( TUB BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 10. 1912. if-. s ( Speaking of bargains . none so grt at as those , v found in our great ' . .PRICE Of suits and overgarments This sale has been in force a month, daring that time we've sold thousands of desirable, needable garments we still have several thousands to sell. No store ever offered 6uch substantial re- . ductions. We're selfish in doing it. We propose to be na oi au tms season's goods. e want you to have a share. We can fit you perfectly and please you might ' ily. Come. $10.00 to $35.00 Suits for '.. .$5.00 to $17.50 $10.ro to $40.00 Overcoat for $5.00 to $20.00 $15.00 to $35.00 Spring Coats for. .$7.50 to $17.50 $15.00 to $30.00 Rain Coats for. .$7.50 to $15.00 $5.00 to $20.00 Slip-Oas for $2.50 to- $10.00 $2.00 to $12.00 Boys' Suits for $1.00- to $6.00 $150 to $12.00 Boys' Overcoats for. $1.25 to $6.00 OMAHA'S ONLY MODERN CLOTHING STORE me THE HOME OF QUALITY CLOTHES - ' : : " Bargains fall thick and fast at this great store If any one thing has had more influence than another in establish ing a, favorable reputation for this store it is the fact that we bring forward an entire new line of wearables each season. Our custom ers are never brought face to face with styles of a season gone be fore. These after season sales dispose of everything but the most staple staples. We don't spare any department. We don't respect value. It's merely a matter of being rid of the merchandise. Irresistible Stioe Bargains Our shoes har always appealed to that elasa . of people who ' wanted qu.Kty leathers, stylish lasts and ex trotcely low prices withal. Our '"' irarie In this '.department enjoys a steady. healthy growth.- We offer new stylos every season. We feel compelled to make, price' concessions that wl)l remove fromv our stock every remnant of our 1111-12 llne. i , . , - , xienco me prices listed, nere.. .r AU $4.00, $4:50 indSJOOjj '' patent leathers, one-half price. ' ' Broken lots '$3.00 Shoes .vVl.95 . Broken lots $3.50 Shoes. . .' . ; ry.r-.;. ; . ; .7, .$2.45 ? Broken lots of j$5 and $6 SEoes lv-. . r. . . ... $3.45 ! $100 One big lot dress and work shoes Worth up to $5.00, but there are only one or two pairs of a kind. . . .". .... Brini'thelVoy'r-V47, ' - Buy him one or two B?Va ' ,our. most excellent;. . shoes. The prices justify the outlay. '-- '" - ",Boys; Shoes 9 to IS',, worth' to $2,251- ,". 0 for . .v.-.;. : -V.vr..: ; ."..'.05c add $1.45; . ' Boys' Shoes,' 1 to 5, worth to $3.50, for;. $1.45 MiactUantoua items Ik furnishings at Bargain Prices Want a Netktie? Here's the one big oppor tunity to replenish your necktie assortment. Silk or knit, as you prefer. 50c Ties, 35c, 3 for $1 75c Ties, 45c. $1.00 Ties, 65c. $1.50 Ties, 95c. $2.00 Ties, $1.35. $2.50 Ties, $1.75. $3.00 Ties, $2.05. Sweater coat bargains $2.C0 Coats ..... $1.35 $2.50 Coats $1.75 $3.50 Coats $2.45 W-W uoaM a at ............ . $1.05 $4.50 Coats $3.25 $2.00 qualities- . $5.00 Coats $3.50 at $1.35 Outing flannel pyjamas and nigVit . shirts substan-. tially reduced $1.00 qualities at 70c $1.50 qualities at Shirt Sale Extraordinary See Windows Nu. 1, 2, 3 We've' had a magnificent line of shifts during the past 6eason and we've 6old an immense number. New spring goods beginning to come. We're going to close out all ofthii seasons shirts if extremely low prices will turn the trick and we're certain they will therefore, we advise you to come early. All fancy and flannel shirts includeji. . , r Our regular $1.00 Shirts for 70c Our regular $1.50 Shirts for $1.05 " : Our regular $2.00 Shirts for $1.35 'i " : ' Our regular $2.50 Shirts for $1.75 , Our regular $3.00 Shirts for $2.05 Now for a great Trouser sale Were it not for our established policy of . .. . ing up eacn season, we a decline to hold a trouser sale this winter so wonderfully free from broken lots is our trouser stock. Precedent, however, must be respected, hence this remarkable bar gain opportunity. All sizes, all styles and all fabrics, and. all colors worth considering. 'clean- $1.50 Trousers..... $2.00 Trousers .... $2.50 Trousers .... $3.00 Trousers .... $3.50 Trousers .... $4.00 Trousers .... $5.00 Trousers .... $6.00 Trousers .... $8.50 Trousers .... $7.00 Trousers .... $7.50 Trousers $8.00 Trousers .... $9.00 Trousers $10.00 Trousers.... $12.00 Trousers.... $1.00 $1.35 $1.70 $2.00 $2.35 $2.70 .50 .00 14.35 4.70 $5.00 $5.35 $0.00 $0.65 $8.00 &zsrm nun u. STATE CURES IIS OW HEAT Experiment Tried at Beatrice Found to Be Money Saver. PRIMARY PROCLAMATION WORK V Gevraere Office Freparlag im Perth La; Pwianl riunl . f fmrn Chuecllar I. Be HfM Homr. V ( (From a Staff Corratpondent) LINCOLN. Neb.. Ftb. .-rSpcU-The Slat Board of Public Lands and Build in, has sln a good Uluatratlon ot orw phaa. of the hlfh coat of llvlnc problem. The 8rhool for tbe FnMt Minded at Beatrka had thirty-four fat hoa 'for which the dealer , offered 'the market price, S.1. Member, of the board thought they could aave soma money by. butcher ing the hogs Initead ot selling them and then buying meat for' tbe -school, an J here la bow the proposition worked out: The board paid a .butcher US for the expert work In bstchering and the rest of tbew ork was dora 'by-tha Inmates and regular employes of the Institution. When aa accounting waj taken It was found that the drened and cured 'product was worth mar than double tbe amount' the bogs , would have brought If aold. They dree.ti an pounds and out of tbls there was produced 1.200 pounds of pure lard. ICS gallons of sausagt. MS pounds ot bead cheese, -pickled .pigs feet, soua and other byproduct, of , the pic The ham, shoulder and bacon will b. cured and smoked on the premise, hickory wood being used In the smoking, the wood being obtained on the place. When it I completed they figure they will hare cured meats superior to th packing houee product. ' -.-..-'.- In addition to th hog Wiling bee trie board members Inspected th automatic stoker Inatalled under the boiler of th Institution. They reported them working fine and with every promise of working a great eavlng of fueL ' tita 1 Frwelaaiatf . The governor's office Is preparing the primary proclamation, which must a out sixty day before th primary election. April 1. Following Is the hit of offi cers contained: Presidential preference, vie presidential preference, senator, del egate to nations! conventions, national committee men, congressmen, governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of' state, treasurer.. -superintendent of public hv rructlon, attorney general, land com missioner, railway commissioner, presi dential elector, state- senators and rep resentatives and endorsement of five con rtitutionai amendments. Reiltlra tar Xlrarl ' Th governor ha Issued a NojuuUtion on the governor of Iowa for th return to Omaha of Glen Miracle, who Is charged with stealing a fur-rlned over coat tress 8. 8. Montgomery- Mrs. Mont aomery pet the coat vt oft the porch to air and the Miracle worker, 'instead of In creasing th. number of coats. Is alleged to have accompanied Ihs Montgomery i coat oyer into- Iowa, where he I now un der arrest. , ' ' John'N. Gillette of the soldiers' bom at Danville, in..' writes ths governor that he ha a scheme of dry farming which he I. certain will- make the semi -arid section bloom Ilk th rose, 'or something of that kind, i . : ; . . Mr. Gillette waa referred to the stsU experiment station.' ' 4 ' ; There are still about fifteen counties which have not made their January set tlement with the- Stat treasurer. '-' Mar Boad Beach t.' , fhr Board of Educational Lands and Funds- has Just Invested P 900 of perma nent school funds, ss follows: ' Bonds of th city of Button, tztkio; bonds of th city of Rushvllle. tl$.000; bonds of the' city or oardotu W.srjD.'snd bonds of th city of Wilcox. tli.OW.' ,-'. ! '.,'. Child Reealtes Pareats. " ' A t-year-old boy . waa . th means of bringing his father and mother tovetber again ' In the court of Judge Cosgrave. John and Susie Brown were the parties to the action and 'each accused' the other of cruelty. The judge gar them a lec ture, through the aid 'of an' Interpreter, the parties being German-Russians,' and tn pleading, of the. boy did the rest ' . Military Board Meets. ' . The military hoard met today at' the eapitol with all , trie member. ." present except Major Paul'.awho I. expected later. Two resolution . were' adopted. . one' of which provides - that where company i property is short, lost-or damaged the. value ef same ahall be deducted from the per diem allowance of th company ' un- j leas It can, be shown tbe loss or damage was unavoidable,, and that the money be taken to replace th article. Another resolution provide that wher company reports are delinquent and they are not forthcoming and approved within three month, after notification for per diem and other allowance will be withheld. : Pwaeral at Las Chaaeeller. ' " ' Th funeral of Chancellor 'EmerHua Huntington of Wesleyan university, who died yesterday at University Place, will be held Monday at th Pint Methodist enure of that place. . , . Major Peaw ta Manila.'' , It Is understood st the slat hou that Major i. A. Penn, the . regular army officer detailed a Inspector and In structor to th Nebraska 'National Guard, win be ordered about April 1 to rejoin bis regiment. Aa his regiment Is now' in th Philippines thl muni another Vlp to the orient for the malar. Major Penn. has bean on detached duty a long aa the military regulations permit and this Is the reason aestgned for the transfer. ' u , '-Saperfatca4ewt Cieea srKIeeed CLARK8. Neb.. Feb, a (Special. )- LTLe Board of Edualtloa met last van- hut and re-elected Prof. W. C. Green suoerlnlendent of public school This ! will be Superintendent Green's fourth year at the bead ef the school ot this I place- ' ' " " - , KING HAY BE DELEGATE Osceola Man SugYeited aa One of the BooktcU Men. . , OMAHA MAN FOB AUIOTOR W. B. Hawar4 Aaaaaa'eea Ha Will Make Baaw for Tbls Poeltlea -Beverldge Will Talk ta . Llaeeta Meaday. (Prom' a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb. .-(Special Tele gram.! It Is announced that ths La Fol letta stats meeting which waa called for Monday, afternoon wilt not be held until evening of that day on account of the Inability of some of th prominent speak ers . to reach the city In. th afternoon. Among th men spoken of as de!egate-at-larg are N. Merriam of Omaha and E. U King of Osceola,' the latter a Roose elt man. It Is hinted that Governor Ald rtch will not be a delegate and that 'Mr. King will be tbe representative accorded the Fourth congressional district. , J. J. McCarthy of Ponca la spoken ot aa ap ossible cholc for another ot th del agates-st-Urge. Howard Will Baa. W.-B. Howard of Omaha wat In Lin coln today and said that ha knew noth ing about the petition, for his nomination a. auditor until after they were filed, aa be had been out on a ranch for some time. Ha -aid, however, that he would' accept and make th race. Ledwltb a Detente. Petition are being circulated In th!. city arking that th nam of John J. Led with of Lincoln be placed on the primary ballot aa a candidate for dis trict delegate to th democratic national convention. Joseph N. Heaaty of Fair bury has filed ss a democratic candidate lor the state senate. ,overldae Talks Wednesday. Extensive arrangements are being made for tbe banquet ot tbe Young Men's Re publican club at the Lincoln hotel next Wedneaday -night. Former Senator Bev erldge of Indiana will be th principal speaker. Tbe banquet la sot an invita tion affair and all are welcome. Word baa been received from many out In the Stat that they Intend to be present and a number of reservations bav already been nude. . ' got wise to th mora, mad. track for Valentine beating th other fellow In and getting hla filing In th first thing Thursday morning. 1 Raew tm rile Land. . VALENTINE. Nek. Feb. . (Special) Something Ilk the old time rush for land took place her yesterday when Frank Sedaleoek rod ninety-five nHles? against tire to file on a piece of land. It seems that be had taken a surveyor oat to surrey thle piece be wanted some where near the Spade ranch and the survey showed that it included some very valuable bay land that ha been used by Ppade. md some employes ef the ranch ftndlnx ut what waa going ta started fur Uwa at once, but Frank 4" 1 ' - '' Packers Win Out in Food Law Case SIDKET, Neb., Tib. a-Rpeclal Tele gram.) The prosecutions under th pur food law Instituted by Inspect or MsLaln agalnat th Armour-company and Swift 4 Co. were today diamlss-4 by th county court after th evidence of ths stats wss all Introduced. The particular violation of th law charged was failure to have s tamp allowing net weight on packages of lard found by th Inspector not to be so stamped. . The defendants put up a stiff fight on the Jurisdiction, ef the oourt. and after argument, of counsel the court took the. matter under advisement and dismissed the cans. A number of rusea the Inspector had already arranged to Institute will now be dropped and proceedings properly Insti tuted where the sale by lbs wholesaler can be established. It developed during the trial of the two cases referred to abov that the stickers showing the net weight had fallen off the package In transit or In being -handled by the retailer, and that to meet such contingency tbe wholesaler provided the retailer with stickers to place on the packages when It waa discovered that the sump, originally placed on them had slipped off. ' ' This fact waa testified to by the mcr chants to whom the lard was Kid and It seemed from the evidence that the whole salers bad made an honest effort to com ply with th law. , Miles and Mcintosh, who defended for the packers, bad their cases too well tn hand for th state to make any headway. MERRICK FAIR WILL BE HELD IN CENTRAL CITY CENTRAL CITT. Net. Feb. l-Rpe-cUl-r-That Central City will be the place where the annual fair of the Merrick County Agricultural Fair association will be bell waa determined at a meeting of the officers and dlrectora In this city Monday. The dlrectora present were mostly farmers residing outside of both Central City and Clark s, and the matter was settled by them In favor of Central City. The following was the vote In favor or locating at Central City: Wil liam Wegner, George Wolcott. Carl Jen sen. Max Cornelius, O. May. W. A. Mc Cul lough. R. M. Wolcott. Theodore M. Osterman, E. W. Badger. It waa also decided that the fair should be located at Central City for the next five year, beginning with thl year of ISU. The dates act for the fair tbl. year are Sep tember 11. 12 and U. W. A. McCulleugh. Theodore M. Osterman. William Weg aer and K. W.' Badger wer appointed twmnUUas to select sit. Omaha Men Plan, a Novel Mutual Insurance Body . (From a Btsff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. I -(Special Telegram.) -John W. Barth and II. H. Bowes of Omaha war at the capital today looking up th legal phase f A decidedly novel Insurance company which they bar projected. Theyshav worked out their plan and now they want th attorney general to tall them whether such com pany can be organised under th. laws of Nebraska. The plan In brief 1 to organise s mutual company, which will 1ns ur It member against sickness, casualty and also against loas by reason of being out ef employment. The proposition was so novel that ths attorney general was not tiling to give an opinion off band, there being no precedent so far ss known for such a company. son. In this county, on farm, wher Mr. 11 ask Ins died In December. Ml, SI no. March L IM, Mrs. Hasklns n'd lived continuously In the same rseldeoo In Stella, a period of twenty-four years. Three children survirs. Jsraes A. Has klns, who Is s farmer living near Stella; Clyde O. Hasklns snd Miss Kunlr. Has klns. who ar editor, of th Stella Press, and who lived, with their mother. Miss Eunice Haakln is secretary of th Ne braska Stat Press aaeoclalion. THIRTY-THREE MORE INSTITUTES THIS MONTH LINCOLN, Neb.. Feb. .-8peclal.)-rrhimy-three more farmers' Institutes will be held this month, which practically closes th season's schedule of lut in stitutes. The list of place and Istructor ara given beltw. The dates are sll In February: Place, Instructor and dates: Klirood R. B. Jtlumy. 56. Franklin R. V. i'yr. Bt-.l. Atlunta-F. H. Browne. fl-M. Kenesaw M. A. Stoner. 22-23. Crete II. (-. Noble, K-S4. Crest on H. W. I,uute. U. Klgln-Bert Hunter. It-It. St. Kdard-H. tlordon Cross, l-t$. fMlver Creek-lliarles Wooster, li-1. C larks I. Utile, lt-r7. Varfluette Alex Powers, 20. Aurora-J. D. Kerr. v;i. Waoo-R. F. Getty. U -M. t't lea George Liggett, 22-23. Heaver Crowing J. c. Morford, H. Peru J. D. Graves. I7-. Johnson Walter Klsohel, IT-tHt. HumboMt-Don Orldley, Feb. 8) snd March 1. Mlnden L. S. Newhold. March M. Drhuyler (Grand View Church) B. F. Pearson. 20. North Loup-C. L. Hill. . Iop Ctty-L N. Smith. 0. Mllllgsn C. Snua. U. Belvldere E. P. Dill, 2t LMIIer-W. C. Une it Kimball Harnev Benson, is. Morrill Jame Flllot. S. Mitchell. Jame T. Whitehead, xt Scott's Bluff William B. Woodruff, St, Ravsrd-C. H. Harpol. M. McGrewL. W. Rlnrehv. JT. Lew-Hen Dr. D. K. Morris, 28. Keystone C B PbllK-a . Mrs. A. Hawklaa. STELLA, Neb.. Feb. . (Special) Mrs. A. Hasklna. aged 9 rear, died at her home in Stella Sunday afternoon. She bad not been strong for ten year suffering from arterial scterltsis, Mrs. Hasklns waa born near Portsmouth. Scioto county. O., and there was mar ried to George W. Haakln. They came to Nebraska la VX locating near Dua. UNION PACIFIC FIGHTS TAX ASSESSMENT IN MERRICK CENTRAL OTT. Neb,. Feb. .- Spe cial. -A. ths outgrowth of ths partial payment ot Ha personal taxes by the Union Pacific prior to the first day of hut December, the railroad oorapany filed suit In district court against County Treasurer John T. McLean, enjoining the further collection of taxes levied agalnat it la certain township. Th whole dis pute center, about the manner In which the aasessmerC waa levied. In the dis puted townships the boards Instead of making the levy to specify so many mill, for road purpose, so many mills for bridge purpose snd so many mills for general purposes, threw the assessment all together and mad It as so many mills for all purposes. Now tbe railroad maln- taina that this assessment ss erron eously made, claiming that all purposes means general purpose. The law for bids the levying of mora than two mills for genera! purpose, and It la on the claim that thl all purpose levy exceeds the two mill that the contest Is brought In no case doea the levy exceed the amount that may be levied for all pur poses combined, but th claim Is that ths form In which th levy la made make It merely a general fund levy and as It exceeds two mill la therefore U leaal. The amount thus claimed to be Illeg ally levied and th township In which levies ar mad ara aa follow: Central, CJLM: Chapman. IW5.7S; Vleregg, I108.M; Prairie Island, tlS-OX. The claim la also made that school district No. u exceeded ths legal twenty-fiv mill levy by tbe mm of Utast. To enjoin th collection of then, amount the Union Pacific brings suit through Its attorneys, Martin Backer of this city, and Edaon Rich of Omaha. VALENTINE WOMEN WILL BUILD AN AUDITORIUM VALENTINE. Neb.. Feb. .-(8peeial.) -The Women's Improvement dub la mak ing plana for building a large auditorium hers tbe coming summer sad It has all lie committee out on the different parts of tba work, and the prospects of the bunding being built ar tbe moat favor able. It hi to cover two lota and have a basement under the whole with kitchen and dining room for social affairs, also tbe dressing room for the stag win b la th basement. Th Dm floor will hav a larx stags and verythlng fitted up aa a first-class opera hens. ,Th building Itself Is to be built of osment blocks of tn latest pattern. GARDNER WINS ORIENT TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIP MANILA, Fab. a-Carltoa It Gardner of New Tork snd San Francisco won to day ths Iswn tennis championship of ths Orient Rs defeated Kdwla & tMcOee. who was th winner last year, and the holder of th till by I to L Th son test took place during th. annual car nival at which th championships ot all branches of (port were decided. -, Th amateur 'baa ball team of the Waaeda university of Japan baa beea on a visit here and played games with American and Filipino teams by both ot which It was defeated. - It'a BaralasI Shasta not to have Bucklen s Arnica Salve to cure - burns, eeaema, bolls, sores, piles, cms. bruise, wounds and ulocra. Sr. For sal by Beaton Drug Co. To Get lis Beneficial Effects Always Buy f he Genuine $YRUPflGS EuXIRofSE(JfiA iTiam'ik'fi'reti tyihe (m;;iifi3rki?(o. Sold by ell leading Druggists One Size Or. ly, o Botti