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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1912)
20 TEE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, FEBETTABY 10, 1912. ii Thousands of Pairs of KID GLOVES Worth $1.25 to $2 pair, Saturday 75c pr Importtn' Samples o! FrtKi JUdc Glorei . All Sizes EVERY PAIR is PERFECT All sizes; including real lr id washable chamois, auto and driving gauntlets, also a few long gloves; one and two large pearl fasteners. All good snaaes 01 tan, brown, grey heho, also black and white for fashionable street or evening wear. On two larra bar ram lamutJ Main rioor. posi tively worth from $L25 to $2 a pair, at les ol tan, 75 4 Sale of Silk Hosiery 1 Immeiua Lets Womtn's an Ma'a Pure Thread Silk Hast, Oayx Brand, Sfec Pr. Onyx brand bosery is known from const to coast, llere are' boot silk hose with wide lisle garter tops, all silk with wide lisle hem tops; some with double lisle soles, heels and toes black, tun, white and evening shades. Onyx and other brands Main Floor f dT Bargain Square-Worth from 50c up J. jfl O to 75c, at, pair v w Women's Imported Llile and Cotton Hosiery, mercerised silk, lisle, fine gauss tills and medium weight hoee, plain and boot effect, black, tan and color; worth up to too pair, OP at pair 4JC Women's and men's Cotton and Mercerised IJil . Finished Hoilerr some with double beels and toes; black, tan, 4 OJL etc.; worth 6e pair, at pair lzC aliases', bor' and children's fine - and heavy ribbed Cotton, fteecr lined and wool hosiery, black and tan; worth Ol, lo pair, at pair li2C Infanta Pure Cashmere Ribbed Hosiery, silk heels and eyl black, pink and sky, worth He pair, at pair. BRANDEIS STORES youthful Bandits Admit Holdups and Several Robberies I Four youthful thieve snd "bed men" Ware arrested Friday ssornlng at thslr tromss by Detectives DoneAue, Ueltfeld nd Kmory. They ere ebargsd with e Tfumber of burst! end ene holdup. Tlx ters ars .aid to have eonfeed to en police et their working. TOr en Boy Devts, UN North Twenty-fourth street: rrcr Meloeo. I lrd trt; Patrick Tear, ll ipooeer etreet. an Smsst Btehr. IMS t North Nineteenth treat. Tbey are ell ffl years ef ace. - Anong the "Job" which the bor have fl iitism! to doing are the robbing of he a J. Carleoa etore t IMS North tCeeoty-founh etreet about two we fee when over W worth ot roerchaadtM ijiinn end Davie eonfemed to the Basting- op ea January of Harold Bell ta front ot ale home at 1U1 North Twin-fj-ttnh etreet. Bell wee struck over th Ml with a revolver and thea robbtd ot S after which he wee forced to give up Win oercoat The burglary ot Oeorc fcoss deer etore at Kit North Twenty scnjrtk street about three week ago k the work et these youthful thug. At this place the stole ever IM cigars int fas la ateaar. 8loon and pool hall yore entered by the bore. Fifty-Four Crops X Reaped by Bouvier IX Bouvier has reined fifty-tour crop the earn stem et land la Nebraska, I be nays he Is going te rale thtrtr land. HI farm Incut nil I"" anil from Fort Cal Ave ml lee north ot Florence Beuvter. was looks saore Mk a ana than 1 aaene te Omaha la the at UK, and to April. IK, locates Fort Calhoun, far. Mr. Bouvier ban the distinction et now (tag the first white eettler la th sat of Noeneka, and ene ef his troeeured pi ilniw t a Uver medal presented Ga hr the Nebraska territorial pioneer. M ha a brother and a tutor nvtng In beaver and hi wife and tw children live ea the original tarn. Th ether etuierea Hv la California. Colorado aad tlvwa. fig JUwraa, Busy Boys Who live out of doors, need shoes of the better sort. No boy can play out of doors these days in infer ior shoes without risking his health. Dont buy cheap shoes a low priced 6hoe has to be low in qual ity. High grade material and honest workmanship make these shoes cost a trifle more than the ordinary boy's shoes. But they out wear two pairs of that same ordinary boy's shoes. 1 to 5Y $2.00 10V3 to 13 ....$1.75 Full line of High Outs in buckles for out-of-door bovs $2.50 to $4.00 DREXEL 1419 Farnam St z 1 MOTHER CRAY'S" cvajcrcr DAunroe em as. sjek, an. n nn ! run nisUVKCN. A OsMgMkrf fw f i GAS Lighting Supply Sale When paying your gas bill, step in next door to gas office and bny gas 'and electric supplies and fixtures at Big Reductions s' :N 'his 'mm !,000 double weave, whlu light Inverted mantle, with genu ine roagnaota ring. BesuUr high quality, while f thuy tut SI C only ww 4 I ftCET4 I.S0S Vpriiht Mantle, en cap. and with double wire sup port. Price Iheee anywhere and you will find them tell ing at I or 4 time our sal price, SJC hi,, IM Extraordinary Suit ! Overcoat Values For Satnrtlay'a telling we place am aale KM bandsoma snltt and overroaU for men and young mem. Every garment In these lot Is cat In the late of fashion combined with perfection In tailoring art. AU the newest colorings, wood browns, fancy grays and figured serges. Every garment warranted to give satuiacuoa. A SAYIX6 OF $5.00 TO $7.00 ON EVERY GARMENT Wdabeeh xaverwd light tit Wlalibch Inverted Light - of the goose-neck type, with magneala burner-tip go In Ihie aale Flnlah, pollened braaa. Boxed complete with a No. I Walabach Inverted Mantle and No. 1MI half frosted globe. Reg. LA ular price tl.St each, JjjQ Wl", JZ" uTm c " 1.1 Ol J . Filltl Chandelier it SiT.'nj Jml ! M o.rm. At li Onwr.U liea, bea lmceet heih nil. im mumnsina . . OLHSTIO. U KefriLV. Two Oas and two Ktectrlo din ing room Chandelier. Uko cut. with art glau hade Regular lk w nlrce $U.e a (Son and 1 Rlectrie rhande- ller. No. lllt Regular price IHS. 81 crt price only U I Oas aad I Electric Chande lier. No. ill!. Recular price !.. eele Cf price only 1 Oee and ene Rlectrie Pend ant No, C SOS. Regular pr!x,fc..r...$2.00 TENTH OF MONTH SALE Over 10 Oa and Electric combination Chandeliers, not mentioned above, at exception ally low prices In order to clean up our sample lines and stock- Those articlee are from our wholesale etock and thsv are actually being offered at less than their wholesale price and are quoted at froiu $:. down t 12.. Wo will Install any order for , Chandeliers la Omaha South Omaha or Council Bluff with out extra charge. Thee prices are only In ef fect so long a thla awortment lasts. Burgess- Granden Co. 1511 HOWARD ST. Seat ass te Cms efflee- The new knitted silk neckwear in ail the new shades; DOc OP values e&UC Men's all wool and lambsdowa un der oar; broken lots, values to $1.23 45c Men's aad boys' broken lot 60c fleece lined underwear OP at s40C Men's Jersey Sweater, $1.00 qual ity; gray and blue color, JCJg GREAT HAT SALE NEW SPRING STYLES Hundreds of the very latest styles of soft and stiff hats for spring wear; not a hat in the lot worth less than $2.50 on sale M MC tomorrow, at . . . . V I atJ Hayden Bros'. Meat Dept. THE TALK OF OMAHA Our Meat Department, considered. by all to be the best in the west only first qnality meat, and sold for less than others dare. Roast Pork 7YC Hindquarters Mntton or Lamb 6V4C Forcquarters Mutton or Lamb ...5c Mutton Chops, 3 lbs..... 25c Mutton Eoast 5c Mutton Stew, 10 lbs 25c Sirloin Steak . 10c Porterhouse Steak 12M:C Pot Roast 8C, 7C, 6C No. 1 Hams '. 12c Picnic Hams 9 No. 1 Bacon 15e, 12'2C and 10c Corn Beef, 6 lbs 25c Morrell's Mince Meat, 3 lbs 25c 3 lbs. Ground Bones 25c Hayden Bros'. Heat Dept. UMil Ai I f. I uome uiin aaiuraay s Crowds and Buy Fry's Shoes the Lowest Prices Ever Sold This clean-up tale of ours is now the talk of the town! Records of all past sales have been broken! And all because the wise buyers are finding out there's a difference between "Sale" hoes and our high-grade shoes at sale prices. Come early Saturday and get your share of these sensational bargains. MEN'S SHOES WOMEN'S SHOES Howard ft Foster's Bros- 15.00 Patent and 3j.a una, button and dJO "TC blucher. for Pel J Holland's $4 winter tans, but ton and bluchers 0 OC ' doubla soles, no JW.OJ Six lines Fry's 5 Patents and Gun Metal, button tf0 OC and lace, now..., P5ieOJ Hoyden's f (.00 Patent Colt and Gun Metal, button M 7C and lace, now .... E. T. Wright's $4.00 Gun Metal, button and blucher, o QC now Jg.i0J All the broken lines of 14 and fS.50 Patent and J0 AC Gun Metal go at.. Ja-J Dull, eight-Inch tops, now .. Zlegler Bros.' $4.00 Patent and Gun Metal, button 0 Of and lace, now .... . sOO II. H. Gny-s $5.00 black Suede ' button, plain toe "Tf" now 3Oe I D Eight lines ot Fry's $4.00 and a.5Q Patent and tj0 A C Kid, but and Uce, 3-HO All th broken lines ot $3 and $2.50 Patent, Dull (l QC and Kid shoes, now J 1 JD 270 pairs small sites, $4 and $3.60 quality, your choice $1.00 20 Per Cent Off on All Boys' High Cut Shoes With Buckles 16th aid las Fry Shoe Co. oVHsu Quality and Prices That tell som.thlng. First with a ts Quality, and don't ulna lor a moment that we are aalllng you cneap meat beeauM the price are so low. W can and do eU for laaa Inaa our coo.ptltare because w. don't have any charge aceeuata and don't deUrer. Here' some Saturday prices: Port Loin ..H tNrk Shoulders .. -. -.Ba Pork Choos lane Pork Steak lHe Pot Roast 10s, So, as Home Mat Pork Sausag 1S Home Made Hamourgar . 10 Home Rendered Lard 1SH Our own Home Pressed rhlrkena Specially &lecud are th Choicest sold in the city. JOS. BATH'S CASH MARKET isu I NZ I In Oar ileei Vaults represent th onlr sbsolnts Safaty (or Valuables ef aU kind. Ttfey tand between you and LOSS by Fir or Burglar and protect your Private Paper from ine gas of curious persons, . Th cost I from S3. upward each ear. Omaha Safe Deposit Company tree level Battaae ts T salts. in rama-Ajg enn 1 THERE'S 'more difference in the tone quality of different pianos than the average person, would 'imagine, and in the selection the placing of the different instruments side by side ii the only sure way of determining actually just which you prefer WZ GIVE YOU THIS VERY OPPORTUNITY BY OFFERING ON OUR SALES FLOOR FOR YOUR SE LECTION A LINE OF PIANOS INCLUDING SOME 20 DIFFERENT MAKES. Among those thown art the , Pric & TeepU, ScKatfftr, MilUn, EUy, Luiwig, Wagman, Fiahtr, Evtrett, Sthmtr, f& Your special attention is called to the magnificent tone quality and beauty of "Acoustigrande" Pianos made by Cbickering Bros., Chicago. Our February Clearing Sale Offers you some bargains in new and used Pianos that ve know you cannot duplicate. Let us show you the PIANO PRICES Smith & Barnes, oak ..$159 Smith & Barnes, walnut $150 Schaeffer, oak, used ..$150 Eatey, mahogany, used $150 Haines Co., mahogany $150 Victor, walnut $140 I I Peek & Son. ....$100 Camp & Co. ....$100 Chickering $125 Kimball $75 Singer $90 Wheat .$40 Remember; every Piano we sell is guaranteed to gire satisfaction and we arrange payments to suit the convenience of every purchaser. Independent A-1131 !;.",, IIAYDEU BROS. Most modern equipment and the best of service The man with an office now demands the most exacting care and con veniences. The Bee Building ii --;,Mtui.. 1 f s4tiJiA :ltii;tfe-J r.- r; is situated in the heart of the commercial district ot Omaha and gives tenants the best office service to be had. The elevators are new and their service is faultless. Keen janitor attention keeps the rooms scrupulously clean, while a modern steam plant evenly heats the building in tha coldest weather, offices which are excellently ventilated. The man who wants the greatest conveniences and the best of attention will find a few choice offices vacant in this building now. Boost ttS Rewptlon Room. Prlvat Of'trs, two large closet, large work room with two north window. Ideal office for Engineer, Architect, Doctor or other professional men. Hentsl. per month $46.00 Imb 4SS This I a long narrow room, lOxllM, having a north light Kent), per month Itova S08 Is 11-:C In .lie, located on the court, close to lry light, thus having excellen natural light. The apar could be divided so as to n.ake two vary pleasant room. Price, par month SS7.50 Boom sas-ffire In the north-west corner having four large window. A fir proof vault for th protection of valuable papers is much In demand and is afforded In thl room. There I a total of 120 square feet of floor Space and same would be equipped with partitions to satisfy good tenant. The rental price la, rr month SSOjOS) sons est This spec IS doe to elevator on the court ef the building. There 1 a good slsed vault with shelving In connection with office. Pries, per month ....S17JO The Bee Building Co., Be BMimeis Oflit , 17ck aid rtuaam Sts Free Land Information The Twentiett Century Fanner, to meet the demand of it readers for land lnformatiou, oas gathered and compiled data on soils, cUmato and farming conditions In lf parts ot tha country. It la willing; u gtvo out this Information free It postage is sent with Inquiry. Do You Want to Know About government land laws, location of land offices, stc How to get irrigation lands, location of projects, laws governiig same, etc. Bee', sections for trait growing, general farming, stock raising or dairying. Tour questions will get prompt attention. State) plainly and specifi cally what yon want to know. Write. Land Information Bureau The Twentieth Century Farmer Omaha. Nebraska.