1 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, FEBfiUAET 10, 1912. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Vlti HkkYT Wheat Receipt There ii Is Show of Advance. UBLKAL COM SALES Ail XTCX waxes Mar Heattattas Market Wklto Cars Con rmrf, Bat Dtaul Wilt Abators N at Rtaher Prim. OMAHA. Feb. 1 Bit Futures, steady; March. tHd; Mar. .. July. ;!, CORN' pot. steady: ARMrlcma mixed, mw. did: American mixed. old. ft LPed: Americas mixed, new, kiln dried. fa TSd Fuiurs. steady; February, unquoted, March, as lNd. HOPS-Jn London. Pacific coast. CM Be fjtlltSa. JEW YOBK CEHEBAI. MABKJCT tseetatiea af Ike Oar aa Vartaa (aasaw- Bw-ewn a a ML NEW TORK, Feb. .-FtCR-rirm: mini' patents. Bri.W: winter straights. KaaBttt: winter patents. K rt epnnxa clears, 14.&414.4B. ennier extra. No. I. tlTuJim. winter extra. 1 for the fcia etiM-ka of wheat hel-l la Ur-e or a let lib la tha iC l..a Iq toe spring what markets there Is little hop that whmt rai.es tan be advanced or even rustalned at le,a However, foreign esoles keep trvne and w.t.i any ..averse nas to the new nlnt-r crop might stArt a bull wrxuro. Country elevators and railroad ara feel tnS the Welsh! of lh- recent liberal Bell- tnf of corn by the country holders and there may be a hesitating market while this corn la coming forward, bat the demand will aooa absorb It and than a niftier kvsl of prices I likely. Wheat opened with a firm Ion and values were pushed turner on the early trades, later the market eased off. eloe keg at yesterday's prices. Cash wheat was We lower. Corn values advanced and maintained a steady tone throughout the session, aborts have covered freely and a rest In the advance mlcht be expected- Cash earn was Ho lower. Primary wheat receipts were Kk.Ofl feu. aad shipments were fi.0e bu., gJnat receipts I set year ot SStOv bu. aad ship ments er iia bu. Primary earn receipt went L 110. re bu. aad shipments were 0b, OX bu.. Against receipts last year of tre.uOt bu, and ahip mant af ITlfra be. Clearances were RYOto) bu. of am, ttr v, of oats aad wheat and flour equal to M, bu. Uv -vrrpool elnaed liftotd bliher en wheat and d higher en corn The following cash sales were reported WHEAT-Na. t hard: a cars. ! 02; 1 ear, tJ.OIV No t hard: 1 car, II out No. 4 bard: 1 car, II. WIS. No. I mixed: 1 car. II CORN Na I white: I cars, c No. 4 whits: t care, HOSr; I car. mc No. I exlpr: I cars, Dc. No. I yellow: I cars, OV; I cars. yc No, 4 yel ew: I cars, 41s: 4 eora, a-V: I cars, tw,t; a cars, tec; f cars. I cars. inc. No. J nixed: cars, me. No. 4 mixed: 1 ear. 41c: I ears. mc: M cars. Mc; I cars. : He; I cars, Mc, Ns rade. I cars, Mc; 1 ear, re: 1 car. He, . OaTB No. white: I cars. lie. No. 4 waits: I car. rare: 1 car, ant. NO. ,'arade: 1 car. Brae, I car. Mc Oasaaa Caaa rrltri. WMBAT-No, t hard. H141 at: No, t hard. 11 MfrLM; No. 4 hard W v1l . . CORN No. I white, fH0V; No. 4 white, amtovc: No. I color. u-iSc: No. ; f yellow. .,i:r; No. 4 yellow, .uv; no. e, II T. , no. a, rwwtu, . no a-rade, aMesKc. , OAT-No. white, UfMlttc: No. t ' wliite, t; No. 4 white. ielMic; ; o I yellow, MSwMke; No. 4 yellow. '"fAr&ET-Maltln. Mfti .; No. 1 ' feed, fttrc; heavier than feed, nayaae, ' . HI Be-No, i, 9Mo; No. 1 mtto. Carlet Meaetpta. wiieau Corn. Oats. CMeaae 71 ' Illaneaoolla ....MO Omaha i 11 l Uulutb 11 ... ' ... CHICAGO AMD PBOV1SIORI Pwararea af lb Tradlea aad ClawlaaT m PHeea aa Penrd at Trade. CHK'AOO. Prh. I -Kee a while today tha wheat market showed decided atrenfih on aecount of reporta that de ptte official announcement to the con trary the Argentine strike had not been settled. Prodi takln iradually wore erf the affect and left prloea In In end aet over a ahade either way from last ifht's figure. . There waa but little outside support for wheat, a la. t which at the advance tended Iw Induce load selling os the bart of eommlaelon houasa In genera L aesldea, cash demand rumalned slow aad the fleer trade quiet. In addition, pri mary receipts were liberal, and especially o the ortliwasl, Minneapolis stocks fainlnf a substantial amount for the .week. Another (act that counted against the bulls waa the ebeeoce of evidence "lhat any real damage had been done to the winter orop. on the other hand ex ports of wheat and flour from tha United Htatea to Europe reached a total nearly aa greet as from all other quarters put tucevher. Between the opening and the eloee May ranged from tl.WH to 1104V 'with the close steady to a shade higher ht tLWHffl.OrS. . Zero weather, leading te extra feeding ef farm animals helped to bring about active having of corn. May fluctuated from tv.tPetta tn fa-e and finished net higher at CSc. (ash grades were ' firm. No. t yellow was quoted at Hr Me for carlo is. la the oate crowd, enrn strenirth and the buying for prominent bulls sent the . market upward. Outside limits touched for atsy were USo aad lrc with the -aloes at the first named level, a gain of e net. fhlpmenta of hogs. 11,714 head, were the lartvel for bay da ' smos June. 1 Whan rh pit waa cleared pork was krr4e leea expensive aad other products down IStc -to nickel. ; tesding options closed aa fellows: short move, hee7 tThleas there Is a much Improved cash I so. l ts 41r: Kansas straights, li J MMid as lu . k. . n. - - - kali . 1. . ,A mtJl ri;irt; choice to fancy, M M4.J. tmrkerheat flour, steady at KKOi.fO. CORN ME I,-Firm; fine wnite and yellow. II H(L70; coarse, (1.564, Ls-, kiln ulled, IZ .e. RrhV-Steady: No. t PVj. e. I. f Buffalo. BAKI.t.v-Mrm. maJuag. .C1., a. i. f , llurfa!o. , w m sat-apot market, steauy; jio. s red xl.UKe. eiei-mtor. exnort beds, and el olt f. o, b. afloat; No. 1 norther li luth, II .eJH Lob. afloat. Future mar set advanced early on tne trnin I m loretgn markets and nrra cess, pries at the west, but tha demand was siow ana later la the day the market was easier under profit-taking, dosing at unchanged .o e net advance. May. tl.l U-ieO 1.01 VII; cioaed at H int; July. Il.esv. ra- cetpts, U,a bu.; ahiproenta. none. CORN apot market, firm; export, 7ip til afloat. Futures market was aoml nsL Receipts, 0,m bu.; shipments, i,M bu. OATS Spot, market, quiet, r in urea market was nominal. Receipt, M.a an.; shipmesus, LkVO bu. HoPie Dull: mate, common to choloa, nil crop, a4)Mo; Padflo eoast, Jill crop U A T fliit nrime. Kl ; V. 1. tl.aaT li; No. I xi.3itfl.wi jxo. s, ". fiJUKB nrm; central wrr m ood'-la, CT(uJi'e, V . - . - LKATH KH-r irm: nsmioc nme, we He; seconds. MtfAc; thirds. Slfta; f rts. lc PROVISIONS Pork, steady: U;.OBi;.75; family, nHr5': clears. nT.COfllvso. ueef, nrm; .iiseitt (sail v. u.irris.N: nams. I27.akr.eu. Cut meets, steady. Hik.ed bellies. 1 to 14 pound, ".fctl px-kled heme. Ill Odtfll . lard, swear, NbMl. Mt nnm. M HK M: reClnea. ies.lv: continent. Mh Mouth America. Utai. onn. pound. .tf.S. 1 Al.Uciw wuiet; prime city, nnos ee. country, letsc: special. c. Bt'TTKR-KIrm; creamery spedsia. Me: exusa, invc; flrne, ddci atat dAiry tuue. nneet, (MREr!-teady, unchanged. ' IW1U8 Frrmi receipts, , case: freak gathered, eitraa, w; llrsts, seooWiS. UMrUc, re(iieralor, fair to prime, 2rf. ... . , ' poi!LTRV-AMre. dull: western ehlaav rs, 1J49HC; fowls, leori-ic; turkeys, llfllc; dressed steaiiy; western chlexena, U'.rSlici fowla. 11 Mltc: turkeys, Utiilo. , r eerie Market. PFOIUA, Feb. .-CORN-oiedy: No. I white, c: No. 1 ysliow, J-feAc; X. I yellow. CtrOc; No. I mixed. Mrue; N 4 mixed, t-. sample, M.K(o, OATo Higher; No. I white. Ho. ' '. Laala ueaeral Market. , BT. IVOTMH, Feb. .-WH BAT-Tash, steady; track. No. I red, U.ein.Jt; No. I hard, tl.fatfl.ll . CORN Firm: track. No. t. iOH4; No. 1 white, Ho. OATa-KIrm: tiack. No. 1 HHi No. t white. MejMSo. 4 Cl'wlng prices of future: rVHkAT-Weak; May, l.Ml.flwi Jury, 9t, CORN-Hlfher; May, frSfjerwc; July, OAT-Ftrm: May, trtlc: July. CJHc RYB-tlnchned. at ' ijii'n-Msikei dull: red winter pet- en!.. H eJtH . sxtra fancy b".".'. It mn 45; hard winter clear, ll.tOW. HtKi-Timoiny. ne.viuvieoe. ttlRNMKALe-tl.la. HHAN-Wesk; sacked, east track, l.M. . . HAT Hteeny: timotny, a "irs ee, prai rie. IH anil 00, - PROVIMIONM rorg, unonangva; r- Wn, lli.w IJard, unhsnget; pnme nam, is.eTtetW . Dry salt meet, un rhatiged; boxed extra ahnrta, t ; clear Hbe. s.S); short clear. W TS. Bacon, un changed; boxed sitm shorts, .; Iear ribs, tt short clear, M.7S. ' 1-OtTLTRT Firmer; chickens, lit; Minims, UVsci turkeys, llisc; duck, 10; geeee. Ic. til T I MV-imili wnnerii mvv t KOO-lrmer, at c. . -Heoelnta. Bhtoment. . S.0i .0( lU.gu ll.oio MM M,t NEW YORK JTOCK MARKET Vfual Leaien ia Speculative Tlai- Uf m fitOrgTOTlTlu, LITTLE BUSTJTESS LATE 15 DAT Art'de' Open. I High.! low. Close. Tes-y. May. rvitJ warn Mar ? July. - -nept ' Ct ..May. . i July Sept ' Perk May. July. '"eot. lard May July., ' kept. Ml be Mar. July. Wheat Ma.!!nV 1 t.l 1 Opvyi fH.j 1 fH Hie9M MJ4. KM ii n u m ) axu ftfut. IIS) id 13H-J) M'tiiJ S SS I w 1 MX 1 If M II 4?H It I ii t.i it m r l.7u. a ka I M t ir Rt f jlTfctNl I t tjH i -rtli bvn,'t geyi K-7SI l s Tlttse-m . Cask quetatloas were as follow riAJUK Firm; winter patent. M M0 .; winter straights, tlnX.a); spring 4S1; baaera. I! Ti.l. RTB-No. I MSc, BAKIJCV-Fwed or mixing. Ttcfrflfl fair to choice msltlag, II liol M. - FEKnS-Tlroothy. IllOui, 14,); - clover PROVIrilONIt-Pork. mess, new, U sru; 1H .lr4- i"."", H rW ehort ribs, sloes, knee. t.ie. Total clears mee of wheat and flour . were equal to bushels Exports for the week, shown by Bradstreet war equal to litf M bushels, primary re " bushsla. compared wttk tsO,a) bushels the corresponding day year sen. Fatlmated receipts for tomor row: Wheat. B cars; sorn. 197 can: oat. car; kca ll.M can. . . RTE No. I rTC. BARLET-eSritl tl - TMlTHT-!2 WliV : CLOVf-R ?U Nominal. , BVTTFrv Finn; creamerlaa, tWbs- dairies. kMriac. " " Kts-Flrm; recetpa, i sm eases; at mark, case included. 3r3c; ordinary firsts, lT7c: first. IIBie. CHKEHB-Steady: daisies, t7V917Sc- twina, lto-iev-; young AnMrlcaa, ITlasr ,- POTATOES Steady, turkeys, 140Ic chicken. U"Vric; springs. Utlie. VEAX-Stcady; -qTlls. Mlaaeapelle firala Market. ' kTIMTKAPOIJa, Feb. WHEAT star. .; rfuiy. i,irri cask No, .1 hard, ti t: northern, LTSrt.n; No. 1 riortnara, M-Hk; No, t wheat. H-0Sa . ' LAX-4i KARLzr-ttc&Lt:. CORN Nw, t eilew. IrVfJSTo. OAToNe. t waits, eH4l4e. RTB-No. 1 tec BRAN-fX4iAJt. - FIjOCR Tlrst patent. IM , end pitaots, at (M.i.w: first dears, tut .Bis, eeoecia aears. K-ftazm. Uetipesl Crele Market. IJTTRPOOU Feb. i.-WHBAT-elpot . firm: No. I Manitoba, tslSd; No. ; Manitoba, tA; No. I Manitoba, t frsd. r Flour, bbl. Wheat bu. Corn, bu.... Oats, bu,,.. Kanees City Orala aad Prevlaleaa, KAKPAH CITY. Feb. I.-WTIKAT- Csh. steady; No. f herd, fl MSI.Uts; No. I II 4eul.ll, No. I red, U.W; No. t, kvg n mi i'liuN t'nchanasd to He higher: No. t mixed, SY:y; No. t, tec; No. 1 whlta, 7niWvo; No. k eSSso. OATa i ncnangeo ; no, g wmts, m; No. I mixed, klTktrUte. HAT ttteady: choice timothy, UIOOJ S 00: choice prairie. 111 14 10. rH TTr.it Teemery. sic; nrste, am; seconds, 3M: packing stock. MSMMc. KtKIM-Bxtraa, tKK; firsts. MHc; seo- ooua, tie. , . neceipie, oniprneioe. 4I.0UO M. lis.om , .0 ltaw 11.0k nr v . lui Corn, bu. ... gats, bu. ... Philadelphia rredaes Market. PIHUADEtJ'HrA. Feb. . Pl'TTFR Firm and to hisher: western creamery, sperlsl. He: western creamery, extra, Ma; nearby prinla, special, flc Wriir firm ana eiw per case nisner; Pennaylvaala and other nearby first. free caaea. tlktd per case; current- re reints free case. I14.M nee case; west ern firsts, free cases, I.W ,r caas; cue- rent receipts, free case, iow per oa-ea. CHEKHEV-FIrm and ta higher; New Tork full creams, fancy. lUtiSUc: New York full creenia, fair to (ouu. t.TrVti'ka Milwaukee Orala Market. Utl.WAt'KRK. Feb. k WHEAT No. 1 northern. 11 UfiLU; No. t norfhem, tl.ft wl II: May. I1.US; July, 17c. No. i hard winter, ll.OHil.la. ()ltS-Nv 1 rellow. ajHc: No. I white. trAtc; No. I etc; Mar. July, Uric; OATft-mandard, mfi. AAJtL& Mai tins, fl.!tlMi BUI tltaeka aad It. Pawl Oaly la eat laawaa Wblett Break A war frees Dead Level at tke Market, Vwisr vosr e.. m. , ally dealgnaieil a the leader of th ma. set, which are the medium for th bulk of speculative transactions, were re tired to the background today. Moat of them barely moved. The Rill stocks and 81. Paul were the only promi nent Issue which broke away from th dead level of the market. The bear fac tion seemed to have become convinced, for the time at least, that little imnraa. mmn cuuiq os maos on tne I1S1, a U1S Undertone waa neecitlhh. firmer- Trading was llatit and during tne after noon mere was only th esmbianc of a market. During one hour only IS, tog snarra were traded in. AalA C ii . 1 1 . 1 1 M c aul, the atrongset railroad stocks war in in aouuiern list. Southern railroad, preferred, made a further advance of "early a point at tne opening and Im paired only elighily en th announcement mat tne amoend rate bad been Increased. Atlantic Cnasl Una and Liaavllt A Nsshvill were strong. CanadUa Pacific soiq otx i potnta The to bar oo stocks again fluctuated widely. American Tobacco, preferred, fell I points and Lorlllard L The tele- grann atocka were oonsDlcuoualy stronx. lhs heavy decrease in the supply of surplus copper stocks reported In y-ter-dav monthly ataument Imparted a de oiaeo y nnner tone to the copper markets, both here and abroad. An Improvement In railroad earning ws indicated ny th latest figures of Srua returns. The receipts of twenty re railroads for the fourth week of January ahowed an Increase of 11 aer cent, compared with a decrease of 4 par cent m tne preosamg wee. evening exchangs advanced today and no more gold waa engaged for Pari. 1 A snail shipment of gold ool was arranged for Porto 111 co and Indication pointed ( larger withdrawal for Mouth Ameri can porta, Th exportation ot gold was partially offset by gains from th In leri , movement of currency for th week sugrestinc a loss o( between RDM,. CM and fc.0Ua.00u. . Trading in the bond market was Kilter. Fluctuations I prices war smaii. Total ee.ee. par value, t3.,0uk United Ntatee la. refittered. advanced v par cent and th coupon per sent oa call. Number of aales and leading quotation s stocks war aa follows: .... . falea Hlrk. Lew. Clesa AluVCkaheent s t A.M.nue Ceppse ... Clef 0 SI Aaericsa aartesitwej ... Lew u tea, Awerlcse beet fajsv MS uw Uk uw Aaerka Caa sm ii ii- ni Aei1M C A F MS II 11 1 Aaenees Osttea 041 ft4 ta 4 . . am.es H a U Ht... , k Aa He (ereritla. , , lt Aawi.ea UesMS mi les X Aauneea k. ay ft- t.lSI Tl4 et ni Are. a a M , Ms M4l lata Aa. Iteol reeelnlm , u, a.sw ketiaia m 111 lite, in Aaerjees T. A T l.SN Mtu, let te AaeeVes Teesea prl. , HI Aaerlasa Weelee , nil AeeteaAa Mlatag 0... let H Kli aa AHSIeea Be ISt let 4. 1SHI AlrSWes SM m lei 1ST Mk OmsI Use....... IMS lrru lav U4 Piiuam a oaie let wta Mm lau tlebea steel Ms Ills II It beeeSIrs rUsM Tt- 4 Tr TI'A T7 csaasisa Paiins la m l tn ' e I si Leeuier iM Its, IS 11 Omtrsl Leatlur prl IM M ST M ' enrrsl tt Nee Jersey tW taeeeake A oaie. tut Tl tev, ti Ikleese A I lee L 4 (kle.se O. W .X fi.h-sso O. W. (..... M CVeaes A N. W tM 111 141 14lt Oiamse, k I P .... tM wa Sea IU . n. O A t. u "; M (Mends F. I , , U IVlarsse A eoheea 41 LKiuellesle us MS tit 1H IMH rbn mseets . let w isq, leii Delsetrs A keSeee Ill uesvw a rue uresis. D. A P. O N Ml 41 H DIMlllers' aseartUe MS Mk arte IMS avie lit '4 rae u arte re sm es e ee era uenwsi Bleetrls ......... MS UT Uta Ht 0et Nensers M IMS USU mi IMt nnM Monkers Ore r Mti Ililseis ceetrsl tt Imerkennsk Met. aw 1TH V 17 later. MM af let BU uu. uti laterssllensl Hsnseter.. 44 IM Wi ret IMer-slerlse ' MS .11 II miewiHai reper - ..... IS leteiHlleesI Paaip ,. ..... M kaad. Inrraasi il. 1MI, mark: lean, decreased. K.f3f.0 mark; discounts, drmesi rl. M.C5.M mark; treasury bins. on iiaasu, u4r,we msrss: notes in etr cuiaUoo, decline sd. I4.747.t mark: de- poslts, ccreased, 12.1Tl,4u marks; sold ia nano, Mores Bin, evirse mara RE PORT OF CXEAB1W43 HOCSE af Aassefcated Beaks ' tar tke Week. NEW TORK. Feb. I Bradstreet bank cleertrg report for the week ending rorury I ahows an aggregat or Ske, kVTAO. ajralnst H.MvMr (k last wee and tX310,02I.vA a th correspondln' week last year, folio wing la a list ef tne cities: CITIES. Amount, llna Dee, lee, i"k SM Mti M 11 lees Ceslrsl ksasw Uty la K. C. e. sra UrMt OSS IsnirSTllls A NukTllle... Miss, a II Levis M . St. P. A k k. M.... HIeMerl. K. A T M . K. A T X. MMemH rsctlle hittesil klaesll Nstkssl L4 N. K. R. M k. M all.. Nee Turk Central RT. O A W ertelk A Weetera. North Awererss Nerthem Parins rarltlf Melt eeeesrlvsels ... .......... Norte' use P . C, t- A kt, t rttesertk real i rrewel BteH fr Psllsies raises Car....... (uiiver kteel asrtag. m rUeilet et.W IW Uli ;, Kt e.we ws laiw w rt ' Mt IM m a in Mi Me, ten ms ink lifi i4i mo ut ni ui MS MJ Mk III! IN liiii lint nW re h m, us , Mi IB) lis leMt M Tit Tl Tl t.Mi ink lli4 HT MS MI4 Mt4 M4 IM in ik in of 1"! IMH Kk MS Milk 141s l IT n ..... ..... Ill Caffi TORK. ! 1 Market. ' Fek. k-COFFEIt-Fu- tures opened steady at unchanged price to an advance of 1 points European cahlea were d reappoint In . but offerings were slight and th market Improved dur ing the day oa covering by recent sellers and support from leading trade interests. Rather steadier Closing caoie iron ll.vr, helned tha tone ef the mafket Ik tha late trading and the market closed steady at a net advance of 4Al point. aaira. w.tto heir renruary. iic. March, April, May and June, llllo, July, ilia-- Ausuat. IlUc: aeMember, lltac: October, UUc; November, lAlac: Deeera. ber and January. 11x1. Havre waa unchansed to franc lower: Hamburg waa unchanged to pff lower; IUo. unchanged, atka- ftanto. unchanged, 4a kPW; ml. TetSA Receipt at tha tw Hraslllaa ports were U.0M bar. Jundlahv receipts, .v bag agalnat t bag last year. Rain waa reported la all district ot Bno Paul. Todays special Bsntn cable reported 4 unchinxvd. wao Paula receipt, t wo bag against u.so oairs yes terday. New Tork a rehouse deliverre yesterday were IXTtt bag Against Ud ha taat year. Spot eoffee. ateady: No. t Rio. 1414c; No. 4 Seatoe. IMvc Mild, dell. Cordova, 15HT 17 V:, aominai. Rvepermred Apple aad Dried Frail NEW YORK, Feb k EVAPORATKD APPLES-vtulet. but th market la sailer, la sympathy with the market up stats: on the spot, fancy. MfrltrVo: cholea. kg) fee: prime, k&tc fHltvl riu 1 ire 1 muss, stsaoy. win a better jobbing; demand; quotation range from 4Se to Ite for California up to kxns and from Ha to Ue f or Oresroo. Apricots are qurst, but steady, with re ports of tlrht stooka In first hands; choice, MHci lMe; extra choice. 1R40ih,c; fancy, ltW!7c Peaekes are firm, with lignt ofterinqs; choice. Umlw: extra choice, llilfc; fancy, lfl3-rc- Raisin "s very Inactive, but price are steadiiy held: looee muscatels. sSer7e; choice to .ancy seeded, t?7V: eedks, kffTC. Landoa layers, tl.esji av kaaar Market. NEW TORK. Feb. -rJI'OAR Raw. firm; muscovado, k test, Afcte; eentti fuxal. M l cot. 4.4c; molissra. M test, 1.71c; refined steady. T Heeewle Bteel .... RBsMle Stael srd Heck lefea re Roet Isles fe. Pt4 ... at. L. A . r. Ir prl., ft. leak k w it v s. W M llnee-tkerneU a A I.. feel Mrs Peclrle ., WMilriera Rsllwsr ...... e. Relrwe e'4 Teskessee owe ....... reus A Pselfie. T . St. L. A w T . ft. u A W. BN.... I'eles Pscine .. I'eten Perlfrc M Pall Sutes keeltr Telle steles Hebser.... t'sltel Mitas teel B.IM V a leM pU a I'tsk fvreer 4.SM v. -tiraiiss caeesuai .. in kataea WeMeb en kretwii Mervlssl k'eaisrkee Vetei Lmlea ... WIMeltftS A U B l.tiit vsiisr Oriae rarser .... In CAesel.setes Anerlras TSXaees LtM TT M t4 it eli ' M 41 11 14 Tl m 1.MI 1SH lera. lis 4.4M MS M14 Mk kMS TIU, T!s 1"t 14 M . M a tl ii Mi mh k nit K4M 114 Mlk 144 "k 44 M 11 leu, IST1 lSIlk 4k We . I.MS It lt . Ml ITU, rk , ie n Tee, . kM SM Irk MS I I . kMS Uk tUk . I14S Mk M . I. fei i?k ii 41 S5 !"i ui us te Tk M i 14 Tetal ssles aw Us aer. mi.bn ekares. ' taAwa fterk Market. ! IiONDON. Fsh. k-Amertrsn secuHtles rased off after steed y nd hlgiier penlnr today. At noon Canadian Pa cific was Itt point higher, while th reet of th list ranted from unchanged to H higher task yesterday' New York Cloning. . London closing stock quotation: Oners, user .... ft Lee untie A Nuk.lH sceeesi nisae. asa. m T... rra AsmI. tkeear New Ten 4eArsl..lll iiunu i verreix a weeurallli AtcMees ...I"i Se m n e m44 mitOstaMs A Weaera. tr a. ill awe A Okle..1kreaasrlessla oik Cfcnedlaa Psenie ..MltafteeS Miess 44 trseaessaXe A OkM, RNHeeaias U ril. ureal westers. 11 seeteara ay 4 t.1L, Mil A St. r.lelN a, s'i Vl vm peere --.. . mrrm recui ...inf Desver A ale u ... nlaua rsrine Hi ie St - 44k 4s M w arts "Sr. f. steel la eel - M se pr ...llek . i eM..- ttuwetesk -se Trees - Bk ee sM Ul luieeai caetrsl ....ue ' rllbVEHc-Bar. steady at tt per unce. . MONET HWH Per cent. . The rat of discount la the open mar ket tor abort bill Is v per cent; for three' month bill, tStiH per cent Mow York Mtalac Iterjka. : NEW TORK. Feb. - Closing quota rtonsj oa mining stocks were: AIMS MS 'Uttl. OJsf ... 1 Cks. Tee eel sleek.. It Meilesa Ma ' kees U Ostarte MS Oa Cai. 4 Vs.... a oesir ii Ire Wear IM tiu4ai4 M eustnue O. .... M Tailee Jacket .. II . .Bank Cleartaaa, OMAHA. Feb. k-Rnk d earing for today were tl.MiriJ.TI and for th oorre spcrtdlng day last year CM7.7E.4t. ' " Baah at Oerasaar Stataaseaf, PKRIJN. Feb. 1-Th weekly state merit of the Imperial Bank ot Germany tao we taa faUewkMJ eoaagea: Cask In New Tork Ctncaco roeton Philadelphia 81. Louis Kanra City Pittsburgh c'sn Franciao ... Baltimore Cincinnati Minneapolis ... New Orleans. Cleveland Detroit Loe Angela OMAJiA , Mkwauke lulevUle Atlanta Portland, Ora.....J (Matt I t. Paul Buffalo Denver lmhanapollg Pr evidence ........ Richmond Washington, LX O. Memphis St. Joseob ttslt Lak City I ion wortn Albany Columbu Bavannah Toledo Naehvlll Hartford Spokane, Wash Tacom Des Moines Rochester Duluth II aeon Oakland, Cal. ...... Norfolk Wichita Peoria New Haven JackscnvlUa. fia. acranton Grand Rapid..,... utrra Ingham 8loux City Auguaia. Oa.. ...... Syracuse Evansrvlll Woroestsr epringfleld, Mas. i lay ton Oklhoma Portland. M Chattanooga ijttia Kock Charleetoa. 8. 0... Wheeling, w. VI. Knoxvllla Kan Diego, Cal.M, IJncoln Read I nr. Pa....... Topeka 1 Wilmington, Dl... uavanoorx mvrarosnte, Cal.... Mobile Wllkeabkrr Cedar Rapid, la.. Akron Youngstowa ....... water 00. la r I River Canton, O nprlns-neld. o...... Port warn New Bedford Helena IexIngton Tork. Pk Columbia 8. C Erie. Pa ftookton, Cl Hols, Idaho Rncelord, III Muskogee, Okl Xalamasoo. Mtoh.. Qulncy. Ill Rloomlnfion, 111... ruisa. Okl Outer), Utah........ Lowell ... Chester, Pk Kpiingflrld, 0 South Bend, Ind... Hinghamton Rioux sails. B, D. Jackson, Ml Decatur, m. ........ Manafleld, O rareo. N. I) Fremont. Neb....... Vlokahurg. islj. vUl. 111.-' IJ.oei.un 4n ..' ii., W.SI1II UK. I71.174,flntl I.M. ee.Me,evii. 4i.l ( M.Q.j M.7t.ora M.Mb,lIM .ari S,rM.n Ut.ll4.0M ll.kT7.inM M il M.m.H an. kl 1.0&V( 14. M, 16.M6.OI lt,e.ftW U.61L0IW R47i,nH 11,K,H Ml9t.onj t.m.on I.M4.H 7,7 .0001. .ltltOS t.6e.li ta.m .71 ttuj T.rTi,W 7.S."3e, 7.t7.ai. t.l7.lr 7.U6.O0O) t.w.tnM .3 ti l.kw.ew 4.t7.0H 4,.00i Alll.0001 4.Kl.aM I M 7i I IS! 7.11 111 "J IM is 2 Hi t.n "ii at 7.1 it f.4 OMAHA IMSTOCK MARET Cattle Eeceipts Liht, Xillen Steady tad Stockert Lower. HOGS FITE TO TES CE5TS EI0HEB keep aad Laasa la Terr Ceed Da. asaad. While . Prlree skew aa Advance at Tea Cents aa Madetatw Reeelpta. OTJTH OVAHA, Feb. t. Mil Recetnts em Official Monday .. Official Tuesday ... Ofricisl Wetlneiulav Oftldal Thursday .. utuuat r nuay ... Cattle. Hoem. Sheep. iom x.ir.l Kl.UH 14.S1J E.E0 tl.St U.X8 t.3l LfM Tt-lol RIM k.US 44.S17 74,171 M.Ml Ttiklt U.M si aaT XI. x& 40.11 ZLAia 74 .. 4. HI ... 4.1 .. ATM .. at Plv dara this welr 11 as came daya last week..ki.X hams t waeka aro.... .11897 Sam I week ago n.3 cam 4 wseka ago U.JS1 sams day last year.. It. J The follow tns table sheers the receipts of can., bogs and anean at South Oma-ia for th ysax to data as compared with wax year; 1,1, ui. ... fhu- Cattle lli.ut UM3t 7,13 Hon ii, set t40.M tot.ni the j. a;,3oi joi.iut t,lM Th foUowlnar UM shows ths ranks of prioe paid for hogs at South Omaha fit th last few dayi. with compafieona: l.trs.H 1H.0COI i.M 4.4.1 ooo; 11.41. 4.i.0UM ID I414.H 14 t.t t.ser.'.onol aasAVOI B t l.iM.om it.l lM.tj J 4.0W.0WM U IBt.orrt .7 ti,osn1 .t 1700.U0O1 7.t l.r2s,oriol ii.fj i,4O6.0UB t.4en.oi)( M44.0KH.I X.14K0l 40W.OW lIUOOOl 17.11 XTMLIUOi M.ll ,1.0 14.11 1.7W.0IM I.MO.iXXM I. II tlll,H . 1 KH.lIrt 11.1 1.I6A.H .11 I M1.00M 14 t 1.M0.00M ! 1.IW.0W 17.4 l.Oil.Or, ,1.7 1. 170 HOW .l,177.Wi M AlsSOnM 47.11 l,sr&oni l.ll l,0rle.... tr.H..., l.lri"fi!fl un.m a.i PM.om J.II4.0i sSktwl, ti rT7.W0), tTO.OUOf Ill.rJOW, 7rA0 tOl.lH' 711.0W lia.oioj. tkS.ori ': eJl.0001 ' K1 . . fr M1.0W. r.oni. &H.0UOI. Tn.coo PM.lVol. ' 7M.000 150.000 .t. 4WI.0HO !. 4AJ.IW) . . ,..503,) 17.kM.oa lit .7 it!t "ili 'il'il PJ.7I t. Data IUUL Wl i nit, laa) iikk., 1107. linos. Jan. a. Fab. L reb. t, Feb. I, Feb. 4., Fab. I. Feb. 4. Feb. 7.. Feb. I. ch. k. K 1 7 7 t lit I I 171 f til t 1 i ii 7 ) i w i sa i im t s! t e ee-ai I ss( a SSI II Hit tW 7MtlMitfti I I Ml I 7 M t m i lf 4 U' e 111 f 401 S S S4 4 III B 3 I t t 1 14! t Ml t SSI I M T tr! e I t IA 4 kl) f Hi t el 7 4ll I Ml Il id 4 Ii 117 J 7 J I 471 f f7 4 1 17 i t . 7 alj t f7 t ljj I t tl t ; "ni t.i a.t "n.i it "i'.i -i .4 lit t.t Ml 7.1 1.4 "eNot Included In total because con taining other Itsms thsaclearlngs. Kser Terk Meaey Market. NTKW TORK. Feb. k-MONET-On call, stsady at Mltv per cent; ruling rate, Hi per cent; closing bid, 14 psr cent; of. fered st IS Per cent. Tun losns. steady; alvtv dav bills. IS3IS pr cent; ninety day. ttrt psr cent; . six meatus. Vow PrUMB MERCANTILK PAPER-eVitl 4 per esnt. 8TERUNO EXCHANGE Firm, with actual business In banker' bills st HMoO for aixty-dar kills and at H 7 for de mand, commercial bills, HBV 81L.VER-BSX, avc; Mexican dollar. 17c. BONDS-Qovernment, steady; tallroad. Irregular. . ' , tjuotadoni ok bonds today wir as ix'kW!. (a. tef...l Inter. M. M. 4k... JTk aa see '. ! ejapa 4a rk O. a ta. rag 10141 ea. 1Hm H tm Tssepoe loHalL C Se. UI M... Tlv C. aeTie,.. 1U 1, k lee. 4s M1.. Wk s eepea . ' 1, A N. set. M. Mk eAllle-CfcaU 1st to... !. X A T let M. easier. A. M W ds fee 4t k AT A T. sr. 4a. .n.eMe. Pseltla 4a. TlSk An. Teesees M Mex. R x at XI tea rn, . Is ...IMK. T. 0. s. Iks-..- k Airblees ses. la.... MkN. T, K, H. A a. C . V lis er. is 1M14 a. . u 1 I f. IS I k A. C. U let 4a Mk s ev. la l"k Bel A Okie M MWNe rscUM Is. U as. Ika n e la 4k e. aw. Iks...- II J. ia rt 4s... IS am. Tr. ee. 4k... MVPes. ev. ins Ml sr. Caa. ef Oe. to. new Se cea. 4a IMk Oa. Leetler to..... MHReadlsa pas. M MM a.- M n J. s aa..ina. U A A F. ht 4s 114 Che A OkM lks ..Mlk e tea ie. Mk 4 rat. to. . L. A w. a Is.. Ik erkese A A Hi.. Bk e let teal M ... Mk C. B. Q l .... Hk A U 4a- IS e tea. M to',e. Pte. eel. to.... It C. M. A k t. A. M Kk e ee. 4a. Mk C R. 1. A P. a 4a ttl a lat ret. 4a. MJ se rt. m tokle Raliser Is 141k Tela, to4. to. Tl Se Ire to Tl Ola MIA 4a. SS tTnies ferine to.. ...lei ec A k r A e 4e. rr Sir. 4e 1st D. A L ev. to. ie -ee us a ret. ea.. m n. A R- o. to. m er. a h.Mxr to....ief, Se ref. Ie "SV. A fteel M ae-.-iei' Clstllrers- la n Ve far. Ckeek. 4e...leett enris p L to to Waaeak taa to lers ee gaa to. Ta- ie m ee. e, S ev. to. tor. A Waatan MA to..... U Se series B. nwweec Ilea ev. Ii.. , Oea Klea. ev. IB....1U ewu. casual to.... tok III. On- 1st ear. .. SVHJae. res ev. es..... ea later. Met. Ike..... rVFaaatoa la 141 k euA Bunday. Reoelpta and tflsposftioti of tlv nock at th Lnloa Stock Tarda, South Omaha, for twanty-four hours endtne at 1 a. m. yesterday: Rr3CE7PTtV-CARS. Cattle linn Khun HaTe c, m. Bt p r 1 I Wbh i Mkwourl Pacific. .. 1 1 .. .. t'. at . w., east.. 4 il - . Union Pacific t 41 .. .. C. N. W.. west.. (4611 C,8t,r,N.kO.. I M B. A u., east... M C a A 4. weet.. 1 It I C, R. L A P, east I I .. CR.ll P, west 1 I C O, W .. I 1 Total receipt.... n 1M 7 DISPOSITION-H HAD. Cat I is. Hog Bhp. M IM IM I ...IM IS 44 171 ... I N M 171 ... I m I1.......1M ... I m M. . til 41 I M to 1X9 ... IN ... Mil n ns ... i M IM ... I ea M M ... 141 ea .... in IM I M to-..Ul ... IM .-....111 IS a ......at ... I to -Mi 4 I to u .. ... to n. ...... Mt 41 t M.....M4 ... I to - O IM HIM a...Mi ... I M.....1M HIM 14 U to I to 7i.....itt lev. 71 Mi ... I M ,..MT ... S to 71. SI ... to to IM Ml HIM as tn ... tm .jr 4 ..tn ... i .jii m m " ..III Ml ..Ml ... I to tn ... ..IM ... 4 ,.1M ... I II 71 11 HIM' to.......m ...146 4 at ... in si m toil ...Ml ... I 41 ..Hi ... in. ,JU to I w ..tn ... t ...Ml ... I to ... ... I to ,..ni ... ito 77 BT to l7k li.......lM ... 147', 11 Ml to I Rt 7i m ... ii ti at ... ti 71 Jtt ... I IS IM ... I IS It 1 to. tn to n uk i 14 .ill ... I W ?.... as Mil n...ta I m m m m se. ... t m T7..JU ... t M .......m mi it tl HI B I M a...... .m ... 4 ie Ik. Hi ... I 1 to. ... tl to.,,.,. .117 M I 11 II Ml I IBIi n m . i tti H jii ... t ii 44 rt 14 4 15 to. ...... Ml 41 I U T7......111 ... I U n. an iM w ti ni ... t u tt m it t if t tn m t n m ... it ti Mt Miu ...... .Mi ... I It u.......im m t a M.......11I . f B a ut ... t ii M 74 ... I II .... t-4 to f 11 to Mt ... I M K ... I U 41 Ml to I II , IT HI tots ..... ut ik) rt ... t Omaha Packing C... 144 DWlIt to lO. 131 Cudahy Packing Co... 141 Armour Co 13 W. a Vansent Co zt Kan ten, Vinaant A ! H1U Son F. & Learts . J. H. Bulla .............. Ia F. Hum MoOreery A Ksllogg.. Werthelroer A Desjeo.. H. F. Hamilton . Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... Cllne Christie Other buyer t-751 LIU Mi 1 It II II 11 t M 1 II It M It 414 141 Total tn 14,114 Law ti n.-oniy twenty car f catu were reported in this morning, but that was a great plenty to nil a Friday' de mand. Aa noted before Jn thee column th demand tor cattle on a Friday I very tmall. Buyers as a nil have filled their order out of th large run earlier In Die week and do not care for many additional cattle, knd It fre quently happens that If they buy :V-m on a Friuay they iigur on tskin off nough In th price to pay for carry ing mem ever until In fol losing Monday. However, ther was a fair market to day, th fsw good killing cattls In Mgni gensrally aeili ng at about atsady prlt-ea. Th feeling on lhs best leaders ws als sidy but speculator war loaded up with light feeder and slock caul for which th dei and tht week hss been light. A k result Ibe feeling ok that kind ef oattl waa very weak and tpeo uislors wore generally talking that I hey would b gld to take off 10o In prio If they osuid clean up tn ur- flus oxttl on hand, but tn demand rom th country was email and vary lew oattl moving. For th weak It la safe to quota beef ateers and sew stuff Hjo big ber than last week mean close. Good feeders can be quoted ateady but stock cattle hare been siow ail week and rs closing tower noted above. Quotation en caul: Good te choioa bee! steers. Mkt7.?0; fair to good best steers. lktioA.is); oommoa to fair beef steers, t-OOvAOO: good to c holes heifers, 000.); good to dioio eow. ti k4a,k: ir to goo roars and natter. UttrVeO; common to fair cow and hetfars, tLJXt 1.71: good to abolo stocksrs and feeders. to.euc.' rair to goon ttocxer rud feedsre, Miou4.40 common t fair sievk srs and feeders, Ila0tr4.90, dock hallsrs, M.40ue.7i, veal carte, ttAy7.rt; built, ttaga, tc, tS.iCarJt.6. RepreftsnUtiv sales: BEEF BTEJSRS. Beatoa Mlalaar taeka. BOSTON, Feb. t. Closing quotation oa rocka today war a follow: .... to Miami tasasr V, .... KkMeeeek II lUa A ItkN'evads Oa. ., 11V, Ariaeoa Oak 4rNtalaelet ktoes .... 7 B a c. c a . a. a .-.ens setts Mt, Belt. Oenuaa .... nk'enk lete Ik Cki. A Arlaaaa. 51.-OW Deals a 44 kl. A Heals. 41S oeesela ...uew ikateaslal nwQsiscy ............ n O. Res C. C ... llMMesae au, Rest Bens a U lte.Sesenar Bk rveaklts UI taserlar A k M... Ik Otreex OS. I T-lsTaaaeav a Orseer Oa to V. A, A A A M... toy, eoreeee Cea I e sM TVi tie neesle Oapser.. sunn tea uH . tvltek CBsser O.. Bk . M Wreass ... ea, . IkWeleerka to Kerr Lake lake Opser .... Ls fslle Cmier. X7-lrte. Oils sd It earl a, RAVAVNAH. Oa.. Feb. k TTRPI-f- T1NE Firm at 4e4J4eVc: ealee. HI bbla; t7 bbls.; ahlpment. n bbla: Mock. 17, Tkt bble. ROBIN nrm: iea. en bwa: re ceipts. Ot bbls.: shipments. 1411 bbla: stocks, wsKe bbl. OuotaUons: B. tS-SS; D and K. M; F. Men,; O. R and t St.; K. 17 If. M. r . N. r.JO; . WO, ir.. w vr. r et Waet Market, ' FT. IOCTS. Feb. a-WtXILr-Steady: ten Hut t nd weetera mediums, labile; na mediums, bej-c; ns. naisc. Ha ' AT. rr. Me. , Ae. It, M. .til I to ft tot I to A i MS I H 14 Ml I to I Ml I M 11 114 I to X, M I 41 IS. Mto f 4 II mm I Ml I M to 171 I 41 43 1141 t to II Mt tl I lltl 7 It li . to I Ti II mt 1 II Mt I Tl 11 UN 1 11 M 001 I II M MB t M cow a 11 Ml I to IT M Ik T MT I II I , MM 4 If X. Ito I to I IM 4 A Ml I to 1 tee 4 M I. Ml 4 04 I ...111 4 II i ., Mt i to i m i II SM 4 to I UM I It U Ml I to !... Uti I to 4 ...let I It 7 Wl I it 4 Ill Ito f 111! IM II Ml 4 HEIFERS. i. tot 4 to A Ito 4 to II HI 4 41 . A ltot f at I Ill 4 to I Ml I It 1T....... Til I 7 A Ml I to a...... ta 4 71 IS. Bl II BULL 4M 4 M 1. itol ( m t. iin I I nw i it 4 UM 4 to 1 eo I li 1 lit 1 1 ..ir m 1...........UH 4 I 1 UM I II ..........- t i rr i a ......ua.Wi.i.......n... ........... atll 1. ... Ito t 1 41 4 a 1 141 I il it.......... tot 4 h I tm ta H I to I....... II T to 11 I to . . UI IX Ito I to A. 171 t a i. ta i t ia t m i.... a t a i ia 1 m STOCK ERA AND FEEDERS. I 44 4 to li tot I to II ito I to 11... til 1 1 t m i i is in II Ill i to 4 eel I to a mi m M a i a to. Ml . I to n.... i ... t a 71...... M4 ... ta a mi ... im it. m ... a an ... i is mz ... s aa n mi ti n m at t a at ... t a at t a M.......rn ... a it....;. .tn ... t a m in ... a a at ... a Me ... t m U. ......M4 ... I II to .Ml .. M KHKEP Very meager receipts of aheap and 1 Aloha acted aa a atlmulu upon tha demand and very thing Bold readily at figure that were generally- a little hixner. th advance being quoted at a airaa Offering amounted to only flv or sis loadB and conalsiea mainly ox sea ewea and lambs, with food quality aad nntsh. Ths best lamb on sal brought IV ea, a prlr that is lofty enough to head th 1st or ouotatlona on ' good to onoice stock, but plain to poor vsrlet r wra wanton only at tlgurea maiginea wo- alderabiy below mis limit. 1 liers wu vary little buslneaa In common araaaa however, and the wk'.e price rne In fore at present Is warranted only by various sale on previous asyx Ccm- nared with last week'a done, fat ime are atiiing at a net decline ot about 100 , medium to cull ut uuy . o..e..nB Bhosrlnr the arreatee loaaaa. Early In the week th trade broke badly under exoeeelve suppllea but a food part ot th heavy opening decline ha lno bow rearalried. Aside from a few aales of fat swes, th market for aheap remained, praotleaiiy dormant, but the tendency to value ap peared to be a iitti sironrer, in total supply belpg sold and weighed up before a o clock, hrxtra goo tat ewea moveu at BJ0, Indicating a K00 top for aom. thing strictly choice, and ther Misted a very fair Inquiry for wethers around ti.Uj4-4s. . Compared with value a weak ago, currant prior for matured mutton generally show small loss not sxesed- ins? Feeder trsds during th week has bow A quiet affair, th country demand prov ing small and dull, with offsrings urn. Red. According to th packers' tab. th four day' purchase ot feeders amounts to about 4.400 hean. Cuotattona on a here nd Iamb: Lamb. feed to ehetee, M.10914; Ismbs. fair to good, to. k-li: yearunn, good to choice, R. 164MB; yearlings, fair to food. M 7M an; wetner, food to enoic. ee.ixattH.10; wethers, fair to rood. tl.7MM.0o: ewea food to choice, It-4e44.k), ewes, fair to fooa, ikwoato. Reprseeataliii als: No. " Ar. f U fed tomb M fed Iambi ft a) fad lambs ..... 70 M fed kunba . 7 177 fed awe M fed ewee. cull It let fed ew M B4 fed Iambi and yearlings.... 7 DDK'S REYEW.OF iRADS Coldest Winter of Yean Eat Tvo Zdgrd Etfect om BruiiiesB. TOLCICE 0? DEALTSGS LAHGS Pr. 40 tit IN let 171 ITS 110 I It CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Deasaad fee Cartl aad fksep Iteesdy Heers B laker. CTTI OA OO. Feb. I -CATTLE Receipts, l.to head. Market Slow . out atesay; beeves, ti.90fM.tl: Tsxls ateers, t4.eVuo.l5; western steer. RSuOMO: Blockers and feeder ts.lkiees.lf ; cow and hslfsrs, 111 etto; calves, a.lMj'Jse. HOOS-Recelbta MOW head. Market te up: light, 'fc.livri ; mtxeci. tn' trrti; heavy. MI04J4.17H; rough, S.i I II; Mf, HtCejKOO; bulk of alea, tt. AMI s SHEEP AND LAMB Receipts. 1. 000 head. Markt steady to nronf; naava tllMMtfl; western, a a4.n; yearlings, i 7oeM. Lamb: Piauv, lt.BSre.7l; western, KS0C4.7- Ksaeas City Live stock Market, KANSAS CITT, Feb. kCATTLB Re ceipt, ,( bead, tnatudlng 100 eouthern; market strong; dressed beef and export steers, f7.j.e; fair to food, Itl0f7.(rj: western steers, fj.Ooryr.50: stock ere and feeder, t4.IOwk.7t; southern steers, B-'7 1. 50; soul hem oowt, M.lbfjeJt; native cows, tTt-CsriS: as tlv heifer. eatOtfatO; bulls. 3.0teH.6O: calves, l4.,k7.60. HOOrJ Recelrrt. 7.0W head: sreadv to K 7tJ6; packers and butcher, tklOig) A40: llrhts, tf, aa.; nigs, IkSouAtr. BHfc.P Aiui utx ub nsosipta, t,ora head; market steady to 100 lower; lamb, Kkrtal: M.7l.7t: ewea. MJttrkOt; stockers reeOsrs, guutoAn. It. Issta Mr Stork Market. RT. mms. Feb. I. CATTLE Receipts tfa) bead. Including Mk) Texan; market atsady; native ahlpplng and export ateers, t7.SOfA.7t; dressed beef and butcher steers, tfj.OOtf7.00; tteert under 1.000 In., UZfi.W; stockers and feeder. W.OOfrS .: cows and heifers, I2.7atjk.0t; oannars. 12 00 64.00; bulls, IXOOr9c.ll; calves. K.00t7.7S; Texss and Indian ateera. B. 0007.10: oowt and hellers, ta.weyn.ni. IlOOtt Receipts. I.4W head; market to higher; pigs and lights, tSOOfik.; mixed snd butchers, M.li4iA); food to heavy, PrtSaP" AND LAMBS Receipt, 1.F0 head: market Meady: naOv muttons, Ui64L60; lambs, MOttTAa): cull and buck. a-htt-S; stockera tUttktia, It. Jieeepk l.lve staek Market. BT. JOSEPH. Feb. kCATT Re ceipts, tt bead. Market steady; eteers. tk-M.tt); cow and keif era, P-00JO; calves. Mltkrt.tk HOGS-Reoslpt. tOO head. Market hujosri top, tut; bulk ot sales, M.I64? tkl 6HSBP AND LAMBS Recetptx 1A Market Msaay; kunoe. B--te,a yearUnxs, HBOiJAle; wether. ana HOOS-AII of th larger packer en tered the bog trade with his order aad bought In afi sswlve fashion from tits start, paying pneen a moxw nil early end allowing aavmnoa ot soon as th m rkst was fairly way. Iroprovsment was do to a gener ous demand and plenty af com petition, proanpted In a measure by favorable ad vice from other points and tne yards were cleared of all weights before U 'dock. Supply figures were rnftcatty bearish, but the ttae of receipt seemed to have no appreciable Influence upon th market and packing drove wer put up In hur ried fashion. Th yard estimate called for total ot over lAtM head, mostly UlU butcher and bacon grader. A narrow ahlpplng margla did not per mit very many purchase on eutstd ao oount, put the speculative demand early In th eession proved reasonably aotiv snd something like twenty load Bold to Borers not associated with local packer. Best heavy bogs on Bale reached M.M dime above veeterdi iy a top, and food handy butcher moved around te.. Th mouat of business under to. 04 waa eery limited, anytninr attractlv In th way f bacon stock brtnitlnc M-to or bettor. Representative sales: Ma Ae. as. Tt. Ke. Av. ta Tr. ill ia ... ia :e ta ... -s m ut tai m ii ... t a M. ...... Ito ... 171 t! 14 I Ito Ill ... IB to Ml ... t IB B.......17I ... la 7... ns us t re IN ... I to Tl as to t Ie a. m ... tit ti at a 1 1 it.: ia is to tn ... i ie ie ... t a s. ns ... s m at its ... 1 a tr ... t a 7J-, m ... I h a. tn a a !" at a a. r.i ... 1 a at ... I a toi im a 1 tack la Slkt. ' Reretnts ef live stock at th five nrin- cipal western markets yesterday. vein, rtoera aneep. South Omaha.. . 4t 11.100 1 IX) St. Joseph 6f lew l.Ore Ksnsa Clty............l,0ii0 7 to 4 PO bl Louis. - v 1 w tin CMossTo M,o a, 400 Little Dlspsstttoa ta Owerae Vsraa; Baaans AatlrlpeUlaea at Ferare Rcqalreaaeats Ex klklted by Morehaata. NEW TORK, Feb. k-R. a Dun Co.' Weekly Rvlw of Trads tomorrow will say: Th volume of businees eontlnu large, although there I little disposition to oper ate in long ran anticipation ot future reuulrement. The coldest winter in years, while creating a austained demand for winter merchandise, also serve gen erally to lntarfer with th distribution ot foods and Tela cause some Interrup tion to a uoerai craee movement. Pig Iron production Increased allrhtlv durinf January and th leading Interest I now operating about tt per cent of it blast furnace capacity. Current business is quiet, however, wit a Bessemer quoted nominally at tUM to 114- and basiu flt-X valley. Stall billet 4x4 remain at 30. Of and sheet and .tin bar at HI. 00 Pittsburgh. There are some price IrresTularttles In finished line, oonossslons being reported on certain product Recent oen tracts lo ci ode aa order for IM car from lhs Penn sylvania railroad, while tee other system ere la the market for about toot car of various type. Orders tor rail f frraau a fair tonuses. Prospective ship building encouraree eastern plat ml 11a to aotlclpat an actlv demand tor pistes and ehapea. It being estimated that the work In view wfll require fully 71.00 tons. Output of cok furnace Interests ha di minished, but merckarrt ovens are pro ducing a Uttl mora freely. Demand la well sustained, with foundry 00k show ing Increa if Mrtnfth. Activity In th dry food markers 1 mora apparent la th primary division and retailers ar be ginning to operate freely a wholesale censers. Price on do roestf cotton are hardening with an advancing tendency hi several directions. Th notion food export trad continue good, shipment for th last week ag gregsts 4.tl bales and for tha year Is about MM bale ahead of those ot last year. Business placed ea eeeiooatlnsTs has bee lrg. Business In New England foot wear market shews a fllrht ex- panusloB, owing to tne receipt ot outside contract. Leather I quiet and burl nee fall! to reflect th condition shown an raw materials. Tanner are hoi dins prices very tronf, but buyer ar holding oft nd taking only email quantities Manu facturers of finished belting hv d- vsnced their product about I per cent. wtilch 11 th first increas ia over a rear. IB J la - BRADITBJIET'I TMADM BA7V1EW Trad raderearreata Shaw llew Bat t leeaay Grerwtk. NEW TORK. Fan. k Brs-itreeCs to morrow will aj: Though trade lack anao and I devoid of tuilformlty the wadersurrsnui nre la th dlrsetlon ot alow but ateauj a. .n-lon. Th week has brought forth a 1 ...licr slight Increas la Jobbtnf - and nianuiac turinf, line, and wnlie some centers, par- ueuiariy loose snuataea la we auuui, note the prevalence of unsatisfactory condi tions, lighter order aad poorer prospect than at thla time laet ytar, tb fait la that trad In th leading western dry food marfcut ha improved. cotton food ar tinner an around, job ber ar doing mors and they la turn ar making heavier punrhaas. but U i retail dealer, aa a general ruie, appear 10 have assumed th role of A ospaletent orxasBrva- Uve. Cotton yarn ar mors aotiv and higher, wsrsted yarn heavy; saues ot wool mske a fslr voUiro. but millinery, whll In good demand, doe not present a very favorable oomparlaoo with Last year. Orooto-ls and drug an in Better re quest, and In fact essential siap.ee have the call. Cold weather west and aorta weet hss hampered eeJaamen in getting about, and a general proposition road order are hardly on a par with the of lsst year. On th other hand tb low temperatures have helped trade In heavy wearing ap. oared, and th oroloowed ooid spell ha aided purveyor to empty their heiva of winter fooaa npnns oispiaya ar now under way, but it I too early as yst to - expect much results. lluetness laiiurea ror tn wees enrxng February I in the United Slates war iXX. against Ui last week, all In th Ilk wee of Ull, Ut la Wis, -I la 111 and In ltot, I rJustnsss failure for th weak In Can ada number M. whloh eampare with II last week an tr ta urn corresponding week ot lsst year. Wheat. Including flour: axporti from th United ft ate and Canada for th week sndlnr February t acgraaat Mla.4M bu.. aalnat t.l7,4t last week and irtjtt this wsek last year, for tne tnirty-two weexi ended February t ax port a ar k,KI,t bu., against 71.444477 la th correspoaulnf period Ust year. Corn ax porta tor tb week are l.itt.04l bu., against i,Mt,0t last week and tMl.PTI In 1U. For th thirty-two weeks ended February t corn exports ar .477,t71 bu.. afalnat last year. v OMaHA OB-EBAL MARKET. TBT fftol'Sl'Ta - SJ Ik, uesaa wmWa Ae DU1 leVnllVi Ae A-kkPe kfM WeeTaw fjBW I 1V 1. la It-lb. tub, 70; No. I, Mo; psAlng, JUC. CHEESE-Importd Swiss. XJx: Ameri. can Swlas, Mc; Mock Swiss, ktoj twins, Mc; d aisles, Mc; triplet. Mc; young America. lie; blue label brick, aTa; urn btrger, Mb., ttc; 1-Ib Me, POU-TRr-BroUsrs. B.M per dor: sprints. Us; hens, 14c; cocks, lOo; ducks. Ho; fees, lie; turkeys, Be; pigeon, per dox.. 11.. Alive, brotlsrs. lie: kna Hc; sld roosters and stags, Ic; old ducks. full feather eq. lie; fees, full feathered, lu: turkeys. 140: guinea fowls. 2s each: pigeons, psr doa, 7ec; homers, per dox. ti ir, squaea. no. a, sues; na x. too. FIBM tries rroaen) Pickerel. 7c; whlta lc; pika te; trout, Uo; large crai sua tolao; spaai h mackerel. 7c: eel. lie; haddocks, lie; flounders, lie; frsea eatfUa, lac; roe ansa, a sack; shad roe, par pair. Sc; salmon. Mc; halibut, 10c; yellow perch, to; buffalo, to; buUheada, lie BEEP CUT PRICBS-Rlbs: No, L rfSlc: No. X, Uie; No. I. We. Chucks: No. L 0; No. t iac; No. t, ia -ouu: No. L No. L M4c; No. t fac; No. 1. lo. piaisi No. 1. s-ic; no. x, sc; no. e, tse. FTlUlTB-Appi, eaokinf vartetl, par sonainan a e rimes uolden. Total receipts..-. ..kfM t-Tt . 17.4M Metal Market. NSTW TORK, Fsh. l-MT7TALaV8rsnd- rd oopper. quiet, but firm; spot, atoajr K: future aAtoJi4.lf: Mke cepper. eaMiMATI: electrolytic 4.t7S4rue-. casting, tlAITHtolA H- London market steaatv; spot, IM IBB au; t'-itureea, see mm w. Tin. firm: spot, taiOOeJ-OI: February. pnneeXiM: March. eU: April. Hl.JPtOOJ'. L onaon marxex nrm: nre re; future. CIS. Lead, qalst: IXBejUk New Tork. tttOtMJO: , East St. Leula. leiwiae ru tat Id. Spelter, quiet: M.4PB to, New Tork. MMk East a. Louis: Iytmdon. -3. ABUraony, uu; ijocaaonk IT.-. Iron. Cleveland warraata s NSd In Lofkdoe. Locally bee waa trresruler. No. 1 foundy norihem and Na 1 foundry southern and Na 1 southern loft, .ef 1A6B-, Na t northern. at3.A BT. LOUin, ree. a atisi-- . sresdy, at HCTrtr!.. eperter, firm, at to-ex. TYrr Cid Market. Nmr TORK. Feb. I The cotton rooda market holds steady with demand steady. Jobber ar doing a seasonable trad with retailer inclined to pursue a ooaeervatlv course mward future o roe re. 1 De local wool markets an strong. Yarn are ad- per bbl.. KM: Ben Davis, per bbl kiii: Iancy w messps, per ool, plw; fancy Mis. seurt Pippins per bbL, M.M: fancy Genoa, per bbL. 14.00; California Belief! ower, psr BOX, SI SB, tworaov evnatoao. sxtra ZBBcy, par box. aM: Washington Bpltxenberg. per box. UM; Wsshlngtoa R. Beauty, per box, M S; Washlngioa Stamaa Wine saps, per box, M-M- Baaanaa, fancy elect, per bunch, tr M sMLio; Jumbo, per runak, 12. 714)1-71. Cran berries, Wtoooosln 1 ncy, per bbL, ai.OO; per bwv. M.7 Dates, Anchor brand, new, M-rb. pkgs. la boxsa. per box. HI; Dromedary brand, new, a 1-lb pkg. In boxsa. per box. Figa, California, per case of II U-os. pks- C-St; per case of M t-oa pkgs, n ot; bulk. In M-lb and M-lb boxes, per lb.. 10c; New Turkish, t-erown la a-lb. box, per lb., lie: fc-crowa bn aVIb, sexes, psr lb-, llo; i-crowa In M-lb. boxsa, par lb.. 17& Grape Fruit. Florida, 4t-M sliea, psr crate, tt.il: lo-ei-tl alses, per erata MM Grape. Mala riapes In bbis., Milejkf. Lemons, Llmoneirk selected brand, sxtra fancy. Ml sue. per box, ta-Oi; Laai Uraunelrs, fancy, hit-m usee, per box. tt.tt: Ml and 43 sites, wc per bos leea, Orange, California. Camelia brand, navel, extra fancy, M-ua-1M-i7t- -a tixe, per box B.N; extra choice, all s es, per box. a AV Oasaaa Map Market. OMAHA. Feb. t HAT Na L fit.): No. L tlLM: coarse. Iio.to); pecking stoca K-ta-fv: alfalfa lli-0 Straw: Wheat PUS; ry ut sals. asdTt k Cattsns Market. NEW TORK. Fsa. k COTTX)N Upot, closed steady. M points higher, middling up.anOs, HHc; nadd-ns full, kkRo; aales, LtM bale Cotton ftrrures eaerned steady. March. tkAc; April. M 95c. bid: May. H-Uc; July. Mac; Aufust, -J7c: sptmbr, auic; October, kk c; Noveenbor, oft, red. December. U Be: January. MJSe, offered, t 'ot t oa futures cosed very steabtv. Cloe- ittg bide: Februsry. If Mc; March, Mile; April. H?4c. May. IkXak: AJuna 103ic: July. M.ic; August, J4c, rVptember, B.Sr; October. W.ac: November, M:c; December. W.tlc; January, klc Tn key a (udlc.'ous and peraisisal as H adrsrUslnf. Is th X