Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1912, Image 1

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The Omaha Sunday Bee
Fair; .Warmer
VOL. XLI-NO. 34.
Eighth Annual Dinner of League, of
Republican State Clubi Sees
Party Principle Defended.
Connteh Encouragement and Good
Cheer to the Bank and File.
Impending Doom of Democrats Seen
in Their Own Disputes,
Secretary Would Put Foreign Serv
ice Above Partisanship.
billing and Going in Omaha
Fart? Dlffereaeee Ferawttea aad
DtMenlla Cesasalrteo at Cos,
areas Par Reeaeet ta II-
pabllraa Official.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 10 The eighth
annual dinner of tha League of Repub
Ucan Btata Cluba waa tha occasion to
night for an outburat of republican po
litical principle.
Rapraaantatlva Long-worth of Ohio
led an array of apeakara In thalr defense
of rapubllcan pollcle and attack on
tha democrat. Thoaa scheduled to
speak Includad Prealdent Taft, Secre
tary Wilson of tha Department of Agrl
culture. Senator Root of New Tork,
Representative E J. Hill of Connecti
cut and D. D. Woodmanaee of Clncln
nail. Governor Goldsborougti of Mary
land waa unable to attend.
Captain John O. Capera of South Caro
lina acted aa toast muter.
Representative Longworth counselled-
"encouragement and food cheer" to re
publicans, declaring he waa not disposed
to throw up the aponfe before the flint
begins and a reulna that the democrats,
anyway, could be counted upon "to do
the wronf thine at the rlfht time."
"If we can put -cool cheer into the
hearta of our fighting men," ha said, "It
doubt shall give plaea as confidence and
apathy to entbueiaam wa aball win another-
victory next November and tha
man whom wa shall renominate at the
republican, convention In June will be
the next president of the United Bute."
Mr. Loarwortb claimed bo aaw pending
doom In the controversies among demo
crata for the presidential nomination and
he attacked their tariff acttvttlea In the
bouse. '
Km seeks at Baaewot.
The crucial need of having tha Ameri
can foreign service high above the tides
and eddies of partisanship waa the key
note of a speech which Secretary of State
Knox delivered tonight aa- a banquet
given In hie honor by the house oonv
mlttee on foreign affairs at the Pan
American Union buudlng. Mrs. Knox
waa a also a gueat and many diplomats
and representatives In congress were
Tarty differences were forgotten. A
democratic committee of a democratic
congresa In a hall dedicated to the cen
tral and southern American republic, paid
its respects to a republican secretary of
State. Representative Sulxer of New Tork.
chairman of the foreign affairs commit
tee, presided. He introduced Secretary
Knox as a constructive statesman and a
diplomat of world wide experience, of
whom "the people of America are Justly
Secretary Knox told how tha manage
ment of foreign affairs throughout the
American revolutionary period rested in
the continental congresa and how states.
In congress assembled, transacted foreign
business through their committees and ap
pointed agents. ,
LONDON. Feb. 10,-Ernest Terah
Houley waa sentenced today at the Old
Bailey to a year's Imprisonment on a
chargo of obtaining money by fraudu
lently representing as free of encum
brances soma property he had sold to the
ilooley waa one of tha most prominent
financiers in Kngland from 1S1 to WW.
when he waa declav-wd bankrupt. Ha had
been regarded saa one of tha wealthiest
men In the country, acquiring bis riches
by the promotion of numerous companies.
The. Weather
ft. iU K s
f ' li Mm ' 0l ' V W
, 4 m fcpm wit $-X
A III, JSSUji W&imm
tsSS-' e ' A TREAT Iff 5T0RE
QETTIlrQ BUSY vu.orimi vt iji iijiisAi i-iiKivirtiuzv : 11
i Lvr ' A. ,
1 ."' y:-
FOR NEBRASKA Oenerally fair.
FOR IOWA-Oenerally fair; rising tem
perature. Tcsnperatnr at Omaha Tewterday.
Hours. . Peg.
i a
i. a
1 a. m 3
S a. m i. 22
ta. m a
M a. m 26
U a. m. -..
U m 94
1 p. m m
I p. m
1 40 !
i. m 41 1
p. m 4
( p. m at
1 p. m
S p. m si
ComparattTO IfOeal Reeeed.
1912. 1S1L Me. 1306.
Highest yeeterday 41 47 J4 26
Lowest yesterday 17 1 10 ' 5
Mean temperature Z 22 H la
PrecipiUtioa T .01 .0 .00
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature 22
Excess for the day 7
Total excess since March 1 SSI
Normal rainfall .04 Inch
Deficiency for the day 04 Inch
1 ,ial rainfall since alarch 1....H.4S iirfhes
Jieflciency eince March 1 US1 inches
lieCcieacy for cor. period 14. 7J Inches for cac sarul lata. 4Ji i ifhra
Hebraikan Says it Would Be Sui
cidal for Democrats to Nomi
nate Ohio Governor.
Message la Betas; teed la Oklahoma
la Connection with Primary 'ta
Elect Delegates a State
State Cenventtoa.
think it would be suicidal to nominate
Harmon or anyone else favored by Wall
This message bearing the name of W.
J. Bryan, waa received today by United
States Senator Gore from Sinton, Tex.,
by telegraph and Is being widely circu
lated over Oklahoma today. Precinct
primary elections to select delegates to
tha democratic state convention are un
der way In Oklahoma today. v
EvU tienlae aS Deatarraey.
WAaULNUTON. Feb. 1& William. J.
Bryan waa held tip to the bouse as the
evil genius hovering on tha flanks of
democracy" by Representative Martin, K.
Dieaxf Texas, who spoke la reply to the
Commoner's latest attack oa the demo
cratic membership of the house.
Democrats and republics na alike cheered
Mr. Dies' declaration that be "neither
feared the power aor respected the Juilg-
atent' of the Nebraakan, and bis further
announoemem we. Democracy unuer iiie
leadership of Champ Clark and Oscar W.
Underwood waa headed toward complete
success swept the democratic side of the
house Into storms of applause.
'1 am almost ready to Join Governor
Wilson in his desire to find some decent
and orderly manner of 'knocking Mr.
Bryan into a cocked hat,' " said Mr. Dies
amidst a roar of democratic lauguter and
Mr. Dies' attack on Mr. Bryan fol
lowed the latter'a declaration In the last
Issue of the Commoner that tha thirteen
democrata who voted against a recent
amendment in the house to require pub
licity of all recommendations to the
president en judgeship appointments were
unworthy to represent a democratic con
Mr. Diet declared that if Mr. Bryan
had spent as much time "reading law as
he had attacking democrata In public
life he would have known that the pro
posed law would be unconstitutional and
an Infringement of the president's rights."
Leads ta Defeat.
Mr. Bryan has led the democrats
through three disastrous defeats," cried
Mr. Dies. "Like the Bourbons of old he
has learned nothing and forgotten noth
ing. He points our column straight to
the rocks of St, Helena.
The people are ready to give us mora
power. In this situation It la a calamity,
it not a crime for Mr. Bryan to sow
seeds of discord In the ranks of the party.
"Whatever we do hero displeases him.
Tha prospect of democratic success seems
to anger ids very aoul. , I prefer to fol
low the leadership of the gentleman from
Alabama I have followed Don Quixote
of Nebraska 'until I am wearying of a
war upon windmills. I demand to be led
against the flesh and blood enemies of
The conclusion of Representative Dies'
attack was marked by general applause
and tha clustering about blm of demo
cratic colleagues who shook his hands.
Bryaa Petltloa Filed at Llaeala.
LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. W.-A petition
slgued by MOt democratlo voters of the
tale waa filed by friends of William J.
Bryaa aero today, requesting that bis
name be placed on tha ballot aa a can
didate for delegate -at-larxe to the demo
cratlo national convention. The list con
tains the names of representatives of all
faetlona of the party Including that of
one other candidate for the same plate
on tha ticket. The petition of Dr. P. U
Hall, vice president of the democratic
national committee for re-election as
national committeeman, waa filed this
afternoon. It bat. approximately 1.000
Passenger Carrier
Drops Nearly Two
Hundred Feet
CASPER, Wyo, Feb. M. While a gang
of workmen were crossing the Platte
river today en aa aerial tramway at
the government Pathfinder dam, fifty
miles southwest of here, the cable brohc
and tha carrier and Its human freight
dropped to the rocks, 1S feet below.
Five mea are reported dead and several
badly Injured. Doctors and undertakers
left here for the scene this mora in, bat
no details have been procurable.
The National Capital
Saturday. Febraary 10, 1013.
Tiie Senate.
Committee on privileges and elections
adopts report exonerating Senator Steph
enson from charges of corruption by a
to vote.
Understood Senator Cummlna and pro
gressives will fight confirmation of Myron
iT. Herrlck aa amaassador to Fraiice.
The House.
Solicitor McCabe contlntiea explanation
of Agriculture department'e attitude In
Florida Everglades land case.
TenUinnny regarding labor conditions In
United Mates Steel corporations subsi
diaries continued before steel trust In
Uurstlonlng of George' B. Cortelyou
alout Lewis fraud order waa continued
before poatnfflce expenditures committee.
Charged before committee on expendi
ture in War department that President
Taft shielded Major Kay, a paymaster,
from court-martial because of Ray'a po
litical services In IMS.
Mexican Troops Will
Not Be Permitted to
Pass Through Texas
WASHINGTON, Feb, HV-Tbe Staid de
partment "lias concluded to decline the
request of the Madera government tor
permission for Mexican troppa to cross
The Eighteenth Infantry battalion,
with a machine gun detachment, will re
lieve Colonel Steever'a cavalrymen on
guard duty at El Paso and enable the
latter to patrol the border.
A battalion of the Eighteenth Infantry
haa been ordered from Whipple Barracfca,
Aria., to El Paso, Tex. Tha situation at
Juarex, opposite El Paso, la reported to
be ugly, the Insurrectoa being much dis
turbed over the threatened entry of Ma
dera troops Into that place by way of
American territory.
Tha withdrawal of permission for Mex
ican troops to proceed over American
territory really amounts only to a delay
until .a complete understanding la reached
as to the number of troops to pass.
When the first request of the Mexican
government was granted by tha State
department, it waa understood that only
about 400 men were Involved for gar
risoning the post at Juarex. Later much
uneasiness was expressed by Texana, v. ho
feared that Mexico waa going to nee the
American route for a general mobilisa
tion of troops to suppress any outbreaks
In Chihuahua. Upon representations
from Governor Colquitt of Texas the first
permission waa held up.
Discussions are now going on between
the American emBassy at Mexico City
and the Mexican federal government to
make It clear that the American State
department granted permission only for
the small garrison to go to Juarex.
EL PASO, Feb. W. Advices received In
Juarex today are that 300 federal soldiers
and SOD mounted ruralea are held at
Jlminex, south of Chihuahua, by de
stroyed bridges. They are en route north
to campaign against the revolutionists
west of Chihuahua.
Tha rebels at Casaa Grandea last night
made up a train and ran north to the
vicinity of Santa Sofia, where they
burned two more bridge on the Mexico
Crowds of Juraex and surrounding vil
lages have been formed Into volunteer
defense corps ahd supplied with arm to
resist any attack that may be made
upon Juarex.
Taft Gives Friends
of Hook More Time
WASHINGTON. Feb. M. - President
Taft haa decided to delay until late next
week tha appointment of a aueceasor to
the late Justice Harlan of the United
State supreme court. Friends of Judge
William C Hook have asked the presi
dent for more time to present his claims
and to offset the adverse effect of the
'Jim crow" law decision in which he par
In the meantime various protests have
reached the W hite House against the
proposed appointment of Secretary of
Commerce and Labor Charles Kegel.
These protests hare come largely from
labor organisations, the complaint being
that Secretary Kegel had been too lib
eral In hi enforcement of the Immigra
tion laws.
BERLIN. Feb. Ml Dr. Spahn. leader
of the clerical center party, who yester
day waa elected president of the Reich
stag, announces that he will reslgp the
chair on Monday. He gives as his reason
that be declines to be aaeoclated with a
socialist vice president- The first vice
president of the hou, who also was
chosen yesterday, la Philip Schiedemann,
asMaahat. .
Pittsburgh Newspaper Man .Testi
fies in the Steel Trust
He Pare Mea Were Blarkllaled
Beeaas . af Their t'aaaeelloa
Milt Labor Orawalaa
tleas, WASHINGTON! Feb. in.-The Amerl
can Tin Plate comiany's employment of
foreign laborers to take the places of
American strikers In Pittsburgh in 1M
came up ot today's session of the Stanley
steel committee.
W. O. Irvln, vice president of the com
pany, which Is a subsidiary of the United
Statea Steel corporation, admitted that
the company had advertised for Syrians,
Poles and Roumanians.
J II. Seldea, Pittsburgh newspaper
mtn. tvsllftpd that tha ateel corporation
maintained a blacklist at several thou
sand men discharged because of their
connection with labor unions. He said
the list waa la the Rands of H. A. Eagle,
city editor ot the Pittsburgh Leader.
PITTOflURtlH, Fob. KWlfe, .' got
1 black list tb American Sheet and Tin
late company kept." said II. A. Eagle,
city editor of th Pittsburgh Leader, to
day, "The Hat waa turned aver to w,
but how does not matter now. It con
tains l.OnO mi mea and many of the men
on It never knew they were blacklisted."
Swinney Tells of
Seeing Kimmel Shot
in an Oregon Forest
BT, LOUIS, Fch. ia-John B. Swinney.
a New Mexican ranchman, testified In
the Kimmel mystery case In the United
States district court today that he killed
the man who shot George A. Kimmel
dead In a forest In Oregon August 14,
ISa. two weeka after Kimmel disappeared.
The witness 1a an acknowledged two
time convict.
Kimmel. In company with the late Rob
ert M. Snyder of Kansas Citv, a man
named Johnson and Swinney, according
to Swinney' testimony, kit Kansas City
the night of Klmtaei'a disappearance fur
Coos Bay, Ore., to search for a burled
treasure of HO, One in gold.
After finding M.OW of the treasure, ac
cording to Swinney, Johnson and Kim
mel quarreled In the woods. Johnson
hot Kimmel. Swinney In turn shot and
killed Johnson and Swinney and 8nyder
burled the bodies of Johnson and Kimmel
In the same grave, covered It with leaves
and quietly slipped away.
SwinKey testified that Snyder took Kim
mel' effect and Intended to send them
to hia mother, but that Snyder waa afraid
to do so. The claimant, Andrew J. White,
former convict, was not In court todsy to
hear Swinney a atory.
Five Will Make
Minority Report in
Stephenson Case
WASHINGTON, Feb. W.-lly a rote ot
to 6, the senate committee on privileges
and elections today approved the report
of the subcommittee, exonerating l-ena-
tor Stephenson from chargea of corrup
tion in connection with hia election.
Senatora Clapp. Jones. Kenyon, Kern
and Lea voted in the negstive and will
present a minority report to the senate.
They took the position that the expendi
ture of In the senatorial primary
raised a presumption of wrMis-lolng on
the part of Senator Stephenson and ttat
they failed to find In the evidence that
such a presumption bad been removed.
Senators Dillingham, Gamble, hey-
bum, Sutherland. Johnston, Fletcher,
Bradley and Pomerene voted In favor of
Senator Stephenson. Senators Oliver and
Paynter were not present.
INDIANAPOUS, Feb. Th local
council of women today employed a de
tective agency to In vest If ate th death
ot Dr. Helen E. Knabe, whose body, with
the throat cut. waa found m her apart
ment last October. According to Dr.
Amelia Keller, president of the council
and close friend of Dr. Knabe, all clues
are to be followed "no matter where they
Since Coroner Durham filed his report
declaring the woman's death a case of
murder the Investigation be been at a
standstill. The police have maintained
that suicide waa more plausible than
the murder story.
Permanent Committee Organised at
Conference in Chicago.
Klsfct Governor Address Letter ta
(eloarl Ksplalalac Parpeee aad
HrejaeA Rlalesaeat that He
Will Accept Sasalaatloa.
CHICAGO,' Feb. 10.-Klght governors
and delegates from twenty-eight states
met hero today and In an Informal con
ference organised a erinanent commit
ter to push the candidacy of Theodore
Roosevelt for the republican nomination
for president. The governors, at an
exeutlve conference by thrmeselves, ad
dressed a letter to Colonel Roosevelt In
which they explained the purpose of ihe
m.etlng and expressed a desire that ha
let it become known that a demand from
the people that he accept tha nomina
tion would not be unheeded by him.
Th permanent organisation of the
committee, which VIII carry the Koose
velt fight to the convention. Is aa follows:
Chairmen, Alexander H. Revell; vice
chairman, Edward J, Urnndage; secre
tary. Edwin W. 81ms; treasurer, Dwtght
La wren -e. An axejutlv committee ot
seven member) will bo appointed later.
On jvill rpl( the delegate toll ot work
already dona toward promoting tha for
mer president'! candidacy. Several re
ported complete organisations. Governor
Hsdley .of Missouri, Governor Oeborn of
Michigan and former Governor Fort of
New Jersey described plans of campaign
nearly completed.,
The meeting was without disagreement,
end the resolutions adopted declared that
"all are agreed Theodore Roosevelt Is the
one man who can, at this time, unite all
elements of Ihe party and attract a large
number of Independent voter."
The resolutions further favored "an ex
pression of the people's choice for presi
dent by direct vote for a candidate In each
state," and appealed to all agreeing with
that sentiment to loin the movement.
They concluded .with a proteat "against
the use of organised political machinery,
based on patronage, to deprive the people
of any Y?lce aa to their real choice."
Fifty Men Rescued .
from a Coal Mine
Near Danville, HI.
DANVILLE, III.. Feb. W.-After being
Imprisoned in the shaft ot the Fair
mount Coal company'a mine near this
city for fifteen hours, fifty falners were
released early today by nen who had
chopped the Ire from the shaft. The
men were entombed yesterday by the
breaking of a wheel on tho cage while
the rage was about 100 feet below the
Court Asks Mitchell
to Make Promises
WASHINGTON. Feb. lo.Justlre Dsnlel
T. Wright of the District of Columbia
supreme court at the close of John
Mitchell's testimony In today a hearings
In the contempt proceedings axalnst
Samuel Gompers, ! John Mitchell and
Frank Morrison, "strongly recommended
the propriety" ot Mr. Mitchell's making a
promise to the court that he would obey
all court Injunctions in the future. Justke
Wright Intimated If Mr. Mitchell made
such a promise before the close of the
proceedings the court might consider Im
munity lrcm imprisonment.
Mitchell gave no intimation as to his
TOPEKA. Kan.. Veb. la-Joseph R.
Gentry must serve from one to five years
In the atate penitentiary for the part he
took In the kidnaping of Marian Bleak
ley, the "Incubator baby" here, three
years ago. The supreme court today af
firmed his sentence on a charge of as
sault made by C. H. Belknap, who was
struck on the head with a revolver in
the fight for possession of the baby. E.
H. TiUotaon ot Kansas City, who planned
the kidnaping and waa sentenced to the
same term, haa appealed to the supreme
DELAWARE. O.. Feb. M.-Prof. T. C.
O'KaUie, avftrd 82, author of many hymn,
dltd hre today folowfos a atroka of
apoplexy. Amonr hia hmet known hymn
are "The Home Over There." "Waiting
at tha Dour' aad "On Jordan's Storm
Executive Committee Decides to
Pnsh President's Interests
Pelltloae for Kadoraemeat af Pree
Idrailal aad t'oaareaaloaal
Fleeter aad Alteraalee
Ordered Prepared.
Resolving that William Howard Taft Is
entitled to be renominated aa a candidate
for pros dent of the I'nlted States; that
he la entitled to the support and the en
dorsement of the republican party, and,
all thlnga consldeied. Is the most de-
slrshls man mentioned foY the position
ot chief executive, the executive commit
tee of the Taft Republican club yester
day decided to Inaugurate and conduct
a most vigorous campaign to bring about
the desired results. '
' The Taft meeting waa held at the offices
ef John Lea Webster, ehalrnvig ot Ihe
executive committee of the Taft club, and
waa largely attended. It waa decided to
open campaign headquarter in Omaha
and Secretary Morrow was authorlted to
find wultabl rooms and report bark to
Cltalrmatl Webster, wid. With tile tindtw
ootnmlltee, will act.
Will C lrralale Petllloas. ' :
Secretary Morrow was Instructed lo ar
range for petitions which are to be circu
lated in Omaha, South Omaha and every
precinct In Kouglae county, therein the
signers pledging their support to William
Howard Taft and asking him to become
the presidential candidate of the republi
can party. It la tha desire to have the
petitions circulated and returned at the
curliest possible date. If la expected that
Inside of ten daya they will be signed by
at least S.UM voters. .'.
A financial committee, consisting of W.
II. Bucholx, Victor Itoeewater and Rome
Miller, was appointed to arrange for and
secure necessary funds for Inaugurating
the campaign.' '
Petitions fur the endorsement of the
presidential and congressional electors
aud alternates were also ordered i-repared
and circulated. The electors are;
Presidential-John Lee Webster, A. W.
Field, K. B. Perry and R. B. Schneider;
alternates, C. B. Adams, C. A. I.'happeil,
F. M. Curry and '. K. Hutxinger.
Congressional or I)istrlct-J. Cullen Root
and N. P. Swanson; alternates. C. L.
Saundera and F. P. Clarldge.
The next meeting of the executive
committee will be upon call of Chair,nan
Webster, but it will probably be within
a couple ot weeks(when progress will
oe reponea a no more plana formulated
fur pushing tho Taft campaign in Douglas
county and Nebravka.
Congressman Mckinley will Start
ThlngB ea -Moaday.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 10. -Taft campaign
headuuartera will be opened here on Mon
day or Tuesday and will be known as the
National Taft bureau.
Ktprescntntlve William B. MeKlnley of
Illinois, chairman of the republican con-
gresslinsl committee and recently selected
sa pre-conventiun manager of the Taft
campaign made the announcement today
after a conference with Secretary Hllles.
Miss Cameron Will
Get Part of the
Hawley Estate
BABTIaONp L. I., Feb. 10-MiJi Mar-
garet Cameron, the protegee of 'he late
Kdwln Hawley, the railroad iiulllonalre.
Indicated to fri?nda tliat ahe nan found
a document or will under which she be
comes entitled to a share in estate.
Kelatlvea of Mr. Hawley assert that he
died Intestate and have applied (or let
ters of admliUatrotlon. M ti Csmron Is
reported to have found th cocument
d urine a vilt to the railroad man's cci-n-
try home early this wee.
NEW YORK. Feb. W -Another mcetV-I
of the Hawley heirs, held at Chatham.
X. Y., has remitted. It Is reported. In aa
agreement that none of the financier's
railroad securities will be sod for five
years. Flans were made. It la said, to
create a holding trust for the railroad
properties of the estate.
WASHINGTON. Feb, Ml An amend
ment of the cirll service rules re!atlxxg to
removals which assures persons ta the
government service that "no discrimina
tion shall be exercised for political or
religious reasons" and which makes
other Important changes, waa pwnul-
gated by President Taft today.
Former Governor of Missouri Ad
vises Hit Friends to Kally to
Support of Clark.
He Says State Should Giro Him.
Solid Delegation.
Record in Congress Makes Him
Friends id Other States.
Ambition Should Be Subordinated to
Interest of Party.
Withdrawal of Mr. Folk Cos aa
Resell af Segotlatteaa fee Dlw '
alaa of Delegatlaa, ae Sag.
gested r Bryaa,
ST. LOUIS, Feb. lb-Former Governor'
Joseph W. Folk retired from the race
tor Indorsement In Missouri for tha dem
ocratlo presidential nomination today ta
agreeing to a proposal made by Speaker
Champ Clark. 8peakar Clark wanted
Mr, Folk to agree to a divided delegation.
Mr. Folk did (hlay and at tha same time
released all of hia frtenda from giving
him their support.
Mr. Folk authorised the following etste
ment: "I have read Mr. Clark's statement with
pleasure, and sincerely appreciate th
spirit manifested therein. 1 heartily con
cur In tho sentiments that ambition
should be subordinated to th Interest ot
our party m Missouri, and now that Mr.
Clark haa expressed, a willingness to havo
this delegation divided between him and
myself, as suggested recently by Mr.
Bryan, I shall now request my friend to
make no further effort in my behalf.
"I bc(leve, from reports received from
ether Hat, that Mr. Clark, owing lo
hia prominent position in Washington at
thl time and his lone and honors his acre-
lee Qiere, has nerbapg better chances tor
the romfnatMy-4!ien any other Ml sour
Ian, and I shall therefore release all
claims I may have oa the delegation and
request my friends to Join with ma la
giving Mr. Clark Ihe united support ot
Missouri In this contest'
it lark' Ktalrsseat.
Mr, Clark statement as received by
Governor Folk follows:
"Kspeclally dedroua of bringing Ihe de-
moorary of Missouri together and to
avoid as tar as possible any acrimony la
the stale, 1 have, after consultation with
numerous friends and on duo delibera
tion, determined to agree to and accept
the suggestion made by Mr. Bryan to dl- '
vide tha Missouri delegation to the na
tional convention between Governor Folk
and myself. Provided, always, ot course,
that tha democrata ot this stste are la
k no mean lur one ur iiiv uiuvr vi us.
"I am especially anxious that there
should be harmony and co-operation
among the democrata or Missouri.
Whether the Jnplln convention would be
for me or Governor Folk la a question
which it la unnecessary and which would
be booties tor me to discuss now. It la
sufficient to lay that In tho Interest of
hearty harmony in this state I hare de
termined to Bay that I am willing to ac
cept the euggestlon mado for a dlvlalon
of the state delegation, and I hope my
friends throughout the atate will heartily
agree to this suggestion and co-operate
with me In carrying It out."
First Proposed by Bryaa,
The agreement reached today by
Speaker Clark and former Governor Folk
was first proposed by W. J. Bryan, while
he was here recently. Mr. Folk waa
willing to agree to a divided delegation
at tha state convention, but Speaker
Clark's local manager rrrweed Mr. Bry
an's suggestion.
The matter was recently Put up t Mr.
Clark in Washington aad he telegraphed
Mr. Folk today. A conversation, by tele
phone shortly before noon between the
two followed. Mr. Folk then made pub
lie his announcement.
ln Sanders, campaign manager for
Mr. Folk, after the statements were given
out said:
This practically means Mr. Folk's
withdrawal from tha presidential race."
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