I Yim BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 12. 1912. COAL COMPANY RESENTS CUT County Conunisioners Hew Objec tion! from the Union Fuel. ACTIOS DEFERRED BY BOAED Caldwell Drain' Pari BUI a Ceart Hesse Is Keawred sad Beard WuU Make Pari Cessnas? Stand Ceet. A. B. Cook and 8. A. Corneer of the I'nlon Purl company appeared before the Board of County Commissioners yester day and protested against the board's threatened rejection of a part of the com pany's bill against the county. The bill totals U.0O. The county commissioners deducted about 0 from the county's bill against Caldwell Drake, county build ing general contractors, because Caldwell & Drake claimed much of the coal was 3a per cent slack and dirt. Now the com missioners feel like' rejecting W per cent of the I'nlon Fuel company's bill on the same ground. Fall Frier la Deaaaaded. 1 Messrs. Cook and Corneer declared that despite Caldwell ft Drake's statement the coal was all first grade. They demanded the full price, Mr. Cook said his com pany already has suffered enough by hav ing to furnish the county coal at a mar gin of profit of only 1 cent on account of the high wholesale price and it does not propose to suffer more because Caldwell Drake have hypnotised the board into thinking some of the coal was of poor quality. Commissioner Best Interrupted to say the board has not been hypnotised. Mr. Cook said he meant to say "if the board hss been hypnotised." The board deferred action until Thurs day. In the mesntlme the advice of the county 'attorney will be secured. Sunderland Resigns -to Prove Devotion The principal business of the nest meet ing of the Cllliens' union will be to re ceive and set uron the resignation of Ralph K. Sunderlsiid from membership In the executive committee. The reasons given by Sir. Sunderland for this stsrt llng step Is that he wants to shield that organisation from any embarrassment or discredit that might grow out of his ac tive connection with Its management, prejudicing public opinion, which might ascribe ulterior motives. As given out by the publicity committee, the resignation Is lengthy and goes Into detailed explana tion, but the deed Is done In this par agraph: "Therefore. In order that current false chsrges against the union on my account may fall to the ground, and in order that the organisation may stand before the people on Its own merits, unhampered by any question as to my motives or Inter eats, I hereby resign as a member of the executive committee, and from all active part In the work of .the Cltlseni' union, effective Immediately." By this action Mr. Sunderland essays to divest himself of all share In the se lection of candidates fer commissioners to be endorsed, but promises In advance to work for whatever slate shall be agreed upon. He also asserts particularly that his resignation from the executive com mittee Is In "good faith, a and that the publicity committee will have to be re organised. Other members of the executive com mittee were unable Xo state last night hat action would be taken on the resig nation, or who would be substituted for Mr. Sunderland in the capacity he has been serving. Students to Visit South Omaha Yards The annual visit of the College of Agri culture, University of Nebraska, to the stock yards and packing houses in South Omaha, will be made next Tuesday. The big delegation will leave Uncoln at 7 o'clock in the morning, reaching the stock yards twe hours later. Returning the train will leave at : in tha evening. Immediately upon arrival at the yards tha students will form Into 'eight groups, each of which will be In charge of a captain. There will be a committee of women at the Exchange building to meet the visiting girls. Students will be given opportunity to lunch at the Exchange building between 11.30 and 2, and each escort Is requested to took after bis group to see that It gets into the dining room at the most con venient time. In the evening there will be a compli mentary dinner with tha fallowing pro gram: Music (During Dinner) South Omaha High School orchestra. Address of Welcome Mr. Bruce Mc culloch. . . Response Desn Burnett of the uni versity. Music Block Tarda quartette. The Hottentots (Direct From Their Home Town) By special dispensation of King Ak-Sir-Ben. Prof. Huntington Magician. Prof. Ho-Gan-ln-t!kl (direct from the Orient In his special nerve racking act with the knives) By special edict of King Ak-Kar-Ben. Old-Time Fiddlers Will Contest Again The "old fiddlers' " match, that created so much Interest Isst year, will be given again on March 1 In the auditorium of the loung Men's Christian association. This meet is given under the auspices of the educational department of the as aoclsUon and Is open to all fiddlers who p'ay by ear only and who enter whether tliey live In Omaha or not. There Is no entry tee and there will be at least three prizes. Already one business man has said he would put up fit toward a medal for first prise. IS INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL FIT PLACE FOR BAD BOYS? Juvenile court officials and a number f able unsalaried assistants are planning i trip to the state Industrial school at Kearney within the next few weeks. There has been a disagreement among those engaged hi juvenile court work as o the advisability of sending a boy to :he state Industrial srhoc To settle the iuestloln as to the fitness or the state in stitutions for the so-called bad boys, offl sers of the court will personally Inspect '.he methods employed by Superintend ent C B. Manuel at Kearney. -What we want to do," said Judge Howard Kennedy, "Is simply to see for surselves." The time of the trip has not been fixed, but will be made at a time ost convenient for the workers In this abase of social reform. A Haeorlac leiast with both parties wounded, demands Burklen's Arnica Salve. Heals wounds, tores, burns, boils, cuts or piles. Only Sc. xror sate ar Beaton Dnuc Co. Omahan Interested in America's Oldest House Edward L. Sayre of 1SS Maple street, has received word of the recent destruc tion of the old homestead of his ances tors in 9ouharaoton. Long Island. N. Y This ancient house was built on the site where It stood until torn down by Thomas Say re. In 144 Everything in the way of material, except the glass, ustd in the building of the house ass made In the village of Southampton, even the nails being made by the town black smith of those ancient days. Thomas Say re was an English gel-tie-man, who came to America in the time of Cromwell. Settling first at Lynn. Mass., he remained there eight years; then, with seven other pioneers, he mi grated to Long Island to establish a colony under a patent from the earl of Stirling. After spending a few years st the first place of settlement, trey moved to the present site of Southampton, and there. In 164S, Thomas Sayre erected the house which has Just been wrecked. Shingles an inch thick covered the front of the house and the side facing the street. It Is set out In old uocuments that in those days all houses were built facing the south, and thus very often a gable end waa turned to the street. During the revolutionary war tha eld house wss used by British officers, but J was owned by succeeding members of the Sayre fsmlly for M years. Latterly It had been abandoned as a residence and was used by an Italian fruit render to store his wares. It was long a point of historic Interest to antiquarians, snd at one time an effort was made to have It preserved because of its great age and X Wr'," f3 Ta 1ST-, -i . :..-M ;3i teM-ft T '.s r- REAR VIEW OK THE HOUE OF THOMAS SAYRE AT SOUTHAMPTON! L. I. BUILT IN lilt. historic associations. When It wrus lorn down it was spoken of as the oldest frame house In New Tork and probably In the United .States. The Omaha Sayre family traces its descent directly from the builder f the old house. Thomas Sayre died m hSJO, leaving four sons and one daughter, and the line comes down to Edward L. Sayre as follows: Joseph Sayre. 'jorn In 13). died lfiC; DanlI, ed 173: Jowplt. born 171?. died 1T5J; John. .'J-d !T. from wounds received at battle of Monmouth: Nathan, born 1,79, died ISSS; riUud. born 1S11. died 1SS3: Kdward I., born IMS. who Is a title examiner for the Union Pacific, with which road he has been con nected for twenty-two sears. AFFAIRS, AT SOUTH OMAHA Demand Hade for Proclamation Calling: City Election in April. OPPOSITION ACTS 0N ADVICE apresse Co art's Aetlea la Oesier Case, Attorney Rlager Declares, Will Provide Isssaedtsle Air Ins; of Police Affairs. Like a bolt out of a clear sky cams the demand at a committee of the opposition yesterday that Mayor Tralnor issue a proclamation of election to be held in April as heretofore. The committee was composed of Thomas Hoctor. candidate for mayor; John Orib ble, candidate for city treasurer; Sam 8chr!gley. candidate tor the city council, and C. M. Rich, candidate for the Fire and Police board. Their attitude Indicated that while they must needs make the demand In order to be within the law It was not expected that the mayor would accede to their call. Mayor Tralnor. recognising the temper of the committee, declared that he would refrain from making a statement until he had consulted with his attorney. The committee accepted the answer of the mayor and left the olty ban. Immediately after the visit of the com mittee Msyor Tralnor and City Clerk Frank Good held a conference and deter mined to consult their respective attor neys, with whom they held a conference In the afternoon. ' The members of the committee In sev eral interviews given out yesterday in sisted that they ware In the fight ta a finish. Upon the expected refusal of the mayor to issue a proclamation before next Thursday mandamus proceedings will be Inaugurated and the Issue will come squarely before the court. The opposition, which is strongly democratic Insists that It has a clear case and that tha extension clause of the city charter is Illegal and altogether unconstitutional. Lately there has been a story that the extension clause wtnj be aired before the grand Jury. It has been asserted that the officials of the city, with one or two ex ceptions, have contributed money toward a pot that furthered the move of having the terms of the officials extended for one year. The extension originally is said to have contemplated tha members of the Fire and Police board only, but It waa pointed out that It would bo Just as easy for ail to come in on the extension. Commissioner Case Opened Uav. News from Lincoln that the supreme court had yesterday denied the petition of Commissioners Rysn snd Pivonka to quash the ouster proceedings against them added Interest to the already super heated political atmosphere of South Omaha. Commissioner Ryan was not at home last night when a reporter called him, but Commissioner Pivonka stated that he would continue the fight. Pivonka ad mitted his surprise at the news. -I have been lit tor several days." he said, "and have not been In touch with polities." Asked as to tha rumor that he con templated resigning, Pivonka said: "Such statement Is untrue. I positively refuse to resign." "It is the first step," said Attorney Ringer. "The supreme court has opened up the wsy to allow the people of this city a chance at clean government. The case must now come to trial. There Is no possibility of another demurrer be cause the motion to q6aeb wss In Itself a demurrer. With the appointment of a referee the case will come to issue snd I propose to show Just what the average dtlsen has been up against in South Omaha'' Attorney Ringer said he would produce evidence that Ityan and Pivonka have accepted worthless bonds from thirty saloon men. Dlfltealtlee In the Way. Ringer explained the difficulties that be set the eit liens who dare to give evi dence against the saloon men and the heard. He Instanced a case where a woman had brought suit again a saloon man for the illegal sale of liquor to her husband, a packing house employe. The woman, when the case was set for trial. came to tell bow she had been threat ened if she persisted In giving testimony unfavorable to the accused satoonman. Falling to terrify the woman, an effort was made to Intimidate her husband who was Informed that he would lose his Job if his wife gave testimony against the saloonman. Ringer went to the general manager of the packing house and told the condition of affairs. The manager in question wss. astounded snd angered to think of suchSnethods in the plant, and promised to see that no harm came to an employe for telling the truth In such cases. Ringer charges that certain officials are trying to block the trial of Ryan and Pt von sa lt Is now expected that Attorney Ringer will be appointed special assistant to the attorney general tor the conduct of the Commissioner Al Hunter of the school board and one of the minority of the board has advanced a plan by which the congestion In some of the outlying school districts will be relieved without the ad ditional Issue of fQJM bonds sought by the majority of the board. CoaunifxioQer HJHter flropojei tbet the eighth grade children from the several schools shsll come to the High school building, which has several rooms now unoccupied by (he regular students of the high school. He further proposes that in case his plan Is adopted teachers who come up with the eighth grade will spe cialise on one subject and make a dally round from room to room, in this way the commissioner thinks that a less num ber of teachers will be needed snd the children will receive the benefit of spe cial training In each branch. Eatertalnaaeat for Htadeats. Announcement of the program pro vided for the students of the agricultural college that will visit the stock yards next Tuesday was made yesterday. The visiting students will be divided Into eight groups, under the guidance of professors and attaches of the stock yards and packing bouses. The tour of Inspection and work of practical demon stration will begin as soon as the stu dents arrive. Luncheon will be served at noonday and a banquet at p. m. will conclude the day's visit. The evening program begins with a complimentary dinner tendered by the Union Stock Yards company at 1 p. m. Muslo during the dinner will be fur nished by the South Omaha High School orchestra. The sddresa of welcome will be dellv-, end by Bruce Mcculloch and the re sponse will be made by Dean Burnett of the university. The Stock Yards quartet will aid In the musical line, and by special dispensation ef King Ak-Sar-Ben the Hottentots and Prof. Ho-Can-ln-Bkl will assist In the festivities. Prof. Huntington, the magician, will conclude the entertainment with some, creepy manifestations of his preternatural powers. Maa-le City GosbIb. ( Frsnk A. Agnew, law office, llannon block. Miss Edith Noltlng Is visiting relatives at Falrbury. Orrtn Oarabrant of FMnk. Neb., Is the guest of relatives In elouth Omaha. For sale, cheap, French poodle pups. SIS K St. Mrs. C. M. Letter snd children are visiting relatives at Hioux City this week. L. C. Olbson sold his brick building on N street yesterdsy to a Clarinda, la., banker. Wanted Board and room for rwo gen tlemen. Address W, Bee office, rJO. Omaha. Mrs. J. Laverty will be hostess for the Mother's olub Friday afternoon, Feb ruary 1C Dr. John Clark of Lincoln will occupy the pulpit of the Christian church at both services today. Mrs. Harry Marling. I4 North Twenty second street, entertslned at bridge Fri day afternoon. Arthur C. Paneoast hss moved his law office to 41 Omahn National Hank Bldg. Phone Douglas 18. Mrs. George Barclay snd son of flhen sndoah, la, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Barclay of this city. Mrs! Frances Derr hss returned to Hamburg, la. after attending the funeral of her father, the late J. Parker. The girls basket ball team of the high school played the Hooper High school team on the Hooper grounds Saturday. Phone Bell South W-Ind. F-1S81 for a ease of Jetter Gold Top. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. William Jetter. The Willing Workers of the Christian church will give a lunch Tuesday noon at toe church. Twenty-third and I streets. Mrs. Amy Burda-Haxel. after a month's visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John itrds, has returned to her home In Idaho. The Ladles Auxiliary of the Hibernians will meet Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. J. Heafey. Twenty-fifth and F streets. Misses Mshel Melcher snd Julia Willard will entertain the Junior Bridge club Tuesday evening st the home of the former. Mrs. I.llll.m HsH after an extended visit with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Broad hurst of South lakota, has returned to South Omaha. The Women's Christian Temperance union will meet Tuesday sfternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Schroder, Twenty-third and J streets. The Ladles' Afternoon Whist club will give a valentine partv Wednesday even ing at the home of Mrs. C. M. Schlndel In honor of their husbands. Miss Harriett Watklns. sister of J. B Watklns, died yesterday mornng at her home In Clinton, la. Mr. Watkina went to Clinton last Wednesday. Misses Adel snd Georgia Davis are spending the week end st Uncoln. While there they will sttend a banquet given by the Pi Deta I hi club. A meeting of Federal Union No. 7112 American Federation of Labor, will be held Fridav evening st rite Redman hall. AU members are urged tomttend. If you want a fi-room house on paved street, H block to car line, small payment down, price very low: owner left city. Address A-122, care llee Office. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller have re turned home from Macedonia. la., where they were called last week by the dan gerous Illness of Mr. Miller's mother. The Ladles' AM society of the West Q street mission will hold a box social Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Otto Wiess, Fifty-fourth and Q streets. A surprise party wss given Miss Davis Uodherg Friday evening at her home, 211 F street, by a number of her friends. The evening was delightfully spent In games snd music A meeting of th Brown Park Bap tist Ladies Aid society will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Jospeh Sporl, M7 South Twenty-second street. Arthur F-spegren was surprised at his horns, li North Twentv-slxth street, Fri day everting by a number of his friends. The evening was spent in games, after which refreshments were served. Misses Reta Bi-sr h, 1J North Twenty eeoond street, was hostese for the Lea Llstas dub Friday afternoon and those present ware; Mltass Olua Ussuiias. Kdna Philip. Veronica Farrell. Urace Walker. Nina Weppner. Marrlan Pollian. Mabel Wyncss, Jean Berger and Gladys McAsdms. Civil service examinations at the local government building sie announced for March IS, April 10 and May 4. For further information apply to the civil service bureau at the postnfflce department. The Swiss Bell Ringers will give an entertainment at the high school audi torium Tuesday evening. March ii. under the auspices of the l-adlcs' auxllllary of the Young Men's Christian sssorlstlon. Master James Parka entertained the members of the Gregorian choir of 81. Bridget's church at his home. Twenty fifth and I) streets, Friday evening. Games and music were the enjoyments of the vening. The Ladles' Aid of the First Methodist church will give a Washington birthday party at the home of Mrs. F. A. Creaaey, February 22. The program wll he car ried out In the customs and manners of the Martha Washington days. The 1912 Whist club wss entertained at the home nf &lr. Hairy Hoyri, 4 f street, Wednesday, when those present were: Mesdames Berlin, W. B. Tang. F. C Dome, G-irhardt, Rowley. A. W. Tagg Franklin, Klnmore, Sheehan, Novakeaud II. Boyd. Mrs. D. 3. Farrell entertained the Utopia club at cards Thursday afternoon. Mes damea T. J. Tralnor and J. W. Sheehitn were awarded prises. The next msetlng will be in two weeks at the home of Mrs. Msngan. Eight tables of players were present Mr. snd Mrs. Sherry Moore' entertained the Duplicate Whist club Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boyd were the club's guests. The members present were: Messrs. and Mesdames A. H. Murdock, Ken Ashe, J. Laverty, it. M. Laverty aiul S. Moore. Mrs. W. R. Sage, gasified by Mrs, John dribble, entertained the Dinner club Thursday at the home of (he former. Covers were laid for Mesdames C. A. MelcnoA J. M. Tanner. D. U Holmes. A. A. McOraw, A. P. Purkles. c. M. Schlndel, John Grlbblo and W. R. Sage. The fifth grsds teachem yesterday paid a visit to the Armour packing plant where they were shown the Intricate workings of the parking Industry. It Is the plan to give ull the public school teachers sn opportunity to visit the dif ferent peeking plants of the city. Ths Household Keonomlc department of the New Century cluh will meet Tuesdav st l.lhrsrv hall. Papers on "Social Obligation to the Community." by Mrs F. A. Creisey; "is Hnspltalltv a Lost Art," by Mrs. Waddell, and 'The Unex pected Guest," by Mrs. Troy wl.i be read. South Omaha lodge No. 14. Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows, together with Canton Etter No. 12. will be in charge of the funeral service of the late Levi Col ter. Members of the two lodges and ell Odd Fellows are Invited lo meet Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock sharp at the Odd Fellows' hall. Miss Abble Ijike, SR15 C street, enter tained the Alohah club Saturday after noon. Those present were: Misses Pearl Iverty, Hasel Cook, Ola Ols worth Franoes Tanner, Grace Melcher, Helen White. Helen MrKee. Mary lwls Maurlne Murdnrk. Oara Hnrnum and Katheleen and Margaret Welsh. Mrs. ('. A. Melcher entertained st bridge Wednesday afternoon, when those prewill were: .liesnamea Waildell At lntlc. In.. C. M. Srhlndel, l. L. Holmes J. M. Tenner, J. B. Bl&nchard, H. Mc culloch. A. P. Durkles, A. U Lott sr H. Msrllng. Dr. Van limp, John Cribble! J. M. Caughey snd C A. Melcher. Mrs. Bruce MeCulloueh entertained at a 1 o'clock luncheon Thursday when Mrs Waddell of Atlantic. la., was honor guest. Violets and smilax were used In decorations Covers were laid for Mesdames C. M. Schlndel, R. K. Schlndel A. P. Durkles, A. L. Ixrtt, sr.; c. A Melcher, T. H. Ensor, Sloan, Ben Elliott Murray French. I Jncoln. Caughey and Miss Louis Schlndel. The L. E. S. club waa entertain. Wednesday evening at the home of Miss naiei ure r, I wenty-nrtn snd I, streets Thoso present were: Misses Helen Kally, Marjorle Nelson, linrcthea Marrow, Florence Miller snd Margaret Williams' Mesaers. Fred Thompson. Robert Iten- aiis. uiwara sorties, Harold Nelson Roy Taylor and William Doyle. May Advertise Omaha By Moving Pictures Moving: pictures to advertise their busi nens will b th iibtrt before th trianu-fHCturf-r of Omaha at a mertlnx called for Monday noon in tha Commercial Hub rooms by Cora mizak oner Guild of the club. All int'T rated are ln-ltHl. Wtteron R. Roehacker, general man axer of th Industrial Moving Picture company of Chlrajto. and F. A. Van lluaan, manager of the Laemmle film nervic of Omaha, will explain to the manufacturem how thy can ad vert 1m by moving picture. They will gfre de tail aa to the kind of pictures neceexary, axpenae. circulation of the fllma, etc. 5fr. Guild propoeej to have a certain number of feet of film produced In earn of ten or twenty Omaha manufacturing plants, duly labeled and placed In one roll of film, to be aent all over the coun try when there Is any call for films ho1ng Industrial scenes. WOMEN JUMP FROM SECOND STORY WHEN FIRE STARTS Fire which started early this morning In the Italian teneroenta at Seventh and Pacific streets caused a loss of suit ...i drove many women to Jump from the second-story windows to beds placed on the ground. Joe Solsrlno owns the build ing. Sebastian Pugllst conducts a gro cery store on theflrst floor, which sus tained part of the loss. There were 200 persons sleeping In the building. Ton will find that arugglsts everywhere speak well of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. They know from long experience in the sale of It that In cases of coughs and colds It can always be depended upon, and that It is Pleasant and sals. TheBROwH '-aats i It is one tiling to make Jmre beer, anotner to lceej) it ure. The Brown Bottle lcees Sehlxtz Jmre. Physicians and surgeons frescriDe Schlitz, instead of malt tonics, as a builder of health. f Bottle jl .1 .HI gJX L . sf - It's only natural that Schlitz should be the home beer. See that crown or cork I is branded "Schlitz." The Beer Independent A ICS SchliU Bottled Beer Depot 73 S. 9th St., Omaha, Nebr. 10 That Made Milwaukee famous SCHLITZ BEER DELIVERED III PLAIN WAGONS BY HILLER LIQUOR CO., 1309 Farnam St. PICKPOCKET STEALS WATCH FROM WOMAN UPON CAR A valuable gold watch was stolen from Agnes McCaffrey, 1314 Howard street, when she was returning home on the Farnam street ear early last night. The pickpocket left the car at Sixteenth street and directly after Miss McCaffrey missed her watch, a small solid gold timepiece, studded with a diamond. NOW OUT OF DANGER Hurls of Humanity llroop no More) hut Grow Into Fair Howem. "Many children In all ranks of life are yeriousiy underfed," ssys I'r. Woods lluti-hlnson. And therefore they fell a prey to tuber culosis, which pounces on the 111 nourished. Utile buds that seemed destined never to blossom grow Into bright flowers of humanity under the nourishing power of Osomulslon. t From whit's. fared, drooping, peevish , little Invalids, they sre changed Into plump, red-cheeked, healthy lads and Issstes. They take Oiomulslon as they would any other good food and wise mothers give it to them regularly. Most modern equipment and the best of service The man with an office now demands the most exacting care and con-, veniences. The Bee Building i'isti'l1 4 Sample IinUe rre by Mail. That those who sre seeking health snd strength for themselves, children, rels tlves or f i lends may experience the life giving properties of this exclusive Nor-' wsy' gold medal ozonised cod liver oil j medicinal food emulsion as well as to j know Oanmulsion superiority in being roost pa'atable and easy to take a gen- j eroua J-oi. bottle will be sent by mail to those who send addresses by postcard or J letter to OsomuHon. S4 Pearl Su. N. T. ii pitiiiited in the heart of the commercial district ol Omaha and gives teniuits the best office service to be had. The elevators are new and their service is faultless Keen janitor attention keeps the rooms scrupulously clean, while a modern steam plant evenly heats the building in the coldest weather, offices which are excellently ventilated. The man who wants the greatest conveniences and tha bent of attention will find a few choice offices vacant in this building now. - ftcoas M Reecpllon Doom, Private Office, twe large closets, large wont room with two north windows. Ideal office lor Engineer, Architect. Doctor or other professional men. tientaJ, per month Socat 488 Tnls Is a long narrow room, loxll 1. having a north light Rental, per montr. s.. .S1T.M omb SO 5 Is II sir in also, located on the eonrt. close to sky light, thus having escellen- natural light. The space could be divided so as to n.aao two 4ry pleasant rooms Price, per month SaTJO Kooss MO Office In the north-west comer having four large windows A f,re proof vault for the protection of valuable papers is much In demand snd ia af folded In this room. There is s total of Sit square feet of floor si-ece snd same would be equipped with partitions to satisfy good tenant. The rental price is. per month eVMMO Boom 401Thl space is close to elevator on the court of the building. There Is a good sised vault with shelving In eoooectioa with office, i-rtce, per month . .giy.se - The Bee Building Co., Be Buiaen Offit, 17tk aid Far am SU m I 1 jjjLiiiiti-JllrZunx! Comic Section Tha Sunday Bet With Happy Hooligan, Litd Nemo, the Katzenjammer Kids and the whole interesting jtJrSy