Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Pimples Removed
The Calcium S u 1 p h i d e Treatment
Does Mumler to Oerjr Kind
of Skin Eruption.
Trial Tacks- Sent rre to Prose It.
. Tou don't want to waa forever an J a
day to pet rid of your pimple or other
skin eruption. You want to get rid of
them right now. Next week you may
want to ico somewhere where you would
not like to have to take the pimples along.
"X Sot kid of My Pimples la a rw Days
With Stuart's Calcium Wafers."
You can get r!d of them )usi hi time bv
taking SHuart's Caelum Wafer.
Then wonderful little workers have
cured had tolls In three days, and S'wie
cases of skin diseases In a week.
They contain as their mitn Ingredient
the most thorouch. nulrk -nd e''"'
blood cleanser known, calrlum sulphide,
Ilemember this, to-i, that musi ii
treatments reek with poison. And they
re snleersbly slow besides.
Hruart's Calcium Wafers hare not a
particle of poison In them. They are free
from mercury, Mtlng dries or venomous
opiates. This la absolutely guaranteed.
They cannot do any harm, but they al
ways do good good that you ran see In
the mirror before your own ayes a few
day after. -
Uon't be any longer humiliated by hav.
Ing a splotchy face. Don't hare strangers
star at you, er allow your friends to be
nsharaed of you herauss of your fare.
Tour stof t makes you wbat you are.
The mao and women who forgo ahead
are these with pure blood and pure faces.
Stuarts Calcium Ms fere will make you
happy because your face will be a wel
come night not only tn yourself when you
look Intd the glass, but to everybody slae
who knows you and talk to you.
, Wa want to prova to you that Stuart's
Calcium Wafers are beyond doubt the
beat and quickest blond and akin purifier
In the world so wa will send you a free
ample a soon as wo get your name and
address, Pend for It today, and then
.whoa yea have tried the sample you will
not rest contented until you have bought
a We package at your drunrlt'g.
Send us your name and address on the
coupon below and wa will at once send
you by mall, a sample parkige, free. Ad
drees T. A. "uiart Co.. lit 8tuart Bldg.,
Marshall, Mich.
Permission to Cross Texas Territory
Delayed by Washington.
El rasa ntlsras Kear Rebels at
J seres wlaht Resist Enlry of
M ex lee m Troops from Aneer
Iran Territory.
WASHINGTON. Feb. W.-Diplomatlc
complications store totlay between the
state of Texas and the United State
government on the one hand the
Mexican government ou the oilier, which
tempo ro rlly. at kast, Will not perm.t
Mexico to move any troops over Amer
ican territory In connection with its rev
olutionary di-it'jrbjnrrs.
Secretary of S;at Knox to.lay made
further Inquiry from Mexico, through Hie
American embassy at Mexico CM:-, ask
ing the specific purpo-ie of tlie military
expedition for which p'-nulsli n ia sought
to nave: from Eagle f'a.e. Tex., to Kl
Paro, Tex.. In order that poinls In north
ern Mexico may be reached to which
the rebels have cut International i all-
road communication.
1:1 Pase tears Trouble,
(orernor Colquitt of Texas pointed cut
to the State department In his messages
today that residents of Kl luio were
apprt hcnslv that rebels at Juarea
Uexlco. might rerlJt the entry of Mexi
can troops from American territory and
precipitate a battle, endangering Amer
ican live and property. Secretary Knox
assured Governor Colquitt that no per
mission would be granted until the mat
ter had been carefully studied, and Indi
cations tonight were that It would be ad
justed In a leisurely, diplomatic manner.
Advices reached here that no troops
had started on the proposed expedition
and none would do so until th question
had been decided.
More Ipesslaaw It. ported.
Uexrcu CITY, Feb. 1 Slight Improve
ment In the revolutionary situation was
indicated today by such official Informa
tion as was made public but press dis
patch add to the long Hat of uprising.
Th moat spectacular of those reported
today waa that at Boca Iel Mente, a
statkin on the Mexican railway, where
British subjects hav Urge Interest. The
plao was as eked and later th rebels
looted Esperensa, a station a tew miles
away. They robbed th company aafe
after blowing It with dynamite. Both
town ara In th tat of Puebla, near
th Vara Crui stats line.
Cortelyou Denies
All Charges Made
by Lewis' Attorney
WASHINGTON. Fib. S.-George B. Cor
telyou told the house committee on ex
penditure In the Postofflce department
today cf bis action in Issuing fraud
orders against E. fi. I ins of L Louts
In BOS and 1.W7, while he wss postmaster
general. A publishing company owned by
Lewis and also the United States bank of
St. Louis were affected by the orders
Frank Madden, alio was third assistant
post master general under Mr. Cortelyou,
is now counsel for fowls.
SI.. Corteljcu said Madden had refused
to b-suc. fraud orders against Lewis and
that lie hail Issu-d them personally .
Mr. Cortelyou denied that any "ex
traneous influences" had anything to do
with hH action in the Lewis caie.
Heading from the record Third Assistant
roatmat.r Oeneral Brut reviewed testi-
nuny of Mtt'iilen in which inferences were
rr.arie that tne express companies had
sought to break up the Lewis bank be
cause it did a mall hanking business which
Interfered with the money order business
ar.d that senator Piatt had Mr. Cortel
you appointed to sttack the bank and de
stroy! it. .Ul such Inferences Mr. Cortel
you emphatically denied.
'There never was anything before me
or in my mind to cause me to issue an
order prejudicial to th Lewis company,'
ild Mr. Cortelyou.
Free Package Coupon
T. A. TWAT CO, v
17s Stuart Bklg, Marshall, htleh.
Send m at once by return man, a
trial package of Stuart's Calrlum Waf
ers, absolutely free, to prove Its re
marks bl tesulta.,. ., ,, , .
. A - I . " ' -
Rt reet. .jx .'
" 1
Convict is Shot in
Break for Liberty
COLUMBUS, O., Feb. W.-One convict
as shot and seriously wounilcd and an
other probably wounded, escaped, as a
result of a break for liberty which was
mad by the two men from the peniten
tiary lat today.
The wounded man, William Breanan.
who Is In the prison hospital, raid hit
companion, tula Hurley, was alts
wounded, but up to a late hour Hurley
waa still at large.
The men were scaling the walls by
mean of a rope when they were dis
covered and fired upon by four guards
Drennan after gaining the wall retreated
Into a nearby railroad yard, where he was
captured. On bullet struck blm tn th
leg and another In the foot.
rAlRBt'RT, Nb.. r.b. la-CSpeclal.)-
A disastrous fir occurred at th littls
town of Powell In this county, eight miles
northwest of ralrbury, on th St. Joseph
a Grand Island railroad, last night which
destroyed the big lumber yard, Involving
a loss of 110.000. The fir occurred aboat
midnight and had gained such headway
that H eould net he extinguished, -The
bucket brlgad managed to keep th fir
from spreading to other building la th
town. Th cause of th fir I unknown,
but It I suspected to be of InoawdUrr
origin. .: ' '
tr. Wall discovered th fir starting
st th southeast comer of thO Jurd.
tint wind wai from that flraiHlootn
flams quickly spread. Th firs ' I
thought to bavo been th work ol a fire
bug, as a reasonable cause for It can
be found, at Landla, a cltlsen of Powell,
wa returning on foot'from Falrbury and
met a stranger on th road.
W. S. Btewart waa manager of th
Powell Lumbar company. It wag owned
by Mr. Blwood of Tuma. Colo. It I un
derstood th atoek will be replaced.
aud nil .men who nre com
pelled to be a great deal on
their feet, We have a shoe
called ? ' . - .
Drexers Diamond "I"
specially constructed for
hard sen-ice. These shoes
are made of plump glazed
; kid, best quality, kid lined,
foot formed lasta, double
. soled to heel with double
steel shanks; rale guaranteed
waterproof. Best quality of
! oak sole used.
; $10.00 worth of service for
1419 Farnsm St.
BEATRICE, Nsb.. Feb. W.-(8peclal Tal-
saram-El-Benator Oeorg D. Doling of
Belleville, Kan., wa Instantly killed In
a runaway at that place tins morning.
11 left home early for a drive In th
country and while ea rout home bis
team became frightened two mllea south
of th city. Th horse ran toward town,
and upon Bearing a bridge which spans
a smau croak they left th road and at
tempted to cross th stream. Mr. Holing
waa thrown from th vehicle and dragged
distance, Hi head waa crushed
when k was thrown against a ti
Death waa lostantaneoua.
Benator Bollng located at Belleville la
th early 70 and for year waa promi
nent In politic la Republic county. He
owned large Interests then and at th
time of kl death wa treasurer of th
Republic County atutua. Insurance com.
pany. II wa about H yean of age and
leaves two daughter.
Humphi-eys' Seventy-Seven
Break up Colds and
" Severn ty-aerec" oea direct to the
Bick tpot without disturbing the rest
of the grstem.
, " Seven ty-aevea" breaks ap Cold
thai banc on Crip that do not
field to o tiler treatment
' "Serventy-Kven" Is t small rial of
pleasant pellets, flu the Test pocket.
ever handy, ready to take, bo delay,
o f ass.
' At drug stores 25c or mailed.
. Humphrey- Hmneo, Medicine Co.. Car. 1 BA'T. too. neauag. woawer..
'WtLiaam and. Aaa tkreets, .New Tark. I For aal by Beaton Drug; Cat
'V f . 1
BEATRICE. Neb.. Feb. 1.-Spc!al Tel
egram.) The Beatrice High arhool debat
ing team won from University Place,
Neb., her tonight by the score of I to L
Th subject die cussed waa "Reaotved.
That th movement of organised labor
for the closed (hop abould receive th sup
port of puslla opinion."
Breark had th negative aids of th
subject, and waa represented by Fred
Wilson, Koreat Elseabls and Lawranc
Kline. University Place wa represented
by Mis Catnyll rrewett. Miss Klhel
riood and Arthur Kmbry.
Board and Governor
Divide on Shercliffe
DENVER, Feb. 10 -Governor John P.
Shafroth and the Htste Board of Par
don deadlocked today on th proposal to
pardon Sherman W. Morris, Silas Krank
Shercliffe, who Is serving a twenty-year
term In th penitentiary for tha killing
of John Walsh, a Leadvllle saloonkeeper,
In ISM. Th board finally struck the ease
from the docket, a that action may be
taken at a future meeting.
Khsrcllffc's' application is baaed on his
charge and that of hi friends, that he
ha been and Is being persecuted by Tom
Dennlaon of Omaha.
Attorneys Urge Passage o( Measure j
limiting; Union Pacific Holdings.
Doabt Tsrswa Validity of Fee
Haadred Deed Clvea by Rail
road to CraBteea Aloag
I. lee ef Carrier.
NRW 'YORK. Feb. la-Leaders tit the
boy aooett mcvimrett gave a dinner to
night In honor o( lieutenant Robert 8. 8
Baden-Powell, leader of th movement In
England, attended by mors than MS men
and women, many from distant parts
of th country. Th function wa th cul
mination of a largely attended gathsrlng
of th leader, scout commissioner and
scout masters her today under th aus
pice of th National Council of th Boy
Seoul of America to discus various
phases of th movement.
Qlfford Ptnchot, the toaatmaster, Intro
duced th British officer a th one who
had put together a concrete and workable
plan for (electing and guiding th Inter
ests snd set I vlt lea of boy Into proper
channels a a substltut for th old faah-
ANNAPOLIS. Md Feb. W -fifteen mid
shipmen of the fourth class of the naval
academy failed In the semi-annual exami
nations and war forced to resign. Th
Navy department formally accepted their
resignation today snd the delinquent left
th institution.
It Is understood a number of other mid
shipmen hav tendered their resignations
for Ilk reasjna but these bare not been
accepted. Among those whs resigned to
day are.
John B. Dunbar. Texas: Joha Rough,
Jr.. Michigan; Jonathan D. Reed. Ken
tucky; Edwin P. Cochran, North Dakota:
William U Welch. Indiana; Ira B. Hill.
Wisconsin: Robert a LaMotte, Washing
ton. Btauton F. Kalk, Nebraska.
I From a Ftaff Correspondent.!
WASHINGTON. D. C. Feb. 1. -Special
Teleeram-e-Attorneys W. A. Prlnc of
rsnd Island and K. If. Laomla of
Omaha, representing respectively the Val
ley Farmers' Protective association and
the t'nlon Pacific railroad, appeared be
fore the house Judiciary committee today
hearing on the bill now before the
committee to limit the width of the
Union Pacific right-of-way.
II r. Prince waa heard first, urging the
peerage of the measure, chiefly because
would forecloee law suits now and In
the future over th disputed ground. It
was mad clear that under a decision or
the supremo court doubt had been thrown
on the validity of about K deeds given
by the railroad to grantee along the
right-of-way because of alleged lack of
authority on the part of the railroad to
grant title under the statute. There has
been much litigation over hesc deeds, and
t naa claimed by Jlr. Pierce that con-
erees should pilt an end to lu
air. Loomls raid that so far a he knew.
h:s client, the company, bad no present
mention of proceeding against holderr
of the disputed deeds. He Questioned
their illrgallty, and gave the committee
additional legal arguments.
liotii attorneys were given leave to file
additional briefs, which they said they
would do within a few days.
stryker Before taaasalaaloa.
Ed Blryker. secretary of the South
Juiaha stock yards, la In Washington to
appear be for th Intercut Commerce
commission .tomorrow In srguments
sgslnst the proposed enforcement of
higher freight rates on stock shipments
from tl; Mlsosurl liver to points east.
Mr. Stryker said that Injunction had
been Issued against th proposed Increase,
and th question now arises on th dis
solution of thee Injunction. Should th
ratea be enforced, he aald. It would mean
an Increase of from til to tl7 per car on
shipments of stock to Illinois points.
ultimately Involving losses of possibly
millions of dollars to shippers. Many
other representative of both side are
present to be heard.
Homesteader Bill Recorded.
Th house committee on Indian affairs
today ordered recorded the bill extending
th time of payment to certain home
steaders of the Cheyeaae river reserva
tion la South Dakota and th Stand
ing Rock reservation la North and South
Dakota. . This measure, which wss passed
In th senat on motion of Senator Gam
ble, previdee that say parson who ksa
heretofore made a homestead entry for
land on the restrvatlons named under th
sot of 190 may apply for extension of
Urea within which to make payment ol
any amount that la about to become due
upon tha payment of Interest tor on yeai
in advance. At th Instance of Reprssenta
lv Burks the fallowing amendment wa
lasotporatevt la th sanst 'bill. I
'Provided that any entrysjiaa who has
resided upon and cultivated th land
embraced la bla entry for th period of
Urn required by law In order to make
commutation proof, may make proof and
If th sams Is approved further residence
and cultivation will not be required, but
patent shall be withheld until substantial
payment of th purchase price due la
mad In accordance with the provision
hereof. '
Representatives Burke and Martin ap
peared before the house committee to
agree oa favorable action oa the aieasur
which concerns thousands of. settiera
Leanest Bill Heperted.
A report favorable to the deposit of
customs receipts In national banks, whan
th secretary of th treasury so desires,
was made to th bouse by th ways and
means committee, which lecommeoded
for paasag a hill Introduced by Hepre
sentatlv Dobeck of Nebraska. The bill
would give the secretary the power to
deposit all custom receipts In national
banks with th same restriction as bow
apply to the deposit of Internal revenue
funds. .
Th receipts st the port of New York
are In exoess of t3,0lu,m each year and
under th present Interpretation of ta
oustoms taws, this must be placed la the
United Slates subtraasury. Members of
the ways and means committee believe
that power to divert this fund to the na
tional banks should be glvea for use la
time of financial stringency.
A Mere "Dollar1 Down!
Delivers Any Piece of Furniture
Xow then! Grasp THIS! A SINGLE dollar down secures AXT piece of fur
niture in the EXTIKK Tnloa Oatiittlng Co." stock during; February. Arrange the
balance to come due tn InterTals adjusted to YOl'B need; 1SVY the furniture at
typical "February prices," Conld yon frame up a MOKK attractive furniture
proposition than THAT? Could you afford to remain WITHOVT the pieces you
NEED? Can yon raise a single rxcase, such as, "1 haven't the money'? Vnion even
offers yon complete ROOM outfit at ONE DOIXAK IKIWX; see it in this very ad.
Revolve tills offer over and over again "Merely a dollar down" for AXV piece
of furniture in the vast Vnion Outfitting Co. establishment during February.
SK iS ftftt
dMiRf1 -PmS hfi
Down Per Room for A Three-Room Home Outfit
Here' a truly startling February offer. Pay only one dollar down and secure all of the fittlncs
you 11 need for three rooms: not only furniture, but carpets, draperies, etc. A cosy CQ Cfl
home for a starter; the three rooms for - SBSiyU
See the Union's Complete $45.00 Cottage Outfit
Down Secures Th:s Handsome
Three Piece Parlor Suite
8ettee. rocker and arm chair. In birch, mahogany finish, up
bolstered either In diagonal velour, silk velour or Chase
leatter, with loose cushions Heavy, maeslv pieces that
wouia always oring aja.uv. fay a aouar down
and take the entire three place at
down secures this
handsome Buffet
Hers I a buffet of highest grade Ameri
can quartered oak; highly polished, con
taining two email drawers, on plush
lined for silver; contains also largo dish
compartments, and la set oft with a
rrench beveled plate mirror. A piece
worth 2i, sold at 11.0
down; price
SI 4.50
dalt4 With
Leet Tailor' ksses Pwaad.
STANTON. Neb., Feb. M-8pecl.)-
Whlla digging around out at th Lammll
farm In Vnion Creek precinct, Adrian
Btelnbaugh and EmU atewls cam upoa
th bones of a maa's body. They dug
them out and brought them to town aad
flee a careful examine tloa they
found to be th bones of a whit man.
Old settlers of Stanton county say that
this 1 the body of a traveling tailor, who
mysteriously disappeared with a large
amount of money on his person about
thlrty-etx year ago. Bom year after
th tailor' tfl -appearance a man by the
n of fttchard Ooberg. a resident oa
wbat I now known as the I.ammll farm,
confessed oa his deathbed to having
robbed and murdered the tailor. It ta not
known what th tailor's nam was, but
great Interest Is being taken over his
boa, which ara oa exhibition In one of
th business houses.
Rhodes, president of th local federation
of Harrimaa ah op employe, confirmed to
day th report from Chicago that a anion
of all the employee of th mechanical de
partment of the western railroad would
be considered at a conference at Kansas
City, on March 4. and added that th plan
was to Include engineers, firemen, con.
ductors. switchmen snd brakemen aa well
s shop men.
Th first demand, he said, would be for
recognition of the federation, a question
to which tha matter of wages Is consid
ered secondary.
Th mechanics' organisation of which
air. Khodes Is president has been oa
strike sine last October.
ASHTABULA. O.. Feb. ML -R will be
a breach of professional courtesy for me
to enter Governor Harmon's own stale
when be. like myself. Is s candidate for
th democratic presidential nomination.'
aid Governor Woodrow Wilson of New
Jersey her today In declining An In
vitation to address the Ohio Presbyterian
convention, which meets st Wsrrea. O.,
Bastwewe Cbawnew Hand.
STANTON. Neb.. Feb. -4 Special.)-
Th Wagner ft Retehstadt Implement firm
has dissolved partnership aad the firm
will go under th name of Wesaer Bros
In the future. Herana Werner receiving
the Retcnetadt kHecast of th business.
and wounds are healed, without danger
of Mood poisoning, by Bocklea's Arnica
Osir Be.
Ooveraor Wtlaoa waa on hla way
Frankfort, Ky.. to max aa address.
Sew BalldlasTe fee Stanton.
8TANTON. Neb., Feb. 1. I Special.)-A
great amount of building win be don ta
Btanton thla spring Sad summer. Oeorge
N. Walrat baa plans tor a brick building
Sxnw feet, en story, which will be oc
cupied by the Gem theater; J. C. tunner
will build a forty-foot addition to the
Johnson Co. store: H. A. 8eidel will
build a large two-story brick building.
SxNS; Henry Pohlmaa will build a brick
building SxloO. which wlU be occupied by
the A. H. Toebe gents furnishing store.
Besides these a large n amber of fine
residence will be built.
Hesse Vtee Pree-taton late Appro
priation Bill After Fight.
WASHINGTON, Feb, Ml A reduction of
the cavalry force of th Cnttsd states
army from fifteen to ten regiments with
consequent reduction of th enlisted
srmy by ,W mea was voted Into the
army spproprlatloa bill In the house lata
today after a bitter fight.
Th cavalry reducUoa was presented by
Chairman Hay of th military affairs
committee, who waa ta charge of Us
ts&ooj M appropriation bill; but It did not
bear the endorsement ef the
It wss vigorously opposed by the repub
lican stds of the bouse, snd it will prob-
sbly be th cause of another fight when
the Mil t put on for Its final pass
Mr. Har declared th 1'nlted wtate
army waa too heavy with cavalry. Where
th British srmy bad a cavalry
equal te one on the 8lsth Infantry,
said, the American cavalry was equal to
oas-halt th Infantry s strength.
Tha Hay amendment aa adopted today
would ostabben a maximum of tea regl
ts ef cavalry.
Instant Relict it You'll Write
Us a Postal Do That Now
At All Druggists J
ln 25c -rtd
Sanitary -Tabes,
WASHINGTON. Feb. ML-Preetdsnt WU.
bur 1". Thlrkleld of Howard university
torsees a new era la th educational Ufa
of the negro race. In th marked bi
as la th number ef students who
ar taking up th science at the uni
versity. In bis report te the trustees
today President Thlrkletd says the open
ing of the new hall or manual arts and
applied sciences saaaea available to
negro students tor th first -time
course In otvll. mechanical and eerctrlcal
f I
pi FREE j I
GLADLY wo will send you a liberal sample of Kondon'i
Catarrhal Jelly, Free, postage paid, if you'll write us a
postal. Enoueh for several days' treatment. Enoueh to
prove to you conclusively, that this splendid, honest remedy is
the cleanest, purest, pleasantest, safest, most soothing and healing
method for the treatment of these diseases.
Kondoa's Catarrhal JeDy is soothingly
applied directly oa raw snrtaces.
Reduces tbs thickened membranes, stops
abnormal discharges, clears the Basel pea
ssges for easy, natural breathing and per
mits the sir to pass through tbs kmgi over
healthy surfaces. .
-Thalia tbs logical way to curs csiarrh.
(swa nWe4e Cartatl f tt wkt 9tartKnt W WKf CMt
pUttUiai nultn-n tnm ckra maul caiarrtv
The btesaed rallef that mo Hie (re urn
pre will bring yon will eocoorar you to cotv
tioue tt uo until complete cure Li effected.
Yon caono afford to neftoct naaal ca
tarrh em la tt earliest ttte4. It wiH not
Set better oi iucii. Megct ot ccl4 in LLe
isk Your Physician or Druggist
You would wot apply sslt water to s
wound sot sprsy it with s violent nedklse
which would bom. Itch snd irriuts the raw
For the same reason you should stop tbs
wm of sprays. Malls, douches sad atomisers
lor catarrh. Tbs delicsts lloiss of the aetal
passages raw. Inflamed aor from tb
actios oi th catarrh germs.
-Kondoa's Catarrhal JeDy I soothing,
healing, pieaust aad cooUag. Apply koac
aad you will baveuutaatraiie'.
tsahwsel se. nwee naws s sr. w cBart
seieMse sl. sale aad ssecejr care el Catarrh,
teesrrkai esteesa, fa lever. ima. Cats la
Kondon Mfg. Co
bead open the way (or tbe attack of tba
catarrh frm.
Over M.OuO.OflO rMckaset of thta wowler
ful remedy have been sokl in 16 year. Thou
modi have teetttied to iu merit ta cra&olk.tnil
leuers wbicli wa thonkl be givl to thow you.
Remember, that Koodoo' CattrrbsJ
JeTTy l ft aid by over 3S.UJ0 dntcrlst tn tba
Vnited State bat If rowr doe tot hav it.
aeod to a lot Zx or 50c tube (itampf or
coin), and wa will malt at once, postpaid.
The 50c tire contalu three times a n.uck
a tbe&c size.
fm J- Send postal lor tree
sample today.
Minneapolis Mfauu
GasabllwB Chars Preferred.
BEATRICE. .Neb.. Feb. IS. - Special
Telesram. The poUoe of Wymore today
arrested WUInvm rrbjga and C. K. New.
ton on tbe charge ef operating n gam
bling roosn. They were arraigned, pleaded
net guilty aad the eases were set tor
bearing next Tuesday. Warrants were
issued for th srreet of four other resi
dents ef that pesos ea a si sailer eannre.
but tbey have not yet been apprehended.
Paint Without Oil1
rkahle Discovery That Oats Sowtb
(he Cost ef Paint seveate .
Jrrre Fee Coat.
A free Trial "rwekage Is Mstlsd te arrar"
eaa) Wke Writes.
A. Ia Rica, a proouaeni saaaufarturer
of Adams. N. T.. baa duKOvered a process
of snaaiag a new Bind of paint wahoui
tbe use of o.I. He calis It fowdrpaist. It
eoeAes la the form of a dry powee aad ait
that Is required I cold water to mak n
paint weaUier proof, fire proof and a.
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