TIIE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 12, 1912. Desperate Desmond You Can Do a Lot With a Carpet Sweeper; Is, if You're an Athlete ByHershfield W J I TJ" VA I I J f . n rvitai. nv j - IV' - -I-' I i -. i 1 fno?: iHe vKrret Me Heat cin n III I Hull M . . . uiurtc inu rtir. i n Ml KUVV-IONU fkoh -me ViiaM f " f1 AHST WOT or e - OCT HIS CAPVET MY VMM. "T WILL F-OH. W VlUJSnV VmtMOtJD Copyright. MIL National jtess Asm. 3T (vrse J icwutill V atw--f H - Roll. " V 3 1 , N -v& J Time. M lR ' -1 . V n ivisz. - x - ..-?. - yo y -rv- Claude, un1uk' hero. ftr Ills tinsuc cwlul ltnijt to K&:e lh wall in the basket of snakca, la again lorctd to look up and im I1nmim1 KloaMnji over hla comOtuit. whll the beautiful Roaamwtd ranaiiu to tlw powrr of the villain, Ki.cuch to dicourii rm tiie niont hr toie liaart. but jreu tin rtly on t'laudc'i UucUf of purnvM. Sooa lh quick r of Daamond that Ctaudr'a plaa la la run rapidly around tba wall of IIm ctt la the hope of reminc ta a brraea In H. Wountinc a bicrcle. the YlJ)a take the nelpleai fUnaniond along an he pedala arouDd tha t el (he watt. Aa id cannot awk lie tunu eaflbr. there la a ckaace fur aauda ta kota up wMk hita. Oaaiely Claude keepa up hla aprlat around the walla, even cettinf a Mt ahead f tha viilala on hla otcrcla. He la new abrean of a Cfclaeae who la cleaalac a larce Orteoul ru with a carpet (weeper. Tbe city wall furnithee an eioellent place for thla kind of thins, hut In thle ran we fear that thero If a (urprlw In (tore for the Chlntae, Desmond, with his weH-kaoerti dterecanl for tlw feettno at other, run aU.Dbant Into the CMaeet Bad knocks tha oarpet aweeper out of his hands. The poor Celes tial la etnt aptitatng. but Dtaraoad cares not a whlf. his course has sot ttaea iater rupied. Claude, bowsver, rejeioea. la the carpet sweeper he sees swans sf foillnc the rlllaln Famed at school at a pole vaulter. claade now has a oaeana at band of rua aln( aloBS with a chance of lumping w live top of tlx watt sad thus battlinc the Bteroimc Tltlasa. LmeB. huasiar. keeps up his spaed. aMhouch the shars turns a tha narrow wall w hamper Mas eoasMerablr. especially since he Is handl- I wHh I Tea a worm." erica Desmond, "but I cannot turn." Cksada has vaulted to the top at the wan, and hew ban the vil lain's way on the narrow pattLTTM beau tiful Jtosaawnd acain aees her hero xeedy to rescue her Jrom the clutches of tbe cruel scoundrel who Is now appar ently trail ped. Tomorrows pictures show the duel on the wall. WANT ADS ' W ant ads rrceitMl at any trine, tmi la lneure proper ri-lflro(K be presented before IS o'clock l. for tbe ctrnlng edlUan and brforn T:t p. wi. for nioralnif and Hnndar edi tions. Want ads rerelrrd after aueh Imnrs will bars their first InserMosi umlrr Ihe heading "Too l-t to tUsslf." CASH RATrToil WAST AHS. RKGCLAB CI-AHHIPU.ATION Om tBsmkm t H rent per word sad t cent per word for eacli eubeeqnent taserttoa. KaeU useertion made on odd days 1 Si cont per word. i.3 per lues per month. Want arts for ThTW may be left t nay of the fultonlng drug store one so roar "eorner dniiuflst" I hey are all branch offices for Too Bee, and pour ad will be lusrrted just as promptly and on the same rate an at tbe auua office la Tha Bee bulldlai. tteteatecath and ( araani KireeU. jklbarh, Vf. r., eth and Vsrnsjn. Baura Drug V. WI N. llh nt Benson l'hrmc , Benson, Nee. Bemls Park Pnarmacir. Kid ami Omulug. ' beraark. A., 1U n- Mb HI. V'ke-Brandlsh. !M Hhsrmsn Ave. sushsn. 1. R, r,a Ivwwiiwerth W. CermeS. FBll. lSM-4 a lltll CUfiea Hill I'aarauM-y BU Mlliisry Ave. Cwkney llukrnacy, "'1 - lilh Ht. frtmutf Ptierniacy. S aad I-S. Kle. Kl.Ur t ( a.. XSSI le !( ta St. Kr-( J. J-, lau N h i. " Pregger Vt Co., If'i N. Wlh HI. rvoxsace Ilrug Cu.. Krce. Keh. Oreen'e Khana y 1'ark A.. and PacltM. tireeoeugn a Ce . hH Hicksry. ' Uoidmaa I'barai'y. th and Usees w h. join. neon Ca.. xih and Hpauidlag. llaasssrs fata Vunrm r. Ul a. l , lllntsrions Iioif Cu.. U.i Ave. and tar. tlout. Jake, tut N. Ml HI. fluff. A. U, ft Iavenworih M. 1... u a suh enii ritMiafa Ht. KVun'ise' Usee Pharmacy, sad N. th. , ljthrop Pianiswv. Ui J sUnu'loa. .. . k..l I Suis (Ktral Hlvd. i Monmouth Pharroaer. ltd nj Anies Ay. 1 Patrick Drug Co., Vt N frith HI. Haruoea lmJ Co.. Puk and Ames Ave. sehseftr s Out 1'rlre, Win and (.hlcsge. Heller Drug Co.. II N. tllb lit. Vschal. P. 1. en Wetce at. Walton fharmaej, tli and ware w. Walnut Mill Pharmacy, ask asdj ujiups. " DBATMI AP0 rDHtftAI. JIOTItHa. DOl'OUERTT Mrs. (WKs, aged H years, U monihs, dsys. Kneral frem family reeldeac. 1W llouth Tenth. Tueiay. r.bmery 1. SJ M . aw. to sH. pbllomenaa ehurrk at a. nv Interaient Huly sVpun-hcr ceme- eryL AmVsemknth TTslluWde sftrt the shew. New tabb. . Marvel Hail, l.ts I. Uth at 0MA1IA HLM EX. ii1 Motion picture fiachlnnd film bargains Illustrated 8ong-Hlfh mass pictures. Intereetlng lllusirated Ueturc. Vinton and He. Mth M. High Olsss Motion Pictures. IS'd feo. Wtb. Latest moving I TfTTI pwsree and songs. CINDEKKLLA. t.i"" ft. of sublime pic tures. Don 1 miss H. Two act Vaudeville. Program chanaed dally. Murphy Did It HE PA l HI Ml MMINU. i ' r r. r.-s-r wn vfw meni; tkll. oiiea trust, t-paeseneee eeea used as demonstrator. Price, r.uu. iwe five lmMMi.nr ItjiutiUir. etMld coiuiltloo. tCOk :ime Minlel el Overlenit. pes. MARION AUXOMOWliK CU. AVTOJIOBIXtS Auto tsrui s rsiaured. Oinaka Silver t'a. OMAJLiMACiflNE WORKS Aiitg'T.rus wJiiin. gtu't nuMilne ar.d sute . it.Urlnr Pstiem maicuuf sr lal m.lilnetv dnilaned. Kxnert Sir work. rn drawings. u nil rt. i ' jsm. Way not s-U your old autciuoluie and buy a new tine or, meybe, yeu can use the aierte kv soase etkee way la either e'. bee wsit 'ls sill do the work. Katee 'i cents tier word if run eaiy one ibne ee I rent per woid If run iws or Blurs times runmicutlvely. t BrSIKEaS PCRaONALS Ksrnam Ht. Omaha. Neb. FRONT KKPA11W -'swrif, MclsNTYRB AU1XJ (UtJiASSn n fur the sseeee sit the market )ak Innd. Htrsrna. Knuibt and II C. W. Har Kius In tired cars. ?SV Karnsm. priC'Vr'KH make old cars like new by edttiug fumluora. repairing Mm, re painting, etc. ttth and Leav. f. tiiCi , nrsuncwi chaxckh Tti mhi lii or out ut bueiiiee call eu OANOt.TAD. Bes HIils. Tel. IV irriu MAt.fa-Miii.k i.f irowrlil end qureiisware for caih', cheap. Vol N, Har vard, ft co, MOIttUAGES, G ON UOQD FARMS !avli:M bonds asturcd by first uiurHs.-s and our eaptisl and surWus "t e.i NO SAFER INVESTMENT Uonds tur tits. I'-ta sud up, se suits lour avinss. Make )uur money bring you in svcl Incnm. Ask tor parllculara . PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Ulu and Fsrnsm His., fm'n. risk Wonderland t a OPVTI Vl t XT OM'KK emhalmer. l!t rblcago Bt P. 1S. B-I&. COMiltHCIAt. libutoxrauber. C. M Hoeart. set Washington Hidg Poug. SI 11ULSE & liEIPEN,7. ' I yPriHTAKEHJ. MotJ to Mil rrr.m. A-t.. , Ji. Ol' J.Is etlWavya bm ttLitv if vtur mfmI 8. lth M. At th mttn of itm cmvin. VALENTINES fL:'"'"- ' HKTK'l STUDIO. Win and Heasrd. WINIOVV sitae put In, contract work. II. winter. !tl K. lith. Webster . Kl. iUVTKNTU IIAHAJiA I'l.JAH. Uox S9. prepakl, K ; try half dusen: It pot sat'nactury w ncy rert(iidd. Hr-A- TON VHVli CO.. IMS Farcam, Omaka. M. E. Morrill. China pJint I1 Biandcj Th WAN'TKl-Enous-h mrinlers of Omaha T-pLgrspliical untcs Ko. v.d to trote for Frank Brown. Bee Nlshtslno Chspel, to elect him a deiegate to tie tleveland con- ' veniton oc tne intemauonai Typugrapntcai union. Mafcgard Van A Ktoiaice. Pack, move. store end Hp II. II gowi I. i, H-HA Veh. Seed Co., Jtnea. ft-jtn phont ORT your diamonds at Hrodw.isrd's. TO UIA.S UjW ste. In ewsne ut. li.) tiee n.ts. FImim Iloue SMU. ' I'XtO.V IOAN OO. MONEY S ailMt K. Uli-Lkll, ouiiue aeavgraihr, IMi flty Karl Hk. U-ug. TQ1 or A-U.H. Ilea lists, , tiR McLKRAN. sceciallst In state work. PaUsfacUoo or ns fee. SS Hrsndeie Uidg. bailey, tbe dentist. City Kat'l. V. ma. Macb a Mack. Id floor Paaton. D. lets. "Tatt'e denta! rooms, IMf foug. V. tm. DetesllTea. Amehs secret service det. agency. Inc. beaded. 42i-l Pantos Hlk. U. Kit, A -131 t W. IiNrtNKCklR. t!7 Karbaok BlkT JAMEU ALLAN. Neville Blk Tyler I lei Orwaesaakina. Terry's Dressmaking college, Uth Far. Si'WIUn kt . ..... i 1 1 , mA irantee3. Call evenings. Webster iitl. Uregg lets. DRUGS! at rut nrlcee: fret eh t said on tie orders: eatalogue free. Hhermaa Mettaneii ilrug Co.. Omaha, fob. V ttverrthlaa KleoS'leal. Ileelrio lighting tli., wholesale and retail. Burgess-Ueanilen OS., Itll Howard. D. Ol ICverylbtng to Weesra. COWsri.T DK. BI KKK, t Doug. Blk. "fry the BI)fON WEt"vvash. llsvs your family wash brought some ready for drying st tic. Doug, eTl. H-OU Sut-sf-ds't garments eT for new. W. Pas. Kvelvn tiolen. esuert corfwtlere: ear. sets nvada to measure, oleaned reusit ed ; aorkmsnship guaranteed. MS Hee. IJ.-eia. Ved MUU sad ssieree. Feed, sll kinds. Cllencne Mills. Rtf tsar. Foundries, McDonald brass snd beoe.se foundry, alu minum, tla, lead eastlnga leer Jsckaon. WAKTBlt-Maid for general work in Christian family: good Call Ull a Ktb Ave. Tel. Harney eMs. wiru. lor general noueewera: mase ne good cook. Aiply W &. M it, fhsne Pemrtete. BENKKTra, cut flowers. Duuglsa Ifl. A. Donaghue. IS Karnam. t'k kWI. A-lrtt "Titeiar f s, tToFl'sr Keedsmeiv 1 H X. le. BKAKVkT riiKISTrranBja HiIJBkwiNrwW Pairisa. l. UUd. TtATtris FLORISTS. Bayd T eater Bitlg llAHDWAUt: snue for sale or trade. For aildress write ta T M. care Hes. H. POH SAUV-fUeiksiullh shop; power shop m state. Address M Martniesen. supenoe, ivee. ilKHillANlAklv-Buick of millinery In son! condition; must sell at once: terms very leaaonsblei SO tisde considered; llrst rlasa luce lias Bum KapWe. Kas. Art.lress lAtck Una UT. Blue KsC(ls, Ken. Ml'trr sell my kwedlsk maasese busi ness, vibrators, radiators, ete.; will track profession le purenaeer, as ree niog. 1-AkTSKH wanted with eaMtal Is a wed eelauuehed milling and grain eu si licas In t.Hl live town. Aildreee T WI. Pee. Pti HAI.K-Well located peel room. nine tsblcs. Parnem iul llotltery, buwwei and rUai isis Kxckange Cu. liiwm 1, McOagus bidg- An Investment opportunity Buy a few shares of Moor rruft fill If you wlak to make a ooneerva- spkmlld piotli. Wells situated fourteen miles iroiu uuruugiou reiiroee v v- duclng the finest lubricant In the world. mveMig,titon iiiviieu. MOOUi aUII-T OIL CO. of Moorrroft, Wye.. SSJ City Kai l llank Bidg.. Omaha. Itossslag Ileuses Ive sale. ruiOD rooming house, furnlehed com. plcte: new fuenlture. Inrlnding pianos fiill of routvrs. risk 14 . Tth. Pkune Ked MSI I(ihjmTn5 k"ues for sals; rvoins; close in. Mi Hurt. v Int'ttixwerVKnlHW AM "T" " ' Arteassn WsUa. t.. n. KKPKHaALU mi-u itr Kat'l. V,V. BowWrweji soring, rieasua sfe Atsaingw aad Teats. OMAM.i TKKT Cik Tel Sit Dmila Attseneys. I lslon T.. Hell Uee. StT Bran. Bldg. U. W. ghlilds. Attorney. sTI U. of Trade. Mas sage snd leasee be. TIIE OXI.T WAT. Pagrsge rheked lo uestlnsiloh. Taxi cab and touring can. Tel. lloualae B5. as Maaafsurtnrers. BFVIIS OM.MIA H Ali f-O . Omaha. Keb, Bwa aad Pavkase Maanlaelnrere. tt-neden Kox rack age Co. Ull N. tkth. larpentera aad I eel meters. atevenecn. carpenter, cont, Dnh icpea Cblrasodlsta. DP. ROT, 150J Fsrnsm Douglas trJT. Cigars and Tsbarea. TPR Sanitsry from Pipe. 118 . Wtli iJOt Ols Pnnlrng fo. Tel. Doug. leli. MOVIMj iScture niethices ami suppuea. Nebraska Him Co.. karnam Hi. HAZEL LKAS PII.K COKES- Best remedy for ltcalng. bleeding or protrud lr.g piles; He. peetuawl; aamsw tree. Kkersnaa s MoConaeil ttrug fa.. Omaha. ROILKR. sheet Iron snd tank wurkl Owns ntructursl nreet Works. KfMtTMRLP Letter Duplicating Co.. Sot , Panon e;k, circular knters, any quan tity; oldest estab:!ftcd company; experts of Msarbrrepn and Neoetyle, . Twenty per cent Use than Omaha prieee. MOM 15 KVliKm'Kr". Cta, Twenty-foiirib and L fta. eoutb Omaha. Opho Istertng. pisno. furn. rtp. gin TaT S H. Coie sigo Co. D. Csi UitVarnain- ArTOMOBlLEa. iDRUMMOND u if ail.t n w-ito wcrk ComnsKrval syoies. isia and ilwucjr EU. I lelhlaa Msnaraetwreen. Wrar Ideal drees stilrta M. HeUfcCs Cesvl Ikealees. C.p Jobewoa. eeal lth A Isard t pAonea. WKSTKRKIKLD s. ill RKBlltR CO A Li Fl b At Jtjsrjk A h'tieleJsstA.UkV COAL "snd kind ling. V. agner, ml N.ieth. KIN DLIKtiTlt "lead. H. Orees. Wlt. Cresmerlee, IMIrten sad SsppMsSi FiHthWi rusdem Settee. Always good. davuVcolk 1 RKAMKRY cTjUPAKr ' Maepttsls. WISH MRMORIAU Nik snd Harney. Rhode e-Montrvmery Co. Ins, Ramie Blk Iran nnd Wlrs Pesetas. Anchor Fenos Cs.. a N. If Tel. Ked til i Le e ad r Ire, ( FRKN'CH Hand Uunlry. Tel. H. 6t?4. Ouaranias Lsunory. Pins work- D. Bit Lessber. If. Oroas. turn, wreck's;, plb. 11 Fsul Maes rest Mansfasterem. gklnner's msearonl and spaghetti, tee pkg ataanmeala and Maseoleassae. J. T. pleom a Co. nth snd Cvnlng Bu. Mevlnn, Slsrage ana tlenniag. evrsrjutfirvi Delivery re. Msetng fuenlture, packing, fireproof storsas. city ofllee, M s. 11th. Doug, an, n n-iie. Twin Olty Kipreea. tilt Howard. Heth Tel. puenltore moving. I men, tl hour. W. Uek Masle, Are snd Lancwaseaa. Bpertene-ed etolls tearher. Tel. W. mm. Optlelana. R. F. Wurn, fining a rsp'g. 441 Brawdela tsstenpatbp. Alice Johssss. He- Prsndcls The. BWg Ketheryn Mi-ko.as.OI4 Brands is Theater. Patssitsi p. O Be res II. Piston Blk. TekRedPIt Wllrd t-day, lta city Nat, Bomk Bidg rsint sad Class PAINT, oil. lead and turventlne are M per cent eneapw leew new f Take adveniase of this and buy only strictly purs material at nerwar nrns ffint C, ltosuj Farnam t- Phone IHHIg. M Pbsaagyapba. Bdisoa phonographii. Shulu Bros.. 14tg Par Pbatsarssbera. Rlnehart. photogrepbers.' teth eV Ferns m. PrtatlHg. LffW. Ruber, Printer, BKM RlJia. KNTNANCB ON COT".T KIIlt'ATIOSAl. BOYLES tXJLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Complete courses In Buatnees. Reek. keeping, stenography, Telegraphy, ctvtl Service or balesnianshlp. Tba catalvgue Is free for tus asking. Call, write or phono for It st once. Address H. B. Boyles. President, kkiyles Coilege. Omabs. Neb. TUTOKi.NU. 1st is Mb grass. M-Met HELP WA!rTKT MALE stlsrrliss4ose. ST0P1READ! Get Into s snytng Brofaeslon. Learn automobile engineering In our large brstnlng sbop. Hundreds of aucceesful graduates. Cseaptets SMSlpment of auto mobiles and machinery. Add reus National Ants Training A sen, 3t Unudats T beater Bidg.. Omaha, Neb. HRU WA XTEDw FKMALB Paeteey nnd Trsass. Girl to learn hair dressing; prices very reasonable. Oppenhelm. M Fl.. City Natl eteesekeepere and Peat est! as, THE CERVAKT OfRL PMRtXlf SOLVED Tbe Bes will run your Dome tie Help Wanted ad FRKH until rou adt the desired result a Bring your ad to las nee onioe or leiapnone lyter turn WANTED-kellabia bouaakerner. by fanner, good koms for nglit party, must furnish references Addtet-s W. O. Csr- men. Hockwell tsty, is.. K. F. O. A WANTBO-A Sirl for general house work; good wages mt North Mth St., liouth Omaha. .South 1080 bVANTKD-s girl or middle -aged weraan to help with housework sad tsks cars of children; small family. 1S14 H. Wlh t. WAKTCDCompeteut boueemald. Tel. Harney tit. Mrs. Thoa. Kllpstrlrk. I1W Chicago Ht. WAKTBD Oirl for ceneral betieeworh; most be gtod eaok. 'bone Doeglaa 1ST. Ab frr tlrs. Dale. WANTED Olrl for general honsework: t-room apart eienc Call between U a. av and i p. m. Webster 1Mb, WA.NTkiWA kind lady Is take oars of child; must bavs pood refsrsnoss. Call Hsrney Ull. CoMPKTK.NT maid for geneial house- work: good wages and good home, lie ruiiui Hth m. t an Harney an YKS. thst'a Mm. he's ths best. ("ties. i. Fish. Ihe piano lunar. Webster mi. st tsestleavewe. YOttVfl women coming to Omaha as si rangers are invited la visit the Young Womss's Oirtstlsn asscclstlon building at M. Mary's Ave. snd lltb Bt. where they win be directed Is suitable boarding Places or otherwise assuKed. Lsok for our t revelers' guide at the Onion station. HELP WATrTOr MALE Aasnts, snlsssaen' aad Sellcllsrs. WW WANT local agents for the new made! Pva vletble typewrltsr. Writs us lor gar bsaral preposition. Typewriter Inspect los and Pupply Co., W eel em Dts- trlhutere. Inc., IS Farnam. WANTKD-A RltAL .ALK!MAK to sell our unique line of MAP AND OTHER KI'Kl'lALft CAUeaiMfcui. Our line Is different exclusive, it lands the big buyer tired of pictures. We also supply strong tine Leather Novelties snd atgns Wrongest seenbtned outfit ever offered. Hlg money for live men; r!2 territory now being placed. Write fully, give ex perlenus In first letter. KEN TOM COM PANY, Dee Mirinee, Is. th year. WAKTfiD Railway t&all clerks, (M a month. Short hours. Ko layoffs; position rare far Hfs. Omabs essmtnstlens Msy Thsussnds of nppeistments enmtng. comesen eoocauos sutnutent. ' fuir ua neoasesry. Candidates prepared free. Wnie for sample questions. Franklin In StHttts. Dept. ill M. Rochester. N. T. WANTED Men ts learn Ihe barber trade. Hers ts sn offer that Includes teals with lust ion; s method that ssves years sf stayrentloesbip; few weeks com pletes. We bsvs received praise from tbsussnds for our benetvisl coarse. Ton ess otB ns wtlti secure nee yes will suc- eeed. Kstsbtlshed last, original inetltu tloa of the kind In the world: M branches. Apply rrors ooantry or city st Meter Bsrber College, lie bs. Hth ft --, . --; . . o. m, , .11 Crnlehed nuuin svin m.. eii. w., - warm rooms In modern, detached boose, gi to per wees; no sign, m. v. i". Oood men are hard ts get. They don't wonder ground lbs streets lolsg for signs in windows When yon need good help gdvoittas In The Bee. Bee want ads are read by keen, energetic mas wbs wish to better their condi tion. Rates Is per word If run twe or more tunes ssn serativslp. Telephone Tyler .. .... . .-o. et the Lynnhuret. BT B, lth at. Fbons P. eK4, 1 I.-- SM.Mtelied rws wioitn i r.tv iTOiui."! modern, well bested rooss. tsry reev sonsble. wiinviaUL'li h 11 ih BJielaS momS. HI strictly modern home, t all Webstsr UO. ' FOR RBNT Dvslrsbie room ta private . i , a.ibinr titam-e: referenoos le- qurred. Aaarees c 10W ' RAILWAY MAIL CLEKKe WANTED ( awntb; Omaha examlna tlone May t. Coaching free. Write Frank lin Institute, Dept. at Jf, Rochester, K. Y. IP OUT of employment see us. Neville Blk., Wtb and Harney ats. IIELP WA3TTKD Male aad Psaaabm. WAXTED-A pasb snd wife with ns children to work on s ranch. Addrsss B. 1. Hens. Wright. Wyo. HOTKLA AAD WINTKK KIlMOKTB Dodge, running hot and cold water; tel ephones In every room prices the sun. """Ti'Vs? STOCK r"ui tUX " Msrsss aad Vebsstss. 110 RUE and cows. 81U Cuming 8t. LO'l sf good horses and bnuess, Har- ney Uff. LOST AJfQ POt'lTP LOOT Silver mesh bag Keeaid If re- turned to C. W. Xurasr, Jr., iUI Uotrd of Trees AQCKTH meke big money selling our nw alike letters for office ermiloere. stare treats snd gbus signs; soy one csa put them on; samples free. Metallic dig a Co II N. Clark St.. Chicago. Ctsetsnl nn4 Of flee. 'TANOJ-mgk grade poeltlons. sas Bee Fl'LL dress sutls sad party dresses for sale; also for rent. II ts tt.tt a night. JOHN KKLDMAN. 3-i N. lTth. D. tl PERSOMK having lost some srtlcls would ds wen to sell up tne otnee os ine mss a raesei ulaffe tttreat Railway company to asrertata whether ibey left It In the street cars. . Many srtlcles esrh day are tamed Is snd the sowipany kl snxtsns Is restora them la the rightful owner. Call Doug las SL OMAHA CoTNCIL RLTTFFP PTREET RAILWAT CVMMST OTFEBED POR BEST atonrd aad Rowsss. l.AHGF. pleaee-nt-rooms, good board, pel rate family 3Ht Harney Ht. "dbhIRABLK fumirbed rooms wltk board, tit H. Stb Ave. Paraisbed steeese. v-cn - v T T rt Cnenlshed narkir rooms with best and gss. ta B. S3d St. "DESIRABLE furnished room; private family. Wit K. kh t- TeL wePeler ss.s. Now. wbtte swosas are took- lag for more comfortabla ejuartrrs. Is the time to sd rertlse your rooms for rent. Rates ts per word where tba ad runs two or nsosw pme. OFFERED FOR BVT llwnses SHed etatres. NICE large 5-room cottage, modern ex cept heat. TO N. frth St. Phone B-tl. SIX rooms and bath; hot water best. 'Phone Hsrney SHey. HOt'E, I rooms, modern, WM Cans St.; rent. ssu. WHY FREEZE? Central, steam heat, 7-room house, t-room flat. OS M. tM. lit K. 24tk. One block from high wheal; t-room cottage. ta. Phone Red ssC WE6T FA Jt NAM New stucco. ! N. mth Ave., fM. reeidenoe. Red 47, RLEGANT lb-room bouse, modern, hot water beat, walking distance, will bo vacant btsreb L Phone Douglas T. S-ROOM house, modern except hesX newly decora led. sm Corby. Key Id door west. Douglas fTt. "I T. , . vu. im ntcelv furnished rooms; parkir Door, modern. Harney tWS. - r':.. "?: r i romn, wirf'T ww-ia. - or two gentlemen, easy wnikisg prtsnus. a . - -1 W as ssaif Lsa-itltl (twin eictric UbU. private. 1834 trtW. e.r r r-V-f Xie. s ii tt-nWrar1 HMMi fo tw"l. 7U'. tb. Pbon. U. uavoi V sS.la. P.as wU H fek milbf thrtx to' ir4une-U br& wtUUn btoc. naflsTJ aWfl. . b-1 1 s. mArlum nntirn. nrlvaU fI- Jly, .30 to. Depth m. Hrngy mt. erm uirifMAtT HI" ssjsii"-;"-east g. s. a I . SB Sees S SP wty tmA mnu hot wir t U A a - l...a hatha avnait PleB hV sTPBh or roanU. THE MADiaoK. tlat snd Chl- l.cer. PTRICT1.Y modern room, furnished or unfwmiahed. Ksperiallr deairabie for nurses, tl week per person if furnished. Phone Harney ran. i.ABair. r,m,i ecMim In utaiestle SDart- menls. nicely fwrnlehed, atrtctly modern. net water ssa oaia. rresw wbhi. foone w earner & Famished Hoaeebveeplsuj ttaosns, TUB MANOKIe-Tws-room spartment tt ns. The ' Howard. I-rveen. priests batb. ttta. Sat and Howard. THRKlC socelr Mirnlsked front boose. keegtlng rooms. M Dsnport- TWO modern beussbssploaT rooms. Hsrney 4144. W Maaoa. IX)T-Collle dog, female. Anewer Mine of r'Maley." Reward, Harney erf. nrr: iaw i naiorner niir.. m t- ' oawtainmg aii.se, snnii I w . wn and Farnam Bis; reward. Call itoutk lt. MKDICAIi P tsvy aad Trades. Drug store lensfiel .totie. Knleet.Bes Bide. WANTKD-Jd, reliable sll round print) r. capable of taking charge of well equipped country newspaper office; wages every rsturdey night. Write, elating oual tftreuene and wages eapected. Wsat man to be en ground by Msrch 1. Also s footer hnstype opera tec who is able to lake care of machine. Crlve guanflcatlons and wages sapeeted. The Ksmaha County Ketmbllcss. Auburn. Keb. M EKTA L dleeasee cured. IM Barker Blk. tR. RACE, epeclaliat; nervous and all chronic diseases. 8811 Dewey Ave. D. 7&l. RKMKDY for acutw snd e unki kid ney, liver. buUder aad urinary disorders, rheumatism, pain In back. Joints and bones. Writs or phono H4 K. Wtb at. M I. wb KTt; lad.. B-K47. "pEOPt.E troubled with rt.euwtk i or Pisss write Paulsen Owen Co., Eso Diego, Cal. MOSET TO LOAN WAKTKD Arsblteetursi draftsmen, by Fisher A Lswrle. ?l Puton Blk. "VakTeD First class sotoenohfle palmer, to tsks charge of sbop steady work promised, give refsnenees snd wages cxpeeted. H. A. V el more, woux City, Is. i.yaexsd ptmting Co.. khk a CsplpJl Ave. Tel. ins. z-v tor goon priming. tl.ee Hall Pig Co.. 1 8 It, Ind. A-S34. Let th CtNlKAl. I'RINTl.SO CO. do our work. 1I!I Doug'es Tel l. flse. Ptatlaa. OMAHA SILVER CO.. fit 9. Hth. Steel Taek nnd t wives leaess tea. MSBRAKA aad Iowa Steel Tank Com pany. 14th ssd Mchuja. U. am Stsaeeiaabees aad Coer pepeetere. Myrtle A. Keller, lot Bran. The. D ssM. t MMA A? TkLLF.R. 7 Barber bk. D. t term ere aad Steel villas s. . CARTER Fbeet Metal Weeks Ornabg. Dwaetag Aendentlea. Msckie's Dancf rut Academy. WIS Harnev. T'ailv cesses Moc., Thura. Sat. evenings. Mussed e private Lsswoa every day. rbasvs M;r end Fl sp m. Doug 4. btaOki s lancy danng, alee pkye Ical co tore taught, er.lldren and asuita ii 'f irn-y St, Jlacmes-t aictrig . eoj. Ifsis aad Awniage. OMAHA TBKT CO. Tel. ta Dsugies. T rise We and Salt Caeca, Feeling Stele tc. list Farnam St. Wiers and Lin noes. W1IJA1W prinas beer. Honor, eigara. ssndwlcbes. Ales Jetes, 1MI Dougtss. VIIWIMA LARS wins, ee a large bot tle. Klein Llseor Heuee. stt N. Mtb att. Kill CATIOXAL OMAHA COMMBRCIAL COLLBGK PaVST IN TNI WES T. Day and evening emelona all the year. Pbertkaad. TybswrHing, Hcokkrssiag. Agricultura. Ctvtl bet Ilea. Baleemaesbtp. K. A. Zartman, Proa, 1Kb snd Farnaav WAKTED-Mors people to rslea poul try with lbs Old Trusty tacubstor. Write for free catalogue. M. M. foliasen. Cksy Centre, Neb. bodied unmarried men between the ages of II and t; rttiaens of Vnitsd States, sf good character aad temperate habits who eoeek. read and write the English iangtHige. For Information apply ta re emit I ng efflsrr. Uth and Deugiaa Pis , Omaha, Neb; sT tth u. rUoox City, ts.; us ns n i-t., inroin. ...u. ms uvv m t is vi o4A wanted at sacs for etectrtg rsilaay motorman and corsuctore; sn to f a nwnw; et . - - - i i ii , Sm Atwinrtunlf e! Be strike. Write immediately tor application blank. Asareee l-ss. oee. U AUTO BCHOOU I U C 1 LARGO OHOPU. .L OCARANTfci. higher oual- " Ity graduates. Mors ours tnd actual repair work than any three weetern scnooie; let as rnuvsit i vrni a,M,A aiaevlee anel laeei ar- gaaisers for ss eld rateable eics and soot- sent insurance lodee: eoiensio compense tim. Address Kstienal lliueveient eo eiety. Kanesa City. Mo. Morion picture operators Ml great Se me nd. big pay; short hours; we g"e yira tnerengh training: peaHiens set sled. In ternai l Motion Picture aesost. Pso Bidg. TKLSOKAPU poaiuooa rurnteed you by tbs I'stsa raelfla and lUmots Cen tral rejlroass If you gala your training la dress for perucuisrs. H. B. Boyles. Pres. nayiee isises visn, r-w- DDK T work for ethers ail roar life. M faect&atutn raatl order buotneas sn ytt oaoitsi. est ts IMS month. Oemesd tS anew sv now. emiti uva a. alary aad Chattels. MONEY FOR SALE LET US SELL YOU SOME AT THE RIGHT PRICE Money ht si ways s necessity, but never more ss than at this time of the year, ui ii- imcmbmS nut Mvtnsr. If yon era wrestling with this phase mt tbs . . . . . 1 . ui. meney prooiem sua ssea uwew " snrs we believe we can help yeu. ve ss negmmts a ovr your Real Katata Pwreeaal fVoperty. imrSfcliOl.il OtXlDS. PIAKO. iRf. !,a,.tp nrrvinf ROOK. AU TOMOBILE. WAOK8 or ee your I'l-AIN KOTK if psrmanonUy employes. Mtstey sdvsnned quickly, prtvaseiv aodoonfl dentlallr OUR CALL II WB AP RELIABLE CREDIT JU. 3d Floor. 9 Paston ,"3v fl7 a lMh St.. Phono lg. MIL M si. sTU AVIC-Two. light bousekaapliig rooms uufuxnisAcd, Red WO. an N. 41st A vs.. all modern eight-room house. Inquire on prernieeF. M! N. 1STH. t-room, mod. J. W. Young. Web. 8741 7-room flat. Id floor, 111 N. 34th. -room flat, id floor, m K. 31th. t-room house at lUs N. lith. t-room house at 5183 N. 17th. O. C. RKDtcK. Attorney, Oil Fnrnam 8C MOVING, psckiag aad searing of house bold goods sad pianos Is our business. Omahs Tan A Storage Co., fireproof storage, tin a, Mth. by the rladurt. Brsncb office Kb g. 17th m. Tet D. iia, A-l. HOliSK-MU Deerey Ave.. 7 rooms, modern. MoyeT Stationery Co., UK far nam 81, FOR HKNT-M1 Maple street, all mod ern f-reom bouse, fine basement, large attic, rename, full tot, fenced, fine repair. Tins property can be bought reasonable. Call Msple stieet tores aad slfUoee. M'CAOCB BnUMNO. 15th and Dodgs Attractive ofOoee, elagl or on aulte; hot and cold water hi nearly ail rooms; rants, to service complete. Apple OMAHA LOAN A BI1LDINO ASeTN. TORE rooms, steam bested, fronting alley at 1'7 and ISO Famsm St. Have sieroiiacioise aBtTaseee, glass fronts. Thoa. jr. HsU. tn Hmst UlCg. Both phonea STORE st m a lMh. tH ore st ltet Hsrney St. Office or sskssroora at Uth ssd Harney. Third floor at Ibn Harney mew). PnMmd floor at IsOt-l Harney (new). Basement at liei-lv Hsrney tnew) . OUlre at lelf Famsm l second floor). O. C". RKIiICK. Attorney, HIT Farnam Bt. UKK.! Very denlrable hnusekeeplng rooms; cheap: modern. Kl g. Wtb avenue. ' 1 FAilk AVE. fulte or two unfur nished front rooms for tight hsueefceepbig. All irudern house; elgM. beat, telephone. Harney asc FORMKMED bouse. West Fsrnsin die- Irjot. H. tiM. t FCRKliUlEX) apartment, steam heated with rent ressooat4e. Wrsh to reserve mi Maple. B-snt kwf as-wukeel 4 modem rooms, parlor floor. 15v 8. Sttb. Moaelaaad Ag Dewey Ivuropesn hotel. Uth IV Farnam. MCXLY FORKjUVH BD tUMiUi tut gen tlemen. THE 1KATHAH. lis B. Hth Bt. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rate ad Slats. 17 DAVENPORT !T.-Mndern t-room fist. Wtfson Bros. Phone tVssriee 49. HOUkEHOLD OOODtl packed and for warded; cheap freiglst ret en; anovlng sud stwrtiut. Expreesmcu's lasl ivery Co. TeL Douglaa Sel. CHy attic, lilt & 17th 6l, Bee Bidg. 3-KOOAl modem flat. Scargu Pldg., uiVj K. 9h Ht., South Ornsba. Mall, 43 t re B4dg. Botk wbonea S3 . JSTH AVK.Arteeectve a-nxios flat, eeaood atoor of practically aew brick strictly modern. In bent csssiUos; should be seen. Key next bouse west facing STth t. DIAMOND LOANS st JH srvd t nbrsssnt. FLATAU. Hit Dodgs BL Tl. Med stub If sn turnttsrs, l SOS and JYlfinPV real estate at a very 1 1UUC J low of mtwnest. Nebr iska Loan Co, Doug. IS. Bee Bidg. A-IS MOKSY bmaed sabuied people, taonsae keeping house snd etbers, wiline. t se curity; easy paymems. Offices m t wem eipel eitko. Tofmaa. SSI omabt. .Nati Bank Bidgu. tbrmerly N. T. Life Bkla : GET IT of Miss know, a L. BT at Star Lcaa Co., 44 Paxtoa Blk, It to without security; to suit you. CHATTEL LO AX Lowest rales and I ee elect terms. tee others; then ess sal snd be convinced that ere will savs yea mosey. HOI BEHOLD LOAN CO, K. K. Cor. ltk 4k Doug. 8ts. D. CX. Ind. A -3511 STEAM-HEATED, five-room bssement apartment at Sik aad blame y. Harney FOIL RO.T-:-nrn Oat; nil oak fia- Inh: traoora In every reject; walking distance. 1). XHif. A SLAtetfKK raOK. AT tvth snd Farnsm. stnctrv mcders five-room flat; VeAg. Harney P. t-ROOM flat en fsnerman Ave. Web. tm Hssirs aad Cottaawa. MOD. t-r. oottsere. tins H. 3641 &; 8. ascTH t rooms, completely mod ern. 1CJS. fB K mb. tvams. com pletely moaern. s inos. r. nan. n Hamge Blk. U. VM. A -wot. MOLUuKK aeven-ronm brick house near high school. Apply gs CspUol Ave. f Lniie in sll pans of the cfi . fsWUbVS Ci-ijrh Hons d ol. Bee tllflg. wvjR RFJCT By owner In Dsndee. etrtctlv asodera boose, east front. Hsr- tb Cbtcaes. I 1 1 uses, aaod, large paid, garage or bare, tax . Wtb, It rooms, mod., tek Mpttol Ave.. T rooma, mod-. IW. raNOWALT BROS.. BRAKDEI TILEATER Bl.fXI. L0AK8 NEOOTIATED OK REAL ES TATE. FTRXm-RE, PIA VOft. WARK HOfKK RBCRIPTS. PAlJtRIEJt. ETC LOWEST RATES. fICKET 8ERVICK, CONFIDENTIAL. SPE 08 FIRST. REUABLE CREDIT CO.. JD FLOOR PAXTON BLDO, IB St. MTH TELCPHONBb LOCGLAli MU aV A-14U. Ths key to success la business is tbs bitlim sad tssrkttsat ass of advertizing I FOR Rfc-NT ar sa cbean. beautiful new e-room boUKe and bam; all modem; nice location. Teiewnene 11 n i UK. ' "t-WOOM heated' i ft, saon. atst and klaaoa . pt one Dongbta ssTl. The Tsie- XCK roams, nisaera. Rut; fine rnr two lamiuee xnnaiias ias. NaB-UOOJl Iwuae. mode except heau newly decorated. 9 Corbjy. Key M gos. r weia. siewiici ee. BTOl 8 sV BtriLDINUli FOR RENT. , Very desirable store room on Mth M., Bear Heresy a soot v feet, sursctlvs show windows, basement snd gtesm best; terms of lease on application. Two fine storerooms at flt-li 8. Mth fit., just south of the new Onion Outfitting Co. bidg.; new store fronts, floors, cell ing, electric light decoration, etc.; full cemented basements; rental flit per month. 617 r". Uth St.. fine modem store room Sua feci; new front; full basement; rental fTi per month. Btt ft. Mth Ft., across the street irom the Rome hotel; room Kx fret: steam best; up-to-dute store fronts, fins base ment with street entrance snd freight hoist; rental on application. Zia-Zia rarnsm $it, Z guoa rooms, in the automobile district, suitable for auto supplies; tires or salceroosBS for automo bile line; rental IM per .month each. 1 roam, CilZ feet, en Farnam ft . near uth Kc; heat and light furnished. Rental IIS per month. Rultdlng. t stories and basement, near lith and Farnam 8ts etxlU feet, pas ser i sec and freight sievstor, all m good repair; lease mi ysars; rental hs per month. , GRORsE at COMPAKT. a-l! City Nat. bank Bidg. Phones D. TM or A-1754. XX)I store room, good location fur any business, lets snd Douglas. L. Harris, Real Estate. 7 Brandels Bidg. STOHU Cuming street, htnre at ftot Cuming street. Utore at a North i4t.V tltaro st t7 North tub. blore st tat Korth ih. South Omaha. 0. C. REDICK, Attorney, HI? Farnam gt Wareboaees. Central kycsUsn, en loth St.. with rail road spur. Building bas li.lt sttuare feet and good basement; steam heat. Vacant May L Rent UUN per tear. Harrison 8r Morton OFFEKKD FOB BALE jrarnilnre. EXTEKPlON TABLE and 4 dining chairs. Phone Douglaa SeTi. LAiltiE, solid oak cabinet, fino lor of fice use, cheap. 'Phone A-Ttni Vm WORTH of new furniture for sale cheap If taken at once. Bargain for cash. Phone Webster tt. Mil Emmet. Fl'BXITOHE and household goods, in cluding gas range and baby go-cart. Phone Hsrney . Tys welters. RENT sn Oliver typewriter from ths Oliver Typewriter Co. Douglas -. TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKKn For ssie or rent; largest nock ; beet bancaim. H. F. bWAKboN CO, lilt Farnam 8t , Omkna. Csll or write. FOR SALE Two acbossrahrps In the Omaba Commercial college and one In Boyles eottcfa. Business office, Omsha BOW blue grass now on the snow snd bsvs nscs veil el btwa next spring and THE NEBRASKA SEED CO.. TeL Douglas 1. KV2 Howard St. Bes wast sds will sell fur niture, pianos, stoves, type writers, sewing mac knee, musical instruments, tricy cles, etc.. at a cost of only a few cents. Doe t delay; get yew no in now. FOR PALE New and second-hand carom and socket billiard tables snd bewttng alleys aad aeneseoilis; bar fix nxres sf sll kinds; esey payments. The Bcussick-Bei-Collandcr Ca, tr.-4 8 mb St- b-ROt eottag; was. Hy water. Kb A t 8. Housesivi'Ba. Ring wait. Branoeui To. Bidg, HMt bALE bc sf Aaiertcan state re- lew, e.-7 . vmvmee l u at one vcJome missing, full ahcep Undine. I Alee laaee-'a aiaM k. , an Any one Interested rommuutcats . J with A O. Bee.