The Omaha Sunday Bee Magazine Page Copyright. 1913; by American-Examiner. Great Britain Klght rVeerred. MME CAVALIERI tails to her Urge audience of readers to-day on a theme of importance to all women, and it may be truthfully added, to all men. We often hear the complaint "I am losing my figure." The ilendemess of youth is lost in the enveloping blanket of flesh that years bring to tome, or the roundness of youthful contours disappears before the guanines of age. How to avoid both these evils is included in to-day's valuable advice on "How to Improve Your Figure." 'OiniOOinnllSl ilj cji ui nr o o imi mm mm mm iHfl mm UP oi ni UTT. I By Mme. Lina Cavalieri T Is well to scan your figure occa sionally In the mirror to satisfactorily do this you need a full length mirror and decide what are Its flaws and how to rid yourself of them. Perhaps you have a disfiguring stoop. Rid yourself of this, It neces sary, by wearing shoulder braces. You can buy strong, reliable ones at most drug stores, and you can make them for yourself with two strong stitched bands of muslin to which "cross pieces are attached. Fasten these to your corsets by safety pins. Perhaps that apparent stoop is due not to actual bending of the shoul ders but to a roll of superfluous fat that accumulates Jtut below the neck on women who bar attained thirty years, ot even before. Re move this unsightly blemish by sev eral methods. First, throw away your pillow and lie with head and feet on a level. Form the habit of standing very erect Stretch your arms sideways and on a level with your shoulders and twirl thm rap- , Idly backward. There are always several prepara tions which can be used to advant age If applied outwardly. Bathe the shoulders every night with this, rubbing It thoroughly Into the shoulders: Iodine ) M I OX Alcohol .....12 ext. . If your limbs are too heavy, as is liable to be the case In America, where women's figures are not as well proportioned as in many other countries, the lower part of the body being disposed to stoutness, walk much. This will reduce the bulk of the fat and make the muscles solid. Occasionally I receive letters Siting me to tell a girl how to make the limbs larger and more shapely. Massage with olive oil should en large them. To inquiries as to how to make the thin anklet plumper 1 nake the same reply. No figure is attractive If the hips ar out of proportion to the rest of the body. They should be neither too large nor too small, but In perfect sccord with the rest of the figure. If the rest of the figure Is thin and the hips plump the effect Is ludicrous. It the body Is smple and the hips flat the hips are incongruous.' Fashion may dictate broad hips one season and narrow hips the next, but their ideal else remains the same. They must look as though they belong to that body and no other. They should be amphora shaped, as any sculptor will tell you. An amphora, you know, is a large Roman vase with lines exquisitely curved downward. . Study the pic tures of statues of the ancient Greeks and you will comprehend the beauty of the hip line tn the natural figure. They are neither over heavy nor too thin. . The bones ahould be well cov ered, 'but there stould be so fat creases and no loose hanging skin. It there is too little flesh applica tion of olive oil will, Increase It But the fault In the American woman's figure Is that she is un duly developed about the hips. For this figure blemish It would be absurd to bant, for her whole body would diminish under It and the hips remain proportionately as large as before, Massage and ex ercise are the hope of the woman of overdeveloped hips. Rub briskly and firmly, with a strong slapping motion, this mixture, prepared es pecially for each application. Unaweetened butter, one table spoonful. Tincture of Iodine, 20 drops. Long corsets that are not too tight keep np a continual gentle 'Swing the right leg slowly and firmly sidewise raiting the foot as nigh as you can." at r X f m . ii LpLJdj V rfs K D w Tit HP. m t!7 wIvmw n f In the same fashion with the left, erlbed, the body straight, the chest V'-T f JjV?? (Za A r I Third, stand with the weight en and head high, the hetle together. FlTO'' , , J t,v I one foot and raise the other lea Rale the hinds sldewlse sbove thsft liVv tfJ- I I slowly, until It Is on s level with head, bringing the tips ef the fin- Wtef? I . IB me min. uw in im ana ; gsr logeiner. i nen, in tn posture fn.Wii.CitVA",;airVi1 AT6 'II repeat thla exercise many times that swimmers take before they "Via "V 1 '-KoC I 1 until you -begin to grow weary. I PI 'hen change the weight to that kr- I I ot and repeat the exercise with K N si-, (J e other leg. i J Fourth, stand aa I at first des cribed, the body straight, the chest V and head high, the hetle together. Raise the hinds sldewlse sbove the1 head, bringing the tips of the fin gtrt together. Then, In the posture that swimmers take before they dive, band alowly forward, keeping the knees straight, until the finger tlpa reach the ground. Repeat this until fatigue wamt you to ttip. Never exercise until weary. friction that helps to some extent In reducing the hips, but these should never be worn so tight as to compress the inner organs nor con strict the muscles. Better too re dundant hips than an Interference with the circulation, which may cause varicose veins or other seri ous complications. These exercises sre simple, but will be found exceedingly helpful "Raise the hands above the head, finger tips meeting, in the posture swim men take before they dive." If persevered In, In diminishing the hips: First, stand perfectly erect; the knees should not be bent The heels should be htld together. The palme of the hinds should rest firmly upon the hips. Second, twing the right teg tlow ly and firmly tldewite, raising the foot as high aa you can. This should not be suddenly or violently done. Rett tht wtrght of the body firmly on the left foot while eo do ing. Kick thue alowly a hah? dozen tlmee or more, until the muscles begin to be weary. Then shift the weight to the right foot and klek Beauty Questions Answered 8. D. stkt: "Will you please tell me something that will make my eyet darker? They are a light brown and have dark brown spots la them, which look quite funny." You cannot change the color of your eyet, dear child, but you can accentuate their color by taking especial care of your eyebrows and eyelashes, so that they will grow longer and thicker and lend their shadows to the eyes. Brush them every night and morning with an eyebrow brush to keep them free from dust The brush may be dipped Into ranollne at night There will be plenty of time for the lanoline to be absorbed by the akin during the night F. R. inquires: "Will you please publish an Inexpensive but effectual remedy for a red nosef Also one for pimples." For the red noee, loosen all your clothing, even to your garters, and wtar largtr collars, hose and gloves. For pimples, avoid rich food and aweets. Eat vegetables and fruiu. Drink water freely. The old-faah-loned Spring remedy, taken Inter, nally, sulphur snd molasses, an equal part mixture, should help to clear your blood, which must be freighted with Impurities. Occasionally eteam the face to rid It of Ita Impurities, but when you have accomplished this end, stop the face ateamlng, for It makes the akin flabby In time, and encourages wrinkles. E. W. aska what the shall do for aa oily skin, especially on tbe nose where the pores are large. ""This la a drying lotion and tends also to draw together the relaxed pores: ' Rote wster I oia. Elderflower water ..2 oia. Tincture of bsnieln Vt Tannic sold 10 grains F. R, tends me a lock of hair of ths beautiful golden shad w read about but rarely see. She ssys she "Stand with the weight on one foot and raise the other leg lowly until it is oa a level with the trunk." wants to wear her hair parted, but the roots of the hair being; darker than the ends the result la unbe coming,, giving her a piebald ap pearance. Shampoo at least one a week. Ute the Juice of two lemena In a quart of wattr for the shampoo. Occasionally substitute for the lemon Juice a tableapoenful ef ammonia. Rub this well Into the roots when washing the hair. Turned Him Down Test of Caste Seven Appetizing Ways of Serving Boiled Beef 3?LIhoki serve tht beef, accomiianied by some simple dressing. For this purpose the best thing is either tomato sauce or horseradish sauce. By A. ESCOFFIER ONE of tbe fundamental re quirements of good economl- cal French cooking is to " , D .. . know bow to make soup from a piece 1 OmatO bailee 101" BOlled of beef and then serve the boiled Beef, beef attractively afterward. OPAKE five to six large snd very rip The soup made from the beef Is tosjstoee. ram ore skioa sad teedt Boiled Beef Miroton. frHIS is soother popular dish from X take cart to remove tht bay leaf. Sprinkle with bread crumbs snd moisten with several drops of butter or melted lard, and cook to a gratia in the oven. called pot au feu, and ehouM be the best of the simpler soups. The way of treating the boiled meat are in numerable, and I explain only a few ef tbe best of them to-day. and chop them up. Then put them io a frying pan with two tablespoonfuls of olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper and a lhtle chopped pirsler, and if you wish a very small piece of garlic. Let H cook gently, and serve without pissing through a strainer. This is a useful economy. Making the Soup. rr HE following proportions sre cai- culated for lour or Sve persons. - r I -1 T XT I TlaAiiaet Place in saucepan about five puts oi DOllcU DtTCI a IA riUVCU cale. cold water and a piece oi beef a little over two pounds, chosen by prefer ence from the rump. Place tht sauce pan oa a moderate fire, snd as soon as the liquid gets hot snd the scum begins to farm take care to remove it immediately with a spoon. When the liquid has boiled thor oughly plac the saucepan at the side of the fire, so that the cooking may eantinoe slowly. When the scam has been completely removed add an CUT the beef in thin slices and ar range it on a gratia dish and cover it with tomato sauce a la Provencal, which has already been described. Put the dish into the oven snd let it sim mer for eight to ten minutes, and serve. It is best to terv with the boiled beef Provencal a dish of potatoes, either boiled or cooked in the ovta. ths pot su feu. Chop fine two or three onions. Cook them in a fry ing pan or in a saucepan with two . good tabiespoonfuis of butter or lard. Beef Saute a la Lyonnaise. CHOP fine two or three onions snd set them to browa in a frying pan with two or three tablespoMifuls of lard or butter. When the anions have takes oa a fin brown color add the boiled beef, which you have , minced. Season with salt and pepper, add a tiny piece of garlic and allow it to cook eight to tea minutes. Sprinkle the beef with a little parsley chopped fine, and moisten with a little stream of vinegar. To increase the sin of this uh, and thus make it more economical, you may add to tht beef aa equal quantity of potatoes, which yew have prepared in another frying pasv. When the onions have taken a hoe color add a good tableipoonful of flour. Let them, take a good brown color, and then moisten with a lntle beef liquid, in sufficient quantity to produce a rather thick sauce. Add a tablcspoonful of vinegar, a bay leaf, and season with salt and pepper ac cording to taste, and thea let the mix ture boil eight to ten minutes. Cut the boiled beef ia fin slices. Airing them oa a gratia dish, at the bottom of which you have put several tablespoonfula of since Surround the beet with slices of potato cooked la water. Plac on the surface several capers or some sliced gherkin snd a tittle chopped parsley. Cover it with the rest of the sauce, from which you 0 you really mean It sir. Bpooner, when yon aay I am the but gin la to woriar- asktd a young lady of an ardsat admtrsr. -Indeed I do. Dors." rsiponded tht young man. I say It again you are ths best girl In tbe world." "And tht loveliest I think you aaJdr -The loveliest without doubt -I think you aald something akeut my accomplishments, tooT "I did. I said they excelled these of any other girl." - -1 kellev you called m swoetr "A sweeter woman never breathed," quoted tht ardent lover. -Tou used tb word "perfect,' toe, did you notT" "1 Old. I look upon you aa tht pink of perfection, propriety, snd modesty, the empress of my heart tht peerless one among the beauteous creatures of your sei, a maiden adorable, enchant Ins. and worthy of tht hamf, of tb but man on earth. Bay the word that will make me the happiest man oa earth, my own Dora." "llefor I glv you an answer. Mr. Ppoonvr. I should like to ask you en question." A dosen. If you like." MOW. mtnd," said her moth to Ut- 1 v tie Doris, who was going to school for th flrtt time, "mind yea ar vary careful with whoa you stay. I want yoa to b (rlenos only with alee Uttte girls and bora." Little Doris waa a good girl, and ah went oft to school rmmbrlaf all br mother bad said. When she cam Dock her proud parent asked her how sn had tot on. "Oh. mamma." ah cried. 'Tte made friends with such ale Utu tlrli." "But Dorhl. " aald her mottiar, Tt told yu I dos t 111 you to auk friend with aay on muesa I know tboa my self." ' 'I know, mamma." replied ths llttl girt "but I'm sure they're very ale." "Oh I And what make you think that, dearr" aaked her mother, somewhat amused. "Well," replied the small on in a de elded toot, "tn family posmse two motor cam." Automatic dm win o enouan. Don t to think that you have treat deal of TBB timid husband and tna uin. assurance to expect a woman with at; I uu i. ... v..,.. . .V ' o excellent qualities to marr .uch " . . " " onion with two cloves stuck into it. th wait psrt of tw. leeks, s brinca variations of ine ueei soup rOU may add as aa additional gar- of celery, several leaves ot chervil. two carrots, a turnip, and a mite of garlic and half an ounce of salt. Cover th saucepan and take care that it does not stop boiling for two and a half to three hours. If you have a larger number of per sons thin thit mentioned to dinner, snd have used a larger piece of beef, th time must be relatively increased. At the moment of sitting down to table arrange the pieces of beef on a dish, surrounding them with the vege tables which hive been used in the cooking. Pour the liquid into a soup tureen, in which you have placed slices of toasted or baked bread. When you have eaten the soup you A. nishing to the family pot aa fen a quarter of a cabbage, which yen have previously passed through boil ing water and tied p carefully with string. Yoa may also add three to four boiled potatoes. Is this case yoa must use st least a pint more of water, miking six pints of wster for shout two pounds of beef. Th liquid of the pot au feu serves as a base for most of the soup. In a French household on the day when (fa i,Oirt uTs! K L - HSWXtXO me ing Salad of Boiled Beef. CUT the boiled beef in little pieces. Take tbt asms quantity of pota toes cooked in water, cut them into slices, and put th beef and potatoes in a salad bowL Add a little parsley tnd mixed herbs (fines heroes) chop ped fine, snd, if you like it. t little chopped onion. Sprinkle tht wholt with t vinaigrette sauce prepared in the following proportions: One coffee spoonful of mustard, ont toupspoonful of vinegar, three soupspoonfuls of olive oil, one coffeespoonful of silt, snd a pmch of pepper. Mia the wholt together thoroughly and you will oh- THE local member .f p.rU.m,s -.. th woman walked .lo.i- t .L. tain a very good dish, which may eloquent to put It vry mildly. In "ptain e bridge. form the principal feature of a lunch. B ow opln!on) ,t m u WM "Pleaae. sir." said she, addressing th eiusl to th finest word-deuvrr who k,,.k..i .h.. . . Tu tell my husband what to do If he has ever existed. an attack of seasickness?" On on occasion he visited a farming Th oid salt looked her solemnly for district la his constituency, and let him- few momenta, winked bis ere, and taea self loos In a flood of laruruat that replied: completely bewildered his audienoe. "It Isn't necessary to tell bins. He ll At th close of th proceedings th fust do It!" member approached Giles, en of th those excellent qualities to marry such an ordlnsry msa as your' Mr. gpooner Is still a bachelor. Hopeless th deck of th great Uner. which waa taking them far away from th sborea ef Eogland. Th sea was not nearly so calm at II might hav been, and tb ship waa roll ing badly. After a while th timid ones began to grow pale, a muttered con versation look plac between thenv and they hav. pot au feu they usually fol- -j- Diagram Show You the Location of All Cuts of Beef. The low it with some poultry or game, ac cording to the season, a green salad and a dessert of some kind. Shaded Sections Indicate the Cheaper Portions Used in These Recipes. Horseradish and Nut Sauce Novelty Recipe THIS is an excellent sauce to serve with boiled beef. Remove the skins from some walnuts, chop them fine and mix with the same quantity of grated horseradish.. Season this mixture with a dessert spoonful of powdered sugar and a pinch of salt. Add the juice of two lem ons and some fresh cream, in sufficient quantity that the sauce may be neither too thick net too thin. met rural of his rural friends. "Hell. Oil." said he. "what did yon think of my speech?" -Sir." replied th honeat yeoman, "yoa mlshl have typhoid and recover; yoa mlxbt hav pneumonia, and get orer It; yoa might hav scarlet fever and shak It B; but. hang m. if yoa ever ft lock law, you're done!" Thea th member west away and be gan to puis I It all out. Good Advice Signally Eaty. you waving ar your Emily Why handkerchief? AnaelUva Sine papa has forbidden Tom th hous w hav arnaaisd a cod take mother and I out to dinner nearly FATHER BERNARD VAUOHAN gars some ad rice to young men tn a h tu morous address oa th Ulaaetonka. "Popularity, popularity among th la dle. Is a great help to aay young roan." said Fattier Vanghan. "and tar I nothing like generosity to auk a young man popular. "I beard a lady praising a young mas the ether evening. He t so generous.' sh said. TT of sicnsls. Emily What Is It? Ansellm When he waves his hand kerchief flv time, that sseaas "Do yoa love mer And when 1 wav frantically In reply. It mean "tea. darling." Emily And how do ya ask other questions? Aagelina We don't That's tb who: cod. every week. W dot oa him.' "Then she smiled and added: " in fact, wo table d'hot on aim.' " Apt "What do ya do here?" asked a via. ' Itor to th circus ef th dwarf. "I amuse th people la a a ma! way." replied tb littles maa.