Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1912, Page 2, Image 2
TUB BEE: OMAHA, MOXDA1T, f'EBKL'AliY 1, 1912. DOTY OF CHURCH TO NEGRO It it to Free Hit Soil from the Bondage of Sin. GITI HIM CHSISTIAH EDUCATIOH Rn. Sathaatrl MeCI'tla, D. D., ay Chare) aad State Sf aat Coaa blar Fmwi la Perfoe-saaare ef lata Daty. Pioneer Nebraska Editor Is Busy in South Dakota Rev. Nathaniel atctJiffin. I). 11.. made strong appeal In ht pulpit at 1-owe Ave nut Presbyterian fMnl Sunday morning for aKareHive action by the church an an Institution, north and south, to Join hands with the state In helping to solve what Is ceiled, tha ' nerro problem." He re ferred to it as a problem not of the south, but of and for tha whole country, solv able only by tha united, concerted effort of all serrtona. "Vm gave the negro the ballot." faid Dr. Mcaiflia. "bt what a wrong, for ha was than not prepared for It. He did art know bow to vote. Ha hu made splendid progress . under the handicap which kla white emancipator thus placed upon him. but tha handicap has hurt. "Wa bsvt a war yet to tin la free dom's, name, but not ot btood. The church and (tat must be one hen. Bald Maxsinl: Ba your country your temple: God at the umratt, a people ot equals at the base.' "Equal In what sense? Equal in God's eves, with freedom to X to school, or worship God or -carry tm business free dom to make tha moat of Ufa. Tha black ' man must hava alt this; he must not ba denied any pa" of It. Thia doe not meaa social equality-none of that. "Wa are eaimged wa tha church of Ood-la a nruggl ta obtain equal rlchtt for a race In tha name of Christ. This work confronts us. For what did Christ stand ta the battle Unas? The thine for tha church, north and eouth. ta do la to set from under Its prejudices and solve this problem In tha free, open air of tfcv passloa and reason. "I want to give you three reasons why It seems to ma wa should sustain this work among I he negroes. (He referred to missionary work of tha church.) Tha Three lira ease. fTlrst, because tha negro is la no wise responsible for his condition, lie was dragged from kla hut, put la chains, sur vived tha horrors ot tha middle pease ice and landed ta be knocked down to the hlcbeat bidder. Ha labored under bond ae tor M years, A,1 last ha wa ab ruptly fltnra the richt of life, liberty and tha pursuit of happiness, but ha had never beea trained for this new order and knew not bow ta adapt himself ta Its uses. "Second, because the peart and happl- Bee of tha Ballon are bound up In his salvation. I mean that The whit m cannot escape hi responsibility, for the black man wa sold In Massachusetts a well a la the southland. "Third, because It la tha King' com mand. "Go ye. (a ye" How It ring out sere last our prejudicial You may aot lika the otrro. But what ot that? Ood put heart la hire aad gave him a soul and Christ died tor htm. 1(1 not a ques tton ot like and dislike, but a question ot duly. W cannot Mam the south tor all at It But trying to fix tha blame will aot sdlv the problem." Edwin ("Ed ') A. Frye. who Is just now gaining a wide acquaintance throughout South Dakota, was one ot the pioneer newspaper men of northeastern Nebraska and southern South Dakota. He estab lished several newspapers which yet are In existence and able rcpres'ntatvs of their communities. Sir. Fry ass born at Xorwalk. Conn., April j, 1SS1, and almost from the time he wa a mere boy has beea rrnnected with newspaper work la oa capacity or another.' "1 might say." said he. white talking of the incidents connected with his long newspaper career, "that 1 have been in a printing office for fifty years, for I organ my career la ihe Norarslk Gazette office when a boy of 10. ' He was educated partially In the Utile red srheol house of that early period, a id later at a private school. He reached Yankton on May la, IKi. with 7e cent In his pocket. He also waa lbs possessor of a mtaalure hair trunk that waa "put up" to tha old Sioux lily Pacific ana Dakota Southern railroad, from Mlaaourl Valley to Tank toe, tor hi fare. From Tank ton h went by Mag to Springfield, la U74 he setanilshed the itoneer, a weekly Bswspaper, at Nio brara, Nab., aad owned and edited tha paper for a period ot thirty years. After leaving Niobrara a established tha Lake Ande Wav. at Lake Andes. 8. O.. and tha Juleaburg News St Jules burg. Colo. Mr. Fry served a postmaster at Nio brara front MM to WT7. and again from 1811 to im He was Indian trader at Pin , t - - ' IOWA REPUBLICANS IM 07 General DupotitioB Xuiifetted to Aroid Fictional Fifats. SEEXT50 THLUD CANDIDATE ladleatlewa that Senatew Proadflt ot Wanes Caaaty Will Try far Rrpabllraa Xoaaiaatloa Political Ueeils. ED A. FRT. Rldga agency from IM to 1S5, and In UM wa a member of tha south Dakota- Nebraska commission which adjusted the boundary line between the two state op posit Vermillion, ft. D., he serving on the commission as a representative ot Nebraska. Pedler Killed by Passenger Tram ALBION, Neb., re. ll.-RpecUI Tele gram.) A pedler, believed to be Thomas Jett of Eada, Cow., wa killed by a Northwestern passenger train three mile out of Petersburg si 11 k this morning. when he was caught between th track and a bug enow drift. He wa knocked sgainst the drift and rolled under the wheels, which mangled th body so badly that had It not been for cards found In hi pockets Identification would have been Impossible. Th body wa found soon after the accident and will be brought here for an Inquest. The description of the dead man la said to tally In prt with that of th man who murdered UoMI Williams at Grand aland and official bar and at Peters burg ar pursuing an Investigation. Jett pack contained mors and cutlery. which wer cttered for several hundred yard along th track. , KNOX COUNTY FARMERS AT CREIGHTON INSTITUTE NEWS NOTES OF SARGENT Farmers Take live latoraat Advaaelaaj Castor Caaaty Dairy later. ARQCVT Has.. Fan. llMaaattal.V- Tbe new creamery It Rearing completion aad will be ready for operation in a abort Urn. Th farmers hava taken hold ot th enterprise in ear neat, a I Men by a noted advance In th price ot dairy cow. Th officer elected for the on aula year are: Milo Moore, president, Henry Hyde, vice president; i, t. Semler, ecretry-treasurer. 8 tat Normal Inspector O. A. Gregory looked ' over th local school last week and mad a satisfactory report. The Junior and senior classes ar sllrs to th training work. Th high school build ing recently damaged by fir has beea repaired and school work resumed there this week. - , I Dr. llolden, dentist, who ba mad pro f eeelonal vlalta her tor th last ten years. 'Completed hi engagement her prepara tory t going to hi claim . in South Dakota. ' Ha has Improved several tool used In dentistry and had them patented. H expects to return In th fall aad com plete some unfinished work. . Two aid settlors, pioneer In th devel opment ot th wast, paassd away near here recently: Herri Ferrttor, on Jan uary M, aear-Anaelmo. having first moved I Custer county ta lest, at th aga of .'1 year. Ha leaves a widow and fir daughter. Mrs. H. C. Tarleton, a Jan uary X near Sargent, at th age ot S year, leaving a husband aad tight grand, children. Kh was laid to rest in th West Union cemetery. CRKiailTON, Neb., Feb. lt.-lSpeclal.) The farmers' Institute In Crelghton on February I and waa the largest ver attended In th history ot th organisation. Th people all took a great Interest, asking questions and trying to learn all they could of farming. The speaker of th first day wer Mr, Marshall and Mr. Crocker. Mr. Marshall, In talking ot the fruit garden, told how to plan, rets and tak car at th dif ferent trulls, also where they were best adavtad, W -" "" , Tha forenoon of the second day was Hull waa speaker at the afternoon. plaining th alio. It use and advantage. Th womea had a separate hall aaa wer Instructed by Mis Louis Rabin ot Beatrice. Th class waa Instructed In th art at cooking, with a demonstration of how to cook a tough beefsteak so It would he tender. A raisin pudding and earn chowder were io mad. Mr. Mull and Mia rJabln Vera th speaker ot th evening. Th following officer wer Heeled: Herbert Rhode, president; Mr. Herbert Rhodes, vie president; 8. A. Noting. secretary; C. ohrorder, treasurer: Mr. Burdlck, B. C. Wllmer and Mrs. Chart King, executive commute. , ttpedal music waa furalshed at all loas by th following persons: mis Agne chneld.r. Miss Haarl Smith, Ml Ha set Young, Ml Margaret Colby and Noel Rhode. I Rebating Cases Up; Defendants Absent CLEVELAND. O.. Feb. U.-The case of th United Btatea asalnsl three Indi vidual and ten corporations charged with rebating were called In federal court to day. The three Individ uala and four ot the corporation made no appearance, but the sl remaining corporatlona pleaded not guilty, though reserving the right to withdraw the plea within two week. Th Individuals Involved ar: D. T. Mo- Cabe, fourth vie preetdent of tha Penn sylvania railroad, w ho wa reported oa a vacation, hi exact whereabout being un known; Dan R. Hanna and R. L. Ireland. both ot th M. A. Hanna company, Mr. Hanna being In Mouth Carolina and Mr. Ireland on hi way to Honolulu. Th Angelina Dock company and the Mahoning and Khenango Dock company- did not appear formally, but It wa sn nouncrd by (tlornrya that charter had been surrendered and dissolution effected prior to th return of th Indictments. Th government' attorney xpressd an Intention to ascertain If such had been th case. Th Bessemer V Lak Erie railroad and th Pittsburgh and Connesut Dock company mad no appearance. Th six companies pleading not guilty were: Ohio and Western Pennsylvania Dock company, Pennsylvania railroad. Lak Bhor gt Michigan Southern railroad, Union Dork company; New Tork, Chi cago aV Bt. Louis railroad and th Ash tabula Dock company. Raadalph Waaaaa Kaaad Uaad. . RANDOLPH. Neb.. Feb, lL-(Bpedal.)-Mr. Ntllle Hawley wa found dead In her chair early Saturday morning. Mrs. 'Hawley had been Uvtng alone for some time and It Is supposed ah died of heart '.failure, although ah had keen troubled .with til health for aom time. Relative .of Mrs. Hawley llv la Taeoma, Wash. or Dtaa at lalary. - GOTHRNBURO. Neb,. Feb. U.-r)oe- . cist.) Ernest L. Putnam, who accident ally had a pUohfork thrust through hi tempt by his brother, died as a result and waa burled Saturday. He wa It : 'ar old. HFNRY i SHFLTflnl HFin FOR DEATH OF tUDVIK OSMERA M'COOK. Nee,. Fab. IWBpeclaD- Henry L. ghetto ot Antelop precinct Hay county, la charged by th coroner' Jury with Inflicting gun wound and other Injurle upon Ludvlk Oecnera - of that oounty, January XI. HI!, which resulted In Osmera's death. Th killing I th sequel to a carousal la which Bhelton. Osmera, Ed Snyder and others were engaged at tha bachelor horn ot Shetton. Osmera s attempt to carry horn with hint a Jug of whlaky belonging to Bhelton precipi tated th fight. A shotgun and knife were th weapon used. OMAHA LADIES ' SAY IT'S GREAT Omaha ladies ar delighted with "Min nesota" macaroni and raghettl. Even people who never liked these foods be fore ere charmed with th dclicloua, nut like flavor of the "jLnaesota" brand. Good macaroni and spaghetti ar the most nourishing foods knows, and they can be prepared In so many delightful wa)- that no one ever tire of them. They agree with any stomach, and a family will feel much better !( they est leea coat aad mar macaroni and eta ghsttt. . But tf you want that rich, nut-tike flavor ha aur aad get th delictual "Mlnneaola" brand macaroni or spa-ghettl-araaa from the finest Northern Durum wheat, with all the pwurlsning tulsa left la. It is easily digested and never get soggy. All (ood Omaha gro wer sell tt. NEWS NOTES OF WEST POINT Floorer at Casalag Caaaty Pa Away-Aaara Laebb aad Mis Aaaa A. Stark Ar Married. WEST VOJNT, Neb.. Feb. lt.-pcll.) -Th death of Mrs. Mattls McCu took plac at th St. Joseph' Horn for th Aged, of which she has been an Inmate for soms rears, and th body wa taken to Atkinson, Na.. for Interment. The a. caed wa II year ot ate and wa a naltr of Ireland, "lie I survived by two daughter. Mra John Grime of Atkinson and by Mra Chart Oallager ot Pitts burgh, pa. Ta death of Peter Nelson, a pioneer farmer ot Cuming county, occurred at kts proscnt hem In I'lalnvlew oa Friday, at th ago ot t Th deceased wa a na tive of Denmark and has lived In Cuming oounty thirty-seven years, leaving her laet year to reside In Platnvlew. Six ot hi children survive. Mrs, Carl Stark and Mrs. Otto Hoffman ot Crelghton. Mr. Conrad Xltng ot West Point and George Mary and Minna, at home. Mr. Neunn aaa one ot the best type ef pioneer set tier. August J Uiebb and Mis Anna August Stark wer united In marriage at th Rack Creek German Lutheran church by Rev. M. Lelmer, pastor, In th prea. euc of a very large number ot Invited guests. Th attendants wer Henry Rop er and John ldcn and Mlssr Ann Augusta Stark and Angelina Idea. The contracting parties ar children ot old Bianerr settlers and were born and brought UP In this community. Carl Raduechel, on ot th best known resident farmers and land owners of the West Point vldaily, departed this Ufa on Thursday. Mr. Raduechet was a native jot rammeranla, Germany, and waa (1 j years of age. Th cause of death was cancer ot to aiosaaca. aw ni vr hi faithful If and six children. Fansral service were held in the Rock Creak German l.titbetan church of Netigh township today. . DEATH RECORD, i Wiley aaadaaky. TECTMBEH. Nsb.. Feb. H.-(Spcll.-Wlley Sandusky, ana of th vary earliest settlers of Johnson county and tor years a foremost farmer, died at hi home In Helena precinct Friday evening. A week ago he fell on an Icy walk and broke hi hip, and th shock was too much for him. Mr. Sandusky wa tt year old. He ram to Johnson county, Nebraska, and located on th farm where he died forty-seven year ago. Mr. Sandusky wa twlc married, both time I Illinois. TM first marrtag wa In U6I and from that union than I on son. Thomas. His first wife died In laM and In UT4 Mr. Sandusky wa married again. There ar thirteen chil dren from Ihi union. Th urvlvlng children ar Thoma Sandusky of Tecum seh. Mrs. Sarah Dualap ef Smith Canter. Kan.; G. !. Sundusky of Hterllng. Wll. Uam Sandusky, who lives at home; Alex ander Sandusky ot Wyoming. Wiley Ban- dueky. Jr., of Table Rock: Mrs. Magel Baker ot BSItnaburg. Wash.; Charle Sandusky ot Denver. Mis Lbta M. San dusky, at horn, and Ml Kthsl Sandusky ef Lincoln. Mr. Sandusky' second wife died In MM. Th funeral will be held at th home at M X o'clock Monday, Febru ary IX and will be conducted by Rev. Mr. Lewis of Sterling. Tba Interment will be In th Tecumach cemetery. Mra. Pi. J. Btae-k. GOTHENBURG-. Neb.. Feb. Il.-i8p- claJ.r-Mrs. R. J. Slack died at her home In Try on, aged B year. Th funeral was held Wednesday aad Interment mad at Tryon. Mr. Stack wa a sifter ot Mrs. Deldel and Mr. Wilkin ot Gothen burg. ... C. Miller. TABLE ROCK. Neb. Feb. II -(Spedsl.) Word ha recently reached here ot th sudden death of A. C. Miller, well known hereabout, at hi home town. Burlln- game, Kan., where be dropped dead at Ma bom whll apparently In good health. Mr. Miller lived soma ftve miles north east ot her for some year and later moved to a farm between her and Paw nee City, where ha resided until be went to th Kansas town a few years ago. J. P. Pratt. 1XK1AN. la., Feb. U.MFpeclal -J. P. Pratt, a pioneer settler end larg realty bolder of Harrison county, died at the tFrom a Staff Correspondent.) DE8 MOINES, la.. Feb. H.-tgpecia!.) Although five of Hie republican district conventions of Iowa hava been called to eelect delegate to the republican na tional convention, the Interest taken in the select loa of delegate has not been a pronounced a usual and there Is a general disposition to avoid a quarrel among the faction. Only In a few places l as there beea any effort made to arouse unusual Interest. In many of the counties of the state tha delegate who are now la office and who would be entitled to sit In a convention should slat matters be considered will be selected for Ihe first state convention, while later a new art ot delegate will be named for the second atat convention and to hold two year mora. The convention thus far scheduled are: Oskaloosa, March : Council Bluffs. March U; Do Molnas. March 1!; Cres ton. March It, and Burlington, March It. Th republican atat convention will be hld at Cedar Rapid, but tt la probable there will be only on ot th district convention held there. Under th na tional call tha district convention may be held la th districts Instead of at th same plac a th state convention and different seta ef delegate may be se lected for th tw convections. De sa aerate Beeoss Iaierested. Th latest move In democratic circle regarding th presidency I by th Wilson people. They felt that they scored a distinct triumph over th Clark people at the conference In Dee Molne by pre venting any attempt at organisation of atat club to boost for th speaker of the house. Sine then, so It Is said. the Clark people have been much dis couraged, and this haa given hope to tha Wilson people. Now they are going to work ta make a fight for the state. They have planned to open headquarters here aad begin th formation ot clubs In many of the counties to boost for Wilson and on March 1 will have a con vention ben lo organise an Iowa Wilson club. That promise to make a decidedly Interesting situation among th demo crat. Third Candidate far Geveraor. It Is expected that within a short time there will be a third republican candi dal for governor la th field. Thus far the contest appear to be omewhat one sided, a Lieutenant Governor dark I popular with all .eta and both fac tions and Is sure to receive a big vole. Th candidacy ot Prof. Holden, while It at first started with much show of strength, haa not gained anywhere, and ther 1 Increasing talk of hi probable withdrawal. Now there Is a movement an foot to secur another candidate, and among the persons considered are Sena tor Proud foot of Warren county, a strong advocate of constitutional prohibition; Oovemor Carroll, Judge Robert and Ststs Treasurer Morrow. It I stated that Proud foot I considering th matter and may conclude to run for govtrnor rather than lieutenant - governor, for which be had been booked. Ceedea Clsb Oraraelaed. Dea Molne people Interested in making th city mora beautiful hava organised a garden dub and propose to push th work In th city thl year, Th club will b Incorporated, In order to do ef fective work. Officer named are: Preel- dent, W. It Harwood: vice president, C. N. Page; secretary. Henry Relgelman treasurer. Mack Olaen: directors, R. p. Bolton, B. B. Walker, J. W. Jenney. Rev, J. P. Burling. H. F. Ulbsl. Mra J. W, Cokenower and Mis Flora Dunlap. Th director will meet thl week to adopt bylaw and appoint committee which wilt be In eharx ot th work of beautify ing th city by th gardening of vacant lota. Stata Meotlagt ot MethedUta. A Joint convention ot the four Metho dist Episcopal annual conference ot Iowa will be held at the First Methodist church In Do Molne beginning Tuesday after noon. February U, with Bishop William F. McDowell ot Chicago a chairman. Such problems a th rural church, th relation of th church to organised labor, th relation of the church and th Bible to education and Interdenominational re lations will be Ihe chief topics for dis cussion. Among th speaker will be the Hon. Henry Wallace, Oovemor B. F. Car roll and Charle A. Sumner, vie presi dent of th stereo ty per and electro type re' union. ' la Seed Cora Work. Good seed corn will be dlatrlbuted by the Rock Island railroad thl spring along Its Hoc In Iowa. At th request vf John Sebastian, second vce president of th road. Secretary Botsford of the commer cial club today Informed tha agricultural commissioner ot th system concerning prominent farmers In Iowa who will be able to furnish good seed corn. The road plan to help th farmer to meur a good corn crop for this year In spite of the generally poor quality of th eed. aeaeaaeo reasaawy Pave Tax re. One of th biggest Insurance fees turned In to Stats Treasurer Morrow cam but week from the Northwest era Mutual Life Iasuranco company of Mil waukee. The tax amounted to ts.H which la mills on premiums amount ing to tl.ta.XB collected In Iowa during the year Hit. Thl 1 larger by nearly km than the same company paid last year. Martaary Statlatleo. Th total number of deaths in Iowa during December, 1911. wa 1,647, accord ing to th report Issued today by the de partment of vital statistics ot th State Board ot Health. Tuberculosis killed US persona, typhoid fever 8, pneumonia 137 and cancer M. The Nebraska Speed association, acting ; hm h aUrn,rr, M ,, in conjunction witn too unvm verao and other ssocltlona, aaa fixed upon the date tor th circuit meet at Wast Point tor July st-tt aad August L Pruts tor trotting and paeans were agreed upon. . era-tare at Satteja. SUTTON, Neb.. Feb. U. IbpedeLr-The general auarraandta store of aV-hwars 2 Wlaland was entered last night by aay at the treat door by burglars. Th sain (tore wa entered about two nwntk ago. betng on ot a eerie of burguuiea committed during ta tall aad winter. If here yesterday afternoon ot Infirm! tlee Incident to advanced age. Mr. Pratt was born In Varmoat la UCI and came to Harrison county In UM and settled near IJttle Sioux, moving to Logan In n. Following brief aarrice at th hosne this Sternaon tha body was takes to Little Sleux, where the funeral services ware held at t o'clock today. Te Olaaalve the talea of stomach, liver and kidney troubles and ear btllousnee and malaria, tak Electric Btttera. Guaranteed. Only fur. Far sals by Baaloa Drug Ca. id .- t-m-. 1 .if? ire 1 .aaaa fSf 2 406 m NS 354 V Ii.V i TTTT'. "ii. IP c-rix'mtnirui j-ia-t ji Jat itfu? iira DEAR MADAM: You know that Nemo Corsets OUTWEAR all others, and are therefore the most ECONOMICAL; but perhaps you don't know WHY. We will tell you some of the reasons: 1. We make more "high-priced" Corsets ($3.00 up) than all other American makers combined, therefore can AFFORD to give you DOUBLE VALUE in material and making and WE DO. ' 2. Seams are sewed by a method of our own invention and CAN NEVER STRETCH or give, as all others do; and the Nemo "Triple-Strip Re-enforcement" makes it three times as hard for the bones and steels to cut through at the ends. 3. Nemo Corsets are made to FIT THE FORM; and it is a well-known fact that perfect-fitting corsets last twice as long as corsets that do not lit, and which therefore strain the materials unduly. There't a Nemo for Every Figure $3.00, (3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 YOU and every other woman will be greatly benefited, in style and health and comfort, by wearing Nemo Corsets. Ask for them at your dealer's, and INSIST upon seeing them. kops BROS, Mfr, Nw York man. In th southwest part ot town, wher they stol two saodles and then mad their getaway. Th Wyckoff boy was sentenced to th Stat Reform school for three year about two months ago, from which Institution h made hi escape about three week ago, and although th other boy refuses to give his name or wher he come from. It is believed that h la an es caped Inmate of th reform school a well. They will be held for the next term of th district court. Mr. and Mr. William Miller, who have rude their home In thl city for several month, during which time Mr. Miller edited the Heml-Weekly Time In thl city, took their departure for St. Paul, Minn., today. Before leaving they were Ihe guest at several entertainments given In their honor by various friends. Th body of Mrs. Rosanna b'mlth ot Mlnatare was brought to thl city to day for interment In Greenwood ceme tery, where two of her daughter ar burled. Walter Haggarty, one of the employe ot Kllpatrlek Bros., austalned painful In juries here yesterday, when the team he wa driving ran away and h wa badly bruised and somewhat cut up, al though none of his Injuries are very seri ous. Engineer Oeorge Troaper and Jen Chamber were severely burned late yes terday afternoon aa the result of an ex plosion In the engine room ot th Alli ance) creamery plant. NEWS NOTES OF ALLIANCE Two Tesag Mea A elected tar Baralary by th FwMe at Alllaaew. ALLIANCE. Neb.. Feb. ll.-CspeeiaJ -William Wyekofr, IS year old. and an other boy about th same age, who Is unknown In IM vicinity and who re fuses to give hi name, committed theft en a wholesale scale tat tM city laat night and were arreeted m Roger Val ley. They erarted their eperatioas by break ing into the Newberry hardware atom, where they etote lour revolvers, a a um ber of clasp knlve and tea boxes ot cartridges, thence they apparently went to the reuse ot Robert Carrot t. la the aonaeaat part of the city, and Mole twe horses out ot his bara, attar which they visited th primne g Thamaa Ackr- Perslslent Advertising 1 lb Road to Big Returns. DENTIFRICE MM'MIIU HtynMfi LAXOtiT racKAGI OS bBMTiaatfS OM Mas vet. k THB1 n rtoa tc Fee eel at Saermaa at aTcOoaaeU store. ail araggiaia aaa aepailaisri aaeroa. Ci i,snaiaawi-- ff A vision of health in the vapors! smilingly tKfry reflect tack a picture of tie health that you formerly enjoyed and, through them, may enjoy again. Whether jron are aeeking health or pleagore, Hot Spring offer moat of Mh to too. Pom acenled air to breathe, golf to play, Govt built magnificent mountain rotvfl to tide orer. arul aociai life at it gareat and beat Hot Sprinsg i( the mecca of thooaand who come just for the winter pUaiVes that it hold oat, Co mow. The journey to Hot Springs, Ark. via Frisco Lines l a pleagaxit a ttrrivini there you leave Kanaat City at 6; 1 5 p jn, you reach Memphi 8:15 a. m and Hot Springs (via Rock Island line) at 3 35 in the afternoon quick, restful ride in hixurioug Electric lighted through sleepers The Frisco niag cat aerree eVciow Fees' Wareer airsla Let tna aendl won t mmcaashmi aboot Hot Springs, its aplandui hotel and boarding nouaes. opporranibie for pieasara, I will also tell Tow coat of a llliiililil schertai iroaa want borne tow a sniht I it nraJnag ' Frisco TkOxSca, WaUbaiat BUg,lItk it Maic'Sca, Kaaaan City, Ma. J. C LOVKIN, Dirieiea Paaaeagwr Agent oosy. AVt REUKNT1. ftXrsaxa ban sal Beaglaa M tad. aV4. Mat. Kverr I'av Kverr Nurht :li- ADTA-STCK9 TAVSaTvTI.U Blanche Naleb. Mr. and Mrs. Ja-k Mc- Oveevy. Harvey aad leVora Trio, lea freed. Nad. Bob and Trip Trio, Hiegel 1 Matthews, liaod m Tranftpsreat Paintere. Kinetoscop. IH-pheun.- Concert Orcheetra. Nlghte )c. lie. Sc. lie: Matinee lc. best Beats lac except Eat-urdae- aad Sunday. The Thins To Do r If 70a Iom your pocket book, nmbrwllsv, watca or aome other artieto of value, the Uing to do la to follow tha example of many other people gad ad-rer-tla with oat delay ta the Lost and Feand eolnmn of The Be. That is what moat people do when they lose articles of Taiaex " Telephone ns and tell your toe to all Omaha (a a tiagl aXter-noea, "Put It hi TheBee