Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    Winter Has Given Way io
Spring Here
From every shelf and case unmistakable signs of
spring are peeping forth. For Instance there's a hsnd
aome lot of bojV suits, as fresh and bright as the ruddy
cheeks of their new owners who will soon claim them.
And the nothing has been overlooked for his
comfort; doxens of snowy white dresses and coats and
numberless necessities, all ready to slip on.
Then, our buyers are in the eastern markets busily
selecting the dresses, the suits and coats which will soon
bring Ihe women and miss here to admire and choose from
some of the early purchases are here even now, bidding
your esrly Inspection.
Indeed rnere are so msny fresh new things, you'll
forget that spring has not been officially declared you t
axe tnrltea to come and enjoy these first 'arrivals now.
1518-20 Farnam Street
Bereridge in Address at Denver
Pleads for Better Method.
Farmer failed States Senator Mite
Oat last Nival Katteas Make
Tariff Baalim Matter In-'
steal el Pelltlval.
DENVER, Feb. lt-Oommon stnte end
honest methods as a panacea for govern
mental and commercial Ills, bodily Im
prisonment In plaee of money fin, a
national eorrupt practices aot applicable
to tat and county committees that have
anything to do with the election of na
tlonal official, a permanent non-partisan
tariff board and national control of ehlld
labor were advocated by former United
dletra Senator albert J. Bsverldgo of
Indiana la an address here tonight.
; Mr. BeverMse described the Sherman
law as a rello of the seventeenth century,
and said "the ell and tobacco trusts art
more alive today than ever before, be
cause they now II v under the express
approval of the courts; while not one
wrong they have Inflicted on the people
has been ended."
Gerawaa Aid aalaeaa,
Mr. Bevertdga's address waa concluded
In these words:.
"Oermaa trad la ahead of ours. What
Is the secret of thief Nothing but
4t the record would bring destrwtlon to
then- heme, and not emphasise fh case
iasalBst Ray that led to the suppression.
At this time the president asked General
.Whipple to take the omitted pages of the
record end ebow them to Messrs. May
and wet In confidence, that they might
.understand the situation and know the
reason for the suppression. ,
Colorado Republicans
Are Strong for Taft
I'KNVER. Colo.. Feb. 11-Th repub
lican state convention to select delegates
and alternates te the national convention
at Chicago and te frame a party platform
will meet at Colorado Rprlngs Wednesday.
March .' The assembly at whlrli party
candidates to go on the state primary
ballot will 'be chosen will' he held In this
ctty on Thursday.' August 1,
The matters were decided expeditiously
here today 'by the republican stats cen
tral committee.
An amendment endorsing Theodore
Knosavelt ss Colorado's' choice for the
republican presidential nomination brought
out by Merle D. VI need t, leader of the
so-called Insurgents, wsa lost, to leg
President Taft was endorsed tor renontt-
natlon and re-election, I0S to n.
By a similar vote a resolution by Mr.
Vincent (or a presidential preference pri
mary by individual counties Wss lost.
ttPRINOFIELD, 111. Feb. ll-Presldent
Taft, senator Shelby M. Cullom and Ben
ator William Xortmsr were endorsed at
the stale convention of the Lincoln Pro-1 mon sense. The tier mens do not put
oej and chain on Oerman business
they put wlnas en Its flying feet, The
Oerman people do "Hot say to tlerwian
worklngmen, look rjrrt for yourselves and
the devil take the hindmost; mC thee
even see that every man who tolls Is In
sured. The Oerman people do not saw
la their farmers, sell In the cheapest and
buy In the highest martlet your wsirar
Is no concern of oure; no, they say help
Oerman capital and labor to capture the
world s trade and you farmers shsll have
the highest prices that the spoils of ths
vtetort can bestow.
'The time has some when we Ameri
cana must at least equal this common
i tatantanhlp of rival nations
First of all. we must give American
business a free hand for honest work
but we muet see that It Is honest work.
we must see that, that free hand Is not
ths pirate's hand. V must open the
oceans of American business so that all
honest merchantmen may sail the
of honest trade unhindered, and that they
may do so, we must clear Ihe waters of
our commerce from every buccaneer.
Honest protection la necessary to our
People's well being, but It Is even
necessary that our tariff shall be
stsahy and IU changes natural Instead
of being uncertain and Its ehangea vol
canic, our tariff must be made a matter
of business Instead of a matter of poll'
tics. Common sense says that we should
find out the truth end build our tart ft
on that. A genuine, permanent, non
partisan tariff commission to find out
these facta Is the first common sense
thing w must have to make our tariff
wise, and honest, snd steady.
First Meeting- of the Kind Held in
Dei Koine in Fire Tears.
Resists Deportation to Aaetrla ea
Charge She la Being Railroaded
from Ceaatry Black Big
Onstage gait.
iKrom a Hiaff Correspondent.
DES MOINES, la.. Feb. i;. (Special
Telegram.! The Iowa Maater Bakers'
association opened Its annual convention
with a meeting of the executive com
mittee. The first session of the main
body of the convention, which continues
for two days, will be Tuesday morning.
Officers of the association headed by
President Leo Mulgrew, Dubuque, and
Secretary M. Zlnamaster, De Moines,
are all here. Two hundred bakers art
expected, this being the first state con
vention of the kind In lies Moines in
five years.
roataaaadery Cstekratea.
The Iowa eommandery of the Loyal
Legion celebrated Lincoln's birthday to
night with a banquet at which Captain
8. Loethrope of Sioux City, who Is
head of the eommandery. gave hi recol
lections of Lincoln and a general pro
gram followed. Captain Lothrope had
personal reminiscences. I
Realala Deewrtatlsa.
In an appeal to the State department
Washington on behalf of Mary
nchwaputla to prevent her deportation
to Austria, she has been . successful In
urlng a reopening of Ihe case. 8he
had been arrested and accused of Im
morality and a demand made that she
sent bark. Then It waa discovered
her husband bad been killed In a mine
accident and that an effort was being
made to obviate a big damage suit In
this way. Today Assistant Secretary
Cable ordered the matter Investigated.
owa Cadets Must .
Take Gymnastic Work
IOWA CITT. la., Feb. li-4Speclal.l-
Four hundred cadets of the University
of Iowa cadet regiment will be required
hereafter to take one hour of physical
training each week. This ttpartan sys
tem was snnounoed todsy by Captain
Morton C. Milium and each week the
men will be turned over for one hour to
Physical Director K. C. Sehroeder for a
hard sixty-minute physical development
The hours of the week are to hp assigned
to the various companies, about Ma) men
taking physical exercises st esch hour.
This gives cadet here one hour each
week for practical drill, one hour for
theoretical practice and one hour of phy.
leal training.
Merchant Sheet Himself.
810l'X CITr. la.. Feb. li-(Hpeclal
Telegrara.)-J. J. Oruff allot and killed
himself today. He waa a merchant.
years of age, and hsd Just opened his
store for the day's business.
.lecttve league Way and the approval of
the Vagus wsa given to ghe caaaiaaey oi
,1 jd wsll of Ks'ohahes for governor of
Illnets. X ;''-1 -y ,",
. f . " 1 '
TbUtr-Ma ' leoa Klk Saved. '
, ClIClKNNK. Wyo,. Feb. lt-tSpeclal.l
Allaa Laughlln,, a deputy gam warden
of Qlendo. arrived here today with a car
load of thirty-bin young elk that were
captured In the Jeckson'a Hole country,
transported on sled to it. Anthony, Idaho,
thence by train to Cheyenne. Mr. Laugh
lln will leave In the morning for Olende,
where the elk will be placed la a pasture
and cared for until spring, when they
win be liberated in the mountains near
that place. The animals are ss tarn
aa cowa and la the Olendo aectlon will
i doubtless breed snd multiply rapidly.
Maadreds of Jack Rabbit Killed.
FAIHBIHT, Neb, Teh. lt-tKpsrtal.V-Flve
hundred farmer and eltlsena of
Falrbury enjoyed s wolf hunt In the ter
ritory between Falrbury and Gladstone,
Neb.. larai-daiY The hunt waa well or
ganised, each side having a captain, but
no wolves 'Were found. Several hundred
ijeek rabbits were kill' I In the roundup.'
1 ralrfleld Win at llaatlage.
'FAIRFIELD, Nab, Feb. H-tftpeetel.)
An interesting game of basket ball be
. tween ths T Ramblers f Hastings snd
the FslrflcVd High school team took
.place at Hastings on Friday evening re
sulting In s scare of to If m favor of
1 have been troubled with rheumatism
for ths last five yesrs. Suffered with
mack sal a to the limbs, back and feet
aad say Joints have bera badly swollen.
Ales suffered from constipation. Bee
having g regular physician. 1 had tried
evtrjr remedy without receiving the least
aeaeflt a mil t acctdently came across
sottie f Dr. KUmer s Bwanip-HooC
began taking it. never thinking It would
help me, but muet acknowledge It has
(toe wander tee me. Have take more
than a doaea battles and feel that It has
bees a Qod-srauVto me. i am recommend
lag It to allmy friend.
YHjrs very truly,
. . J - ' IRA ALDRICH,
Meward Street. ; Holyoke. Mai
Personally appeared Ira Atdrtcb and
aiade oath that the statement subscribed
by bias M true, bafete me.
Justice of the Peace.
W. N. Seligman
Commits Suicide
NEW YORK. Feb. IS.-Wahlngton X
Seligman. a well known broker of this
city, committed auldde by shooting him
self In a room St the Hotel Oerard todar
A telephone call to Mr. Seligman'
room which was unanswered led to the
discovery of Mr. Bellgmao'a body. Hs
bad ahot himself In the mouth. This
waa his second attempt at suicide, the
first occurring eight years ago when ha
cut his throat la an uptown hotel.
Mr. Seligman waa a eon of James
Seligman. one of the founders of ths
easing firm of J. and W. Seligman
Co. snd a brother of Jefferson Sells
man. II had been In poor health fur
some time. He was SS year eld.
Dr. Burner
, m.
run Watt siap-Ksst 31 Ds Fsr Tm
Band te Dr. Kumer at Cow Bios hem -.
tea, M. T..' for a earn pi bottle, tt will
convince anyone. Too wilt also receive
a booklet of valuable Information, t.ll- htmand, of voters demand an oppor-
tng all about ths ktdaeya and bladder.
Whoa writing, bo sura aad mention ths
Omaha Daily Bee. Re ruler fifty-cent
sad sas dollar alas bottles for sale at all
rag tores.
) V
with flat- work- snd
bring It here. Washed,
Dried and Ironed, 18c
dos. Ladies' Waists, 10c
each; Collars, 2c; Cuffs,
trse. " Carer's Imaadry,
l(Ma sad Howard bta.
LAXSIXO, Mich, Fb. It-Governor
Chase 8. Osborn announced today that be
is preparing a call for a special asesloa of
the legislature to convened Monday. Feb
ruary 2S. The governor' action Is aald
to have been the result of argent requests
by Michigan voters gr a presidential pel
mary election
In the call .the governor says. In part:
"In Michigan at thla moment there ex.
uts aa extraordinary condition and
occasion which baa never been paralleled.
I unity to vote directly oa presidential can
didatea. Xe candidate and no party should
wish to obtain a privilege through
Cudahy Packing
Company Indicted
at Atlanta, 6a.
ATLANTA. Ca.. Feb. K.-The Cudahy
Packing company waa indicted here thte atsS
afternoon by a federal grand Jury on 5'
counts for making false internal revenue
returns on oleomarglne. tl la rraged 1
that the company sokr large quantities of ;
the product to a local butter dealer and!
reported It having been sold to reatau-J
The Indictment charges that the local I
branch of the packing house sold white :
oleomargarine to Atlanta dealers and la i
the returns to the collector of revenue
made It apear that ths sales were made .
to various restaurants. After a raid on
the store of the purchasing dealers, where ;
government agents said they found em- ,
ployes coloring the product to be sold aa
butter. Investigation was made which
showed. It Is said, that the restaurants .
named in ths reports hsd used none of the ,
The alleged offenses extend over a period :
of thirteen months. Fins from ttt.000 to
IlW.Oot may be asseeeed It convicted. !
. Heart Oetermaa.
ARLINGTON, Neb., Feb. U-(Rpeclal.)
Hsnrgt Ostsrraan. an old pioneer et.thls
eouaty, died at the home of his
Freak at Clarke KakwA Bunday ven-
Ing at .1 'look. Mr. Oeterman was
bora IwOcrnuny In 1U7 and earn to thla
country In 17. settling on a homestead
four mile northwest of town, where he
resided until about five yesrs ago, when
went to make hts horns with his aton.
Its wss county commissioner for two
terms of Washington county and was
commit tsemaa for his party for a nura
of years. Mr. Oatermsn leave I
widow, four sons and two daughter. Ths
body waa brought here for burial.
Mrs, H. Pewltte. .
Mrs. Ilapaabah Prultte, aged It years.
died st the homo of her daughter. Mm.
A. P. Llddslt. BM Parker strict, Saturday
afternoon from pneumonia. She had been
tick but four days prior to her death
Mrs. Prultte eras born In Missouri snd
cams to Omaha six years ago with her
husband. She la survived by one son, M
It Prulttt. and two daughters. Miss Ar-
mlada 1. and Mrs, LiddeU. Funeral erv
Ices will be held from the residence Tues
day afternoon at I o'clock and Interment
will be In prospect Hill cemtery. Rev,
a W. Savtdge will offllcat.
Silas Beasaa.
NEBUARKA C1TT, Neb.. Feb. IS. -(Spe
cial. k Hits Beawi. who ha been a reel-
dent of this city since list, died st the
home of his daughte', Mrs Henry Kat
aenatein. Saturday and was hurled thla
afternoon. The deceased was bora In
Indiana In 1M4 and served during the civil
wsr snd In !sl wss married at Ham
burg, la He la survived by his widow.
three sons and two daughters Edward
and Jack Beaton of thla city aad Henry
Beaasa of Omaha, Mrs. O. W. Schrtmpf
of Hsstlnga. Neb., and Mrs. Henry Kat
ssnateio or thla city.
General l.aaslels.
PARIS. Feb. U. -General Ilippolyto
Lang-tots, senator from the department
of Meurth-et-Moeelle and member of the
French academy, died today. He waa
elected one of the forty 'immortals' on
February . 1MI. in succession to Ceeta
de Beauregard. He waa an authority oa
military strategy and tactics and his
works on modern warfare are widely
known. He area born In 18s) and was
grand officer of the Lesion of Honor.
Met S. Oealdsaerry,
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Feb. ll-tRpe-
etaI.r-The tuners! of Levi S. OouMaberry,
who died Saturday, waa held thJa after
noon from Memorial hall under the direc
tion of the Orand Army of toe Republic
post, of which ha waa a member. M
Gould berry area born in Ohio Septem
ber C IMl. and leave a widow and six
children. He has been a reetdent of thla
city for the last forty years.
Daniel Whitney.
HARLAN, la., Feb. ll.-8peelaL)-Dan
lei Whitney, an old-time resident of this
county, died st Clarlnda Thursday of
last week. The body waa taken to Hart.
Ingten. Neb., for burial. Deceased waa
the father of Attorney J. B. Whitney of
Harlan and Cssstua Whitney, formerly
county Judge at Hartlngton. Nab.
Many Men Burned to
Death ma Coal Mine
in Prussian Silicia
ANTONIENHUETTE. Prussian Sillcla,
Feb. 12. A large number of fatalitlea waa
caused by a fire which broke out in onfcH
of the pits in thte coal mining center last
enlng. Seven corpses of miners have ;
been brought to the surface and the
authorities believe that at least twenty
more men have perished.
The number of men In ths pit when '
the Ire broke out is not definitely ;
known, but sll except those In the lm- j
mediate vicinity of the bottom of the '
haft were cut off from escape and are j
almost certainly dead. ,
The remainder of the men In the mine
scaped by other shafts.
ATilson Opens His
CHICAQO, Feb. It-Governor Wood-
row Wilson of Now Jersey opened his
Illinois campaign for the democratic
nomination for president in an address
today at Unroln'a birthdsy luncheon of
the Irofitl club. H reiterated his be
lief In the initiative aad referendum and
predicted democratic victory at the poll
In November.
"I believe In the Initiative and referen
dum because they will give the people
real representative government," said
Uovernor Wilson.
I have never favored the recall of
Judges, because they are not administra
tive offices of the government. They
simply Interpret sad enforce the law. To
urge th recall of Judge Is to treat
symptom rather than the disease. My
Idea Is to abolish the laws that .make
It possible for special Interests to control
ths Judiciary.
I have vllated s number of state and
think the democratic party's pros
pects for success are excellent, no matter
who la nominated by the republican.
Th country, I believe, la deeply dis
satisfied with republican management of
the nation's sffslrs, " ' v -
'I think In people are more Interested
in principle than In persons In this
year's presidential campaign.
My friends often ask me how I like
practical politics and I tell them that I
Ilka It first rats. Th experience Is not
new to me. Anybody who fights for re
form Is certain to have brickbats thrown
at htm. In politics the brickbat are often
Invisible and cannot be dodged.
DEB MOINEB, la. Feb. it-Wood row
Wilson, democratic candidate for presl
We announce for next Monday a very important sale of a retailer's entire
stock of high class rugs. This is without doubt the mopt important sale we
have had for some years.
The stock consists of $39,874.00 worth of rugs handled by a prominent
Retail Dry Goods store that has retired from the carpet and rug business;
that is, they still continue in the general dry goods line. It is one of the
stipulations .of the sale that the firm name must not be advertised. It is suf
ficient to say that we bought this stock for spot cash at a big bargain.
These are the very best Rug Bargains That We Ever Offered. WE
Nearly our entire third floor, together with the annex across the alley,
is going to be devoted to this sale.
J. L. Brandeis & Sons
Sheriff! Deputies Tell Whit They
Find on Various Eaidi.
Coaatp airaad Jarr Mag ttetarn
More Tree Bllla Taeadeg Mora
lag, According la Special
Dental? ttoaa.
Testimony of sheriff s lcpulles regard
ing alleged violations of law at the
famous Midway saloon and at other
places' visited by tiherlff Fells J. Mc
Hhane was heard by the Ixuiglss county
grand Jury yesterday. Testimony of
Councilman Joe B. Hummel of Omaha In
the matter of the charge of Irregularities
In connection with paving contract
awards also was received.
The grand-Jury adjourned at oioon to
reconvene thla morning at:. Yesterday
afternoon It enjoyed a halt holiday, the
day being th anniversary of Abraham
Lincoln's birthday.
Though Police Judge Foster and Deputy
County Attorney Plattl have agreed that
the Midway Illegal liquor selling case,
over which four Juries have disagreed,
shall be retried In police court, the sheriff
decided It would do no harm to get the
evidence before the grand Jury. Chief
Deputy William A. roster and Deputies
Edward W. Palmer and Walter Hangar
were aubooenaed and testified, their -
dent, will address a mass convention of 1 amlnatton requiring more than SB hour.
his adherents here Msrch L according . Their testimony, concerned not only the
to an announcement at Wilson head- Midway, but several reetauranta and
quarter today. This information waa re- I rooming houses which ths sheriffs depu-
oeived In response to an Invitation tend
ered Mr. Wilson by his local supporters.
TsJts LAXATtVK PROMO Quinine Tab
lets Druggists refund money if it fan
to sure. K. W. GKOVE'd signature is on
each bos. . ,
tlea have visited or raided.
Councilman Hummers exsmlnatlon con
sumed about hair an hour. He refused to
discuss the testimony with newspaper
The rest of the morning sitting of th
grand Jury wss devoted to examination
of railroad men. witnesses In freight csr
burglsry esses.
Attorney Charles A. Ooss, special
deputy prosecutor, said the Inquisitorial
body probably will report mors Indict
ments to Judge Sutton today.
rarasea' Institute at DeeatWr.
DECATUR, Neb., Feb. 12.-tpeclal.)-The
twenty-first session of the Burt
County Farmers' Institute closed today.
The speakers were F. W. Chase of
Pawnee City, Earl Harnley. Prof. Fred
Hunter of Lincoln, O. A. Marshall of
Arlington. Mlsa Gertrude Rowen, U W.
Lamed of Pawnee City and Mrs Harriet
MacMurphy, a former resident of De
catur, now state food Inspector. Special
Interest was taken In th seed corn ques
tion. Examination of samples brought
for' exhibition and the' reports by com
growers Indicated that the situation Is
really more serious thsn waa expected.
M. W. Blue, president of the association.
had found that lew than a third of his
corn will grow. Olher hsd found that
none would grow and others that 16 to
per cent would germinate atrong. Mr.
Patterson, who had carefully picked his
corn, found that his corn tested out well.
Yerk Paaear Reatgaa.
IORK. Neb.. Feb. ll-(8peclal.)-Rev.
F. W. Cliffe. who has beon, pastor of the
First Baptist church of thla city for five
years, tendered his resignation at the
do of his sermon Sunday morning. He
will preach his farewell sermon Msrch
1. Hs has accepted a call from Olr
ard. 111.
Laagforg Defeat Barer.
8TDNET, Australia. Feb. lZ.-Bam
Langford. the heavyweight American
puglllt and heavyweight champion of
England, today defeated James Barry,
the Chicago heaTywelsht, on points In a
match, of twenty rounds. The fight took
place In the Btadlum In the presence of
a large audience.
The' Human Heart 1
.' Ths heart is a wonderful doable pump, throada the
actios at which ths blood stream is kept iwsapiag
round and round threafh ths body st ths rats si seven
miles sa hour. " Reowmber this, that oar bodies
will sot stsad ths strain of over-work without food,
pars blood sny ssor than the eafia osa rea ssiooth
ly without oil." Alter saaay years of study ia ths
active practice of mediois, Dr. R. V. Pi res fosod
thst when ths stomseh was out of order, ths blood
impure and there wars symptosM of tensral break
down, a tonic mads oi the fircone extract of sortsia
root wss ths beat correct! vs. This ho called
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
Beanf suds wtthoat alcohol, this " Medical Discovery " help ths stosnsch to
assisiilsts the food, thereby curing dyspepsia. It is especially adapted to diseases
attended with sxossaivs tissue waste, notably ia coa vales ceace from various
levers, ior thia-blooded people snd too who srs slwsys " ostehin cold."
Dr. Pisres's Cootntoa Seass Medical Adviser is seat oa receipt of 31 one
sent stamps lor ths Frsnch cloth-bound book of 1008 pafe. Add rase Dr.
t. V, Pierce, No. 663 Mais Street, Buffalo, N. V,
WEST POINT. Neb.. Fee. C-t8peclal.
-The ceremony whirti united John 811a I
and Ml Augusta Thlet waa performed
by County Judge Pewald at his ofOc la
the court house. The bridal pair were
attended by Miss Anns Mia and Ernest
Twa wvewaware at kefeeoaka City.
NEBRASKA Cm, Feb. It - Special
-John O. ADete and Miss Ma
tilda Damme were married today at 8t
Joseph's church la Oeage precinct and
left for the anutk on their wadding trip.
The groom Is ths son of Rev. J. Abets
and the bride h) the daughter of Fred
Damme, owe of the wealthy farmers of
that section. .
Marcaa Wchl. a prominent young cloth
ing merchant of this city, and Mrs. Ruth
Corautt went to Lincoln aad were quietly
married 8aturday. They at once left for
the aouth. where they
will spend their
Persistent Advertising la the Road te
Big Feturwe. 1
Don't Roast the Gook
She may not like it and you won't like her after she is cooked.
A Winter morning generally means a cold kitchen, a slow break
fast, children late to school. Kitchen worries and cooking prob
lems vanish from the home where.
Shreddy ...Wheat
f ; Biscuit
is known. It is ready-cooked and ready-to-serve. It contains all
the rich body-building material in the whole wheat made digest
ible by steam-cooking, shredding and baking. You can prepare a
warm, nourishing meal in a few moments by heating the biscuit in
oven to restore crispness " and then pouring hot' milk over it
Also wholesome and
.e a. . ... . 1
aeiicious wim siewea
or canned fruits.
All the "Meat" of
the Whole Wheat
Made ecJy by
tFsJWHT. .
'...-.. ,.
15 r'-vXW&eiXs JS3
vVwf eZPi i vJ"