Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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New Sprin
g GoodsBrandeis
Greatest MM 1
, 1 nMM M I
New lines
of Owesda
' Oomm amity
Arc Hera
Great Embroidery Sale
18 and 27-inch fine Swiss Batiste and Cambric Embroid
ered Flouncings, SkirtingB, Corset Coverings, Wide Bands
and Galloons in new 1912 designs, eyelet, floral, f)
blind relief and new combination effects; many j I
worth up to 60c yard, special, at, yard mUj
45-inch Sheer Swiss and Batiste Embroidered Skirtings;
elegant new designs in eyelet, Irish Crochet, floral, blind
relief and new combination effects ; big window 1 1 9 ft
display of skirtings worth to $2.00, at, a yard. . . . .visitf
27-inch fine Sheer Swiss, hemstitched and ruffled embroid
ered flouncings; dainty baby patterns, some with CQ
rows of Val. laces; worth to $1; special at, yard. .. v
-Fine Embroidery Edgings;
thousands of yards in neat,
effective designs; excellent
needlework; 'worth lOo a
yard, (J
at, yard
Fine French and German Val
Laces and Insertions, pure
linen torchons, fancy wash
laces and cluny curtain
laces; worth 10c;
special, at, yard C
Laces, Nettings and Dress Trimmings
Elegant, new designs that are marvelously close in tex
ture and beauty to band-made laces. Laces to be leaders in
popularity for the dainty costumes of .the coming season
in all fashionable widths.
Rich, beaded bands and separate medallions in gold,
silver, crystal and light pastel shades; new knotted silk
fringes, new drop and ball fringes in black, white and new
spring colors.
Spring's New ArriTals in Drapery Department
la this department 70 u wilt (lad everything that U new for th
sprint acawa. Our assortment re larger and better than ever be
fore. Here ere a few of the new arrival.
Fcrlin Cuilaln trimmed with braid edge In white and Arab color
for MoDtaj, at, pair 75
Swiss Curtain trimmed with colored bordori; the are very newf
ay our anolca, ixjr pslr,,,. . $1.25
Filet Net Cnrtalu In the new spring pattern: the are Terr good for
living room, at. a pair , S2.0S. 93.50 S3.0di
Iinafnlnvr Nets Ws are headquarter for theee Beta, dotes of rtew
. pauern are now being shown at, yard, 49S 65 08 nd 81.25
fuafast iiadraa and Iona Cloth for cvereurulns; w are saost-i- all
the new piing pattern, 60 In. wide, at, a yard SI. 35
Sun (ait Portiere; our iprlng ttock 1 bow complete; splendid va'ue
" are her at. pair, .-$4.98. S5.08 ! 97.50
Kanr Couch Coven, all sew pattern, at, each.. (3.50 and 94.50
Colored Drapery Bwli In dot nnd figure, at, raid., ...13H)
i 6-inch Drpry Scrim ia stripe and. plaids, from th holt, Monday,
t. jrarl 7
This Illustration Shows New "Jenny" Model
. The Latest and Geveres-t Idea for 1912 in a
SpringTailored Suit
We will make this charming new (T A Q
suit to your individual measure for ij)fr
Ton may choose material from fifty, sample of the latest
spring Tabrics and the finished model of the ".Jenny"
suit is here for your inspection.
Thl I only one of the core and acore of new iprlng model
in our ult cection from which your new suit may be made tc
measure. Order may be placed now and your suit will be delltered
whenever you may wish it. You see the exact style In ire fin
ished garment before yon plan your order. We are also equipised
to make si.rlng cost to your individual measure.
They are very fetching and you will find the newest,
smartest styles in our women's ready-to-wear section on
the second floor. See the new serge coats with white col
lars and turn back cuffs, the fine mixtures and novelty
cloths; see the new, long, full coats with big reveres and
cuffs of Turkish Toweling pretty, new coats with lace
collars, etc. Prices are $15, $19, $25 and up to $75
The pretty, light colors predominate; new pin stripes,
new serges with fancy toweling, tnrn back cuffs and col
larsnew, fancy mixtures and novelties. The suits show
the short coat with a trifle wider skirt.' Prices are $25
$35, $39 and up to , , ;...$75
The white serge dresses are very popular. Many of the darker frocks have the white
"pique collars and cuffs, while a large number Bhow the Turkish toweling reveres that are in
such high favor everywhere. Many new spring dresses of Bilk fabrics also. A wonderful va
riety at... , $15, $19, $25 and up to $50
The New Spring Silks and Dress Goods
- - Bordered Silks,' the most-wanted stylo for-the
coming aeaion, at, yard 91.35 to IJj.95
.A special bargain In '36-Inch black Mescaline Silks
t. rn 70
11.60 Dress Bilks, 36-Inch Spot-Proof Foulards. 36
Inch Stripe Alessallnes, etc., at, yard ...ljSc
Extra Bilk Bargain Plain and fancy silks, foulards,
taffeta and messallne at, yard . . .39) to (J9c
Special showing of these new suiting In the correct
, weave, whipcords, Vlgoreaux, serge, basket
weaves, also creme with pencil strip of black;
special for Monday, at, a yard Jl to 92.95
A big special table of Wool Dress Good consisting
of all the wanted shades and weave such as
, aergea, plain and fancy wool poplins, mannish
suitings, etc, 38 to 48 Inches wide, at, yard, 50
Just received,. complete line of(French Pique In Effleur Voile, many neat floral designs; all the
equal stripe, 32 Inches wide,-at, yard. . . ..75r j pastel" shades, .at, yard....- 59
Fancy, merltacle Marquisette, at, embroidered Tissue. 27 lncbea 42-inch bordered Voiles; a dress
; yard .,k..."i'. .
394) I wWo,i at, yard.
29e I Tttern, at
Valentine Novelties in Our Candy .Dept. PomPeUn Room
Pretrleat St, Valentine Novelty la Town 'Nine, dainty. Individual candy heart, a lace paper doily for
each heart, all packed In a handsome box; complete at each jq
Hundreds of pretty novelties in heart eaady boxes and decorations; heart shsped patties, etc.; specially
. priced. . . . . .
Expert WatcU
Watches Cleaned
60 Cento.
I (February only)
Thousands of Yards of the MoU De
sirable New Wash Fabrics for Spring
in a Great Variety ! the Most Pop-J T
alar Weares, 25c and 35c Goods, Yd. X il L
Ws place on sale 600 bolt of high grade White Goods that
were most advantageously bought by us at very considerable un
der the regular price, but we had to agree not to advertise the
brand of these goods. The brand is nationally advertised in all
the journals and magazines at 25c and 35c for the two grades.
It is a fine, sheer, white goods made in imitation of pure linen
in dimity, stripes, checks, plaids and plain. It is double-folded
and rolled on boards exactly like imported linen goods and the
name is stamped on every yard and also in white letters on
green paper on every board.
You will at once recognize these goods and you will marvel
at how we can sell them at 15c a yard when they are so well
known a 25o and 35o good. v
The purchase of thl lot of goods is one of the
merchandise triumphs that has made the Brandeis
Store famous. The price per yard is
40c New Tussah Silk at 15c Yard
Tussah and Chiffon Silk in black and every conceivable
color in new and beautiful designs that were bought by us
most advantageously. '
.. This is another of those merchandise scoops that have
made the Brandeis Stores one of the foremost stores in
America. Just think of being able to buy these beautiful
new, 40c Tussah Silks, right off the bolt not
remnants, and in every color and new beautiful
patterns at, per yard. .
1 25c Mercerized Luxury Silk at 15c Yard
A most desirable fabric for shirting, waisting, suiting
"and pajamas and for all purposes for which high grade mer
cerized cottons are used. Black and all desirable
plain shades, 32 inches wide, in basement, at, yard .
25c Imported Ginghams at 15c Yard
' Extra fine, 32-Inch, Imported Ginghams In waist and dress lengths.
A great variety , of .patterns and colors In thesa durable ,eia -fabric.
An opportunity to make a saving of 10c on each
yard, at, per yard ;.:"'
25c Mercerized Voiles at 15c Yard
Here I a very desirable waistlng and suiting, guaranan
teed sun-proof and aoap-proof; black and all the pretty,
new shades. Instead of 25c a yard, they go at, yard
25c Lisle Tissues at 15c Yard
Well known tissues retailing In the best stores all over the coun
try at 25 a yard. Prettiest new checks, plaids, stripes and
plain colors. Every woman or child wanta a lisle tlsxue
dress. From the bolt, at, per yard
'Woodmen Await witi Interest Be
. relopment ia Bate Fight. ,
lltstrlet Organiser Twmtmmi
t rU ! aawrtes Maklaa r
ctal Kllert Iamaae
Mmfeenkl. '
i Members of the Modern Woodmea of
jUMrtea are awaiting with considerable
jntanst the actios of the Joint committee
( tlM camps of Omahs, South Omaha
4 other aearby places regarding the
fttepa te be taken t cbanse the action at
h bead camp la promulcatlng a new
iable of assessment rates.
xbe committee will meet Wednesday
renin at Modern Woodmen hail aad Is
composed of many of the leaden of the
..iuik,a te i hie vicinity. - That some
Voaoerted action will be takea too king to
the object In view la certain, nut wnsx
term It will take has not yet been de-
- There is very little talk of secedtn
Avm. th arnniullon end Btartin
new society. The (lsbt will ao doubt
t earned on withla tbe orcamntlon, and
a there is as much opposition to tbe
Jm i pen In rates In the other states of
th luriadlctloa as there Is la Nebraska,
th. t,nM ere rood for a aaUooal cam-
peura te fores tbe bead camp to recede
drem tta poetUon.
; Tbe Omaha Modern Woodmen are
mlmoet a unit In the fight over the pro
aweed mcreae. It was thought at first
the oppoeltloB would be eonfmed chiefly
,h. Mm members of the order, but
Xbm younger members seem lust as much
-opposed to the raise as those mora
vanced in rears.
! One of the local leaders said: "While
vtm dtsoatlitactloB with the aw rates
i. a Imnfl. unsnlmous here, vet the
'.greatest objection of the members Is the
For ChildAlns, Frott-BitN
Aad Ail Sort Foet
. Msnr Dereons dread the approach of
sister on account of chilblains and frost
Jtttes which cause a sorenvssisnd Itching
MX times almost aobesrsble, frequently
bringing en a nervous condition. To loose
afflicted the fcllowuig treatment will
welcome Information as It gives Immediate
relief and soon cures. Mieuolve two-tskw-poeufuls
of Caiocide compound In a bssin
of warm water (not hot). Bosk the feet in
tue for fifteen minutes. Repent thle for
ererml nights until trouble disappears
THs action of Csodde compound for I1
foot ailments Is reeilr remarkable. Br Its
use corns sad callouses esa be peeled right
4ff. Sweaty, smelly feet end tender, ark-
log feet nee but a tew applies uone.
-nun Wins set relief mstsnur. Any drug
gist has H m stock or will g4 It from his
wtwessje souse, a iwemr-.ivvcvrm pscs
saw awnslly sufficient to put the worst
at U LSS coauuoa. Ar.
fart that the hesd camp was not satis
fled with making a radical Increase In
the assessment rates, but also decided
to re rate all the present members and
require them to par th rats for their
attained as Instead of the rate for their
aga of entry to th society, in many
aaea th Increase from Ihs mating la
greater than the Increase from the raise
la rates.'
Independent Order of Odd Fellewe.
Omaha lodge No. t win bar work In
the second degree next Friday night
Beacon lodge. No, , will give Its an
nual social session next Tuesday evening.
The Beacon bora have been preparing
tor this entertainment for some time aad
promise a surprise In the excellence of
the program that will greet the members
that attend.
' Ivy Rebekah lodge No. 8 gave a danes
aad card party last Thursday svsnlng at
which there was an unusually large attendance.
Dannebro lodge No. tit will put en the
second degree work Beat KM day evening
O. C. eorensoa will leers for Peoria,
DL, the first of th week where he will
remain the balance of the winter.
Hesperian encampment No. t will put en
the patriarchal degree next Thursday
C. C. Hansen baa been admitted te the
Odd Fellows- noma aad left Omaha last
Tuesday for York.
Claassaea at America.
Lodge No. I will give a card party and
dance Friday evening In Myrtle hall ea
ses. Fifteen and Douglas streets. Prises
wilt be given and luncheon served. All
members and friends are expected te at
Last Friday night, la keeping with the
standing program, a sketch was presented
by Messrs. Both and Orotk. characterising
tbe Mutt and Jeff cartoons, which kspi
all members la aa uproar of laughter
tor halt aa hour. The akstch showed cea-
slderable ability of the participants aad
much care and work la preparation. Mem
bers who were aot present certainly
mtased a treat.
Frateswal l'alsi of Assorsrsk
Mondamia lodge No. 111. under the lead
ership of William D. Rally, district organ
iser. Is making a special effort te Increase
its membership and to make the meetings
interesting. An attendance prise Is given
every week as a special inducement to
bring the members out. This lodge will
giro eaolasr of Ita popular daae
Monday evening. February b at Ita halt
success of the 'concert given by Royal
Welsh Ladles choir' In ths auditorium
under th auspices of the clan.
en Hare Initiate.
Mecca Court No, 11, Tribe of Ben Hur,
Initiated a large class of candidates last
Thursday evening. A. N. Caratensea has
th campaign started right. Next Thurs
day evening the court will give a valen
tine party and dance, and on February tt
they will have a large class to Initiate
at which time Bupreme Chief R. N. Ger
ard will be present. , . .
Royal Achates tilvs Masquerade.
Union lodge. No. IN. Royal Achates, will
Siva a masquerade ball at Barigbt's hall.
Nlnetenth and Farnam streets, oa Thurs
day evening. February 9. Mr. Kelso
Morgan Is chalrmaa of the committee
end expeets to have a goodly number of
prises for ths best costumes. !
task Will Be renter.
Nebraska lodge No. L Knights of
Pythias, will confer the rank of esquire
on a class of candidates Monday night
at Myrtls hall. Fifteenth and Douglas.
and will complete arrangements for en
tertaining ths grand chancellor on the
following Monday.
i t
MeVaaa Addressee Knights.
Ths regular meeting of th Knights of
Columbus will be held Tuesday evening.
and K. J. McVana, matuger of the traffic
department of ths Commercial club, will
deliver an address. Mr. McVann Is the
asw president of Creightoa alumni
Kalarhla aad Ladlea te Daaee.
The Knights of Columbus will give aa
Informal danaa Thursday evening, at the
dub room la the Board of Trade build
ing. This will be the last dance before
Easter. Arrangements are being made te
handle a large number of guests.
- Achates Will Initiate.
Omaha lodge No. t, Moral Achate, will
Initials a class of candidates at the meet
ing Tuesday evening.
Order ef teeltteh Chasm,
At th regular meeting of Claa Gordon
No. SV Order of Scottish Clans, I
Tuesday evening, two fins son of the
heather were Initiated. Bones were
and those present bad a fine time. All
were Terr mnefc pleased at Uw artistic
friends are cordially Invited to attend In
Xeleabers Play Cards.
Fern camp. Royal Neighbors of Amer
ica, will enjoy a high Ave party Wednes
day afternoon In Baiight hall. Nineteenth
and Farnam streets.
Cards aad Daaclsg.
Minnehaha council No. t, Degree of Po-
cohontas, will have a oard and dancing
party at Barlght hall Baturday evening.
To Present Year's Plans.
Plana for the year's work will be dis
cussed and formulated by Alpha Grove
No. X, Woodmen Circle at tbe regular J
session to be held Wednesday evening
la Banght'a ball. The plans will be pre
sented by Guardian Evans.
WassM'a Belief c.
C. ft. Grant Women's Relief corps. No.
Ml, gars a fine literary program at Ba
iight hall Tuesday afternoon. It will hare
a Joint meeting with the post oa Wash.
ingtoa s birthday.
Oaras fee- Mae
Cntforta hive. No. av Ladles of th
ManratiiBB of the World, will sire a ears
mmv BVMm at the basse at afra n. 1 -
KM North Twenty saunas. Keprrahmenti
win be serves.
Order sf tfaalera Star.
Vesta chapter. No. s. Order of the East
ern Star, wtU give a "wchcol days- party
at Masonic temple oa Wednesday evening.
February Uta. All njcnjhet, aad
Minstrel Show by
Home Talent Friday
The Young Man's Social club will give
minstrel show Friday evening at !:IS
In Creightoa university auditorium. Twen
ty-fifth and California. The club la a
revival of the old Young Men s Social
club, which was composed of men of St
Phllomena's parish, when the eld cathe
dral was standing at Ninth and Harney.
The program Is:
Opening Medley Chorus
By the Assembly, lnca Kennedy, interlocutor.
Solo, -The Navajo Rag' ...........
John Kuan.
"Ths Old Mill Stream" .........
Sole - .........
Jim Csughlla.
Soto, "My Baby Rose"
fat voniey.
Solo, The Railroad Hag '
Jack Alvord.
Solo, "My Honey Man"
Jim Blair.
Finale .......
Br the Assembly.
End men. jack Alvord. Jim Blair. Jim
L'augnua ana jaca jtumniik
ads niemaa.
-That Big Quartette."
, IX ck O.Nel.l. McUlbltn,
ana U. Lauch.
'The Italian Musicians
'Grand Plnalej
Soto, "Old Black Jos"
- George Peters.
"""isrk " Brod." """""
Son, Thea Tou wUI Remember Me..
Jim Blair.
"If I Don't Get Tou I'U Get Tour Sister"
, Coon lows Octette.
High School Lads
Sing at Springfield
The Omaha High School Olea club, un
der ths direction Walter B. Graham,
gavs a very successful concert at th
opera house at Springfield Friday even
ing which scored a decided hit.
All of ths program was given without
a hitch and every song was rendered as
creditably as that of a college vocal or
ganization. "The Bill of Fare" and "Com
rades in Arms' proved the hits of ths
Is sddltlon to the twenty lads who took
R. Letsch
Omaha Architect
Gets Contest Prize
. Paul Wlgtngtoa, architect with offices
in ths Karbhch Mock, has received a let-
tar tress tbe Oood Housekeeping msga.
slne apprising htm that he has won first
pram In Class 11 of that magirlmVg
home Seelgslng contest.
Class n at for two-story brkk apartment
house The announcements of the win
ners wll be made la the march somber.
l IN K- - " - '. " if lew VJ2 I
aot know the amount. J
part In the concert, ths following local
talent assisted: Miss Luella Miller, so
prano; Wlllard Slabaugh. baritone; Lynn
Sax-hett, tenor: Joseph Woolerr. violinist,
and Grace Slabaugh, accompanist
Tun Sing. Vilas Tun Wan Moon, has
been ordered deported by Judge Munger
for the reason that he entered this coun
try under false pretenses. Sing, or Moon,
formerly conducted a laundry on South
Sixteenth street, snd Is said to be a good
Chinaman, but ths fact that he entered
the country by fraud Is sufficient ground
for deportation.
Dartmouth alumni of Omaha plan to
entertain John Barrett at luncheon, prob
ably at the University club, on February
33. Mr. Barrett., who is a director of the
Pan-American union, will arrive hero on
February to address the Plimpiw.
club. Dr. Pollard. Nathan Bernstein dd
a number cf other Omahans were in
school at Dartmouth with Mr. Barrett.
Death oa the Callows
Is sharp, short agony. Tbe lame hack
of Kidney trouble Is daily misery. Taki
Electric Bitters for quick relief. c
For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Every woman is invited to consult our Staff of Physicians, Surgeons and Specialists, at the
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y., by letter at my expense R.V. Pierce, M. D.
There is every reason why women should not trust their delicate constitutions in the
hands of unskilled persons. It requires a thorough medical education to appreciate and
understand the female organism. There is every reason why she should write a specialist.
As a powerful, invigorating tonic "Favorite Prescription" imparts strength to the whole
system and to the organs distinctly feminine in particular. For over-worked " worn-out,"
"run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-girls," house
keepers, nursing mothersand feeble women generally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is
uhequaled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. v
As a soothin? and strength
ening . nervine "Favorite Pre
script ion" is invaluable in
allaying and subduing nervous
excitability, irritability, nervous
exhaustion, nervqus prostra
tion,neuralgia, hysteria, spasms,
fainting spells, and other dis-.
tressing, nervous symptoms
commonly attendant upon
functional and organic disease
of the distinctly feminine or
gans. It induces refreshing
sleep and relieves mental anx
iety and despondency.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription is devised and put
dm. pietee mm ids' boteu staff, h.t.
Please sand as tetter sf asvteo sad rear Book far Women, afl fews sad sestsge paid
without any eiillgsilsiai oa asy sett while iw.
Make a eras (X) h front at the aUj
la frost ef the sas from which yea suffar
nw tram which
I (XX)
Painful Perteds
-Feinting SpeOs
.Chance ef Ufa
T Dea-rue asai eoVsr assesses, ea a amsrsa, saaet iff ansa.
...... IhaslseBS
Pan at Bark
......Stawaeh Treebts
....reaiak Weaknea
Kidney Trouble ....Ceagh
Bladder Trouble ......Cstarrh
Wamb Trouble Oheity
Orsrlan PsiB ""liSkis Disease
Hot Flsshes Impure Blood
Itching Psrts KneimnHmi
up by a physician of vast experience in the treatment of woman's maladies. Its ingredients
have the indorsement of leading physicians In all schools of practice.
The " Favorite Prescription " is known everywhere as the standard remedy for diseases
of women and has been so regarded for the past forty years and more.
Accept no secret nostrum in place of " Favorite Prescription " a medicine of known
COMFOSITON, with a record of forty years of satisfaction behind it. Sold by all Druggists.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigorate the stomach, liver and bowels. One to three
a dose. Easy to take as candy.
, Send 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of wrapping and mailing enly on a free copy
of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, cloth-bound. Invalids' Hotel
tad Surgical Insjitutt. R. V. Pier5C.(Nl, D President. Buffalo. N. X