Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 21

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Omaha Automoile Show to Have All
the latest Novelties.
Dealer from 111 Over the Vnt
SlKatfr Taetr Iatratloa t Vl.t
Mas) the OailM Exalaltlem
( Maealae.
That th seventh annual show of the
Oma&a Automobile association, which
Kill open on February 1 and continue
on week, will be one of the most re
markable exhibition ever witnessed In
Omaha 1 the ceneral opinion of the deal
er along the row. While It haa the ele
ment of a commercial proposition, the
how will not be conducted for profit,
but for It educational and entertaining
characteristic nd for the stiniulaUnj
Influence It will have upon the auto
mobile Industry In the western territory.
By the opening date the spacious
Auditorium will have been transformed
Into a place of beauty. The magnificent
decoration with the splendid exhibit,
the dasillng bodies of the car, the mil
lion (littering electric light, will, without
a doubt oourt the attention of the visi
tor, whether they be dealer, car owner
or merely desirous to se what may be
shown. The show will be bigger, more
elaborate and better than any previous
effort of the association along this line.
It will equal In magnitude any show held
In this country outside of the large east
ern dtle. A large majority of the ex
hibit shown at the national shows will
be bswught to Omaha.
Atleadewee t Be Lara-.
IncBcatloa point to a larger attendance
tble year than ever before. There are
more people interested In automobile
than aver before. There ar many proe
poettv buyers who want to see the
latest models of ear and hundred of
deal era, sot alona la Omaha but out
through the territories, have said they
ar coming because Omaha will have
the goods till year to satisfy the de
mand. There will b Id types of car at
the snow. Thl 1 mor than ever placed
on display In any previous show.
Thar will be all kind of car and for
very purpose. For the prospective buyer
there will be ear that will suit hi taat
well a hi pocketbook. There will be
automobile from tM up to 110,000.
AU the latest appllanoa will be shown.
jOae of the new devices that has never
ibeaa shown at th shows Is the self-
tarter. Although thl la tUl In It
Infancy It will In th course of a few
ITaar b a great nocea. li.nv ran ar.
turning thl device. There Is no kicking
iof th tarflng crank and breaking of
Mima wan thl self-starter I used. All
the driver haa to do I lt In his seat,
pru a vr and th engine I In motion.
Many dealers along th row have re
ceived ohaasl for th show. These will
be on display la their salesrooms until a
few day before the show when they will
be taken to th Auditorium. A com
plete display of accessories will be
bown on th stag of th Auditorium.
Th basement wfll be devoted to th eom
marelal track and vehicles.
Along the.
Automobile Row
Two shipments of car were received by
ths United Motor company last week.
Th Powell Supply company la going to
carry a large line of shop and garage
Manager R B. Held of th Lion com
pany reports the sale of a car to J. E
Sallack of Albion, Neb.
The I nited Motor company received a
large Columbia limousine lst week. This
car will be cn display at the show.
! practically every known make of car ex
hibited, the people had an unusual op
portunity of comparing the various types
IThe Hudson company showed a chassis
with all th mechanism exposeo. the
f housings being cut away. Thousands of
; people were deeply impressed with the
i Hudson's "clean design." and the -53" U
meeting with such universal endorsement
that, for the life of me, 1 can't pee horn
the factory is going to take care of the
demand for 1SU"
The Father Henry Westrop of St.
Francis mission, Pine Ridge Agency,
placed his order for a Hupmobll "33"
with the W. U Huffman Automobile com
pany last week.
Kelson 8. Riley haa been appointed
manager of th Kansas City branch of
the Studebaker corporation. Mr. Riley
had been for some time connected with
th firm' branch at Denver.
Manager T. V. Graves of the Good
year Tire and Rubber company, returned
lost week from a (inference of th sales
man and branch manager of th western
division of the territory In Chicago.
C. W. Shoberg, foreman at th W. U
Huffman Automobile company, say his
baby ha a new tooth that looks very
much like a "Hupp." Mr. Huffman Bays
he la going to put th baby In hi show
window with thl sign around hi neck
"Watch th Uttl Hupp Grow."
Th management of th Abbott Motor
company ha just announced th with-
drawal of It racing teams from future
contest work. Th Abbott-Detroit ha
gained a plac among th leader In auto
mobile racing In thl country and tUs
announcement cornea a quit a surprise
to those Interested In that phase of th
Hating solved th murchant's delivery
problem, th motor car la now tackling
the mall collection Job and Uncle Bam
declares th Innovation I a huge suc
cess. Over In Toledo four Hupmobll
, motor wagon ar used to collect all mall
, throughout th city. Th carrier no
longer have thl to do and th quartet
of Hnpmobllea is sufficient to do all that
th entire staff of carrier-formerly ac
complished in collection. Th signifi
cance of this mova along th line of speed
and economy I apparent
Th Powell Supply company haa taken
over th agency for th Otto ga angina
Thl la on of th beat engine made.
Heretofore th Kansas City branch
handled all th western business, but the
demand became so large that th com
pany had to establish another agency.
Th Powell Supply comprny was chosen
as th house moat capable of taking care
of this line.
Th Mitchell Auto and Supply company
of Mitchell, 8. D., closed a contract with
th W. U Huffman Aulomobile company
for -twenty-five Hupmobtlea, Thursday.
Th Mitchell Auto and Supply company
la one of the largest retail and whole
sale dealer In South Dakota and after
they bad seen th new 'IT' Hupmobll
at th Chicago ahow they negotiated th
contract by wire.
The Franklin Automobile company is
sued a unique little vest pocket adver
tisement and Guy Smith haa written for a
supply to be here by show time. It Is en
titled. "Franklin Fashions,' and Is In
the form of a folder; on th fly leaf la
a 112 calendar and en the opposite page
is a small pocket, holding loos leaf cut
and descriptions of the different Frank
lin modela The entire Idea 1 very
original and effective.
'Th Chicago show was a wonderful
exhibition," said Guy L. Smith, "and to
me one of the most noteworthy fea
ture was th Hudson simplicity. With
Lee Huff, manager of the local Bulrk
branch spent the latter part of the week
at Lincoln In conference with General
Manager Sidles, concerning the distribu
tion of early shipment to th IS local
agents throughout the territory.
Th Nebraska Bulck company will have
on display at the Automobile ehow a
complete factory line, showing among lis
features a model 2 cut out chaaals elec
trically propelled with all working parts
exposed showing th rugged simplicity
of It wonderful ralv in the head Buirk
The Chalmers Motor company, Omaha
will have a notable exhibit at the show.
Especial interest haa attached to Chal
mers care because of th aeif-starter
equipment, and It readily may be sup
posed that the self-starter will play a
large part In the show display. Two of
the "Thirty-!" motor with elf-atart-Ing
attachment will be In constant opera
tion at the exhibit. In addition there will
b.' one of the "cut-out" chassis which
will show every working part of the car.
Manager Mclntyre of the Wallace Auto
mobile company received the following
letter last week from George K. Porter
of Reno, Nev., concerning the silent
Knight cars: "Have two Silent Knight
cars, on landaulet. engine No. 1. about
five year old. Have owned this car
about a year and a half. Weight 4.000
pound. Average a.oju mile a month.
Have driven on car night and day. en
gine mad at least 00.000 miles, still In
fin shape. Car Just came In from Ml
mile trip. Owned other car nine months,
engine about the same age, but not as
large. Has not done as much mileage."
Congress May Build
Eoad as a Memorial
to Abraham Lincoln
Within thirty daya congress will de
Nd whether the memorial to Abraham
Lincoln shall be In the form of an up-to-date
highway, used by thousands of
People, or an architectural recognition In
the form of a Oreek temple, located Ir.
one of the Washington parka
Before the library committee of the
House of Representative. March i. at
10 o'clock In th mornlrg there will be
a hearing' on Representative Borland's
measure which provide that th memorlv
shall be In the form of a highway
Though the commission In general chare.'
of the memorial plan recently decided in
favor of utilising a site located on the
Mall In Washington, It Is a matter of
common knowledge that Speaker Clark Is
emphatically in favor of the highway
while ex-Speaker Cannon possessed an
idea contrary to the decision of the com
mission. Furthermore, a canvass of the
House of Representatives seem to Indi
cate a very large percentage In favor
of the road, and It should be kept In
mind that the senate In U0 ceased a
resolution which provided for a fund to
n-ake a survey of the proposed road from
Washington to Gettysburg. Thus ft
would appear that the whole matter Is
destined for a thorough threshing out In
congress, following the report of the house
library commission, which 1 not bound
to accept the report of the commission.
On of the cleverest automobile books
ever published la being distributed by
Guy L. Smith. The book. "How to Choose
a Motor Car," I published by the Hud
son Motor Car company. Guy Smith
saya thl book la absolutely free to all
owner or prospective buyer of automo
bile and be advise every man who con
templates th purchase of a car to read
It thoroughly. Th book was written by
a man who ha owned alx care and whose
experience and point of view Is that of the
average buyer. Smith said to a "He"
man that the buyer didn't necessarily
have to choose a Hudson, but by reading
this book would learn a great many
thing ha had a right to know and would
be able to choose his car Intelligently.
Saving Uvea 1 the latest use that the
Oakland car have been put to. Manager
Mclntyre of th Mclntyre Automobile
company received a letter from Benjamin
McDonald of Louis, 8. D., last week, tell
ing ho he had saved hi little boy's
llf with an Oakland car. During th lero
weather McDonald's Uttl boy became
suddenly lit and the attendance of a doctor
was necessary to save hla life. None
being closer than Louis, which was thirty
milea away, McDonald set out In hi 0k
dand car to bring Ihe doctor to his home.
H left home at 10 o'clock at night In the
face ef a fierce storm and got back at
( the next morning. The snow was piled
high In places and the temperature down
to aero. How he ever got to town end
bark again he says ta a mystery. He
wore out a pair of ehalna and during
the whole time hi engine never (topped
Among the features at the Twelfth
National Automobile show In Madison
Square garden, New York, In January
that will appeal to women especially are
some of the convenience to be found on
a number of new 1911 modela Special
heating apparatus connected with the
motor's exhaust, utilising the hot vapor
to heat the tonniau, adda greatly to
feminine comfort, particularly for town
evening riding. Some styles of radiators
In th floor with Iheir heating surfaces
flush with the floor boards, so aa not
to be cumbersome and not to tak up too
much room, are most deslrable.A dash
board heater Is on of th latest fea
tures. It I a simple device, merely a
register mounted In the dash containing
silts through which warm air blowing
over th motor passe. Its construction
I such that th feet and limbs can be
kept warm.
One maker I to show a "hand-warmer,"
not Intended for us In limousines
as much aa for open cars. Thl consists
of piping running to both front and rear
of the ear, th piping being asbestos-enclosed
and so controlled aa not to burn
or scorch gloves whon hand srs placed
on the radiating section.
Another novelty that one makerwlll
display I an Ice-water reservoir with
asbestos-lined wall neatly Inserted Just
back of the front seat This haa a tiny
stop-cock which permit passengers to
obtain water at any time either to drink
or for cleansing purpose, without top
ping th car. Anyone who ha toured
any distance knows how unpleasant It
la to get dust In the eyes and endeavor
to get It out without water. Th reser
voir also can be used as an emergency
water tank In case of the radlato!
springing a leek while on the road.
Interest in Trucks
Intense at Chicago
Automobile Show
William R. Drummond of the Dmm
mond Motor company spent two daya at
the Chicago show last week examining
the pleasure aulomobile and also apen.
three days of the following week at the
commercial truck snow. Drummond says
there ni a noticeable difference In th
type ef visitors at tha two shows. The
pleasure cars attracted thousands of
smiling, well gowned women and care
free men, who visited the displays either
to satisfy thjlr curiosity or to make pur
chase If they chanwd to se machines
that suited their fancy.
Th commeroul rare, however, at
tracted serlous-visaged business men bent
on business. They went te the show with
their engineers, superintendents and
sales managers to pas Judgment on a
big question, the question of the best
means to get the beat; safest and moat
economical tranaportation for their merchandise.
Iirummond Motor company has the
agency in Nebraska and Iowa for the
General Motor company trucks and wtl,
exhibit both gasolene and electrio com
meclal care at the Omaha show, Thej
furnish either gasoline or electrio trucks
from 1,W pounds' capacity up to six ton
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. Feb. le.-iSpo-clal.)
Ralph A. Duff, the well known
capitalist and Inventor of this city, re
turned home last evening from th sesi
where he went to exhibit hi newly pat
tented carburetor and two cycle engine
and he report them aa having satisfied
th best critics of th country and h ha
ordered a factory erected here where they
will be constructed. Thl evening he was
given a banquet at the Elks' home by the
members of that order and the leading
cltlsens of Ihe city.
Motorcycle Notes
Europe, Asia, Africa and KgyPt are to
be visited next summer by Harold A.
Shaw and John K. Hugge of Urbane,
111., who will tour several old countries
on their motorcycle.
On person out of every M In In
dianapolis tide a motorcycle aooordlng
to city licenses, which show 760 riders.
Nothing seems to retard the lemands
for board race tracks Now Toronto
(Canada) motoreyllsts and the La Porte.
Ind.. riders hare Joined the rank of
other cities, and plan ar being made
for the building of th motorcycle
A motorcycl and aeroplane rao
meet ha been planned at Montgomery,
Ala., March 4.
Dr. W, F. Hunt ha been re-elected
president of the Davenport (la.) Motor
cycl club.
A live bunch of motorcycl rider In
th Tacoma (Wash.) Motorcycle club
have Joined the Federation of American
John Hogan of Saginaw, Mich., ex
pect to mas a metoreycle trip to the
capital of every state In th country
next summer.
P. 8. McMullea and Henry B. Toew,
rural mall carrier at Inman, Kan., aver
aged IH trips last year, delivering mall motorcycle. For two month on a to
on their motorcycles. ! keep cost of $w cents, th officer covered
Loa Angeles, Cal.. has i.m registered . fifty milea a day on each machine,
motorcycle rider. Eleven motorcycle are being used by
The Indianapolis police department ha th government In the Philippine ls
been converted to the economy of the land.
No-Rim-Cut Tires
(10 Oversize)
127 Leading Makers
Adopt Them
Motor ear makers the best judges of tires have over
whelmingly come to Goodyear tires.
In 1910 we sold to 44 makers.
In 1011 we sold to 64 makers.
For this year we have contracts from 127 of the leading
motor car makers.
Our sales to users in the past two years have increased
by 500 per cent.
Last year's sales alone exceeded the previous 12 years
put together.
That is the result, after tens of thousands of users have
tested out these tires. Can you think for a moment that
your verdict would differ?
Outsell M Other Tires
Last Tear we sold f.Ml tire
enough to equip 102,000 can. To
meet this year a demand we have
increased our capacity to 3,800 tire
No other tire compare in sales
with this patented tin today. That
tells you how inert approve them,
No Extra Price
Veers once paid one-fifth extra to
get Goodyear No-Rim-Cut tire.
Now they cast the same a other
standard tires.
Thee make rim-cutting impoaai
ble. They are 10 per cent overs ue,
Vnder iverage condition, they cut
tire bill in two.
Yet these patented lire cost noth
ing mor than the old-type clincher
tires of any standard make.
What They Do
Vo-Rim Cut tire get rid of tinv
Curling entirely.
With the hooked-bu tire' rim
cutting I common. Statistic show
that 2 J per cent o( aD ruined clincher
tin are rim-cut
Such a tire, if punctured, may be
wrecked in a ingle block.
All th worry all this expense -I
ended forever with No-Run-Cut
Then No-Rim-Cut Urea are 10
per cent oversixe.
That means 10 per cent more air
10 per cent added Carrying capac
ity. It saves tha blow-out due to
It meant an Over-tired car. And
that 10 per cent overuse, wider
average conditions, adds 25 per cent
to the lire mileage.
The Final Tire
No-Rim-Cut tire are the final re
sult of 1J year spent in tire making.
Belter tire are impossible. In
fabric and formula, method and
process they are close to perfection
as do aa men em will get
Add to that fact th No-Rim-Cut
feature add the oversixe feature
and judge what a tire you get, That't
why It outsell all other.
Owr sww Tare Book is filled with
facts which motor car on as i s should
know. Ask a t snail st to yes.
No-Rim-Cut Tires
Will ar WUW
DwuUTkkk NoB-Skid Treadi
OMAHA BRANCH-2212 Farnam St.
Persistent Advertising I th Road o
Big Return.
if The "Saybrook" pictured below f '
i i
is aptly described as a "com
plete" car. Every detail of
design, construction and
equipment has been tested
, and proven worthy of a place
on the "Saybrook."
The satisfaction any auto
mobile can give depends on
the whble car and on that
basis we claim your attention
for the "Saybrook."
Its many features which
make it. so successful have
been chosen with a fine eye
to comfort in riding, long
serviceand wise investment.
We will appreciate an op
portunity to show you the
"Saybrook" $2800 (f.o.b.
Dayton) or any of the other
We are at your convenience
by 'phone, mail or personal
The Czar of Russia
Owns a Knight-Motored Car
Sales Doubled
So doe th Emperor oi Germany.
So do the Kings of England, Bel
gium, Spain.
So do mora than 8,000 men, on both
side tha Atlantic, who demand the
best tha world can offer In their pleas
ure cart.
In Europe, the list o( Knight owners
ta the Blue Book of Motordotn.
1818 Farnam Street.
Daimler the leading car of England
since 1008 hat been a Knight-motored
Mercedes the monarch of the Ger
man field la now a Knight-type car.
And the Mercedes engine, which the
Knight-type supplanted, was consid
ered the matter engine of the world.
Panhard, tha pride of France Mi
nerva, Belgium' greatest car both
have com to this sleeve-valve motor,
Thu the four leading can of th Old
World hare recognised that the poppet
valve mutt go,
Lat summer, after two yean of tatt
ing, tht Stearns cam Into line.
That la tht record of the Knight
tvpe motor after three years of tht
Five of the world' greatest maker
adopt it. And 8,000 owners of high
grade cart have become Knlght-type
Consider these facts when nmebody
warn you that tha Stearnt-Knlght It
a experiment.
We have built Steam cart for 18
year. They baveattainad an immense
But too Brat announcement of thl
aleeve-vahr motor doubled our talas in
a month.
It compelled at to lean a new factory.
Hundreds of men who got early de
liveries has run these cart thousand
of miles. And tht letter wt get from
them form tha highest tribute ever paid
aa American car. (
50 Per Cent More Power
The cylinders In tht Stearnt-Knlght
arettfiStf Inches.
By accepted standards tuch n en
gine it rated at 28.9 horsepower.
But wa guarantee that this engine
will thow an caeca of not lest than SO
Thlt It due to tht absence of poppet
valve, and their leakage. And to tha
tphtrical shape of the explosion cham
ber. That't an Immense Item. ,
No larger cylinder!, no greater con
sumption of gasolint. Yet bait again
at much power at the rating calls tor.
Think what that meant.
The World-Wide Effort
To Get Rid of Poppet Valves
Won Dewar Trophy
In the Greatest Test on Record
Every great designer who still em
ploys poppet valve la seeking a way
to get rid of them.
We adopted the Knight way because
wa regard tt the ideal solution. And
the foremost engineers hart agreed
with u.
But thoaa who belittle It to sell can
without It are seeking other means to
(his end.
For poppet valve form th greatest
shortcoming in modern gasoline en
gines. They art noisy and alow and
There art two hi each cylinder
springing; that hundreds ot timet per
They require frequent grinding.
When carbon accumulates, so the
valves aren't tight, there It vast watt
of power.
Cams are required, and camt got
noisy when they wear. Timing gears
are used, and their bumming can be
Thus silence ta mad Impossible.
Power and efficiency are greatly re
duced. And every designer knows it.
The Stearnt-Knlght engine haa no
timing gear. Do springs, ne cams, no
poppet valve.
There la ao carboa trouble, no verve
grinding, ao leakage. Tha action It
silent and certain.
No man who known half what w
know about It will consider a poppet
aire motor.
The Royal Aatomobfle Club of Eng
land offers tha Dewar Trophy.
It It offered for the greatest achieve
ment of th year in automobile engi
neering. In 1908 this trophy was won by th
Kjilght-type motor.
It wa woo la a tatt beyond prece
dent a test which engtneen called
Ira possible a test which bo poppet
valve motor ever will attempt.
At the end of the tett which equaled
two years of ordinary service the en
gines developed more power than tbey
did at the Mart. And they showed not
a sign of wear.
Such it tb verdict of the world's fore
most authority on th sleeve-valve type
of motor found in the Steam-Knight.
No Leading Car
Can Lead for Long Without It
I iii ii t
The Silent Power
The silence of the Stearnt-Knlght
It almost uncanny.
When turning idly at the curb there
It scarcely sound or vibration to thow
the engine It running.
"The car glide on tha road," tayt
one of the owners, "at tbongb It were
sliding on runaera."
Every evidence of effort to which
one is accustomed fat lacking la the
On hills the Stearnt-Knlght show
that persistent power knows in electric
In traffic one may run at walking
speed on blgb gear, tbea quickly accel
erate to any speed wanted without aay
jumping or pounding.
Tha four-cylinder Knlght-type offers
all the flexibility of th six -cylinder
poppet valve.
Tha Knlght-type motor, after yean
of tests, has been adopted bytheworld't
best can.
Each, to adopt K, displaced a poppet
valve engine as good as men can maka.
What it dont by Daimler, Mercedes,
Panhard and Minerva in to vital a
matter moat ba dona by all great
can toon or lata.
The leading can of tha future win
ba Knight -type can. Tha evidence it
No letter f earn re can aver outweigh
this tUeace, toil power, thft tAciency.
Come and See
Every motor car lover ihould tea
thlt car. It it tb topic of the boar in
Com and look ft over. Then let
ua put the engine to aa tatt yoa
Warner Auto-Meter voiiuoesiu V- u. uemoani- -
I Banker WiadstueJd. Model K sbteHisseltwoextrannis)
bilk Jnoeetr op ana uonr sjuas norn ssso nuii. nuri
VesmDrsnoslectricLisht- Trunk Rsck, Robe RsiL Foot
inc S rMe Rest, etc
Touring Car
Toy Tonneau
2203 Farnam St,