THK BEB: OMAHA, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 10. 1912. A Orkin's Douglas Street Store GREAT PURCHASE AND SALE Mr. J. B. Orkin Bought at an Unheard of Low Price for Women adn Misses 1500 New Dresses Made up of French serge, silk and chiffon, and fi O actually worth from $12.50 to $19.50, Saturday VD 13 o Q alls jrr iHIS GREAT SALE of 1.300 New Spring Drnm li th fruit of woswlerfnl parrhMo mad lr J. B. Orkla, oar txeaicVras New York bujrrr, at aa aabeard of low price. We have In the part snarie eonoertsl pan-iiasrs aau aria great sale, nut awer n w history hare we bought ublfa quantity of bili grade drewra at audi aa unusually low price awl nerr hare we offered enrh area value. The rerr fart thai it ia a anerJal ula at this store will hriae the crowds, beranse the shrewd shoppers .of Omaha aad vicinity hava Irani ml that a snecial aka at this store mrans bic auanliur. high quality and low price, bat la this iasUBce wa wast to say that never before bare we offered aa big a variety and at such remarkauie oargaia price. We guarantee even garment to be worth froai 12.50 to S1V.SO. While the assortment Is the largest we ever had, yet the first choice la always the best, f I f WW A-sW 11L1A .sVeAsVsVXaW A Vji The materials are French Serge, Silk and Chiffon, made up In all the new style models. Col ors are black, blue, brown, grey, black aad white stripe, brown and white stripe, etc Wonira's aad Mimes' stars. $12.50, $15.00, $17.50 and $19.50 DRESSES, SATURDAY, at . . . QWlr"W flrlVl" JL ' a iSjlr" Jlr" M VL as SOME DISAPPEARING TYPES Old Standby that Have Vanished with the Good Old Day. FAVORITES Df HAS-BEE5 CLASS Where, Oh Wlurse, la the Cerpetbaa:, th Oatten Umbrella, Copper, j Teed Beets, Faper Cellars ' aad Whiskers. The farmer with the carpet bag and tbs crop of lone whiskers bss disappeared completely from real Ufa and- exists only in the Imagination! of the near -art Ills who make alleged funny pictures. What bas become of blinr A reporter stsrted out tbs other Say to try and find out Us discovered that tbs ssms old farmer exists yet, but la aver thin ning: ranks, and always without the car pet bss and nearly always without the whiskers. The average farmer that comes to town tnee days IS dressed snd looks Just like say other business man. But oooaaloneUy a real old-fsshioned "bay seed" osmes la town, but be never cersle s carjxt bar ' Ths-shiny black valise of glased, esaraa in. Unltatioa of leather, and the, canvas "telescope" bsvs taken Its place. The earpet ear has simply dMianpeared. Tbs storekeepers say they are not mads any mors, and you couldn't buy one If you wars willing to pay ttw for II. The earpet bss was succeeded by the (laird black' falls and this is being gradually crowded out by tbs (ray can vas "telescope," that Is mors ugly thsa the carpet bag and last as much a bsdgs of th man from the country, Tbs carpet bag la Its day wss a gor geous thing. It wss generally made of the gayest colored carpet that could be ba had, with bugs red roses snd flower ing vines decorating its sides, - With tbs carpet bag hss goes Its in separable companion, the cotton um brella with tbs ribs of whalebone -or black cans aad tbs stick of wood. Fifty years ago, when ths carpet bag wss In Its prims, nearly all umbrellas bad ribs of springy whalebone. Those were th prosperous days of tbs whaling fleet out of New Bedford and other New England aeaposts, aad th balk of whalebone brousht from tbs arctic seas went to the umbrella makers. Th ribs of worn out umbrellas were great for making Indian bows, and In those days ths boys used them for that purpose. Ths whaling Industry declined when coal oil took the pises' of whale oil In tbs lamps of this oountry and when ths sup ply of whalebone decreased ths umbrella makers bad to look around for some thing to taks Its place. For many rears they used cans, which was stained black In Imitation of tbs whalebone, and this, la turn, was superseded by ths steel ribs that are used today. - - Tbs shawl strap Is fast going to Join th carpet bsg la tbs land of used to be and s Is ths sbswl that wss carried in It One seldom sees a shawl these dsys, snd then only on tbs shoulders of women from Europe. War re Are ths Beets! Ths man with trousers tucked into th tops of his blKh boots is as scares now as boots of thst kfnd, and they at mighty few. fifty years ago everyone wore high-top boots, cowhide on week days and calfsUa en Sundays, summer snd winter. tmoemaktng machinery sounded ths death knell of boots of that kind. Tbs men who manage ths shoe factories were working all ths time to lessen tbs wast and make a hid go as far as It could, and they soon eliminated tbs wast of leather that went into boot tope. High-topped boots were really of some value in winter; they kept tbs snow out. but in summer they were worse than useless they were uncomfortable. They were succeeded by ths congress shos and than by tbs laced shoe. Tb congress shoe. Ton remember it If you ars years old. It had a gore of slaatlo cloth inserted Jo each ankle and this gave It stretching quality enough to pull on and off easily. Th congress shoe was In many wsys the most con-torlabla sbos evc made, snd many Middle-aged 'end old men and women yet wear them, and nearly every well-stocked rnos stors In Kansas City keep them ia stork, but few of tbs up town 'stores kept high -tripped boots. Thar. Is no call for them there. Large stocks! of theni ars carried, however. In the smaller stores, especially on Fifth street ' and th Market sqasra. Farmers yet wear them In wet weather. But tbs felt boot, with rubber foot, hi fsst taking their place. Ths eonper-toed boots and shoe for boys and gtrla liavs gone, too. A search of a doaen shot stores in Kansas City failed to find a pair. "Copper-toed shoes?" exclaimed the manager of ana pt tb largest shoe stores, "X haven't seen a pair ia twenty years. There's no call for them." . . Oaly a Memer. The bootjack went wbea shoes came. There was a tims when every boms bsd Its bootjack, and wbea travelers earned them In their satchels, for it wss almost Impossible to get a pair of tight boots oft without a bootjack. Home-mads bootjacks were mad of a piece of board with a notch sawed Into oea snd, which waa raised from th .floor about . two Inches by a block of wood nailed oa the under side. To ysnk off a boot a man put one foot on tbs jack and Inserted the heel of ths other boot In ths notch snd pulled bis foot out of It. Ths "comlo" artists, who bsts to give up tb "props" of their craft, yet pic ture the bootjack among th missiles throws at tb cat oa th back-yard feacs or tbs spooning lovers In tb garden, but a bootjack has not been used for that purpose for many years, and it is likely that nine-tenths of those who as It In tbs pictures wender what it Is. The woman with tbs bird esc hss IN THE THICK OF THINGS OR THE THIN OF THINGS? It takes the steady nerve, the elastic step, the energetic body to meet modern conditions, and the quick mind grasps the fact that body and nerves must be properly nourished. Weak, hesitating, doubting natures are ' those who lack vitality. Their kingdom is the crust or outer edge the thin of things. scorrs MLSION is the vitalizer for all ages. It feeds nerves, body and brain with pure, wholesome food tonic It does not stimulate if nourishes. mll Dftvaaiara . gone ths way of tbs msn with tb ear pet bag. Toe used to see her on svry train, tbs elderly woman with a bird In a cage and a copy of th county seat paper wrapped around H aad tied with a string. What bas become of her Is a mystery, for there are lust as many birds la cages as ever, and Just ss wisny women who love them. But they don't take there traveling any more. And why? Maybe tbs woman with ths bird case has gone to Join tbe pompous looking msn with ths flowing "Ijord Dundreary" whiskers and th ponderous gold chain across his waistcoat. ' They are types that bars almost disappeared, toe. Waistcoat watch chains with pendant "charms" ars fsst going, too, replaced by ths fob and tbs thin chain of gold or silver, or black ribbon from tbs coat lapel to th outside breast pocket sf tbe coat. Ths goatee, fsshlonsbls after tb war, baa besom a real curiosity along with tbs "sideburns." . . Deetors aad Whiikera. Physicians were strong on etde whis kers. They probably had an Idea that side whiskers gave an air of respect ability and great learning. They sre tt effected b the advertising quacks. Ka cently every member of a company of advertising doctors hi this city wore long side whiskers. They used to plaster ths billboards with a stand of poster shew ing the doctors "arriving" on a special train. It was a symphony In whiskers. But few reputable physicians grow slds whiskers now. They bsve gone with tb saddle bags. Remember them? Not many years sgo nearly all ths doctors rod on horseback, and bis tools and medicines were carried in saddls bags. When tbs doctor came en business bs bitched his bores, threw his saddle bags over bis shoulder and came in. Ah, the mystery of those saddls begs! What a field of speculation as to their contents. We boys and girls stood In sws of them. Paper collsrs bsve gone, too, slthough tbey are yet msde, In aver digressing quantity, and may bs found on th shelves In small stores In th depths of ths Osark region, far from tbs railroad. But la all of Kansas City there-Is not one. "Paper collars?" said tb manager of a department stors. "You mean cellu loid collars. You'll find them hi tbe gents' furnishings." "No, I mean paper p-a-p-e-r-paper collars." "Who the dickens ever beard of a cel lar made of paper?" he asked. But forty years ago nearly everyone wore psper collars snd paper dickies and paper cuffs. Tbey were msde of stiff paper tbs tbkksess of cardboard, cov ered on ths outside with a tbla layer of linen and stamped la tbs making t Imi tate all linen with imitation seams. Tbey cam a dosen in a round box aad thsy cost U cents a box. ' Occasionally they wer In fancy boxes, such as a globe, with a map of the earth pasted oa th outside. To dress up you first put en the psper dickle, msde la Imitation of a linen shirt front, with a hole punched in tbe top to hitch H to tbs collar button and another hois In tbe center late which te vew the shirt stud. Other Chances. Bell-bottomed trousers diss noes red st a later period. Tbe last gasp of the bell-ootti-nied trousers leg wsa an cxaggwr- ' ated "bell" that casne out almost to the hco toe. Witb It wss worn a suarecut seek coat bound with wide braid, aad witb tbe same width of braid around tb waistcoat snd ths scalloped flaps of tbs pockets. Thst wss too mors (or eont icon sense te stand, and there came a ret elt that swept braid and beU-bottossed 1 trousers Into oblivion together. I Tl.e use of hair oil snd wax far tbs mustache has almost disappeared. Not many years axe the newspapers adver tised many different brands of hair ell .r.i cosmetics for tbe whiskers. Now i her is scarscly any call for theex la ths tores. i ' Nearly every Bum of middle age la Kansas Cily wss rocked In a cradle In tn- I lancy. But now Scarcely any baby hi rocked hi a crsdls and there isn't one for sale in a store in Kansas City that could be found by a reporter who went te look for one. Tbe buyers of tb department stores said they would order ens. Tbey are made yet in th big fumltur fac to! In, but there is hardly ever a call for one ia a store. Tbs "front parlor," with its close blinds except wbea company cam. Its ao tssrraph sad photograph album, its wax tlowera under a glass dome, its stereo scops and Its picture frames stuck ever with shells, sre going fast, too. ; 8o is the carpet. Tbe rug that caa be " ww whssw ' iroum sad cleaned Is . .aktng ths place of tbe aaKed-dowa ear. pet tint covered all tbs floor. Kansas City Star. xoTxatxiTs or ocbajt stbakkm. Ocssalc NEW VORST ... srw TORS rtxs. ....... .. ssruES l:-SON t esvsrows rLVMOTTB.... sxrwsitr iysom auHs. .-Ansae ..otraoss. M'KINLEY CAMPAIGN LEADER niiaoii Eepre tentative! Seleotel to Rung Teft'i Politic! Interests. WILL OPEN KEADQTJ ASTERS S009 Artiest Dae te Tm that Preeswre of Work eeeaaee arret that Secretary Rlllee Ftads It Tee Heavy, WASHINGTON. y Teft head. quarters ars to ba opened here Immedi ately aad Representative William B. Me- Ktnley of Illinois, ohatrmaa of the re publican congressional campaign commit tee, will be In chars of the presldsnt's political Interests from now until ths Chicago convention. This aanonosnsnt waa mad tonight Mr. Tart's friends bad advised such a stsp, but no action waa tsken until th pressure of political work became a great thst Secretary Hill found It al most Insupportable, Bestds, It was In terfering seriously with th regular aad nseesamry work of bis office. ' In his capacity aa chairman etthe re publican congressional committee Mr. Mr. Kinky will hava exceptional means of keepttrg n close toach with politics) af fairs througbeut tbe oountry. The headquarters will be opened as soon as sultsMs quarters ran bs found, snd these probsalv will bs within easy hall of th White House, Will Brsla Week at Oaee. Mr. McKlnley this evening announced his intention of holding a series of con ferences at esc. tt will brsla tomor row morning and the remainder of th week probably will ba devoted to taapplng out a plaa of oampalgn. Mr. McKlnley later gave u( a 'statement concerning bis appointment and his plana.. Ha said: 'Ths suggestion cam to ma 1st this evening snd cam as such a surprise thai 1 must plead for tiro to think. I cannot maks any. prediction tonight . exoept te reiterate what Kecretary Hillea already has said, that ths renomlnatlon of Mr. Taft Is assured. It Is, however, tb desire of tb friends of tb president throughout tbs oountry to have some central place from which tbey esn be kept advised of tbs details of th earn palm. . "The idea now to to arrange wltbia a few days tor a aentral bureau from which th oountry will also be Informs 1 In a thorough manner as to what tbs administration has socompllshsd. There will be no attacks en other candidates nor intriguing; It will be aa open oam palgn. Mr. Taft will stand oa tbe record of his sdmlnlstratlon aad the record of bis party. "As to when the headquarters win be established ia Washington I oannot state until I havs had opportunity to confer with ths party leaders. I will start to work in tbe morning.' ? Asueeaaeeaseat surprise. Tbs sudden announcement of the deci sion to open headquarters here Immedi ately cams as a complete surprise, but It occasioned no mom surprlss than did ths selection of Mr. McKlnley to taks com mand. it was recalled loalght. however, that Mr. McKlnley bad beea a constant visitor at ths White House during the last four weeks He has conferred with th prawt dent aad Mr. Hillea almost daily, oa one of bis recent visits be waa asked whether a would accept re-election aa chairman of tb rspubMcea ooagresslonal campaign committee. "Well." b ald, laughingly. Tat a tlttl fellow and I would havs asm diffi culty in resisting." . In the last national campaign the con gressional committee, of which Mr. Mc Klnley then, as now, waa chairman. worked la complete barmoay with the re- publlraa national eemmltte In ad ranting Mr. Taft's political fortunes. Tbs work done then by Mr. McKlnley, ft Is believed. had much to do with his selection agala te look out for Mr. Taft a fences. Postmaster Oeneral Hitchcock, who Is taking aa active part with Secretary Hillea In the prscoaventlon work for Mr. Taft, will be arooog tb first with whom Mr. McKlnley will reaeutt. Tbe post master geaeral, Mr. Hillea and Mr. Mc Klnley probably will go ever tbe situation together tomorrow and make tentative plans for the launching of the ramps la a, THE GREAT February Clearance Sale Continues Vast Quantities of Desirable Home Furnishing Goods Offered at a Tremendous Reduction-Twenty-flve to Fifty Per Cent. We are compelled to dispose of enormous quantitites of Furniture, Bogs, Lace Cur tain, China, Stoves and other homefnrnishings. Small lots and discontinued patterns. The new Spring arrival must be given space. THIS IS AN XTB.A02DINAT C0N- : DITI0N; goods that will appeal to every one who is buying- for the home. Your oppor tnnlty to save is NOW. A Small Deposit a Little Each Month Buys These Wonderful Specials ; - """"P sfirrr Tit , r ...-l-e-JSP, Emm mi U '4 t 2 .r X.OT 1 Manon Brussels Ruga U feet. This siss rug usually sells for JMt Sesmless Velvet, ttll nuga a Wilton Velvet Rug. msle In one tit new patterns eafy our price for thlssale 511.95 piece new style orl- I ental patterns. Wth S 1 3e5 0 jlt eO. now at W tVOT I imlmrter Reg. ttt ft a high lusarioaa pile, oriental aad me- dalllen patterns a big variety tit vale special $19.25 SPECIAL Solid Oak Beautiful Polished Extension Tsbui massive lees ana rt terg top, els-foot sins, 1 11.0 value. for awe is. $6? $G.50 Golden 0k 5-foot Extension Tabic, 0 1.75 now Vl- $18.50 Massive Pedestal Extension Table now , .$10" SPECIAL Solid Oak Chiffoniers beauti fully finished gcMest, five large drawers, most ssoep- tionu Bargain lie values, far . nv ears $41' MBa r Sefected Oik Bining Chair (Like out) Box seat, upholstered la genulu Imperial finish and eoa $1 SS I V LIBRARY FBRRITBRE U Missiio Rocker Table (like cut) quartered 4J gg oak, eigeir polished, ll.f, I value. Bow ft. Mission Rocker . . . (Its Upboist'd Horker . . P4- III. Oak Hooker .. .M Daven port ... glT-ed linos Daven port ...aa,M Isl.t Daven port ....turn . let : IARTMAN FEATHER TODR REST Parlor. Dining Rooa, Bedroom and Kitchen or any other four rooms furnished completely with furniture, stoves, nigs, curtains, dishes, etc. Greatest outfit values ever offered, now Terms To suit your convenience. Spring aeet III imperial A M , leather " -f golld oak l,Ji5W3lJ, sw mission ' J !r'jij finish f j well made l aad guar- J an teed J L-tt' $1-75 ffaassssssssssW CRtSIT TO PEOPLE EVERT. KXERE BUFFET An.eiioan quar rd osk, large, new and attrac tlvs design, pints mirror; I entail drawers; linen drswsrs and double door deek com part meet lit val ue, now, $12.25 $4.50 Neatly Enamel ed Iron Beds, V V, for the aala only) a. 18. to Heavy Oorusr Post Iron Beds, for this sale SIDEBOARD 3" IIS Maple, Mahogany or Oak DreH ( jj r, now ,,.. w' IIS genuine Mahogany Colonial Drees )4 JQ or, this eel " selected Kolld eak, I fancy shape mirrors; esssl lea Uy flnlsbsd aad w r k meaehta guar a a teed. Fancy eoverlng en top and base t value eut to only $24.03 14W4M18 DOUGLAS ST. InSDttrS 1414-1416-141? DOUGLAS ST. ' INDIANS AS BRIDGE BUILDERS Carl ewe Baaasple ef Prlaaltlve Craft y Satlt Ovee Camadsse direr. Some Interesting examples of India Ingenuity are afforded en tb River Sfcesna and Ha tributaries In North Brit ish Columbia. These waterways ta their upper reaches flow very swiftly and for tb ascot part through deep ravines. As H is impossible for the Indians ta ernes these by means ef canoes tbey have re sorted te bridging. Their bridges are asiswestiag structure from the engineering point of view. Inas much as tbs cantilever principle I adopted. A bridge of this design spans tb Bulksley river where It Is about IX feet wide, and lbs height from tna bridle to water level hi about eighty feet. It Is ball! of wood an logs, the lege of ths structure being formed of single stout legs vsryleg from sixty to eighty feet m length. Tb task ef lowering Ihess into position must have deenandsd con siderable ingenuity oa In part of tb builders. Thsy ars burled, about fifteen feet at their lower ends and anchored by tb upertmposltloa ef mass is of large rock rolled and carried te tbe site. Tbe longi tudinal members of tbs shore spaa are similarly burled la ths ground aad lashed to tbe ends of ths diagonal log. ' These mara members, corresponding to deck gird sre. an about U feet la length, and to either end tbe A members ef tb superstructure are lashed. Elaborate cross bracing Is resorted t la order to secure greater strength. Wnea tb bridge waa first. erected tbs different ssembsrs war simply secured together by willow tboaga, bnt when tb British Colomblsn governanent erected a mere substantial suspenasoa bridge lower down tb river th Indians assembled snd followed ths white man's opsratleso with great interest. . Tbey observed how ths thick wire cables were slung and an chored, and accordingly decided te Intro duce wire Into their own structure. Tbey procured th material for tbi srposs from wherever tbey could and Introduced It la a most fantastic manner Also when the Orand Trunk Pacific rail way engineers commenced working on tbeir track nearby th Indiana procured odds and ends, such ss belts and spikes, from thera for Introduction ta their bridge, a that bow tt ta a strange looking piece ef work, though the fundaments! itnevar ttaes are still distinct Hot- en tl fie Accuse Hetty Green of Trying to Extort Money From Hearst NEW YORK. re. f.-Mra. Hetty Oram, known as the richest woman in lbs world, "attempted te extort money" from William Randolph Hearst according te C. Id. Bovse. attorney for tbe editor, who obtained aa order In court directing Mrs. Green to appear and snow cause to day why she should not bs compelled to accept IKMM with intsrest up till last Monday la payment ef a mortgage she held on Hearst properties Mrs. Oreea. Bovse said, refused to can cel tbe mortgage until paid 1.1 addi tional Interest, which, he said, "th rich est woman" etalraed when Mr. Hearst's representatives called on her nun Mon day. Today Bovse withdrew tb order, say ing that Mrs. Ores bad "capitulated" and turned over the mortgags tor tb amounted named by Mr. Hearst. Mrs. Oreea hi quoted ss saying: The charge that I tried te extort money la absurd. I simply asked Mr. Hearst's representatives te wait till th return of my son. who was handling the business snd when tbey refused, I added thirty days interest to which I believed I was entitled under the law- Key to tb SltsauoB Be Advertising. Charges Against Morris Dismissed PORTLAND. Ore, Use. 1-W. Cooper If orris, casnluted cashier of the defunct Oregon Trust and Havings hank, was qualified aa a witness la tbs recent trial of Lamia t. 'Wilde, tbe banker ef gam Diego, CaU acquitted ef a charge ef alleged embesxlement frem the same hank, was permitted today to withdraw his pleas of guilty oa tbs same lrjdltzatr and tbe ease waa dismissed. - t Morrta was Indicted Jointly with Wfldq and waa charged with the smheeileussnt of POM from tbe bank. The Jury ta Use Wild trial brought In aa Instructed vein diet of not guilty. Judge Kavanaugb ksM Ing that ae crime bad beea provsd by the prosecution and that tb Indict meat waa Insufficient. - Latest style In Millinery. 4 Smith. Ill & llth Bt. Weinlaader' Relieves Backache Sksu'tlUruWntbtrvnaa. cdy for backache. It penetrates and celieves tbe pain instantly. SLOAN'S LINIMENT U also good lor sciatica, Mr. PlSTcexa Howsua, ef Wkftrler. Calif., wrtles: - 1 had ay keek kaitsi tbeBoarvar. I tried sll sleds ef dees withe, ri'iiss. Tee week avlMi souls of gleasr LtssWsa. trv. The trot ssnbasiins as as it Iswss.ieaei.- tsMsrsS safes M Dr. Earl S. Soaa n