Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 18

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Hirandy on Why Women Can't Vote
Written by Dorothy Dix : Illustrated by E. W. Kemble
Brprodimd, by PcrmissioB, from the Kcbruary Somber of Good HoaMkrtpiag.
"Da nun dat woman ain't got ds right j
te vet Ma! bscaaa dsy to Uckla' In
aeaaa an probubness. nld Ml randy;
"hit's hseese dry's lackln' ta backbone.
17 ala't got no spinal column. an' day
ain't te blUM tor dat. beeage hit's along
dei way oat da foot Tuawd ma da 'am.
"Mow, laat night. Brar Jenkins preeehsd
In chorea 'bout dat ma a down ta Egypt
ar scans oddar furrtn city whut la a
dig gin' a raw' la. da place wbara da
Oyardea of Edaa wea, aa' ba aay dat
af dla Ban alnt adtacUy dleklvered da
bona .dat Bed waa mads, out of,, he's
dana fooad da next thing to hit. lit
done fooad da place wbar alt eoma from.
Ha aaya dat da men what bvsd befo'
Adam bad ana ma' rib dam baa, cot
whut lhrad aflar blm, an af dat mtaaln'
rib ain't woman, whar la nlf? Pat'a d
euestlea. Wbar la hit?
"Of twaras, da flndln' of dat rib oUln't
maka aa difference ta ma, becaas 1 dona
. mada my pence mo daa thirty yaara
ego, aa' I'M baaa a sleoper la da church
vr antra, Mo sver, l'aa tot da faith,
an af 'faith ala't bellevta',. .what you
knows ala't ao. an' Jest nafrally eaa't
be aa, daa I don't know whut hit la
"I daaa daa allka about da doctor aa'
da preacher. I opens my mouth, -V
hats my syss, aa' awallowa whutever
day pakaa down ma without progsoe -eslln'
about hlfa In ward waa, or hi
alt's s-wln tswua. f . .
"I ala't navar baa ana at dans dat
run aflar eVry aaw belief dat tome
aland, aa' dat'a 6 raaaoa dal I ain't
navar took up wtd dla haah dootrlna
bout things not bain' mada at tha atari
of da enaUon, but Juat harm' trowed.
Cq'sa. anybody . la dara taste, but hit
aiama lak ta ma dat dam tolas what
lafcs ta alalia a monk ay far dere grand
pa has rot mighty Ultla pride, an'
mighty lltUa call t brat oa dara family
traa. .-
' "But I aia't aarar had n troubla In
bellevta' dat womaa waa mada ouy of
an maka Just ana rood flrht for 'an.
I ala't a-sayta' BoUtin adalnat dam antl
BocJetlea I "specta day doaa lots of food,
bat I dona took not lea dat dam raforma
reform moat aad quickest what you
aflar wld a ax whan yo' dander la a
1 know how dat la myaelf. Whan ma
an' Ika fuat tot married, after lie gut
Urad of holdla' my hand, ha began to
sacastuta off of do straight an' narrow
path, away from home, an'i back to da
crap game an' da corner saloon. Oe'ee
did makes a mighty talk an soma of
da slstera In Israel cornea to mo an', 'Old I want da prayers of de
ehu'eh for hlmf an' I ears, not until
after my right arm lire out.
"aa dat alght when lka got home Iks
found his lovln' wife a-wallln' up for
him wld da rollln' pla In one hand an'
da stora lifter In de odder, an' by da
time ha got out of tha horspltal hit
looked lak ha kinder lost Ms Interest In
wanderla away from his own fire aide
Lsastways whaa ha sort of looks wish
ful toward da do' of a night, an' he
catches my aye a-wanderin' toward a
flat Iron ha aatllea bark In his olieer,
an' says ha bellevee ha faela too tired ta
go out anyway,
"Tassum, day talks 'bout da difference
between mea an' women, but da biggest
difference la la dla matter of da back
bone, an hlt'a what keapa wemen, good,
an' glvaa man da right Id ba bad. for
dara ain't ao foolishness dat a man will
stand In a woman, an' dare ain't no fool
gits harder. An' aa wa woman la daa
a-acbln' ta have a finger hi dat govern
ment pla, an aea af wa can't put a little
mo' aweeteahV In hit, aa maka It a tittle
lighter, so dat hit won't art ao hoary an'
ondtgeetlbla an da stomachs of dan whut
Mn't mUUonalraa, .....
Teestr, wa'ss Jest a ho'nln' for ds
franchise, an' wa might hava bad hit any
ttma daaa last forty yaara af wa had ris
up an' fought one good fight for hit, but
Instld of dat wa'ss sat areua' a-holdln'
our handa an' all dat wa'aa dona ta to
say In a meek voice to maa: -
" 'Plea or, sir, I don't lak to troubla you,
hut at you'd kindly paaa ma da ballot, hit
aha'ly would ba agreeabi to me.'
"Aa' Instld of glvla' hit to ua man has
kind of winked ona aya to each odder
an' 'sponded:
1 'Lawd, aha don't . want . bit, or s'.st
she'd maks a fuss about alt Dat's de
way we did. We didn't go after da right
to vole wtd our pink .tea manners an.
C'o'sa some dsy wa'ss got to give her her
hare -of da relate, hub we'll hold oa to
It Mill aha romee after Ml wld hay on
har bams- btm awn fork It orer to her
la a hurry,; ,'';V;U";
Tasatr. dat s da true word, an you
listen to me-de day del woman spunks
up, and rolls up deir sleevaa an' says to
dalr husbands dat dare ain't twine to be
na ma', aooaln' In.dls house, a or alarain'
of sox. Bar patchln' of breeches ontll
dara "soma female votln' dolnV why,
dat day da ballot will ba fetched horns
ta women on a sllrer aalver. All dat
tanda between woraea and auffraga Is
da lack of A spinal column.
"Taaaum, moat of da troubla In dla
wort' dat women baa cornea along of delr
bain' bora wld a wishbone Inatld of a
backbone, but I lay dey can't help hit.
Hlt'a all de fault of da way day was
mada' But whut I'd lak to know la die
why women didn't get a ahow at Adam's
backbone Inatld of his cheat protector?"
.A silk 'house closing inventory on February
first, offered us all the cut lengths of foulards
and fancies made to retail at $1.00 and
$1.29. We made .a dicker, which makes it
possible to sell the lot to you
Monday, Lincoln's Birthday, Feb. 12
: New underpriced section near elevator-main floor.
First lot from the purchase on sale at one price
7 mills p
SALE STARTS AT 8:00 A. 171.
"By the way, we want to say:
Come what may, on every day,
Bargains rare, we will prepare;
So .get your share from bargain square
. 1
is responsi
ble for this.
Excuse the
Pv n
Y' 0
h '
maa'a rib. What worries ma hi why de
IawsTB choice fel aa da rib. which ain't
aothtn' but a aort at rafter to hold up
a man's ehist aa' swell hit oat. aa make
him look proud, but dat ala't nowise Im
portant In Itself, an' dat la about de
easiest thing dat ha can spars Id out
entasis' hit.
"Oe'aa I ain't a-prsstimtn' ta crltlae
da good marstar, but hit doaa look lak
ta at dat when ba was a-ereatio'
woman, an had the whole maa to cut
from dat ho could hava saved us a lot
of troubla at ha bad mada Ere out of
a few j'mta of Adam'a backbone Instld
of dat rib.
Taeeum, dst's aa. for ain't a rib de
easiest aquabed thing m da whole human
body? Aa' whea you goes ta de market
aa' areata to gtt de Uadinas roast, don't
you buy de rib roaetf
'Tassum, an' dat'a da troable wld
womaa dowa to dla very day. Py ain't
got as backeeae. Of a rib day waa mada
an' a rib dry has stayed, an' nobody
ala't got BO right ta aspect nothla. alee
from 'ess. Hit's because woman was
made ant of saaa'a rib aa from da war
aha acta hit looks lak- aba waa umde
oat af a floatla nb at dat aa' man was
left wld all of his backbone, dat he's got
da eameapancs over wsmaa. An dat'a
oa reaaoa sat we women ecu aowa aa
cry vara ae eaun xm su "P s a"
Wtrhbsia Yaaaam. mast of women a
troubles la dte worT cornea of dera not;
bavin' no bark bone, an I don't know!
aothln' dat maksa you want ta cry out ,
tt ona aide of yo mauf an laugh But
of da odder ma daa ks do fact dat moat
ad da -women la de worT ts dowa On J
dero knees prayus tor mlradea to.
eeppea dat dey coo Id maka happen sere-)
af day's git up oa cere bmd legs
WJ I'll I
nr in 1 1 r Mist
Ishnsss dat a wosnaa won't stand from a
"Dat'a da reaaoa dat wa womea eaa't
vote, an' ain't got ao say ao 'bout makin'
de laws dat boasts ua. Ain't wa gat da
right on our aide? Taaslr, We'as got de
light on our side, but we ain't got da
bark bone ta ua to Jest retch out aa1
grab dat ballot.
""D'ara ain't nobody 'aputla' da tact
dat wa'aa got to eorape ap da money to
pay da tax collector, even efe wa dsea
hare to go down Into a skirt pocket in
atld of pants pocket to git hit. aa' our
belongtn' to da angel Beet alnt gwme to
keep us out of da Jail ef wa gits In a
fight wld anodder lady, or wa ewtpea a
ruffled petticoat off of da detbee Una
next do.
"Furdemo, whan da meat trust puts up
da price of po'k chops hit's da
dat ts got to aqunsi de dollar ontll
eagle hollers a utile louder to feed delr
eulllun. Hlt'a women dat has got to
patch delr husband a breeches Bad turn
delr old dresses ona time no' ef da tariff
puts up ds price' af clot bee. Hit's women
dat baa got to send delr men folka out
ta flrht ef war comae en da country.
"Hit's women dat has got ts ssa dsr
babies die ef da streets ain't cleaned, and
de milk la watered. Hit's women dat has
got ta put deir little rhlllun out to work
ansa dey ought to ba ayia', af times
Otlva Macleod. who traveled
through Nigeria, tha German Cameroona
and tha naaeb Congo to set up a stone
aa tha grave of Lleutsaaat Boyd Alex
ander, to whom she bad beea engaged.
told how aha had traveled cloee on 4.0JB
miles In Africa, chiefly on foot aad horse
back, penetrating to many spots which no
white feet had ever trod before.
What struck one ta her gossiping ac
count of her travels waa that humanity Is
very marh tha same beneath tha surface
all aver the world. A native sultan a
court, she said, reminded her very much
of a Kuroptan msnarrh'a The court offl
clala had much tha same apportionment
of duties and auanalid about precedence
la tha same way.
Black bellea wssr tares tolls of hair and
pada te make their own appear mora lux
uriant. Even their little children play
saarMss la the English style. And whan
reformera among ua advocate certificates
at fitness for ssarrlaga they are only
pleading for a system which obtains
among; assay West African tribes.
The yaoag maa ef these tribes are tested
as to their manliness and endurance by
being beaten with strips of leather or by
briar obUsed te cllrab ap tha faoe of aa
aunoat perpendtcalar reck. I'aless they
aattsfy the test they cannot marry. Kb
womsa would accept them as bushaods:
One very Interesting point waa that the
natives park) up Bndlsh quickly and re
gard It aa "the white maa'a 'artgirsgr"
If Frenchmen and Germans can apt apeak
It tney are not looked upon aa "proper
whl'e mea." Bo general la this view that
tha Oermaa efficera and sergeants are
obliged to drill their black treepa with
English) words ef command. London Mall'
Sjck loom igj Hospital Supplies
We carry a very large and complete line of supplies
as needed in the nick room and hospital.
Wa aell all klnda of Rubber
Bage tome made of eoft rubber,
the mouth to be closed with largo
cork Price a, lac, iOc, (0c snd "Sc.
We alae hava the large "English"
Ice Bus made of checked rubber
cloth, with arrsw cap metal
mouth. Tic and each. Ire
bags sent by msil upon receipt of
Wa handle Many atylaa of aup
uorters, adapted te tha varying
need a of bath tha alck and well.
Write for catalogue
a to stroma
For spraying oily and watery
fluids, dosena of style. Mm to tt
The Perfection Bed Pan as shown
sbovs la the most comfortably shaped
made Price, tl.M for email. IMS
for large. Wa have the old fash
ioned white china bed pans for f 1.S0
and fl.: each.
List of Rubber Goods
Abdoml.ial Colls
Air Pillows II U and lt.o
atamtae-a ..lie. see. Tec. II. 11.11
Bags for Hot Water ..Me to 11-21
Bandages, gum and woven too
Bands, per box lac
Ked Pans oval with outlet tuba.
at : use
Bougies. Knrliah each its
Breast rarh..Bc and lie
Breast Pumps, Kngllsh each.. lie
Bulbs, 'or Byringes and Atomisers.
at . Js
Cupping Cupa each .I'Vs
Chair Cushions. Invalid. It IB
Catheters. Commoa Sogllah
each ?c
Combination Byrlngaa. I auart.
at li te to I M
Crutch Rubber, per pair SSe
P tapers, any else each , lio
Double Bulb Atomiser II.
Fjtr and l iter gyrtngea iSc
Eamark Fandages li.s
Finger Cola, thick aad thin
each ic
Fountain Ryrtngea. very bast. 1 t
?ic; 1 auart ..ll.Sl
tiiovee, rer p r ......sec ie et as
Hard Rubber Pipes
Heed Bars .......
Hesd CoUe
...tec te tic
Hoepltal Cuahlons, Invalid. 11 ti.
t:.0 and
Ice Bare ISc. IOc and sic ,
Inhalers each ito ta i
Medic Ine Droppere each ie
Mpplee. beat kindeach to
Per dosen 4 so
Nipple HnleMa, each lea to lie
Nursery oneetlng, per yard.... II. e
Nursing Bottle Fittings each lec
Ubetctrlcal bed Pana t to ti
Plaat Hpreye ie to 1 0
raaenss ...See to tJO
pillows ii. is to no
Pol. tier Begs 11.2a to II I
Rectal Tubes, sach II. a
Bbeetlng for Accouchment, large,
at 1. Ik
Bhialds. Female Il l
fplne Water Bottlea (It incbee) II
Btomarb Tubes, sack II I
Utopplea. per doasa te 4e
Supporters lie te li e
Syrtncee, Bulbs, t pipes, tec and up
Syrinxes, l-'ountaln ... Sec to
Syringes. "Combination." II and up
Syringes, Far and fleer, each tie
Srrlnrex I'rethral lie and 3 So
Syrinrwe, P. P. tie and lie
Syrlnres. Infanta, all soft rubber.
at tie
Syr'nse Bars, beat t-qt sao
Teething Rings, each lBo
Teething Pada lie
Trusses to Ilea
Tubing, boat a-ft. for Fountain
Wyrinre lie
Umbilical Belts, for infants, sach,
at , Il.e
Vrtnala ll.Jl aad II. it
Water Bet ties, plain, t-qt. ....iae
to , lie
Water Bottles. Flannel, i-ot. IL2i
. Sherman & MsConnsIl Drug Co.
Cor. 1 8 th and Dodje Cor. 1 1th and Raney
Keateat equipped dental office In
Omaha. Hlgneet-grade denleiry at
leesonable prices. Porcelain fillings
lust llks tha tooth. Ail Instrument
carefully atarUlsod after each opera
Ooraer ISth and Iarnam Bis.
Twrno ri.eo. paxtobt bt,o-
Best Sport News in Tbe Bee
ysryxtTjrisrr ttuajTitr ajtd cmAT
ua DKOOTaat Loaa bobsh
gacmiT avaovban tut twi
waiaxtT ioa poowdb. o
oms sraao BXataxx
Mow to Bedace Vat Oas Posad a Bay
Tkea Alwsys aNsmsIs Bliss. Ma Ikraga,
Msdieiaea, BUrvatloa Diet, Xxer, or Apperataa tTssd.
Plaaa Blm pis Mosse Treav
avsat Works Weadara.
Afraatresssats Mow Made te Save All
teat Seadera ef Tala Paper Meeelva
B Tree Copy of Sr. Turner' a Won
derful Book "Mow t avalaee
My Weight 100 Ponaae."
On returning from a recent trip Dr. F
Turner, the physician, scientist snd
traveler, who has woa fame and world
wide renown Ihrourh his writings and
cstentltie resources, socorded sn Inter
view to press representatives whs were
astonished by hie loss of mors than
; lua pounds or exoessivs tat sines tney
I laat aaw htm. They found It difficult
I Indeed, to recognise in the slender, mus
i eular snd perfectly proportioned form
I of Dr. Turner today, the earns man whom
' only a faw montha ago they hnew a a
aemi-lovaiid, ao saormously fat that he
could hardly walk.
When questioned concerning his health
i aad the remarkable rhangs in his appear
ance, Dr. Turner eatd that neither Illness,
medicines, starvation, dieting, nor strenu
ous exercise had oauaed him to lose so
much excess weight. In tsct he said that
' fatty degeneration had eaten into his
vital organs to such sn sxtent that tt
'. would havs been foolhardy to even at
tempt the usual methods of reduction,
and ha was forced to eeek other nice as
of escape from his former terrible con
dition. i Oa being questioned further the doctor
' said: "When I began to feel the stuffy,
cramped feelag Inside, which, ae a phy
sician. I recognised as ine firm tell-tale
symptoms of tatty degene, aUoa. and whea
my heart pounded and throbbed at
. tbmea so It shook my whole body and
' saamad about to burst. I knew from
these warnings that tha sod wss ap
proaching very rapidly although the
examining physician ef a large Life In
surance Company, when refusing pslnt
blank te eecipt me aa a risk, had al
ready told roe I waa likely ta drop dead
aay minute I tried every means of re
duction known te medical science, but
without ths slightest retief. I then
became desperats and began to use ail
the adverueed treatraenta I had ever
beard at These sot only failed to berp
I me, but they did consideranie harm, one
nearly causing my death en account of
the powerful drugs It eentalnsdl Although
a physician. I am strongly opposed to
the use -of drugs in treating obesity. I
have never known a case where they
did anything but harm when used for
this purpose. There are alae treat menu
put on the market by persons who are
without a physician s training, and I
firmly believe that If I had continued
one or two of the methods recommended
by these Ignorant, so-called ad vert an ng
'specialists I would now be In my
"My discovery came about during mv
trip and In this way: When wwasing data
for some literary work. I found a refer
ence to the msnnsr In which ths
Japanese were eaid to easily overcome
eny tendssey to take oa superfluous
flesh. It was easily apparent from ob
servation that the - Jspa are compara
tively heavy eaters snd that their diet
consists largely of rice, the mesa starchy
and therefore the moat fat forming of
ail grama 1 bad often wondered why.
In spies of these facts, ths natives of
Japan, both men and women, alwsys
present such a slander, trim, neat appear- -ance.
Although corsets ere rare In that
country, the women there have beautiful
ftgurea that any American woman might
well envy, and tha Japanese men hare
etrsngth and powers of endurance that
are proverbial. After diligent inquiry
about tha oause of this, 1 became mora
than ever convinced that they were ueing
there In Japaa methods of fat reduc
tion snd fat prevention far In advance
of anylhnig known to medical aclence in
thla country. As the finding of such a
method wss a matter of life or death
to me at that time. I consulted numerous
authorities and set shout asking ques
tions of those who would be likely to
know anything about It. I am giad to
say that my untiring efforts were fin
ally rewarded by the discovery of s new
mesne ot fat reduction that 1 determined
to give a short trial immediately. I waa
fairly atartled to behold the wondenu!
change It made In my appearance, and
the Improvement In my health that waa
noticeable from the very first. My fat
began to vanish at the rate of one pound
a day, eomettmee more. I knew 1 had
at last discovered the secret that had
been vainly aought for yeeis, and I con
tinued the treatment until 1 had lost
mure than MS pounds In weight. I became
stronger with every pound I lost, and
soon regained all my old time vigor ot
both body and mind. It made me feel
twenty years younger to be lid of all
the fat that had formed Inside and out
side of my body. After discontinuing ths
treatment and keeping a careful record
of my weight for more than two months,
I waa delighted to find that reduction
waa permanent, nor has my fat shown
the sllghtsst tendency to return sines
"Csn you Imagine my setae lea of )oy
and Inespress.bls relief, the tremendous
load that wss lifted from my mind,
when after ail my suffering I discovered
slnawt by accident thla wonderful secret
method that enabled me to rid myself
of M pounds of fat. and which trans
formed me from a hopeless, helpless
wreck Into a perfect specimen of phys
ical manhood again. 1 have now been
gladly accepted by ths same large in
surance company that previously rejected
Dr. Tumor then went on to explain
ths treatment he -Uscurered, and whllo '
anyone must admit that it la a highly
logical method and nndoib'.edly effecme
to a wonderful deares, yet It ts ao simple
that even a child eaa understand it and
obtain most satiatactory results. Surely
ne stout person need any lunger feel
that he or aba must remain tat now.
Lack ef space prevents a full description
of the entire sssthod hare, but Dr. Turner
baa described tt la a handsomely bound
and extremely Interesting little booklet
entitled "How I Reduced My Weight
lot Pounds," and by special arrangement
with the doctor we are able to announce
that these valuable booklets, wn.le they
butt, are to be distributed absolutely
free to those of our stout readers who
are susfieteaUy Interested ts send a two-
seat sterna for postage. The books are
sent in plain wrapping, ana we are told
that . there ere about 1 left. When
I these are gene, the doctor may not have
any more prime I or aoroe time, ss ns
la planning another long trip, and will
probably have bo time to give tbe matter
attention again until ha returns. Ths
doctor's address is T Turner. M. D.,
Suite Ml A. Clark Building Syracuse. N.
T.. and any requests sent there during the
next few daya will be given prompt at
tention. We urgently advise all of our
stout readers to obtain this iroudsrful
book and begin reducing weight im
mediately, aa such an opportunity sa
this may never present Itself again. '
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