Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1912, SOCIETY, Image 10

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lilrl OilAiiA JSIMDAI BEE: tEBKL'AKl' 11, 1912.
JLiu Carmelite Chut ii Gnett of
-JCw Helea laft
Spends Week la (Mil Diane,
Sum i Teao kho aad
HIM Taft kuheo hMlw
at College.
artel Calendar.
HONTJAT Junior dob, leap year uet
at Chambers'; Hl Rom Coffman.
dinner (or atandish-Partiok wedding
party; uncoln dinner at University
club: Mia Rata Here. Btcraa Chi club:
Mr. ami lira U. W. Hrrvsy. dinner tar
Mrs H. M. McClaaaftaa ana MM
CUnahan; Tom aieore clue, dancing
i party-
TPESDAT-Mra Henry W. Tatee end
Mrs. Georte Voa, reception for Mm.
Cbarte C. Allen; Mr. and Mra. Herry
Uoorly, evening bndn for Mra. Wll
Mam Fullertoa: Dr. end Mra. Robert E.
Marble, evening reception; Mra. J. J.
Walker. traversal Circle Card dub.
"WKDXESDAT Vslentln' and fancy
dree party at Country dub; wedding
of Mies With Pstrlrk aad Mr. Myles
tandtah; Creighton Olss dub. concert
at Bov theater; Mra Clarke Peered,
tea lor Mra William Fullsrtoa of
Ottawa, III. : Mite Helen Nome, lunch
eon lor Mlea Merle Harden: Mra
Ueorge Plainer, afternoon bridge; Mini
Johneon end Brownell Hell faculty, at
home; Mlat Gladys etolooion. valentine
party fur Junior of Omaha unrrerelty;
Mra. J. CTKeete. children's party; Mra
lMdmeeeer, Golden Rod Card club:
Her. U W. Heaton. valentine party tor
children ef St. atephen's fc piece pal
Bunder at heal.
THTRSPAY-Mra, Lee Kennard and Mlat
Alloa Kennard, afternoon bridge for
Mine Gertrude white; wedding of Mlea
Bee Oould and Mr. Bd(r uaneood
Pol tare. Mra. M. M. Oould inf and Mra
Albert Krug. afteraaon triage; Omaha
Per dub, valentine dinner at Young
Wemess Chrlatlan aaeorietlon: tundee
Iienetnf elub, partr at Harte hall: Kt
A-Vlrp club, daaaa at Chambers.'
. rRIDAY-Cndet Officers' db af Omaha
Hlb school, daaee at Chamber': Mlae
leebet l-owden, stodlo tea; meeting of
Fort Crook Bridge elub; Children a
Iiandnc dub, party at the Metronoll.
tan: All ftlnii' Sunday school, party
at Wettlee' Memorial ball; Mlea Kate),
erlne Biaaoa, Debutante Bridge dub.
HATURIlAT Memnenr tight at foetety
of PIM Arte exhibit: Luuflae Peters,
masquerade dance; Mra Thomas Ring,
party for Mia Anna Ring.
A Omaha girl who haa been having
a delightful Uete ef aoclal tile a the
national oapltol la Mlat Canedlta Chase,
daughter el Mr. and Mm Clement Cbaae,
who gpent Mat weak aa the gueat of Mia
, Helea Tart In Waahlngtea, the week be
ing the mid-year vaeatJoa a Bryn Mawr
college, when the two reong wuine be
fore MM Tift left wen srheolssstsa.
MIM Chaee end her room-mate. Mlae
Helea Barber ef Portland. Ore, arrived
I at the White Heuee a weak ago aator
l day evening and atarted haraedhueiy en
a round of dinner, denes, theater par
tie, luncheon and tea. The event at
'Saturday evening wa a boa party ta aee
Tha Concert,'' at which Mlaa Chase wa
It. .a Clnd erMh Vi ill ! nad lira
.Tart and tha preeldeote al-de-oeme.
Gue& at White House
1 . .
Major Archibald Butt, wall Ml Taft
and Ik other rural occupied the sseood
I Sunday wa a family day at the White
Hour aad Monday wa filled with en
.gagemeata. chief of which wag a boa
, party at tha Balance theater to an "A a
. Ma Think," grrea by Mrs, Taft aad
IMIaf Helea Taft far their none gueet
i After the perform nc they war )otned
i by tha preaMoat and attended the South
ern ball et the New Wlllard hotel. Tnla
ball, given by aouthera peopl ot WMh.
Ilngtoa, I on of la prlnelpal aortety
area la at tb aeaeoa. Whoa the preel-
loent aad kla party entered the danetng
topped aad the younpar men and woaaaa
Igavg a mlauet ta thalr honor.
Tueeday eveaUg after dinner a famlll
'with Pre! dent and Mra. Taft, Ml Chaet
and the other houa gueeu attended the
lcaijrHaal roaepUea glvw at tha Whit
houa tor the aerator and reoreeentatlvea
land Ihetr tualllea The proMdeat aad bi(
.faialy received la tha Ma room with
t be eaVlset otfloer and their Vive.
.Supper la tha Mat dining room wa fol
lowed by a lane, la which tha young
Omaha woman, who haa not yotnade
(bar debut la aoctrtr. participated with the
j beau, and debutante of Waahtnatoa.
' MuM wa furrtlehed by the Marine band.
Mia Cbaa la not the firm of bar fam
ily te take part la eocUl affair at the
w bit Keuee. Dtuiner Praatdeat Arthur-
adanalatratloa her lather, wk waa ao
Iretanr be ffc lata SaaaUr Maadarsoa, t
hor another aa aha era aeaetlnf at a
large rwaawaa at the Walt Houa.
. ' 1 i
Cadet rlfkerr Map.
Tha annual cadet oftVenC b af the
Omaha HH caoat, tb all hnaertaat e
cial fuaetlea ot tha aadot regiment, wlU
be given at Cbambara rrlday avmlBS,
arnaa aboat eventy-ftv oup4ea dr -panted
ta ka prmiat
A a feature ef tb affair a swora
daaea will be glrea during the Interoue-
loa. la which only th commleooned of.
floor ef th regiment aad their partner
will be allowed t dance on tb floor.
Ttuo novelty wu ghrea last year and
proved a decided auocee. in thr dance
a nuaneer ot th girl are allowed ta
wear thalr partaer award and to
aura a strictly mun err nuen.
Th oeey corner will alao be a featur
ot tha hop and eoeeiaerablo tuna will be
pent by tha dab committee la charge In
decorating thorn far th eatoa, Le
Hlhoua dab will bare on earner fee.
teoned la gray and black, th dttb eol-
ora. and th Aanalof dub wUl have th
other la red aad whit, with touchc el
gilt maple leave Interwovan,
Tb flrat number ef th arerlng. th
grand anarch, will a led by Mlea Cbth.
oriaa Oould and Rex Healtenv raplala
of Company B aad preatdent of th Cadet
Otfloera dnb, Th affair will be In
charge at Malcolm BeMrkm, lieutenant
colonel ot th reatmaal. and Captala
UooMoa ef Cat pa ay B. Captala Arthur
a Oowaa. th new comceandent, will be
lnrtted a th gaeet of koaor.
keeiety jriafht at Shaw.
Plana far aaatety Bight at tb Autome
ui ahow are beuadlng along. Clark
PowoS. J. i. Dertiht. I. T. Stewart. Our
Smith aad tXd Barkaww are patuag
thaar head tagethor over th affair aad
any that they are ptaaamg ta naka th
ventas. Waiaay. February XL.
daily pliaaawt far tb
eecerta. The Aedltorlum will
rata with flower, palm and bunting,
aad tbar win b aeertal moato for the
eccaaloa. Thar will be a eatra fore
of entoxnobtl onthaaleata to abow eodetjr
maid aad manuaa the new eerie of
th Wl models.
v fraternity Baa Beta.
1 Tkla I tea aeaaea of tea year when
, many of the fratarnltlea and arorlN
iriprt mated la the mat antrorelty hold
ithdT banauet at taeota. Tb PI Beta
jphi atarted out ta baaejuet aaaaoa htat
t evening at th Uncoia betel. The Omaha
'yeung womea bekmglag to thai witty
I who attended the benquet and alao tb
laaaeal daaca which wta held rrlday
ft t 'X . -'v -f .tr !.
r v. t,:
I I " ' V ' - '
v i
night wore: Mia Oenerleve Ruth, Zora
Pltagarald, lard Scott and Oeorflan
Next la I he banquet bat oomee Kappa
Alpha Thot aorotity, which sir Ita
annual maaqaet on March I at th Un
coln beltd. following aa Initiation of
freehmen at th aorortty houa. Among
tha wh are planning to attend are
Mtaae Man liodg. Grace Rohrbough.
Helea BlUh.Anna McCague, Cola Del-
lee kee, lor Shield. Nell Randall and
Mra. John Mamma.
Delta Gamma aorortty will banquet In
Unoda March t and th Omaha member
of thw aoetety who will be present are:
Mleaaa Stbal Tuky. afarcaret Outherla
Beat Oould,' Ruth Oould, Helen Cheeaey
and Orotchea Willi rnaoa. Delta Oarrotk
will tlva It atnual dance la April. ;::
Kappa Kappa Oamma will not nttf
It aanual manduot until May 4. but l
bold It annual formal danca at th Iidr
eola hotel oa March t
A number of tha mtn of Phi Delta
Theta are planning to attend th baa-
quet of this fraternity March It Th an
nual baaawM at Phi Kappa Pal fraternity
will be held the last ot next month.
Reeeptlea for Col. aad Mr. Battler.
On ef tha largest affair ef th week
waa th reception and hop given by the
officer and ladle ef Fort Crook Friday
evening la boner ef Colonel Bultler, tha
new commanding officer, and Mra, Batt
ler. ,
Th (ueet from Omaha and Fort
Omaha war:
M1eo- Mlae
Louie Dinning Fraoue Gilbert,
kethertne MonrheadMay Mahoney,
Alice Cary Motlrawjiargsret Adam of
Iorothy Morgan. Jameetown, N. Y.i
merr ninawau, amy uiimora
Knight Wklta
W. K. Cindlrt.
George Hoc, mm.
Lieutenant Bell.
Klolae Jenke.
Ka Wallace.
Wilson Austin.
Taylor Belcher,
Ktmer Cope.
Frank llukell.
Captain and Mr. Wfenharrlck,
t'apialn and Mra Oowaa,
Lieutenant and Mr. Clark Lynn,
r. and Mra C. C. Hoee water,
r. and Mra Mortimer Allen, .
. Sir. and Mr. 1m llerdman.
; air. and re. i. M. Hwale. .
. Th poet gymnasium wa laborly
decorated with flaga and palm. Is th
reeelvlng tin war Coloael aad Mr.
Buttler, Colonel and Mr. Allaire aad
Mra, Atklaaoa.
Mrs. Buttler wore a beautiful (own at
oft lavender satin, th bodice draped
with thadow lace, which aleo formed pan
d for aklrt. A collar of ed pearl
wa wora with tbl coatum aad ah car.
rled a abeat bouquat of American Beauty
Mra. Allalr war a dainty evening
gown of whit eatln tiimmed with hand
embroidery and pearl. She wore a
wld dog collar of pearl with Band of
dlamoade art In platinum. I
I Mr. Atkinson war a beautiful gown
'of white satin with fishtail train, th
sown wa draped with hack Spanish lac.
fine Art Exhibit.
The opening ot the art exhibit aires
by th Society of Floe Arts will bo nut
Saturday night, which will b noddy
ight. On this occasion th aotlra and
aeeurtaie member of the society and a
few Invited gueet will have a private
dw of the picture which will be hung
la the northeast room oa the third floor
of the public library. Th large room at
th hand of the stair will b converted
into a receptions room with rugs, palmsj
ana riowvra. a narp wiu xurman music
aad retreehment will be served.
Th host and borterssee for the affair
will be the officer of the society, ot
which Mrs. Warren Back well is presi
dent, and th a pec 11 committee In chart
of tre exhibit Mrs. Lowrls Child, eh air
man: Mrs. Myron Learned. Mass Jessi
Millard, Dr. Harold Glftord and Thomas
R, Kimball. .
The exhibit comprise fifty-five pic
ture by contemporary American artist
and will be open to th publie two weeks
after the opening Saturday night.
February It 1M-M. Henry U Boea
of Omaha and Miss Emma Malneck ot
Jersey City. If. J., were wedded at th
residence th bride's parenta, Mr. and
Mra. John T.' Mdaecks. Mr. Chart
Met of Omaha acted a on of the
groomsmen. Many valuable and useful
gifts, among them an upright piano, were
presented to th bride. Amid a ihower
ot rice, the happy young couple atarted
tor an extended oouthern trip.
February O. mi Mr. Frederick Balrd
and Mlae Ruth C. Miller of Chicago cele
brated their marrtag at th bom ot the
ertde ' parent.
Peru Clul) Dinner
The Omaha Peru dub will gtv a Valen
tin dinner party at ta Young Women'
Christian aaoetUoa Thursday, Feb
ruary ft it I o'clock. Announcement
have beea cent out to about tte, aad It to
expected that at lout M will he present.
President D. w. Hayes .ef th Peru Nor
mal ha accepted aa invrtatlaa to be
present and will mak the principal ad
dress. Local man and women win
respond to toast. T. W. Blackburn,
third vice president of lb elub. will act
a loastmsater. The hoard ot manager
hare planned thia to be the big affair of
the season. It to the drat t th kind
held and It I thought all loyal Peru
vians will be there if pessibl. Th mem
bership ot the dub new numbers eighty,
but titer are at least Me ex-Peru dil
uent la th elty and aueurb. Member,
hip In th elub and attendance at th
banquet la open te all x-tutlnts,
whether graduate or not, alio husband
and wive of ax-atudenta. The wh
will become members ot th elub,
whether they can attend th banquet or
not, should sand their nsma and ad
dressee to Mtoe Bertha Rohtrk. secretary,
Ml South Twenty-fourth street.
Th purpose of the dub la te foster th
Peru aplrtt and keep freeh the memory
ef M Pent day.
Dinner reearvettoh should be 'phoned
or written to th secretary by Tueeday,
February it
At Omaha University
The Freshmen of the University of
Omaha entertained th ather students at
a "seed time college" Friday evening.
This was tha second ef a aeries of social
event being given by th ration claasea
of th school and wa one ef the most
anjoysbl affair of the year. Th early
part of th evening wa spent In registra
tion where course hi eonvarsatloa, seate
biltty. and csmpurtry ware assigned. Fol
lowing tbl there were a number of ex
aminations ot a kuawroua nature en
geography, literature, artthimtie, phyal
logy and chemistry, lb latter Including
several experiment under th Buperri
slon of Mr. Cart Man hall. Mr. Ola Ben
net acted a dean of the college and
conducted all testa. Andrew Dow wa
registrar and the only aatraace require
ment which wa enforced wa that every
one wa dressed la school dothe.
Th room war beautifully decorated
with school and coltoga pennant and
with blu aad gray, th color of th
Freehmen class Th ommnemnt ad
dress wag delivered from the domeatlo
arisae laboratory by Neal Parsons, pres
ident of th elaea Degrees, la th form of
rsfreshnjont. war served by the girl
ef the else.
Th board ef trustee who arranged for
th curriculum were! Oldham, Paisley,
Mildred Foster and Mabel Kelly.
Thoae present Wert:
rWeaMrcaw, AgneeNUln. ,
Bertha Wilson, Mildred Foster,
Irene Johnson. Lucille Hager,
Katharine Case, Clara Barn,
allea Undherg, Mary Alice Bid well,
..utu ruuney, liana beoue,
sera laaesii. taud wn,tley.
Knthenne watthia. joM.pojie nanu.
eieruia case, Lome Lnoeraiu,
.-" - -. Asuee still,
aguerite aiaer, nitt Leiuoueaax.
umi Whitley, jaa joniuun,
ixNiuo teiMuaa, zua junwr,
stay Yeata, ayotl Woouruff,
r-tnei uuiniquist, sxnel nooertsua.
Heien ianor, imrothy Bcuti.
Mrguriie acott, jvatnenne Nielsen,
Coua stennott, n.vVngaune eobao
Oiauys botooHin, sen.
ssanei Kelly.
Messrs. Messrs
A i met etoloroon. Stsnton raflsbury
allsworth Dvveraux.rorre.i nyri,
C A. Newman, Bay Keel,
n.ennllh tlmuusen, itoward Wilson.
Ueorge Pemvai. Robert Streblow,
U. luuwsxd Parish. Ueorge Johnson,
e-mory Aidssn, cuntun Hslsey,
Harry Jerome. Vviilie Smith,
turns Uaraner, Will Wuaon,
Neal Persona. Garrett I nuerhlU,
Charles rsndscn. Inland WykerL
Paul Helby. David Laraon,
Mebane Hamsey, Harry Hi ut.
Charles Waugh. Peter oirehlow, .
Ole Bennett. Olonam Palsisy.
ear. and Mrs. C O. Marshall
Th following mombsrs nf the T'ntvere.
Ity of Omaha faculty were si so present
Jisses- Mtraea
Vera hfln. SWma ,
Edna Sweeley, Augueta Knight. '
l-ruf. ana Mr. B. C. Currens.
Prof, and Mra W. N. hslsey.
Pleasures Past
Mra. John Buhb of Fort Cronk wa
host Saturday at a luncheon, when
twelve guest were preen t.
Mrs. Sol Dsxen. who will etve eH
of bridge parties, entertained yesterday
snrnooa. When tour tables of player
Elisabeth Bruce,
Rose Coffman,
Eugenie Wltmor.
Mra. Hugo Brandd uttrtsjned th
Ksasingtoa club Friday aftmin at bar
home, when the guest ot th club were
Mia Becker of Philadelphia and Mrs.
Mark ef Milwaukee. Eight members
wr present.
Mis Hi Id Hammer entertained at din
ner last evening for Mlae Edith Patrick,
Myloe Blandish and thdr wedding party.
Thoae present were Mis Ros Coffman,
Mlea mida Hammer, Mtia Edith Patrick,
Ksnnetk Patterson, Harry Koch and Cecil
Dixon of Chicago.
. Mia Euganle Whltmore entertained at
a kox party Saturday aftarnooa at th
Brand Is to see Mis Robaon. Thee pres
ent were: t
Clair Helena
Louis Dinning,
Katber Byrne.
. Th alumnae chapter ot Delta Delta
Ddta gav It regular monthly hinoheoa
t th Hamilton' Saturday, Th member
are:: ' ' .
Meadsms Meadames
E. a. Ceolay, W. 8. Rothery.
Junod. Marvin.
Misses MIsms
Stelia Shaw. Delay Bonlwli,
Nan Fnnklah, OuelL,
Sarah Taylor,
Th Beuhla Whlat elub waa entertained
Wedneaday by th president, Mrs, Ralph
Carley. Tb houa waa beautifully deco
rated la hearts and flower. Tha prises
wsr won by Mr. Russell, MV. B. Car.
ly and Mrs. Ralph Carley. Present were
Meedamea Burke, T. W. Cox. B. Carley,
R. Carley, I. B. Forgeroon. E. Oraffonl,
Tom Newman, O. W. Roberta Rawley,
J. Munro. J. B. Mastea, Russell.
Mra George Tlmme entertained at din
ner Thursday In honor of her niece,
Mis Loutee Rudat. of Cdumbua. Those
present were:
Misses Mine
Louise Dudst, . Luetis Jeddt.
Era Begley. EUle Tim me.
Anna Blank, Lena Timma,
Messra- Msra
Charie Barbe, Arthur Lewis.
Will Zlnuners, Otto Tlmme.
Sam Gelston. Frank Joadt.
Mr. and Mra. Edgar Anderson.
Wester Edgar Anderson.
Tb Diets dub gave Its regular dancing
party Wednesday evening at th dub
house at Carter lake. Those present were:
Kethertne Raymond,
Catherine Murphy,
Lucile Peterson.
Ethel Hibhe.
Neil sen,
Ethel Lynn.
Alfle Johnson.
Helen Swsnburg.
Usui Rann.
Nettie Schooler.
Helen Flanery,
Helea Dent,
Maraaret Past.
Ethel Heiatrlckaon. Rose Houska.
Norgai d.
C. C. Currle,
Henry 8chlet.tcr,
Jsme Flsnnagan,
Ai Blaufuee.
Ruarell Evtna,
Clarence Sargent,
K. J. riwaneoo,
O. C. Slaughter,
Bert Lynn.
AI Kellstrom.
Dr. F. C. Logs.
Dr. Hsves Gsantner.
Mr. and Mra John J. McMahea.
-Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Gaunt.
Mr. aad Mr. Royal Goff.
Mr. and Mra H. A. Jscobberger.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Edaa.
Mr. end Mra J. A. Hewett.
Mr. and Mra W. H. Plainer.
Mr. and Mra George Jonnosn.
Mr. and Mra J. K. O'Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Baumer.
Clarence Hall.
Prank Pp II roan,
M. W. Harmon,
F. J. Evans,
H Lafferty.
Freeman Bradford.
Art Jackson.
Wilrlam Dana,
Kelw Morgan,
O. N. Toung,
M. U Conkling,
Percy Ovnne.
For the Future
The Tom Moor club will enterum at a
dancing party Monday evening for the
member of th dub.
Dr. and Mr. Robert E. Marble will re
ceive informally on Tuesday evening a
housewsrmlng party la thdr new keen,
MM Evan street.
Mrs. Clark Powell will entertain at sn
afternoon tea Wednesday la honor ot
Mrs. William Fullartoa. gueat of Mra
Harry Doorly.
The members ef the Et A Vlrp dub
will give a dancing party at Chamber
Thursday svsnlng, when th gueet will
com dressed as children.
Ladles ot the Holy Family, court TP), ot
the Women' Catholic Order of Forest
ers, will give a card party Tuesday after,
noon at their hall, lilt Harney street.
Douglas Pater haa Issued Invitations
for a masqusrad dancing party to be
given at hi home Saturdsy evening.
The Invitations are written on red paper
la heart shape.
Mlsa Lewden will give a studio tea
Friday afternoon and evening. An or
chestra ot twelve young seh and woman
will furnish th muele and aa entertain
ment of dsnclng, pantomime and read
ing will be given.
Mr. and Mrs. James 8tewart Whit an
nounce the engagement ot thdr daugh
ter. Mlat Gertrude Whit, to Mr. Joseph
Charla MoClure, Th wedding will take
place la April.
Personal Gossip
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McKota are boast
from Chicago.
Mr. and Mra Victor Caldwdl stave
today for California.
Mr. and Mra Charles Kounts left yee-
terday for New York.
Mr. Joel West left yesterday for a three
week a trip te California.
Mr. Harry Doorly baa idurned from a
tan days' trip In the east.
Miss Mabel Hake will go to California
Thursday, ta visit flisnd.
Mrs. T. M. Orr baa rone to epend sev
er! wseka la Hw Orleaaa.
Mr. and Mra. WlUlara S. Rowe leave
Sunday evening for Davenport. Is.
Mr. and Mra, D. C. Bradford are ex
pected book tram California In a week.
Mr. George F. Munro left Friday to
pond a meetk or dx week la Le An
gslee, Cal.
Mrs. W. R. Cahlll and Ml France!
Meta left Saturday for a dk weak' day
In California,
Mlaa Oenlvieve Rush I 'Pending tha
week-end In Uncoln, where an went to
attend the PI Bet Phi formal.
Mis Katharine Bryant ef St. Paul, who
has been visiting her cousin, Mr. Harry
Nott, returned home Friday.
Mra Fullerton of Ottawa. 111., arrived
yesterday te be the gueet for a week of
Mr. and Mra Harry Doorly.
Mrs. Ernest Stunt baa gone to Shelby,
Keew where she will visit for several
day with her daughter. Mrs. George B.
Miss May Dillon ot Chicago, who ha
been the guest et Mrs. A. J. McAdams.
will be th ruest of Mis Stella Murphy
this week.
Mr. aad Mra Oeorgc C. Mcmtyre win
move the first of March to Dundee, at
UK Case etreet. the house built by George
H. Gillespie about a year ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Hamilton and
daughter, Excelona. are staying; with
Miss Ms Hsmilabn until March L while
thdr heme to being redecorated.
Mra. H. M. McClanahan and Mlsa Keth
ertne McClanahsn will leave next Thurs
day for Lea Angelee, CaU where they
will visit tor about dx weeks
Mrs. W. T. Robinston I at th Hotel
Aster, Times square. New York, where
she will vidt her nephew, Mr. Warren
Strode, who to In business In New York.
Mr. Conrad Young haa gone to New
York for a vielt of two week with hi
family and on his return will vlrlt his
elder. Miss Gertrude Young, at th Bald
win school, Bryn Mawr, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lomax left yes
terday for Ban Frsactooo. Mr. Lomax
has been spending a fortnight as the
gueet ot Rev. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Miss Margaret Adams of JameMown.
N. T.. who ha been vhnttnf Mr. and
Mra. C C. Rooswatcr. to now the guest
of Captain and Mrs. William Nesbltt at
Fort Crook.
Miss Myrtle C. Cole, who by reason of
1 1 1 i k.a huH nuiMbmI tA hee iMm
for eighteen weeks, I now abl to be up
and take short walk dally. II or ulti
mate recovery to now felt to b eertdn.
Mr. George M. Rlbbel end daughter.
Marlon, left' Wednesday for Monterey,
Cal., to visit Mrs. Rlbbel a daughtsr. Mra.
John Pullman, and Lieutenant Pullman,
who lately returned from th Philippines.
Mto Elisabeth Sweet left Wednesday
for BUoxl, Mlaa, to Jola a bouse party
with four other girls at the home of Miss
Rebecca Smith, who was her gueat hers
last falL Mis Sweet will be gon about
two months.
Mr. and Mra Carl Well and Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Levy ot Lincoln spent sev
eral dsys la Omaha last week
Chicago, where they trill spend several
weeks While In Omaha they were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. HehfekL
Mr. C. H. Pickens and daughter, Mlaa
Elisabeth Pickens, and Miss Gladys
Peters, left Wednesday for New York and
from there Mr. Pickens and Miss Pickens
will go to Florida, while Mlis Peters will
visit her alatar at Ely Court and friends
In Elisabeth, N. J., returning In sbout a
Mrs. Draper Smith wilt leave February
M for Chicago where ahe will Join friends
and go with tbsm oa a two months' trl?
through south and cart. Down the Ml-'
sisstppt to New Orleans, from there by
boat t Havana, through 'Jamaica la au
tomobile, by boat to New York, thea to
Washington aad Baltimore, through the
Tsnnsssee and Chattanooga mountains
and back to Chicago, to the Itinerary of
the trip.
Several schoola hsve begun preparation
for the obesrvaaes of the anniversary ot
the birth of George Washington, Feb
ruary S. Not only day publto schools,
but night classes as wall, will observe
th day. At KeUota school the most
laborate program will be rendered, tha
program baring been assigned. Pupil
aad leathers will take part la the oh.
Twnty-flv assistant kindergarten
teacher took examination yesterday to
qualify for director. Those making high,
est gradt will be promoted. Two teach
ers serve ever each kindergarten bund,
th director and th assistant teacher.
Th city 1 ahort of director and th
positions sr to be filled by promotions
from tb ranks.
All Our
318 and 320 South
I 6th. Street
All Our
Fur Sets
Great February (Clearance
All the beautiful and practical styles purchased for our own particu
lar trade and not for special sale now offered at mere fractions.
Russian Pony Coats Sold for
$59.50 and $65.00
eantiful Coats A
nade of fall skins
srith Skinner or bro- r
cads linings, full
length, will go in final
Clearance at
1$500.00 Hudson Seal Coat, final Clearance
price $225.00
2 I30M0 Hudson Seal Coats, final Clearance
price ., $150.00
104123.00 Near Seal Coats, final Clearance
, price ..$62.50
7 $73.00 Ponv Coats, final Clearance price
at : $37.50
9 $95.00 Marmot Coats, final Clearance price
at $47.50
All Fur Sets Half Price
Beautiful Dresses Sold from
$35.00 to $50.00
Practical styles for street or evening wear, in
light or dark shade. Ma
terials are Chiffons, Ifessa
line, Satin, Silk, Taffeta,
Velvet, Serge, Worsted
Cloths, etc Dresses sold at
$35.00, $39.50, $45.00 and
$50, final Clearance Price. .
1 $150.00 Evening Gown, final Clearance
Price : $59.50
1 $169.50 Evening , Gown, final Clearance
Price ..: ...$50.00
2 $95.00 Evening Gowns, final Clearance
Price .'....$39.75
15 $59.50 Evening and Street Dresses, final
Clearance Price $25.00
77 $25.00 Evening and Street Dresses, final
Clearance price ... $9.75
Our Stylish Coats Sold from
$25.00 to $45.00
All practical styles for street wear, afternoon
or motoring. The materials are Polo Cloths,
in white, dark colon or re
versible. English mixtures,
Worsteds, Cheviots, Broad
cloths, , Serges, etc. Coats
sold at $25.00, 529.75,
$35.00, $39.50 and $45.00,
$T5.00 and $69.50 Velour Coats, final Clearance
Price ..... $29.50
$59.50 Velour Coats, final Clearance Price,
at $25.00
$59.50 Sealette Plush Coats, final Clearance
Price ...$25.00
$30.00 Sealette Plush Coats, final Clearance
Price $19.50
$35.00 Sealette Plush Coats, final Clearance
Price $12.50
if ,
sir tun jiii
ill 1
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