Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Mlecella aeons.
6AFES-Overstockel with accord hand
Mies, all sues and make; bargains.
American Supply Co.. Ill Farcani 8c
Coal for atove or furnace- Try II
Harmon A Weeth. Webster Stf.
FOR SALE-Cha. small restaurant
fixtures; ten-hole rang, ail new; caah
register; show casta, etc. F. F. Kaaert,
(rand Island. Net.
TWO handsome oil pamtiturs. ji'si fin
ished, (lit frames; tl. worth, t-i. Sh
Avenue A. Council b.l.fs
till set Oegen Mrremuoyphonee; fine
condition, . DitS N. l'itb.
YOUNti weratn coming to Oma?i aj
strangers aro invited to visit the Young
Women's Chriarlan association building at
Seventeenth and M. Mary's Ave., where
they will be directed to suitable boarding
places, or cUierwise. assisted. Look for
our travelers aid at the Union station.
WE rem atnl re' air all kinds of sew
ing niacliin.j. Ir.d. A-1'KV Douglas 1W.
Uth and Harney Sts.
Massage. Ritletihouse, Sua Old Boston Hid.
Gladi.-h Pharmacy. 12th and Dodge.
Tnousand of people have
found the. home they war
loving for among the real
estate ads on The Bee want
ad pae. The home you
want to sell can be disposed
or quickly at cost of only a
few cuu through Bea a ant
174B Dodge. Ground Laor.
i L1EHKN". mask suits to hire. 1-ifl How a
M i ! !' Hath". ait glow aromatic
,UJ' -'l,JJJ tioanmnt. .Mine. Allen of
Chicago 10 S. 1'lh St., 1st floor. D. 764S.
, THK SA1AATION AH-"Y solicits oust-c-ff
clothui:. In fact anytlting you do not
need. YVe collect. repair and aall at 134
iN. lith St., I'ir cost of collection, to the
'vorthy iH?r. Call phone Doug la tut and
wagons will rnll.
SVKTmH ". vibrator and
OiiafiOJl radiator treatmenu. Mr a
i Snyder. Pee tllii. Ked WTO.
i SWEDISH mabaKe for rheumatism,
j muscles. Joints, diseases. Karsten Ton
'seth. only, Omaha l.ias?eur graduate In
Sweden. ia Om. Nat l 1'ank. Dong 71.
' l A (io A (IV Swc-Jish movement Apt
JLaoO.VUti j, nut Farnam. D. Ola.
MAU"ETIO,,,m'"- B atiwtt. ill
PEST l.racer fur men. Gray s Nerve
;Kod Pills, fi per box. postpaid. Sherman
I ft McCennell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb.
Kafilr corn makes hens lav, t: per 1(a).
! screenings, II ss rer HU Wagner. 801 N. It
EGOS tor batching from tha Brandeis
iKarni. Thoroughbred 8. C. Whlta Leg
horns. I tllity stock. tl.tO a aettlng or
.Is per K". Kxhlbltlon or show stock, tl to
ti a setting. W rite for catalogue. Address
A. D. Brandcts. Omaha. Tel. Benson OTOE.
Phone Douglas lai. lffll Howard tit
I L1C.HT !ruhmas, single conib red a UH
' W. nth. Phone rwuglas e7.
i 8. C. W. Leghorn chickens, new laying,
7so each ; a. so incubators and brooders.
Phone lnd. UM or riorence kV
Reed .Vtistract Co., nMcst abstract office
In Nebraska. Brandeis Theater.
Klectrlc gaa fin urea. Omaha Mlver C.
ldral Client (o 17th and Cumlnn.
ih'uche. n a- Blind, painting, decorating.
' ROOFING paints, building paper, ntas
jter boards. Ainer. Hup. Co., llu Nlchulaa.
WELL Digging. - F. F. Gritsmau, Li
N. icth Ut.
K miles out; g.KHi t-roora nousa. bam,
orchard and other fruit. One mile of rail
road BMtlun; .f... UoGat Real Ustate
'company, Co'incll Bluffs.
LARCK brick factory building with
acre, of trackage. Cheap for cash or ex
change considered. J. N". Rasp Co., t
Hraadeis Bid?.
For Eale-f ACRES In Benson. KJto.
Discount of 10 per rent for half cash.
iVartous fruit and vineyards, all bear
ing, good 6-room cottage and out butld
ilng. cistern, well and perenlal springs.
Phone Harney 1401.
Attractive E-room, well planned bunga
I low, near Miller l'ark: parlor, hall, din
ing room finished In oak; bedrooms,
loak floors, white enameled wodowork;
wails, rough sand finish; beautifully dee
orated; sleeping room and tun parlor;
(large cemented basement and attic; tnor
bt! modern: lar; lot; nice ndsh
jborhood; house just finished a few
I months ago; an loe-tl home for small
.family who wish to enjoy the country
land yet be near town; only 3 mmutes'
rid to Farnam St. Tel. Webster T7i.
$150 CASH
-room rottagA at 4609 Burdtte St. In
;f)B cortdttion has reminvd cellar, elec
tric lifthtf. n me:it walks, fruit and shad
;!! near tars. Buy frura owner. )l.ik)0
i(ah. Tl V.'fbatcr i7K.
On of tb prftt)t fix room houwi in
this xr!ufn addition. I'rtce reduced to
for quirk 9tr.
Fine. larKils-ronm Eton hnu- thor
otijphlv moiifrn, fjiiifbed in birch, full
basr men., lot 59 i-?'. nic lawn, s-rae
umall fruit ard em jWiery; mu r.M9
troney and if k11 at vn:t will lake
$l,-9 cash, talar.ra u.u b tui.itged.
ner lives In houae, 47 5 S. ath fi., tn
rf the best reaid nee d si !t In Omaha.
Investment Bargain
An tmt-of-tona c: ::. v. ii. purchased
two houces hr;- .: ;nr j a, :ntc i.T'JM
for aanie. now :s i to i both for
&:,&; oite ttt ' ioi:.i and .!.- nf 4 rooms;
ffluated on t".p rt.r Jot; nr ear line.
This If a ieial tiars'n. Full particularE
at Office-
tat rnt.i St.
ltones Doi.iiaa 1'. irjl: en lent A-l5t
Four Modern
At the north west corner of Hth and
Decatur strcats, fre are authorize to sell
four 5-room cottage, modern except
heat. Each cottace has ample ground and
they all irifit east. Theae houses will be
told at their cash value and on easy
t''rmj. Three of tv'm are now racant
and can be occupkd at once.
Se ui about these Monday.
Wa have some well located and
that we can sell
If you want trackage either for
Immediate use or as an invest
ment w will tie glad to talk
to you about tha abova property.
O'Neil's Real Estate
& Ins. Agency
VS Farnam St. 1
Phones Tyler KC4. Independent A-33U.
ill N. 24th St., South Omaha
Phone South 1M, F-119S.
Kew Beven-room, modern, oak finished
bouse; attic; east front, on c&rline;
cement walks; lot 60142 ft: a fine pro te
eny. Terms, 1700 cash, balance ea
Don t fall to look this up. It Is worthy
of your consideration.
Fine Dundee Corner
Two lota Utaix ft. In the very best
part of Dundee A beautiful location for
a fine home. Price on Inquiry.
Benson & Carmichael
WJ Paxton Block.
Going Back to the Land.
T-rooa tnodsm house, with oak wood
work and oak floors on first story; hard
pin upstairs; full lot; elose to boulevard
and car Itns: In the northern part of the
dty; pries 3,6Ml Owner wants to movs
onto a farm this sprint;. A chance to fret
a fins ho ms at a low price on eay terms.
J. H. Duraont & Son
Phona. Douglaa ffit
1M Karnam tWreet, Omaha.
Buy This Lot
in Benson
East Lot U, B ock JS.
ts.oo-lioao down, balance tit pw
month. It Is well located, not far from
ear and school; la Mxl2; lust the placa
for email hous and good horn. Address
K V Bea.
TWO lota In Kenwood addition at re.
aced price; easy terms. Harney Wit
Buy Direct from
Good fire-room house, having gas and
complete bath; within walking instance
of poMotflce. Lot tixllt. and a fine p. ace
to ralsa chickens. North part of city,
KaTT No. lith. 1'hun Webster 6031 after
p. m. -
FOR BALE e-room house and three
large lota, (OxUt. on tM and Francis,
liiua, A. A. Kuray. Station B. Harney
BrltUk CalasaMa.
WUI buy for anyone British Colum
bia Farm lands on uncompleted Orind
Trunk without commiaaion oxceptlnr Pr
centaga of profits. Jrge returns cer
tain. srank Crawford, ill Homer Street
Vancouver, or Omaha.
Vi e are offering 10, 30 and -acre tracu
and upwards located In Columbia county
near Lake City, Florida, M miles west of
Jacksonville end only miles from St.
Augustine. Thl property la Intersected
by three railroads of national reputation,
which furnish tha beat service at
reasonable ratas to all markets of tha
United Ststes.
The climate Is Ideal. Fin farms, are
now being worked in our tract with
exceptionally good results. Own one of
our farms. Investigate our offer. Small
oash payments and easy terms,
Low rates dally. Ticket fcood unul
June L
(Sales Agent.
m Omaha National Bank Bldg.
Omaha. Neb
Traversed by the
Lands adapted to the widest range of
crops. All the money crops of ttie routa
plentifully produced. For literature treat
ing with this coming country, its soil.
cii:nate, church and scnogl advantageaj
General Passenger Agent.
IRRIGATED lands produce a greater
oet profit per acre than dry farm lands
and you caa buy Idaho state lands tor
less money. Why not try farming where
conditions are more favorable and sure
results can be relird upon. Long term pay
ments can be bad on these lands.
.Vortnwcftcrn Land Co. Burley. Idaho.
THIC easiest way to find a buyer for
your fr.rm is to insert a small want ad
m the Das Moines Capital. Largest clr
cuuttion In the state ol iowa, uuw daily.
Tbe Capital is read by and believed in
by the standpatters of Iowa, who sirapiy
refuse to permit any other paper in their
homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a day; 11 H
per line per month; count sl ordinary
word to the line. Address Lies Mouses
Capital, Pea Motne. la.
Four miles of city; 3 miles of car line.
About ' acre the some kind of laad
Adam first farmed; no bitter anywhere.
w acres of it set in alfalfa; 13 a.-rfs low
ian-1. with some timber; no bui!dirs.
Ierel road to erty-bai at SWA Mctieo
Real Estate Company, Council Bluffs.
A. P. Tukey & Son
Ptaoce P. JIM. 444-Uo Board of Trade Bid.
4W-ACRE Improved farm in Tclic Co.,
Minn., H miles aorthtrtrst I'-eitrami; U
acra unrter cuiifvation. Kvery f-Mit can
b pkwd. Oood fn'e-rooru U'sufio; good
barn. Flowing well; aood watvr. cknl aa
good as Iowa or.lltfnois oiL I ara th
owner you iy as ;nt"s comnuxsiwu.
W. O. B-jck, Nw Albin. la.
FAfLiI bargain near Omava; p-!e!on
Etven. Crin & iter rill, lzll City Natl
the corn belt. I'i miles to town; posweson
Jlarca 1. l': tern.?. II. Iarsuu,
Owner. Cl&rit, Xeb.
We hav for aJe over J0WJS acres of
Cheyenne county, Nebraska's choicest
farm land, whers the crop yieds for U
years. Including lltf and avsraye
with the best in tho ataie. A i fair aio
a leadint; crap. Better oiU water and
climate caanot b found. Write for full
information today. A a eats waatsd every
Sidney. Neb.
Fanners and land bfyers
all over tns country ara
reading B?e want ads svery
day aud snappinff up every
bargain offeienl
Haus IS cents per word
If run enly one time. 1c pr
word i f ran t wo or mora
timt- consecutively.
Write and mSM onr ad
today to ileal Katate depart
ment of The Omaha Be.
KeautU are sura
1! acres, 2 miles south of Q on Wth tH..
-room cottapc, barn, two chtrken Miisea
and all Irinds of fruit, ui e acre chtcken
tight. JafiS L. St- Jhoi 6uuth 2C4S, Bouta
Cables and KeceipU Eneourgt the
Bear Side in Wheat.
Heavy r'eewlasi aad Law Reserves
aad Ilia Soathera Draaaad
Will ICveatoally Korce
II laker Prices.
mark. Included. I&'jSV; ordinary
first. iJs.-: ftrwts, Slc.
CIIEKSK-Htcady; daisies. lTV,9tH4c;
twins, pitliuc: Young Americas, lTHv1
i;v-c: Ions hoin-s KsiirV-
IMTATOKS-Lasicr; receipts. 75 cars;
l ;! US
Knll.TRT-.teadv: turkevn. KyiSc;
ch:okcn5. liM,itc; sprins. lttlijc-VtVL-Stcady.
LVVAN or Stanley county. S. t.. land.
If ywi want to sell, send numbers and
lowest price, W. L. .rot, Wlom City, U.
BTRICTLY modern s-room wn:
state price, tcrin and locality lu first
letter. N llti. lice.
OMAilA Trniwrtv and Nebraska Landa
M New Omaha Nat 1 Bank Building;.
LOAN, farms" and city proiny. J. II.
Iiuniont ei fion, 1WS Karnam St.. Omalia.
W AKTElllt7ioanar'eters Trust CoT
iP ciTY 1AJANS. BeroH-Carllwi.
u E10-I2 Urandcls Theater.
WANTED City loana and warranta.
Vf. Farnam Smith Co.. 1M) Farnam St.
MONKV 10 loan on buaVnea or real
deiire prcpertlea. 1,(M) to fcuumwi. W. ti
THOMAS, 53 First Nat l Bank Bid.
$100 to lltl.ww made promptly. V. U.
vi'ead, Wead Blda.. lth and Farnam.
I handle tradts everywhere. If you want
return wnte ur call tean. &IT Bee. D liae.
WHAT have you to trade for a Mi-acre
Ktnkaid relinquishment in Cherry
oounty, Xebraeka: part good farm land;
must turn this at once regardless sf
fH acres well Improved land, In miles
from town: price i per acre, will trade
for stock of goods, hardwaro or tmple
menta. L. U. Braiiey. oelrhhs. Mo. Dak.
LAi()B else blillard labia at once or
will trade for small safe or furniture.
fKiuglas 6S7!
Have a ery choice, nicely improved
IkVacre farm, loeoted In a hlshly-im-
pioved locality. S miles fmm a ood town.
Also have some rood ett prounrty; win
eachange for a good, cheap, small rancn.
locuted In central or western Neb.; must
be priced right tiive full ucitcrlittloli of
what you have lo offer, with price and
location. If you want an answer. Ad
dress. Boa 47s, Omaha.
WILL trade good level S sec. In west
ern Nebraska for city residence worth
fSM. Address F 36, care Bee.
cj-i " i
WK desire to borrow lirnl or K.W0 on
rUt-elged security from principal. Will
pay S per cent Interest. Address T lis,
CM re Bee,
W-hsnd Koods, Kleser. Hut Cantsi. 1). MSt.
rANfTbTiijtoTk of mercbardlui
In country, for cash. Box Sit, Omaha.
WANTED To buy, about February .
team of young mares; also I or t young
cows. Prefer cons to ralva till spring,
a! 11 Bee.
W A ri til NO and Ironing done. T.. II Matt.
KXI'KKIKM. to stenographer wiehes a
poeltlon with a liitn; good speller and la
last on the Underwood typewriter. Ad
dress, H 1117. care Boe.
Fust-clahS, prac.h-al nurse. 11 &10. A-614.
MlTiOLKTioiilJ. rotinwi widow wants
position as housekeeper for a respectable
widower, or will take charge of a room
ing hoilfe. Address L 7, Bee.
OMAHA. Feb. 14, in:.
Fver- bit of news was beansli on wheat
this morning; cables were lower, the run
of aprtiig wheal away above predictions
and no cash wheal jteniand to Sin'ak o
fur the prvaent nd latiie stocks on hand
t'nder thee conditions i'nfe;-ional -ncc-uLttors
were free silr during the entire
day. About the only hope the bulls have
is that jailers will oversell tne market
an-1 a rcacth.n will onic on coverum.
There Is no change in the temporary
condition surrr:nd!iig cirn. The heaiy
fcrding and lew reserves, as a result of
the heavy southern demand, will eventu
ally force higher levels It both taah
and futures.
W heat was subierted lo a heavy run of
siliing bv professionals who were bear
ish on the heavy receipts and lack of
rush demand. Cash wheat was Wit
The corn vttuation was unchanged to
day, although receipts are Increasing
rapidly and cash demand l raUier slack,
the cash corn o:d unchanged to 2c lower.
Primary wheal receipts were tA'.iMi on.
and shipments were :il. hu.. against
receipts last year of ST.iU) bu. and alilp
menta of M'f) bu.
Primarv corn receipts were l,tS0.tX ctl.
and shipments were bu.. agalnt
riceipu last vear of ivl.ttM bu. and anip
nirnts of rOvMU bu.
tlearuncs were t:, bu. of corn, n.ine
of ooia and wbtal and flour eyual lo
1-.OvM hu. .
Uvrrpuol closed VI lower on wheat and
nil lower on corn. .
The following cah sales were reported.
Wllli,T-No. I harii. i cars st
I cars at l.t; No J hard. 1 enr at l.Jj.
1 car al H i. No. : mined. 1 car at M
1 car qt tl HI1: No. S mixed. 1 car at Il.oi.
COKN-No. 3 white. 1 car at 3c. 1 car
at it He: No. 4 white. 1 car at idc. : cars
at .c. No. S yellow, ! cars at :'; r.n.
yellow. 2 cars at No. 4 yellow, t cars
at i'A-. i cars al W'c. 1 car at t. cars
at 6V,c. 1 cars At We: No. 1 mixed, t cara
Ct.c, J cara at ale, 1 car at MV; "
mlied. 4 cara at 6cc; 1 cars at 4Jo
cars at Sec, 1 car at Pc; no grade, 1 car
at 66c, 3 cars at Mc, cars at 54c.
OATS-Standard, 1 car at tl:
white. ( cars at 51c: No. 4 while, 1 cars
at 6V. 1 cars at Mto. 1 ear at sec; ao
grade, 1 car at WHc.
Oaaaaa naaa Prtarw.
WHEAT No. I hard. I.eWWM H: No.
t hard. l.(il.(B; No. 4 hard, Kicjj1.0JVs.
tOUN'-No. 1 white. tSwrc: No- 4
white, iWijtUc; No. I color. i-'4tc; No. a
yellow, iiimifflc; No. 4 yellow, nliwc;
No. 1. lVUi c. No. 4, 6;uwjc. no graac,
OAT.t-No. 3 whit. Clo; standard. B
(UV; No. S white, iOVl.Me: No. 4 whlto,
omioV: N". ' yellow, W'.iajiirJdC; No. 4
yellow. Sfif!Hc.
BAK LEV Malting. 71; No. 1
feed, 7oitc: heavier feed, eolee.
KVE-No. 2. KHi'Mlc; No. , SeWSCc.
Carlo t Becelpts.
Wheat. Com. Oaia
Chicago M
Minneapolis 1141 ...
Omaha a '
Liulutii II '
Killing Cattle Ten to Fifteen
Higher for Week.
Curtain laiindeied. lluaiantecd. W.
TAVO yoiuig iarmera, ages il und 23
veais, and old maid sister want steady
work on farm. No bad habits and
good reference If required. Wliat Is
yout, proposition? Write i) 44. lice.
V"ANTE1 I'ay work. Cleaning pre
ferred. UoUKlad 27E.
EXPERIENCED office rlerk wants
position half day only. Call Webster
1.7 . 1-11.-1, U.aill.1. k,' Al utullt .!..
.i-nm,.al,iu In i-eeilll- ntii.
kl. n9 fiblnir antir. rhlrFff nf credit rie-
partment: talary, JiOWi per month. Ad
dress. 1AJCK oox Bfl. vjniaiia.
Feat a res of the Trading aad Claeteg
frtcea Board Trade.
CHICAOO. Feb. r-ellsavy receipts at
primary terminals had a bearish effect
today on wheal. Larg.dy as a result
closing figures wsra 4u to ', under
last nleht.
lit traders sold wheat freely In conse
quence of the liberal country deliveries
and the lack of cash demand. Minne
apolis arrivals la particular wera nearly
twice a big as at the corresponding time
i.-.irn months nrevlous. Primary receipts
for the week made a total of .l4t,
bushels, against .M4.U a year ago. in
addition, the bears had encouragement
from a decline at Uverpool, due to more
generous offerings from Argentina. Be
sides tha flour trada was reported alow
hero and In the northwest. Shorts cov
ering lo protect for the holiday Mon
day gave tha market a steady tone In
the end. nurlng the session Mar ranged
from to tl.MV Hh tha close e
net lower at i oa'l.H.
Corn hardened on account of a good
ensn demand east and southeast. May
fluctuated between Wic and iic, closing
steady al 4'8',sc, a net advaneo of a
shade. Cash grades were yulet. No. 3
velloar was not quoted.
Ill oats, the princiiml activity was on
the part of cash houses taking hedges
from the Msy oirtlon. May ranged be
tween tSV and k!Vti.'V. with last sales
! up at KrV.
Supplies at the yards were In ex reus of
what had been looked for. At the elose
prices showed a decline all around-lard
5c to 7V,c and the rest of the list from
a shade lo 5c.
Leading options closed as follows: opi u- I High. I Low. Cloae.l Very.
1 (13 I ttt'-t.;! 03Vj
WHbltli Sl mi
vuL'tllu'VikMI nun In rutin I athin
and mechuniCr? want potttn at any kluJ
of work Hi thin line; will guaranty the
Job. Address -v12 Howard ft. or H.7
Lorca m. f J - Kenan,
I'Vi-L-UU'Vi't'l. Imiv rtlllinir rlorL wilt.
UADV waiua dity work. UVbatFr ttX.
t'tujiuvn riikhwauika-r (lftMit aa iMtaltaUn.
van n riwicr aw.
vi a v 7i.iii tH0itioii ua hauM tiltmnar.
Wheat! I . I
.Mav.ll WVil 1 HI
Sept.l HSl
Corn I t
May. V Vl
jOata 1 , I .' l , l
Aiav. u.'hwm'wj.i ii
Juiy.l 4H . I
i-ept.i . 41t 4J I 4IM
Pork I I I ... I
May I -H l "l ' "
li; I. lit K hi I 1 S7H1 1 4-'t4
Mepl.l 1 M 16 Wi W 4;! l 52 M'
"idly is M.Z HVe I 4
July. 46 I 4 ;t 40-mn 4-7s
Hept.i aw I ' : -! Wl
'"vTav It 72A IW 1 I 78 T7,', Ke-THi
July.! liZM Wis-S -'" ul
us I s
ts tawtf)
I 41),
UaolatloDS ot the Day ew Varloaa
XKW YORK. Feb l.-FliOI'R-ledv;
spring p.itents. $.',.ii. it, winter
rttaights. .Wi; winter patents. M'
jiiwl. spring clears. J4.iur4.ti.. winter
extra.i. No. 1. ITtiJse; winter extras.
No. t tjj iXiv; Kansas stmtghts. 14 ;..
4'.. Kv, (.our. firm, fair to good. I v
.. I. ... . -
wiie.ii i-.nir. i.rm. e- .r
OiUWIKAlrlrm; fine while nnd yel- j
t.iw xti.;...i:ie car.,. iiWiLisi: k;ln
drl.d. :.
Mr r:--W'et: NO. Z. ?sc. c. I. r nuiiaw.
BAHI.KV Hrm; malting, tljivi, c.
i. f Hiitraio.
ri B.A i rpot narset easy. im. i.
l.t. elevator, and tl.4i. t o. b. afloat;
No. I northern Imlmh. IV. ti. f. o. b.
aflost Kuturs market weak at the
opening order liquidation for over tne
holiday, rallied a Uule on i wering. bin
aK.iln eus.,1 off on the weak opening al
Buenos Avm, closlns vc nrl l"m'r
Mav clo.d at II IK J" . Jl l"t.
tOIU.-SKH market eart . export. 73c,
f. o. h. afloat. Future market nominal.
OAT.-Mpot market ateady; standard
white. i4-. In elevator; No. i xc: N
J and No. 4. 'We, natural w hile and while
clipped. W44j.'c. tuture market Horn-
HAY-Unlet: prime. 11 55; No. 1. II ;
No i $1 . l.aji l.Si; No. I. tell t
HlliKS-ot-Hly. Central Aiiierlcl, lie;
Bogota. n'i.:'l4c.
1.1J ATI IKK- Mini: hemlock firsts. 51
!;: seionds, 2liiMe; thirds, SlaSc; r-
JlH'tS, l.T.'.
I'HOVISloNrt - I'ork. steady; mess,
ri:;hii;;;; family. ti.ts)n.e; short
,i..w.i.u ii.,r firm' mess.
13.i"trl3 W: family. l4.Srla.a; beef
nam, 2..ri?t-T a1. i
pickle.! brlll.. 1 to 14 lbs.. iM.i.
picKien nains. ii.wiii.-. -
ml.l.lie wesi piline. JS.OStPa.ii: refined,
easy, comment. ' .40: rkwtth America.
lic.W; compound, le.ii.'1s.l'e. . . . , ;
TALLOW Unlet: prime city, hhds., c.
Ill I I r,rt ciewti. . -r.-. -
tra.. He; firsts. BVr?3ic.
KlKW-l"naellle.l; fresh gathered, ex
traa. i.'tiisr; Iirt. Dc; western gath
ered, whites. 34l.'c.
rMt'LTKV-Alive. steady; weatern
chi.ens, llisxilSc, fowla. miletic: tur
kavs. litflsc. Ores sod, qulel: western
ickenl? ladtillo: fowl-. UMIk: tur-
keys. IXitlc
g. I.oals Ueaeral Market.
, w.. h .a w H r A Y fash
lower; track." No. red. .iUll.l Ne.
1 hard, gi '." . , auna.,.
COHN Lower; trsc. No. 3, UHiXrXr,
0. 3 white. liVte. UUB.,
OATMXteaily; tra.'.. No. t. BVft7l!,
No, I white. Mxei4V;- ,fc..
(UHiing I'rloes ol ruturea-Wheat:
. ' .i na. Julv s4Wtmwc.
corn: FHm; May, s;e; July, tSM. Oais:
I......... L, Jllllf
eieaav, mm. . - - ---
HV K Vnohatiged at Me.
as I i ssi a, run ( wiiim l-. - '
tHw; extra fancy and straignt, $4.4.t;
hard winter clears. e
HfcKl-e-Tlmoihy. eAM.uiaatlu.ail.
BItAN-Weak; sacked east track. W.J4
iiAV-rirm: timothy. 0tW; prai
rie. Ill Hl IkWt . , t
FROVlrilON'd Pork, unchanged; Job-
. . . r ... ump' nptni. steam.
Ding, fis.iss umiu, e -
noxeu s-us e-. . - .
ahort clears, e.7i. Bsoon. uneliangcd.
boxed extra snort, sc.a, e
short rlesrs, p Tk, ...
-euvl..,,n. ehli'llenS. lie: StlClngS.
UV-. turkess. HV! ducks. 14c; geeae, c.
hi nan uuiei, iirnut.. i ,
ItUUS-lilghsr, alo.
Receipt!. Shipments.
Flour, this. .!
Wheal bu. a5"
S-:::::::::::::::8 W
Kaaaaa 4'lte Ursula aad PewvUleaa.
KAN-At C1TT. tFsh. W-WHKAT-Cssh.
unohanged to He lower; No. I hard.
II SBVitrl.lli No. . U'l"l. Ma- 'ed,
uesajl.ei: No. I, WW. ... .
COH.N -I'nchanged to 4c higher; No. I
mlxeil. TrnVVc; No. s, sfwiSo; No.
white. Utrtsc: ft.i.W.
Closing priresi of futures:
WHKAT May, lll; July. Mc; 8ep
'RNiay. 9(c; July. TsOS Peplera-
OATHi Mhaaged; No. 1 white. HH
MVtc; No. I mixed, MSMfttttc.
!i.virm. ehnlCe llmothv. ELOftittZ. 09:
Ct...lce prairie. IU6lflllK.
seconds. c; packing stock, .,w!f-
KiH!i-Kxtraa. 2uWiCi nrsia. 37nt4o;
..oonda. ffic Keeetpt.. Shipments.
Wheat, bu. .s 43.OU0
L-l I... WISH) 70.IMI
0Z bu'. : "MM .
al la aea polls Grata Market.
II .: July. sl.W-4ei.eJ14. Close:
l ash. No. 1 hard, 11 7',; No. I northern.
Il.urii: No. 3 northern,; r.u.
BAHLEY kuctjll 27.
COKN-No. yellow, fs7c.
OAT9-NO. I white, teWtfWc.
KVB-No. J,
..i'u i.i..i i, fiti.nt 1i.Vhij.jU! nmc-
and patents, 44.i; first clears. H-tuU
a; le-vw . " -
Skeeg. for the Week Tea lo Kli-les-w
reals lower, with. "at
1 aaibs Tea la Tvreaty
I'lve Lower.
S'U'TII OMAHA, Feb. 10. 1?'J
Ileceints were-
Official Monday
Cattle. IUV. nep.
Ofllclal Thursday
Six .!. Ihls week. T.'I 34
Same ihivs lust week ..-.l.-V-s Tt.4:7 44,71
Ssn e din 1 .Uk. sr.. is 1M. M.?il
Sanw days 1 weeks ag 31.4M . 3."i
Same days 4 weeks ago V,'-2 tis.:3 3s.31s
auie dava last vear....ixwsl 4s.,.v
The following ,ahie i:mi the refipis
Of estCe l.,u ni.,1 she. it si South Omh
for the year to dale as compared with
last year.
ti1 l'lll mo. iw.
Cattle n.vd tMK
Hog tS4l Mti.JSl Jt w
Sheep 317.1M 311.111 S.U.
The fnllnwintf tahl sh.iws the range ot
prices paid for hogs at siouth Omaha fvr
fie last few dais, wlin cmpansone:
l AS'TCU Lav work of any kind. Call
Web. tia.l.
I. F.r, hpiwh.-.. " - " "
i...... u. h,.,tM..L'MatHsr Tr.r n.tmi'tii l.l.
wioower. m.iw. ,
r,.l l.nlt..o r.i. i,i..s.'i'"'ci iiiiu
bookkeeper wislies position as stenog
rapher, bookkeeper or general olfiea
work. Phone or write Jamie Punlevy,
Boquet bolel.
WKIiKH (IKAIN CO., grain merchants.
Consignmenls sol'Clied. "'a, Brande.s.
Tbe key to success n business la the
fudiclous and persistent use of newspaper
ship our stock booth Omaha, save
mileage and shrinkage. Tour consign
ments receive prompt and careXul atten
tion. '
t.lie stock Commlseloa Mercaaata.
Byerx Bros. Co. strong and responsible.
WOOD BROS.. Lx hange Hldg.
Oreat West. Com Co.. Omaha A- lienver.
W. 14, SMITH li WJN just handleVltwpr
TA(Ji BRO handje cuttle, hogs, sheep.
Clay, R.binson l i o . gJi Kx.Ui tre Hid.
Interstate Co. Keller results. Ship to us.
CLIFTON Com. Co., tit EYetiantTe Hlda-.
L. . P.OBKH'l S ft O '.. 13 Kxch. Bidg.
(oxa ioaetv i..,ih Co.. himeli tit hustlers.
Farmers L. 8. Com. Co., SO Kxch. Eidg.
LH14Bit prorecda of shipments ill titock
Yaids Nat l Bjnk Oni) bank at yaida.
"SLirtin Bros. 4k Co.. m-4 Lxca. B.da.
Caah quotations were as follows.
VUl'H -.vleart ; winter patents, 14 104JI
winter slialKlils. spring
paionis. soring sir sights, II mi
iy t III; bakers. .! KMlO, lu.
UVK-.No. i. nauwv.
BAKLII.i'-l-'t-ed or mixing. Tbctlll .
fair to choK malting. II . lfcttl.30.
HI''Timotliy, l.o lo.uti; clover,
tic i.iiW)
rlUVi.-IONS Mess pork, new, lUSTV,;
old. Ili'a1. 1-ard tin tierces), .3i'.
Mhort rlhs l loose). 8.Ul.
Total clearances of wheat and flnnr
were equal lo l-.Mi bu. Primary re
celits were sl.oii bu.. compared with
ittMW bu. tho corresismdlng day a year
ago. Kstimated receipts for Monday.
W heat, . cars; corn, 44V cars; oats,
cars, hogs, 6;.ii head.
fhteaao cash I'rite:. Wheat No. 2 red,
11 01,i i.oJ'j. No. - red, ti.emti.ei!. No. i
bald, t .is ul.041: No 3 hai.i. i.nei.;
Ko. 1 northern, 41.11 V'rl-14-: No. r north
ern, ll arvsul l- .: Ao. 3 Sl.u4,ij
1 US; No. 3 epru.K. $1 tXi'-il 11. N... sftrdiK.
II Oisl C"; No. 4 pnm.. ictiii . ceu.
cbafl, ysaisi.i", iiiir'ini. .-sesi-'w- i.orn
No. 3. M'iiuic: No. :; v, hit... ;w.Sc: No.
3 yellow, t.j'i'se; No. 4. tii4.vjtle ; Vo. 4
white, C-V"c. No. 4 yenow, -rasVrc.
Oats No. U'W. N". 1 white, UsoMc;
No. 1 white. :nri-ic: No- 4 while, 4 'tlttlVrv.
stundard. tjaiiiiW.
Hye: No. 2. WS3c. Barley. SOrfftl S.
Timothy eeed. u Ml Clover seed.
Bl'TTKH-Steaily; creameries. tofSc;
dairies, aV'tfOoc.
x-UUst-r Irnser; receipts. 1,945 cases; at
Philadelphia r rod are Market.
PHILADK1.PH1A. Feb. W.-B17TTKK-Klrm-
Is higher: western creamery spe
cial, 37c; extra, 3fic, nearby prints, exua.
MeB-Ktrnii 30 per case higher;
Pennsylvania, and other nearhy firsts,
free cases, HO W per case; current re-
jreipts. tree rases, iu Ier caee. wwneru
firsts, ire- casew. - .
rec.,pts, free oaeea, 110 ft per ca
CHLKSF-Hrm New York full creams,
fan.y, iMili'ac. fair to good, 171t17o.
Mllseaakee Wrala Market.
I northern, CI.IMil.14: No. t northern, ll(
!1 II" No! hald Winter, 11011-1.1. Maj-.
II Ct ' July, fe.'!.
cijltN-No- I yellow, ajc; No. I white,
SV; No. 3. ",xc; May, SSSiic; July.
OATS-S!anrtard. tf-
IlARLKY-Malllng. fl.iWI.3J.
reorka Market.
PKOItlA. Keb. W.-COrU.--e!tady: No.
i . hu. fis,. : No. 2 vetlnw. L1Ve: No. 4
'titf: No. I mixed, tti-ilvo: No. 4
mixed, Rrtteac; sanipie, wtjsuw.
I OATS-Bteady; atandard, iie;
I red, SOHc
40-acre Improved raach. loeated :n the
center of Neb.. S in a of a good town;
...., i. .i!3 acres in cultivation, ; arc- anaira,
DUNDEE (JOTTAfiE $i,400itai. .y .d pasture an ,i
IflV e" 4 II3SVTU. r a-
frnrrd and crca-IT v- -4 :oad to
imiT. ThU in a d-.,'iy pwh1! mn.-h,
Hrce tm -luicfe saie. KM v?:' a-i-e; i.:a)
rshh. balan? I- Vm-- Doii't an sie?
unl vou men t-upint? and can go at
on e to R ;iii3. V'nu Of wlrw Byx 4.-,
OnlT thr Mocks frm the t.vm
larv rocran and b( barn, on a r:n tout ft
front If't. Th owifr ho o -p'?? the
j'lare must Itave Ornaiiii within tn1 :v :t
ihirtv dayt. bncp thu- sacrific-: JH-a-tien.:-
WaV-iy i3. ...
PLANT: Chief U'larterBMsier's Office.
Ceniral Entieton. Federal tiuildlng, Cm
cajio. ill.. January 11, 1-1". Sealetl pro
posals, in tr,i..-ain, w::l he received ,v
ll-.c 'luari-Tna-ter ai i-'.-'r Onuhi, Ne
hraska. ut:t'i il o !o. k. :i. n. eentrsl
tli.v. Fe'ar'iaf ;. U. ,irj'. irien oie-ma
for ;::e Lon-trULti:.;i o:" a r'ihrili n .tact
ai tha; imi. i. h uil .fi'nnn.i'.ou. pi:.i-,-ar.i
sfcifictionji Ii.rn sl;ed ju apiilica
ii n to that officer or to this arflr. CoL
iJu. L. Clem, onief inartcrmaster
jii-it ru-u.
fli7BrTWrKHijLiiKftM, M
INl.J Notice Is hereiiv given that the
regular annual meeting o: the sum k
holuers of lr.e Houth 1iatte Lard Com.
oanv will tel held 'at the office of said
: company at Lam-oln, Neb , at It o clock
la. m.. on the sixth day ot March. A. 1j.,
T. II. MORRILL. Presldent
!k. B. MINOR. Ke r.iary.
Uncoln. Neb.rVbruar . ::'r.
rrrfjCKlIOLiiKKS al Kr. I INO.
The annual meellny of the stockholder;
of The Bee Pub.ish!ft? c.-npany will U
held st the c.miry a offire in the Pet
buiidlng, Omaha, Neb. at I o ,ock p. m.
Monday, March 4. 13:2. for the eierll.w
of a tsiaid of d'reet..ts for toe en.- iin
vcar ani lor the trar,.aciion of MJCh othe. as may proper! come before
the meeting.
Pr order of the peesWent.
i ld'-xt. P- f:-1l. Secretary.
iottoa Market.
.E' YORK. Feb. l.-i'.OTTON-Futures
closM firm. Closing bids: Vhru
aey re 31c: March, W Wc; April, WKc;
Mav I'Jev; June, leoOc; July. 14 i:;
. . : . . IUnl.lMh.r 1091,.. Celnlur
i.42r. Noverber, r4Sc. lie. ember, hitfcr-
Jamiary. leeic. ni wwui. ie
. . . mirtt.llnV iHii.Ht. lit f?
imlddMng unit :
LlVKIinil'Ifc reo. i.. i ,n nin-cpni
in active aemand and a large business Prices points higher. American
midlling fair, l.fal; good mWdllng, i ZUl.
mld.llliiK ',l: lw mlddHng. S.4AJ; good
crdtnaryi i.Jd: ordimiry, 6 gid; tbe sales
of the day were Kuan bales.
az.ewaratrd Aeplea aad Itrled Frells
A i'l'l Jt.. - U'Hei SCO rurj tri Piniesinj
'lih the future mei."t: "n the spot funcy,
-v .i,c . holee 1-.4C. prime. sT?c.
' iK!Kl FKl'ITS Prunes, firm with an
"Imi-roved demand. ejiKilattowa ransre from
4n; for Cal'fornlaa up to - and
t.'tl'- for Oregon. Apricots, quiet, rejt
leartV' choice. HttUc: extra chok-c,
1 Yul' V ; fawv. iswl7ie. P-a. hes. In
a.t v- h"l prK ar very steady with
Ismail offerings, choice. lhellV; fancy.
.' rta:sli;s. iv. fair demand and
I prlreVsxe steady, loose muscatels. tH-'rie;
. , .'.e fancy. aee.i.,J. iijTHi;; seed. ess.
17'., 1-ondon layers. W.ejtxl 4&.
I Caffee Market.
I ". FW YOilK. Feb. ie -COKFTK-ni-1
lures maeKn closed steady at a net al
, van e of 2 to points, gal.-, 4bJ'l bags.
I i ci man. I11; Jlarh. April aad May.
j:;'-; June. r.!"c. July. 11 Ss. August,
l.i.s : Beptem'e.r. 12. October, liv-,
i ., . ;iibr. 11: ; IV-einher and January,
) rs coffee, steady: N". . Rio. If-ic: No.
I I Hantoe. iv..-. Mild, iuiet; Cordna, 13W
liii7V- noui.aaL
ill Tnes.te.
'lcial e-lnesilaj ..
'lal Fri.lav
miate Saturday
. a.191
. ,t:l
. 4.'.i;
. T
. 10D
13 t
10 iM
Liale. loll Uli. il 'lu. ,!:. ,1S. , lssul . llsuS.
reh. l.. ""St 5 S ! ai 4 Wi UM 41
r.'s, z.. s i r.s
r eu. a.i a
Feb. 4..
Fab. I . I 09
Feb. . wSW
ren. t . 'N
Feb. S..I S eji.
r! s . w!
Feb. 10 I IIS 7
S.7S: stockers and feeders. l3.stt3S.75;
Texas and Indian steers, a woiw;
and heifers. t3.0ogS.0l); calves. In carload
lots. tr,."u7.,-i. , .
HOOS-lieceipts, & head. Market
steadv: olas and liehts. 16 m5 30: mixed
ami butchers, tn.15sis.40; good heavy, ti-M
No sheep on market.
Uemaad (or All stlads al Stack la
CH 1C AOO. Feb. 10. CATTLE Re
ceipts, i.s head; market weak; beeves.
tHO-uSsY.; Texas steers, ft HsliiSS; west
ern steers, H4r 7.10; stockers and feeders,
gt tAi.: cows and heifers. t&iMr.ij;
calves. S.75aS.
Hotiri-fleorlpts. Jl ft head: market x
tower: C.itVi': mixed, tdflOJill.;
h.avi. tiVurhaSi; rough, KQ&iiilO; plus,
ti v.ii'.'.i; bulk of sales. I5.lrui.30.
head, mark-t steady: native, 13.19474.;
western.; yearlings, M.7i.3:
lambs, uatne, kajii), weatern, Ha)
S J 5 1 4 is, M
J s ( IM 4 171 s Ml
I 141 4 K, i t B
J IS, 4 tl; I 1. S a
7 i: St! I 4
7 . I 47; I 07! 4
1 1! n, m
il 8 47; I 0.; 4 20! s si 6 W
7 ' II 47 I IS' H 70
I ttli 4 ai 117
Iteeelpts and disposition of live stock
at the Vnlon Stocg Yards, South Omaha.
for twenty. four hours ending at a P tu.
cattle.Hogs. Sheep. Hfg-s.
C M. A fit. P. Ry.. 1 '
Wabash Hy ! .. ..
mo. pac. Ky I .. .-
I'nlon Paclflo Ry tl 1
c. at N. W. l-st 17
C. N. W., West 44 .. I
C. 8t. P. M. .. ..
C. B. 4V Q Ry. K.a.t .. 5
C. B. Q. Ry. "West T 1
C. K. I. at i: Fast.. ... s .. ..
C. ft. I. P.. West .. 1 .. ..
Illinois Central Ry 1 I M -
C. O. W. Ky 1 .. e.
Kansas Illy l ive stork Market.
Rwetpts. X) head. Including 1" south
erns; market sii . native steers, tf. 5tt
X "si; southern steers r..eMrt.l: southern
cows and heifers. !"'.: native cows
and heifers. I3.0ti f; stockers and feed
ers, tl ZJtji.-.; hull. H.taS-o0: reives.
t4 (Mi7.W: western slecrs. ti-OOS' j:
western cows. tS.EdiS.afV
HO IS- Receipts. 4,tsJ0 head: market
steady; bulk of tales. K.OWJU.Si: heavy.
W.lfdrtS: liackcrs and butchers. K 10W
4 : lights, s 7i4i ): pike. M floja.40.
head, market steady; muttona.
4 7-;; lambs, r. aHi.4(; fed wethers and
yearlings, t).7ii& '; fl ewes, az.iav.v
M. deaepk Live Slack Market.
BT JOslRPH. b. 10.-CATTLFc-Ite-
celpts. loo head; market steady; steers.
tS tMrtOB; eows and heifers, W.eJOs.OO;
calves. i fij7
HOl!-Recelpta, 4.0OS head: market
strong; top, it, 3S: bulk of sales, It.Wfef.te.
HHKKP AND I.AMBH-None n eale;
market unchanged, lambs, te.lie4ft.40,
llock la Slaht.
TSeMeinte n) IIva stack at the flvfl Drla-
dpel western markeia yesterday :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 00 10.1W Ssl
1st. Joseph.... I'd 4.0M
Kansas city jo
W. Ia.uIs w -
Chicago - ! a .
Total Receipts..
Cattle. Hogs. Bhaep.
Omaha Packing Co 1,7 ...
Swift Co ..Wt ...
Cndahv Packing on J S.: US
Armour 4k Co. u ...
Murphv .. t&l ....
M.-Crearv Kellogg 1
Other buyers 17
Total 11.43 4t
CATTI-H-catt s reeelpta aa usual on a
Saturday were as small that there waa no
market, only wo si-ae oeing renorun in.
For the week receipts foot up U.kH head,
Kalnsr mile smaller than last week and
a little larger than (or the corresponding
week a year ago. It waa Just about a
normal run for ihls season of the year.
The quality of the receipts waa the same
a It has been for several weeks beck,
that la, poor aa compared WHh previous
years. While there were plenty of beef
n received they were practically all
of them ahort-fed, there not being a
single load of wnei wouia t rawim
other year aa good or prime steers.
The supply of corn-fed cowa and nstfera
waa aiae small throughout the week. Not
n.une feeders were received, but
there was an abundance of light and.
trashy stockers.
Beef steers were good sellers OB most
dars of the week, end at the elose could
safely be quoted HUlleo Clgner man one
week ago. Cowe and heifers showed tne
same advance as beef aieers, they, too,
being 4ited Kfcelec. higher than at laat
week S close.
(load feeder were firm, or even strong,
.1 .!.. II.. week, awl IIM to the tact
that there waa gome Inquiry for that kind,
while receipts were light. Stock cattle
and thin, trashy feeders were l"" ellen,
every day at weak or uosatiafaclury
prices. ,fc-i
Quotations WW raiuv; "
... ;ii7ii fair ta good beef
steera, Mirii . common to fair heel
SierJ: Eiki: good ta '"'
tkiwodoi); good lo choice cowa, KT..
Ul, to good cows and hellera. te.ievi.tiK
common 10 lair aowe and helUra.
ttt; aood to choice stockora and teeoers.
lt.4iNfirt.; latr to geoo
foeuers. Rtow a; eommcsm lo (air aipch.
erTlnd takers. W4.50; stock helfera.
ntr4.7i; veal calves, ti-Wtfl.e); bulla,
stage, eto, tt-Mwisid.
uw-.aiieiieea in tha hoc yards were
agreebly aurprlaed by the active broad
demand that existed In packing circles,
aa killers are seldom eery anxious for
stock on the final day of the week. A
heavy supply cleared with aa much free
dom aa a light run naturally would under
conditions that are exactly the reverse of
those In force at present. Prices opened
strong, big bulk sold fully a nickel higher
and the close was quoted at a dime
higher, the upwara trsno 10 uu. ow
ing sue entirely t a generous, uigeut
packing demand. '
Kerelpta amounted to over 10 00 head,
'mi. butcher and baooa grades,
and the yards were practically emptied
before 10 10 o'clock. Fast movement and
a good advance ia values developed In
spite of inomoTimi -.v
a list of local prices a I read v toe high lo
mii hh.ment. large reilpts and heavy
atorks of provisions at all of tha leading
distributive centers. Shippers and specu
lators bougnt sparingly irowi me ewv,
providing an outlet for a scant 10 per
. t.t ih. total.
The beat heavy butcher hogs on sale
made a hlgmy creoiimoie ion e.'i,
while anything with welgnt landed easily
.1 hkm betlsr. Baonn offerings ranged
from 41 downwsrd and medium
bun hers occupied the middle spread, the
same an recently. .....
The main ftature of trade during the
week appears in ine taoie 01 receipts,
eiiouliea amounting to over !7.iv head.
the heaviest weekly total on record at
Ihls point Despite this enormous market
ing, orleee have held up In very good
shai-i throughout, closing about a dune
higher on all weignir.
HHKKP Nothing much arrived In the
wuy ot sheep or iambs and, as la gen
erally the case on a Saturday the market
remained practically empty and nominal.
1 luring the week the trad has been
rather erreue. opening sharply lower end
closing with a good part of ttie early de
cline regained. Heavy reeelpta on the
first two days sent prices downward
with a rush, but awiruiung runs toward
the week-end caused conshierahle re
covery and current vaiues show very
moderate kisses when compared with
quotations In force a week ago. Lambs
rango from a dime to a quarter lower,
plain to poor grades getting the worst
treatment, white matured innttons are
selling at declines not excecitinit losji&c.
Fed lambs and fed ewen made up tne
big bulk of offerings on all days and it
f.Mlows that the heaviest business was
traatsai led in these braia:hra of tne gen
eral market. Kales cover! a wide range,
cull and choice quality stock frequently
selling tl.aO apart, but the ist.-klng de
mand h..i dull lone throiorhout and
clearances were often difficult. Burden
some stocks of product furnished a rea
son for slow orders, as tbe consumptive
outlet In the east is becoming more or
less restricted.
Good to choice tamha are now selling
around frMaxr.' while toppy ewe are
wanted only at t-.Jnt.-u. Trade In
wethers and yearhngs has been small
and uncertain owing 10 very imager of
ferings. Conditions eurrnundimr the feeder mar
ket have not changed either for better or
worse. Both the supply and the demand
have been very limited, nothing whatever
being sold on country account Monday.
The entire week s purchase amount 10
less than i.Ot'1 head.
Quotations on sheew and larrba: Lambs,
go's! to choice. tVi'ev.40, lambe, fair te
good, CJMes.10: yearlings, good to choice,
t.iMi.2: yearlings, fair to good, p ;;.)
5.15: wethers, g.ssl to choice, M.4i4.4b
wethers, fair to good. B.7jS4 ; ewes,
good to choice, tatm'tOD; ewes, fair to
good, P.rWrt.43.
St. lasnta Live Sleek Market.
ST. LOl IS. reb. Ml -CATTLE-Recces.
400 head. Including; ) head of
Tevans. Market steady: native beef
steera, !4-7'tleiM; cows arid heifers, !3.oar
t.o 40,100 :,ru
OlI iHt oemi:hai. market.
BUTTER No. 1. 1-lh. eartona. tic: No.
I la DO-lb. tubs, anise; No. J. Stcj packing.
CHEICSB Imported Fwtsa. Jto; A mart
an kwiaa. Mc: block bwlsa, auci twins,
; daisioa, Mg; triplets, sua; young
America, tic; blue label brick, loo; lim
kerger, l ib., lie; 1-lb.. !0o.
POl'LTltrs.Urollere, How per goat
springs, lie; tiena, 14o; cocks, 10c; ducks,
1M-; sees, 15c; turkey, txt; pigeons, per.
dog., tl.J. Alive, broilers, UV!; henv
tc. eld rooster and stags, to; old ducks,
full feathered, lie; geese, full feathered,
luc; turkeys, 14c; guinea fowls. He each;
pigeoaa, per dos-. Tic; homers, par do.,
tl.w. atiuaba, No, 1, tl-id; No. t, toa
FISH (fresh Uoten) - Pickerel, 7c;
white, Wc; pike. Ic; trout. Ho; large orsp
plea, Utjlto; ispanUh mackerel, 7c; eel,
Ue; haddoeka, Ue; flouadara. 11c; grssa
catfish, Uc; roe shad, tl each; shad roe,
per pair, &r; salmon, 14c; halibut, 10c;
yellow perch, te; buffalo, ta; bullheads.
Ul!KKr" CUT TRirES-Rlhs: No. 1 171c;
No. I. 1IV.C: No. 1. hv. Chuck: No. j.
so; N.v t, IHc: No. t, la Lolas: No. 1,
UM; No. t, li'c. No. UlaC Bouaddf
No. 1. lV,e; No. i tV; No. t, tc ftaiaai
No. 1. jc; No. t, to; No. t, 5V.
r Ht;n n apoiea; r,xtra rancy rien
Davts. per hU. B,; Jonathan and
unmet liolilen, per bbl.. His); fancy
Wlnrsaps, per bbl.. UM. rancy Missouri
Pippins, per bbl., tafci:. fancy (lanoa, per
bbl., HOO: Idaho Jonathan, extra fancy,
per box, 3!; Washington Mpllsenbei g.
per box, ti.M; Washington H. Beauty,
per box, :.n0; Washington Htaman Wine
sat si, per box. K1.UV. Bananas: Kanoy se
lect, per nuncn, r::sui.m; jumno, per
bunch, I-'. Cranbariiea; Wlaconsin.
fancy, er bbl., per bog, 11.74.
Dales. Anchor brand, new, at 1-lb. pkg.
in boxes, per box, V: Dromedary
brand, new, 1-IU pkg. In boxea per
box. (S t. Pig: California, per ease of
I) No. II pkg.. tat: per esse ot M No. U
nkga.. UM: per cue of to No. t pkga..
tl t. hulk. In X and 00-lb. boxes, per ib
10c; New Turkish, 4-erown, In 30-10.
boxes, per lb., l&c: t-crown In SO lb. boxes,
per lb., lac: 7-crowa In W-lk. boxes, per
lb., lie. urape inni: riorioa, te-j sites,
per crate. VM: tu-a4-g4 sixes, per crate.
ttnM.Mi Urapeai Malaga, In kbla.. K
tfii.iM. Lemons: Limonetra selected brand,
extra fancy, W) use. per box. IvDO; Lome
Llmoneira, rancy, attooBQ stsee, per box.
: and 4M slxea, ton per bog lee.
Oranges: California Camellia brand.
navels, extra tancy, se-ii-e-itio-iovjua-ilt
so sixes, per box. H.00; extra, choice, all
sixes, per box. 176.
V KilKT Abl J;s Cabbage: Wlsconsts,
per lb., te. Celery: California Jumbo, aer
dog., II 00. Cucumbers: riot house, per
do., 11.0. K'Kg plant: Fancy Florida.
per aoa., X2.W. oartic: Kitra taory,
white, per lb., 13c. Lettuce: Extra, fancy
leaf, per doe., 46c. Onion: California,
white, boiling, per lb., 7c; Wisconsin,
yellow Globe, per lb.. In: red Olobe. per
lb.. ISo; Hpanlsh. per orate, tlJs. Pars
ley tancy eouthem, per doe., bunebea.
sorjrTuc. Potatoes: Minnesota Early Ohio,
Per en , al : wiaconetn whit stock, per
bu..; In ttxaek lota, to lee. Ruta
bagaa: In sacks, pec lb.. IVjc. Tomatoes ;
Florida, per e-hak. crate, K.W; Cuban,
per t-lisk. carrier. 3.a0.
MIrK'10J.ANr)Ll-sAlmonds: Tarra
gona, per lb.. 1SV:; la aack lota, to less.
Cocoaauta: Per sack. &oa, Filbert: Per
10.. ic; in aaca lorsv ic less, r-eanuts.
Hoaeted. per lb , TV; raw, per lb.. ...
Pecan: Inre, per lb., I7c: In sack lots,
Ic less. Wainula:,Nsw crop, ML Cali
fornia, per lb , Vic. In sack lots. Ie less.
cider: New Nehawka, per u-gal V bbl..
e w; per je-gaa. odl, tb.Ni; fw t org
Motfs, per 14-gai. V4 bbl.. UM; per
iaVgal. bbl., 16.5. Honey: New, 14 frames,
H it, fcroul: Per li-gal. keg. U Od; per t
gal. keg. H.S.'
Liverpool Urala Market.
LIVITRPOOU reb. M.-WlfKAT-S:iot.
easy; No. I Manitoba. W Id; No. I Mani
toba, Ss d; No. t Manitoba, ks 4W; fu
tures, weak; March, Is IVSd; May, Ja tlsd;
July. 7s t'.d.
COKN-ypot- firm: American mixed,
new. 0 Pad: America mixed, old, Ie
VAjd; American mixed, new, kiln dried,
lis tied; futures, weak; March, ta His'l.
May. 6s Vd.
i' LO I R-Winter patent. ta 3d.
Oils aad Km I a.
salu), 121 bbls.; receipts. 13 bbis.;
shipments. 3 bbls. . stock. .on bM.
ItoSIN Firm; sales, 477 bbls.; receipt.
Hut bbls.; shipments, XJilt bbla; stock,
7 i. uucte: B, PS 35. L and E. K.);
T ttT4; O, I! and I. ttie: K, r.l M.
r.B; n. tr.: wa, tiJt: ww.
gagar Market.
NKV.' TOitK. Feb. It-SLOAIl-Raw.
firm; muscovado, ss teat. 4-Uc; centn
fugal. ts test, 4.41c; nolaasea sugar, (t
test. 1.MC Keflned. steady: cube, kite;
fine granulated, a. 60c; powdered, 5.70c.
Bl'lTWl-tSteady; speclaJs, S403c; ex
tra, S4c; firsts. !Titr:ac.
Defined Seaar Advaaeed.
NEW YORK, Feb. M.-AI1 grade of re
fined sugar wera advanced hi genu a lot
pounds today.
A burglar entered the home of John
Stokes, lal South Twenty-second street,
early last night and took away a moon
stone and pearl stickpin valued at 185
and several other article of Jewelry,
stoke found a back window had been
pried open when he returned home. After
a search of the house be notified the
il .-v:1 -i,