Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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Week Jast Ending Showi Heaviest
Receipt in Yard' History.
afset of Suaralers Ceasing la Sow
Average ...Boot SOO Peeede li
Weight, Flaring Frr-lia
S mm Heavy Porker.
Rrcord-sroa shir.g In hcg receipts In the
FauTh Omaha market la eoon ling a pop
ular pastime. During the week Just
ended more porkers were received than
curing any other like period In the his
tory of the Magic City.
Kcrcipt for the week totaled l?,7M,
whlci la tea more than the receipt of
t tie. previous record Keck of January 10,
when ff.TG. squealers wens counted.
' Meetly of Light slse.
The hogs are mostly of the light size,
weighing around uv pounds, and bringing
' from IS.) to PS The top hogs at this
time are the heavy fellows, on account
of their scarcity.
The heavy receipts are largely due to
the high price of feed, the raisers realis
ing that they can get bigger returns from
the porkers In their present development
than by holding them longer on high
feed until they make the heavyweight
class. Another reason for the heavy re
ceipt la the tact that the hog crop this
season Is larcer than eves.
A pleasing feature of th heavy market
is fha fact that Omaha Is paying higher
prloss than Chicago. The Omaha quotation
was KITft. against Chicago. KX.
Sweet Singers of the Creighton University
Grecian Lothario
, is Fined by Foster
1 Joseph Foalle, th Greek who wa ar
're(d at 1M Jackson street la company
with Ruth Karoo, who Is declared to be
under age, was fined 2t and costs In
polio court en th charge ot being an In--'
mat ot a disorderly reeort. It paid th
Unfortunately th nam of th Midland
hotel was brought Into th ess because
JoJI had previously registered there
under another name, but Judge Foster
officially removed the stigma from th
hostelry oa proof that It I properly and
respectably conducted.
At th hearing, question arose as to the
age. of th gu-L Bb Insists that ah la of
agar-but her sister, Mrs. hi. M. GUes.
lt South Nineteenth street, dolare
that ah Is only 17. Efforts are now being
mad to ascertain th girl's age through
relatives In Illinois, and If It Is found thai
.b is not II th Q reek wUI be re-arrested.
Fur th benefit of himself and
ether stockholders of th old Nbrake
lowa, Creamery company, which was ab
sorbed by th David Col Creamery com
pany sevan year ago, Joseph A. Blum
naaratarted aa action for sa accounting
vwlth Robert A. Stewart, who represented
th Nebraake-lowa Creamery company
toot holder la th deal. In district court.
Warn allege that at th Urn of th
absorption ot th Nsbraeks-low a oera
peny It was la debt and an agreement
was. mad by which th new company
was" to be formed, all th old company's
aadts taken ever by th new, and th
old company stockholders siren s per
rear of th stork ot the new company,
David .Col taking U per cant. This plan
we.- carried out. It la alleged, and th
new. creamery company ha prospered
from th first, '
Me. Blum aay Robert A. Stewart was
mad trustee tor the stockholders of th
old company, but never ha mad an ao
rouallng to them nor given them any ot
th stock. It I aliased he ha held th
stock la trust. Blum asks that a full ae
couatlng be had, that he and th other
stockholders be given their share ot th
capital (lock and ot th profits.
George Koseros and Doa Boggles,
charged with running a dlaorderly house
oa South Thirteenth street. Were fined
13 aad costs each In police court Wil
liam Skarsmuts was fined tU and cost
for rawing a disorderly house at JIM
Jackson street.
2283 Pairs
of gloves cleaned the first five
day' of last week ot ooure
there I reason for so n.eny
coming la during on week w
did them for nothing.
Better work waa never don in
Omaha It la aa near perfect aa
each work can be ma id e hundred
of women wUI testify to the
.And now w wish t make a
! Announcement
"Hereafter our price for cleaning
long gloves will b IS CB-Ta per
pair and for short ones 1 CSS IS
per pair.
tOa all kinds ot cleaning our
prices will always be, found
reasonable, aad th work guaran
teed first das la every respect.
A phone call wUI bring a wagon
-1515-17 JONES ST.
Pnon Douau9&lNQ.A-3I68
MAZING. Why Pay exorbitant prices for
ye-r gown, when by going to The
Keieter College. 12-UJ City Nat
Bask Bid, rou eaa make yoer en re
gowns- and tailored stilts under
competent teachers, thereby saving
half the cost of earns. This college
Is plea eatly located and has every
convenience for doing most satisfac
tory work. The rooms contain x,ie
square feet eff riser space, aad civ
ample sccommodatlon for their
Lars school.
Patronage solicited. Visiters wel-
cv N W W
l-' I f I I wasa.4 1 , f
3? l M u wu
Tn v) I xi X t
hi i - If
4U t'h
rs r HUH
Top Row Messrs. McVeigh, Ormsby, Hamilton. fMsnscer. Waldmsn. Norrla. Second Row-Gilbert. tTawes. H"mrtt. Rrunrsrdt, Rademacher. Ijtlrd, C. E. Hoffman. Third Row Manning, Movers, '
IJnts, Swedhelm, Msgulre, Byrne, A. A. Hoffmsn. Aldrlch. Fourth Row Frits, Xalme, Prucha, alunatl, i oilman. Keyser, Rosenblum, Soloman. Bottom Row Ilemenway, o'Nelo, Harrington,
Kersey, (Leader), McMahon. frells, Vltamvn.. lomla ,
Two Agents Claim to Hive Mkjoritj
of Leavenworth Signer.
Weed Hartley Believe that la Bad
One of Petitions Win Be recast
Defective, The Bating
A clash between paving contractor
occurred Saturday when attorney for th
Buffalo Paving Brick company, Puring
ton brick agents and city officials began
the Investigation of the validity ot two
petitions filed with the city clem for the
paving of Leavenworth street from Sls
teenth street to Thirtieth.
"Both petitions, each claiming a three
fifth majority, are Illegal," said ens at
torney. Other attorneys maintain that
both petitions are legal, promoter t h
secured the signatures to the two peti
tion are firm In their assertions that
name ware obtained la legal, formal
and proper manner.
"W are Investigating." said Wood
Hartley ot th city legal department
"tnvesUgatlng.iaud that' all I can ay."
It Is th opinion of Mr. Hartley that upon
closer scrutiny ons ot th petitions will
be found defective, which will Ilminat
the trouble that I now brewing letwoen
th contract ore, C. B. Panning, repre
senting th Purlngton, aad M. Ford th
Buffalo brick companies.
Noted Educator to
Address Teachers
Dr. Mllllksn ot the University of Chi
cago, discoverer ot the smallest thing In
the world, will pas through Omaha In
April and Superintendent Graft and Prof.
Nathan Bernstein will endeavor to In
troduce him to stop for aa address to th
teachers of Omaha.
Dr. Mllllkea claims to hav Isolated the
Ion, ot which It take VMM to MO.Out to
maka an .atom, and aa atom kt so small
that It takes thousands to make a mass
olg enough to be sees by th most power
ful mlscroscope.
Gold, sllvsr, Isughlng gas and mud tur
tle are made of the same kind of
material, according to Dr. Mllllksn. The
only difference between gold and silver Is
that the gold atom are composed of
I,sn Ions each and m silver the atom
are composed of )s.M tens, i If a man
oaa tint a way ot getting Ions together
la the right number ha eaa make dia
monds out ot oatmeaL
Kennedy Talks on
Araham Lincoln
The annual Lincoln day program ot th
Omaha High school was given In th
educational department at th Young
Men' Christian assodatioa Friday even
ing under the auspices of the Athenian
debating adcitty, one of the most active
student - organ! sat! ona at th school. A
good si aed audience of students aad
friends wsa present.
Hon, J. U Kennedy was the principal
speaksr ot th evening with aa addreas
oa "Lincoln," which touched upok the
greatness of America's war president and
bis great work aorccnpUsbed.
The remainder of th program waa as
follows: -
paper oa "Lincoln, The Ste teaman," by
Douglas Burns.
The Gettysburg Speech, by Joha Mulr.
The funeral ot Frank E. Scott, who was
found dead la a milk wagoa Friday
morning, will be held Sunday aftsmooa
at 1 o'clock at th horn of his father.
XSSX North Twenty-third street. South
Omaha. The father, F. B. Scott. I man
ager for the Clay-Robinson Live Stock
Cooimlaaaoa company at the local yards.
The young maa was th grandson ot T.
B. Scott ot this city and was only IS
year old.
Dr. R. L. Wheeler will have charge of
the services, assisted by Rev. Charles W.
gasidge. Burial will be la Forest Laws
Losds W. Prenlca and Charles B. Fan
ning, defeated defendants la the Oma
artel Albert law case, filed a snpsr.
Mdeaa bond m district court. The effect
- .... em., at the bond Is to hold !a
Iterance District Jodg Leslie deer.
and order, peaoina 'e - -
Mjnm court en the defendants- appeal.
Zd.m Leslie Issued an Injunction
.jalnst the Oma hotel a a disorderly
hlTfor one year and ordered aa the
Mature la te buiVimg sold,
. Y
Two South Omaha
Police Officers Are
' Painfully Injured
A h waa going to work at I o'clook
yesterday Court Officer Joe Olask
slipped oa an Icy sidewalk at Twentieth
and P streets. South Omaha, striking
the back of his head. He got up In a
dased condition and wandered to Twenty
ssvsnth and L street before h fully
recovered consciousness. HI wounds
were dressed at th polio station by Dr.
A. H. Kosnlg and he was taken to hi
born, 1M North Twentieth street.
Just ha hour before, aa Patrolman Jo
Bellew waa harrying to a fire in th
Altar residence at Twenty-third and Jef
ferson streets, hs lost his footing oa th
ley streets and fell, breaking his right
leg. HI leg was set at the station by
Dr. Kosnlg and be wad removed to his
hem, HI South Twenty-first street.
eliding Peraalts.
Paul W. Korbach, 18 South Thirteenth
street, frame dwelling, repairs, tiso; An
drew Pesrson, Thlrtv-flrat and Larlmor
avenue, frame dwelling. ILiM; C. I. Wil
tons, a Herat ton and repalra, frame dwell
ing, tcC Roulh Twenty-ninth street, tl.0"O;
John Opellman, Thirtieth and Evans,
frame dwelling, gl.aao,
Dr. Holovtohlnar of the Board ef Edu
cation has gone to West Baden, Intending
to be absent a week. While there he
will visit President Courtney of the board,
who la now at th health resort.
Herman R. Peters, proprietor of the
Merchants hotel, who has been at Hot
Hnrlngs. Ark. for some time 1a now at
New Orleans. With him srs Mrs. J. p,
Latta and Mr. Bud Latta of Tsksmah.
H. S. Jones, southwest nsssenewr agent
of the Burlington, with headquarters In
Ksnsas City, Is In town. He reports a
heavy movement to the southwest and Is
of the olnlon that It Is going to eaceed
that of former years.
Herman Keaaler of th firm of Reming
ton a Keaaler Is at ths Hotel Astor.
New York. H Is attending the annual
meeting of the National Asaoclstlon of
Merchant Tailors snd will visit ths style
show which will he bold at th Hotel
Aafnp thla week.
l S. Clarke, buyer for f ths Omaha
packing company, naa resumed his posi
tion and will In ths future dsvots his sn.
tire time to the farm loan buslnsss as
Piles Cured
at Home
Quick Relief Trial Package Mailed
Frew to All la PUla Wrapper.
The Pyraaald Basil.
Many came ot Piles hare been cured by
a trial package ot Pyramid Plio Remedy
without farther treatment. When It
proves It value to you, get more from
your druggist, at I cents a bos. and be
sure yea get the kind yos ask for. Sim
ply dip out fre coupon below and man
today, together with your name and ad
drees oa a Hp ot paper, to the Pyramid
Drug Co. M Pyramid Bldg., Marshall.
Mich., and a aampl will be sent you
PRES. Saw yourself from the surgeon's
knife and its torture, th doctor and his
bills. ...
v r
secretary of the Kloka Investment com
pany of Omaha.
Charles R. Sherman has been appointed
a member of the board ot directors of
th publicity bureau of the Omaha Com
mercial club to succeed W. F. Baxter,
George M. Strain, general manager ot
the Kimball Laundry company, with
house In several cltte of Nebraska and
Iowa, ha moved to Waterloo, Is., with
his fsmily and will personally supervise
The affairs of the company's new plant
In thst city. Mr. Strain was for ten years
manager of th Omaha house.
Only Bona Fide
Dyeing Done at
Dresher Bros.
There are TWO kinds of dyeing; one
the authoritative, bona fid dyeing, the
other, "Dry Dyeing," a cheap, insecure
Imitation of a genuine job.
One should be on continual guard
against "Dry Dyeing." which In reality
la not dyein.? at all, yet. this Is th sort
foisted upon you In many an establish
ment With standard.-bona fide dyeing,
the colorinrt are permanent; ith "Dry
Dyeing" just t!.o reverse
Dresher firos., at their plant at lill
1211 Farnan.' St, are rapidly becoming
famous for BOXA FIDE dyeing.
In th!s connection it would bo wll to
stata that lrchcra can make a perfect
match up in dyelrs dress trimmings to
match cloths; shoes, slippers, etc to
match coMuntes. WorU In thla line Is
turned out by dye masters who know the
science of eclor to the fraction of a
Don't think of ser.dlns dyeing to the
first establishment you reed of or hear
of; better semi it hero and get GENU
INE dyeing.
Phone Tyler 13C0 or Auto. A-J126.
Leave trork at plant or at Dresher The
Tailors, 1515 Fartuun St, or at branch
in Pompeian Room, of Brandel Stores.
Drtslicr pays express one way on hip
men ts cf $3.0 or over.
Beaseve aeperflaeea J jf rreas mm? pert ft 9
sue kedr. raj eely M
sal Bad reliable -. "
Ktlntorr Una tMtras Beetle l.ew
anpie Me. awed tee booklet nee.
Josephine Le Fevre Company
Philadelphia, Pa.
Sold by Beaton Drug Co.. the Bell Drug
Co., and the Bennett .Company, Omaha.
You reach people who buy,
... . .
when you advertise in The Beo
should know about th
Marvel "Whirling Spray
Best sairrt mcert convenient.
Cleanse instantly.
If year dresrsiM eaaac aepprr the
jiakvsu. fteeastampioeu:attrate4
aeeled- contains direcnoes
stvaisanie to ladlse.
zkd Sweet 5,iV
Book eeeled- contains direcnoes i
Mvalaahaatoladtaa. T i
ij.i't MAX VII. COMPANY jcSIjt!
CPqg gOGK (
Tomorrow morning we enter the third week of the most remarkable selling period in the history of our business.
The attendance during the past 14 days has broken all rec ords. Thousands of dollars worth of homefurnishings
were sold at reductions of 25 to 50 below regular1 prices, and not an article over 6 months old. For this week we've
prepared even a greater surprise. Hundreds of new lots stored in our warehouse will be offered at the price reduc
tions, for quick clearance, without regard to cost or losses. Come tomorrow with your friends and investigate the
wonderful monejr-savihg opportunities possible during our February Clearance Sale.
f Parlor, Dining Room, Bed Room and Kitchen, Furnished Complete 500
I or any other four room furnished completely with furniture, stoves, nigs, curUliu, etc., during February Clearance Sale at "
11.71 wood seat Dining Chair,
for this ssls QTft
peclal - OlW
$14 Imperial leather, full box
eat Dining Chair. l CC
on sal at i03
Solid oak, beautifully polished
Extension Table, massive legs.
heavy slides, large
top, -il all,
112.00 value,
golden oss, flvs toot Exten
Hon Table 0 O C
sal pries . 0i03
lll l massive Pedestal Bxten-
aale price $10.75
A Decorated MQ
I Panel Metal Bed &5
Until 200 are-sold -
This handsome bed
i easily worth $8.
Has massive posts,
heavy chills and
fillers; comes h all
sizes and colors.
Absolutely only one
to a customer; no
mail or phone or
ders accepted. No
d eal e rs supplied;
only 200 to be sold
at this extremely
low price.
ttd.0 handsome solid oak Side
I40.M handsom Mission Buffets,
SpSI' $21.00
Solid oak Chiffonier, beauti
fully finished col (
den, II large draw
era, moot exception-
al bargain IS val '
Pining Room Furniture Library Furniture
All felt mattresses, built layer
upon layer, high grade felt.
covered with fancy ti
art ticking, full tl l
lb. wslcht Hi
value for
tS.e Solid Oak Library Table
srr.'r..'- $4.95
tld tt Mission Library Table
this sals at. .
Slip Seat Imper
ial Leather gold
en oak chairs..! S.00
Oak China
Closet $24.00
Heavy Massive
Extension Table
( foot $23.50
Golden Oak
Pedestal Exten
sion Table ...$39.00
Quartered Oak
Sideboard ....$33.00
Genuine Mahog
any Buffet.. $150.00
Bed Room Furniture
Continuous posts,
beds, heavy fillers,
and all finishes In
cluding vera la mar
ten, in value
special for ........
I steel
I stsee
Jg.15 neatly enameled Iron beds,
.-1 $1.49
It l. heavy comer post Iroa
r.r..?.':... $3.25
Golden Oak or
Mahogany finish
dressers $13.50
Brass Beds
at $21.00
Oak Chiffoniers
t $21.00
Continuous post
Brass Beds ...$38.50
Mahogany o r
Golden Oak
Dressers $21.50
Walnut Dress
ers, fancy de- '
signs .
$141! $10
lit 00 handsom 3-plsce Parlor
Suite tor this sal w g 25
H l-piece mahogany Parlor
feVr?".'?' $23.10
Mission Rock1
ers $ 5.00
Gold, oak or gen.
Mahogany Li
brary tables ..$25.50
Imperial Leath
er Davenports $28.00
I'nifold Imper
ial leather Dav
enport $43.00
Solid Mahogany
Davenport ..$160.00
Stoves, Heaters, Etc.
Three Fine Oak
Heaters $ 8.00
Cole Hot Blasts
t $12.00
Peninsular Oak
Heaters $18.00
Base B urn ers
U $32.00
Family Range,
large size . . . .$35.00
Kitchen Furniture
110.00 high grad Imperial
leather Rocker, American quar
tered oak frame, t gj 01)
spring seat, broad
back, now at g
t.S0 Imperial leather duartered
1110 Mission fumed oak Chair.
.r.:hl.,.,"'.. $3.80
Genuine American oak colonial
Dresser, extra slxe base, two
large and two small .
drawers, wood bulls. . 1
lares French plat
mirror, tU.s vaL....
Kitchen Cabi
nets, top and '
bases $ 8.00
Massive Cabinet
walnut finish. .$33.90
Solid oak Kitch
en Cabinet ...$38.00
I2S.M blrdsey mahoiraoy and
ZZ7".T. $15.25
Isi.Oe genuine mahogany colonial
irr?!1:!.!... $32.50
Pcamlcs Brussels Rugs. Sx ft
This popular slse usually sella for
tie SO. seamless,
new patterns, our
price, this sale...
Swnlema wlvt xll rugg. a rug
made In eno p1gc and a big ana
too; new atytfsb
$. at
Seamless Brussels Rugs. 1 Cxi ft,
big. one-piece excellent rugs, fin
qualityand fir-i-"' i
floral and mecai- JgJ.SO
Hon: m value..
Seam leas Wilton Velvet 135 Rngs.
lx ft. The best one-piece rug
ever msde. high
class effects, sale
SI 9.75
Douglas St.
Douglas St.