JERICAT HOBOS ABROAD professional Afloat and Ashore All Oro th World. krnco eas biggest shake rhaiselirlaftr at ltU-ilW Beaae mm ttee TartBtsea at Their Toanh tome M4lm of mil th American tramp ud bom U In evidence fa every foreign city, ao met tar ta what nut of the world 70a w Krrf. la Mexico he la not only evident, numerous, and ao much as that to the oevlat he la a post. The America tramp, toeee. tad wit American. "Weary Willi.' ar whatever yea car to cell bin. mill be iround la every ehy and village ( Mexico, jvma hla pleading, begging- story at hard tuck and distress a la as strong with hi Man for aeelstane aa any bam you ever BMt an th Bowery. ' TTM npubllc at Mtxieo ha for many fan boaa a haven for tbo American lWeary Willie. " Thar ar amral rea aoaa for th presence of tola groat num ber of begging Americans la anry city la Kmc. Tor away years aaarly all the pentad labor ot that republle ha teen performed ky Americana, aad many of jtkteo men fall rteUma ta tha whit diinka at tbo tropic and finally became common Street beggars. Tb Americaa tramp foaad Mexico a nra, ploaaant country, Wtta thousand at proaparou follow eltu sans ta bat fma and alwaya Uw ays. Ipathatla tourist ta pray Opoe. la Mezlea. Tk government of Mexico baa until keeant year boon very lonlaat with American trass. Th atrlngont vagrancy lava of Taxes and othar southern state (rm many ot tbo bob olomont ta tbo jMaaVaa republic. CntU rocont yoar aa piailoliiaanl for drunkeaneoa and dlaor jderty eoaduct waa matad out to Amort can (ramp. Ia Mexico City today Amert kaaa ara act punished far drunkenneee. bat receive medical attontloo and ar hold only an til aobor. Ia Montoroy. Tanv ptee. Baa Lola Fotoal, lallnaa Crua aad ever! othar of th larger elttoa tbo Ataarlcaa tramp to nominally fined, and K h ha aot th wherewithal t pay bo moat holp eleaa tb street. If bo dooi Jam tha chela can it oaly opon an other way and Boan ta craft. Tb aandarm (polic) under whom ho worn wttl allow bin to bay and -bum' all Axeerlcaa who paaa by. Buck iratt la sweaty 61 Tided with tha polloa la charge boron yoar roaldonoa la tbo tropic atad dolly contact wttB tha- pntoaaional tramp knnaat oonrtaood th wrIUr that M par aont of tho Ataerloaa tramp la Waste ar victims at tequila ar mescal. (Which dtlak bar killed awr Am noons la th tropics thaa dlaoaa. revile at Batlve Drloka Oaaola tequila or maecai, tf drank la asaaaratton, would ooenpara with th strong drlak of Uila country. Bat It laaii impoaalbla for a forolgnor to par dak moderately of tbaaa Brink. Th rag Ufa ( th tequila Hand 1 from three t eaves yeers, though I bar kaoaa moa at strong eonatltulloo to tight that poisonous drlnka mash lower. ' iTh Amertoui bum In Mixta sag b truly called a ertentlfto workor. Claao among thorn to a oof la Italy and strictly .defined aa It la botwoaa the roar Hun. jdred at Mow Trk and It mderwerld. I Th wtltor pent tb Bight uatll tb frlaauut hour of N o'clock ta th Area dr jNaa, ta Bon Juan da Latran. Moxio. knty. Tbla plae baa fjf many yean b' it a readesvoue aad hangout tor-America., traanpo Locales, a a) la, a few aOnuta walk from all tb loading boteia, AeMrfeaa bam baa found K rerltabU haaaa af rofuga. Ia tnl mall. dark, foul, tlt-mnlMe.? iBtaaa, with U ata marble-topped tab loo, drink may be aurchaaod for 1 t, I or I IS CM to, Mexican money. Id thla plaoa .1 ajwt many brilliant and Intelligent men, maajr at thaa A marina a, tab bare j helped racanctract aad build up Mexico I Bar I mat "th harper,- known the Home! dmorlnaa bum la Maaie. I Ifoaad th "dataan (owaar) paid plm all I tha raaaaat due ganUamaa. 1 bar boea bum la Mexico tar ton jyaar," aald the harper, 'and while I 'manage to get along, thing ar aot what I they once were hero. Many American I bum and tramp wark tb louneto, but tby ara poor graft. Tha railroad and tsarlet oooiptnln vara their Batrana aawaday aaaiact tha Amartcaa bum, aad th Daatt at a teach tram Ul elaa la a peaata 01 mot). Staba Qratt. ' "Tao botur ataoa bam." aeaUnuod my tnformaat. attar I had maoa a diatrma atgaal ta tk fax peatah bartandor, -whoa ha flrat hlta MexK aty work' hla friend, and later take up all tho nail eat marlroni wha ar tagagad m at bmtlnaie Thaa he tb Bewapanara. which dally pub- I , Ilah tb arrival ot American guest at tb hot tie. , A pair ot riding breecbea and a pair ot Eofliah putuaa have made maay a man call hlmoeif a mining caglnacr In Mexico. "As for myaelf, I bara (bond th old time American bualaeaa man tha fall guy for a atrong touch. To gat ta thla clae you muat be a good convaraatlon ailat, talk oa any auMect and make good. After a while you wear out. and you must then become a Itcer.' That to. the bum picka op a new fellow bom and sends him against the same people from whom be hlraeett baa braa-ed money. The steer and bis pupil divide .the amount obtained, and as wU does th 'steer' know his vlcUmo that there la as chance for the student to hold out on his Instructor.1 I was much Interested with my lnf Or am's talk, and after I bought drinks for him and aeveral friend he Introduced me to a number of the local eoloay. Americana and Englishmen, whs bad been rich and prominent, and who had, aa rivll engineers, bulit hundreds of mile of Mexican railroads. Hero In this ptaro had died "the Count,' a Polish noble man, victim of tho "white line" drinks. I knew hlra when ho waa la wealth and Influence, and, had bo lived six weeks longer, another tSM would have been paid him. Here I met Jacob I, once tho richest American In Mexico City, aad who brourM the first American sawmill 10 the eoitnuy: a farmer captain to the I'rJted BU 'r.i: an actor who not eo many r ago waa well known along Broadway; a former American naval officer; chemirto who had drawn fabuloue salaries from the leading min ing companies; men ot prominence tn all walka of life-all victms of the "white line" drinks, and from them all "the harper." who bad been my rutd to Mex ico City' underground world, received bornag and respoet. I -aw af Trampdaaa. ' "There le nothing to It," continued harper." "Th bum's money all goo for drink. No good tramp ever ask another for help, no matter how dire may be his need, but It la an unwritten law that a fe'ow tramp moat aiwaye bay a drink." The American bum has once la Mexico eauaed the American government to be Involved. "Mike Green." an indigent American, wo rounded up wltb a bunch of poena aad want to th Vail Naclonal. ot that time a convict colony. Then he died, and Genera! Powell Clayton, th American minister at that time, started an Investigation which led to tb arrest f Can dido Hornandes, a wealthy tobacco planter. The latter waa In ortaon In Tuxtepee and Oaxaea tor aeveral years. nd aa Indemnity of HO, 0(a) was paid Oreea'e sister. During th recant revolution manv of tha hobo element baeam ooldlero at for tune la tho aladero army and rendered valuable aid to the eeue of tha tnsur roet leader. When th war waa over wey united hack to the old haunt, and today you will find them telling their tortea af hard luck te whosoever will end a willing ear.-New Tork Tribune. causa no ajrreefnent aa te the color scheme and other eeeeutial detalla. No general plan bad been adapted for the uniform production of those map oheeta. He therefore pre- aented through Dr. Day of Washlngtoa a recommendation to the International Geographical congreoa at Geneva In U08 to appoint a eommlseioa to work out a uniform plan for producing tbo map. Thla plan was prepared by the uenora conrrea and It was decided to aubmlt It to a conference ot the map making narlona, which waa accordingly convened by the British government la London In November. IMP. Tha conference was completely successful. Its derisions were final and th map makers of all nations were at last In a position ta co-operate tn carrying out the plan. Thla result Involved mutual concee- alona but tha plan a perfected waa heart ily and unanimously adopted. Green wich Is to be the Initial meridian. The met lie scale tor distances and far altitude abov aea level will be used, but nations not employing metric moaaurementa may add In parentheaea their equivalent In miles, feet, vents and eo on. The symbols adopted to represent rivers, rail and other roada, towns, etc., practically Include all th eonvenUona used by the United ntatea geological ur vey on Its topographlo survey sheet. The Latin alphabet alone will be used aad spellings ara to be the ot the official map of carb country, we enaii aea Roma, not Rome; Wlen. not Vienna; and tha rule will discourage the tendency of Oermaa map maker to spoil tha name of tho greatest American city "Neu Tork." Harpera Weekly. WHY AMERICANS DRINK LESS Rat least Traaafaraaatlaa Wraaght by the Baas' af Paraaaal Asa Bittern. SYSTEM OF COLORS IN MAPS l al tarsal ty at Celare Ceealaa lata fee by Map Makers Her aad Abroad. The us of color oa man has now boon red ocod by th beat map makers to a logical system. Not very long ag on map of th Vniled Stale each atate waa differentiated from taoee around It by a covering of color. A tint along the boun daries would have arursrored every pur- pos an left opportunity' to use cokirt throughout the. sheet- aa part of th cham of symbols. Many map colors ar sow copied dl--ectly from nature, and often Ihoe se lected are particularly appropriate, aa for uampla, tha common use of blue for rainfall maps, tb deepening blue of tb sea a depth Increase, til deepening buffa and brown a tb heights ot th land augment, tho yellow tinta for arid and sandy regions, tha greens largely used aa snap dealing with plant geog-apbjr. Tha map makers of th leading nations are approaching ana another more aad mar yearly la tbo use of map eolere, and for pubMe convenience H la hoped thai some day there will be a uniform system of colors In ell map eymbousra. Th Idea of a Handard map of th world was first proposed by Prof. Al crecht Penek at' the International Geo graphical congress. Borne, in ML He dearly shoved the advantages that would leeult If th nations should co-operate In producing a world map on th compara tively large seal of one-millionth a WOsOOti), or M.I rtatat mile ta rae. Tn pro led was baartOy approved b thla and later congt esata. committee I nsr appointed te promote ta him i as ant, and Great Britain, Germany and Franc 1 ta make map oa tb required la Uttlo practical progress, however, waa jrao till attar Dr. Gannett reported that rsoala Utl l-jraa !r:!DIi) CONCERN CELEBRATES had been reached Carpenter Paper Company Puses Quarter Century Kark. ' HAS HEEE SXffCE 1887 Press a Very Bxnall Bealaalaa, a Large aad sVaaawreaa Baste las la Evolve by Leeal Paper The Carpenter Paper company, on of Omaha s leading Jobbers, la celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary thla month, having started in bust noes her In Feb ruary. 1B7. From a very email beginninj th company ha ev ahead a large aad prosperous bualneaa, aad la now eon aldered th largest paper bouse to the middle west. Tb now fir proof build ing at Ninth and Harney atroota, which th Carpenter company now occupies and which It aald to b one of tho Onset In tho west, la a striking aontraat to the modest quart ara which It first occupied and Illustrative of th epteodll progress It ha made. The year Its? was a favorabl year 'for a amail msroantll conoera to locate In Omaha with a view ta establishing a permanent business In a raptdly growing community. It waa la February, twenty v year ago, that th Carpenter brother gave up their position In Chi cago la th aarn Itn ot buattaee aad brought what capital they aoold muater to Omaha and opened a email paper ware house at 1114 Doug lea street, lath old Goodman building. It waa aa especially opportun time for locating a paper ware house In Omaha, a th Un was not ovar-ipreaented her at that time, and tha cooeumoro af printing paper la Iowa and Nebraska war nearly alt sending their orders to pear era market. Tbo anly handlers of wrapping paper war W. T. Seaman and tha wholesale dealers in other merchandise. Thus the reception The American people ar almost cured accorded to tbla yoang eoncera from th ot drunkenness. Notwithstanding tb breadth ot thla aa- ertion. It to a fact, A hundred year ago moat Americans were confirmed tippler i and to be Boned with drink at bedtime waa tha privilege and practice of a gentleman. Fifty year age Inebriety bad taken such a bold upon the Amerloeu peopi that reformatory measure followed oa another la about thla order: The Wash ing! onions. Oough, rather Matthews. Rey nolds, Murphy, tha Bon of Tomporaaoa, Good Templars, Knights of OMiunbua, Temple ot Honor and White Ribbon, all oommeadsbie mean ta weaa people from family wrecking, nation - threatening. drunkeaaeea. - Today It to a positive dlagrae ta get drunk, and a serious handicap to bar a nam tor tippling. This national transform! loa has taken Iplac In. practically th first century balory of our people. It W a remaraani result xor wnwo invre to a remarkable and patent cause. It must not b wholly attributed to religion, education, social dictum, moral eeneibiltty. or any theoretical argument. The mania for drink baa boea sup planted by a more mastering mania per sonal ambition. Ambition for achievement, position and power brook no handicap; so American have made laws of deportment In dividually, and In cold-blooded concern for self tb problem that neither prohl- blttoa a or moral suasion, nor both, could solve baa been adjusted In conserving regulation of personal Uvea, with no pretense to beneficence or humaaitartan lam. Thto drflnlt causa for diminution In drinking aa an American habit to aot pop ularly comprehended, nor ooneeded a th primal reason why drinking to lee preva lent her thaa tn atber eountrlea, but It to tha real reason. To prove It had not ambition been th stronger, th sodden practice of lb aide board of a hundred year ago. and tb debauching 00a triviality of fifty year ago, would have triumphed. That' tbo answer. New Tork Itatt. ' The lr Vae aa Hie aide. The New York nedeotriaa took hla time la croMlng Broadway. He know me rigiita and meant to assert them. juot the dsy before a learned judge bad declared from the benoh that pedee trtana were not reuired by law to avoid vehicle I th streets The pedestrian had read thla decision and knew the etatutee war on Ida axle. Ha advanced smartly. The next moment ha waa scraped by a motorcycle, loetied by a laxtoab, hit by a runabout, lumped by a louring oar and run over by aa aute truck. He wrote the learned judge from tb hospital, detailing the facta Ai'd tha learned judge wrote back: "Ton acted atrlctly In accordance with the law." Cleveland plala Dealer. Tb key to success la ami nan to I Judldou and persistent us of newspaper advertising. suit waa friendly aad one ot th con tributing factors t tn anaeaaj ot th concern waa th tact that tha war th pioneers ta Omaha In th paper business and were enabled t make tb most favorable onnnerXWmq possible with the best paper maaatacturara ta tb United Ststie. Another tart which baa aided this eon- oern materially baa hesa their poller of developing their younger men Into posi tions of responsibility. Their men at tha bead ot nearly an department ar man wh bar begun at the bottom and com up through th bouse, who ara In touch with th methods aad polldaa ot tb on oora and able to carry tham out to tb totter. On peculiar faatur of tb paper burl aw I the tact that the vol urn of sale not exceedingly large since the amount sold each ouetomor Is frequently vary email, but a favorable feature to that th sal ee man for a wholesala paper concern can go Into a town ot a tew thousand popple aad bo find oxmaumesa of paper to nearly every store. Hone th opportunity for a largo number of Another feature peculiar to tb bust- noes to that paper to a very heavy com modity, and freight ar a much mors favorabl In oar load thaa loo than car loads, that It ha mad th dtatrlbutloa ot paper economies! from a larg number ot shipping centers, enabling Omaha ta serve, not aa In former yean seven or sight states, but ha compelled thto com, pony to atabilab. distributing braaehea la Da Motnea, Kansas City, Denver, Bait Lake City, Lincoln and Butt City la order to compete successfully with local beueaa la these competing urrttorlea. ' . Tbua th Carpenter Paper company brand ar a wall known la Oklahoma and Montana, to Colo rede, 1 Utah and ldahe a they ara la Nebraska. n peeking of brand, thla company ha brought out a great many sped si brands In writing and printing paper which have booora exceedingly popular ta oonsumera ta all thee terrltertee. It goes without saying that these brand must be par sxcellence la order to maintain , their standing against competing Una. Thto compear baa appreciated greatly tb con fidence that baa bean ahown to them and their good by th buyers of paper throughout th wast. It la said that th entire stock of printing aad wrapping paper carried by this oempany, ta peart of selection and variety, ranka among tb very beet la the country. In celebration ot It twenty-fifth anal versa ry th Carpenter Paper company dietrtbuted gold among It employee thto weak aad otherwise oeiebrated th oe LINCOLN, Feb. t.-Toejswt Mah-BOuat th Turaiaa wiwetter, area ssalant frees Ivaa Kenmnotf. the Rueslaa giant, la otralght falls tha time being twenty -ens and eleven minute rneugn aeavter by nearly twenty pound thaa hla aatasronW. Bemaaon was no mate in aa continually oa lb deteaatv. What Our School Children Are Doing-XXVIII ri f-y ) - K ,.f .". 1 I VI J v 1 y "1 1 'i, a. ' . ' '- s ,' , - - ' ! V w -11-J ,.-i CI r rs'.vno ?m v - J 1 - -i . ' m 3 1 -irr i 'arv , 1 OaorV i -n Vgey-' '. Nr--, - ... - V; A .': i ' ' I i 1 ' ' ' - - -it-i i . - is m February, 1912, Marks Quarter Century of Continuous Success lor Carroofer -Paiwr Co F E B R U A R Y Wholesale Paper Dealers ea -"-n r; , Tmz??j. , F E '. B R U A R Y 1912 CAaPgaiTeuB B0IIVsVw, (TB Ul MAMMTt STB. Largest Distributors of Paper In the V7 est ' With Bruith H.m.. at Lincoln . Kansas City Salt Lake V Denver , Des glomes Butte Send your order, to us for Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags, Twine, Paper Napkins, Paprus Pie, Plates, Wooden. Dishes, Stationery and Holiday. Goods. Carpenter Paper Co. ; Omaha SOME GHOSTS WORTH WHILE Oaa Waete ataasaera aa a Blate sad Thereby aav4 Maay Uvea. - f Th apparition In a whit sheet that drifts dowa the corridor ot th old manor bourn and vanishes with a hallow groan la out ot data It la a mole 00, polntlee being, that never era known to do any work beyond rattling a spectral fetter or frightened a nursemaid into a fit Oheata, Uk everything aloe la thla bus tltng twentieth century, ar beginning to to tb mark and to Justify their exist- Aa American paper telle ua that a ghost ha boea running a aawrmit at xniuer. N. J, The mill waa abandoned because the late owner failed to make It pay, but eoou afterward tha neighbor de clared that It was running again, but, oddly enough, at night and not in tho daytime. A aaaa named Hsnnlon west ta lavostl gata, and wtea b entered to mm found that th saw table bad been loaded up with a log. Preaeatly tha water gatoa war lifted and th circular aaw began ta revolve. Then Heanloa baeam a war uuu a .. niatiur tha la against tb aaw. Aa h watched h aaw th aaaa seat hlm aalf upaa a log which waa rapidly mov ing toward tb aaw. 1 H ruahed forward, but fait a Mow which stagyered aim, YTbea he earn to, tha man sat laughing oa tao log. Next instant th big aaw tor tnfougb tb apeetral form, which Tanlahed matantry. Dowa la ataxies tner are gsoets wmua build walla. - la th ancient city ot woareocaro stand a big ooe-otory houae a areat sgo. which at the time that Oonerai mas ains nrxtdont waa eeupled by one ot hla adhorenia, a tine old fighter, named Colonel Marree, Wheo ho died th ylare waa bought by a lawyer names v.iA.M.e- wha nulled the whole testa ot th house to piece and put b electric ben aad aa laetrt lighting Heart, puriaita mImi wore heard, sect urea tall and sartous ueer happenings gave rise U much talk, but the cllraax came wnoa a aarvaat seat tat tb dining roam tor a amaa ot water, came beca wna a aaaro fan aad reported that Bona aa had built a wail across th roots. Th orb or rushed In. Bethlaar as bo aaaa, but. sure whea thoar tried to eroe tna mvletalo wan barred th way- Tb wall was 00 hard aad aottd that whea they at ruck their knuckle against IA they bled 1 ' t Mext mernlng, however, tb wan was But not tor good. Boznatiasaa it waa, there, aometim not. aad after a tow weak of th! ort ot thing th Taidcsiar had bad enough of It and aaovsd out. To tbla day the houee ataada uaooca pood. This wan bunding sum to bar bee a rather polntlose proceeding, but there ar iastaBcea aa record at spooks dote really , useful work. ' 1 Robert Dal 0wa la our authority far the following story: I Th mate ot a barque which was aalt- ' teg sou'-eeitware across th banks at KowtouadianB waa la th cabta working out th Teaser oourse. whan he aotlcad a wan attthaf at the othar and ot tb tabt trasy writing e a ataaa, TataktBr R wa. tb captain, bo paid a farther atweiOen, bat areaontly, looking as from Haaleu- htttoa. be saw tb m KINBEROARTEM CLASS OF THE CO LLUBIA BCUOOU slate, aad found wnten on It "Steer to the Borthwoat." . ., Ka Bailed the eUin. The writing tfu certainly not that at any at the crew, and eventually It waa decoded to obey tho strange order. Tb eeaesi was put la a nor'-westorly oourse aad a aaaa stationed at th masthead ta keep a sharp lookout Ia a few hour they sighted Ice, and amongst It. In aa almost staking condi tion, a big ahlp. They reached her lust la Urn to aava bar people Among them waa a passenger whom th mate recog nised a th atranger who bad written th direction oa .the elate Aoaerding a tb atber poeoiagors, thle man had boea la a deep Bleep ar traae at tb hour at which th Inddont bad taken place. "-Cblcago Inter Ocean. , RICHEST 0FR0UL ."LIDS" Tbeaoaa da at Fiaateae ateeee , am ladle's Imperial Grewa Veael at D areas. Boon Idea f the, magnJfloooco ot tn sow Imperial India crows used at th Delhi Purser rear be gubered from the fact that there ar JW dlamande ka It Tb rwn I formed at a bandeau sun. porting eight traporlal arenas, 1 tsur orosaea pstees with tour Oeare da-lya be tween, the whole being surmounted by aa orb sad eras potee, Th bandeau hi isiiiuTostil at two bands at dlemonrla B twoea them alxteea large clusters, four of raereMa and dlirsonda altamau wttb four of sapphire aad aiaxaoada, walla betwoon each are tight larg brlfflant eluatara, tha whole ot the being di vided by trifoUated last ornamenta. Tb son tar cluster esn tains aa Indian emar sld weighing twenty-four oarata, at extraordinary flnsaoas and beauty, whiia tb three remain lag emeraiOa are remark able stonea. Tb four aappbtr eeatera with their etgbt brilliants coxopleliag the esutar achomo at tb bcadeau ar eouaUy worthy at their position, Th eight arch ar formed by forty -eight larg brimanta. each divided by diamond wreathlEC leevea. aad enctaeed by two outer dlaaaoBd ban da. - At tb baa af the archaa ar tour oreeseo piteaa la diaatmda, each wltb atargs Indian ruby tn tb Bridal, whn between ar four diamond fleurs-de-lys, all having aa In-1' than emerald of marvelous fineness and ' oolor tor thtr centere. The crown ta ' surmounted by the orb of monde" usual la aa XngUsb erowa, Thla la formed by a glob ot brilliants with a crosse-pates abov, baying to the oentsr another mtg nlfloant Indian amoraid of rare brll. Uaacy aad oolor. New Tork Foot A alight btleeaaeretaadlns. - 1 Might waa oomlng on. th otorm we Increasing and some of the deck flltinKS , had already been awept overboard, when 1 the captain deotded to eend una distress 1 signal. The rocket waa alreaay lit and about to ascend whea a aokama-faood , passenger atepped up. "Cap n," said tie, "I'd bo tho last maa ; en earth to coat a damner oa any man'e ."'pat-v-aiam, but seema to me thto hore'e ', o ttm ror eeteoratin an oetun 01s of firework. ''-Christian Herald. , 1 m m FELIiBLE BOIE TREATIENT The ORJUNB treatment for th Drink Hahtt oaa bo used with absolute cooft donee It destroys sll desire for whiskey, beer or other alooholle stimulants. Thou, '. sands have eueceeefully used M aad have -been rooiorod to lives of sobriety sad use. fulaeee. Caa be given aecretly. Coeta 4 oaly XL a) per box. If you fall te fit resutte tram ORK1NB after a trial, your mosey will be refunded. Ask tor free booklet toning all about ORR1NT& Sherman MoConnell Drug Co.. Cor. Wtb aad Dedg Bta, Cor. let and Herner gta.. Cor. sttb anof rarnam 81a, IK-ao North lth St.. t.oval Ho'e'. 3 i2 tAB K.ER'S HAIR BALSAM ! Ommrn eel liiHiina B W P.eil e nue ma Wnm Valte to Kwtore Onr aa mo iiiiiiii a kAir a no, tJ-S'a-Sfa-a--' 11ATUBES CUHE rUlt JDJLUUJJ efUlOUil S. S. S. ia kny-rn u Kattrre't Ccrtt for Conta-rions Blood Poison bec-mse h it prepared entirely Irom the bkxid tmrif-rl-i-- and bcaling txtracU ot roots, awrba and barka taken directly from tnt natural iorertg of tbt bad. It dors loot contain tha least particle oJ gtrona tnixierai Inrrodienta, Bad is so pre. bared aa to aid la the npboildin; oi mrr portioci cj tha gratcm, wrtula Ut iar CoaUgioaM Blood Poiaon from th blood. Ko tuclaasant flecta ever talW th an oi & & &, aock aa atomach trochlea, dyspepsia, eaercnrial rhc-nmatiara, etc, aa la ao often tho case a-ber other iMdiciae ara used. & S. a jroea down to tha ery bottom oi the trouhl) and trestly but sard r-. dri-res out every trsca o the disease, cleazuea aad pnriiita tie drCTilatioB, axal by iu fin Trretabl tonic efttcta, asaista the tystrm to rapidly ovxuctmi tba raraxes of tho disease, and regain ita Bataxal beulthiul condition. & S. SL floe not cower op or bide the symptoms kxr awhile, to break out later, bat so thoroughly does it remove th cause that ao gifns of th tremble rrer te. rtrra, S. 8. &, Natcre'i core, if the gnrest and aaieat remedy ior Con taflotta Blood Poison. Koma Treatraent Book wrtti Ttunahle gnrTcstiooa and infor Inalion. and any mgdicai atrtrkw frra to til waa write. XHZ SW17X SPEdFIC CO, AXLLSTTA, CeU Pile atartted, he want 1 packed Bp the' DSTULA-p,, vft,, cjjrj out aecuu vonaaai enraa artkewt a BSTftcxl 1 emtatma. No CUoroforav Ether or other rea aral aawliilit treeo. CCRK GOARAKTEED "miuia-lUla, eraxaauxarua BOB BOOS 0! ma ABD SECT AX DTSUtSES WTTH TZSTUfOBIAU Ma. f. gL TMtY, S14 ate Baaaeasav trailn. tlibiosba ftcalgK tans. I ruu I