THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. FEBRT73I7T 10. 1912. 5 REAL GATEWAYOF THE WEST Eutern Han't Impressions of Omaha and Ticiity.c C03QCEECIAI ASPECT OF LIFE TIM Uu Cet-Off the HUtmc Laad ef Today aa Tomorrow Across lac Fertile . Plains. Of the four great getaways to the waat. EL Paul. Minneapolis, Omaha 'and Kaasaa Ctty, "Omaha wu the flrat-to attala pre-eminence which It has never really yielded." 80 wrltaa Edward Hiingerford In the flrst of his papers on 'Rediscovering the West" la Harper Weekly. Stopping the customary few minutes to admire the "florid archi tectural style" of the Transfer building. Its faded floriea and historic mmorta the writer crossed the river over "the most profitable three-mile stretch of track In the land,' for "beyond the Mis souri Ilea the real west" and penned the Impressions at Omaha and Its bib tary territory: ' . If you have time to waste, do not eoaw to Omaha, It has ao provision for the dilettante. The hotel dark shakes his head sadly when yon demand a Jlvller outdoor amusement than the 000 tlnusl park ran In an automobile or a dosen holes at golf. Omaha Is a business tows, and aha thinks and has her very breathing In the totals of her banking houses and her great wholesale stores. True It Is that she has borrowed a leaf or two from the knowledge-book of neighboring Kansas City and started for herself a most charitable system of parks and boulevards. - But she boasts no Nob Hill as yet When her elUsens get rich they move-either east te big metro politan cities like New Tork or Chicago, or west to such luxurious colonies as Pasadena or Colorado Springs. Until then they stay at their desks and work eighteen hour a day. Remladed Hiss at Home. And yet they do tell of an Omaha man who turned his back upon the setting sun and traveled east for two days and two . nights. And when that journey was done ha was In a great city by the At lantic seaboarda city that for genera tions has prided herself upon her ex cesslv culture. Her townsmen took the gentleman from Omaha well In 1 They showed him the Frog Pood and the crooked est streets In any civilised place on the continent They filled him with beans and with codfish, tickled his palate with the finest Uedford rum. He mingled and ha browsed, and before they were don with him his herbaria soul became enraptured. "Boston Is great" h admitted, frankly. Then In an afterthought he added: "1 think that 1 should like to call her th Omaha of the East" Omaha. Ilk some other western towna has paid within the past two decades th full Density of her own boastfulnee. Back In UN she thougot It exceeding mart to announce to a Breathless and waiting world that she had attained a population of men) persona Th used toward ths accomplishment of that astounding total will bear no repetition her. It Is sufficient now to say that th census of U0wsa accurst and tavei her an actual population count of 102, av a very bitter Bill. Indeed, foe th west bank of tba Missouri. Th censes f Ml, likewise exceeding accurate, was better. , It showed Omaha pmssssnd of 13,(0) population and a growing, bustling, energetic, and. above all. a truthful city. 'yrriy y.y niTrri mTTTJ tjvjtv. That Is the lessoa that th west ha, IUAfl HA I OAlfl lUXl lfluUllo begun to team th leak of real value iu bald population statistic. True it Is that Los Angeles confronts th stranger bound toward her e-etea with 'TLosXn geles, IMA 13. L0W.M": ud the talks of that southern California town reiterate that most specific boast at every, possible opportunity. But Los Angels Is Lm miles from Omaha and might learn a deal from th town beside the Missouri. Th more oonsBtvativ of these western towns, such aa Portland, to make a single Instance, do not worry about the population reports from the census bureau. They point with a keener pride toward the clearing house balance and the traffic reports of the railroads and steamship Unas; they are even begin ning to display such mundan things as dean tree's, soda welfar clubs, ad mirable dvie administrations th things that brings administration not alone from the hardened hearts of easterners but from those even more state folk who come oversets before they reach New Tork. Lead ef Tojaterrww. West from Omaha, "and the entrance Into the land of tomorrow la wall begun. Th railroad, following th fashion of other railroads, baa begun to ravins and rebuild Its line. Where In other days It first wound south from th Omaha sta tion and the great Missouri liver bridge that connects It with Ita legal tannine at Council Bluffs, so aa to avoid ths great rolling hills that Una th yellow stream, today H strikes du west from ths station. It cuts through the tops of th hill -slopes and strikes boldly across the swales of th broad valley on ti tanic embankments. This waa th work of a genius, whom men knew a Harrl- man, th master-bunder. But the man who created It did not look upon him self as a genius. He simply reckoned It good business to spend a mar million dollars when It might save ana hundred thousand in fuel and other excess grade coats In th course of a single year. And so It waa good business but genius also- that mads the new path of the railroad a rule radge acroar what the engineer are prone to cil' 'heavy rolling oountry." But twenty Rules from Omaha and ths country Is no longer rolling. Tou have begun ts rain a high level. To yeur sophisticated eastern eye. the legend of altitude placed upon each of the little railroad stations Is novel and a complete surprise and throughout th night that level will grow higher. It la a steady ascent across ths plain, and If you hare had any belief that th plains of Ne braska represent a great arid wane, dismiss It forthwith. Tow will sea arid country farther on Wyoming will appear to be th driest thing you bav ever seen; but her Is a rich farming country. " , Th BriBglBgr-lB ( Mother. Martha heard some one apeak of her mother's deficiencies In arithmetic which are perfectly visible to the naked eye so she came and sat down bests her end grsvely beg-sn: "Mother, take four from fourteen and how much doaa that leaver "Ten," proclaimed the parent, think ing ah was teaching th little one her lesson, . "Now. three from eight that's rather hard you know." "Yes, Its frequently gotten on my nerves, too hut, eventually leaves flva" "And four from five." "One." exclaimed the elder from the proud pinnacle of perfect knowledge thinking also whoa a nloe teacher shs was. Martha rose with a sigh of relief from the re si 00 of her pinafore, and aid kindly but with some oondeacen- lon. "well, now you nave learned thst ' IA much, anyway." Jpplnoott's Magatlne. Key to the Situation Be Advertising. S 7 1 f LAST DAYS that " Shop" BANKRUPT STOCK AT16TH AND HARNEY STS. (Ground Fio.r City National Bank Bid..) Seven days one caa almost count Uie hours then th doors CLOSE ow this "Bankrupt Sato." Thousands of Omahana have saved thovaanda of -dollars here; caa YOU afford to pay the reerolar,, everr day Prices asked elsewhere while three BANKRUPT cute ar. on Aa Soi: v Orer toil is the hone, iaclndof 130.00 ( 40.00 raises - tea built the last seni daft, at aalf , Cboone front atach nukes a "Adlrv's OoUrgian, "Storm Mayer,' "U System," Brand taTee K inlaid," and so on. Plenty of blacks, blu serge and mixtures la all sixes tsp to 50. BATH Any bat la bouse, ia rtudlag $3 aad 95 values, go t5r I N ION nTITS The kinds are Mc and the $1.00 kinds go at salt 59-. bHIIlTS S1.AO aad $2 ahirts la sixes 14M to 10 sw now rtn 49t VESTS 13 aad go Full dress aad Tuxedo Vesta go la till sale at, each 81.98 I'AA 1"3 In-users that sold to S are Bow 83.98 a-.MT IlKt! Th JDe kinds go now at 29 I'A.M Troaeex that eoed. to M are bow 83.98 MlFiLEliS. Tbo SI .60 grades go sow at, each 59 UOoll-Ki Mc aad 78c hose bow at. pair 25 HOSIERY gOc silk lisle hose at pair 12H biilKTa aad iiRAWKKri worth $2M to SS at, gar- Tt . .93 CAPS Mea'a 1.80, at .. worth to I t.MUX SCITa frof. Maloooas $6 klada. at, sit 82.29 You'll be paying Msmebody else's" REGU LAR figures in a fw days ajairie if you DON'T stock up right nw at "Bankrupt Sale" prices. Premier Belitrea Bebelt Cannot . Compel Court to Abdicate. KEEPS AUTHOMTT F0S EDCSEIF Repeals tee Proaelses at Adherents a Cressd et Betas; Aaiherlsed ay Baa press Negotiate far settles eat. PEKING. reb. .- new and strlktng view or th altuatlOB Is now takes. It i believed in many quarters that Premier Tuan Shi Kal wUl possibly succeed in savinc th throne after alL The Peking papers no longer mention abdlcatloa or discuss th throne's retirement. Cer tainly Tuan 8hi Kal does not Intend to proceed wlti( abdlcatloa unlesa oompallad to do so. i Th opinion her is that the rebels do not possess power to compel the premier to sec Th republican" readiness to sree te a permanent armistice and also their willingness te grant the oountrv liberal concessions Inspires ths belief that they themselves recognise their Inability to capture Peking. Reports received at the capital Indicate that the republican predicament Is worse than that la which Premier Tuan finds himself. Confiscations of property, forced ananaa stents and brlgandag are causes of dis content throughout the republican prov inces, - . Vase's Oaly Chase. Should Tuaa 8hl Kal accede to the republican demanda his own authority would terminate; he would be at the mercy of the republican leaders and the heretofore loyal army would divide be tween the republicans and Maachus. with ths letters' supporters hostile to him. Be lieving that he has been treacherous. But, retaining the throne, whose power ha already been delegated to him, he would undoubtedly be the country's, strongest man. The Imperial premier's proposal of terms In behalf of the eouit, providing even for th eunuchs, has won the court's support and baffled th opposition of minor Manchu nobles. Tuan has encouraged his followers to make promises of abdlcatloa to th rebels snd publicly to arrange plans to this end, but he now repudiates them, declaring that tba empress dowager authorised htm only a week ago ts enter Into negotiations for a settlement Ths actions of his adherents, therefore. ha asserts, were not authorised and are not binding upon him. Certain membera of the legislation credit Tuan Shi Kal with honest motives In deal ring to maintain th union by th only possible mesne the throne Many, how ever, are convinced that h ts entrench Ing himself for a dictatorship, that b is wearing out th republican and break lng th power of th throne, whose authority will be preserved only suf flclently to sarv his ends. Saturdays 1 rAw .ir-M.iM m 1 rvA ill". I gi I 'Wiaa.eW igaaa, J -4 W YOTO W SUNDAY DIN B7 I NEB rEOM M LrWU IV TUTa PTT.T. nv II I I JKl.i -'x iw .rr 1 ntrot "Come on, Fellows; Let's Get Even With Berg" That'a the cry which greeta oar Half-Price announce ments when we invited the town to attend our sale. Holly gee! How the crowds came and how the suits and overcoats flew! It's an American weakness to ''play ' I ,L. !, 1 . , even, ana aa soon as we 111 tea we proiu i&tca our cx mends swarmed tnrougn tne door elbows busy. A'K HERE'S HOW YOU GET EVEN IN THE STORE THAT ALWAYS SAYS, QUALITY PD1ST. $10.00 Suits or Overcoats now $5.00 $15.00 Suits or Overcoats now $7.50 $20.00 Suits or Overcoats now $10.00 $25.00 Suits or Overcoats now $12.50 $30.00 Suits or Overocats now $15.00 $40.00 Suits or Overcoats now $20.00 $25 Blue Serge Suits $15 See the beautiful, stylish suits in our Douglas street win dows. Just a pwk at them will convinc you they are the real nevj aiyles medium weight two or three button some with soft roll lapel; also the new English modols. vT-y rVTW war' ssr-sa aw " -wer lav- s aT f i' i finrl :'-. We Make Uniforms of ' Every Description. DOCTORS, TOO- HAVE TO GO Jowraal ef the Profeeslea view the Death Rail tar th Last Tear. During Ml. ths deaths of tl physi cians In ths United States and the Do minies,- of Canada ! war noted la the Journal of the American Medical Asso ciation. Reckoning on a eonservattve estimate of . lav) physicians. this Is equivalent to an annual death rata of U.a per LOW. For the nine previous years the death rates were aa follows: IMA, UN; im, It.; 1M, 17 ; 1MT, ls.l; ISM. 17.1; ISO. 11M; WN, 17.14; IM, 11.71, snd lint. 14 74. The averse animal mor tality for the period from IM te UU lncjuslvs was therefore It 11 par 10M. Th are at death varied from to to. with an average of a years, tt month and I days The general averse age sine MM Is f years. .7 months aad I days. Th number .of year of practice varied from 1 to 7s, the average being U years, 1 months and days The gen eral average for th past sight years is 11 years. I month and 8 daysv Th chief causes In th order named ware cerebral hemorrhage, "heart disease," senility, pneumonia, external causes aad kidney disease. - ' Three hundred and forty-four died who had served Is the civil war, and of thee 94 served tinder th confederate flag, aad 10g war ' medical officers of ' United States volunteers. Thar war ( veterans of ths Mexican war; If had served la the Spanish-American war; ens had been a surgeon In the early campaign against Indian on th western frontier, and 1 had seen service' In foreign ware, Th army lost 11 medical officers, past aad present, and In addition, I officer of the medical reserve corps on the active and inactlv lists, and B acting assistant or contract surgeons. Th savy lost It offi cers, snd ths public health and marine hospital service 11. Including Its surgeon- general. The death loss ef ths organised militia was M, of whom i had attained the' grade of surgeon-general. Medical colleges sustained the loss ef 1ST professors, lecturers. Instructors and demonstrators: hospitals lost 134 members of staffs; municipalities, townsfups and counties. US health offlceis or physi cians, and hoards of education aad school boards, tt members. There were deaths of members of stele boards ef health and medical registration and ex amination; it, of coroner' and medical examiners, and 131 of railway surgeons. Of those who dledV one bad beea a governor; if had been members of state senates, aad members of houses st representative)!; tl had been mayors; SI aldermen or eoua'allmea; 3 bad served as civil officers; 11 as postmasters; M ss editors, medical or lay; it were alas clergymen, of whom t were or had bean medical mlraonarles; 2 had beea attor neys: consuls, ana is nea Beea medical directors of life insurance com panies or fraternal insurance societies. Culled from the Wires Dr. Edward Wllmot Illyden. the famous negro author and lecturer, Is dead at faierra Leone. Mara ball Jack, a miner, eras killed bv fallinc coal Is one of the Caiterville dis trict mines three miles north of Cairo. 111. jadx-e John D. Lawson will retire aa deaa of the school of law at the univer- tr of Missouri st ths ctoas I th school season in June. Appeal was made to the United States district court in Denver te protect by la Junction the Rocky Mouatala kuel com pany In the operation of its coal mines La Bortnern uioraoo. One fireman waa seriously Injured and loss of Out waa caued when fire destroyed a three-story brick warehouse of the Ctucajro Railways company at tsyi-u West Ead avenue. t'nlted States Senator Charles A. Cul berson of Texas and Mayor William J. Qeyaor were the principal speakers at a tariff reform dinner of the Matamal Democratic dub an New Tork. Charles H. Walters, former vice srest- dent of the Msnsfteid Rubber company and Interested in enneerns ta three states was arrested st Gallon. O- aa charcee or larceny aaa em Bees lease MaHJs. . ITTTTTm Trim I ITT IT ITTT T ITI MARKET BASKET PAGE FOR SATURDAY BUYERS aw33?5ieawaBB Pure Food News For Busy flousewivear- F and Save . (Jjee (JWe tiiify (JjeJUwy OMAHA'S ri'RE FOOD CENTER , SATURDAY SPECIALS OVR 8ATVRHAT 'RA8KET" OrTrTiRINa . 1 bottle Sweet Pickles lie t botUes Stuffed C)lves..... 10a 1 ean Asparagus Tips .:6c I cans "Nabob" Soup .!0C 1 can Maine Corn H.M Ibo 1 ean Seleotad B. J. Peas ,Ke ,1 can fancy AprlcoU (syrup) ...... Io I Jar "Nabob" Preserves... ..too Willow Covered basket too $1.65 rreeh Fruit aad Vegetable Dept. Market basket Jonatltan Apples tor Bushel box Ben Dsns Apples for t Plain Lettuce lOe 8weet Navel Oranges at, ' per dosan loo, so snd SO Kiln Dried 6 wee I Potatoes, per lb. so Btrawberriea. Kresh Peaches, Caullflowsr, Egg plant tlreeo Peppers, Head Lettuce, Rndlv, Freeh Pie Plant, New Potatoes, Dplnach, Freeh Mint Three lee boxes Crackers or Cakes, National Blsoult Co See JOk cases "Cresoo" French Pea, onl n flavor, per can as ftc fancy Cluster Raisins. In cartons to J large cans "Columbine" Milk for as cans "Golden Crown" Aapam-s-us ta Dr. Johnson's Toaaterettes. per ran toe Bolorlne Silver and Brsas Pol ish, per ran... lie, S6c and Soo Three bo sacks Table Salt..,10s utter, xtggs. Cheese Iytus" Creamery Huttet 1n cartons, per lb. . .. ar Our beat Country B itter, In san itary Jars per lb, u see Brandels Kir ire, not eves 14 hour old, per dox til fi 4 1 t (jfiWs (A. QMiiSf (mi Qj&i Strictly fresh Ranch Bggs, per dosen .. as J5 Very fanny domestio Dsllrle f t'heese, per pkg as tiJ Large Ktlani Cheeee. each.. 1. 10 Domestic Swiss Clieess, lb. . .at Fancy Jar Cheese, assorted, st lOo, la and at Heine Swest Pickles or Chow )L I'hti'j, lutp r. , , . -, an "1 Quart Jar large gueen Olives toe Tea aad Coffee Devartmest. "Lotua-Ankola" makes a cup of clear and fragrant coffee, per o. os Russian Caravan Teae. out ud H-lb. and H-lb. packages, per lb ll-OO, fduoo and 9300 Candy Specials.' Assorted Mlaed lamly, lb... 10s Old Fashioned iilark Walnut Pongee, per lb ISO Imported Choy Fong Preserved stem Ulnger, per lb. box TUeaor M on (ram Whiskey, gunnel ttye bottle .. .. Port Wine, per bottle, .ate. P berry Wine, per bottle. SSe, toe Angelica Wins, per hot.. ate, to "pedale" Imported. Russian Nadka Carmel Wine. uwsuisn t oner. . t we? hi til KG) p hi tor "Specials.1 J Vhlskey, full ?J e Wblsksy, basket- . t Slo WJ Pi; Pork Shoulder Roast Per lb..... Pis' Pork Chops, per lb. ..10t Vain Lamb Chops 12H Lec of Lamb, per lb ette Lamb Boast i...7He Choieo Pot Roast, 10. 7Hd Rnmp Roast, per lb. 10f Veal Stew, per lb. .....Qykt Lamb Blew, ( lbs. for . . . -25ef Swift's Ko. 1 Bacon, per lb. 11M CENTRAL MARKET Kulakofsky Moat Co. D. 1703 210 Ka. 10th. A-C141 Oooii Lump Coal for Furnace 95.00 Wood Chunks for Quirk Fire; per cord $3.50 Denton Lump or Nut, ths best Illinois . $6.50 Partrldgo-Thomson Co. Douglas Sft4a lad. A-S4a. OS HER CEMT if the people who try our Steel Oat aad tftsd Coffee ar pleased with It ei.d Ooatlnas te Vas It. It la In a class by Itself. It has everything .-at sues to make a Mick, Strong, rise Flavored B avers-s. hTs Bast, Chaff. Vneha Mixture, 40c I tlirte pountle.,.,. ........ .tl.lO ICrielslor Blend, 3eo( three pounds 1.00 Market Special so, W. L. MASTER 1VN & CO. - -turn oorra. mi- , Pig Pork Loin . . .9c Freih Dressed Sprimj Chickens HVsC At the Public Market Steer Pot Roast, lb... and TH Pork Butts, lb. toe I uui.n lks, id. ,...e..e.StaS SV.S .loo I Armour Mhield Bacon, lb......lB.e ..Tte ' .No. 1 Skinned Mams, lb Mle BTSCIkL XfOTrO Owing to ths Isrge Increase In trade, w ar put ting on aUUitlonal delivery wagona and can assure our patrons .of much quicker service In the future than In ths past. 8 leer Steak. Ib... Veal Roast, Ib Pork Roast lb DELIVERY WAfiOIS LEAVE AT 10:30 A.M. and 3 P. M. 1610 HAS KEY ST. Phones: .Doug. 2147 lnd.A-2144 Absolutely Pure and Reliable All Grocers Buy year m but exclusive market. We carry the largest aaa stock la Omaaa. OMAHA'S EEST HEAT MARKET rotn, TST. Prsah bliad ts Order. Reoetsrs ..:..H Hsas aad Sprtr.g at las Ducks SO Turkeys at NVITIT There Is no better place la Omaha to buy year poultry. We aeli a thousand head .,.1'M Mh .Ml kill SATURDAY ECIALS them fresh to order. Pork Loins (Pig Pork) AOOM. ll,t lbs to Se lect Prom. Baron Pack, im Bacon Bellies, nice and leaa ..lTHe wvn.usieis Baylsa w ai. tlsaatlUea, Crst Sax fries. FRED 'HO "J -; CVIHANY WXOLaTSAIva AaTO irfUt BtasVTS . less. gzai uATiiftari a-is I QA Po:ad$ Best Gr:na!a!eJ Sugar $4 An I All If yea purchase worth of other goods W I UV L Zjll TT sar Coffee Special, per Ib as I bsbTI V Mall Ordr Special, 1 Iba Sugar and 10 lbs JxV best eel lee. au tor -nly sajo MnwunA Tnn f- 406 North Itjth St. ass w j mssw s vvi Tet D. 2446; In B-144S. NOTHINQ IS EETTERi Than th best snd th beat I th only kind that Is good enough for our ' patrons Tou will find us prepared at all times with the beat in Groceries, Meats aad a splendid, freeh. fine Una of Bakery Goods, from. ur own rpi SAI UKDAY Baxter All brands creamery, per ib. .. ass Bggs Strictly fresh, new laid, per - eoxea aoe BUI atsiiies Par do 10s yaaobss Table, -yellow , fruit, big cans, per can 14 Spar a be Fresh, a lbs for... ass Con a cans for as . aVsparaaas Vise t-Ib. tall - cans, ! BoUlag Beef Tender and sweet, f Lamb Stew Fresh and tender, per Per lb. H I lb. ..a Oraages Sweet, rip. nayela. ' too ler, for ,'.S4e rim kxcsllent for bread or cake. v warranted to give satisfaction. per 41-lb. sack.. SUO Breaa- Our dellclou borne msle, t loaves for'. J.. bob fcettae rreeh. crisp, fine, an-ga; t head for .10 ' Cora risks E. C brand, t pkrv. for ....las Tom Johnson T.U Was. itTSi ZusU, B-1S7S. tota aa xk l Comic Section With Hpvr9Ut- rpi o tj Nsmc. tbt Katznjammr Kidt l tie Dunaay Dee mduwhhugnttinatam