Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1912, Image 1
Looldaf Baekward This Day in Omaha rainy ramy tmh Are gee SMrJotiai IeT of each hm The Omaha Daily Bee WEATHEB FOBECAST. Qoudy; Colder ,VOI XLI-NO. 206. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 12, 1912 TKX PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. CONGRESS FACES IMPORTANT WEEK Will Work with Tariff, Arbitration, Senatorial Elections and Army and Agricultural Disputes. ALL HAKDS LOOK TO CAMPAIGN Presence of Presidential Candidates Lends Keen Interest. STEPHENSON EEPOBT IS SUE Special Committee in Lorimer Case Plans Executive Session. HOUSE DEMOCRATS TO MEET Lower Chamber Expected to DUw ol Arsay Appropriation Prior to Caeres mm CbemiceU Tariff Revision Bill. WASHINGTON. Feb. ll-Congress wlU work this week with the tariff, arbitra tion treaties, senatorial elections and army and agricultural controversies. Republicans and democrats are looking sharply ahead to the coming national campaign. Ths presence of presidential candidates on both sides of the capital lends keen interest to the Increasing congressional activity. Both parties In the house are tilting for advantage, with nearly every move aimed at the effect on the polls next November. The prob lem In the senate is the exact position which the progressive flank of the re publican party the balance of power In the senate at this and the recent extra 'session will assume when the test comes on the steel bill, and on the other tariff revision measure jhich will be sent over by the democratic house. The exoneration of Senator Stephenson from the charges of corruption In the use of IM7.WJ In the pritrsry which resulted In his election will be reported to the senate, possibly tomorrow. Senator lley burn, chairman of the subcommittee which conducted the Inquiry, will make the majority report. Five members of the committee will unite In a minority dissenting report to be presented later. This will contend that the wholesale out lav of money. Irregularly accounted for, raised a presumption of wrongdoing. Meantime the special committee which Investigated the election of Senator I-orl-mer of Illinois will consider that case in executive session. Beeaoemt Will t acres. House democrats will caucus this week on the chemical tariff revision bill which would reduce duties an chemicals used In paints and for other common pur poses, but raise the tariff on soaps, per fumes and other luxuries. But before the caucus the house Is expected to dispose of the army appropriation with Its train - of controversy over army revision aad consolidation and following ' that the agricultural appropriation' "Mil wlf.' be taken up. James J. HJ1. chairman of the directorate of the Great Northern railroad, will be the star witness tomor row before the Stanley steel committee. The sugar trust Inquiry committee Js about to report on Its work. The senate finance committee will re sume Its hearings on the house steel tariff revision bill on Tuesday. The hearings may continue two weeks. The bill will be negatively reported by the committee. Democratic and progressive republican leaden have Individually dis cussed the possibility of getting to gether on the vote when the bill reaches the senate, but there have been no defi nite assurances between them. The house will be busied during the week with Its variety of Investigations, Including the Florida affair and the money trust by the banking and currency committee. There has been some talk that the senate committee on Interstate commerce might also Inquire into the money trust, but so far ths ma jority of the committee have not found what they regard as evidence of such a trust. The committee will take up In execu tive session on February Ti the mass of testimony on anti-trust matters which it has obtained during weeks of Investi gation and probably will report some vort cf anti-trust legislation to the senate. Pocket is Picked in Street Car Jam Albert Vtrnmlat, 1080 South Thirtieth fttrttt, hid hl pocket picked of CO while he was boarding a South Omaha street tar at Siiteenth and Howard about o'clock Saturday night. Ylmmlat aald there waa an unusually large crowd get ting on the car at that time and he waa jostled about by two or three men and In the rush mroeone got Ms pocketbook out of his trousers pucket. The purse contained four S6 gold pieces and a Ger man t-cent piece. The Weather For Nebraska Fair. For Iowa loudv. For South Dakota-Fair. For Kansas Cloudy. Teeeaeralare at Uaaaha Vesterday. Garrison is Ordered Shipped'to El Paso From Fort Whipple PRE SCOTT, Aria., Feb. U. -Orders were received at Fort Whipple today for the removal of the entire garrison to El Paso. Two hundred and seventy men with com plete camp equipment will be shipped at once. Governor Abraham Oonsales of Chi huahua, minister of the Interior, In the cabinet of President Madero of Mexico, arrived from Spofford Junction late to day. He brings with him a plan which he believes will result In the complete pacifi cation of the state of Chihuahua. His pro posal consists of the Immedlste disburse ment of among the former soldiers and 60,009 among the widows and orphans of the soldiers who teU In battle. He Is also empowered to begin an Im mediate sale of state and national land In small tracts to the soldiers and poorer classes of Chihuahua. MEXICO CITY. Feb. M.-Mexlco will not transport troops through United Statea territory now even If the Wash ington government had not withdrawn Its permission for such action, according te an official message sent to Washing ton today. Government officials here say rural es at Juarez are loyal and It Is not neces sary to replace them with federals. WASHINGTON, Feb. 10.-The State de partment has concluded to decline the request of the Madero government for permission for Mexican troops to cross Texas. Five Killed When Aerial Cable Lets Tram Car Go Down CASPER. Wyo., Feb. lt-The snapping of an aerial cable across the Platte river at the government Pathfinder dam last night hurled a gang of wbrkmen from the tram car 1 feet to the rocks. Five are dead and several others seriously Injured, according to the meager reports received here. The dead are: JOHN M'LAUOHLIN, married, family at Marshalltown, la. w. A. PHILUPS. married, family at Neosho. Mo. JOHN WOOD . BARNEY FI.YNN. CHKIS MOORE. The scene of the accident la fifty miles southwest of Casper. A courier, after an all-night ride through a wild and rugged country, reached Casper today with the first word of the accident and an appeal for medical assistance. From his meager knowledge It was learned the men were creasing the Platte river In the aerial tram, as has been the custom for months, when the cable broke and the car with Its human freight was hurled upon the rocks. . A relief party. Including physicians and undertakers, was organised and left Im mediately for the dam. Until tiialr re turn further details are not available. New Freight'Kates in West Suspended WASHINGTON. Feb. Il.-The Inter state Commerce commission today form ally promulgated Its order suspend ing the proposed new western classi fication of freight from February M until June M, that opportunity might be had to examine the schedule and ascertain the effect of the proposed changes. Disclaiming any intent to discourage uniform classification, the commission also asserts that good reasons exist for the temporary suspension of the proposed schedule In order that It may be examined critically. Assurance Is given that ample opportunity will be offered all Interested to be heard on the subject. DBS MOINES. Feb.. 10.-A meeting of representatives of all of the state boards of railroad commissioners west of the Mississippi liver and sll big shippers In terested was called yesterday for Tues day, February JO. at the Planters hotel In St. Louis by Clifford Thome, chair man of the committee. Mr. Thome Is a member of the Iowa State Board of Railroad Commissioners. Plans for future hearings with reference to the western classification will be formulated. The work of the rate ex perts wtll be toward a uniform classifica tion. Now the country Is divided Into three classifications, official, southern and western. 1 .a Hour. Der V. -itXSIi " a. m I ' f-sK VF3 a- m a '.I A 12 m 51 aVs-sv J" m ! UT TT P- m Vt" r -U 4pm X Jill " ! 7 P. m at York State Held Fast in Icy Grip NEW YORK. Feb. II -Bltt.r cold weather with temperatures falling tens of degrees below the sero mark held sway tr the eastern section of the country today and tonight Records of years were broken in some sections, notsbly In north ern New York. Forty-one below was re corded at one point In the Adirondack region, while temperatures of from to B below were plentifully reported from state points. Bitter winds and a heavy snow tsll in tensified the suffering in the far nortli estern section of the stste. Trains were stalled, several cities, notably Oswego and Watertown were practically cut off from communication except by wire and a food and fuel famine was feared. Suf fering was reported In many smaller places, where coal supplies have given out. The cold wave extended well Into New England, numerous points report ing temreratures far below sero. Bos ton's low record waa 1 below. In this city the minimum waa t below, reached at o'clock this morning. There waa one death In this city from cold and much suffering among the poor. Lit tle relief from the cold was promised for tomorrow. Comparative Local tire lsii hi lr-si iw Hisrhest yesterday, lowest yesterday.. Mean temperature , Precipitation X n 4 k j i; a . . M Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Normal temperature 21 Excess) for Um day Total excess since March 1 Se Normal precipitation 4S liy-h Deficiency for the dav aj mch Total rainfall stare March 1....M4S Inches Deficiency since March 1. 11 M inches Deficiency for cor. period r. .la I mrhe Deficiency for cor. period 1M).. 4. 74 laches POPULAR KEARNEY STUDENT DIES AFTER SHORT ILLNESS KEARNEY. Neb.. Feb. U.f 8peial Glen Elchmeler, a member of the Normal basket ball team was burled today, a victim of a week's Hlness with pneumonia. The Normal cancelled its game with Ootner university, which waa to have beea played tonight, on account of his death. Members of the team and his class at tended bis funeral la a body, he having beea one of the most popular students in the Institution. FUND IS RAISED OR UNIVERSITY In the Market Today Sustaining Fond of $30,000 for Three Years' Expenses of F-V" r , ...ivi- MFSltw H.f "' . ....... f.iW t If.-t SECTJEED IN Lk jnONTHS' TIME Subscriptions from $50 to $300 Annually for Three Tears. GYMHASlUM FUSS COMES NEXT After that, $1,000,000 Endowment Campaign Will Be Begun. JOSLYN GIVES BIGGEST AMOUNT Cosasaltte Will Be Organise te Cssrssj City for Estewswst that Will Be Rafflrleat (as sort Iastltatloa. Thirty thousand dollars has been raised by the Cnlversity of Omaha for current expenses for three years and the uni versity will be ready to start Ita cam paign for a SI, endowment fund at the close of a pending brief campaign for money to build and equip a new gym nasium. The 130.000 fund la to cover current ex penses of the university up to September, 114, and It was raised thst Its board of trustees and friends might have three years without any worry on account of a possible budget shortage to raise the proposed tl.000.OM. The treasurer of the school now holds either cash or special subscription notes for the entire amount. Raised la Six Msatks. The canvass began on August IS, 1U, the people of Omaha having subscribed S90.0W In less than six months. The larg est contributor was George A. Joslyn. who gave 11.600. The first plan was to secure 109 subscriptions, esch for Slot a year for three years, but this wss modi fied because of Mr. Joslyn's Isrge gift and In order to acoommodata some who wanted to subscribe' but did not feel able to give S100. As the plsn was worked out eighty-two subscriptions at Sioo a year were made and thirty-six at SM a year. Charles A. A'den, business manager of the university, says that all declinations to subscribe to the fund, with one or two exceptions, were based on present condi tions of persons) finances. The work has but Just begun," he said, "but If the people continue to re spond as they have so far It wtll be but a short time, comparatively, before the university Is provided with suitable and adequate buildings and sufficiently en dowed so that it will be unnecessary to appeal to the publlo for further contribu tions. Aa lavestsseat for City. "There Is no reason why the University of Omaha should not have a student body of too or 1,000 within ths next five years If the eltlxana of Omaha win pro. ,-r-sv-i-Tlde the fsxlltrter We era no bearing for money; we are asking citlsen of Omaha to Invest capital In an enter prise that guarantees larger returns than are possible In most avenues of business. The Omaha druggist estimates that Crwtghton university, with M students, ia worth S50M0S a year to Omaha. The enrollment In the University of Omaha for the first half of this year was eighty. and In accordance with the estimate above made the present benefit to the business men of Omaha Is between KO.OOO and 160,000 a year." Mr. Alden denies a rumor which he says has been circulated, to the efftct that he la to receive X per cant of the funds he secures. He is under a three year contract at a definite salary, he states. As soon as funds are raised for ths new gymnasium a canvass committee wtll be organised to cover the entire city In the Sl.4O9.000 endowment campaign. why Vonr you ,r I ,.. BwzM"'- r"" -!lf.r v, Hoiz$onioF7m m H That You USED WKfT if Mann Objects to Cheapening Uniform WASHINGTON, Feb. 11 -An attack on the proposed service corps of the army In the house yesterday furnished the first Indication of ths fight that will be made next week on this feature of the army reorganisation plan which la a part of the military appropriation bill now being considered by the house. Representative Mann and other repub licans considered that a pension roll would be established through the service corps to which clerks and other civilian em ployes of the army would be retired after comparatively abort service. The proposed service corps Is to tske Into the military racks employes now on the dvtl Hat, such as teamsters, wagonmasters, and certain grades of clerks. "I think we sre coming to a civil pension list In this country," said Republican Leader Mann, "but It ought sot to be applied In this way." '"We ought to know when we salute a man who wears the uniform of the United Statea army." said Representative Mon- dell of Wyoming, "that he waa a fighting man; that he obtained his title and his emoluments as a fighting man and not be compelled to guess whether he ob tained his epaulets la leading a charge or obtained them by reason of a successful pulling of the tooth of the colosel's wife or the shoeing of the captain's horse." HEIR TO BARODA'S THRONE GOES HOME WITH DEGREE NEW TORK. Feb. U.-Jaislnt Gaekwar. heir to the throne of Baroda, left America route to Ind'a today on the White Star I trier Oceanic, after having taken a Bachelor's degree at Harvard In three I a half years. L rested In the latest occidental fashion, the young potentate waved farewell to a party of college friends and stepped aboard the liner Just before the gangplank was drawn. AVIATOR SWIMS ASHORE AFTER FALLING IN SEA ANTIBE8. France. Feb. 1L Abe Ameri can aviator, Hugh Robinson, while mak ing a flight today In aa American hyro plane. In a series of trials before French officials, fell Into the sea. He was de scending after maneuvering for a t!ne aad his machine caught betsreea tbe heavy wind and the swell of the sea and was cs paired, Robinsoa waa not hart and swam aabora, "Can Tou Ask, Madam, When We Make Such a 6plendid Substitute t" Frora she 31. Loui ob-Pemocrat. ; - vw,y.Y . BROWN THINKS HOOK IS OUTl Impatient Rebels Begin Preparations to Move on Peking Nebraska Senator Feels Certain He Will Hot Be Made Judge. PROTESTS C0MS AGAINST NAGEL Labor Orgaalsatlaaa Flag Faalt with His Adsatalstrallo of Iss. salaratloa Laws Nebraskaas AKead Baaeert. (From a Staff Correspondent ) WASHINGTON. Feb. lWRpecial Tele gram. -Senator Brown was at the White House this morning and had a talk with President Taft Among other things dis cussed, the appointment of a Judge to fill the vacancy on tbe supreme bench was touched upon, snd Senator Brown re newed his protest against sending In Judge Hook's name. Upon leaving the president ths senator said: "While I cannot quote Mr. Taft I feel confident that Judge Honk will not be nominated." The president has decided to delay until late next week tbe appointment of a suc cessor to the late Justice Harlan. Friends of Judge William C. Hook have asked the president for more time to present his claims and to offset the adverse effect of the "Jim crow" law decision in which he participated. In the, meantime various protests hsvs reached the White House against Ihe proposed appointment of Secretary of Commerce and Labor Charles NageL These protests have come largely from labor organisations, the complaint being that Secretary Nagel hsd been too lib eral In hla enforcement of the Immigra tion laws. Frlaeo Presented im Taft. W. A. Prince of Grand Island, candidate for congress In ths Fifth district, who wss complimented yesterday by Chairman Clayton of the judicial commission for his clear ststement on the Union Pacific right-of-way bill, was presented to Presi dent Tsft by Senator Brown, and Ihe two chatted for a few minutes on political matters. Mr. Prince left for the west tonight. He will stop In Si. Louis on his way home. Historical Society Charter. Congressman Maguire made a statement yesterday before the house library com mittee, urging a favorable report on his Mil to grant a charter to the Mississippi Valley Historical association. The associ ation haa a local office at Lincoln, in charge of C. 8. Paine, secretary of the historical society. There are other local offices In many ststes, carrying on the work of historical research to which the society devotee itself Congressman Kinkald today recom mended the appointment as postmaster of J. O. Brown at Wayside, vice his father, Thomas Brown, deceased. Srehraalcaaa at Banejwrt. At the eighth annual league banuuet of the republican Chios held tonight three ex-attoraey generals of Nebraska wre present st too sama table. Senator Noma Brown, Solicitor of Treasury Thompson aad J. R. Webster. In additional to these. Nebraska was represented by three score or more republicus. Including Gen eral J. C. Cowin, W. E. Andrews, John Berg, J. A. Jameson. Congressman Kin kald. William Geddas, C. C Brundsge. George JuUaa and W. A. Broea, NANKlNti. Feu. II. -While Yuan Shi Kal, the Imiieiial premier at Peking, la endeavoring to persuade the republicans to concede the Manchu demands, the re publicans are preparing to begin an ad vance on Peking. Impatience is Increasing and a protest has reached here from Canton against the too liberal terms offered the throne and embodying a demand that tbe Man. chus be stripped of all power. The southern forces now exceed 140,000 men and reinforcements are arriving daily at ths various republican centers. Apparently there la no lack of funds. President Bu Yat Sen Is In absolute con trol and expresses hope for a peaceful coalition of the north and south, but he fesls that Yuan Bhl Kal will exhaust ths patience of the southern provinces by quibbling over detslls and force a con flirt. Ir. Sun haa repeatedly said that the northern provinces are solldi In favor of the republic and as a matter of fact the capital of shantung declared for the revolution on Friday. The revolutionary congress Is still busy with Ihe details of ths provisional con Dr. Huntington's Funeral Monday UNIVKRWTY PLACK, Neb., Feb. 11. (Speclal.) The funeral of Or. Dm Will Clinton Huntington, chancellor emeritus of Weslryan university, will be held In the Methodist church here at 1:30 o'clock Monday afternoon. Since the death of It. Huntington Thursday morning, caused by pneumonia, measagea of con dolence have been received from all parts of the country and It la expected that many of the most prominent men of Methodism will be present to pay their last tribute. FRENCH SENATE RATIFIES AGREEMENT ON MOROCCO PARIS. Feb. ...-Tito Krpnch wnt to day ratified Ihe Franco-fiermftn 4VcorrJ on the ur.Jet of Morocco anr. the Oonr, which waa ulem-d on November lat. by a vote of 222 to 4. The fYanro-Oerman arrortf tat an fr mem between the two coufitrjea by which France ee1ea to Germany a atrip of trH tory In the French Omtro. while Ger many cede to France Home territory on the frontier of Tocoland and Da homey. The rlKM of Franco to eatab M.'h a protectorate In Morocco la recoff rriied on condition that It arreea to ?af efruard economic equality and com mercial liberty for ail nations in that country. CUMMINS WILL LEAD FIGHT ON HERRICK WASHINGTON. Feb. M.-Kenator Cum mins of loa it waa reported today, will lead a fleht by progressive republican senators aliin't the confirmation of Myron T Herrirk. as imlaminr to France. Tne senate rtrocre-Piv.-s are of fended at a public reference which Mr. Herrirk waa reported to have made to Senator La Toilette. CONVICT ATTACKS WARDEN Belig-ions 8crvice at Prison Inter rupted by Stabbing. DAVIS MAT DIE OF WOUNDS Ateri Prlaee, a Xegra, fader Twelve-Year keaear, Aagered by Belag Deprived of Privilege. UNTCOLN, Feb. 11 -Just as the prison chaplain waa about to pronounce the benediction at the close of tha morning chapel service at tha state penitentiary today Albert Prince, a negro under sen tence tor assault with Intent to kill, stabbed Deputy Warden B. O. Da via The warden received six wounds, three of them severe gashes in the abdomen. Physicians say that he will probably die. Ths 400 convicts war standing In ths assembly hall, having juat finis had sing ing a hymn, when Prince attacked Davis. The deputy warden was seated Just In- sliie ths door and managed to walk to the gate after ths assault. Nearby convicts seised Prince and prevented him from pursuing Davis aa the latter barked to ward the door. Prince secured ths knlfs from the broom factory last night. Me ssys that he had no particular grievance against Davis, but that he objected to being deprived of certain liberties. He is under a twelve-year sentence. Two Suspects Held in Child Murder Case GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Feb. Il.-The local authorities tonight are having two suspects In the Go I die Williams murder esse held for Investigation. They are at two widely separated points a ths state. The officers did not divulge (hen- loca tion. Sheriff Klevers, accompanied by a man who can Identify tbe murderer, will leave for the nearer of the towns early In the morning. . LINCOLN. Neb., Feb. 1L-1-A man giving ths name of Frank Wright, and an swering In most particulars the descrip tion of the murderer of Ooldie Williams at Grand Island, was arrested hero hut night. He was located In a rooming house by Sheriff Hyers. who questioned him at length before taking blm to the county Jail. Wright protested his Inno cence, saying he had been In Lincoln more than a week, but refusing to say what he had been doing. He appeared nervous. Ktalns found on his clothing were examined by a phy sician and said to be due to Mood from a hnmaa being. Culled from the Wires Two thousand boy scouts from many points In New York state. New jersey and Connecticut were reviewed by Lieu tenant General Bir Robert 8. . Baden Powell In tbe Seventy-ftrat regiment arm ory In New Tors. Prof. Bowman of the Tale geological department, after a more careful study of the humsn bones found by tha Bing ham expedition to Peru, estimates their minimum age at 56.400 year instead of !.( years, the original estimate. LA rBOnxu. wt.. Feb. ll.-F,fr.n traveling men have been quarantined at Blair. Wla. hotel becauee a case of smallpox wss discovered m tha hotel. A constable guards the bote! to prevent tne escape of the commercial travelers, none of whom haa aa sea haan atiaMi Jjl bo din no. EMPTY CHURCH TO FIGHT FIRE Worshippers in Belleme Church Bosh Madly Out, Learing Minister on Hit Knees. SAVE THE H0XE OF L p. SI05 Bat Two of the Volunteer Firemen. Are Seriously Injured. DB. MITCHELL LANDS OH HEAD Ladder Breaks on Which Water Backets Are Baised Upward. WILLIAM BATCUFFE HUBT, TOO Cesaeat Pavement Was' Want then Two Men 1-aaded Om Hateltffe Has Broken Leg, MttrheU Here Head. While offering up a fervent prayer tor the Almighty for grace granted Dr. Phelps of the Bellevue Presbyterian church was dumbfounded Sunday morn ing when hla congregatlon arose a on man and riotously fled from the place of woishlp. Like all well regulated sinners theyt deserted the divine for something warmer and mors exciting. Two blocks away tha homo of L. D. Krion was In flames, and there was a mad rush to join In the excitement or to assist In quenching' th flame. A ladder was thrown up against tha burning building and Dr. C. C. Mitchell, professor of anthropology, and William Ratellffe, a bookkeeper employed as Swift packing house In South Omaha, war first among th rushing Presby ter tana to fight th flames. They climbed up a Udder to receive water buckets passed by the volunteer below and were getting along handsomely when the support under them gave way. Dr. Mitchell allstited headforemost on th cement pavement below and sustained severe Injuries. Ratellffe went with htm. aad tha doctor says he ha a broken leg. Both men will recover, but not for soma time. Ratcllffej was rendered unconscious. Denver Shaken by 1 Tank Explosions DBNVER. Colo Feb. 1L Denver waa shaken from and to and tonight by tha explosion of two large storag tank of th Great Western oil company, situated in th shipping district. Th company' plant was rased by flr that for a tiro threatened several nearby Indue trial plants. Th bias Is believed to have been) caused by a spark from a passing loco mottv Igniting a tank ear. TBla tamx oar explode, hurling Its biasing con tea ta over tbAbullainga tr Pat. A general alarm brought all the flr appae ratus In th city to th scan. V Th flames spread rapidly. On of th large storage tanks ssplodsd with a det onation that was felt la (very part of th tty. Window were shattered snd buildings jarred for a doaen blocks. Later a second tank exploded, wreck ing the stables and burning a number' of horses. Th property loss is estimates at S7S.IH. Tha local plant la a branch of th Orsae Western Oil aompany of Chicago, where; the main offices era located. Edison 65 Years Old; Still Sleeps 4 Hours NOW YORK, Feb. 1L-Thomas A. Edi son will be tt year old tomorrow, but act hi birthday eve tonight he declared ho felt no older than when he was a. "I was never In better health or spirits." aald tha Inventor at his homo la Wast Orange, N. J. "My year sit but lightly on m and I'll guarantee to run up li flights of stair with aay man of any age and be either ahead at th top or pretty close to th other fellow.' The Inventor declared he was still fal lowing his four or four and a half hours a night sleep plan, to bed at midnight and up at 4:S. "It gives me plenty of leep and a lot more time for my work,'' he aald. CENTRAL CITY COMMERCIAL CLUB WILL GIVE BANQUET CENTRAL. CITT. Neb.. Feb. U. (Spe cial.) The eighth annual banquet of th Central City Commercial elub wtll be bald Friday, February Is. Cuddmgtoa ball haa boon secured for this banquet and tha usual exoallent program I being prepared. Th list of speaker Include distinguished men ever th stste, and although th In vitation have Just beea sent oat this week, already a large number of ac ceptances have been received. The women of Bt Cecelia's social drcl of tha Catholle church will hav th serving of the banquet, under the management f Mr. R. E. Barge. ' Omaha Real Es tate is the safest, surest investment on the market to day. With the great amount of building and manufac turing, constantly going on, its future is assured. Real Estate bought today will yield a atronc margiB of profit ia increase of valu la a few years. - Your opportunity la adver tised ta the real estate eoluaut of today' Bee. Read the Ads careful! jcE make your selection and. J buT now, i