TOE BEE: OMASA, SATURDAY, FEBKUAET 10, 1912. KOTED HNS OF - SPENDERS ZImitatori of "Coal Oil Johnny" Prove to Be Piker. rWAS OF MAXINO MOKET FLY ' MaDe-ertt aaa seaMy Baaily et- eleeei Br ta. .cere at ta ' Z Oil Well U4 tk 5 60'a. With oclr Hate to procure In Nw Tor Ztb aBBMtlrm of being "a Billionaire for - dar." jotuy McDvrttt of WilBeebarr, P achieved Ui Subtoos elatlactiOB of Z being wmiea doaa a Biser. Numberless 'FKtabargh JoaBBlea bav pulled off ta m stunt la a quart or of In timo J4 bar Z burned mere noney at on attune la Chorus Alter wtoout getting a Una in in eanars. "BoMtr of Death Valley" beat em all la htt famous wces-end aiunt In New Tork following hli special train trip Zacroee the continent Both Scottv aed ZlaoDevitt vara aria enough, being sober t th time, to pin return tldtet to their MioUia before euttlnc loose. Towering Cabev thee emateur aadirdddl daes prataBdera la th unaurpaaaM record u. to sing of speadihrilts, Paonaylvani s STavortte sea of bygone dare, 'Coal Oil Johnny." A boat one In tan roars tba atorr of ir-Coal CM1 Juhnnr- start on lis nawipaper founds. Br a curuHia cotneeoeet tna story Zhti gained a fair start' this yaar when HoDevlit spluttered hla brief hour oa tna Great Whit Way, affordiageT oomparlson Sot th traits of penaars of today and oswrday. Tba .boon of "Cual Oil Johnny" shifts rtth yry round of bis Ufa story. In 51 a few year atar Johnny went broke 4B writer aaw him managing the buslnesa Tet the railroad station at Roueenite, bait ; sosan aMlee from CHI Ctgr. Pa., and twenty selias frnt rranklln. a-her b la 5iow loeated. enjoying th winter of IK 2 tb family homestead. Settles Hie least. X Jshaay was born of poo parent near HheaaleTvllle, Mercer county, Pennavl 3 eats. At an early ate foe and his tittle fitter went to Venango county to lire with an uncle sad sunt, Mr. and Mr. itoCllntock, who bad a large farm on 3x1 creek. 'When Johnny was a years old hi adopted unci died. A few yearaJ "afterward oil was dleoovered. sad Widow JioOlotoce. alone with other land own--ere n Oil crack valley, found that sh Seas eaeamped above 'an Independent for June, bh soon found herself a rich eromaa. On day whll attempting to Austen a fir by mean of oil Mrs. Mc JMIntoc was burned to death the first vtotlia of tb treacheroua oil aaa. with ler death Johnny came Into all ber poa sloBa, bis llltle ststar having died on year before. Z. But Ilk all youth who suddenly ac Julr crest ' wealth, he had advlaers by Jb score. They told him to "ear bis oner," that be .would "need It some Jay. , Tb retort was that, since there weewea to be a disposition oa th part ef everybody to sat It away from him, fee Joeaeed b would spend It befor It wss : estolen.- . 'Johnny started for Philadelphia, leav eng behind bis wlf wnosi he had mar ijaed la lea. and a baby son. Hs took Jith hla Both Wocum, th man at whose oor Steele lays U greeteet blame far Xis undo!, ... ' CaMlea taa. t , - I'poa his arrival la ttilladslphia Steele as met by W. H. ftlckhsm of f.eW 3rk, wh ffared hint ll.SXl.M fur the teC Unlock farm. J oh any noeepted and eoMrea WO.0C to bind th bargain. With or thaa U.tK.W dsnglmc befor his wyes. Steels and bis frltad, flocum, to orhom Steele bad tl'ta th power of Sttorney, started out to paint the town. Jhey did It, all at Steele' expense. Whll bt tb Quaker City Johnny cam ecataet with th managers of the Skiff Oaytord sainstrel show, thst was ten In sore financial straits, and decided b fl nan os th eonosrn. John W. Oay rd, a member of th minstrel company, rlls aa Interesting- story f Steele that Jiirows sons. sldeUrhts en th character at tba oil king that bav aerer befor eea eubUebe. S'Tea," daclara Oay lard. "Coal Oil fsanny was my particular friend. Johnhy aaw war show perform in Philadelphia, (V stack oa tb business and bought a one-third Interest m tb show. W went a tb rsad, did a asoaatrsua buslnesa, tawed people sway aad were proepewia, ; Frlaea at f peaders. -ReaaWnc I'Uce, N. T, Johnny avr a supper to the Cora Deny that cost k! p.m. Ua than cenoerred rh Idea of iraraUss by bis own' train and accord ingly pei nlisssd aa engine, sleeper and taxase oar. Data for two weeks ahead rer canceled and w went Jtrnkattng; Johnny roetlng tba bills. It was m Pblla- elbia tnat Jokuw baogbt Ma first bark. After a abort drive be presented l to the driver. Oar dates being eaa elea. Johaay ladssnalflsd aa tor tba toes. sstlsisilng tb rbabla baslnaba receipts Bjei tba basts of paoknd bouses. Jbasqr was a Brians with bla money. Ie Ms hem spend aa Mga as insea) in a day. Thai was tb Una be seated I be Csnilasatsl betel la fhllsslstphla and wantsd t bar tb Obard hi use. He aeat Is tb CearlsaataJ aad asatahr aald ta tb clerk: -will yea kindly toil the preen rtar that Mr. . I-Jie. str.' saht tb dark, Tb taaattord l busy.' "Johnny sugeatad that be eoald mak ft pay tba clerk ta whim. Tba alsrk Johnny teased lb sell hoy a OO gold sieoa wtib 'tb issues. Tba Interview with tb keadlard. Jenany said tiietbabad beea HI treats' aad I hie ma la PhilailiilDhla. In MC be was sold under tha sharttrs hammer to Oeorga W. Hlnckl of Philadelphia for It was at tbla Urn that Steel "shook" Sloenm. Steel became a wanderer with only a few hundred dollars In his pockets. Wife and child be left behind. Try as be would bo could not get away from hn past and he was heartsick, but be says hs never one thought of sujeide. Forgiven by h(s wife. Steel returned home, was warmly received by Mrs. Steal and hut relatives and start eU to Uvo down th past. For a few year be lived In tna west with his family and engaged In railroad work. In the 'Ids Steel returned to the oil regions. Sine then they bav all beea Uvlns on th farm of Steele's father-in-law, where th former ell king enjoys himself leading the simple life and working about th farm. Ha has enough to live upon comfortably and Is contented. INVENT FOOL-PROOF PLANE Fear-Oaaee llsr Calralated t Pat rlylag Msrblaes ta Safety Class. The Wright brothers bars mad th aeroplane fool-proof. Tb device by means of which an aviator can fly without concerning him self la tb least about turning a somer sault m bis aeroplane has beea prac tically perfected and demonstrstsd st Dayton. A. U Welsh, one of .th .pioneer Wright flyer, announced recently at th Manhattan, hotel that hs bsd flown a craft equipped with th device recently for over half sn hour In a stiff wind with complete success. It was practically In order to perfeTit this, automatic stability device thst the Wiigbts conducted their experiments St Kitty Hawk, N. C. last fall. Th sue emful completion of the device Is s re sult thst has been sought by expert mentera Is every part ef th world ever since th Wrights brought oul ths sero- plane. It means that any man can step In a flying machine and pilot It through th air with as much ease as he can pilot a motor boat Th balancing skill which has hitherto mad good aviators so rare and has ms4s flying so dangerous Is no longer neces sary with the aid of this devlr. It brings tb driving of flying machines practically within th rang of any or dinary person's capability without an In- trkrata knowledge of aeronautics. The device Is so small thst It scarcely ran b detected even by tnoa wno are familiar with aeroplane.' It consists' of a small steel bar weighing less than foar ounces, which hsnss a a pendulum from sa arm which projects from under the operator' asst. This pendulum . Is set so delicately that It responds 10 th slightest deviation of the aeroplane from tba kortsnntal laterally. If the craft la thrown from Its balance only th frao- tloa of an Inch the movement of the pendulum causes two small valves to open, which make either' a miniature tank of compressed air or the compres sion from an angina fore a piston back and forth, which communicate with the warping levers and distorts tha craft back to a hortsontal position. Ths de- rice causes ths levers to "do what nk hitherto beea don by tb hand ot th operator. It. la sew with as, 7 said Mr. w eisn recently. "W bav been experimenting with this device at Dayton sine last May. But It Is oahr within the last month that the Wrights bava been wilb Ins to set the final stamp oi tneir. ap proval upon th mechanism. They are never willing to permit a tnmg to n given to th public tor us until they hsv fully sad adequately demonstrated to their own satisfaction that It Is lust what they wish It to be. Ths fact that they are willing to place It oa any ma chine for say person who desires It shows that they are tnorougnr sane- tied with It. I think ths perfection ef this sp- paratua for practical use oa aeroplanes snakes a tremendous step Is ths evolu tion of ths flying' machine. la Its es sence H means Ihst a man who has been drilled In th art of leaving the ground and landing with reeeoneblo skill can drive tb aeroplane with complete safety." New Tork American. S, Of Fine Kid Gloves, on Sale Saturday M 8:00 A. m, at KDLPTllfleK'S We do not believe that there ever was offered a better lot of Choice Gloves thaa this splen did collection, . About the middle of last month a proposition -Came to ns from one of the big gest dealers in gloves in the , world. After considerable negotiation we succeeded in se lecting from the vast stock a particularly de sirable lot, adapted especially to the finer trade. Bought by cs at such reductions as to enable us to offer them TO YOU LOWER THAN THIY CAN BE IMPORTED and ' all sold with and tinder our "give satisfaction "gnarantee.";.. . ' . About 50 dozen pairs selected Smaschen, worth J1.0O, will be sold, all colors, - Cttri at, pair . About 63 dozen pairs Genuine Kid end .fine Lamb, usually sold at $155, ' "JQ warranted, at pair.. wC !J.19 About 85 dozen pairs selected skins, Pique and overseam, different styles stitching, all col ors and several weights; gloves sold every where at 5L75 and $2.00, will be $ sold at When we say sold everywhere, we mean of course in stores which sell exclusively high grade gloves. Our sales last year of these grades were very large; only 14 pairs from the entire sales were found to be defective. These we made good and we will give a new pair for any and all which will fail to give satis faction from this sale. . . SO dozen pairs of 12 button length mainly white and black and 15 dozen 16-button length -v different colors and weights, gloves usually sold at $3.00 to $3.50 will be sold at, pair .... 20 dozen pairs of choice 16-button( lengths, worth $355 to $3.75, at, pair 51.09 51.90 14 dozen pairs very select elbow length, worth up to $4.00, at, pair .......... . 52.49 No limit on quantity. None fitted on day of sale. All fitted afterwards, and all guaran teed, if claims are made within 30 days from date of sale. Please understand that in the choicest flock there may be a bad sheep and that even in this choice lot of skins from choicest kids and lambs there may be a defective pair of gloves. The broad Kilpatrick gnarantee covers such an emergency and the purchaser will freely get a hew and perfect pair. . Gloves will be distributed in lots and so arranged that you can purchase quickly. Give this sale your earjy attention for later we have another im portant sale which should have your presence. zV Dwim amid utSale - Last Word on Children's Coats Down and Out, Saturday, $5 Second Floor Suit Section, Saturday A rack full ot Wool Suits, broken sizes, various materials, a few H, 3( and 8R, others mainly jars site. Sold formerly high at 30.00 v Down and Out, Saturday, $5 Heavy Coats and other outer f srments, soma Polos, Rough ' Mixtures mainly many colorings, many weights, may we eves bore too arc f S0.00 garments Down and Out, Saturday, Q5 Dresses for house ' and reception. Silks, Panamas, Serges and Voiles suited to most occasions; one or two Oriental In coloring and trimming; some sweet and dainty effects. . Did seU at high aa 135.00 This Sale opent at 10 A.'MV timed to allow you to at tend the glove gala tl g A. M. Tha new underpriced Square near elevator will show Oriental house tUppert at 29 CENTS PER PAIR. ' How can they be made for that price? Wa don't think thsy can we ourselves sold hundreds of pairs at 50 CENTS, and at that they were a decided bargain. No set time for thla gale; whll the slippers last TELLS THE STORY. To close ost the very last of a splendid lot of Coats for Children and Misses, ages indeed from S to 11 yeart, win sen Bsturaay wunout restriction. Costa which told up to $15.00. at, each , $2.50 This is absolutely and without qualification, the best value in Children's Coats ever offered by us, Four-iu-Hand for Men Saturday, at long as the ties last; a splendid assortment of four-ln-hands, formerly 60 cents, at 25c Each-All SUk mpainiy 4 . -1 rV prautlcaTIf lt"ahouldeoawit'a"riha un earthing ot th remains ot sa old civilisa tion. The "speotAatlv archaeologist" Is not to be ridiculed. We all want to know, area Prof. Bingham, how the people ef th orient reached the western oontlnent thousands of Years, perhaps, afore Co lumbus discovered" it . A MYSTERY OF THE PAST JaeVaed ar rVravlaa Clvtllaatlea, Meaaaseate, Telia i twsr. la a newspaper report. Prof. Bingham of Yale, wh has been exploring among the monuments t pre-lnca errllisatlon la Peru, la reported as sarins of tha three windowed tMnslas of Maccha Plehu: 'As ta whether or not they were built by noes orlglaallr from tha tar east w oast say aotalng; our object la going to Pars was ta) find faota, W hsv learned that the workmanship of. these pre-lno preceding those whom Ftsnwr oonauered, sBewdeel In beaaty the wort of th Incaa of Plaarra'a Urn. Bow lord they had bean la this slataaa realen we rannot ear. Our work ass Keen surair on c exploration. Wa leave the Ipasu kulv aroBaaologlat la Broaouao sa the anuqasur at Persrlaa orrinsauon." ArchaeologVwl research, at cease, mar b aureus wlltesul speooUtlon. Bat th ef th auwer Bart at mankind la tts results is ahaoat wholly sstmbiOt. It Bar to huareetiag ta know that the arshltactare of sa annlaat Paravtaa taxav Bls Is Ecrprtan: It watua be vastly more mtsreaUag to know how th una! Ideas of th STUaJs to Pars, That Is, after all. h tsadartrlcg ta sronaeaOogy. tha slsasrtang What relatloa ware Ctas liaras ef laralan ta lb Pnoeolrtaaa and the Car- tie snsmnarr dlniilsail at th Slav. Th proejrletor refused sad Jbih eCtar ttr tha hwuL Th ana ssad ha eeolta't seal baoaaa he wasn't the entire owner. A. hargala was ssad ta leaaa B tor one t!gr far (M00. Tb eeea waa said ever estd Johssy ssstslled kaaseif as landlord. Its asad m baUber, while sSeeam effl- rfjUed as clerk. Z tees Maasa far AA. ;"Taa doers ware throwa open and sweet la the house had his BH ot S4 edibles tree ef chars. A bag pisnard fee posted IB front at tha hotel. -Ope bint totfar: evervthhTg tree. AH are le'umt' It waa a ssarry lark. Th eis'e city seemed to catch on aad tha be-jse wa folL v, hea Jonaar thought he bad enough (ua he turned th house over li tb iaiialord. wh reinsured ta edewa erk. Johanr was (rami with rag. U went rr to th G Irani house sad triad ' ta aa tt. Be arranged wtia tha stoes-tetee -buer th Cantiaaatal bt naklng th pnos o srw that erarrbodr would aosna User. Tha Canttaaatal did ailghty Hale basiiesss sa long as that arrajigeenent ss-ted." Wail Johmqr was away from bis oil farm tt dwindled la BrcdosttoB. air. Wlek. liamTbilqilag is porcnaee It, then Johntiy cam so hineseX When b hurried ba be bad very ttttS moner and sa aelf- . - a was fanrouchly asnamSd of did tbay ranch the Wnr did tha Taltacs and tb MaXUmns build wrramloal teenpiesT What B the a-sabolai Bgatflnanea of tba la th srw-atrbaam rotas hi Oaa Ing fnr maay rears that Use builders af omh aad Central America and aUxlao war af rlaatal ornin. BMt this Is mar guesswork. Arobaeologtcal (Ugsars vnaanb mor manuaernts, . dti eeror th alies af mat M and torgottaa cUles issilj. Tba nacUual aroliaaomgtat may derive ssffiebmt sarlafartloa his alansverlea. Ba mar sadatr Umaslt that he Is aot oaaoeroad with tha mys teries of th past. . let the ultimate alia af aa) work arast be to J si eel the secret. Mankind Is not can tent ta asarrai at th boUatngi and carvmss of si bs a ramot ags wituaut trying ta abv vr who tha peep) ba tided, whan they came. oms day tha elne so the mjsleif may be discovered. Tba sew aad easttr bwad- book ot abortglBal leaanas la tb United State whleh th bwaaa ef etmsoeogy bt soon to snblsm wwald be OJmsai al I rer Bttdnportant If Its aoalouts war B'Jt, la raw war, a guide to th revelation of tha BJTstsrjr. tkue far tmpeaaombM, at tb America ladlaa. We cannot help admiring Prof. Bingham's practicalltr. But. attar all, sis work would, aot to vary SMOKERS WORKING OVERTIME Asaaslag Calealatlea ea the Oaa- samptlaa af Tebaoea la Thla Ceeatry. Tb national reputation of th Amarl- ean people as the etgaret smokers of th world (tends vindicated for 111. ' ac cording to statistics complied and pub lished br Ui United Stats Tobacco Journal from monthly returns of the tn tamsl revenue receipts. According to thee figures, desalt "hoosler mgtsla- tta" deelrned to baa and axUwrutah the Uttle etgarat. nearly KIOOS.OOJ.OH of them war manufactured In thla country la the rear )ust ended, without, counting several billons more thst were tax exempt bo- eaua rolled by the smokers themselves -anyone of wbom. even an averse? healthr ofOc bor. oould stow away th amok of several thousand la much loss than a year. Tbs heavier smoke of ths more manir klg cigar has also risen ta thicker and fragraac thaa ever througn in land, la 1111. according to tha same-rur-area, tb iacaos of bo less thaa .M!.- of them baring Been wanes up ward ta the Goddess Nicotine, aa against tne.03B.em leas la the preceding rear. And ret the tnbaeco paper laments tha eomparatlve decttne sf dgar amokmg aa . dlsparaeTlng abowlng." . Ber ar the fUruras that win b-rltat ah eyas of tha Ajm-esnose league, throughout th land: Output of larg cigars ta lsu. TJie.Mt,. tS; InoresBs, W,St,sit. Uttle cigars la Ml. lJrT.milt; m- j ereaee, leXslaJa. Clgarets la int. .as.SB.ejt; mere. tlU.UtAa. I Manufactured tobacco, SOUBOa, BBSB,- 117; decrease, ekSWta. ! Taking the length of the average larg ! elgar as tour Inches, the total consumed In th United States la th year mil. If . la a straight Una, weald glrdl th earth eighteen Unas, while the drareta turned out. K measuring onlr three j Inches en tha avarag. wwald gtrdls th ; gwb nineteen times, to th saorals ef every email boy ea tram firji a to EJadnstaa and from ths TUdls palace ta tba Bate! Martha Wash tnstaa. ; That tha im msa have already desarted tha mr brawn for tba nolo woks enffia aaa Is shsm by a euuipailaua ef the tnbaoro Dgnras ertth the Cgares af th Taking that Bopa- t man. wamaa and biM ear tbs pan-paea ef STTument only, dear Mc Awfl masks ssuld hare roOed forth the graT-broa aroma of olgBty bug cigars la th year. just thirteen small cigars and the able lajury ef Be) wicked clgarats, aot to mention foar pouad af smoking tobacco ba plseo or baaeVrolled etsaretB-a preery heavy per eaptts, for a grewtng aaihaa Mew Tor. Time ' A Warmlas; ta Bsibilss. It appears that a La Urals bsikilm weclared be wonld marrr tb first girt wbo asked him, and a little eater waa asked by an wiusnaliy ale rasas" wuauaa, Well, what did the bachelor dor . What did that anwedded biped do? Wnr. If the reports are correct be backed squarely dowa oa th propoetttea. M as be garnet He wasn't. J' ml let him ran for office m soothers Caltfonna aad what sipnsnil-Owa land Pkua Seaaab VJWX : Jay-Jen's ark-Bonn Sale Gives yoo the Choice of ill Fancy Suits and Overcoats That Sold Up to $35.00, it- SSlLoOCD It Gives yoo the Choice of all Fancy Suits and Overcoats That Sold Up to $20.00, at- e THIS sale is inaugurated for the sole purpose of turning the balance of our stock of high grade clothes into money; and no price is low enough unless it attains this end. We refuse to carry goods over into next season so our prices are cut regardless of profit or cost With mark-down salei, and so-called bargains being offered on all sides it be hooves you to think for a moment before you buyany merchant can quote low prices, but they're not values unless they are backed by reliable goods. ITiis store has been doing business with you for a quarter of a century, selling you only the best clothes produced by , HART, SGHAFFNER Sk MARX ,. ,. . ' ; and other leading makers, and always at the smallest possible margin of profit that's why this big department has the confidence of the clothes buying public . : - A Rousing Sale In Our Boys' and Children'- Sections beginning Saturday at $1.95 .We give you the choice of hundreds of boys' double breasted knicker suits and overcoats that sold up to $3.50. , 1 At $2.95 we give you the choioe of hundreds of Boys' Knicker Suits and 0'Ooats that sold up to $5.00 many of them suits have an extra pair of trousers. v At $3.95 you have the choice of hundreds of Boys' Knicker Suits and 000818 that sold up to $6.50 Suits with 2 pairs of trousers. CCoata with convertible collarg cut full length belted backs many of the 0Coats worth up to $7.50. . - Extra,' Special We offer for Saturday One Hundred all wool &rey "Germania" Chin- ohilla Reefers, age 4 to 9, of high grade manufacture suitable for boy or girlat $195; a good $5.00 value. Here's a chance to clothe the boy at a saving of Ys to Ys off our en tire stock of boys' suits up to $12.00, included in this sale $1.00 corduroy pants, 50o $1.50 corduroy pants, $100. '. A BEE WAMT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS r r f