2 ATE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 11. 1911 A " Clever Utile Coats (or Baby Folk A charming a r ra y o I dainty coats are ready for your choosing many pleas ing, childish styles which sliow the deft touches of the skill ful fingers which fash ioned them. Cashmere, wool batiste and crepella; chie little box styler, prettily braided; others with deep shoulder capes hand embroidered. G months, 1 and 2 year sizes. lYiees $2.95, $3.95, $4.50 aud 5.00. Long and Short White Dresses Exquisite llttlo tarmenta of nainsook and lawn. lace and embroidery trimmed: a number are hand embroidered and feather Hitched. Infanta', C months, 1 and 2-vear lizea. Prlce-50 75 ( 1.00 $1.25 -"hI Vp. Outing Flannel Gowns 60c Flannel Skirts 60c, 75c and $1.00 Cashmere Barques tie and up Bootees 25c and up Bonnets, silk or knitted, 50c, Tic f 1.00 and up. PRIEST PLEAD5.F0R WALIZER 'Man Convicted of Stealing Will Be Paroled. Gold PROMISES TO TUSH OVEE LEAP Biilnn Mea af Dee Meiers Tattle Black In Cearera that Will Leaa ea Chattels at Reaaoa Ut Rates. BABY Of T FITS Complete with everything the baby will need from bootees to drees, neatly parked ready to ship tor...; SI O.OO 815.00 ni $25.00 miOTMFionr 1518-20 Farnam Street M'CABE BEFORE COMMITTEE Solicitor Outlines Attitude of Wil ton n Everglade Cue. aaaasssssssssa ELLIOTT CXECULAJL SUPPRESSED ' Braatar Fletrarr Bare Secretary Wllsea Refaaed te tKi It aad It We Never Offi cial Deeaaieat, WASHINGTON, Feb. lH-Oeorss P. Mo- Cab, solicitor ef the Department ef Ag- rtrultur. appeared before the house oom rentes ea expenditures In that department today te outline the attitude ef Secretary Wilson and hlnuatf with relation to the Ftotrda Everglades land case, ths charge ef suppressed reports mads by Represent atlvss riark and Bathrtrk and the dh ehanrs ef Chief Drainage Engineer C. O. Elliott and his. assistant A.A Mors- bouse, Mr. MoCabo was celled too com plete a statement he began befor ths eemmlttes early In the week preliminary le the Inquiry, which will begin next Tuesday, It ha beta charged before the commit' tea that a report vt I. , Wright, for merly a department snftneer end drainage engineer for the lists o( Flor id, was sot printed la a senate docu ment en the situation In the Bvertlados until Wright had revtesd the preots te conform with his original note. , Wrlaht Reaert Censored Senator Fletcher of Florida, who had the bverglad papers printed es a doea menL declared today that the ssnats dommem "doss not contain the full port mode by J. a Wright" and that It "appears la the document precisely as ordered est up and printed by the proper officers ef the department, Why publication el the report wea Bteppsd originally in 110, Benetor Fletebsr Iceland, wsa not known. Another pease to be Investigated by .the committee Is why the circular en the Everglades, published by order of Xnglnoar Elliott and afterward sup pressed. It Is said by order ef Secretary Wilson, was net printed la the document. Tie Elliott circular," said Benetor ' Fletcher, "waa not put In senate aocu -nent No. bees use It waa never author ised by the secretary, but ea the eon' ttarr, as soon as he saw a typewritten copy of lbs proposed circular ha eon! damned It and ordered that It be not printed or distributed. The reason. It Is supposed, waa the circular sxpressed opln loos or offered advice, and H did not purport te give data gathered la scien tific research. That circular ere never an official doeumsnut and. therefore, had Be place la k'T document giving suthestlo official records on a subject." Irrraularttlea la ray Roll. Mr. McCabe said that Engineer J. a Wright of Florida first ceiled, the de Bartnut's attention to the alleged lrrg ularhMet la account ef the drainage division. Ta January It. Mil." he said. "Wright railed at the department and eald. In substance, that Chief Engineer Elliott waa trying te Mure bira la hi profee stea. Wright said that Elliott had placed ansa an the payroll who had done no work, but she te 10 had advanced massy for the completion of dralssga work end bed been pieced en the payroll and reimbursed from ths lei appropria tes. Re gave the nam of J. A. Wllkla son of Belle Haven. N. C as one of trie tea sad Wilkinson later admitted that he bed advanced money tor the work In North Carolina. The amount iavohred eras UJ. -Kllktt said that Dr. True, his supe rior, bad kaowa all about It." said Me l's be. "hut Dr. True denied It." Bepreseatauvs Clark today mae Pub lic a letter he received last October tram lecmuy Wilson after the Florida rep leeeauulie had asked at whose tnstsnos the circular en tee ever lades aad the Wright i usui t had seen suppressed. "It Is Impossible to furnish yen with the names of all pereoee wlw advlssd the suppression of the circular letter and Ihe report.' wrote Secretary Wlleoa. "We have ae record ef them aad my recollee Uea Is that theee persons saaae their tea sea verbally. PAINTER LEAYS HURRIEDLY Structural Worker Depart ea Eve of McUamara Cue Arresti. WHEREABOUTS HOT DISCLOSED Former Raslaess Agent ef Omaha Breach Waa Here at Time Ortle MrMaalsal Came with Hie Cleek aad Dreamlte. The sudden derttfe from Omaha of Frank H. Fainter on the v of wholesale arrests In connection with the McNamare dynamite conspiracy, gives rise te the belief that he is deeply oonoemed about the federal inquiry conducted at Indian apolis. Painter was former business agent of the Omaha Branch of the atructural Iron workers end waa In Omaha at the time Ortle MeManlgal came to Omaha wiih hi alarm olock and a suitcase filled with dynamite. ' It any of the local union men know of. Painter's whereabouts they are eersful enough to keep from giving out any In formation. Suaptckm are aroused ever the fact that FnlaUr'f name wee mentioned In a cnieago paper aa one wne naa seen inr plicated In the plot, at least Insofar as Omaha I concerned; also because Painter and hla wife left hurriedly, giving the woman from whom thay rsntsd a house only one day'e notice of their departure, Also, It is noted that the Painters loft Omaha a week age today, the day follow Ing the official announcement at In dlenapoHs that thirty or more Indictments would be returned. Painter and hie wife lived at BM lew. ard street, and rented from Mrs. Harry Hal folder, fTU Pratt street. One said that the Painters went to Peoria, where her relatives live. Neighbors on Beward street else say that they want to Peoria. United States Marshall Warnsr, when asked It he had orders to arrest painter stated that a far as he knew Painter not wanted. However." said Mr. Warner, "If he wsa w could not give out that Information Until after aa ar rest had been made." Arrests Rgpeeted by Teeeday, INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. Hi-Dlstnct At tnrney Charles W. Miller by Tuesday night probably will be Informed that all the men Indicted In connection with the dynamite conspiracy have been taken Into custody. It waa said here today. Federal Judge A. B. Anderson ha extra prevision made In hla court room for the arraignment and trials. - (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE3 .MOINES. la.. Feb. l.-Hpeclel Telegram.) E. 3. Wallser. a young man convicted of Mealing gold from the cellar of tr) father-ln-law'a house, will not be be sent to the penitentiary, but will be given an opportunity to lead a new life. A sentence of fire years waa Imposed by Judge McHenry, but It waa suspended during the good behavior of the defend ant He was paroled to the Rev. Father Nugent. The priest pleaded for the re lease of the young man and promised the court that he would take Wallser In charge acting as his spiritual adviser and friend. Plaa Wllsea Rally. Arrangements were mads today by committee acting In the Interest ef Wood. row Wilson, for president, for a b Wilson rally In Dea Moines, March Clubs are being formed all over the state for Wilson and they will send delegates te a big meeting here whan a state club la to be formed. It Is expected that eral thousand democrats will be brought hero fur that occarton. To Fight l.eaa Sharks. PIsns for the Immediate organization of a loan company to combat the loan shark evil In Dea Moines were made thh morning by a committee of representa tive from the commercial organisation of this city. The decision of the committee wss lo Incorporate a company with capital stock of from IC0.W0 to SlOO.MU. The stock will be divided Into shares of llo each and the general public will be given an opportunity to subscribe. The committee will advocate the adoption of a law that will allow the company charge ae high as ! per rent per mom for money loaned en chattel securities Lntll such a law is adopted the cim pany will charge the legal rat of In terest and make eddltlonal chaigee for Investigating securities. ' The committee elso favors a Isw mslt Ing It Illegal to take assignments of aa arte. leeet Freight aa Antes. Lower frteght rate on automobile ship- ment In Iowa may be filed by the Iowa Bute Railroad commission In compliance with a petition Just made by Freight commissioner Wylle. Ho ask ths low commission to modern! such Item of Secretary Knox to Make Visit to Cuba and South America to be the Iowa claaalflcatloa that can changed, to the benefit of the shipping public and at the same time be a step lorwarq toward th proposition of unic tormiry wrier practice bis. A Lit Beateaea ef suffering with threat aad tunc trouble le etUckly esaamated by Dr. Xing' Mew Dteeevsry. He and tl . For aale r Beaton Drug; Co. Weetssfc Cawnae - - MADISOX, Ken, Feb. Judas MeDuftee married lata laet Joseph E. Genders and Bertha Ma Car many, both ef Norfolk. Kearney Man Low On Hospital Bid (From a Staff Correspondent-) LINCOLN. Neb., Feb. Mi-48pcll Tele- gram) The Board of Public Lead and Building this afternoon opened bids for the new tuberculosis hospital to be erected at Kearney. W. F. Crossley of Kearney waa the lew bidder at II1.HT for the gen eral contract. Walter Knuteaen of Lin coin bid S11.M and W. R. Mia nk Ian ef Lincoln. Sl.ri F. H. Jaoobaoa of Lex burton was low on plumbing at Mm. Bids ea wiring and electrical fixture were all rejected on account of confusion In th bid. According to plana, the build ing will cost about lliwr. hut change will be made, which will reduce It to about tlt.ow. The building le to be com pleted wlthla 12 da ye from th letting oc the contract. Th central port Ion Is two stories. BxSI feet with two one-story wings each Kx feet. There will be twenty room for patient. GAME WARDEN PROBES INTO TRAPPING, BEAVER LINCOLN. Neb.. Fab. K.- Specie! Tel- egram.V-aeme Warden Miller has re turned from Thome county, where he Investigated the trapping of beaver. It is probable some prosecutions will follow. Clouser Gets Long -TenniorJorgefy WE1WTER CITY, la.. Feb. r.-(8Dclal Telegram.) For forging two check amounting to Ml Judge Wright this after. noon aemmcsd C. H. Clouser to pay a fine ef g,M and serve fifteen year In th stst penitentiary. Clouser wa Penniless and forged the checks In order to get back to hi old home In Nebraska. wnso apprehended and arranged he pleaded guilty. CONTRACT TO CIRCULATE SALOON PETITION INVALID DKNISON, la.. Feb. 10.-(olal. Judge Powers, holding district court at Kent eon. held In Bedding the case of I. C. Bock against R C Jackson that an agreement made by a saloonkeeper to pay rot to circulate a consent petition In the county and use his Influence with the offloers te have ths petition go through waa agalnat public policy and void. It appeared In the evMenoe that r . -. amw maoe tne agreement with one Miller of Manilla and th 170 wss de posited la the First National bank there. Later Book changed his mind and notified the bank not to pay the money te Miller. The bank held the Sajne ton Miller and for thla Bock sued, and now recover. it I aa to the validity and legality of th petition circulated under Miller's auspice that th anti-saloon people have eea trying to get a ruling from the d la in ot court for ever a year. The case I now before the court, with many wit ness In attendance. PLAYING WITH FIRE CAUSES DEATH OF FOUR CHILDREN MAXWELL, la.. Feb. leChlldren playing with fire were the cause of the explosion bora hut night, in which four children la the household ef laeaa Smith. a farmer, were killed, and Bmltn himself fatally Injured. Werle Lirouhard. esr old grandson of Smith, who eereped. said be and the ether children war putting cobs into Ihe fire In the kitchen. A can of gasoline was standing near by. IOWA W0MN drops DEAD IN KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITT. Feb. la-Mrs. Frances Adams, wife ef Adam Adama. a rctlrei farmer of Orlewold. la., dlsd In the wait Ing room of th union depot her today f apoplexy. Mrs. Adams, with bar hus band, waa returning from Eagle Lake. Tex., where the couple had gone te cele brate their golden wedding anniversary. Martla Laaaw Jsry Disagree. MUSCATINE. Is, Feb. H. Disagree ment by the Jury resulted today In the trial ef Martin Langs, Indicted on a charge of throwing rocks and other missile at th non-union worker, the second of th series ef case growing out ef the button worker strlk her. The Jury hd been out twenty-three hours. w fcaseera Star Order. A8HLAND. Neb, Feb. l.-Speclel.V- A chapter of the Order ef the Eastern Star was Instituted la Ashland Thursday night and wss named Matthew chapter. la honor ef V. A. fjaek'1 Msrthew r uneorn. who waa present and assisted In th work. Ben U Terry of Alexandria, Thayer county, grand natron for No braaka, wa la charge and th went waa exemplified by twenty members of Electa chapter ef Llneola. Elective officers were chosen a follow: Worthy matron. Mrs. Bee carmoa Carroll; worthy natron, wll. Ham Herman Weston: aasocutte metres. Ml Clara E. Meredith. The chaster "arts with a charter roll ef tweatr-ftva. FellewlBg err. monies, refresh meats were i nrty GsaUlsg Rewart Raided. IOWA CITT. Is, Feb. MWSp.-tal Tele gram.) A gambling room operated by John Hanley was raided today by Iowa City police and Hanley. together with twenty other men. were arrested. CsslasT Blaw Fatal. IOWA CITT. Is, Pea. at -fH pedal Tele gram. Joseph Banish. Jr.. soa ef Joseph Banana of Solon, eras Instantly killed la a coasting accident Bear hie father' farm teday. Child Burma ea Death. PIERRE. S. D Feb. la-tSpectal Tele gram. )Tbe Infant daughter ef Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Reuhardt wae burned te death at Midland yesterdey. The tare started in the aheenne ef the mother from the with twe small children ta the The little bey wa rescued, hut the girl era as badly burned before being taken cot ef the building that ah rrred but a few minute. i WASHINGTON. D. C, Feb. ll-For the purpose of solving the diplomatic proo- lems and acquiring more accurate Irfcr- matlon as to condition In central ard northern South America. Secretary Knox by direction of President Taft, will make five weeks' trip to the fpan tun-Ameri can republics bordering the Caribbean sea and the gulf of Mexico,, Ae now plsnned Mr. Knox will not visit Mexico, but that country may be included In the program before be returns during the first week of April. Although the official announcement of the trip, made public at the White House late today, gave no details. It waa nade known that Havana would be Mr. Knox'a first stop, and It waa reported that In Cuba he might attempt to "solve the prob lem" that brought aoout hints of Ameri can intervention there a tew weeka ago. Aalde from a possible peacemaking ex pedition to Cub, th purpoa of th trip ! competitor. aas announced to be the promntlin of frlrndly relatione m Central America. SIGMA ALPHSGET FIRST Hot Contest for Leading Place in Fraternity Contest t Lincoln. BETA TEETA PI COXES SEC05S Great Interest Assoag Greek Letter Ilea ta Oetceare ef Indear Trees: Errata at t elver . ally at .Nebraska. CHINESE FLEET IS SIGHTED Eevolntionary Warships Are Shan-Hai-Kwan. Off IMPERIALS PSFPASE TO FIGHT Attempt Will Be .Made te Prevent Landing af Troops Taaa ah I , Kal Bald te Be ea Way to Tlea Talu. LONDON, Feb. Ift-A fleet of revolu tionary warships was sighted off the port of Shan-Hal-Kwan, situated en the railroad line from Peking, this morning, according to a news agency dispatch re ceived here from Tien Tsln. I'igent or der hav been Issued by colhmander of th Imperial troop to prepare all available transports In ordsr o resist the landing of the rebel forces. At the Russian concearltn In Shen-IIei-Kwan extraordinary precautions have been taksa. The approaches to the rail way atatlon have been placed under the protection of strong patrols. It Is it ported that Premier Tuan Shi Kal Is snout to leave Peking for Tien Tain. Paymaster Makes Charges Against President Taft WASin.NOTON, Feb. lA-Briaadlsr Oen.ral C. H. Whipple, retlrlne ear. master general of the army, today told the bouse committee on expenditures In th War department that charge of con duct unbecoming a gentleman and an officer agalnat Major Meechrr a Ray ef th army pay corps had been suppressed at the suggestion of President Taft. Ray. It I charged, took an aeyvs part In th Taft campaign of 19M and hla political activity ha been under investigation by Uie congressional committee. - It has bean charged that Major Ray acted as a "walking delegate' for th re publican party. Oenaral Whipple said that twice Major Ray had escaped trial ea charges, whicn he (the general) believed' warranted prosecution. He said he went to Beverly la MB) to ae th president aad that Mr. Taft had dictated a letter ta hla presence, advising that for th honor of the army and the good name ef a woman stories of the major's acquaintance with the wife of an employe Of the pay department be kept from the records. This letter aad two other by President Taft war pat In th record to show the political connection ot Major Ray. Th paymaster wa appointed te the army after serving In th campaign ot UM under Mark Hanna In rounding up th railway trainmen's vote. He Is said to have done similar work In the cam paign ot 19M for President Taft. In one of his letters President Taft said Major Ray had been active In the campaign at the tnatance ot hi (th pres ident') brother, and added that he feared Msjor Ray had "prssumed" on the value ot the sarvloe rendered. Oenaral Whipple stated that Major Ray recently wae transferred from Atlanta to Chicago. No reason for the transfer wa given him, Oeneral Whipple said. and there wa no stress of public bualnssa warranting It. Oeneral Whplple' testimony Indicated that ha gave credence to the army rumor that Major Ray had a 'political pull." Paraurtent Advertising ta th Road Big Return. to BtaadlasT at Fraternities. First. Sigma Alpha Epsllon Second, Beta Thete PI Third, Alpha Thete Chi Fourth. Delta I'pnlion Fifth. Phi Kappa Pal sixth. Pbl lelta Theta and Kappa els-ma (tied) s Seventh, Phi Gamma Delta t LINCOLN. Neb, Feb. M. -(Special Tele gram) Sigma Alpha SpsJIon won the an nual Indoor battle between the Greek let ter societies for the athletic supremacy of the university with a total score of H potnta. a lead of 124 points over Ita near-1 Beta Theta PI waa second with JtHi points, and Alpha Theta Vhl third with lTVj points. Delta I'psilon fourth with If points s piece. The meet waa exceptionally well attended, and while no Indoor track records were broken, each event was closely contested. The two team event and the relay race, in which every fraternity entered four men. were the mala events of the after noon. Tho preliminaries were held Friday afternoon, leaving Alpha Theta Chi, Delta I'psilon, Sigma Alpha Kpsllon and Alpha Tau still In the race. The Alpha Theta Chi team obtained a blavlead over their opponents whJn Oliver, th? last man. slipped on ths last lap and fell. He attempted te regain the distance lost through the fall, but cloeed Just a few Inches behind tb winner, Sigma Alpha Epallon. The tug-of-war also went to Sigma Alpha Kpsllon, with Alpha Theta Chi second. matinee dance followed the meet Earl Brannon, chlarmen of the commit tee In charge, roused a storm of protests by advertising th meet for at cents ad mission and later changing the price to 10 cents. Chi Amega won th Intersororlty relay race. Summary of events: Twenty flve-Tard Dash First Wllsy, Sigma Alpha Kpsllon; second. May, tfigma Alpha Epallon: third. Raoely, Phi Ramma Delta; fourth. Wherry, Beta Theta PI. Time: 1 seconds. High Jump-First, Wiley. Sigma Alpha Kpsllon: second. Russell. Delta I'psilon; third. Chrttcss. Delta L'pallon and Han- Beta Theta PL tl. Height, i feet Inches. High Kick-First. Hansen. Delta Theta PI; second, Seaman, Phi Kappa Pal. and Pearoe, Alpha Theta Chi, tie; fourth, Radcllffe, Delta l'pallon, and Redman. Delta Vpsllon, tie. Height. (eet 4 Inches. Fence vault First, itaacuiie, ueita I pelto: second, tttryker. Phi Kappa Pet; third. Hansen. Bet Theta PI; ourth, Brannon. Kappa Sigma. Height, teat I Inches, Shot Put First. Hansen. Beta Tneta rt: second. Underwood, Beta Theta Pi; third, Stryker, Phi Kappa Pel: fourth. Halllgan, put Dene mete, meianee, u reet i men. Pole vault First, Hsvia, mi ueiia Theta: second. Russell. Delta I'psilon , third, Tomaa. Delta l'pallon: fourth. Is rael, Alpha Theta Chi. Height, feel Inches. Hone Climb First. Brannon, Kappa Sigma; second. Barnes. Beta Theta PI; third. Israel. Alphe Theta Chi; fourth. Schmidt, Delta L'psilon. Time, tit seconds. neisy r irwi, otsnm jii,ii jbpwuvu, second. Alpha Theta Chf. Tug-ot-war First, mama Aipua ep allon; second, Alpha Theta CHI. Farmers" laatltat at Harvard. HARVARD, Neb, Feb.' l.-(f peclal.) A very Interesting two days' session of the Harvard Farmsrs' Institute work, waa held In .thla city, with a good pro gram well carted out. The speakers' list consisted of C. L. Opperman of th bu reau ot animal Industry, Vnited State department, Waahlngton, D. C; J. H. Frandaen. head of dairy department. Uni versity ef Nebraska: Bills Rail. Lincoln, and Mr. Barlow, Bleomingten, 1IL Henry a. Warren and Secretary W. F. Johnson, with th liberal assllance of members ef the aasodatlon. secured valuable pre miums and have made the event one of unusual Interest to all la attendance, and through thla channel will reflect much good In th horn and on th farm. Th seed cor problem wss well discussed and testing demonstration givsn. 71 1 am u m Mm 1 Among Pare Diamonds Make a point of selecting diamonds where vou will have a rare collection from which to maie a choice rare in beanty in extent in quality. Every gem has been selected with even greater discrimination than our mos particular customer would exer cise. We are constantly on the lookout for finer stones. We always buy such stones as accord with Edholm quality. Every diamond shown you at this store is of supreme value and has back of it the Edholm reputation and guarantee. The stock is of un usual size and affords rare oppor tunity to select any diamond ring at a most moderate price. Now is an excellent time for choos ing a stone, when the stock is large nnd the range of prices extensive. Don't Merely Buy Invest. ALBERT EDHOLM Sixteenth and Harney. -J Free Srrd Cwra Teeta. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Feb. 10. Spe cial.) TTa Commercial club ha ar ranged to have th seed corn of this vicinity tested free for the farmers, who desire to take advantage of the oppor tunity. Three teeter, with th capacity et LOOS, will be secured and the work will be In charge ot William Stslk. president ef th Nebraska Stat Pur Cora aseoct lion, Th week eat apart for the teat' Ing la February Is to H In the moot of the court bouse. COMBS' February Pre-Inventory Discounts on Diamonds, Jewelry, Watches, Silver, Cut Olass, Brus, Lampi, Leather Goods, eta; is on and making big business. EVERYTHING Except Sterling Silver and Some Diamonds is Out to create sales before inventory 10 to 50 on first-class goods only. OUR DISCOUNTS AB.Z REAL SAVINGS T. L. COMBS & CO. The Busy Jewelers. 1520 Douglas Street. Key t the Situation Bee Advertising. Woman's Ills M say wusna safer asedlswly from girlhood t woman hood sad Iraes motherhood ta aid age witk backsca, dissia or hesdaone. Saw becomes brokea-dowa, ileep leaa, nervous, irritable aad feels tired from saoming to night. When paias and ache reek tb womaaJy rystsm at tresjueat iatervals, ess ssae aWseer aeemf Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription r PrecHwtlm ta, far erer years, Baca earad ecare. sreak, -wrackee? weaara. By M Baaetraafa af rweesea aaa ff fa la saw awrracr (Bale Beane arMBeaf reir Bar. lad ea aaBasaf r fawafcasv oeeereelafs aaa areamirey reaagaeat M-aga'aatfeaa. Sick women era iavfted to eeasult in coaideace by latter jVee. Address World Dispensary Medical Aas 'a, R. V. Pierce. M. D Pres't, Bufele, N. Y. Da. Prsaca's Caaar FasniT Docroa Book. Tb Feoow' .Coamoa Seas Medical Advisor, aewly revised ae-to-dt editieo 1000 pages, easwen as Fian fafaua bast ot delicate aaestioa which every worn sa, untie or married, osujht ta kaew a boat. Scat fr to any address aa receipt of 31 on i sal stamp to cover east af wrappiaa aad mailing sr, m French cloth tawdiag. Read What Ont of Our Customers Says f Our Work Omaha's Quality Laundry Wagons . Every where. Both Phones n f . .. . -tuLJL ,a.i, pe"1 T -O-"1- ; 7 S J, j Th a&ew cat rwarateat (A mid aa tht ai srey in dint it try. Dr. Todd has the exclusive rights to the new way in Omaha DR. TODD. 401 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. Dear Doctor: In answer to your Inquiry a to th aatlafaction I received from your new sanitary teeth It give m great pleasure to say that I am having more comfort aad ease thaa In many yean peL I think that your new Invention le one ot the beat for the relief ef humanity In general, that baa been discovered In many years, and If my recommendation will carry any v sight you will coon nave msny of my persons! friends, who have been sufferer from half tooth brldg work, netting your office for treatment From the time lb became necessary for me to here some bridge work done until I visited your office, I wae treated by probably half a dossn dentlata, aad It waa always with th aam reeulta, pain and dlsappolnt bicnt but now I feel like a new person. Should the publication of this letter be of any benefit to you, you have my full permission to publish same and my aiuoereet wish la that It may bring many other uftarer to you so that they may be benefitted aa I have been. With best wish for your continued success. I am very truly yours. MRS. ItKV. J. M. KERSET. CIS Anuth Stlk Awnu. 4) For February Birds ws hav many beautiful sterling silver articles at very reesonabl price which range fronv 9i to 10. before purchasing, step In cur new etore and let us show you. Bexeember the new las U an. SIH Beau sixteen th Btreet, Fasten Bleak. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler U 11 iCjL-e FRANKLIN C, HAHER PRESIDENT OF THE AMERICAN SAFE DEPOSIT CO. 218 So. 17th St., BEE BLDG. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent in absolutely burglar and fireproof vaults, at $3 per year, or Jl for three months. Open until 9 P. M. on Saturday nights. The Bee for All the ta