
A blast of rock LOOS feet below the level
of the Hudson river connected the bores
of the Cauklll tunnel aqueduct last week,
completing what Mayor Gaynor classed aa
"one of the greatest feats of engineering
In history." The tunnel aqueduct will
carry the waters ot the Catsklll moun
tains under the river from Breakneck
mountain to Storm King mountain, and
waa the most difficult and expensive sec
tion of th new water system which will
coat the city tlOO.oUO.tot. "In a syphon so
huge." says the New Tork Times. "It
was absolutely necessary to go down to
the very foundations of the mountains,
to the solid granite of which the tie ribs
of earth are built When it Is remem
bered that the Hudson is no ordinary
river, but I really a mighty fiord, a deep
valley cutting the Appalachian range and
Inundated by the sinking of the whole
surrounding surface, th Importance ot a
thorough exploration of the site chosen
fur the passage of the aqueduct will be
"This exploration was made doubly
difficult by the narrowness of the gorge
formed' by the mountains and by the
great depth of tbe glacial and other de
posits tilling the bed of the river. Vertical
tunnels bad to be sunk on each bank,
and from these shafts and from tbe sur
face of the river Itself numerous drills
were sunk. It was on the basts ot this
examination that the work waa finally
proceeded with, and the fact that the
horizontal bore, cut simultaneously from
each side and starting from the bottom
of shafts 1.200 feet deep, waa made to
meet with a divergence of only one-eighth
of an inch, la sn astounding teat to the
lay mind. The tunnel, when its lining
shall have been completed, will do its
work far from the general human sight
and ken, but It will remain as striking a
monument ot human endeavor and daring
as anything existing in the world today."
Tet Beeosae-a Sculptress.
Pauline Margulles, child et the tene
ments In the east side, was drawing pic
tures of her playmates on tbe sidewalks
ten years ago.; today, at 17,- she Js sn
accomplished sculptress, facing, art critics
declare, a great future. Her family cam
here ten years ago from Roumanla. They
were poor. They saw her crude drawings
on the sidewalk and knew she wss
talented, but what could they do? Money
was needed for meat and bread, not for
art lessons. Poverty couldn't keep her
from being an artist. Mud. charred
sticks even watermelon rinds, became
her material for work. In the university
settlement her dreams came true, for
there she waa taught the rudiments of
art Two years ago her father placed
some of her drawings In his shop win
dow. A passing artist, attracted by the
work, made It possible for her to attend
Cooper Union. In one year she won six
honorable mentions, a stiver medal for
drawing and a bronae medal for modeling.
Since then she haa won so many prtsss
she cannot count them. Rich friends are
going to send her abroad to Italy, where
there are wonderful teachers and things
to copy. And yet, she says, she's her
mother's "little girt"
A tteaoureeful Wosaaw.. '
Miss Mary Donnelly, cashier Mrs.
O. H. P. Belmont's new "suffrage lunch
room" In New York, waa praising during
aa afternoon lull, the resourcefulness of
her sex. , , , .
'Let the antl-suffragists bewars." ahs
said. "Woman is bound to get th vote
everywhere. She is too resourceful to
"How resourceful woman Is! A girl
sat in a train one day with an uncut
magasine in her hand. ejhe. wasn't read
ing: she couudn't. She was Just lifting
apart the edges of the uncut leaves and
nearly standing on her head to peer at
the text and the pictures within. So an
old gentleman across the aisle took out
his knife shyly.
"But the girl didn't look at him. She
kept on peering between the uncut pages.
And finally the old gentleman opened his
knife and reached across the aisle, but
The girl drew a hairpin from her pretty
coiffure and proceeded to cut the pages
briskly, s
'The old gentleman drew back and his
neighbors smiled, thereupon he said sotto
" 'I've heard that woman can do any
thing with a hairpin, but. at any rate,
she can't sharpen a pencil without a pen
knife.' "At that moment the girl still Intently
reading, took a pencil from her pocket
book, bit three or four splinters of wood
off the end of It and calmly made a note
on the margin of her magmaine."
Aa Esperlsaeat tbat Palled.
The first woman's bar at the new
Tsnderbltt hotel has perished from the
face of th earth. Large men with broad
shoulders now sit before the buffet which
was once dedicated to the feminine, and
wreathe ot the Incense of perfectos linger
among the rare old Chinese paintings on
the walla of that retreat The English
butler who was wont to serve dainty
drinks and ere me vtolette and curacoa In
thm-stetnnted glasses now Is content to
purvey the Scotch highball of commerce.
It was decided several days ago by the
management to abolish th bar for the
fair, because the Idea did not seem to
find especial favor In their eyes. It was
only aa experiment, aa Innovation. One
changes chairs about a new hotel from
this corner to that and moves rugs about
and bangs the pictures first on that wall
and thea en this. 8a tt waa that the
woman's bar, with Its Chippendale chairs
of the Cathay influence, and Its blue and
yellow rugs. Its grill work in the windows,
baa been transmuted Into a cafe where
on may have a cocktail, chat with a
friend and be gone to other realms; brush
ing one's high top hat oa the way.
Talked ta the Flaeat.
Tbe traffic cop shot up hi hand sud
denly, tb girl stepped sntUngty across
in safety. But there waa a scream of
brake and a hum of curses from the
line of auto.
Th big limousine ground gently to
stop. Th taxi behind did it best, but
veered, smasbed and settled oa Its right
axle like a hurt thing. iNobody had been
hurt, and the rush started agala at the
wntatle. All but tbe lone taxi, whose
driver waa now getting out slowly. He
went straight up to the demigod hi blue.
"See what you done with yer blasted
flirting! be said, shaking his first. "Laid
m up for a weak. Run m In If you
want ta and all the rest of It, 111 ret! you
straight Just this one that the whole
pack of you brass buttoned hsdy killers
ought to be rua la yourselves."
A ReJolader on CaraJaarae H
KEARNEY. Neb., Feb. Mi-To the
Editor of The Bee: I note a letter from
A. J. Snowden. in which the writer
makes a couple of utterly absurd and
exaggerated statements. He says the
reason so many farmers patronise mall
order house Is tbat they sell a better
quality of goods for at least S per cent
less than the home merchants. Nothing
could be further from the truth. Count
ing coat of transportaUoa and of getting
an order through a catalogue house. I
venture to assert, there Is very little
tbat the customer could not buy aa
cheaply In hi home town tof cash. As
for quality, the good handled by cata
logue houses are usually of the cheapest
make and often of a grade the home
merchant would not dare to handle.
Another statement even more absurd
I that he ha known merchants to buy
farm products tor half the price they
old It at Now. butter and eggs are the
chief farm products handled by retail
merchants. Usually the merchant pays
the fanner In trade Just what he expects
to sell these at At the most a cent of
two per pound or dozen Is all the mar
gin tbe merchant expects, and In many
Instance such produce is handled at a
distinct lose.
Mr. 8nowden is quite a bee man and
sells considerable honey, both to local
merchants and Jobber. He Is, -I happen
to know, very desirous of getting the
top price for his own product, and it I
should tell him I could buy better honey
for 2t per cent lea than h asks he
would think I had a brain storm. Yet
such a statement would be no more ex
aggerated than those he makes.
The fact la that ths foundation tor the
mall order evil lie in Ignorance and
greed; Ignorance of real business condi
tions and a greed one can aptly term
"penny , wise and pound foolish." Those
who send money away' In this fashion
should stop to reflect that they are
merely building up huge millionaire con
cerns In the east, with no interest what
ever In their community except to get
what money they can out of It; that do
not pay a cent toward th taxes In their
community, and that are slowly driving
their own merchants out of business and
keeping down prosperity and land values.
Live and let live" le a wise old Ger
man proverb. All classe of men depend
one upon the other. Were we all fann
er and none consumers, farm products
would go a-begging. Were we all con
sumer and none farmers, th high prios
of living would probably be only within
th reach of millionaire. Bot equitably
distributed and In th proper balance,
Slslnai t tbe Trouble.
New York Sun.
Th chief trouble with Mr. Taft Is that
he doesat praeice tbe Midway Plaisaoc
style of peiitica, - "
both producer and consumer can pros
per in a reasonable degree. But as to1
the measure of success at least here In)
the west the farmers have certainly had
least cause for complaint In the last
decade. The cry of the high cost of liv
ing, therefore, come with lea grace
from them than from any other class, tor
it Is this very high cost of living that Is
putting more money in their pockets.
. ' N. H. JOHNSON.
"That was an annoying coincidence."
said Mr. Bltftglna. "It took great tact
to manage it- '
'V hat s the trouble!"
"The pension examiner and the life In
surance doctor both called on me at the
same time." Waahingtca Star.
Cook An' why waa th sew maid dis
charged? Laundress Sure, it was because of her
not 'tendin' to Fldo; she let him get into
th' room where little Miss Bessie had th'
measles. Judge.
"Why is there so much talk about the
stage's needing elevating?"
"Why not?" -
"Any time it wants to elevate itse'f
hasn't It got wlngar Baltimore American.
Collector Sir, this ia the 250th time V
called on you.
The Man-That's a good score. What's
the gam: Chicago News.
Mistress One thing more. Norah, I
hope you haven't a young man.
The New Maid Oh. no. Indeed, mum;
he's nearly ej. Chicago Post, ...
"Going to the ball tomorrow night Mr.
Lankeyr .
"Thanks. Miss Peeehley. I wilt I had!
forgotten that it is leap year." Chicago
Tribune. - - -
Chicago Record-Herald.
He hurries every morning to catch a cer-'
tain car:
He goes ta work where hundreds ef other!
toiler are; ... i
HI course ia never varied; he has not
time to stray;
The route that Is th shortest he takes:
day after day; I
He works upon a schedule that changes
not at alt I
In winter or in summer, in springtime er!
in tall.
He starts In every morning. Just as he'
did before, '
To do a certain duty and never any'
more; ,
He has his thirty minutes st noon to rest!
and eat,
And when the day Is ended lie hurries
to the street
To start his Journey homeward, night
after nlaht the same,
Jammed In with other people who do
not know his nam.
He does not know his neighbors, to them'
he Is unknown;
Beyond his little orbit his faos ia never:
He hurries every morning to catch al
certain car;
At nlirht he clings where other sad-faced:
straphangers are.
And wonders how the people exist out on
the farms.
Deprived of social pleasures and all the
city's charms.
1 bakiic ; f ir
E . . Absolutely Puro
m Eranonilzes Batter, FIonrt i
7 Erjgs ; makes the food more . M
fj appetizing and wholesome i
m The only Baking Powder made S 111
g from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Kt J J J'
Its Strength and Richness Appeals
to Coffee Drinkers
Putltstid by th Growers ol India Tea
A Harmless Way to Darken
Hair; Simple Remedy for
All Hair Troubles.
Who does not know th value of Sage
and Sulphur for keeping the hair dark,
soft and glossy and In good condition?
A a matter of fact. Sulphur I a natural
element ot hair, and deficiency of it in
th hair is held by many scalp specialists
to be connected with loss of color aod
vitality of tb hair. Unquestionably, there
ia no better remedy for hair and scalp
troubles, especially premature grayneas,
than Sg and Sulphar, It property pre
Tbe Wyeth Chemical Co-apaay ef New
Tork put out aa ideal preparation et this
kind, called Wyeth' Sage aad Sulphur
Hair Bemedy, in which Ssae aad Sulphur
are combined with other valuable reme
dies for keeping the hair and scalp la
clean, healthy CuodlUon. .
If your hair Is loosing its color of con
stantly coming out. or if yon are troubled
with dandruff or th. Itchy scalp get a fifty
cent bottle of Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur
from your druggist, oa 4t according to
tbe simple directions, and eee what a dlf
fereace a few days' treatment will snake
In the appearaae of your hair.
All druraists sell It, under guarantee
that (be money wtll he refunded if the
remedy n not exactly as represented.
fperisJ agent. Sherman V MeCoanell
Drag Co, Cor. Kth and Dodge. Cor. Mth
and Harney, Car. Mth and Fai-aam, SR-g
North Mth St, Loyal Hotel. J