Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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t For.the
Mu Sigma to Entertain:
Ma 8lgm club, on ot th oldest and
Wt known study club of Oman a, will
celebrate In twentieth birthday with a
dinner party and Play the evening of
February" at the Futoa hotel. The
hasbanda o( th member will be gue'U
' f th dub.
Th dub hu bMi studying thla atuoa
th Ellsabethan period of English lltf
ature giving mow of Ita Urn t the
dramas of Snekesprar. Th play given
by the dub will be "Shakwpeara'i Ladles
peak at Last." In which the members
wlQ Unpersoeat th women of th great
dramatist s plays.
Social Events Today
lira. W. E. McKsnne u hostess thla
afternoon (or the meeting of on of th
smaller brUgr club. Two table of play
er were present.
Mrs. X. P. Borer entertained the mera7
bar ot th Chanmonte club thu after
noon at ker bom. Th afternoon waa
agent playing bridg and two table of
player were prevent.
Mart afasaev Abb Kaater.
atara-uerlt O'Rourke. . I .IJMI
Frank Ryder.
A. Voa Dcalee.
Sidney Haster.
Will Howard,
Oeo atyrna.
Ruck Oiliest.
Clement Maritn.
Joseph OlllaST
Coemer Murphy,
Percy J en kin.
Itrk Larmon.
A aurprta party was given Wednesday
evening at th bom of Mr. and Mr.
William Baker la celeb ratio of taelr
fourth wadding anniversary. Tboae oree
eat wen:
Mr. and Mr. Ha Her.
Mr. and Mm Lafferty. . .
Mr. and Mr, fvhulta
Mr. amt M,r. Waller.
Mr. and Mr. I'augberty.
Mr. Win, . . .
Mr. Vv. J1. Latterly.
Mr. Robert. Jjougnerty. , . , . .
Ml- vbgkqJJ)
m. ...... ... .vbgkojJJ
Christina Smith.
Andrea Smith.. ....
Mia Anna Nee I waa hoetea at aa In
formal card party ' Monday even! of.
Table war Biased for:
Misses- Mleeea
France Nebl. Helvy Oawta, -EeteUe
Jsnees, .
Mraara Mmn-
Raioh Klewlt, Oeenre ktewltt
John Drexai. Kuatla tamer.
barsen. A. Blaocnard, i. 1. tear. A.
Larson, a Riley, M. Cook. '
Th engatrtment I announced of Mix
Kins M. Marshall, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William K. Man hall, to Mr. Arthur
O. schretber. Both Mta Marshall aad
Mr. Bcoralber attended th Omaha high
school, after whk-h Mr. Dchrelber at
iid.II i Ik Unlrerslty of Kebraaka where
he ana a member f th Al(iha Thet
CM fraternity.
Th wedding wOl take piss In March.
0. H. S. Activities
The Cadet OfOeera erub hep which
will be held nut Friday arming at
inhere' I the all-Important aoeial
topla tor (be students, especially th
Juniors and seniors, st present. Most
of th ottlaars bar already filled out
programs which will consist of twenty
numbers. The grand march wttl be led
by Mia KaOMrta Oould ana Rs HouV
ton, centals of Carmaaay B aad president
of th ameer chlh.
At Fort Crook
! On at lb larger social affairs of the
weak will be the reception and hop siren
this craning by th officer and ladla of
(Tort Crook la be nor of Colonel and Mrs.
.WUttsat C. Buttler, who hare reasnlly
mail I th Best. In th receiving Use
wm be Colonel ana Mrs, Buttler, Colons!
and Mrs. Ailelr and Mrs, Atkinson,
Officer sad ladles of Fort Omaha and
Omaha and about fifty guests from
Omaha have been Invited. Preceding
th hop Csptals and Mrs. Jobs Singleton
wltaar wUl entertain at dinner for
Colonel and Mr. William Buttler, sad
their guests will then attend th daaoa.
Those present will be:
Colonel and Mr. William Buttler, ,
Major and Mr Allaire,
Chaplain and Mr. John ChenowMb,
Lleuteitant and Mrs. John Bubb,
Captain and airs. John ft. Bwltter,
Jrtise Katnerllne Moorbead.
hi lea France Oil ben.
lieutenant John K. Cswan,'
Lieuteiutnt Wllaea. .
Pleasures Past
Mrs. A. W. Weloott gar a kenalagton
at her horn today and entertained Ir
tb earn way Wednesday.
Mr. and Mr. I. P. Fallon entertained
i Informally at dinner hut evening at
their hum la honor of Mrs. Anthony
gtlert of it Mara, la.
Mr. aad Mrs. Cook entertained Thurs
day afternoon at her homo In honor of
bar 1 mother . esnty-flrat , birthday.
Those present war Mesdame M. Ras
, auasee, JC Ksirar. F. Borenson. W.
Oarrard. A, Cheanter, Charles Lows, F.
Mis Harris Anderson entsrtalned In
. honor ot a party of Orel goto medical
etudeota Tuesday svenlng. Th bouse
I was nrsttlly decorated In Cretghten tol
rs. Mud aad dancing wsr enjoyed.
Those present
I Messrs-
Godfrey Kadavy,
' Wllllaro Anderson,
Oueate Ornste,
rdna Alstadt,
Uarrte Aaderson.
n. Allen.
Oeorg Mattlson.
Villi Arreamtth, '
jLeo Macgutr,
Georgia Turner, ,
' Verns Rarer,
Dolly gopher,
Mr. sod Mr. T.
I Mrs. w. D. Cunsrn4 entertained th
' members of th household st tha Irving,
ItMt Leavenworth street, with s dancing
I party Wednesday svsnliig. About thirty
, five people enjoyed themselves to orchss
tra music Re fresh menu were serred la
th parlors.
, Miss Anns H aster sotrtaind Tuesday
vealng for Mis LUIaa Baker ot Gran1
Island. The present wsr:
Misses , Misses
Carmelite Jenklna, Kuth Howard,
flvla Green. May McCalloa.
Paulln Oreen. UHan Baker,
lreo Larmoa, is.htk Hickman,
hotel, with "B. I. Ls, th brothrs-ln-law,"
vbs or husbands of tha member.
Mr. Oconr & Darr will gtv th addreee
of wslcora sad Mr. Darr. bead brothwr-ln-
law. will b toastmastnr.
Mr. Thomas H- Mattes wlU tout "The
Boy;? R O. Wilson. "Women," Mr.
Helen li. Drake of Beatrice, president of
th state chapter, "P. E. O'-; Q. W. H-r-ry.
"Omaha; Thomas H. Matters,
"Hecrrta of P. E. a.- Mrs. H. H. Kevin
-Opportunity." Mtss Bernlc Bangtuvrt
will recite Th Trsjiaflguration ot Miss
Phalora. Th eommlttu m charge of
th affair comprises Mrs. Oeorg a Darr.
Mrs. Thomas H. Matters and Mrs. D. W.
is Hslen Pogwe, It, will ast a
society editor ot th Rasister, th
ithly school paper, thj year, and
wttl writs a aerie of SBbolglrt letters
giving th sscsal affair t ak meath
la story form. ;
Th Prtsdlls Aides sooUty wUI Bold
Its atmual Wuhlntn birthday party at
tha boms ot Mis Mary RsyrwMa, H
South Thirty-ftrorth stmt, Thursday
afternoon. Fsbrssry O. .
Miss Florsac Hagghlsd shtartained
th Ky Lae club, on of th senior girls'
social stubs, at her bom, Hat Hawthorns
aTsnue, this aftarnoon. Those present
Helen Pogue.
Lele Howell,
Ads laid
ytorsae Moggblsds.
Personal Gossip
Mr. Charles Harding I spending s few
weeks In old Mexico.
Mrs. F. D. Wilson sill glv a luncheon
at her bom Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Alderson bar
moved to San Diego. CaL, to reside.
A son was bars yesterday to Mr. and
Mrs, Csnrad a ripe as at tha Clortnda.
Mars Anns Covall. who has born III la
St. Joseph's kospttsj. hu returned noma.
Miss Blliabeth Rothenberger of L-eav-on
worth. Kan., I visiting Mrs. C. M.
Edwards. v
Mrs. William Archibald Smith expects
ts leave In th near future for s visit
la Beaver.
Mr. and Mrs, & a Brdvely of Omaha
are guests st th Arlington hot! In
Hot Bprtngs. Ark. .
Mr. and, Mrs. A. Mendel berg have
moved from C'tt Lsndon court to Z14
South Forty-first street.
sir. C Vmoeat returns this svsnlng
from Norfolk, where h attended a meet
Ins: of th Stat Rural Lit oom mission.
Mr. and Mrs, C W. Turner, Jr., and
tbotr guest. Miss Ava Jane Rasa, will
leave today to spend tha week n In
idelys Weed.
Clair Patterson,
(Tlah Ranaer, .
Ruth Clarke,
Th Amatnf club, an of th newly or-
ganiaed boy soslsl club, wlU gtv Its
tint annual baaquet at th Henahaw
rathskeller this evening si t s'olook,
whan plats for fourteen wlU k laid.
Frank Falser, 'IS, will sot u tsutmas-
tar. Cainatlons la red and wklt,' th
club wlors, will be used as tahle dseora-
Uen. The niembeti f th stub whs
will be present sr.
Ueawre- hteeera
TUrold And ma Re, Houlton. ,
Richard Bellman, Edwin Buarh. .
Howard Da Lmatr,Jsms Oardlner,
Hoy uouid. Harold Thomas,
Oeor Howell, v Lisle Key,
Oordon Mill, - Carl Stars. '
Louis Htora, Frank Folssy,
Mia Dorothy Waller will firs as after
noon luncheon par tha Ms Notris dub at
ker bom In th Claiinda apartment to-
Ma. Vlolats aad
tebl deoorauona,
Oertrud A then,
Hannah Kopald.
Bllaabetk Wnley,
Hale a Johneea,
Heisa Qarvtn.
will b laid for
will be used
Tbeee tnvttsd are;
Doris Duncan,
Kmma Medlar.
Blanche Busk,
Lucll Dennla,
Dorothy Wtilar,
For the Future
Miss Eugsata hlunors will give a box
party at the Brand! latarday afternoon.
Mrs. J. O-Keof will gtv a BC Tahmtln
child ran psrty for her small daughter.
Mrs. Oeorg Plainer will ntrtala th
women of th First Methodist church Sat
urday a flat aeon.
Among th largo s vents ot at Valsn
Use's day will be a bridge party gives by
Mr. Oeorg Plainer.
vl. C O. Bansaot.
This evening chaster B ot th F. K. O
sisterhood will banquet st th Paxton
sirs, a W. Hatdroga, who hu beea
vtoltlnc her daughter. Mrs, a A.
Holy oh a. at Madrid, Nan, Is expected
home Bund ay.
sir. and Mrs J. M. BsMrtg. who
wsr ts bars glvsn a small dinner st
horn Thursday vnlng, postponed th
affair until next wsek.
Mrs. Anthony Sltortn of L Mars. Is..
is visiting Mr. and Mrs. X. R. MorcU.
Ross Bltorla will srrlv Friday ts
spend a few day her.
Miss Dorothy Miller of Lafayette. Ind.,
was has been spending th wtntsr u
th truest st Mia Katharine Botsoa and
relative la Lincoln, will leave thla even
ing tor Lafaystt.
Mrs. Helen M. Drake ot Beatrice, state
president of th Nebraska F. O. fL sister
hood. Is visiting Mrs. (Jeorgs a Dorr,
having oom ta attend th banquet of th
Omaha chaptsr ot th P. a O. at th
Paxton hotel tonight.
Mr. and hos. a H. (lowland, who are
spending a few week In Havana, Cuba
aad point In Florida, will return bom
by way of Waahtntrton, D. C, where
they will visit their daughter, Mlu
Marjorto Howland, whs attends National
Park aetntnar. .
F. Irving Klssr and a party of fifteen
last yesterday for Vera Crux. Max., to
visit Mr. Klssr" be nana plantation,
which ie one of the largest In Mexico.
Frssi Ksnsu City th psrty will go In
a ape del ear to their destination. They
wlil spend about thro wssks n the
South 16th. St.
to Stylish Coatsl10
I Sale Starts Saturday Morning at 8 o'clock
The women of Omaha and vicinity who have learned to appreciate
the great clearance sales held at this exclusive store will read this extraor-
dinary announcement with great enthusiasm. Over 1,000 coats to choose
5 from. Every garment is from our own regular high class stock. Styles that
5 were carefully selected for our particular trade and not purchased for special
3 sales. No one should overlook this great sale as it is a wonderful offer.
i ' .. .
; You will find coats for every
occasion street
wear, evening or
m mm
u s
The materials are Broad
cloths, Polo cloths, In white.
dark colors or reversibles, English
mixtures; Cheviots, Serges, etc. Regu
lar prices $25.00, $29.75, $35.00, $39.50
and $45.00. On sale Saturday at . . . . . .
College to Offer
Property for Sale
Fred Kerr of th Kerr Abstract com
pear hu gtrss ta Bellevoe college a num
ber at lots Bear las school and these sr
bow being placed sn th aaarket. Ths
cell eg ueoutlve committee In session
vssterday actsd favorably sn ths requeet
of the vtllaga st fiellevue for a plot of
ground north st ths eel leg so which ts
root a reservoir. Megs war also taken
tewmrd th sols of the lots and th
advisability st laying out a pan st th
eellego (arm In acts tracts tor Immadlal
Ths report of PTatader) 8tocky (bowed
that over st ths debt fund ku
bees paid In and ths debts llouidatoa.
The president ni tutrueted to strong
for ths eoileetloa as rapidly u posatbl
ot the belaao st ths lo,eu already
subserlbsd to this fund, and ths special
finance committee lard plena for raialng
ths B,M necessary to complete th fund.
A special meeting of the whole board of
truatoM wu called tor February U.
BiTcn is Sptiii tnd TortOFtl Be
oom Raging Tomntg.
CMdltlsm eeesae Alsrmlnc at
Seville tbst King; aad Preset
Deotds to fls t that
. City. ,
MADRID. Ftb. H-Ths flood situation
( tonight la rapldl. besoming worse sad
(he minister of publlo work left for
Sevtlls, when b BMuoUoa I erlUcsX
Th people of Oevtlt sr frsntloslly
throwing up sssrlsados In an almost
hopeless attempt ts stsm the raging tor
rent. Part ot th stvll guards' barracks
hu seen undermined, causing lu col
lapse. Th occupant war rescued with
difficulty and sns of th wooers wo
Condition or ss alarming m that stty
that th king and premier have Scolded
ts go there tomorrow. Tonight tha eleo
trto light station wu flooded, plunging
th city la darkness. Flftasa tkstmsnd
workman ar tamporartly thrown sat at
Th tributaries ot ths OuadaJqutvtr
river are ovsr their basks, eajrylng
everything before them. -
A boat sn Its way to La Algsba, three
roll from Bevllle. was capalsrd today,
three persons being drowsed.
Thsrs t no news st tws trains on the
Cadlg line and It la feared they bars
been caught In th flood.
At Madrid th Manaurea river I
overflowed. Inundating th nouses a load
Its banks.
LISBON. Feb. IThe number of vic
tims ot ths flMds tn Portugal la I
yet known, but It will b large Largs
numbers of Injured sr being oared for In
hospitals la th flooded district.
Th river Tagus Is a raging torrent.
carrying sea sard corpses aad marc has
die of all kind. Many barges whleb
ware anchored In ths navigable section st
Omaha Misses Start Early in the Local Gymnasium
Tagus war sunk st ths first onslaught
st ths Coed sairrsnt; other wars swept
award with a great mass ot debris from
th upper part st ths rtvsr, including
uprooted tree and th bodies of cattle
and Uva stock. Crop through th flooded
district or ruined and all communication
by wlr Is ssesred.
Th chamber today voted to aid
vtothD st ths disaster.
Bes our Spring Ullllnen. Weinlander A
mlth. ar 8. ltb it. ,
Whit rtbboner st Omaha, South
Omaha and Benson will edebrat th
birth anniversary of Franoe E. Wlllardi
founder ot the Woman Christian Tem
perance onion, with sen 1st to th as
sembly room ot th Touns Woman'
Christian association Saturday, February
IT. st I p. m. '
Dn R. Aj Lyman ot th VMrartdty f
Nebraska will lecture OS "Bel en title Tern
psronos." Th Lays! Temperance Legion,
or junior branch of ths Frances Wlllard
union, will givs a chllaron' drill. Mr.
John Bisks win load th prayer. Bolos
will be given by alias Lily Olrsns and
bliss Joseph's Lyman.
Principaia and teacher In ths pnbu
echools ar lovrted ts attend by th Weit
Bid onion, which nu th affair la
Kay to th Situation Be AdvartliLng.
r"" I.; r (
i n
The famous
Briclal Chorus
from Lohengrin
The most beautiful of choruses, and its bril
liant rendition bv the Victor Opera Chorus
makes a record of surpassing beauty.
Victor Sm.MtcdRcoTrJ 31846. Iwdrtiach, $1
The favorite "Spinning Wheel Quartet from llai
tha" (vaTtar) and the famous -Sextette
from Luaa'f yS5?tiZ!iS!tefl are other popular
numbers you can hear, sungfby the Victor Opera Quar-
- . - - -1 -1. la.AT
tet ana sextette, wruie tne taientea victor ugni kj
Company has presented a series of forty-seven melodi
ous and sparkling medleys from old favorite operas
and the newest musical successes
I Vleasr Biers Lsbal Reeardi
V Twelve-leas. II ck )'
Now on sale
Any Victor dealer will gladly play
any Victor music you want to hear and
demonstrate to yon the wonderful ,
Always nas Victor Records puryed
whs VTr-Sot Nteflu thsr is no other
ray ts pt tb mtrspMlnd Vet-ear too.
Vktar TsOdssj Munin C.
f . J I
ctUBB.w.j. Ant wvtjrs I
CEO. E. MICKEL, Manager
1 5th tsi llxresy StsCczaha
334 Irostrway, Cwwntptt Bia-rfa
and Ac
cessories, On Sale at
1513-15 Douglas St.