Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 20

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The Omaha Scxday Bee.
" Kntcred at UMlu poslortice as eecond
claa matter.
JE.nJne i ' r ,-. - - -
Sunday lie-, one year jrn
Uinntav iU. (klvM Yr ,..IW
liailv im (without Sunday!, one year H .
Dsjii- Bee and .Sunday, one year
Evening Kre (With Sondavi, per rno...-c.
lllv lie (Including Sunday;. per mo-"
1-alh- Hrt (without f-uuday. Pr J""-;;J
Address all complaints or Irregularities
In delivery to I'ltv circulation Dept.
Remit by drait. esprcss or port"
payable to The Be. Publishing Cvmoa",
(Inly f-cent stamps received In P! menl
of small accounts. Persona, rherks ax
cept on Omaha and eastern exchange, not
Otra1i-T!ie Mee llillrtinj.
Smith Omaha JS1S N St-
t'uun'-il Hluff-7i Peolt SI-
l.ln. oln--S Little- Building.
Chicago-IMS Marquette Bull-line.
Kanse. City-Reliance Bulding.
New Tork-SI West Thirty-third.
Washinston-TIS Fourteenth St.. J. vt
Communications rlatlng to news and
editorial matter should be addresaao
Omalia Bee. fcdltorlal Department.
State of Nebraska. County of Douglaa. a:
Dwlght Williams, circulation manage!
f The Bea i-ubiihlnit comipany. belnf
duly sworn, says tlutt tha a v erase dally
elixolatlon. Ie spoiled, unused and re
turned copies, (or tha month of January,
Itli, tax 0.77a.
Circulation Manager.
Subscribed tn my presence and sworn to
before ma this 1th day of February. IsU.
- - Notary Public
laksrrlbera lenvl.g tha elty
teeapavwrllr sheal ssrs Tha
Bee mailed ta these. Addreaa
will W rhaased aa often as e
ssaslei. ,
Mr. Groundhog will get a comic
valentine if ha It not careful. ,
TUe flory epistle or State Fire War
den Randall at least cleared away the
By building $1,000,000 base ball
park Brooklyn must think New Tork
will give It back iti local Indepen
dence, That actor's "wife who demands
$100. a week alimony must Imagine
her husband has tot ot rich and
easy friends.
' The public part of the second Lorl
mer Investigation ended in mush and
milk, which la, perhaps, as good a
form aa usual.
The Political Kaleidoscope.
The political kaleidoscope, which
we are pleased to consider the work
of president making, has disclosed
several turns changing the grouping
ot the parts. The salient feature of
the new configuration is the size re
duction of Senator La Follette as the
chosen leader ot the opposition to
President Taft's re-election. The La
Follette boom, to all intents and pur
poses, has suffered collapse, his main
supporters announcing the hopeless
ness of his cause, and either attach
ing themselves to the Roosevelt
movement or falling back to the rear
ranks. Colonel Roosevelt continues
his sphinxlike silence in response to
interrogation of his Intentions, al
though the situation seems to be rap
Idly focusing where a more definite
declaration from him must be in
On the Taft aide, a noticeably
strengthened tone of assurance Is
manifested. The president haa finally
put his pre-convention Interests In
charge of a campaign manager In the
person of Congressman William B.
McKlnley, whose experience and
shrewdness will not be questioned,
and a more systematic prosecution of
bla campaign Is promised.' Of the
score of convention delegates already
elected, all ot them are under Taft
Instructions, a threatened contest In
Florida being the only cloud on the
So far as the democratic outlook
goes, conditions are more, rather
than less, confused than they were.
Mr, Bryan, playing the part of stormy
petrel. Is picking further quarrels
with the party leaders In congress
In such a way as to discredit the
democratic record with the public.
The Harvey-Wilson episode has
shrunk to more normal proportions,
and It Is doubtful whether any real
damage was done by It to the New
Jersey stateeman. The commanding
figures looming up before the demo
cratic convention continue to be Gov
ernor Harmon and Governor Wilson,
with more frequent mention ot Bryan
aa a possible residuary legatee.
The political kaleldosope presents
spectacle like the fast moving
panorama of a great championship
game, with every Intelligent person
who reads the newspapers and keeps
abreast of the time watching from
the best point ot vantage obtainable
In bleachers or grandstand.
A Kansas man says "English spell
ing can be defended on . no other
ground thaa custom." All right, de
fend on That ground, then.
The llouatoa Post Is pleading tor
paved streets In Houston. Yet all
this time It haa been panning Hous
ton off on us as a real town. .
Former Senator WVV. Allen bad
no difficulty whatever In getting back
Into the limelight with that expres
sion la favor of Governor Harmon!
The seed corn specials are about
to patrol all tha Nebraska railroads,
If they accomplish results the harvest
corn sperlala will patrol the ' same
tracks next tall.
, Colonel Wattersoa once spoke of
the democrat! march as "through, a
slaughter bouse to an open grave.1
Thomas Gray put It, "Through
slaughter to a throne."
Thoea freight ear thieves will dis
cover that they made a mistake If
they tackled Uncle Sam's mall sacks.
At any rate. It is a safe guess that
they will not do It again.
,1a her recently published memoirs
Sarah Bernhardt refers la a compll
mentary way to the "Bostonlaa
race." Unfortunately, Bernhardt
sever stopped here long enough to
become really acquainted with our
aboriginal Omahana.
Judge Alton B. Parker Is support'
lng the cause ot Gompers, Mitchell
and Morrison before the supreme
court, even if they did not support
him before the people la 104. But,
as our old friend, C. W. Post, would
say, "There's a reason."
The Chicago Tribune thinks some
thing Is wrong with the bee because
they do not make honey that tastes
like the strained honey one buys at
the stores. The beea do not operate
under the pure food law perhaps
that make the difference.
It Is said that Alaska haa beea ex
periencing a comparatively mild win
ter, while we have been burdened
with the severest cold spell of years.
The agitation for the conservation of
Alaska's natural ' resources should
ao.w. proceed with redoubled energy.
The senate has very wisely tat
down on San Diego's request for an
official endorsement ot Its Panama
exposition in IS IS. How many Cal
ifornia towns propose to bold these
Panama ex positions in 1915? Louis
iana would have beea well pleased
to have an eadorsement from con
gress for one city.
Moral Talus ot Virtue and Vice.
The moral value ot virtue and
vice does not change. This is one
market that does not fluctuate, is
not susceptible to tha varying influ
ences of trade. One'a own concep
tion of right and wrong, ot virtue
and vice, ot course, rises and falls
according to the ebb and flow ot the
tide of hereditary Influences, training
and environment, .but right and
wrong do not change. "Principles
are eternal," and no vacillating
ideas ot fundamentals can possibly
have any vital effect upon them.
What men think about the value of
virtue and vice Is not the power that
determines that value. It la fixed
by a power much too arbitrary for
man's revision. ,
To tb normal minded man It Is
given to know the right from the
wrong. ' He who cannot distinguish
between them has something radi
cally the matter with him. When one
experiences a depreciation of his
sense of right, ot virtue, he usually
knows It and known' that be has
tost something In moral stamina. It
often happens that a guilty con
science, to ward off self-reproof, will
resort to Ingenious device of
apology for wrong-doing, but that
never happen except at the expense
of the man's moral character. It
makes a demand, upon hla moral ac
count In the bank of his own secret
life. He may,' for the convenience
of his self-ladnlgence, lower his con
ceptlon ot the value of virtue and
vice, but he Invariably Increase his
cost of living without in fact de
preciating one mite the actual valua
tion. The only depreciation that
haa taken place Is one In his moral
make-up that leaves him a weaker
character, more susceptible the next
time to the peril and the penalties
ot this mistake.
What better office could' her nomi
nal monarchs perform for her then
this dropping in on the sovereigns of
the other powers just for a brief
social call?
A tew years ago the president of
the United States sent his secretary
of war on a round-the-world mission
of friendliness; the president, him
self, was not situated so that he
could go. He was particularly for
tunate in having for secretary ol
war at that time a natural-born sec
retary of peace and his tour was a
distinct success. But Great Britian's
king does not have to delegate an
other, he Is not bound by stress ot
business or restraint of custom, he
and his good queen, any time they
see fit, may sail away on a mission
of good will.
State Comity in Taxation.
The principal point emphasized In
the report of the New York Tax Re
form association, reviewing the leg
islation In that state. Is the tendency
toward comity In taxation. The modi
fication of the New York Inheritance
law brings this out strikingly by the
specific exemption from taxation In
New York ot bequests of property
located in other states where similar
inheritance taxes are collected on the
transfer. Double taxation, which
could previously be escaped only by
complete removal from the taxing
jurisdiction ot the state, I thus elim
inated, and the actual results, meas
ured In the proceeds of the taxes, are
sure to be increased rather than de
creased. Another move toward comity In
state taxation Is contained In the ef
forts to' get away from the old
method of taxing secured debts. One
ot the worst abuse everywhere arises
out ot the failure to recognize the
double taxation Involved In Imposing
taxes npon the property where lo
cated, and again upon a debt repre
sented by the mortgage or bonds, or
other security, where It may be held.
New York is trying a solution ot this
problem by commuting the tat on se
cured debts to a single payment equal
to one-half of 1 per cent of the face
valu ot the security In the nature
of a registering fee. This payment
exempts the security from all the or
dinary annual state and local taxes,
and I likewise expected to produce
more revenue than has before bt(a
secured from this source.
' What Is gratifying In this growing
comity. In. taxation Is the abandon
ment of the old Ulea of Imposing
taxes on the theory ot taking all the
traffic will bear, and Its Inability to
escape the tax collector. It Is agreed
that every fair system ot taxation
must regard tbe equities and every
Improvement must be beaded In
that direction.
men In his belief that the church as as
Institution haa always stood in tka way
ot his material progress. He declares that
the church haa always upheld the existing
order of things, no matter how hard he
may have been pressed by these condi
tions. These are not Mr. Stelxle's own
views entirely and yet he so far ap
preciate the partial justice ot the
complaint as to be willing to quote
it and. Indeed, he finds, npon his own
account, that the church, a an in
stitution. Is not taking the leading
position it ahould in getting down
with labor In a mutual endeavor to
work out the problems that beset
It. "The true spirit ot democracy has
gTlpped tbe people," says Stelzle.
Has it gripped the church? Labor
is democratic, the church should be.
More than being merely an element
in the democracy of this life, the
church should be a dominant ele
ment, dynamic In Its Influence and
"Tor a long time," says Stelzle,
"the people fought for religious de
mocracy and they won." He might
have added that out of their victory
came the modern church. "Then for
hundreds ot years they shed their
blood upon many a battlefield In
their struggle for political democracy,
and they conquered. They are now
fighting for Industrial democracy and
no human power can stop their on
ward march."
How much Is the human power of
the church contributing to this in
evitable victory? If the church would
have the spirit of God grip the people
as democracy has gripped them, let
it branch out Into such aggressive
fields of earnest leadership with the
masses that none of Its votaries will
find occasion to writ a book upon
its shortcomings.
Nebraska voters will declare them
selves at the coming primary on live
constitutional amendments, which S
cut of 100 will never hate had an
opportunity even to- read. The pub
lication cf proposed amendments
does not begin until next August, al-i tail others are appointed to do. Enj
theash the voting of them will aMland aeed friendship abroad, she
ready have been derided in the April j needs more than she baa even among
iiiry. ler next floor neig-wra m .urvt.
lug-land's Social Balers.
The king and queen ot England,
just returned from their triumphal
visit to India, will remain at Buck
ingham palace but a short time be
fore taking ap a aerie of visits to
European courts, detaining them for
several months. Their Journey to
and from India and their visit
there were marked throughout by
a spirit ot ardent friendship and
loyal devotion, culminating la the
Durbar ot Delhi, the most stupen
dous royal spectacle ever presented
or witnessed by any of Britian's sub
ject people. Even the mighty finan
cial toll which It laid npon the strug
gling masse seems to have been
overlooked In the, seal to achieve the
ultimate in honoring their majesties.
One Is tempted to ask, why should
not King George and hi qneea de
vote much ot their time to these
amenities? Their'a Is. after all,
chiefly a social function. They are.
fortunately, not burdened with the
dull routine of really governing a
kingdom. All that belongs to de-
The Democracy of Muiic.
St. Louis is fully convinced that It
I making headway toward popular
izing grand opera In this country. It
Is taking the Initial step In a plan to
erect an exclusive grand opera house
costing $500,000. Its' great cosmo
polite, adolphua Busch, has offered
to subscribe $50,000 If a bait million
will be raised for this purpose and
Bt. Louis Is agitated over the
prospect. This Is an example for
other cities, for grand opera should
be popularized and not longer re
tained as a luxury only for tbe few
able to meet present price.
Music, It ha well been said, Is
the most democratic of tbe arts. To
make thia more thaa a euphonlou
axiom, grand opera should be placed
within general -reach. As now dis
pensed, certain artificial restrictions
confine It to the class Instead ot the
mass. ,To remove these restrictions
of course, takes time and Involve, in
many cases, the preparation of suit
able buildings, but even this Is no
Impossible thing to achieve. Music
as It Is rendered In grand opera Is
too noble an art to be withheld by
any artificial barrier from the larg
est possible number. It deep, deli
cate Inspiration Is needed and de
served as a common heritage. Many
a plain person It asked whether he
enjoys "Thais" or "Carmen," will
reply that he doe not car for those
things of tb stage he cannot fathom
thoee artistic flnerie that go above
htm. He ia not to blame, because he
haa not had the money to secure that
sort of aa education. '
So If grand opera la ever to achieve
real success out here In this country
the implanting of musical education
and culture must go with place and
price adapted to the people. If the
venture in SL Louis succeeds, as Is
to be hoped. It will doubtless be fol
lowed up also In other cities.
The Church and Labor.
Sympathetic criticism has a higher
value than unfriendly criticism, of
course. Charles Stelzle. superintend
ent of the department ot church and
labor for the Presbyterian church,
makes some criticism of the atti
tude of tbe church as a whole towsrd
labor, which are entitled to the high
est consideration. Mr. Stelzle was a
machinist before he became a church
leader and has made a specialty of
working for tbe church among the
working people. What he says, there
i t, haa both knowledge of the sltu
sy rf" and eagerness for Improvement
V.f cf It. In his little book upon
The Church and Labor," Mr. Stelzke
j The occasion for one of the most hitter
j criticisms of the church by tha working -
Germany's Saral Ambition.
The struggle for naval supremacy
between Germany and Great Britain
goes on apace. The kaiser seem to
bar scored a distance of several
league over hi worthy rival In tb
recent Invention ot a new engine ot
war which, it I said, when perfected,
will make the modern dreadnaught
look Ilk an obsolete man-of-war.
This new machine is a contrivance
for Internal combustion, which prom
ises to revolutionize the system of
naval warfare.
England may be expected to exert
a mightier effort than ever to re
tain tu supremacy on the seas, for
there are grimly real reasons why
It should not permit Germany to lead
it too far In this line of achievement
How utterly empty 10 all the talk of
disarmament beside these aggressive
movement abroad. They are not
necessarily Inimical to the doctrine
of world peace, at least as an object
to be hoped for, bnt they bid no sen
sible nation to lay down Its shoot
ing Irons at this stag ot the con
troversy. " Those august statesmen control
ling our own house ot representative
are respectfully invited to turn their
most attentive ear to what Is going
on In Europe. Tbe bouse democrats
have refused to appropriate sufficient
money to build our regular quota of
two dreadnaught the coming year.
Whatever pretense the democrat try
to bid behind to cover up their ac
tlon. It can not be the plea of pro
moting world peace.
Governor Shafroth of Colorado de
cline to yield to sentimental pleas
for the liberation of a desperate con
vict with a long record of murderous
crime just to please someone else,
When a man has been in and out of
the penitentiary several times for
serious misdeeds, and shown no dl-
position to reform or become law
abiding when the opportunity was
given, he has no claim for clemency,
according to Governor Sbafrotb's
view, that would throw him back into
society and invite further outlawry.
It Is too bad that all our pardon offi
cials do not have the same conception
of their duty to discriminate between
casual offenders and hardened crim
inals that Governor Shafroth haa.
This splendid tribute to hi suc
cessor, expressed by President Roose
velt three years ago, still stands
boldly forth from all the unfriendly
criticism of thoee who have not had
the opportunity of knowing Mr. Taft
as intimately aa ha Colonel Roose
No man of better training, no man of
more dauntless courage of soew
common sens and ef higher and finer
character haa ever come ta llis presi
dency than William Howard Taft
Mr. Roosevelt had known Taft as
a young lawyer, as Judge and gov
ernor general of the Philippine and
aa secretary of war therefore, he
had a better right than anyone else,
perhaps, to pay him that tribute.
A Dependable Staadaatter.
Waahiagto Post.
Bacon, once tha despised food of tha
"whit trash," ta wow the raxury of the
etch, but thank good Dees, these malefac
tors of great wealth kaven't yet boosted
the orict of corn meal mush and molasses.
Worth While.
New Tork Post.
Colonel Ooelhala predicts tbe opeclng
ot the Panama canal for bosfnoss by
January 1. IM. and apparently nobody
l Inclined to challenge tbe prudence or
autbonty ef tha forecast.
TKls D;w fnOmalia
isiukvuj aa aas.. y
i tastaaA0 rscviea or X riu4
FEB. 11.
People and Events
DSeelptea g A
The E:1b butter board reduce wfcoloi
sal prices 4 cent a pound and said it I
waa csuise by aa Increased output ur- i
tng the preceding week. The Elgl asset er
board is saad of tha naoot terd'.r
f piesaitoateos tkta cetsauy boast at tka
j present lima.
Thirty Years Ago
The big hotel on Tenth and Farmun
I sura to go up, so w are told. The
plans contemplate a structure costing
taS.N when completed, and it is prom
ised It will overshadow the two other
splendid structures sow being built, the
Grand Central and the Millard. (Still on
Mr. A. R. Souer, business manager of
Tha Bee, cam around the office today
with a face wreathed In smiles, and a
box of cigars under his arm. His ex
planation was eminently satisfactory to
all. It was a bouncing boy baby to glad
den the household.
Charlie Merkt haa removed his restaur
ant to 132 Farnam street to meet the
demands ot bis increasing business for
mors room.
The Ice went out of tha river today.
We fled the best variety of valentines
at Hospe's gallery.
Fred A. Ay res has been employed by
the Board ot Education to take the school
Tha manager of the Mahan Opera com
pany, air. Reynolds, fell and strained his
snklc severely. Dr. Hyde attended him.
and says that several weeks will be re
quired for recovery.
The elegant new private car of General
Superintendent 1. T. Clark of the Union
Pacific has been taken down to St. Louis
over the Wabash for Mrs. Clark, who has
been at Hot Springs soma time for the
benefit ot her health.
Borne curious letters from China and
Japan were received today by Metcalfe
A Bros., to which are attached still
mors curious stamps.
On of .tha newest features on the
Omaha prosperity ticket is that of U C.
Enswold, one of our enterprising business
men, located on Thirteenth and Jackson
streets, who will this year build a couple
of fin store on his lots at Thirteenth
sad Davenport, and start In the general
merchandise business.
The weekly meeting of the Good Temp
lars at Knights of Honor hall last even
ing was largely attended. After the regu
lar business was disposed of the lodge
waa agreeably entertained by Messrs.
Wright and From, who had prepared
some excellent papers, and Mr. Shriver
also rendered a fin recitation.
Twenty Tears Ago
Tb A polios distinguished themselves
with a superb musical program at the
Grand opera house and were rewarded for
their skill by a packed auditorium. Among
the stars mentioned were- Mr, W. 8.
Marshall. Mr. John Backus-Bchr, Mr. K.
Letosraky, Mrs. Clara Murray, Mrs. Ella
Backus-Behr. Mrs. J. W. Cotton, sirs.
William Ludwlg, Mrs. Wakefield, Miss
Frances Roeder, Miss Mary Popplelon,
Mr. Blmms, IHrector L. A. Torrens and
others. It was the musical climax of the
M. J. Qreevy, traveling passenger
agent of lh Union Pacific, went west
on business. "Mr. Grsevy haa the reputa
tion of being one ot the shrewdest pas
senger solicitor In the business."
Senator Charie H. Cornell ot Valentine
was at the Ie!lone,
Baron E. Keely O. von Helleben, envoy
extraordinary and minister plenipotenti
ary from Germany, passed through Omaha
ea routs to Washington, lie came iroto
Toklo, Japan, where he was stationed In
a similar capacity for five years.
R. B. Wahlqulst, editor of the Hastings
Democrat, stopiwd at the Pa it on, return
ing from Washington, I). C.
John E. Taylor, one a laborer on The
Be building during Its construction, and
later a Janitor, cams In from tha Sweet
Grass mountains, where he was part
owner of a gold mine and worth many
thousand of eoUais. ,
Stewart Cuttler, a Unloa Pacific switch
man, was struck en the no by a coup
ling pin wbll at work la the yards and
sustained Injuries, which. It Is ssld, would
disfigure him for llf.
Ten Years Ago '
Mrs. Chariot t Ramge. 41. wife ot Mar
tin Ramge, 1101 South Nineteenth street.
died at her boms.
George H. Maxwell ot Chicago, execu
tlve chslrman ot the National Irrigation
association, spoke at the meeting ot the
executive committee of the Commercial
dub on th subject at ths general Irriga
tion bill pending before congress.
Grand Master Frank T. Hawley of th
Switchmen's Union of North America
was th guest ef th switchmen of Omaha,
South Omaha and Council Bluffs. In th
evening a nesting was held la Eagles'
hall, presided over by Dr. M. J. Ford,
when Mr. Hawley mad an address, tn
which h renewed th history and condi
tion of th union, saying It had a mem
bership of 14.400, waa not allied with any
ether union and was at peace with all
and all employers.
Boyd's theater was filled when Rev.
Russell Conwell. D. D.. of Philadelphia
preached a sermon oa "Acres of Dla
mooda," In which be said that wealth
Mew and "you should pray for
power. You eaa do mors good with 11,400.
w than with centsj
WtUlans Carroll. . on th city
limits, waa run tt by Fir Chief Salter's
rl at tb mouth of the alley on x
tath betweea Farnam and Douglas
streets, aa th chief was rushing to a
Clr and go' ribs broken.
New Tork World: If the country Is less
eutwardly religious than It was, M It
was truly rellgiou or moral? Tha evl
denc la all against such n assumption.
Springfield Republican: The warmth
of welcome that marked th arrival of
Cardinal O'Conneil la Boston waa not less
la extent or degree than that which
mad to arrival of Cardinal Farley In
New Tork aty a remarkable demonstra
tion. This country never aaw tha like
before, for tb occasions mark a departure
In tn poUcy ot to ancient enures, wuos
say easily become far-
Cardinal 0CnaeU I strong
sad tactful personality, equipped to till
hi high tfc WHS nlty, power and
Boston Transcript: Rev. R J. Camp
bell, th famous British preacher, who
has Just returned to London trees a tur
ta this country, caneiety says that th ;
Anwrtcan worklngmea are muck better ,
oft thaa their British brothers. That Is
so appareni that aobady oa this aid of :
th water d.spute th assi mow. except '
Just before election. Mr. Camrbell' other j
oksrnrstloa of Amertc Industrial eondl- '
Hons Is that hostility betweea capital and '
labor tn this country ts much mors bitter 1
than In the Valted Kinsdom. The ear-
rectness of this aasereloa may be a mat- ;
tor of optnton. la view of tb fury which j
the British railroad strikers er their '
abetters oxh lotted last year.
GDvernor Harmon is not breaking into
th conversation these days. Too busy
sawing wood.
Soon will the winter of our discontent
be glorified by the lid of Medicine Hat
restored and nailed down.
In the light of the dealers' excuses for
the ups and downs of butter and eggs.
It Is surmised the political Ananias clubs
do not monopolise the talent.
Iowa republicans will put up the first
sign cf the times on March 6, when the
Sixth congressional district selects dele
gates to the naiional convention.
Th weather man Is shrewd enough to
refrain from projecting himself Into a
popularity contest, even though coal
dealers could stack up a few votes.
A man In Philadelphia who befriended
a tramp some years ago has been left a
small fortune by the grateful piker. Sim
ilar items are becoming so frequent ss to
suggest a change from clialk marks on
gat posts to printers' ink.
Five hundred and thirty-four de
scendants, running to the fiftn genera
tion, survive Mrs. Sylvia A. Sandford.
who died at Spring Valley. Utah, aged K
years. In resources ot this class Utah
leads its sister states by countless laps.
Uncle Johnny Marsh, assessor of West
field. N. J., has loosened his grip of
fifty-two years on the Job and resigned.
A democratic relic of the Jacksonian
school. Uncle Johnny developed a toe
hvld on a good thing tbat was ths envy
of local piebiters.
Edward O Bryan, th Insurance attor
ney In the Klmmel case, formerly was a
democratic booster in Kansas, and his
experience in putting throbs of life into
a defunct body Insures an expert demon
stration of the claim that the dead Kim
mcl Is a live one.
In former days Boston sent shiploads
of rum and Bibles as civilising agents
e the dark continent. Now the sails
of trade are set for sunken treasures in
the West Indies. A passion for gold
bricks gives' the advance agent of ctvll
itatlon a much-needed rest.
Poets attuned to the spirit ot the event
will have a rare opportunity to teat their
patriotic fervor and descriptive power
when the remnant of the battleship Main
closes Its tragic hlstnrj' by burial at
sea. A scene so majestic, so full of
thrilling sentiment, should draw from
Pegassus an immortal flight.
In the opinion of a charming operatic
star, whose press agent is a noted free
list vocalist, the Grecian costume for
women, consisting of "a white satin
rob of diaphanous texture, beneath a
filmy tunic, no corset, sox or shoes,"
constitutes a charter of freedom from
fashion that links th era ot Bva'wilh
the twentieth century. If th transition
is staged all kinds of money will hit th
box office.
"So old Blackstone, the lawyer, ob
jected to your calling on his daughter
last night.
Tea, but I knew how to fix It I
asked for a stay and It was granted."
Baltimore American.
"I am very sorry. Captain Snob, that
circumstance over which I have no con
trol compel m to say no.
"May 1 ask what th circumstances
are 7"
"Yours." Ljpplncott's Magazine.
Daughter Papa, Jack ia coming up to
night to ask your consent to our marriage.
Be kind to bun, wont your
Father Very well, daughter. I'll say
no. Boston Transcript.
Mrs. Byron That's ths kind of husband
to have! Did you hear Mr. Dike tell Ins
wife to go and look at some Li) hata?
sir. Byron My dear, have I aver de
prived you of the privilege of looking at
. hats? Satire.
"What's the matter with McClusky?"
"Ah. he's ail purled up. They pay on
Thursdays in th' factory where he works
an' he gets five pay days in February'.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"They say her dog has a pedigree a
yard long."
"Yes. It was her dog's pedigree that
caused her to separate from her husband.''
"How was that?"
"Why. the dog bit him In the leg snd
he called It a cur!" Cleveland Plain
Mettle-1 f Mis Larksbur made no reply
when you proposed to her, on what
grounds is she suing you for breach of
King-8he claims that her silence gave
consent. Judge.
"Do you know anything about th secret
society your husband belongs tor
"Do I? He save me the grip bne day
bv mistake, and when he comes home
after a lodge meeting and goes to sleep
I can nudue him and get tha password
and the whole initiatory ceremony out
of him." Chicago Tribune.
Mary Smith In Springfield Republican,
A little elbow leans upon your knee.
Your tired knee that has so much to
A child s desr eyes are looking lovingly
From underneath a thatch of tangled
Perhaps vou do not heed th velvet touch
Ot warm moist fingers holding yours
so tight;
ll'U UU DUl ,riia una mi-.-iiij vvnt ii.u. 11.
You are almost too tired to pray,- to
night. I wonder n that mothers ever fret
At little children clinging to their gown.
Or that the footprints, when th days
are wet.
Are ever black enough to make them
If I could find a little muddy boot.
Or cap. or Jacket, on my chamber floor
If I could kiss a rosy, restless foot.
And hear It patter In my bom eace
mors. .
If I could mend a broken cart today.
Tomorrow make a kite -to reach th
There Is no woman In God's world could
"y .. . ,
Gk. . . nH KHuriitlw i,nl,nl than T
But sh. the dainty pillow next; my own
Is never rumpled by a shining head;
My singing blrdllng from Its nest has
Tho little boy I used to kiss is deadl
Good Opportunity for
Investment in Substantial
Horn Industry
' Thb condensed milk and Cannrog
Factory that I am erecting at Papil
lion, Nebraska, ia rapidly nearing com- '
pletion, and I am now offering a lim-!.
ited amount of "Waterloo Oreainery, -.
Co. preferred atock at $100 per ahare, '
drawing interest at the rate of ,. - , .',
7 Per .'Cent Per Annum
"We will guarantee to convert all .
outstanding stock into cash at the end
of three years.
This investment is bound to be prof
itable for the investor and will result
in great benefit to the milk industry
in Douglas, Sarpy and Washington
counties. Thia ia the first "Evapo
rated Milk" factory in the state of
Nebraska. Our brand will be the "Elk
horn Evaporated Milk."
If you are interested send for list of
men who have already subscribed and
such other information aa you may,
Reference, First National Bank,
Yaterloo Creamery Co.,
Omaha, Neb.
1 Ton are cordially invited to inspect
this plant at any time.
Papillion Interurban line terminal.
- Toa caa rest assured that when yon leave, a prescription at
i any of oar five bis drug stores that yon wilt get just what tie
doctor orders compounded from the purest ot drugs, at price
that don't shock. -
We carry the largest line of drugs of any retail drug store
west ot Chicago; this makes substitution unnecessary at our stores.
' Tbe eomponnding of prescriptions Is entrusted to careful, ei
peiieaced registered pharmacist who work in a room secluded
from the sales room.
Our erery effort Is toward accuracy. ,
Five Big Store ia Omaha.