Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1912, Image 1
Looking Backward This Day in Omaha Cliirtj Twenty Tarn Tn Age I .-See Sdltoitau Page of eea Issue I The Omaha Daily Bee WEATHER FORECAST. Unsettled VOL. XU NO. 206. OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY" 13, 1!12-TKX P.USKS. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. INDICTED MEN TO The National Capital BE TAKEN TODAY Number of Defendants in Dynamite Conspiracy Cases Placed at Fifty-Four. MAJOLIJY NOW WITHIN REACH Capiases for Arrests Delivered to United States Marshals. ORDERS WILL BE TELEGRAPHED Only Unforeseen Obstacle Can Pre vent Carrying Out Plans. OFFICERS CONFER WITH RYAN Mailer, lluekla mm Strmi ( oa.alt nllh I'reslileat ml I roa Warkera' I !.. aa ladlf-taaeata aa f'amlaa; Arreata. INDIANAPOLIS. Feb. li.-On the eve of the areat nf the men Indicted In tha dynamite cor.fpirary cases It was re ported t'nisht that tha number of de fendant aoulu be flfty-ftJur. Tha ar rests may take p'a-e tomorrow. Many officer in one labor union and tme officer In each of two other unions are believed to be Involved. It la under stood that the defendant weat of Salt Jake City Include only thoae whoaa names already have been mentioned In connec tion with prosecutions or Indictments found on the Pacific coaat and that no Individuals west of Salt take City, not heretofore Involved are under Indictment here. Many rhies In the east and in Ohio; Jllhiols and Missouri are said to ba tha IHitnts. wntrh tne teaerai autnoriues ex-1 lect ti receive reports of arrests. ' Moat of the defendanta whose names 1 lime been kept secret, but who have been under federal espionage alnre the Indict ment were returned a week ago are now reported aa being within reach ana aa the capiases for the arrests have been delivered to I'nlted States marshals In the respective districts, it is believed the apprehension of the men practically will take place within a few hours after word has been sent by telegraph for tba authorities to act. Koaee .1 at lo Br Fsaafl. Probably a number of the defendanta VI II be beyond Immediate serving of the rapiaaes, but the plan Is to take aa many as possible of them Into custody on the fame day. A labor leader In Boston, several -each In New York. Cleveland and Detroit, at least five in Chicago, one each In Peoria, Hi. Louis. Kansas City. Mo; NewOr l.ans. Philadelphia. Milwaukee, Hart ford, Conn.; Buffalo, Cincinnati and about five men In Indianapolis an be lieved to ba among those Indicted, fix indictments are said to pertain to men hvTuar"h;rflBTr Lake City amT'wes't ot there. Whether the arfeaia are to taka place tomorrow I'nlted Htatee District Attor ney Charles Miller refused positively to y, but It was learned that such wan I lie plan mapped out by the government tonight and that It would he carried out unless some unforeseen obatacla devel oped. fliaa Talks with Officials. Frank M. Ryan, president, of the In ternational Association of Bridge, and HtriH'tural Iron Workers. . waa at bla headquarters today dicus.lng 'lth his tifflcrra what members of his union were included among those- Indicted. John T. JJutlrr of Buffalo, first vice president: Herbert S. rioi kln of Detroit, second vtoc president and acting aecretary-treaeurer. and Fred Sherman, busineea agent of the local union in Indianapolis, are among those who have consulted with Sir. Ryan. Mr. Ilockin succeeded J. J. SIcNamara. the convicted dynamiter, as secretary-treasurer of the union. Moadajr, Fekraary It, 19111. The Senate. In session 1 p. m. Senators Lea, and Ken von will Intro duce resolution for joint congresalonal Inveatlgation of "money truat." Sherwood pension bill rejected by pen sions' committee and a substitute of Senator Smoot adopted. A resolution of Senator Reed amending the constitution to prohibit a presiden tial third term was laid on tha table. President submitted an Agricultural department report on the cotton boll weevil and asked that it be printed. Report of elections committee majority exonerating Senator Stephenson . from election corruption charge presented. Senator Kenvon spoke favoring Sher wood dollar-a-day pension bill. Bill passed amending pure food law to apply to homeopathic as well aa other medicines. ' The Housed Met at noon. Testimony regarding labor conditions at steel plants waa heard by Stanley com mittee. Secretary Stlmaon testified regarding Panama canal tolls before Interstate Commerce committee. I William Nelson lYomwell'a connection 'with Panama canal purchase discussed before foreign affairs committee. Lewis fraud order ease developed con troversy between George B. Cortelyou and B. C. Madden before post of flee ex penditures committee. Rules committee dtacuassd resolution calling for money trust inveetigation. Investigation Into the political influence of Major Ray waa continued by War de partment expenditures committee. Pay master General Whipple testifying. Took up army appropriation bill with expectation of pasaing It by Tuesday night. Passed anti-loan shark bill fixing l: per cent as maximum Interest rata in District of Columbia. James J. Hill testified regarding the Hill lease of tha lAke Superior ore fields before Stanley steel committee. MANCHU REGIME IN CHINA AT END Three Edicts Issued Monday in Peking Announce Abdication of Dynasty. THRONE ACCEPTS . REPUBLIC All Conditions Arranged by Premier Are Accepted. INSTRUCTIONS TO ALL VICEROYS Officers Are Told to Preserve Order Throughout Land. THIRD EDICT CAUSES SURPRISE Mexican Rebels Are. Defeated in Battle Near Chihuahua' Jt'AREZ. Feb. H.-The band of rebels In Chihuahua, commanded hy Braullo Hernandea. who recently resigned aa sec retary of atate of Chihuahua, were de feated at Moqut, weat of the city of Chi huahua, yeaterday by federal troops. The Information, which cornea from government sources, Is to tha effect that many were alatn on both aides and that tha federala captured several prisoners. Captain Salgado of the government troops Is reported to have been killed. Hernandea and his band are said to ba In flight. . , Oroseo waa going to meet Hernandea with a flag of truce, the government c'alms. when the rebels fired upon him and Oroaco and his command returned the fire. i . Aaram OonaaJea. constitutional gover nor of Chihuahua and mlnlater of gober- naclon In the Madero cabinet, left EI Paso In special train today tor Chlhua, hua to distribute SS0O.OM among the rebels la aa attest, to get thiamin tapi Klre at Barehard. TABI.K ROCK. Neb.. Feb. U- Special.) most disastrous fire occurred at Ktirhard Friday night. The fire broke tMit at about 12:30 o'clock In the feed More of Scott a Shaffer, distroying thla and also the hardware atork of Frank Prpiieral ami also that of Klrtley Car ter, the successors to L. K. Ntekelaon. whose stock of hardmara waa deatroyed by fire a few montha alnce. Thla corner of the block la awept clean and It la un likely that the buildings will be rebuilt. The Weather Kor N'ebianki l'nettled weather and probably nrow flurries. Kor lowarrisettled weather and prob ably snow flurrtea. Trmnlirt at Omaha Vesterdajr. Hour. Dej. (3;n 5 1 ::::::::::::::: S! "F3 1 a. in 1; i AUi'm i a. m n"i T li a. m 19 A yT r yr n a i 2Sy- 7 P. m 28 dp. m p rm Record. I ini. iw rJtt. 1 aa para 11 IfiaheM yesterday 3i 5s 2 lowest yesterday 14 M 2 Mean .empratiire II 3 14 iTeclpliailon . T T l T 'iVmrraturt and precipitation depar i iit from the normal: Normal temoerature 21 -f iCieK for tie day 3 To;aJ excr lnce March !, 111 2&T Xorrral precipitation Cinch I Wlr.en y fur the day m Inch Total rainfall vlnce Man h 45 Inches leticiency aince March 1 13.37 Inches Ificiency for cor. period. ttt.. 14.7 inche Kxcess for cor. pediod, l& 4.71 Inches ttep-arta fraa Matlaaa at T P. 'A. Station and Xmp. Hith- Kd!n- dtata of w tat her. p. m. eat. t'heyennaK cloudy T 4 lavenport, dear It 4 Ianver, part cloudy 44 lea Motne. .mowing 24 2i their aritia. Ha enters lb atate follow ing, the issuance of s proelamaUos yes terday by Acting; Governor Oonaales caJI InK attention t the spectre of America Intervention unteM trouble soon cesses In MflltlCOj Eb PASO Tax., Feb. 12.-Adjutant Gen eral Henry Hutchlns of the Texas Ns tlooal Guard arrived In El Paso today to rnveatia-ate the Chihuahua revolution ary trouble and report to Governor Col quitt. Senate Committee Rejects Sherwood Pension Measure WASHINGTON. Feb. H.-The Sherwood ao-called "dollar a day" penalon bill waa rejected today by the senate committee on pensions and other measure which would Involve an annual expenditure of S34.O0O.onri proposed as a substitute by Senator Smoot of Utah was adopted. Senators Brown of Nebraska and Curtis of Kaneaa gave no tice that In the senate the would press the Sherwood bill aa a substitute for the Smoot bill. , Senator Smoot'a estlmateof SX00O.O0O aa the coat of hie plan la baaed on the penalon bureau's computation of age and length of service of the veterans. Tha Sherwood bill, according to tha penalon bureau would have cost about f!i,V.m a year. The Smoot bill waa adopted by a vote waa 13 to t after the Sherwood bill had been voted down M to 4. embodlea provi sions to penalon civil war veterans 2 years old who aerved W days or mora and any Mexican war veteran who aerved sixty day or more. The Mexican war veterans would receive S30 a month. Tha civil war veterans would be put an a graduated scale from 113 a month for ninety day veterans Si years o'd. to ) a month for veterana 1 years old. who aerved three years or more. Breaks Window in the British Embassy WASHINGTON. Feb. il-After- hurling a large piece of concrete through one of the. front windows of the British em bassy In thla city today, a man giving hia name aa Frank Flttpe trick and tala home aa New Tork. calmly waited on a atreet corner opposite the embasay building for the arrival of two policemen who placed him under arrest The man's act created much excitement. Asked why he hurled the missile. Flta patiick replied: "Tnat'e my own business. ' A bystander said that Fltxpatrick. be-, fore hurling the concrete, had mumbled ' that be waa cold and hungry and wanted to be arrested. . The man waa aetit to Washington asy-1 lum hospital for mental examination. j t Had' Beea Ki peeled Maaekaa vVaald Deasaad raneeealaae that Weald Protect Aarleat Peivtlegea. PEKINU. Feb. 11. -China today Joined the sisterhood of tha world's republics. In three Imperial edlota tha Manchu dy nasty changed K.n,io9 from aubjecta ot an absolute ruler to cltliens of tha larg est self-governing nation on tha earth. The first edict announced tha abdica tion of the dynasty after SW years of absolute rule. The second declared that the throne accepted the republic; tha third approved a of tha conditions agreed on by Premier Yuan Shi Knl and tha republlcana. Tha third edict created great aatonlah ment. It had been expected the Manchua would demand conditions which would safeguard many ot their privileges, but according to report, the aurrender la un conditional. The edict Informed tha viceroys and provincial governora ot tha retirement of tha throne from political power and Instructed them to continue doing their duty and to preserve order throughout tha land. Kad of Maarha Dyaaaty. The abdication of tha Chinese throne by ruyt, the child emperor, brings to an end the powerful Mancnu dynasty which has reigned In China aince lMt. The boy ruler haa been on tha throne since November 14. Ism. when tha em peror, Kwang-gu, his uncle, died. Ills father. Prince Chun, waa appointed regent and waa the chief flgur in China for three years. Surrounded by a large number ot princes ot the Imperial clan and Manchu officials with reactionary Ideas, the regent waa brought face to fare with a revolutionary movement in favor of mod ern reforms. He endeavored to placate both parties, but ended by causing gen eral dissatisfaction which led to his resignation on December S, 1M1. The promise of a constitutional govern ment made by the dowager empress on tier deathbed In lnot waa not fulfilled In any way until May. last year. la that K .n lmn.rl.1 tl,l .hollahl IllS old grand council which, together with the court, held absolute power, ami sub stituted a constitutional cabinet. Mavatlt TSeglaa la. aoatb. -, ' Revolutionary Ideas had been spread ing hi lha meantime and the southern provinces declared against the continua tion of Manchu rule and broke into open revolt After much fighting the revolu tlnnlata proclaimed a republic at Nan king In December and. Drr Sun Tat Sen accepted the presidency on December SI. Ncgotlatlona between the republlcana and tha Imperialists followed and an ar mistice waa arranged.. Thla waa not etrfrtly observed, but the negotiations continued with the result that the Manchu rulera, seeing that China proper waa al most entirely In favor of the republican Idea, and that tha outlying dependencies ot Tibet. Turkestan. Mongolia and Man churia were breaking away, decided that It waa the beat policy to yield to the popu. lar demand and abdicate from power. General In trltlsasHV HI. SHANGHAI. Feb. lt-Oeneral Homer Lea. the American officer who haa been acting aa adviser to Dr. Sun Tat Sen, the prealdent ot the Chinese republic, la In a critical condition. He haa been uncon scious for some time. . Battle Faagtkt Sear 9af.basv.Ani LONDON, Feb. 11 The tm perls list army tinder the command of General Chang Hsun. which haa been In contact with the republican troupe for some days, waa today routed with serloua lose by the republlcana In the neighborhood of 8u-Chow-An. in the province of Anhwel. According to a special dispatch received here today from Shanghai tba republican troops mined the groud In front of thetr entrenchments. Then, by feinting a re treat, they Inveigled tha imperialists to follow them over the mined ground and when a large body of them were as sembled tha republicans exploded the mines. The Imperialist army sustained heavy casualties and lost many ot their field guns. Oeneral Chang Hsuan. their commander, took refuge In a railroad car and escaped toward Su-Cbown-Ku. Aako laaasedlate Reeaajaltlaa. SAN FTiANCISCO. Feb. 13. -An appeal for immediate recognition of the Chinese republican government was sent to Presl dent Taft and Secretary of Htale Knox today by Ton King Cbong and Wong Sam Ark. In behalf of the Chinese re public association, from the headquarters ot that organisation In thls-i lty. Tong Cbong la editor ot a Chinese paper and Wong Sam Ark represents the Chines Free Masons. WASHINGTON. Few. 13. Dr. Sun Vat Sen. first president of tha Chines re public. Is a' naturalised American. The Department of Commerce and Labor so held In 1104 on the ground that Dr. Sun had been born In the Hawaiian Islsnds. had beea endowed with American cttlxen sbip by the act of HO, which provided a government for Hawaii and declared all dtliena of the territory to be rltlsena of the United States. Leap Year mmm. i (MM v C - Sfpt?i ,, . ' ! ':-l liS 1 'ill lii.y ulw mrmm t he L iw i nne polln- JouVnalT" PROTECT A WOMAN IN THE RAY CASE Why the Fresident Asked that a Court Martial Scandal Be Avoided. WBONGED HHSBAIfD FOBGIVES Woman's Fault Condoned and the Facts Kept Secret. SUPERIOR OFFICERS TOLD TO GEI Saggestionos from President as to Coarse to Be Taken. KENTON FORJENSION BILL Iowa Senator Makes Plea for Dollar- a-Day Measure. MAST PLACES TO ECONOMIZE Mlleagw Exaeaeea at Caaaaalssloas, rmMU .atldlaga.d Pr, Dalu IOWA'S FAV0B1TE SON WHO IS PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE. Ateeisla Mlgkt rraaed I Advaatagte. iWASHINOTO-f. "reb.' it -'Why iy economy only when tha soldier Is In volved?" demanded Senator Kenvon "f Iowa In a soeeeh In tha sonata today In advocacy of tha Sherwood "dollar a day" pension bill, passed hy Ihe house. Sen ator Kenvon pointed out that congress had raised the salarlea of Ita members and of tha president; entered Into an ex pense of hundreds of millions of dollara for the Panama canal, and had even re tired Robert E. Peary on a rear admiral's pay for discovering "something known as the north pole, which no one cares anything about." Mr. Kenyon aald Hie roat of lltng had InoTeased as much for the soldier as fur anyone elae. He sugjieated there ruuld be a saving of SlaYOno a year In the mat ter of mileage for senstors and reprc aentatlvea and yet leave auffh-lent for traveling sxpeneea. Taa Many Comaslaelvaa. "We could economise." he continued, "by getting rid of some of the commis sions that surround us on every hand with enormous expense. Possibly a few expeditions like that to l.ake Champlaln, recently exposed In the house, might be dispensed with In the Interest of econ omy. Perhaps the river and harbor bills, running Into the millions, to mate har bors where the Almighty forbade them and rivers where nature prohibited them, might be dispensed with. , Public buildings might wait a few years, even though It might Injure the chance ot a few men to go back to con gress because they could not secure a public building at an enormous expense where none Is needed. "Many more millions go for Ihe main tenance of navy yaida so absolutely chaste that their waters hav never yet embraced the form of a sea -going battle ship; dry docks that are a constant chal lenge to the ward of God, because they are ao dry that the only possible chance for them to ever be used for docking ships Is confined to the remote prospect that w will ae a repetition of Ihe flood described In the Scriptures. Hi 6 HILL TELLS Jtf ORE LEASE Railway Magnate Appears Before Home Committee. FIVE THOUSAND ACRES INVOLVED Paid Dollar Slxtr-Fle a T far . Ore. end s'reaar Mere for :arh Baceeedlag Vear. 1 WAHIIINUTOX. Feb. R-J. J. lilll, chairman of the board uf dlrectora of the Great .Niirlhern testified lati. today before the houie Steel trust In vestigating committee. Ills testlmniiy was designed to throw light on Ihe so-called lease uf the La Muperlor ore fields lo the I'nlteu State ateel corporation. f "You were party to the 1eae between the I'nited States Hteel corporation and the Hill ore lands?'' asked t'halrma.i Stnnlry. "I was not a party ts the lease," xatd Mr. Hill. "I carried on preliminary ne gotiations, hut the lease was mad by the trustees of the proierty J. M. IIM, L. W. Hill.. Kuwanl Mitchell and R. M. Hill." "What properties did -you acquire an the .Mesalie range?" "The first was property that came wLh the I'uluth At Winnipeg, a bankrupt rail way running Into Imluth and the Su perior region." "Ilnw close did this road get to i.le ; Mesabe range?" j "Within about forty-five mllea." "Ilnw did It happen that the ore landa j were thrown In with a railroad that did , n't touch the ore lands?" . ! "The parties interested In ihe road l-'T. l.iM'Is. Mo.. Feb. 1- - litre.! erot. jaiso were interefted In the pre lands. In examination of John H Swlnno wan it I, e pun l:ae of the road the ore landa completed t'Hluy In the Kimmcl mystery of the North Star company came with Photo Copyrightta, Harris . Kwlng. AI.MKRT II. CI'MMINS, uu,.l... I'ttlt.1 Ul:.t...,ir from lows. h.. !Hk- ul Cranu KapllK. Mli h.. last nlnhl. , Cross-Examination Fails to Confuse Kimmel Witness ran In Hie l'niltl Sutea Hntrtrt court In uhlrh the Ide-nitty -f Andrew J. White. formr rtiiivl-1. h. llrn to be OtvrRt A. KimiiM-l, nl Kimmel n Inxur anre are tuviilvfil Atlon.rt for Hi' rrnv?r for .he bank of Ntha. MicU , lmine'it.ately Ixicin a re direct eirimlfiittlon. SwInney H tttmony apparrnlh a riot hukeri hv th row examlnatlorv hy atiorney. f.r the InMir ane rompany, whlrh ronstinvd t lx hour. a rnt'lf to r-at ahnMt all of hia JpoMt!m tnkrn two month ao, apparentlv witli the obt of eonfusinif him In the matt'-r of datw. Andrew J. White wan not in court to ri). Attorneys who hae him in charge kr-fi-inc him Treted In a hotel ao tha they ran have htm anv tlnn tv.ey the i(n' aland. lltn. Klmnitl. moiiier of the mialni; banker, who will te n tinai for Ihe bank, Is rHttiiie In -t .rivat home r cupermtlrttv from a MliKht illn whtch was brought on hy attendim; the trial. F.itniTifiief la Capitol. Thn thera are tha free barber ahopa j itt lo imt Iti.n on and the free hath in the rapttol hert. They mlftbt po-atbly be abollnhed, al though t 1 real lie that I am treading on tarred and dar.groua ground In making this revolutionary remark. A republican enator a few montha ago aald on thing that ta aolutely true, that thla govern ment ran be conducted for flW.Onn 00r lea per year than It la now. Every man know a this to be correct. One-aeventh nf thla mm would carry the nenelnns pro Ided by the Phermood bill. "I have no patience with the iwriH'ii that pennon lg1ltlon H charity -- Colonel Roosevelt Will Address Ohio -U2 Convention It, about W per cent of their stock."; "How much land waa there?" "About I -.W0 acrea. That deal waa in a iu in ism." "What part of those landa were turned over to the I'nited States Steel corpofa ttonT ";uis about VMQ acrea. Whatever the ateel corporation got It paid SI .66 a ton for ore and transportation." "I ld It under that leaae?" "Yea, for the f.r?t year and 4 cent andg milia per ton additional every suc ceeding year." Mr. Hill explained more in duall the original purchaal of the ore. He aald a nearby railroad owned about X.009 acrea of ore land. Thla nai a lumber road that had a connection lth h.a.road. LETTERS GIVEN THE COMMITTEE Hoase laaalry l.t Whipple Charges rratea Prewldeat Ma vest Oaly ta Sate Saaa far Waasaa. WASHINGTON. Tcb. Il-Tlie alleged political Influence of Major Beecher B. Ray, the army paymaster, declared to hae enjoyed frequent changes of sta tion and Immunity from various troubles because of lha Influence of President Tart, waa again a subject of Investiga tion today betor the house committee on expenditure In the War department. farmaster Oeneral Whipple testified that Major Ray had established a record In the sen Ice far frequent changes In station. In thirteen years h had been successively atatloned at eighteen points, whereas the average assignment of a pay master at any station Is between three and four years. Chairman Helm asked neneral Whipple II any ot tha asalgn menta had been made at the direction of l-resldent Taft. "Yea." he answered. "In lJ tha presl-' dent asked that Major Ray be aent to At lanta and In November, 1U. that ha be sent to New York." One of the letters of President Taft to Paymaster Oeneral Whipple, put In evl. denes In the rasa and made public today follows: HKVMKLT. July , lsl- Personal and 'onfldrntlaU-Dear Oeneral Whipple: I have read tha leter ot regarding Pa matter Itay, which you have shown me because In time past I had a persona I Interest In th awalfare of Major Kay. I have no relation with Major lley that prevent my directing you to take the sams disciplinary action In respect lo him ss In Ih ecase of any of your subordinates. "It seems to me that It would be wise , to send Ueneral tlarlli.gton or a trusted . assistant l Inspect Kay's accounts and Ihsw of hia clerk aa wel aa lha charges makes, that If the facts turn out to be as . atatea, to separata ' from Itay at one.. "While Ray'e conduct ( ) charges an true, could subject him to foe se verest condemnation, tbaaa asama, tram (U language and telegram to be such condonation by hlin and hia wife -that It would ba well to avfrl th de moralising scandal for tha army Involved In tha court martial proceedings, which would place a atlgma on t ) and Mrs. ( ) which they could never recover from, Ray could be told that his auperlora knew hia fault and hav provided against It and In the Interest nf his victims and tha army It was deemed beat not to present It to th board on lha condition that he avoid such con duct In tha future. "These suggestions are on th assump tion that charges are true and that Oen eral Oarllngton knows them to be ao. I do' not favor court martial proceedings in such case, wher there la condona tion. In order to prevent scandal. Tha army surfers, the partle suffer and only the prurient reader ot such trial re ceive any advantage. Tha dlsclplln In volved does not outweigh In Ita benefit . for th army tha Injuries to th prestige ot lha army and the demoralisation It cauaes. "You can ahow this letter to Oeneral' lisrllngton and Oeneral Oliver, but 1 would prefer that It do not go on. your ' official file. Th course 1 suggest Is -the one It seems to me la best under the cirt'umatanoea. "Major Kay did me some aervlc ot a political character years ago. at the in stance of my brother and he la dlspoaed to assumo too much, on that score. I wish him treated aa any other officer In tha service and I would make th same sug gestion -ss to any army officer In a similar case. Sincerely yours, "WIUL.IAM H. TAFT." . Another letter from President Taft to General Whipple, a year later, waa writ ten that the general might show It to -Congressmen Hay and Sweet of the house, military committee In order that It would explain why certain portions of th rec- . onls ot the War department had not been transmitted In co piianee with a request from the house. The omitted part of the record dealt with the scandal concerning Ray and tha woman In tha case. The president aald it waa lila knowledge that . the woman and her husband were living happily together, and tliat the publli-atlon r Defaulter Says He Will Kill Himself in Mid-Ocean I'OLI MHI : lalation. There was an Implied contract . nu n,n I with thla government when' those men I UWl( ll fourth iKxice City, cloudy.....:. Je Lander, clear North Platte, raining. ... 34 Omaha, cloudy Jroeblo. cloudy ltapid City, cloiidv fait Lake City, clear anta re. snowing aa tvierldan. clear 32 Sioux City, cloudy 3 Valentine, cloudy Z T Indicates trace of precipitation. L- A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. K a IX 44 42 43 S 44 fall. T T .e T .i; .9 ELGIN BUTTER BOARD ENLARGES DISTRICT ELGIN, nt.. Feb. 11 -Th Elgin Board of Trade voted today to Increase Ita ter ritory to include six states Indiana. Mich igan. Iowa. Minnesota. Wisconsin and Illinois. The action was taO-n by vote ft X to An unusually large amount of butter a as offered today. 362 tub being put oa the market. The bedding started at 30 cents and closed at 32 cents. TELEPHONE CONSOLIDATION AT SIOUX CITY GOES THROUGH SIOUX C IT T,. la.. Feb. U. Negotiations for the consolidation of the fltoux City exchange af the Iowa Telephone com pany. ownd by the Bell a vat em. wttn the Htoux Oty Telephone company, and the New State Telephone company, which have been under ayr for Ihe last eighteen months, ware - eoneummated this afternoon- It la aaVd tha cocao It da Uoo represents marched away, snd that contract wa that when they needed help from the government they ahould have It. They did not to to war for the 913 a month. In depreciated currency, worth In sold but ft. They dl4 not place blood against gold. Th-r closed the door of oppor tunity Jilst when the tenderest and mo.t sacred aao-tatlons of life were forming and neer ihought of reward ' atMr-!" the dHeXate" constitutional onv on Wednesday, February 2. Th former prudent accepted Jtri In vitation to spf-ati In a letter received to day by L It. U a I breath, pecrctary t the convention. In hi ltl-r of i-ei'ian'-e oIonl Kooaevelt avf: "I have brrn U-cllninx all Invitat ona to ptak. In th1 m t.i iet o T'OIITL-WD, Me., Feb, 12.-A. W. Shaw, under, pretiident and neneral tnanaaer! jof .. W. Shaw corporation of Freeport 1 and Boston, s'loe manufai turera. hum ab- t . r-ondfd itnd la a alfco:fcs.ed defaulter; of lurire sum from hln company, at cordlnR; 'to announc?mpnt made by receivers who I were appointed today, 'en t ion ... . m in a ipiit Btoi i ruin iMwion 10 f. a. ) Amlck of Freeport, his partner for twen-ty-to years, and the heaviest stock-, ! holder. Hhaw wrote that he Intended to commit suicide In midocean. p much n Inv itat j that I hip the i Rarke fleada ftwllty te-Kardrr. i iat kIii arr IKH:GJ-AS. Wya, reb. 12. t.Secial.i -1 KT, jt t an-l Wllltani B-irke pleaded cuilt the' K..rriim'nta fl to WOMAN BURNS TO DEATH IN SIGHT OF HUSBAND murder of Ctarlea Black, a shep herder. i.mi-n of fni land waa sentaoosd to thirty-five years lo j cirt-umatance it is bAh th state peniienuai-y. I pleasure to a c-t. ' Mil.WAl KKK, Wis.. Feb. U'. -Trapped to a burn in five-room collage today, Jlri. Annie Kuns;e.,ged tu. waa burned to dvath while her husband, aged 'M, un- -tate; nn4 unlr rurh I able to help her. stood outside and prfscntrtiiv .! rv mutant In moi f undrfK 'tUt' work on rwlmlf a Kr3T nc the iic tit -f th- a duty and a ' watched her die. The fire started from the explosion of a lamp. Runge escaped. 1 Omaha Real Es tate is the safest, surest investment on the market to day. With the great amount of building and manufac turing, constantly going on, its future is assured. s- Real Estate bought today will yield a trong margla ot profit in Increase of value la a few rears. Your opportunity Is' adver tised in the real estate column of today's Bee. Read the Ads carefully make your selection and buy now. ,. v J'