Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1912, EDITORIAL, Page 17, Image 17

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ROUP Hil. cured by Bob White
Roup Cun. S J bra. If roar dealer can
not supply you, wn;o sa ditri wading
dealer's mur B03 WHITE CO.. tM
. N. Ih St.. Omikl. Neb 5437.
Kaffir corn makes htns Uy, u per rJS,
scrccr.trg. 1 ?o per Irtt Wsgner. Ml X. It
EGtiS tar hatching (ram tb BruMi
rarm. Thoroughbred s. c. Whits Leg-
horn. Utility stock, IIJM a setting or
I IS per MM. Exhibition or (bow nock. M to
I K a setting. Wnu for catalogue. Address
, A. l- BniMets. onisna. Tot Hanson n.
i PEDIGREED Engltah bull terrlar; fine
, specimen and a prize winner. Til East
) Brostiway. council mmis.
'Phone Uougias UCL Ull Howard St,
Reed Abstract Co., old fat a tract office
in Nebraska, m Brandeis Theater.
NEALE CAMPBELL. 1714 Fsrnsm Bt
Electric aa fixtures. Omaha Slrrcr Co.
Ideal I'riwl Co.. lTth and Cuming.
Kucha, fon Blind, painting, decorating.
ROOFING PAINT. bulldiog paper, plas
ter board. A mar. Sup. Co.. HM Nichols.
Want an Offer on
Modern Home
Owner of 0S Parker street has tav
tnactod ua to nil at one. Thia mean
that tha owner want caah and will Mil
cheap. Look at, this property, than aaa
ua and make your beat offer: f large
reams, modern la every particular, lam
crata In (root room, now furnace; owner
claims to boat with four tons of coal;
Ursa barn, larg ihade trcaa all round
lot, alee several trait trees. These are
Improvements that take Urns to get
Owner has been aaklnf 13, 56a, but doa't
be afraid to make your beat offer aulck.
Kay at office.
R. E Landerycu
TsL D. RsL
441 Board of Trade.
A Home at a
A square hnu with central hall, musts
room, parlor, atning room, aucneni eaa
woodwork:, oak floors; lavatory ana man
tr! and ml. In the first atory: be
rooms, batb room and mantel and grate
In second story; floored attic and full
basement with extra toilet . Lot SSxies,
on a boulevard, with shade, shrubbery
and garage. Pries, 17,000. The hsuea
elona could not be reDlaoed for the full
price and the lot la worth K,M Street
paved and paid for. Special reason for
selling. - . ,
J. E Dumont & Son
Jphono D. W. Id Farnsm St., Omaha.
ciTir morLau sua, sals;
i moaern apartment bldg. of U apart
men is each, ranted tor S'.mdSO per annum.
for quick sals reduced to li.iM;
cash, balance) la annual permeate.
I new modern brick fists, rented for
CMS par annuaa Pries Writs or call.
4it-lt Karbach Blk.
TWO lota In Kenwood addition at re-
aueea price; assy terms. Harney nix,
Britten 4elssa4s.
Win boy for anyone British Colum
bia Farm Lends on uncompleted Grand
Trunk without conimlsaioa excepting per
centage of profits. Largs returns cer
tain. Frank Crawford, Hi Hooter Street,
Vancouver, or Omshs.
Ciller. la. -
cash and last per month buys
firs seres with full-bearing fruit trees la
tha famous Bldwell orchards at Cbtco,
California. Payments Include Interest
and taxes. Tour mouev back It not eat-
in led upon taveeugation. Tha Sid well
orchard are the moat noted and .are
ductlvs In tha wonderful Sacramento val
ley of California. It's our confidence la
thia land that prompts this generous of
fer, w e ve, prunes, aimonas,
apricots and Rartlstt pears. Buyers'
railroad fares, not exceeding (K.0, will
be credited on purchase price. Land ad
joins tha thrums town of Chios lU.OSD
pop. . rt are re nee: Any Dens r tnieo,
American National bank of Saa Fraa
eisoa and First National bank of Saa
Leaadro. Send for vsiuabta uunrmauoa
and tacts to
wdwcll orchards; INC,
Chlco. Ca.
WANTED offer for horns, 3m Far
nam street, to be removed.
F. I). WEAD, 1W1 Farnam. -
MKT your property with Toland
Wilev, for sals or rent; ws have been
bavins mors calls for a. end 7-room
houses than we can furnish; why not
Rive ua s ehsnes to sell or rant your
propsrty for you? Our c harass are the
same as others Writs ua or call and
Blve ue.sll ths food points about your
property, as wis will aeip sail or rent n.
, Toland & Wiley,
Phono rtouflas IM.
4M Be Flldf
In Dundee ,
jS tub-VM euh, new tii-roorn all rnodn
botn. full two -tor-tea and attic; ftnlaii4
in oak, haViidy to car and on psT-
Hit n I.
tai, Brand Dew, on of tba bawt ar
ratiKxl houaaa lmaglnabl?. full Mvtaff
room acruaa (ha front, brick lira plao
lUchi dintnf room with vrrjr handtoiM
buffet built In. Bookcaaea built In; baara
ceUinifa; complata kitchan rabinat bull
In; tbraa vary good bedrooma and lama
attic. Hot water haat, Now naaiins coct.-
nation; hacd U oar and good location
n Dund,
KXa Stucco Bungalow, atrlctlr mMarn,
aavan room, wall built and beat of fin
ish throughout, hoi water neat, brick
fireplace, built In buffet, bookcaaea
panelled dinuia; room- Built for a bome.
owner going aouth. Handy to acaool ana
car, and high ground.
W.WO-built laat year, vary aubatantlai
a ivd compretety modern home on Cans
Bt., with 11 vlna room arrangement; with
aoaitionai aun porrn ana aieepina; porch.
uom encioaea. narowooa iinisn tnrouKn
out. and all room decorated. Modem and
i-ompteta la evary way and oaavaalahUy
Oft our full Hat In Dundee.
Ulover Realty (Syndicate,
12iva City National. Doug. Wl. '
Hahscom Park
Bargain, $4700
Fins loi-stlon, east front. Vroom mad
tm boms; furnace hest, ftreplscs, two
lavatories, tlvs bedrooms, full basement;
lot tux Law feet; near ear Una. Thia can't
be beat ana is sound to bs sold at ones,
D. V. Sholes Co.,
ta City National Bank Bide.
Tat. Douiias a. independence A-SsM.
$5,500 - -
For 8ate-f ACRES In Benson. IE..
Discount of 1, per cent for half caah.
Varloua fniit and vlneyarda, all besr
tnc. sod a-room sottsets and out build
Inc. cistern, well and parental sprints.
Phone Harney 1401.
Buy Direct from
Good five-room house, having yaa and
complete bath; within wsiktng alstanns
of potoff!ce. Lot sSiHE, and a flns place
to ralss chickens. North Dart of sitv.
27 No. Uth. Phone Webster 9M after
s p. m.
Close' In Snap
ar utb and Davenport St., 19-room
hesas. all modern. In flrat-claas condi
tion; rentlnc W) per month and water.
Income better than W per cent. You
can t best 11. InvestissM at ones.
D. V. Sholes Co..
11 City Nstional Bank Bide
Tel. Liouglas a lndependenca A-M
Will buv svkm) s-room houae, portly mod
em. near X3d and Leavenworth. Pries
now rented at tn per month.
Two I end T-room cottasen. partly mod
ern, larce barn; well located on tood
etrret. S block from car. southes.5t of
Burlington depot. Price tl.e) and ,tas,
rental lem-A. or will trade for live etock.
Fifteen cholca reeldence lots In Omaha
and Benson, on which ws will buud to
suit you in construction, pries and
tcrma-HTS to e.MO.
Itarore Bldg. Uth and Harney.
This Lot
in Benson
Esst Lot M, B ock H.
tat flS-ajaj oi down. a. lance tie per
tenth. It Is well located, not far from
car and school; Is xi2; Just ths place
for small house and coed home. Address
J . Boa,
Ws are of ferine W. M and ss-acre tracts
and upwards tocatsd In Columbia county
near take City. Florida. I miles weet of
Jacksonville and only M miles from St.
Aufuatlna This propsrty la Intersected
by three railroads of national imputation,
which furnish tha best service at
reasonable rates to all ssarksla at tha
United States.
Ths dunats Is Ideal. Fins farm are
now beln worked In sur tract with
exceptionally good reaults. Own one at
our farms. Inreatif ate our after. Small
caah payment, and aaay terms.
lw ratss dally, Ttcksta aood USUI
luns L
(Sslss Asenta)
tH Omaha National bank B:df,
Omaha, Neb.
FOR SALK Ona or more sections of
flna sraacs and vegetabla pralris land In
Florida, adjoining finest droves In state;
now ready for our steam plow and retailing
at 1.10 as acre. Wa soil at wholesale
nrloes, glvs attractlva terms and will as
sist In starting your first retail salss by
giving at our exponas an sthlbit sf fruit,
vaasiables and an Illustrated sad snter-
tainlna lecture on ths menu of this land
by tha aid of stsreoptlosa views. These
land snows, advertising of asms mclud
Ing competent salesman, are gratia. Re
member this la aur specialty, ws s
ploy ssytsm; our work la thorough and
tha high recommends from satisfied cus
tom era Is sufficient proof that ws have
a proportion of merit and systsm of
salesmanship that la . perfected la ths
tugheat degree.
(11 Oermanla Ufa Bldg., Pt. Paul Minn.
CHOICE Improved M acree la cream of
tne corn belt. miles to town: possession
March 1, 1U; easy terms, li. laraon.
Owner. Clarke; Neb.
esa-ACRE Improved farm In Polk Co..
Winn., is miles northwest Beltrami: US
acres under cultivation. Every foot can
be plowed. Good five-room house; good
barn. Flowing well: good eater, ootl es
guod as Iowa or Illinois soil. I am the
owner you pay so agent's commission
W. O. Bock. New Albln. la.
Farmers and land buyers
all ever the country are
reading Bee want ads every
day and snapping up every
bargain oflored.
Hales IV cents per word
If run only one time, lc per
word If ma two or mors
times consecutively.
Write snd mail your ad
today to lieel' Estate depart
ment of The Omaha htea.
Iteeults srs sura.
OMAHA Pronertv and Neura-iaa
jelt New Omaha Nat l Bank Building.
LOAN, farms and city property. J. H.
Dumont & Son, iota Farnsm St., Omaha.
WANTED-Oty loans Peters Trust Ca.
Consignments solicited.
grata snercaania
o slraBdeis.
frhip your slock t? South Omaha. Save
milvags and shrinkage- Tour eoaslga-
menta receive prompt and careful atten
Un Stack Caaaastaalaai Meeeaaata
Byers Braa A Ca Strong and responsible.
Council Bluffs
UCKID BROS.. S4-S Exchange Bidg.
Great est. Com. Co.. Omaha Ss Denver.
W. R. SMITH SOS ju-t handle eheen.
TAUvl HKoA handle rattle, hoas. aheep.
Clay. RobinKia A Co.. w Exchatwe Bid.
Interstate Ca Better results. Ship to us
CLIFTON Com. Co., til Exchange Bldg.
U E. KOKKKTS A CO.. Sa Kxoa. Bldg
Cox ab jonce t'om Co., bunch of hustlsrs.
Farmers L S. Com. Ca. S Exch. Bldg.
Deposit proceeds of shipments in Stock
lards .Nat l Bank. Only bank at yarns
alert la Bros, ax Co tti-t Each, bidg.
CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlberg.
ilt-i: Brandela Theater.
WANTED-Cltv loana and warrants.
W. Farnam Smith A Co. MM Farnam St.
AIONEY to loan on business or resi
dence properties, I1.0U0 to VuSvWl W. H
THOMAS, tut First Nat'l Bank Bldg. '
tlOO to 110 WO made oromlitly. F. IX
Wosd. Weed Bldg., lath and Farnam.
IARVI V HT?a5 l-oan. P-
'Omaha Nat'l Bank.
as acres cultivated land tail no Im
provement; south Bids Center St.. op
poalts Field club: cash rent, IS. Don't
bother us unless you bsva ths cash.
10 acres garden land with x-roora house
ana nam at aim ana center Hie. aood
plaoa for a gardener. 1190 per year.
Harrison & Morton,
sis oraana National Bank. D. Hi.
Lv UAN or Stanley county. S, Li., land.
It you want to sell, send numbers and
lowest price. W. L. Frost. Skras City, la.
Traversed by ths
Lands adapted to ths wldeat range of
crops. All ths money crops of ths south
plentifully produced. Far literature treat.
Ins with this oomlag country, It soil.
climate, aaurca ana aonaoi ad van las ee,
writs ,
Oansral Passenger Agent,
TWIN FALLS. Idaho, sand eoa tract:
assy paymenta, s-aora plots, M cash;
soma oisared; balaoca 10 years' time.
Osorgs Varoum, iU Charles Blk., Denver,
IRRIGATED lands produce a greater
net profit per acre than dry farm lands
snd you can buy Idaho a lata lands for
leas money. Why not try farming whera
conditions are mors favorable and sure
result a can bs relied anon. Lang term pay.
menta aaa bs had on these lands.
Northwestern Land Co., Burley, Idaho.
THE ee sleet way to find a buyer for
your farm Is to insert a small want ad
In ths Lisa Molnss Capital. Largest cir
culation In ths ststs of Iowa, il.iMW daily.
Ths Capital la read by and believed la
by ths standpatters of Iowa, who simply
refuse to permit any other paper la their
homes. Ratss, 1 cent a word a day: tin
per line per month; count six ordinary
words to tha lins. Addraaa Das Moines
Capital, Dee Moines. la.
FOR SALE By owner, tat acres fruit
and truck farm two miles Stoux City, la.;
good six-room house, all necessary build
ings; flfteso-euora orchard; choice, level
land. Price .US per aors; half cash; Im
provements worth (l.aa, nil
r lessen i a., ues aaiooea, is.
1T.TW acres between Victors and Tam
pion. R. R. runs through land, with sta
tion oa land. Price 13 08 cash. Msxloo
Land Man, Bloomfietd. Nee
1M ACRES, absolutely tha Terr best
bargain near Omaha. Situated In Sarpy
county, within T anilea of South O ma lis.
snd H miles of rapuuon: valley land.
S mus trom new orsinaga oitch; H up
land, gently rolling: the very bast of soil:
I.0M worth of Improvements, consisting
ok gooo, wen duiii, i-rnom nouss (isrgs
rosins), good cellar, plenty of sloeeta,
nantry 'eoulDSd with flour tana china
Closets, etc.; good bars for 14 head, with
naymow tor ev tons; goua orchard, etc.
If you want tha very beat Improved and
very best farm you caa get. without any
exception, for 1106 per acre, near Omaha,
then take thla: ft cash by March L bal
ance long time. -
Let me show you ths goods. Bring wife
with you. A largs list snd a few bar
gains, all terms and prices; but If you
can handle the above do not overlook It,
as you have a chance on this bargain
KlS-1t14 City Nstional Bank Kdg.
410-A. IMPROVED stork snd train
farm; all level alfalfa land: dear: i.M.
want lt6 Improved, near Omaha.
xk.umi.uu rouity; loan lo.wn w: nns. moa
ern residence, beat location In Omaha:
good Income. Want clear South Dakota
las for equity, or msy assume.
in acres best Missouri corn land, wall
Improved; tlaYQO; clesr. Vtant good Da
kota farm. wlU sesume.
ls.000.vo hardware; 17.600 03 general mer
chandise; tixutam flns general mecbaa
dlae. Want good land.
Seversl good Improved stock farms.
Holt and Cutter counties.. Want Im
proved Iowa farms, will assume.
'Phone I). HM. ll Bee Bldg., Omaha.
I handle trades everywhere. If you want
results wete or tsil Dean, HI Bee. O li.
FOR sals or trade. Largest and best
equipped opera house and picture house
In Lead City, a U.. fitted with every
thing up-to-data and have In osnne
lion a ball room which mors than
makes ths rsnt for both rooms. A snap
for a llvs msn. Will taks SS.0UO and
will consider Omshs property. Reasoa
tor telling, too much other bueiaeas.
For further particular writ Boa U
Lead City, D.
FOR TRADE 11 aores of timber and
anal land In mtlea of tha oil fields
of Western Virginia; will trsds for good
Omaha commercial propsrty or business.
Address P 43, Bee. -
Have a very cholca, alosly Improved
ft-acre farm, located In a highly-Improved
locality, I miles from a good town,
A. so havs some good city property will
exehangs for a good, oheap email ranch,
located In central or western Neb; must
be priced right. Olve full description of
whst you havs to offer, Willi pries and
location. If you want an an war. Ad
dress, Boa fit, Omaha.
WE desire to burrow er H.WO on
gilt-edged security from principal. Will
pay tva par cent uteres. Morees s us,
cere Bee.
td-hsnd goods. Kleeer. 1030 Center. D. lets.
WANT TO BUT Stock of merohardlas
In country, for cash. Box tl. Omaha.
WANTED To buy. about February M,
team of young mares: also 1 or I young
cows. Prefer cows to eaiva una spring.
U list. Bee.
ERN 4. I or (-room cottage. I have M
oanh and would liks to buy from one
who oould tell tnsl wsy, ana on snout
IU or 111 monthly payments. 1 am a
young married man and want to get
rid of the rent paying business. North
part of city prefsrredT Addreas, giving
price ana location, a n, iee.-
WAriHINO and Ironing done. T.. H bUO.
EXPEKlhi.NCED stenographer wlslies a
noaluon with a firm; good speller and la
fast on ths Underwood typewriter. Ad
diess, H 1117. care Bee,
Fliat-vlaas. prac.lcal nurse. H Wis, A-Mil.
ato. Kay work.
I1DDLE-A0ED. refined widow wants
position as housekeeper for a respectable
widower, er will tas cherts of a roem
Ing houee. Addreas L 47, Uee.
FARM bargain near Omaha: oossesslon
given. Orla S. UsrrUL Uit City Natl
Bank Bldg.
440-acre ImDroved ranch, located la the
center of Neb.. I amies) af a good town;
acres ta cultivation, II acres alfalfa,
baL hsy snd pasturs land, all well
grassed. Oood. fair Improvement, all
f cooed and cross-f enced ; good road to
town. Tills is a dandy s snail ranch.
Pries for quick sale. 17.9 per acre: H.aW
cash, balance long tinea. Don't answer
unless you mesa bnetaeaa and can go at
once to see this. Writ or sire. Box 4;t,
O-raha. Neb.
Ws have fop sale over 9SMS tm. r
Cheyenne county, Nebraska's choicest
farm land, wbsrs ths crop yiedt for 12
years, including in and Ull. average
with rhe best la the state. Alfalfa also
lead Ins cros. Better aotL water and
eHmats cannot be found. Write for full
Information today. Agents wasted every-
Sidney. Neb.
IJue-ACrtS ranch 4 miles of Dunnine.
l.a acres ars deeded; M acres homo
ttsad; LS acres government Iran.;
fenced and crovsfenced ; good frame Inv
preveenenta; two m'les river front; price
H2.00H. Good reasna for sellmg. Writs for
description. K. O, Alaodeviile. Haiser
t'urtains laundeied. lluaisnieod. W. Wte.
WANTEIi Evening clerical work by
stsrlenced young man, university grad
uate: references. C 1011. Bee.
LA UY wants position as cook, refer
encca, Ml s. tth Ava Ind. A-xll.
SITUATION wanted (female); first class
laundress wsnts work lor aionaay and
Tueeday; beet refer eucea, tl.sO per day.
tH7 N. Xth st.a
INO Nolle la hereby given that tha
regular annual meeting of the stock
holders t ths South l'latta Land Com-
uanv wlU bs held at the office of ssld
company at Lincoln. Neb. st 11 o'clock
a. m., oa ua sum cay oi at arc n, a. ia.
C. H. MORRILL. President.
A. B. MINOR. Secretary.
Lincoln. Neb- February a, Ull
bids will be received st the office of the
undersigned until noon. February Nth,
A. D. mu. for the construction of an ad.
altlonal building at ths Tubercular lies
Dltai. Kearney. Nebraska. Plans and
specifications are on file at the office
of ths Secretary of Ststa Commissioner
Public Lands and Buildings, at lbs Hoe.
pital. snd ths office of Burd F. Miller,
Architect, xtraadelt neater DuiMUa.
ADD1S0M WAIT, Secretary of State.
The annual meeting of the stockholders
of Ths Res Publishing company will be
held at the company omee In tn rl
building. Omaha. Neb., at 4 o'clock p. m.
Monday, March 4. 113. for ths election
of a board of directors for ths ensuing
year and for the transaction sf such ether
business as may properly cense set ore
the meeting.
By order at ths president
Fid-let. N. P. PEll Secretary.
UNION STATION -Teath aad Msusaa
I'alem P art fie
tftesart. Arrive.
tea Fssa. Ovarteat LualtH .S I sal l s
Itlaa A Jaesa rest Mall. ...a 4 at saa a l et
Allaatle Ski r net. a I 44
OrssM Kiereaa all H sal slllnt
Us AateM UaUtet all ass a I ta
Desvar Ssertal a f t sal s 1 11
(Vsuaalal tut. Ipaalel ell st es alt raises
CWere. gisress. . siers
Oretoe-Wsrtlsstoe L4asttsa...alt H sat s I
N.rtS n.tte laeal Il
Orsad Islaal Uel a laps a M as
tmansani leeal kU:41 aaa SI
Ckloaas at tfanrthseewvena
ui.iMMita.tL sasj tniiiisi.s T-SI saa
a)laaeap.lls-a. Psal LualtaS a I saa a 1 el
Tele Cltr gisreas I am all tm
loss nil Iwl a w aaa linis
HlaeMl-IU m Oaaeu arts-.. J e I "
Twia cur UaiUet a at naia
lllaasasta Bssresa SU:lasi
Oiriell Local s t ast a 1 14 aw
IJaylltnl t'kleate s f est alt M M
rami. U-sl all It aaa a It aaa
I'lkwmS) e I is est a I ta
caicea seeeiai. a I 'Si sai a l at a.
tMIls Oaat-Cklute A t 14 pm I I n
lt Aasslaa UsUtst s SJJ m sal Lualtea. ' si ssi
(srrsll Laaal ' "
Fsal Mall 1 e:-J sas a a:ss pal
cvssr RasMa, Siess cliy sad
Osuka !:
Oaaiaaaial "sous Lhsitaa . U. sal um tm
i IW la all-slaai
.s I at set all II ea
a i:u aw a a ia aw
teef Plea
ItSet Plae-Unaala
neaaweaS-Hat Striata.
,.t I II saa a : sss
..a I 44 t a IU ta
,.s ret aw tuais
...k tm a i at sat
Chlesg, Rock Island as raelllo
Raekv Masatalt USMt-1 Ill st- la
Ckieste Local ru-aasr aw at aa ais w asi
CtMaa Uer Jia-Jaa - ; rm
t'kkeaa tooreas. s a: aa s j w pa
Des Molaes leeal rsvia'. - --Cklcate-Nserassa
laaiUM .A ta lists
Cklsste-Nsk. M le Ueeels...s I US i Hta Bstreat A I U tm a 4 M aa
oaiaaBa A Tea- sreafc... J;4 ta all 14 aa
Reskr Maealala lsui-i r "
nmaks-tt. UaU Bniam...A I'M ta 1 1 II aa
Mall eao gvtrsss a T at aa all II pa
llantiany hacal Urea 0. B-).. I ta aa)
llllaola Cea
ChMass Kiaraa
Cbleate Uatlled
Mlasaarl Faalfle
K. C a It lele Siseaaa. .a s s aa ei naa
g. i A U. laaia Unset til Una S I At ea
(klraaa, Mllwaakaa at St. Paal
OverleeS LlaHel sis s t It tat
rvrrv Local ail ta
otsiMle atrssa.. si sia a I t ta
ceiMaae Be-ial......... iisia
a -w set suw tm
tklrago Oreat Weatera
Teta Cll lialtaa ......a I pa a I'll sis
Tela CHJ made.... ...... .a i m aa a a a ta
Cklsate sUaraaa...-. a.vs saa ti aie Use) t I a ta
...Al.Msa al Waa
Barllagtas Its! to
A Otllfarala....
rsatk at Maaa
P1ANIKT. eight reader. Call pooratuaa,
room II. Wellington Hotel.
SITUATION wanted by man and wife,
private family er hotel, woman to cook,
mas any kind of work around houae;
good references. Address U Cprtis. tat
B., Council Bluff, la. Bell. Red ail
CAIIER. theatc- er restaurant,
thoroughly experienced, good references.
V 4a. Bee. .
LADY desire
Wetexer fa'
day or house work.
day work. Haraey
MIDDLE-AGED lady wanta poalllon on
ranch as housekseper.. M 117 L, car Tha
Omaha Bee.
WANTED By temperate trustworthy
reliable maa. Jsnltor work In office.
References turnlehed. Address C at. Bee.
' POSITION wanted by experienced maa
la repairing, cbauffeurlng or auto deliv
ery: will furnish security If necesaary.
Address 3C1I Seward Hu or 1117 Dodg St.
F. J. Rehtk.
POSITltiN by firat-cis,is steam fitter
and gas fitter. Some experience in plumb
ing aiao. With former employer six years.
A in a young man, steady and reliable
No hooter. Address F. . 8., 37s a Uth
Nsarsssa seisia
Blast Hlllt -
uereie stall
N.ctkessl Bapeaaa
Nebraska Kipraea
Icksrlar-riatlaasseU ..
uncsra Local
bslla-Plsllaiaetb .,
ralnse ssetiei ,
tleew Saerlal
Cklcste giareaa
release Feat Rspeaa....
rnaut lit Lscai
ft Loela aUPKta .........
Kajisss atr t- "?
cur A t- Jaseaa.." 4 l -
Daee. Arriea
,...a 4 it aa a I II pa
" at llpa ilu,"
...SIX pa all 14 pa ta a IHaa
...a I II aa a I II ta
...blaSta tM Nea
I 4-41 aa
,...e I U aa a I It aa
...all Is pa a i n pa
.... t sm an u pa
...all n Ms e7 4taa
.... i t pa a I n pa
..a I t ea e I at aa
...Man klSltsa
.a pa tu it sa
"M! " ! aat
Wcbsts Slatles lgtb aad Webeter
Mlssoart PaeHIo
twl Antea
Aaaan Le-sl. ......H kta sU Hati
(h Irs ta, si. Paal, Misses sella at
tlsax Cy Eitresa. b I aat kit tm
osssss Led - a I at aa iltsa ciir raiimer klaaa
Tela Olr rat-Mast .. t aa ,
Eatrsoa Lscel 4 It tax lltaa
ui salty, 4M sally aaerst awaaay, tt,
TWO yoimg (snners, ages 31 and 3
years, snd old mold sitter want stesdy
good reference if required. What la
your proposition? Write O 44. Bee.
LADY wants day work. Webster IMe.
Yol'NG msn wsnts position as book
keeper, wholesale and branch office, ex
perience", sources a UK, aloe.
WANTED-Dsy work.
f erred. Douglas ITS.
Cleaning pre-
YOUNO mat. married would liks s
position In sums private family acting
as a valet S 44 Be.
Tbi Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
knas Teeease ItM at 1 ttf intil"
DltvfM Tmntf IS "' .Itllrlil
SalUac Bvery Saturday at neon to
Round Trip S3 op
a.ltlsaas sad tan-tsattb alreera as every
reaa ea aaay etaer aeMmeid Issterta
ssaialaad ta ae etaer eUsaueia.
TkAeta kr Arattlea ae araaSlas are Mas.
l.tBtI5M asm fcrs. lata . C Stat, Rj
IS So. La Sail St. Chicago
Effort to Fill Vp PltTjroniid Site
ii Xectinr with Xeipoiue.
Many Tsssasters Apply aad Fas
Set Apart ta Fill Vm Svrasspr
Tract Has Already Bewa
Th eageroeea with which tha offer of
Rsr. Henry I Long ta give teametero
employment durla th wtatar by paring
osnts a load for dirt, ashes or cinder
deposited on th tow-lying Iota Bear th
Avenue F mlaaloa ws accepted ha
caused a eoenpiete exhaustion of his re
eerva fund. Th last smosnt of money
deposited la th hanks meant ta be used
by bualnaaa meat whs did Ml feel able t
carry ttcksta barasd by Mr. DeLons antll
April t wa exhausted ea Wednesday,
owing ta th great number af teamsters
who sought temporary employment, with
th depletion of thla rttarrt th work
had t bs atoppsd Wednesday Bight Yae
trdr many teamsters, drives to th
stress of tha but extremity by th Recee
slty of providing teed (or their borers,
begged Undo Henry ta permit them by
torn means ta continus work. Ha did
aoand early In tha aftemooa had raised
Osnsral a. It. Dodge, wh had already
ooatrlbtjlsd several hundred dollar to
ward providing th publlo playground In
connection with th mission, gtv hi
check for Its additional, tha Council
Bluffs Savings bank gave him m, th
Commercial Nstional , and there ware
onough smallef oontrlbutlont to bring th
total op to Cok. Thla amount ami ksep
tha seedy tea maters smployed antll Mr.
DsLong can gat saough local groosrs and
Provlaloa Ba to redeem th II cant tick
et! he le engaged la putting out with th
guaranty that th kualneas maa shsll be
reimbursed on or before April L These
tickets ar being Issued sack for on toad
of dirt r ash, aad Mr. DeLoog Is anx
ious for all parsons wishing say glad of
rubbish taksei away to at tha tickets,
notifying him so as caa oaod a tssm
for It .. .
Mr. DsLonr Hn for fating up th
swamp near this aitsstoa, embraced lh
Mock that has always been a dleeaee
breeding spot, havs th asdorsement of
th Commercial olub, whoa reeoiuUoa I
printed on th back of th dirt tickets
Th fill required ta nearly us fast and
wilt mean th deposit f psarty K,w
yard of earth.
Whea filled th tract will bo A subtle
alaygroand, to b seed la oonntxitiua with
th Avenue F mlaatan. This mlseioo.
which Is A subs tan tlsl col lags thai oould
havs bota rented for tM a month, ha
boat used for years (or partly mission
purpose and maintained upon fund se
cured largely through rum mag aaiee sf
old clothing. In th last year th moatna
'rem thla ha bees 1411, which ranreeenu
thousands of dollars' worth of old sloth
ing, gathered, repaired and sold At A nonv '
Iftal flgur to these la Seed aad who wsra
sot Saggar.
During tha mor than fifty yaara Mr.
uaLang aaa bees playing th practical
part of the realty oosd Samaritan, ha
hst had nothing mora than th meager.
imng. Beveral year ago h swned
rest trontag on Eaat Brhadwmy.
leaning through to Pharos street, with
sight er ten houses oa It All of Oil hut
th llttl sit of th aid komestead and
tha Eaat Broadway mlaslsa tats gon into
th eervloe ( others. It a tha amhltlss
oa in strea puiMthrapttt to sieee
artlva lit with th truaroranatloa of the
unaighlly mudholo aaay th swoad anla-
tion into a rsal beauty spot
You reach ptnjple who bny
when you advertise in The Bee
Women of EDworlh
Church entertain
Oa of th pleaaaneaet srentt Is West
Council Bluffs during th winter was th
oorn tupper erved last svealng by th
women of ths Ep worth Methodiit ehurah.
Every artlcl en th menu had corn la
It la tome form. .
Th supper was served In on portion
of th church while a literary snd mini.
tal program was being oarrted ut la tht
auditorium. Th men Indicated that
cholca dlahsa, with th otrtalntf that n
on would object if wry artlcl oa th
card wa celled tor by each Individual.
Here Is what th menu said:
Cora Beef and Cthbaga
Roast Pork and Hominy.
Eacailoped Corn.
Steamed Indian Com bread.
Johnnie ('aha, Hot
Comma! Mush, with Cream.
Bnow Pudding. Cornstarch Oak,
Th literary features Included A chorus
rsndltlsn of "America," whittled bp lh
members of th lavdlas Aid ooltyi "My
Bonnie," by A quartet af whistlers, lira.
D. B. Coats, Kr. and Mrs. W. H. Jamas
and E. A. Xarg; vocal and piano solna
by Ml sees One Katges, Hop Yates and
Mrs. (troop; violin sol by Mis Orase
Conley, reading by Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Bloom, tpeelaltle br Mr. Wltman and
recitation bp Mr. Jamas. The ontrr.
ulnment was of th ald-fsamloasd suit,
wholesome and delightfully antst-tamlng.
Jewels of Honor
Given to Pythians
Teaterdsy morning before th delegate.
and grand offloar atlsndlng th district
Enlgltt of Pythias convention left (or
their homos they presented Colon E. J.
Abbott th veteran mastsr't jesrel, which
caa be bestowed only upon thoee who
nave had a faultless record tn th order
for twenty-fir years.
Colonel Abbott's record covers th lone
period of forty rear. Th ieweL which
1 a diamond studded gold bar and pend
sht, wa th gift af th oftlosr of th
grand lodge. Tha presentation apeerh
wa mads by Grand Representative Be
Bellinger of Carroll, who. In an elo
quent eulogy of rMbtaatam. paid a glow
ing tribute to Colonel Abbott Immedi
ately After Mr. Sal linger had taken hi
seat Past Orand Ward Ferguson of Rolfs
Is., presented a similar jewel to him.
For about th first Urn In hut lif Mr.
Salllnger was rendered opeaahles and
had great difficulty In acknowledging the
handsome tewHmonlaJ.
afarwlag Elceaoe.
Marriage Mcenoes war Issued yesterday
to (he following named personal
Nam and Bel dance.
Martin Jenkal. Sliver City, Is...
Elisabeth Lowe, Ksmfrtea In.
James Orter, Oakland, Ta.....
Emma Jones. Oakland, la. ,
William Colemsa. South Omaha.,
Mauds Wilson. South Omaha
..... 37
"Dies of Pattaetls'1
It sever written of those who ear cough
and cold with Dr. King's New Discovery.
Ouarsnteod. lo and tl.ML For tale by
Beaton Urug Co.
r . '
Features for 1912
A greater year for a greater paper
The Omaha Bee
All the news that is real news.
Mutt and Jeff
Character creations from the pen of "Bud"
Fisher that have made all the world laugh
and turned many a sad face into a Bmile.
Looking Backward
This day in Omaha during the history
forming periods of 30, 20 and 10 years ago,
briefly and interestingly reproduced for
Bee readers.
The Bee's Wedding Book
A chronicle of marriage anniversaries of
Omaha's own people, simply and entertain
ingly detailed from day to day.
Silk Hat Harry
Tad's dog-man invention who has mors
trouble than anyone, but trouble that is
so funny it makes amusement for every
Bee reader.
Katzenjammer Kids
These two youngsters who are the source
of Sunday fun for thousands of children,
promise many new tricks and delightful
for this year.
Nell Brinkley Drawing!
Nell Brinkley developed a new idea in pen
drawings, and her sketches of men and
women caught by Cupid, not only have ar
tistic beauty, but also always teach a lesson.
Sherlocko the Monk
Sherlock Holmes, works sleuth-wonders to
many people, but Monk, the pioture-deteo-tive,
is more marvelous in the fun-way
than Dr. Watson believes Holmes to be in
a serious way. , l .
Nothing so amusing has been run in any
western newspaper in many, years as these
humorous play -on-words lines by Tad.
i ;. ' "
Desperate Desmond
A stage villain transferred to pen pictures
and revealed in the most laughable light to -make
every Bee reader roar and hold hi
sides. I
Happy Hooligan
Poor, old Happy; he is continuously grow
ing more entertaining, and now he is on
the road to new situations to win smiles
from all followers.
Carpenter's Travel Letters ,
No writer of the present day events
and situations in such interesting light as
Frank J. Carpenter, and none describes
themo graphically.
Heart to Heart Talks for Women
By Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Winifred Black,
Mabel Herbert Urner, Dorothy Dix, Fran
cis Garside, Ada Paterson, and many others
who write for women, what women want
to read.
Each week in the Sunday issue
Several big special stories of particular
interest to Omaha, Nebraska and Iowa
Comic Section in Colors Sunday
1 Besides the laughable comic pictures and
the special articles by women for women,
The Bee will record dramatic events of im
portance; present exclusive human interest
stories and give an accurate account of
events of politics, with absorbing sidelights
on the two big political parties, their con
ventions and their presidential campaigns.
Complete Telegraphic and Cable News
From all over the civilized world every
day in the year.
If you neglect to
Read The Bee daily during 1912
You will miss these exclusive features, the
greatest series ever published in a Ne
braska paper.