Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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Jeff Puts One Over Every Once in Awhile
By "Bud" Fisher
I i v I ' . I : o
-JT' HWOwMI ( jtV -TMKT DOWN? ' k "WW ! ' 1 if
thsownv fV! klJIlJ V cot thw V ' t TJr
You GooOfVr
kNOw V0 fOJT
6mk. ape Tvie
rujjoo rr
Fait Association Buket Town
Trim South Omaha.
elle-ase (tlkltaH Spring Bar.
Hm la Prellaalaary Contest sad
thaw Mark loaproveaaeat
Ovee Prevteaa rleylag.
LoaeTw Staadlag.
P. W.
' Pirate J T
hnah High school 7
Oetghtoa I 4
South Omaha High I I
. t nhrerslty of Omaha. 4 I
I Tigers I 1
I Council Bluffs T' I 1
U Ave.
t ion
Ual Evealaa'a decree.
Retlevue. M: Tigers, U
Pirate. 11; South Omaha High, t.
' Pirates, a. South Omaha High. M.
Tha tut Pirata basket fltngers added
another pair of victoria ta thair ue
brokea list of thla aaaaoa by trouncing
tha South Omaha High achool quintal la
two hard-fought Trl-Clty leegu floor
caataata at tba local "T gymnasium Bat
urday evening br tha acoraa ot II ta I
04 ta M.
Although outclassed la taam work, tha
t Magi City Uda put ap a atallar ashlbl
tloa af tha floor aport and kapt tha
laathar wind bag humming over thalr
opponents' beads with a predaloa which
brought forth considerable applauaa from
good slaed gallery nrosent. Thalr weak
ness, hawavar, waa la guarding tha speedy
T" player.
: Tha work of Rltchla. center, ana
Shields, left guard, fur tha Pirata aggro-
alien waa aaall tha IMinduaJ foatura
of tha aoataau. Tecathar thla pair
umroad up a total af twantr polnu to
thalr aradlt ourln tha twa camea.
BWlUraa aarpnaaa Ttarrs.
. Ballavua apraiui tha aurprtaa of tha
vaalaa br thalr ahowlai atalnat tha
Tlcar flra. Tha eollatlana aatarad tha
leavoa aarlr In January with eaa of tha
waakaat tarma and wtra tha tallaadara
during tha flrat thraa wcaka of play.
Mowavar. tha? now nara ona of tha fart
at aulnwia antarad and ara traduallr
allmblnc out of tba raar 4lrlilon.
In eaa at tha auWMa aamaa of tha
laacua playad at Council WufTa rrlday
avantne. tha Council BJuffa "T" toaaara
waa thair flrat victory of tha arla ever
tha Omaha Cigara, by a acora of a to n.
Pallawlna ta tha llnaup ot tha Pirate
and tba aouth Omaha Hixh achool:
BarrowmaB ....R.F. Rr Mentfee
S'alt R.F.I -
Oraham (C.)....L.F.!UF Colllna (C.)
Kltchla C. C layman
Hhlflda UG. L.a....FHlla, Ward
Knbtnam R.O ,R.O NUoa
rirat Oamo-Fiald aoala: Manaf. I;
l.rmaa, 1; tiarrowinan, I: tiraham, 1;
Hltrhla, 1 Kraa tlirowa: Colllna, I;
Hltchl. t nfFr: H 8. Cum. Hooror:
Una Wlkr. Tlnvkaapar: R. U Carna.
Tlma of (aiiw: M mlnutaa.
Bond Uama-Plld fnali: Colllna. 1:
Irman. I: Clraham. 4: Rltchla, . Hhlalda
. rr throwa: Cnllni, 4; Rltchla. 1
Rafaraa: H. i. Ounla Hcorar: Una
Walkar. Timkrtr: R. 1 Cama.
Uaaup ot tha Ballwraa and Tirra' con
teal: v
P. k i t (C.) Itr iB P Ntanan (C.)
Maxwall Lr.,UF. fcandtorc
mt CC Sulltvan
Uidrman ....l.O.lfl Harris
R. guarkenb'h K.O.ItO Votfo
bumuiuim: miry and K. Ludwi. ocn
tr for Tlwra: hurwrnlck. Ift auard. i;
Tiaara. Flald aali: P. (juarkrnlusi, (.
aiazwall, 4; OhmAn, t: H. iiiai-kenbunh,
. ); aaabant. 1; O H'jIUvan, I; Kllry, 1.
Fraa throw iIumfII, 4; Cftillhri. 4,
lMdda. L H'tt rr. H. ji Curtla. SrorM-:
R. l Wll.r. Timkrr: K. U t'arnn
Tlma of h.tlv4a: minutra. On point
awarded Bri.Tua
Star Playinj of Omaha'i Onaid Con
tribute! to Lincoln'! Defeat
Omaha Hlak febaat rtva atalatalaa
KUadrr La4 Darlaa; Alaaaat
Eatlr Caatrat Haaa la
tar far Llarala.
LINCOLN. Nab., P.O. lL-SDaolal T.l
(ram. Omaha Hl(h won an axcitlnf
lama from Ltncolo Hlch Baturdar nlfht
at tha Young Man'! Christian aaaoelatlon
gymnaalum. In which tha raault waa In
doubt up until tba but taw mlnutaa of
play, tha final arora atandlng M to IL
Omaha led at tha cloaa of tba flrat half
by a aeora of 1) to U, whlla tha Lincoln
(Ira cama back strong at tha opanlng af
tha aaeond half and tba gama atood II
to 11 In faror ot Omaha with but four
mlnutaa of play.
Burkanroad of Omaha than alaotrlflad
tha crowd with a brilliant ptaoa of work,
taking tha ball from tha cantar of tha
(laid, daahlng ta lha alda Hna and throw
ing tha goal over bis abouldar. Tba laad
waa Increased when Burksnroad mad a
frs throw a few seconds later.
atetheay waa forced to retire from tha
tame with a sprained ankle, but returned
after a abort rest. Tha Omaha five
maintained Ha slender lead until tha and
of tba game. Lincoln escelled la defen
sive work, but the Omaha five ware much
surer In locating the basket For Omaha,
Burkanroad played tha star game, walla
Captain Mana of Lincoln waa tba star
for tha Capital City bora. Burkanroad
made II points for his team. Omaha was
represented by a big contingent at tha
game. The lineup:
Metheny LP. LP Munnek
Ager K.T. ICr Mayer
Hung C. C nughsa
Alhrecht LQ. LO. Gardner
Mann R.U. R.U Burkanroad
ttuNMltutea: Wilkie for Hugg, Shaw
for Hughes, rtald goals: Metheny (,
Ager (I). Mugg til, Alhrecht, Mann, Burk
anroad (I), Munnaka III. Mayer tl. Bbaw,
Hughes III. roui throws: Mann ill,
Burkanroad (I). Kefereo; Brannon. Um
pire: liutckinsea.
IOWA CTTT, Is., Fab. U.Mfpeclal.)
U E. Packard, a student la tba medical
college of the University of Iowa, baa
been appointed assistant track coach at
Iowa. Ha will have charge ot tha fresh
men team.
Manager Kellogg said today that hi all
probability tha story appearing In papers
to the effect that Davenport, Ottumwa,
Waterloo and Muscatine basket ball
teams ware ta come to Iowa City to com
pete for tha state championship waa un
true, elnce the Iowa high achool board
baa not yet named the four teams which
were to represent sections of tha state.
Weakened by tha loaa of BJ lander, the
Iowa basket ball team leaves Monday
morning for Its northern trip. Monday
evening tha Hawkeyea will play St.
Joseph's at Dubuque, Tuesday Sacred
Heart at Prairie du Chlen and Wednes
day Wisconsin at Madison. Ballaader Is
una Me to ga because of heavy work,
which has kept blm out of tha game moat
of the tlma this year.- Gardner, Schmidt,
Leo, Maiden, Berry, Trexel and Ilanna,
with Coach Stewart and Manager Kellogg,
will make tha trip.
Signal Corps Team
, ' Advances to Front
Tha Signal Corps School tram has
Jumped Into tha lead in tha Fort Omaha
bowling league. The Hradquartera team
which baa lad tha league up until two
I weeks age has now dropped to fourth
place. Sergeant Andrew Clarke tope the
, bat of Indlelduala with 111
' Following tba leaue and Individual
, atandloga of last week:
.P. . W. I Ar.
i Signal Corpa School., it 1! i . - '
company rt is iu x .1.4
Eitre Duty Men 1 ..-
eieadqueriera Is s .tit
Company A It I ! ,u
3ioepltal Corpa II i ll
individual averagee:
aisaasl Oar.. IU mata tin t n
PrtaU Leesier !M WtlH kee4rkk.... -1M
Pneate 14Uea. t Oraaral riote., ir
yrtvate !-. 1 rnala De-kirr
; AM Carters! Haxeard US
as Ui rrteata aUitata.......Uc
.Eecords Broken in
i Swimming Matches
, Vntverslty of Fennsylvauia awimmlag
team defeated. Princeton here tonight. 3
to aV Princeton won the .water polo
' game, six goala ta one,
. Two records were broken la tba Mo
foot relay race, Pennsylvania dipping
two seconds off tba record bold by Prince
ton, covering tha distance la I B.
- Cantata Willi of PennsyrrasAa m the
plunge for distance, broke tba American
I record of Ti feet. It Inches, and tha
. 1 Intarcotlegiata record of fee, both
j heed by hiraeelf, by phmgtng 7 feet,
BOSTON, Feb. 1U-A new world's In.
door record for a running high Jump by
G. C. Lawrence of Bos ten who leaped
fee! t't Inches-ami the equalling ot
several track recorrK were features of
tha tncn'y-tMrd annual Indoor games
tonight ot the Boston Athletic asaoda-
The local rtatree. the Hunter mile, waa
wn by Orcer Iledlund ot tha Boston
AthletW aeaociatlon. running unattached,
from last year's winner. Abet R. Klvla
of the IrU-Amerlcaa Athletic club. In
new record figures for the event and tor
ti-.e track. Time: 4:SV .
ieorge V. Bon ham. tha Irish-American
Athletic dub middle distance champion.
romped away with the three-mile run
from a- m1 field In new track figures.
Time: ls"
At the School for Umpires
By Hal Coffman
Uk naiw4
re INfoMCt,
la' txrtTi t-
4 SPa-ljOOMPf
eMk-1W rM
0MO ' LXHW "To ' I5HSI.
morA "Ht' BM.U . .
Turk Says He Will
Tusslf Mahmout, tha Terrible Turk, and
hla manager, Emll Klank, ware In Omaha
Saturday night and part of Sunday, on
their way to western Nebraska, where
Mahmout will, wrestle .Monday night.
They stopped to see how things were
lining up for tha big match Friday nlghe.
when tha Turk and Jess Wsatergaard
will wraatla ta a finish at tha Auditorium.
Mahmout It confident of dumping the
big Iowa giant, but does not think he
will have an easy tlma of It He knows
what Weatergaard nTelthough ha haa
never wrestled him. He says he will be
back in Omaha early Wednesday morn
ing and will stay over until Batttrday
IOWA CITT. la,, Feb. !l.-(peclal.)-Collega
baa ball managers of Iowa met
her Katurday and arranged the follow
ing schedules for tha 11J season:
April -Giinnll againat Leander Clark
at Toledo.
April ti Hlghtlsnd Park college against
State Normal at Cedar Kalla.
April n Highland park college againat
Upper Iowa university at Fayette.
April 13 Leanrler Clark againat tlrlnnell
at Urlnnell. Highland Park college againat
Luther at Dccorah.
April M-Open tor Highland Park col
lege. April K-Illghland Park college against
Bt. Joseph's at Dubttnur., 'labor college
against Simmon at Indlsnola.
April 27 Htste Normal sminst Vpper
lowa university at Kavette. Tabor College
against Highland I'nrk at lc Moinea.
April 2b Taior colleke against Leander
Clark at Toledo.
April -Stale Normal against Orlnnell
st tlrlnnell.
May I Tabor college againat St. Jos
ephs at iMil.iioue. leander Clark againat
Cornell at Ml. Vernon:
Mjy S leander Clark againat Coe at
Cedar Rapids. Tabor college against
Upper Iowa university at Favette.
Mav S state Normal acainat Ellsworth
at Kile-worth. Tabor college against
Luther at Pecorah.
May 4 t ate Normal againat Highland
Park at Ies .Motr.cs. M. Ambrose college
aga!nt Ft. Joseph's at Duhnnue.
May g-Leanler Clark against State
Normal at Cedar Palls. Tabor college
against Urtnncll at Urtnnell
May T-L"anier Clark alnst Upper
Tows, unherrlty et Payette. Cornell
aern K;ste unlveraiiy, Iowa City.
May alrf-sndT CUrk against Luther,
May Stste Normnt smlnst Coe at
Cedar Hapldn. Xtate I'nlveraltv againat
M. Joe'h s at Dubuque, Orlnnell against
Iowa Wesleyan at Mt. Pleasant.
May lv-skatr University againat Cor
nell at Mt. Vernon. ,
May U State Normal againat Leander
Clark at Toledc-open for 8U Joaaph a.
May UV-lTpper Iowa University against
Bt. Joseph's at Dubuque.
May It-Cornell against Leander Clark,
May 1R Orlnnell against State Normal
at Cedar Pails. -Cornell .against High
land Park at Dea Moines, at. Joseph's
against Luther at Decorah.
May lOrlnnell-aglnat-Coe at Cedar
Rapida. ....
May Ift-Ellswlrtli against fit. Joseph's
at Dubuque, Cornell against Grinnell at
Orlnnell... .
May tl-Highland -Park college against
State Normal at Cedar Palls, Upper Iowa
University against Luther at Decorah.
May M8t. Joseph.' against St, Am
brose at Davenport, Highland Park
against Upper- Iowa University at Pay
ette. , . . .
May It-Highland Park against Lutht
at Decorah. .
May 24-Coo against State Normal at
Cedar Palls.
May 4V-Coe against Upper Iowa Univer
sity at Fayette.
May 16 Upper Iowa University againat
State Normal at Cedar Falls, Coa againat
Cornell at Mt. Vernon.
May SI Upper Iowa University against
Cornell at Mt. Vernon.
June 1 Mt. Joseph's against State Nor
mal at Cedur Kalla, Coe against Leander
Clark at Toledo.
June ft-Upper Iowa University againat
Lullw-r at' Decorah.
York five Overwhelmed.
BBATD1CB. Neb., Feb. IL (Special
Telegram.) In a fast and exciting basket
ball game here tonight the Beatrice High
school team defeated Tork by the score
of 47 to ST. Kutherford. one ot the
Beatrice playera, Waa put out of tha gam
fur rough playing.
' Persistent Advertising Is the Road to
Big Returns.
Beating Time on -the Ice
.Tba key a auoreas in bust lias la
tedlclous and persistent nso of aawspapsr
EUATTLK, Wash.. Feb. U. "Duckey"
Holmes, the Western league magnate,
who waa once slated to manage tha Vic
toria clab of tha Northwestern league,
haa written to D. K. Dugdale, president
ef th Seattle club, that he will go Into
the courts to enforce a contract be aava
be haa with the Victoria dub and which,
he ailrj ws violated when President
WatteJet signed Leu Nordyk of Spo
kane ta mara"e the team. Holmea com-
plalne that he waa kept out of acre
good positions by reason of tying him
self up with Victoria.
St. Cat ward Defeats Nowsamat Crave
T. EDWARDS. Neb. Feb. 11 -4 See
del. V la a closely contested game of
basket ball at the garage Friday night
tba St. Bdward High school defeated
tha Neermaa Grove High school. M to H
xWTr? )v - 'Vf VM
V !-'.r"- y 1 - aJll- - - ? 5 B
V . - - ' it - ""'V-t ' i JXy X"
Kareaaa Khrfeota Boelwa.
RAVENNA. Neb.. Feb. IX 8Bclai.
Tba Ravenna basket ball team defeated
Boetua in the local gymnasium Friday
evening. M ta 14 The earn tesuna psayeg
a Ue game at Bedus a week age.
The new way and the old la kc-bMt.n.
On th left la the aute scooter, running
race with It antiquated -rival, a soiling
iceboat propelled by the wind. The
scooter la hi reality factor (haa Use wiM
that is. Ih'a iarti.;!ar ore ir hav.'bera b't by New Yorkers, and the
able to aail riaga around tba other craft new fad 'a almoet becoming a crane
la a fifty-mile wind, on rho Shreqsbury ; amcng rich outdoor aport enthusiasts dur
river, near New Tork, ua th day thla i tng the final soontas of tba winter.
Savotograss)' waa aOAepad.7UaT awottrs.
: 4 .
I . . . I
I .
Brooklyn Kan Defeat! Mayer in
Final Game of Tonrniment
Poggeabnray auad Colllna rial ah with
Faar Vlcterlea and Twa Defeat
Each aa Will Mar Off Tie
Monday Arteraoea.
NEW TORK. Fbb. 11-Morrla D. Brown
of Brooklyn won the American das A
111 balk Una billiard championship, two
weeks' play .for which ended In Brook
lyn tonight Brown lost but ona gam In
th series.
Ha played tha final game with Joseph
Mayer, the Philadelphia champion, and
displaying the same form ha bad shown
throughout the tournament, won by M to
3BL Brown also captured the hlgR run
prise of the -tournament, scoring 88 at a
run In one of the previous games.
The tournament ends with J. Pog gen
burg of New Tork and Percy Collins, the
young Chicago player, lied for second
place, each with tour vlctortea and two
defeats. Th tie will be played off Mon
day aternoon.
Collins won the single high average
prise of the tournament with 11 2S-M. The
condensed score of tonight's game:
Brown-Total. MO: average, lt-41; high
runs, 1&, 61 and M.
Mayer Total. 381: average. S 37-4S: high
runs, 86. and St.
KEAItNET. Neb.. Feb. 11 -(Special )
Kearney Is now prepared to meet all
comers in the state league with what is
regarded locally as the strongest lineup
the club haa had since the organisation
of the league.
Manager Harry Berte has signed a num
ber of men not known In Nebraska terri
tory. Including Wltiel. C. Wright, Rogers
and Schimnoekl. all outfielders.
Hugh Srhuerln Is a high-priced Infielder
who will be brought with the manager
from St Louie. All ot these players are
new at the game and to lend assistance
in developing them two old-timers. Jack
Webb and Nick Taylor, have been signed
for this special work.
Of the old players, Sam Wright, the
pitcher. Is holding out for a raise In
salary, while De Coo lay la undecided
whether to enter the ranks for the season.
Msgerkurth haa been traded to Tork
for Hennesey and negotiation ar on to
make pome additional change In the
Rheup by soon exchangee In th state
league. '
Of the old guard who have signed ran
tracts are Berte. Pagiea, Murphy, Down
ing. O'Hearn and Gray.
Patrick, a southpaw, owned by tha
Cleveland Americana, la regarded as a
find and has also signed with the local
Good Books and Music
Help to Live Eight
Contending that there Is a great de
mand for young men who arc possessed
of high Ideals and who can bo depended
upon, James H. Clarke, a banker of,
Hastings, Neb., addressed a large audi
ence at the Young Men'a Christian asso
clatoln building Sunday afternoon, taking
for a subject, "Religion In Business, and,
Business in Religion. "
He held that one of tha most noble,
thing In the world la helping young men
to get th light start In Ufa and then
sea that they keep right In their work.
Tba thro groat necessities, he held, are,
to think right thoughts, read good book
and hear good must a. With the three
looked after, there will be no danger,
of tha man who adopts them going,
wrong In hla business Ufa
Mr. Clark said ha could feel no sym
pathy for tha man who seeks to gat Into
tha church In order to help him along lit
b ual a ess or society, yet he knew of in-
stance wher men have joined churches,
just for these purpose.
Funeral of Joseph
Lehmer Held Sunday
Tha body of Jotaeph It Lehmer, wha
died Friday afternoon whlla preparing to
attend th funeral of hi mother. Mrs.
Elisabeth Lehmer, waa laid to rest yes
terday afternoon at Prospect Hill ceme
tery. Services were held at th resldenos,
I6H Harney (treat. In charge of Rev.
E. H. Jenks, pastor ot th First Presby
terian chore b, Tha pallbearers were!
Frederick H. Davis, Edward P. Pack,
William A. Rodlck, Charles P. Deuel,
Julius 8. 8harp and Robert W, Patrick.
Staataea Trims Pteree.
STANTON. Neb.. Feb. 11 (Special
Lett night the Stanton boy a did great
honor to the orange and black when they
defeated the Pierce High school boys
In an Interesting game of basket bail
by the score of 44 to 11 Toung, center,
and "Daao" Olaser. forward for Stanton,
starred throughout the gome. The lineup.
Mnhr R.P. R.F.... Chaee
Pencers LF LP. Glaaer
Manske C.iC. ............ Toung
Penners R.O R-Q.. Puehs
W u ten LO.;LG...... HolisUea
Vanderpool s L.F.IL.F.
Referee: Prof. Welch. Umpire: Prot
H. (8pece.ll
la., defeated
in a wrestling
Frooca was
man and took
and two mlfir
Frewaa Threw
RANDOLPH. Neb.. Feb.
Peter Proem of Harlan.
Carl Reed of Wauas, Neb.
match here Friday night
too mora for th etausa
two KraigBt tal4 in. sine
NEW YORK. Feb. I1.-A serious fir
tonight In on of th most congested sec
tions ot New York nesr th Bowery
caused a panto among thousands of ten
ants, hotel guest and theatergoer.
In place of the casualty Hat tha police
feared when flv alarma and ambulance
calls came In, not a serious Injury was
reported. Nearly 6,000 persona were
driven from crowded buildings Into th
tracts, wher they shivered In cold neai
The fir broke out In a tenement at
Christie and Canton streets, and this and
a seven-story structure adjoining were
Wo wish to call youi attention to tho
fact that most Infectious rllarssiai such
as whooping cough, diphtheria and scar
let fever are contracted when th child
has a cold. Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy will quickly cure a cold and greatly
lessen the danger of contracting these
diseases. Thla remedy I famous for Its
euro of colds. It contains no opium or
other narootlo and may be given to a
child with Implicit confidence. Sold by
all dealers.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Feb. U.-(Spedal Tel- '
e gram.) Fire last night at Burchard de
stroyed the hardware store of Frank ;
Pepperell and the implement house of
John Carter, with their storks of goods.
The feed store of Shaffer Scott waa also
consumed. As the town Is without fir1
protection the cltlsens were unable tt
check th flam-a.
The loaa la placed at tit an, covered by
Insurance. The origin of the fir Is unknown.
Sebody le Too old
to learn that the sure wsy to cure a.
oough, cold or sore lungs is with Dr.
Kings New Discovery. Sec and SI ".
For sale by Beaton lrug Co.
Sloan's Liniment is excellent
for sprains and bruises. It stops
the pain at once and reduces
the swelling very quickly.
is penetrating and antiseptic
Mr. B. I. lannrv. ef sarOadsr Bt,Cbas
taaeaga. Taauu. aava:-1 spraised say sa.
k le. k paiasd an very seek sad waa badly
sellaa. After a few aaelieaiioaa of
Sioaa's Uaiavavt stv ankle was relieved,
aad la asw esasrely weU."
. At a I I i IrHaSSa, sa.. a U se
Dr. Earl S. Seas . aVoetoa, Mass.