THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 11. 1912. OFFERED FOR REXT stores and Ufflcea. STORES ft BUILDINGS FOR REXT. ry desirable store room en Mtta St.. near Harney about ahrtD feet, attractive show windows, basement and steam heat; terms of leaso on application. Two fine storeroom at tilS-IS 9. lfith St. Just south of the new Union Outfitting o. bioj.; new store fronts, floors, ceil ings, electric light decoration, etc.: full cemented basements; rental UT5 per nonu. S17 si. Kth St.. fine modern store room ztxm feet; new front; fail basem-ut rental PS per month. 634 S. 16th St.. across the street from the Home hjtel; room x feet; steam heat; up-to-date store fi, ul.. flue base men. with street entrance and freight bolst; rental on application. . 217-J129 Farnam St.. ; good ro-inis, in the automobile d:triit. suitable for auto euppnes; tires or saleroi'm for automo bile line: rental $? per n-.nth each. 1 room. :SxU feet, on Farnam St.. near 12th St.: heat and light furnished. Rental lis per month. Building. 4 stories and basement, near ism and larnam Sts., eixui feet, pas senger and freight elevator, all In ood repair; lease 3 to i years; rental lia per month. GEORGE ft COMPANY. M il City Nat. Bank Hldg. Phonrt D. IS or A-Vii. PERSONAL YOl'R sewing machine wil do good work if repaired bv K. L. Lovejoy. All work guaranteed. Tel. Webster 4SS. ilst end Giant Sts. FOR SAI.E-Vaudevlll act. "The Actors T r... m " L-itk ltl urn dire.. tioris. Fine chance for tultntcd Amateurs. Rtch.,1 1., !..-..( T. P.iT SI PKKKLl'Ol'S hair, aarls and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential ; all work guaranteed. Miss Allencer. hM Bee) Bidg. Hr-IKB wanted at once. 500.00 estates seeking claimants. You may be one.- Kacts in booklet 3L Sent stamp. International Claim Agency. Pittsburgh. Pa. POULTRY AND I'ET STOCK Houses rent quickly when advertised in The Bee Mrs. D. 31. Steele, 1S11 North 34th St., says: You may discontinue my ad. I rented my cottage the neit day through the little want i i ad in The Bee. STORAGE ROOM FOR REXT OR LEASE Fourth and fifth Toora Avry HM-, JC07-11 Iv en worth St.; wholesale dis trict; cloM to freight ho us; floors dt,x12 ft.; offlcw, Hvaiurs, two switch tracks mi loading platform1. Inquire G. W. lrrln. Mar. Avery Co., oftV ntranc directly ofptisite Vh'ou Matlon OOOD store room, rood location for any busings. 10th and DousUis. I Harris, RmI Fatatt. 37 Branded BMp. Central location, on !0th St., with rail road spur. Building has 15,00) squar feet and good basement: steam heat. Vacant May I. Kent $3.0U0 per year. Harrison 8r Morton OFFERED FOR SALE Fvraif anr. EXTENSION' TABLE snd 4 d!nln chairs. Phone lout;las 6t. I-BI'RNKR gas plate, with 2 ovens, II ); kitchen table. Hue; quick. Harney 1734. OFFICE drat and chair for silo cheap. ITione D. and ask for Baled.' LAKGb!, rolld oak cabinet, tine isr of fice use, c!eai. "Phone A-2ti0. WORTH of new furniture for sale rheaD if taken at once. Iarc.aln for case. Phone Webster ftHv l!H Knimet. rVRNmKF. and household" goods. In cluding Has ranee and baby go-csrt. Phen Harney ;ti Typewriter. REXT an Oliver lyneurr'ter from th, Oliver Typewriter ro. 2j TYPEWRITER Al.l. HAKI-.S-For sale or rent; lorrest stock; best bargains. H. V SWANSoU CO., 1414 r'arnam St., Omaha, fail or wrlle. Misvcltaoeeas. FOR BALE Two scholarships In ths Omaha Commercial eoluge and one In Boyle college. Business office, Omaha Me HtJL'F easily -cured bv Bob Whites Roup Cure, ') bjx. If your dealer can not supply you. write us direct, sending dealers name. FOR WHITE CO.. SUM -n. istn Omaha. Neb Web. 5-B7. Kaffir corn makes hens lav. 32 per Its). screenings. H.3S per 1. Wagner. 801 X. It EtOS for hatching from the Brandets Farm. ThorousiinrcJ S. C. White leg horns. Vtilltr stock, f-iO a salting or It per W. Exhibition or show stot k. 13 to K a setting. Wtlte for catalogue. Address A. I). Brandeis, Omaha. Tel. Benson 70n. MAKE YOUR HENS L.AT. USE FRESH UKOl'XD BONE. THE NEBRASKA SEED CO. Phono Douglaa 1U Howard Pt LIGHT Brahnias. alngls comb reda 1834 v. wtn. Phono Douglas UH. GREATEST poultry Journal, published 'n greatent poultry producing staie In the fnlun. Gives complete report of National Kg !aylng contest, monthly. Subscribe now. Do It today. One year 2 cents. I'seful Poultry Journal. Trenton. Mo" SOW blue grasa how on the snow and havs pic velvet lawn next spring and summer. i THE NEBRASKA 8EED CO.. Tel. Douglas lirtl. 1(12 Howard 8 1. Bra want ads will sell fur nlture, pianos, stoves, ty pe, wrltera, sewing machines, musical Instruments, bicy cles, etc.. at a cost of ouijr a few cents. Don't delay; get your ad In now. FOR HALE New and second-hand ' carom and pocket billiard tables and bowline alleys and accessories; bar fix turea of all kinds; easy payments. The Hrunswlck-HsHko-Collandsr Co.. )', a 10th St. 2D gAFKS. DERIGHT. 1M8 Farnam St. , SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all sixes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co.. 1110 Parnajn St. & Coal for stove or furnscs. Try It II aimon Weeth. Webster MX. FOR SALE Choap. small restaurant fixtures; ten-hole range, all new; cash register; show cases, etc F. F. Kanert, Grand Island, Kcb. Notice la hereby given Uiat tha furniture and fixtures and equipment consisting principally of beds, bedding, furniture, stoves, ranges, cooking utensils; also sur gical instruments. Including a complete equipment of an up-to-dats operating room and new X-rav outfit, will be sold at public sala on EYIrtar. February KS, U12, at W a. m., on the premiue of ths Hun IlKht Hospital Co., 1M0 Sumner St., IJn coln, Nebraska. Intendlnj purchasers msy buy either a part or all of these effects, which would be suitable for hospital, hotel or any (.-enersl use. THhl FIRST Tit CUT COMPANY, Trustee, FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLIXJ.. LINCOLN. NI-iKKAPftA.- ALTO owners, furniture draiers, house keepers, everybody. Make your own auto, furniture and metal polish. Belter than any you can buy. material at any drug store. R.-ctpe 2. R. Wilson, Ar lington. jHeo. r -1- r , i- . r I. . . AmApl.n .tit. r run oajw. w v. - - ports, practically new, volumes 1 to W. one volun-.e missing, full shop binding. Also Mark's dlge-t of the first 21 vol umes. Any one Interested communicate with A 41. uee. Ished, gilt frames; :u. worlh J--4- i Avenue A. Coun.-ll ..' 1111 set Pegen Mers'nboyphones; flna condition, las. a N. lHh. POP corn cri-pstte inachln and outfit with established buslnesa Machine will pop corn balls, cnspeties and inip corn candy. Owner In ill health fcai-on f..r selling. Address Pop Coin Crwiwltcs. UL Charlm St.. Omaha, Neb. PERSUXAL YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers am Invited to visit the Young Women's Chrwilan association building at Seventeenth and St. Mary s Ave., where they will bo directed to suitable boarding places, or otoerwlee aisiel. Look fr our travelers aid at the t nion Ktatlon. ' WE rant and repair all kinds of sew ing machine. Ind. A-rMX DouKlas ion. NEBHASKA CYCLE CO.. Uih nd tiarner rta Massage. Rlttennouse. isa old Boston Bid. t-DAY BLOOD hhilEUY. Oladlsh prarmacy. 12ih and Dodge. M4t-o4Li T real menu Mrs. Steele. Ao0.1ufi 7W Quuge. Ground ...or. L1LBEX. nn.ll suits to hire. U-14 Hjw'd. f i iSJ li'V 11a. lis. sail slow aromauc JLMOAU Ej ttelmm. iime. Allen of Chicago. K S. I'th tit.. 1st lluor. D. Thousands of people have found Ihe home t.-iey were looking for among the real estate ads on Ths Bcs want ad page. The home voJ wast to sell can be disposed of quickly at cost cf only a few cents tnrougB Bet want ads. J THE SALVATION AR-'T solicits east o:f clothing; in fact anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at U4 N. lltk St.. for cost of collection, to the vorthy poor. Call phone Douglas ilfi and wavons win can. V-r-TprTv massage, vibrator and Oltril'loll radiator treatment, lira Snyder. .i B.-e B og. Red HM) muscles. Joints, diseases. Karsten lon setn. only Omaha masseur graduate In Sweden. 40 Om Nsl I Bank Dou 71. MASSAGE ? Swedish movement. ApL rnsm I) Kla. f ifiVT,TTP'r!m",t- E Brott. .IS 8. lsth. Id floor I iSS liESr bracer for mvn. Gray .v Food Pills. 11 per box. postpaid- Snerman . . -, n.. . -.. . . . h . vt AX1KK1CA M IKi:i.TKVMAS. "Amen ca's most practlial poultry paper Is "the key to the best In the poultry world. Sent 3 months on trial for only 10 cents. Address American Poultryman, Lincoln. fee. L-.l-L-l.- , ,.rn.A ....IIau u,Iln. V. no s,.l ..... nlnnlr I ...A.n millAfa and 'hens, sOc and up; Uuff Orpington ckks f 'r setting, I.N per 15. Tel. Wcb- S. C. W. I-xhnm chickens, new laying, t&o each; also incubators and brooders, rilone lud. 1PH or Florence 405. REAL ESTATE FA Mil S etc KAKf-H LANDS FOIt SALE Arkawsus. AUKANAS LAND Reautlf ill Osarks. fertile, vallvya, rich mountains, flowing springs, health, fruit. Kisln, alfalfa, stock, poultry; prU-es riKht. J. C. Mucnelt Co., KaycltcvUle. Ark. Brltlsk toluaabla. Will buy for anyone British Colum bia farm lands on uncompleted Grand Trunk without 'ommlsslon axceotlnr per ccnlaf of profits. Large returns cer- isin. t-uit craniora, u Jioiuer otreet. Vsncouver. or Omaha. California. DON'T WAIT 6 TEAII8. BUT CALIFORNIA FULL-BEARING ORCHARDS. MONET HACK IP NOT SATISFIED. !:.o.jtt cash and Ue.od per month buys five acres with full-bearing fruit trees In ihe famous Midwell orchards at Chioo, California. Payments Inciuds Intsrest and taxes. Your money back if not sat- Ulltd ujyon invebusallul Tlia Bidsrail orroards are the moat noted nnd -pro ductlva In It; wonderful Sacramenu val ley of California, it's our-confidanca In this land that prompts tut gnaroua oi ler. Wave pjachse, prunes, almoudj, apt '.cots and Bartlstt pcara Busrs rsnroad fares, not exceeding 2i.isJ, will bn credited on pjrehase prlca, I -and ad joint the thriving town of Cklco tlt.uuo pop.). Referenres: Any bank of Chlco, American National banM of San Frsa olsco and First National bank of San Leandro. Send lor valuable information and fact to BID WELL ORCHARDS, LNC, Chlco. Ca LIVE OAK COLONIES CALIFORNIA In the Sacramento Valley, California, flfiv miles north of Kacrsmento, the capltol. along Ihe west bank of the beau tiful Feather river, traversed by the mail line of the Southern pacific Northern Electric, twenty-two trains dally. The colonics comprise the best lands of this rich, productive and thriving "val ley, one of the most beautiful and fertile portions of Conform. ABUNDANCE OF WATER al....ll.J k ftliaa Kit! fast. lint a Patltll ft one of the bent Irrigation projecu In the Staia OX tauiornim. nume ui me iinou thompson seedliuss guaw:s The market price of which was $?T per ton lat year yielding a toruiace of from four to eight ton per acre. Mr. Xeltfon. at Live Oak, sold his crop lattt year from live and one-half acres of these famous grapes for Fine orange and lemon land, also pavhes, prunes, apricots, all imall fruits, aimoncs and nxitsh walnuts. ALFAUr'A Grows prollftcately In this valley, and at present la almost ready for the first cutting. The gardens are full of vegetables ready for table, use. the flowers and al mond trees ara bloom in;, the farmers are about done with their plowing. In fact, it la like the month of May in Ne braska. OUR NEXT EXCURSION MARCH 2D Write us or call at the office for spe cial rates that go Into effect, In March. Trowbridge-Bolster Co. XH City National Lank Rldg., Tephon Douglas lirtO. Omaha, Neb. n 'It SAlaE Ext. a. fine foot hill orange grove even acres, proven front less, H n!ie from Whit tier, 14 miles from Los Angeles; crop estimated, Crop on trt-r.t tnc.udt-d. Vater, eiwirlc lights, builalngs; free mail, domentic fruits: lovely view of valley and ocean; fplendid investment. Oood bearing orange grove. 12 ftores, IS miles from Ia Anseiea, near Fanta Fe djKit- u Durban ndvantagMi; crop In rhidd; water; domeetrc fruits; buildings; J.l.wX. Inve.-tnttlc. Mrs. Dora bnusor, JdcmovU, California.- CALIFOUNIA EXCURSIONS EVERY WEDNESDAY Excursion for Parerson, Csltforn'a. leaves Omaha every Wednesday. For full lartl ulsrs apply PAYNE INESTMENT CO., Colonfxatlor. Agcntx. Southeast Corner Utii and Farnam ts.t I Omasa. Nebraska.- tsmada. A BAUOAIN 14 acres wheat tend In Tramping Lake district. Raski,he'waji. Cans-la: rmooth, no rocks, no timber. n wante. good water, heavy soj, dark, rich soil mnes to K. K. town. iw raeh. gl.ti tn fv.ur jqual annual parmtnt? at per cent. F.irt po ment aWarrn t 113. Must s-ll teffr ..arr.-b l. a&utlrcs. Lock Bux W, Haunjs.'. Neb. FOR SALK Saskatchewan a . f.neet wht-at land. t G kjsc lke District. Ip. early r-rniri, chuoolite loani. Ck-an open prairie. nd for uookiet. KhJ Agents aix;fd. UoDART LAND COMPANY, Minneapolis MOV1NO picture scenarios wanted. Big money made w ruing scenarios for moving . picture man u fact orers. ftend- 1r for in- structifn Pajl Mr-s. JT Bond St., i New lork Calorada FOR SALE to 1 acres first clas aprle, alfalfa and potato land In famous western Colorado. Price ITS per aer, In cludins: good, paid-up water light. Splen did nvemnt. Write for tlltiet rated booklet. Welch Merrill, Dtlta. Colo. Kev to Ui Situation Bee Advertising, I Results are what you pay for results are what you Jet RKAL ESTATK 4ITY PROPKKIV KOR IAI.C- RE Ij ESTATE. CITV PKOPEBTV VO ALI "Cut Prices" RE.IL ESTATE FARM R4MH LIMI! FOR fAI.K CT'BA INDS-Cuba Inds. Si our fr land pruposlUon. Address J. 8. 8h-r-man. s.l-s Setonil Ars.. Brooklyn. K. Y. ItEAL ESTAT-E FARM H4X H I.ADs FOR 4I.K FLORIDA THE LAND OP SUNSHLNE W ar offerlnn 1. X and 4-srrs irsrts ami upwards locstsu la Columbia county nrwr t-iir. r loriaa, sv milt-a wast or Jackson till, and only M mils, from til. Auguslln,. This property Is Intersrctrd uy thraa railroads of natiooai rcpuiatlon. which furnish th best servlc at reasonable rates to all market of th. L nul stalss. The climate Is Ideal. Fin, farm are now belna worked In our tract with exceptionally good results. Own one of our isrou. iovasusate our offsr. Small v-asn paymsnta ana easy terms. Low rata dally, 'ttcfcela good until June t ROBT. C. DRUESEDOW & CO, tSales As-enls.) WO Omaha National Bank Bldf. Omsha. Neb. Iowa. FOR SAI.v:-By owner, tij acres fruit and truck farm two miles Sioux City, la.; good stx-roum house, all neces-ary bulid Infs; fifiecn-acr orchard; choioe. level land. Price tits per acre; half cash; tnt pruvenionts worth K.m. sjaxwell, 1JIS pleasant Ml, 1M l lone, la. Iit-AOHK KAHM. Four nalea of city; 2 mucs of car line. Aliout a-rca the same kind of land I Adam first farmed; ho better anywhere. a acre of It art In alfaira: 14 a-rea low ; land, with some timber; no tuiildinKa lvel mad to city cheap at ts.iW. 5lee 1 Heal Bstate Company, rouncil BluM. Official Ojcniug FLORIDA HlGiIIiANDS To Settlers at Dado City, Florida, Friday, March 8th Th, HlChlanda of Florida. that tremely fertile and famous hill ranfte of rasco county, heretofore held by mlllln, Inlen-sts. will be oiened for occupation dn Friday, March 8th, mi, the allotments uems; in farms or lorty acres as a mini mum, with a permission for two or more to subdivide Into such trans ss required. These lands are equally adapted to fruit, vegetables and Kent-rat farm purposes. Postofflccs. shipping- stations, schools and colleges, churches and every convenience are at the very door of tliee farms. The water rrom wells and hillside sprluK Is pure, cool, healthful and Int uturutln Ueneral health conditions ara unsur passed. Tlia soil la light loam underlaid with clay, which retains the moisture and makes farming Intelligently oon uucted prmitabie every month In Hie year. The average summer temperature Is less than 90 degrees. The rllmallc Condi linn dun to the high altitudes In this hill range, ar, a health giving a a mountain resort, i ns mild winters permit outdoor work practically every day. We. Jlia undersigned, mavor of fsrl. City, representing th, municipality, and president of the Dad, 4'ity Boaord of Trade, representing the commercial and industrial Interests, urgently Invite you, ii you are in earnest atout moving to Florida and are willing to cast your lot among prosperous people, to bs tn Dade City In person on tlia fclh of March and select your choice of th, allotments. Ono person can represent a doseu or more interested parties. Kaiiroaa fare to and from Dad City from any point In the Cnlted states for this occasion will be rebated by the organisation conducting this opening to every fee simple holder of one or more forty-acre allotments. Accommodation win be provided for everybody. Not mora than H.0S a day for room and ir .1 will be charged at any hotel for this special occasion. The Homeseekers' excursions Into Flor ida move from Initial point in th west Tuesday. March ith. Have your ticket read direct to Dad, city. That give you permission to stop over at any point In Florida, going and ooming, within th time of the limit. May w expect you here at the opening of thl great highland country to settlers? Illustrated descriptive literature win oe sent on request sa il ressed to th Dad City Board of Trad. Respectfully. JASPER C. CARTER. Mayor of I)ad city. CHAB. T. TOUCHTON. President Dad City Board of Trde. Jueslcu. IT, 700 acres between Vlctora and Tarn ptco. It. K, tuns through land, with sta tion on land, l'rlre SJiM cash. Mexico Ind Man. Bloomfield. Neb.' 31lnaesta. CO-ACRE Improved Mrm In Polk Co.. Minn., lis, mile northwest Beltrami; L"4 acres under cultivation. Kvery foot can be plowed. Good five-room house; good barn. Flowing well; good water, tkill as good as Iowa or Illinois soil. 1 am ths owner you pay no agent's commission. W. ti. Hock. New Albln. la. Actbraska. 40-1JLP11EL WHEAT LAND. D III tH PER ACHB. np nave lor ie uvvr kiw aim wi Cheyenne county. Nebraska's choicest larm lano, wnvre ine crop iiaua lur years, Including llt and U. average with the best ill the rtate. Alfalfa a mo a leauina crup. neiier bum. waiw u cllmute cannot b, found. Write for full Information today. Asuits wanted nvery- FUNiilNU.SLAN'T JNVR8TMENT CO, Sidney. Neb. mostt TroDlcal Florida, where tender- eat tropical fruits grow. Below Miami. On railroad. Perfect health. No swamp schemes. Ilroves and ten ace pints, r-uper free. Tropical Company. Modello, Fla." Read This There la a place wrier billiards and severe cold I unknown In winter, where excessive heat, sun strokes and heat pros trations are unknown In summer, where climatic conditions make outdoor life most pleasant and healthful, where ac cording to U. S. statistics, the death rale la leaa than any other place In the United 8 tales, where tw and three crop are grown on th same land th, aam, year, where farming, truck, fruit and poultry growing 'yield profit unknown elsewhere where you are near the great eastern markets, where water transportation come Into competition with rail. Insur ing cheap freight rates, where land this la th test of It all for those who haven't money to burn) land prices ar still cheap. Don't take our word for It, but Join our excursion to Rivervlew Farms, Flor ida. Feb. ! and sea for yourself. Write tor fuller Information. Rivervicw Farms Company ait Paxton Block. Omaha. Neb. trewrgla. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA TravrjiJ by the ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM - ATLAN TIC Lands adapted to th w.dest ranca of crop. All in money crops o( the tout;. Dlut. fully nruduoed. For literature treat. we ultli taue coming country, its nii. climate, en urea ana scdooa advantage, write W. H. LEAHY. PEPT. K. General Pasaeacer Ajeau ATLANTA, OA- RALE OR EXCHANGB-Flftv million faet i.ardwood timber tn oe-.rsla. Good rtlt and water rates. Laay Un. Healthful climate. Htlinn to oettle estate. 0me good income paving property taken part payment. Benedict A Co., .Nashville, Tenn." TWIN FALLS. Idaho, land contract: easy paymenta. -a-re plota, eaah; Komi beared: balance it) years' time. fteorse varaum, a cnariea Blk., Ucnver. cOlO- IRRIGATED lands oduce a areater net profit per acre tlaa dry Urn. ianda and you can buy Jdano state lands tar lees money. Why not try ftrintnic where conditions ara more favorable and sure results can be retted upon. Lorur terra pay ments can oe itao on uiese tanas. .Northwestern Land Co.. But icy. Idaho. Iewa THE eatfen way to find a buyer for TO'jr frrm ir to Uiaert a araall want a4 n ttie ues uotnea capital, larsest cir rrilt:on in the statt of Iowa. uw daliy. The Capital hi read by and believed la by the standpatters of Ioaa. who simp.y tefuM to permit any other paper tn their homes. I L tea. 1 cnt a word a day: ti 2i per line per month; count six ordinary wrds to lite line. Acdraw iea al.uea Capital, Ixs Muioes, 1 WILL NOT LAST SARPY COUNTY ISO ACRES, absolutely the eery best bargain near Omaha. Situated In Hry county, within 1 miles of Mouth Omaha, and H4 miles r Paidilbin; 1 valley land. mile from new orainano ditch; Vs no land. 1,-enlly rolltn; the very best of soli; 16.WM worth of iiuDrovements.eonslstlnc of good, welt built, -room hous (larv rooinni, cood 'i-ellar, plenty of closet. pantry equipped with Hour Dina, cnina closets, etc. ; good barn for 14 head, with haymow for 40 tons; itond orchsrd, stc. If vou wsnt the very- best Improved and very best farm vow can let. without any eaceptlon, for 1106 per acre, near unishn. then lake this; H cosh by March 1, balanc4 long time. Iet me snow you tne goon, tiring wuo with vou. A lare Lsl and- a few bar- aalns, ail terms sniV prli-es; but If you can handle the abov do not overlook IL as you bave a chance on this bargain now. POSMK8BION 41IVKN. PRIN X. MFRRn.I. OOMPANT. 12IJ-1114 4'lty National Hank Hid- 10 Acres n a. Ansviiiaristf ml lata inuthWMt of yotinic Concord irrapa vliien, applea, foosa- iei rtes, raspnarriea. rnct The Byron Reed Co. Itoth Phone. IHHITln ft FARM bargain near Omaha; poesesslnn given. Orln 8. Mwiill, ItU City Nat l bank Rldg. th corn belt, 1 mile to town; possession March I, Kit; easy term. II. Larson, Owner, Clark. Neh. HIOOKSr MNAP IN 8TATB. Md-acre Inuiroved ranch, located In the center of Neb., a mile of a good town; U6 acre In cultivation. 15 acre alfalfa. bsl. hay and pasture land, an wen grassed. Oood. fair ImprovMnaots, all fenced and crosa-fenced; good road to town. This la a dandy small ranch. Price for quirk sale, I7.W per ai rs; tl.MO cash, lialauce leng lime. . Don't answer unless you mean business and can go at onto to so Litis, Write or wire oz 47; Omaha. Neb, Honk Caraliaa. . WANTED Men to become Independent farmers In eastern North Csroilna, ths "Nstlon'a Garden Hpot." IS'I for large profit on smsll capital. Write for bMk let. C. Van luven, 4 Southern Bidg., Wilmington, N. C. tiregoa, TIIK ORKATKST fruit growing bell In the world Is tlie lingue Hlver Valley. Kouthern Oregon, our fruit In lerire and juicy, excellent flavor and all varieties nave deep nnd beautiful color. Orrhiird'i earn from two to II, (Mil per acre. We hav a fine cllmute, good rosds, good schools, good churches sail good neighbors, no uudcslrabln foremn element. Secure 10 or more acres and enjoy prosperity with us. For full information alwut our val ley, prices snd terms, sddress Oliver b Krown, lit N. llartlett Bl.. Medford, Oregon. Soalh lakota. FOR SAI.K-llalf section South Pakota. extra fine farming land; Improved; good community; school; rural mall; near, rail road. All ready to move on and go tn work. A bargain. Write owner. A. M. Uongwell. ! Iavenworth Bt.. Omaha rOR PAI,K-1 acres Improved land, Tripp county. South D&aota; In raJn and corn belt. This Is no trading proposition, but good farm and will make good home for anyone who wants cheap farm in famous Rosebud country, South 1'akota. for particulars address W. P. Jamison. Beatrice, Neb. KKAI. ESTATE BIILUEKS' lVrOBMATIOK. Kle.-lrie gss futures. Omaha Silver Co. Idtal Cement Co.. 17th and Cuming. Puchs. Son llllnil. painum.-. .worsting. ROOPINti paints, building paper, plas ter boards, Amer. Sup. Co.. IU Nicholas. WK1J. lugging. P. P. Orvssman. I&il N. M AUIIlIUI; KOR SALK. ll.Jsft-3 acrea House, barn, well and cistern. Now vacanL P. l. Wead, lull Parnam St. ACHE-VGB PROPERTY ti.N0. To and one-half acres, two blocks from car Hue; new Ti t" bulM n: three blocks nortli of Fnnlanelle Park; butiKslon ; partly modern; 17i fruit trees, Jul grspe. " small fruit; one quarter acre asparagus. Nearly all this Is best hue sise. Two chicken houses, each l.'il- ft.; one chicken hous ixU ft.; barn. llxl ft. All buildings new. About one acre fenced for chicken yanla. This aould le sn ideal plsce for someone raising fancy chickens. I4.3w lakes this place if sold soon. See oa ner. Hoeff, 4407 (.rand Ave. Phone WVhuter SSv? 10 Acres Close In Forty-eighth and Fowler Ave., good -room house, ham, chicken house, all kinds of fruit. Owner receiving Ha per year grosa Income. One of th beat ace tracts around Omaha. Only four blocks to car line. If you want something fltrat clan In Btres'ie se thl. Foeeion March 1. P. nOSTVVICK, Jl So. 17th M. tiround Floor. Re Rldg. 2i Acres Northwest of IXindse, unlmprovwl. Price, (TO; owner anslou to soil. 8. P. BOSTW1CK. til o. ITth 81. Ground Floor, Re Rldg lols i nib pi.ACIt X mllea out: aood a-room hous. barn. orchard and other fruit. One mil of rail enat atation; lift. McOea Real Kstate t'nmpany. Council Bluffs. Bargains' $ 460 For a ramsr lot, wiUi sewer, stator anil iu ana twrmineut tldewgjk. toxtt. ' $1,000 Tw aoraa, with Rood cot fa;; and other outbullulnii, on 4th and Curtla At. 11,400 Flvo-room cottat. with ewor, water and cat.' with toilet, at iiOt N. 38th St., on lot 40x120. $2,000 Six-room houae, modern ex cept furnace, at 1604 Emmet Kt , lot o-foot front on pared treet. ' $2,000r-rnSovn-room houae, modern except ' furnace, at tts& De catur, fit.,. wall-built houae, In food order, lot 10x127. $3,100 Beven-room houae, fully modern, on corner lot, 40x100, paved atreet. $3,000 Klght-room modern houae. with hot water heat, on aouth front lot 50x116, near Kth and Burdett 8U. $3,500 -A nlee 7-room modern houae on 22tP near Lake St., lot 84x 140, paving paid. $4,600 Nine-room modern house, combination hot water and hot air heat, hardwood . floors, combination gaa and electric light, large fireplace, all In boat of order, at 2017 Spencer St.: lot 60x114. $4,500 Seven-room houae and grounds, 132x140, corner 11th and Martha Hts., fronting on boulevard; bargain for some one. W. E Gates Room 644, Omaha Nat'l Bank Bid. 'Phone Douglaa 1294, Web. 2688. Tiu. LAND OPEN!NJ Over tW&.WH) acr Texaa state Und twin thrown open to the pubuv; to pr acre; tltia ltrtrl from mat; l-Hh down; ttttno forty ywtrp; tr further Informatitja write. Boa 171'. Houjt(in '!- Why Pay Rent? Homes on Easy rayments arriiK. ahunrtnnt water, 'nnplt,'l pro ject, isreat frof. Iiw prie-. 1KKPK1 and CAKKY A V i.AN'HS. Write rellahle WYOMING ntVKUOPMICNT CO., Chey enne, Wya Alla4-llaBrH4V Karmer and land buyert a I owr the country ara readliis B want ais every day aoC mappm up 9wtf iMrgaln offered Iiata IH rent per word If run only ona time, lc per word If mn t wo or mora time eon entirely. Writ and mtll your ad today ta ji-a! tat ate depart ment of The Omaha ilea. Keaultg ar inr. WHliUE OPPOKTI N1TIES ARE Bay a aouthwemern farm now. Preaent prtceti are wonarfuily low, 10 an aire up. You ran it row anything deird. Garden truck Hell at haaitaotne profit; ioultr' pay frorn to V Pt h n -ar-many orr-hardu now paying $lu0 to an are; alfalfa, corn, cotton, peanut. pean nuts and numerous other products all net land owners big profits. PtaJi tut summers and mild winters malte life en Joyabla In the territory of the Southern Kallwar 8ytem. Ask for lan I prteea and fre suhiMTlptloa to the "So..! hem Fieid." Adirvss Tha.-. 8 Chane. Western Agent. Koom l'ti Chemtca. . Pt. Leouts, Mo. $!.90i-cVroom rotlage; water, gas; Till cellar; lots front on both Miami and Corby His.; near Tth. A few hundred"' down, balance monthly. tLQCO-7-room cottage, modern except I heat: ntre yard, good shade; newly paereu; inii nnufte is m a isn. l i-ondilton. tstn down, balanca like tent. tXfr-Huys a nice It-room houae. modern eirept heat, with lot xlM: nloe location; handy to car; yard ail fen ed. Ky terms. l.t.O--New. atrlrtty nuMim cottage; 7 room: within walking distance, ni neighborhood; near schools snd store. Oak finish In hall, parlor and dining room; baa first' class guaraniw-d furnace: fomented hasement ; Mnk for lauadry pur poses, Kaay terms. rs-Ai"iti; ranch for sale, $15 pt acre. For particulars addreaa L. .S. t4ll)t, ti mre. Neb REAL STAT:. ABURtlTfl OV TIT1.B. Feed Abstract Co., oldost ahetrarf offlct in Xehaaka. W RrandeJa Theater. XEALE 4- CAMPBEU i;i Karnaca Bt. Vacant tl.e0Kortliast earner Vth and Lake 81a. Comer atrl adjoitilnir lot 1ite locatra fur stores. Suitable terms. Seott & Hill yn i McCatue BMr. Iimirlaa .. ind. A-nu 3th Ave. & Leaven worth St. W; F-x r.f n Ave., 7-room house strictly modern, east front, fine shade. ivetl -tfr--!. ail paid, one-half block to r, ft tie n-lKhtxirhoOii. pric, Immediate poesion- S. P. BOSTWICK, ?lt nth fit. Ground Floor. Bee PIdg. Ten Percent Net t-V CASH W1LI, IIANUI.K. On biiaiiiess correr. four branil new stores at suu'heast eoraer of Slst an Cumins t.: owner leavina fra- California I anl a ill sacrifice enmer: must tie sold. J. B. ROB1N.XOS, 44J Re BW(. 'Phone P WT. That are cut jirifcs. The following close-ia properties are I to he sold at once. The prices are thousands of dollars belo'if actual cash values. The greatest c,HK)rtunity ia years to ac quire down town projiertv- at a low figure. The shrewd, in vestor waits for just such chances and then nails them. Note each ono carefully. ; NO 1. -Seven teen-room buliilinit, kullt only I years a;o: located near 54tli and Itar nev. 5 minutes' walk from rew court Uou-e; steam heal: all modern : never vacant a .lay sln.e built rays TS per cent net on 112,000. iTk ut to only IMOO. Part cash, balance per cent. - ; SO. : isomer lot. til feet front. 25th Ave., near llamey St.: splendid for flaes: two modern house en thl. renin- for loOl per year. Sale price only f ,00v. Tart cash, balance itionlhly. , NO. 3 KOI.U. NO. 4 Vcant lot. SOxsO. near !ith and Harney. Th very best possible loca tion for a St- I ."U is flat. Sale price $1.0. NO. 5 New 2-rom cottage en tossed ffmand; leased for Ions; period and 'ully paid; no taxes; house atone worth more than the sale price 99. , NO. 4 SOIJJ. ' NO. NO. T--JI a res, auburlan. Sarpy county land. Join station main Una RurllnKton Ky.. Dmaha tn Lincoln, only 4t it Inutes' from Omaha: almost level: Uleat for poultry, fruit and truck famu vary valuable. Prloed away down fyr qukk sale Sun, to doable In value. Tour opportunity, tirab IL -Is.' acres. Sheridan eouaty land. 12 mil from Gordon; Sheridan county had the finest exhibit at the ljuid Show and raises almost ss many i; toes as all oihor rcuntlea combined. Thi quarter sold 1 year ao 'or l ler acre, or .2.100 lTke.1 till ssle at l.oo. fart cash. ERNEST SWEET s IHITOIMS 14TZ. . .. . 12l CtTT NATX BANK BLJX1.- Beautiful New Homes In Boulevard Park-Easy Terms P' Open Today iVom 3 to 5 P. M. . --j. 1 OENKKAL DESCRIPTION These ar all BI'ILT-ON-HONOR hu twa of ( rooms ech and one of room of but construction that money can produc. . rch haa ubutta, foundation, iaraa, well-llglited bsaviuant solid concrete and cement floor, laundry, splendid furnace, coai bin nd arad entrances. Tha sheathlna Is No. 1 Slilplsp. put e with tar felt; sldlna; la all narrow red cedar; all double floors; finishing1 floors being J l tuck facing throughout. ll walla hav th host hard-wall piasl rlna with metal protected corners. Plumbing in Intlh, kitchen and laundry la most subslanttal; all hath room finished In whit enamel wltk roon.y meiliclsa cabinets. Lighting flitures are all Combination eleoliio an gaa ol very hand; some rteelgr shower In. eaeh dlaing room. Lawns will be leveled and seeded; terraces aodded, and ultantlal cement walks and sup, laid, ready for oecu panacy, without any expense to purohasers. ' Na 3111 NO. 1TU ST. , . : Is li lory bungalow of l largw room: hall, partor. den (with elnaeU and dining room heautiruily dernrated. finish and floor In oak, beautiful eoloa tis.le and iiedeatal booki-asea between parlor and dining room and built-in buffet In dlnlna ronn The kitchen, pantry, rear vestibule asst Iwe bedroom, with largo rloesia and linen rloaet. hav, quarter awd yellow pin floor and finish, ih bedroom, both and larg storsga room being o exna floor with easy stair ana will landing to sain. v . ' Na Itll NO. 19TU 8T. . I a IH alorv rottiig, enterlor with Mora Inleelor floor plan and flnlah as tha bungalow lust described. Tls ar both or vary pstaalng design, the arrange ment being Ideal for famlll dtslrlng oleeping room and bath on second floor; I'rlc, 1 1, too each. - NO. flS NO. 1TH BT. i Is an east front, Ideal rottag or flvw largo rootus, on comer lot. Th front hell, pa' l"r and dining room, handsomely decorated, haa oak finish and floors, fin rollnnadt opening between parlor and dining room and oak paneled asat tn dining foam, bay wln.low looking out on Bpracua St. Th two bedroom and closets hv quarter sawed yellow pin floor and flnlah. Th kitchen, pantry and rear vesill.ule. mspls floor and yellow pin. flnUb, A central hall oonnocM dining room, front bs-lrooin, hath and klti hen, from Which easy stair lead o lara floored garret. Without scsplloot till la th boat and ruomlasl s-rooni vol tage w hav ever built. Price 13,300. - TKRMR 4600 to I.C csshi balaw. essy monthly paymsnta Ilk rchrnL wn l .an iu uio nvuavs, uiej wwvi wo oMuavisu .or um Payne& Slater Ca, ill Omaha Nat'l Bank Bidg. Both Phons West Farnam Home IU.M for very attractive, well M rated, aubatantlally built, 1. room modera house, finished tn selected hard woods Jet .' ' floor; has s bedrooms oh fd "u floor; mald'a room and store- -. . room os M: billiard room. . ; furnace and laundry In base ment; hou haa too mantel ' and grate; la deoorated , Ihrougbnut; la excellent, re- pair, and a very attractive . proposition at this price, eon- entering It location, Raa- ' onabl terms. .10,001 for pracilcally nsw brick , and stucco beuss, west at Mr. Joelyn's fin rertdence, having largo living room across antlr front of hous, - ' with fin mantel and fire i place: dining mom with oak panelled walnsoutlng and kllch.n 1st floor: I large te tractive bedroom;' alas large sleeping irarch, M floor; ' maid's room auid bath. Id floor; decora.ed ilirough out; lot Qsll feet. A strictly up-to-date sttiartive home, aiirrouuded by new houses. ; when value ar steadily ad- , vanclng. luvesllgals. George & Company 102-11 City Nst. Bank Hldg.' Phone P. V or t-HM.' Boulevard Lots x' ,,!. Bna Shne fits east rrnnt on the Florence Blvd.; on cotner front ing southeast on boulevard and Ellistnn Ave. They ar He-foot front and 130 to 1M feet deep. Now bav sewer, water, gaa, a. foot sidewalk and 100-foot boulevard, all paid for. IVIees only II. WO and I1.3UL . Harrison & Morton It Omaha Nat'l Bank. Tl. D, 314. New Homes West Hav you aeen Ihe new home In our newly developed block on 31th street, north of IodgeT Tou will b surprised. V want to start two or three more now and bav them ready In th spring. If you want a good bous w will build there for you. Harrison & Morton CHOICE BUILDING SITES F.VKItT IMPUOVEMKNT. A number of choice residence lots 56x124 with water, sewer, gas. etc.; located a block or two east of 14th St. ear line and Just north of kountx Place: all lots well Ucated; about one-foot levrac. A few exceptional bargains. Phono for particular BARNES WILSON. Bee Bidg.. V. 3vtl. MR. STKEfcT CAB MAN Her I your opportunity to get a fine horn near the Uih and Ames Ave. barn, teive rooans. modern, except heat, rooms all nicely decorated, fine sooth front lot. paved street, near car and school, located at 323 (irand Ave. Price 12. 4. about KM rash. Kl per month. This home fc worth mut h mora money, but owner must sell so haa made the price attractive Be sure snd see It. Thsn ooma to the office sn submit your beat offer. J. W. RASP CO. (80 Braodels Bidg. Doug. 1&3, A-Sg VACANT. Kull lot. tO-ft. frontage, sewer, water, gaa. cement walks; fine location, near ttth and Capttol Ave. Big barttaJa for Cat. P. O. Ma'Ut., TW Omaha National Hank. Dong! as CM. S'.fts WILL make the first payment on a nearly new t-room cottage modern, ex cept heat, fine lot, near Amea Ave. or vacant lot taken tn trade, uougtaa lt. 9 Prandels Bidg UlliJK brick factory building with e re of tracksae. Cheap lor cash r ex change considered. J. W. Rasp Co.. 6w i.'ranoels Bttig i:t.K;AT suburban home, near Omaha, five blocks from regular oar service fifteen acre, all hut three In small fruit: fine 0-room house. W-aJ-re farm, less loan nine miles from postofflce, for farm ar.d ranches. VM. XELSON, K PAXTON BLK WANT OFFER SCI V. KV.h Ave., e-room. ar modern Price t2.. Oive Offer. na I.AKK. WF.B. MSI. 'M EACHRO.N KKLTT CO. NEW, e-reom bungalow, !i!4 Templetoa St.. strictly modem, full Int. lawn, shad rees, yati. Web. JT; fat. 4 Look These Up - Ml Spring It, t-room house, an mod:, good es nsw, 4 nlr bedrooms and bath second floor; parlor, dining room, bed room and kitchen first floor: full brick cellar and cemented floor: good turaaeo and laundry wltk datern and pump: guod barn and chicken bous all plastered- ce ment walks, fruit and shade trees? Tnt Koxlss; lots of room for chickens tui gsrden or build another houae; near 'car line. See us for price and ttrnis at OBeo, owner leaving city, tl.lBO-Near th and Msnderson, iv rooms, mod., oseept beat Comer . ioV bam and shad trees; M to t) cadh, balanr on payawnta. t -1, M-!er Nth and rrancl, good th room rottag, all mod., new furnace and plumbing. . n.Mt Nar ttsl and Leavenworth, splen did hous. T rooms, all modern through out; paved street and clot in property. ttMA-tca South th St.. fin modih hous. rooms and reception hall; hot water heat, finished In oak and mahog any: new barn; cement walks and etiailt Clow to cat lla. Sea us (or trms. '." Birkett & Tebbens; 42J Be Bidg. Phone D. 4754: A-ti:i CHARLEd E. WILUAMSO.V CO. r71 Rent Talk! Prlca today naturally aeem high when an recall hoW cheaply tha same property suld a gsnerauon ago. How often on bears. "If my father had bought fhai purperty thirty year ago he'd bo a rwh man today." And how seldom the men who make thl statement reflect that thirty year from now his son will' bo saying Ih same of him. And (Ihink of 1st YOUR RKNT MONET WILL DO fft Particular at our eifica. : FIRKSTONE BDB-DIV1SION. rr CHARL8EW HEIGHTS - ii ELLI STONE PARK PLACE -tf THROW THE LANDLORD OVER BOARD. . : CHARLES E. WILLIAMSON CO INSURANCE and RENTALS 101 Sn. Kth St. (Comer, 8tret Floor). I'BL'RBAN B1JNOALOW. ' 4 Attractive t-room, well planned bunga low, near Miller Park; parlor, hall, dins Ing room finished tn oak; bedrooms, oak floors, whit enameled wodoworki wail, rough sand finish: beautifully dee orated; sleeping room and sun parlorj largo cemented basement and altlo; than oughly modern; large lot; nice notgh borliood; house just finished a few month ago; an Ideal home for email family who wish to enjoy the country and yet bo near town; only S3 minutes rid to Fsmam Sc Tel. Webster 77t. , South 10th Streer 32 and WI So. -Nth St.. two strictly modem hous practically new. with ground Kxltl. well located, within easy walking distance to the Union depot. A good Investment or owner could liv M ona and rent the ether. We will aeU separstely If desired. S. P. BOSTWICK. 1 31 So. T7lh St. Ground Floor. Bee P!rts. $150 CASH .1 BUY FROM OWNER ; ; t-room cottsge at 4S0I Burdetle St. In fine condition ha cemented ceilar. elec tric lights, cement walks, fruit and shade tree near care. Buy from owner, siut cash. Tel Webster XK. PRAIRIE PARK HOME t On of th prettiest six room house In thl oxclualv addition. Price reduced to 33.7M for quick ssle. - PAYNE LVVESTILENT Ca MUST SELL. 77: Tine. Isnre, six-room atone houa, tsprv oughly modern, finished la birch, lull basement, lot stalls, ale lawn, aowt, small fruit and shrabaory: most nuso money and If sold at s?a will take tisjuj cash, balance can o arraagedi wner lives In house. 47S N. 33th St.. em of the best reaidenc districts In Omaha. . BIO BARGAIN as-acr farm, four mile west of Ftor; well Improved; give aosutisioa March 1. Quick sal. Hi acre. Mrs. (t, rhalen, Floreme. Phone Benaxui (33. -