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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1912)
Desperate Desmond .Jqjss Hero Gets Some Distance Up in the bnt Then Does v Hnmpty-Dnmpty. - ByHershfield RoSAMOeytk kNNOTSCAL THIS MI$H CHIfrTeSE WML TO WiSCvTMY I HA C r-kjT 1 CWA. I HATS 1 U I LOVC eKCAtE UATCM TtJ AAT :0 hem Inside th (twit won of tb Chi nese ettr, the Ttllala rumwid mocks at th bilplem Claud, who MHt acale Um great tUm of umur. Bnnamond. an no U assist h hers tm gay way. un defies the villain and believe that Claud win AM (no war to strcumveBt th kMrtlta scoundrel mm or lator. - ..itesaH, LfeOKJa-- ' iaae lM!lwWti" Life feMllIllilfll U " "I anxe'A. l l 1 X . , , 1 L 11 Hl-SUC V SSr I ' Ji N U i I -rjXUl I .T7..i. S75 I . What esuld be better for bleachers then tb parapet of tb hue wallT Th CbJ mh fist It excellent and they bow crowd It, Hk sparrows oa a wire, to a the natlv team playing a tearing aim from aa FrendeeoC Baa ball la on of th hlasxlngs our cMUaaUoa la grvtng to tb Ocddrat la th wild axdtemaat which baa ball engenders yea hev perhaps experienced It ynoraeif when th cor la tied and your team ha th baaea full-tfi China man with th btg baakat fcnocka It orar th walL Baa bail makes him totally akltTlooa t tb laaa of bla property, aad Chinee aeually don't nla muob. Claud, dowa en tb ground autatd tb wall, aaea tb Mf basket aad at once tats an Idea. Be erawls Into th basket under the doth which Co rare It hoping that th owner will soon nla his property and that whaa be recavars It Claud win b taken In aid h elty limits by tb 'Un witting Chines baa bail fas. Bur enough, the "Fllaoo" team harlng wea the gam, tb Chinaman forgets about bas ball and returns to business. When he misses the basket be hurriedly gets a rope with a book and catches the handle. The basket seems heavier, but th Chinaman bas to pull it up aererth taea and Claud Eclair rejoice la bis Alss! far tb plana at our bar. la th basket to a bunch of dangerous snakes 'which th Chinaman ,waa taking' to a lire stock desler'a. Our hero therefore baa to Jump eut aad now h Is back oa tb ground where be started tram. To morrow w ehall sea tha result at bis next attempt. WANT ADS Ta'aat ada received at aaj Uraes but t taawr proper claaslflcatloa must bw presented brfora ia a'dock as. for tb arming adlUoa and befora 7:80 p. as. for morning aad Bandar eol- Uaas. Waat ada races red after nch hoars will bars their first Inecrtioa adar tha heading "Too hum to Classify.' GASH RATES VoR WAJTT AM, , RKQULAR CLASS IKICATIO.N Ow Ineertloei 1 acatt per word and 1 aeat for word for saob anbaaqoaat Isweirtioa. Each laatsilsa soada aa dd days 1M caart pes- ward, $1JM atb. , Waa ads for Tha Ilea may b loft at any of tha fallowing drag stnraa aat ia year "corse? druggist" they ar all branrh otflcea for Tha Deo, aad roar ad will bo Inserted last aa promptly aad oa tl cam rat aa al too Btala offiro la Th Bao balldlaf . Borcateoatn aad Faraaai BtrcaU. Albach, W. C, rath and rsraasa. Baum Drug Co., KU N. nth 8L Benaoa Tharmacv. Kanattn Wak. Ileinie Park Pharmacy, wd and Cuming. rrmnR, . A., jq a- ltia at. laka-Brandlah, gherman Awe, Csushaa, C. a, t: LaavenworU gt Cermak. Emll. 1XM-S H llih Ml Cltrtea Hill Pharmacy. itU Military Ar. voonr i-iiarmaoy, rza a lfia at. CrlMey Pharmarr, Xta and Lak Wa. Ehlw Co.. td Leavenworth St. rretac. 1 i . U14 N Mm gt. r-r.r Drug Co.. MOT N. Itlh gt. Plorance Drug Co.. Florence, Neb. Orwn a Pharm'y, Park Ave. and Paelfj. OreMioufh a Co.. nth and Hickory. Uoidmaa Phann'y, Mth fad LeavenWth. . Jokanaoa lrug Co., f. j and kpauidlag. . Johnaon Phartnacv. Far nam Rt. Hanaoom Park Pharm'y. UM a. aHh Ar. , HintarMmg iinig c., nat Are, aad Far. Hotel, Jake, SM M. lMk gt. . Huff, A. L, BH4 Leavenarortb gt. King. H. g. suit and Parnam gt, . Kountue Plao Ptiarmscy, Bad H. tMh. , llhrep Pharmarr, bith and Hwnlluo, stares fYed L aM Central Blvd. MonDwuih Pharmacy. (3d and Ames Ar, Palriok Drug Co., UM K. Mtk gt, Haraioea Drug Co., Mh and Ames Ara. a.hae(er's Cut Price. Wth and Chlaaga. ' sVller Drug cw. Ill N. BUk at 'Varkal, P. J., 4 Pleroe gt. Waitoa Pharmacy, letfe aad Qraa It Waiaut Hill Pharmacy. OXh and Cumtng. MAIL OHDKli Bl'SI.VKS OOUliTNEY'S Otnaha'S Pur rood Ceatar." -It rear teeal dealer den't carry K w do. Bend for oalatoaue free, freight paid en Is purchase wltlila a radius ef fifty muse. EOGS. BUTTKR. POUt.TnT. 'IDlkeet market prleea paid. Writ far anotatloaa aad ehlpplag taga BROWN pltODDCIS C0 . Whelaoalm of FUh, Oyatara, oeierj. UU keward St. AMl'HEME.NTw .rEEN TUEATEB oath Illustrated gongHlgk Raa Pteturea, Intereatlng Illuatrated Leeturea. XT Merlag Pleturas aad , f li4ia ZUustratad , PROGRAM CTtAWOBD DAILY. ' Tl'KADAT K1UHT AhlATBUM , 1 Taudevlle gaturday and Buaday. ' Ull gouth Uth attract Wonderland Vlntaa i go. lata High Ctaas Uotloa Pictures. ' ' POOL or billiard aftar Ik ahow. Ktm tables. Marvel Hall, im A lhh at ; Apollo Theater 5 i Always eseelleat muaat sad sa aaurtala. lag aregraja. lea ar tavlted. HIT and eui.. A program at atrowg drama taalglit Favorite Theater (JEM Ukt g. UU Lataet moving pteturea aXTHA kl'NUAT CIVDERJKLLA. MS) ft sf sakaan si, turee. Den t mtaa It Two sat vaoaeMua Program changed dally. J. A. GENTLEMAN, UNDKR T ra embalmer. Oitraro gt D. laa. B-wa HULSE & EEIPEN TJKDBRTAKEB HEAFEY k HEATHY, Moved to gfll Parnam. I tm? H. jj Vot"LL always be baarr if your wed dlng ring come from Brodegaard'a. lu g. Hth EL At the lgn of the crown? .VAlTLXESlL HtTX-g gnDlQ. Hth and Howard. wivnnur mimm .... . I 1 in, contract work. H. Winter. 1W1 X. mh. Webster eaa! , IAJ2UMEKCIAL pbowgrapfaar. C. if Hobart. f WaaWngtoa BH . Doug, n Bex M. prepaid. 11 75; try half deaenj ft Bot eatiifactory naoney refunded. BBsv TON DRLa C6, uSsTrnam. OrnaAaT M. K. Morttll. china pelat. tn Bra rule la Th WAKTCD-Eaoagh members of Omaha Tyaographkal taUua Ne. IM to vote tor .Praok Brews, Be Kightalde Chapel, ts elect him a dekgat t tb Cleveland eoa venuoa of tha Intaraailanal TVianMcal Maggard Van A Staraga Pack, move. I store and ahip H. R gooda P. lax, B-xa. Keb Seed Co- lag Jones Botk phonee. ) GET your diamond a al Broder lard'a. TO LOAN-LOW rate. In euane te aulL tte Be Bld. MONEY DCViln Printing Co. Tel. Doug. ML MOVING picture machines and supntiaa j Keeraaka Film Co.. liit Famam fct HAZEL LEAP PILE COXEg Beat r-.wujr iwr cui 4ejiag or protruo- ' gnsrmaa McCbaneU Drag cs, Omaha. AXNOCXCKMUTTB BOILER, aheet Iron and tank work. Omaha structural ateei veraa. v.'n , . , nil.-. 1 1 u Cm koS puninnvr Pax too Blk., circular lettera, say quan tity; eldest eatakllabad aompanyi expert ot ajunigmpn ana n eowtjie. Twenty per cent leea then Omaha prtoea. HOMB KUKNITURB CO.. Twenty-fourth and L Bta.. aauth Omaha t.knl.,.n HI.. r M, ?Trj4 WVj. M. Col Blga Ca. D. I7a Ul rnain. AtTOMOIULi. DRUMM0ND Bpealallst ca auto work. OsatnaarcUl truck bod lea Uth and Harney Bta Aut lam pc repaired. Omaha Stiver C. 0MAIIA MACIUNE WORKS Autoganoua weldlag. gea'l machine and auta repairing. Pattern making aad era clal machinery daalgnad. Expert die work. Pattern drawings. Ill Uth gt D. MW. Why not aell year eld automobile and buy a aaw fne-or. meybe, yoa ees uee he money In some ether war la either evwat Bee want ads will do the werk. Bates in eenta per word If run only one lime or 1 cent per word If ran two ar more ttmae eenaarutivaty. MurphyDidltj REPAIRING O. NTIS ONE K-kt-P M, com plate with all aoulp mantt Mil, apea treat s-psss anger baea uaad aa demonstrator. Price, in. On flva- paaaangar Rambler, goed oeadltlaa, DVk One Model 41 Overland. SMS, MARION AUTOMOBILE 00. fiel-d Parnam gt Omaha, Nab. DRUMMOND Aula raaatra, top, slip eevers, lilh aad narvtar. blTlNRr ta loan ca automobiles. Ok F. Mangold, Bemingtea.e BlUNKaB CHAXCRS OANOmrTAD. H Bee Bide. TcL P. 1177. A COMPETENT aad truatwerthr work' Big manaaer can aiake Meal contract with exclusive territory rlghta 10 form salea compaay for selling sad Inetslllng Water rewer vacuum Cleaning Byetema Tnara la a eompcituca with this systam. It Is sunt ta tn name at leea cost tnaa elec trically operated machines and I more eatlefactcry. gold with flvayear guar antee against breakage ar repairs. If yoa are capable at managing a bueineee of f'our own we would be glad to go further nto ur propoeltloa with you. Addreea Oenaral Faiae Manager, water rwwer Vacuum Cleaner. TaVIal Mala BU abuftaaa, N. T. OI'B LETTER duDlioatlna work la ua. ei ceiled. A trial will eeavtae rws. Beth phones, w eater pupiisating ca- am aa. 'OH Ml atnek at graoerlaa and gueenswara far eeah; tha p. Baa Is. Bar- vara, nea. MORTGAGES, 6 ON GOOD FARMS Barings bends secured by first martgagaa and eur capital and surplus of tax. ass. NO SAFER INVESTMENT Beads for fits, fa aad up, a suits your sartngs. Maka year money bring yea la goad Inoame. Aak lor psrtieuiarw PAYNE INVESTMENT 00. lltb and Parnam Us,, Omaha. Web VllSi E. MlLl-ER. uuc etsnographar. laa city rtatiBk. icug. ens cr a-il HARDWARE etera tor eale ar trade. Far addreea write tc T M, care Be. Ed Rotbary. Bualneee and Real Estsls gchsngc Ca Rnnm IIS. McOajtue Blrtg. ON aaeouat t. poor health, oa of tUs beat beuee me ring eutfue in Dee Melaee aad reeKenaii win sell aaparatelri me as terms; have enough work oa head to pay tor tociA Aa areas I lis, ear urnana pa . Motloa nlctura mat-hiaa and film bar- gaiaa. On. Pllm Eick., Uth A Doug. Bta WAMTED u sell mr stack of hart war aad fomttura WDI tak hand as part payment Prtea a, Addraaa btos m, Arm pee aa, le. bialW stack drugs and flxtaraa at sami. noe: must sau) una piioia ee " tecailea. C. Brea, "VibtlL MTl7L0Bl'RE- ram Mel aanptiea writ Bex n. Baa cicad. Mea. gALX JUaokjaalth shop: " beat tn state, Aaarssa at, M. latthleean. go parlor. Keb. PARTNER wanted with B.KS capital at a well eetabllahed milling and grain baM- neae in goes wvc aawa. aaaraea I mi. aa. GOOD Ing to BaAea furalebad earn- ptetci new fuTtutura Including ptanat full at reamer. ISA UM S. 7th. Phcse Red sag Bl'aLNESS PERBOXaXeS Al Walla, L. ft KEBKROAIJ mi rj City KatT ED. ROWE. well bortng. Benaoa SV OMAHA TEWT CO. Tel. SB Ponrlaa. tlrtsa L. Ball. Lawyer, MT Bran. Bhtg. q W. fcalcida. Auaraar. 87 B. ef Trad. 7 T1TB ONLT WAT. Baggag cheeked ta gmllaailan Taxi. case and touring cars. Tel. Deaiglae C BTfMTg OMAHA BAO CO.. Omaha. Me. oa aad Pacaag-s Maaafaalarira. Wooden Box A Package Ca Bit K. Wta. Caraeaaaea aad Ceatraeteea, Btevanaea. carpeater. cent Botk atianea calrapadleta. PR-ROT. 1MB Pa rasas. Pcartae taw. Clgaum aad Tekaeaa. THE Ssaltaiy Crswa Ftpe. lit & Mta. BC8I.E88 Pi:RS0XAL8 CU.Maa Maaatact Wear Ideal draas shlrta K. U. Imltb Oa. Coal Dealer. CB Johnson, coal. Itth A Isard. I phonea WA81ERFIKLD aclla REEDKR COAL; l . U 1 1 ' L' a. I . , ' , n . . . . .. . . . . - " - " - m ivn-vfe, u. iesa; .-uee. COAL and kindling. Wagner. M N. Ktn. Oeamarlea. Oalriaa aad gappllaa, Fairmont's Plsdam butter.' Always good. DAVID COLE CREAM ERT OoMPA.NT. OaraJo aad gtaal CaiUags. CARTER gheat kt-tj Warka, Omaha Daaalavg Asadeaalaa. MsanVs Paactng Academy, ttM Harney. Dally elassee Mon., Tbura. Bat evenings ' . " K' " - ewwons avery aav. Claaaee Men, and Fit.. p m. Doug. t H 1 AUK ana laiui, A.... .. taught, children 'and adults. Jro Hrar "t Msckle s XJanolng acad- Oeatuta. DR. MrT.RRArf. spsolallst In Plate work. gatlafactloB or no lee. cM Brandale B.dg. Bailey, the denUat. city KatX D. laa. Mach A Maeh, Mi floor Pea ion. IX Itat Tafia dental rooma, 1117 Doug, p. list u Oatoatlrea. . eeeret eervloa det agency, Ina, bonded, aavg Paxloa Blk. P. Ilk), A-illk JeJuWuNETKER, l!T KarukcTlTaT JAMlifAllArf, Nevllie Blk. TyW 11M. BCBI.MCSS PER80XALB Prlatiag. Rlas-Hsll Ptg. Oo.. 10) 8. 14. Ind. A-gSK Let the Cl.Ni HAL. KRlN flNO CO. da your work. H17 Douglaa. Tel. D. CTo rial lag, OMAHA SILVER CO.. 114 & 11th. Iteel Tank aad Calvert Compoalea. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steal Tank Cosv pany. ma ana nicnaias. u. Baa gteaagiapatara aad Oaort Mapartasa. Myrtle A. Keller, fM Bran. Tha. P. fan. EMMA A TLLLEK, 417 Barker bk. P. Ml. Taata aad Awalaaa. . OMAHA TETfT CO. Tel Doug laa. Traaka aad gait Caaee. Frellng A Btelnla, Vtm ramam 8t. Wlaea aad LI acre. WILLOW Springs beer, liquor, cigars, sandwlcbea Alex Jetea, laM Douglas. VlKOINiA DAKK wins. 6o a large boi tla. KletpLiquor Houaa, ia N. lth 8t Wig Maaafaatarciw. P. B. Orlfflth, wig mfg. II Prenacr Big, KDICATIO.NAL w. Terry's Praaemaklng eotleg, BXh A Far. guaranteed. Call evrnlnga Webater 4MA WANTB1-Famliy sawing by 7 Parnam Ht. the day. FAUffv mA A " J. J r. " 1 ewn none rmm won- abla sal W. Hat gt. phono Pcuglaa lia Draagleta. PRTTOa gt ut prtea; tVstgbt flv erdere: eataloaua tr. aa. McCcnnall Drug Co, Omaha. Neb. Everything BUactrtaai. Elctn Urhtlna (la atilu as .n purreaa- jra no en cc., lell Howard, p. Mi Everything aM Woman. CONgPLT PR BI RKB. 1 Pong. Big. Try tha BOSTON WET WAflU. Uav. yew family waab brought borne ready wr erriiui ei rec isowr. avri. aau. Aut-et-date garmants exTlor new. W. kja Evelyn Be lev). eiDert eorsetlere: cor- sets mads ts measure, cleaned repaired; workmanship guaranteed, at Baa D -tlM. I Pd Mllla aad Btoraa. Peed, aH ktnda. Olewcaa Mllla kW lasrd. FaaadH , w,nu.u a., i a m . .Iu mlnum. nn, lead oaatlnsa 171 Jtckaea. riavtsta, BEr?NETTg. rot flowsra Ponglsg lit. A. Donaghue. 17? Parnam. P. lull. A-UXE HEIg A 8WOUODA, lili Parnam 8C Stewart a. Klorlet A Seedamen. Ill N, It BRAN DEIS PLOR18T, Brandela Bids. L HENDERBON, Mil Parnam. p. USA BATH'S PLORlsTg. Beyd Theater Bldg asattala, WTSB MEMORIAL Nth and Hareey. Alfred C. Kennedy, o , Jut sacs, Mg Pint Nat Bk. Bldg. Deng. 78. Rhedee-Momgomerr Co. In. Ramge Blk. Iswa aad Wtso Foaataga, Pane Cw art I. IT. Tal Red HA LaaaArlea. FTAENCH Hsnd Launlry. Tal a tot Ousxantee La unary, rise erork. pTprt lam bar, It Oroea, Lum. wraorg. plb. fi A Paul grmner iiianeiowl and spaghetti. Me pkg. COOKING CLASSES (15 Lessoni for $4.00) SEWING, MILLINERY, GYMNASIUM GENERAL EDUCATION . Qasses Begin Feb. 13. B0YLES COLLEGE DAT AND NIGHT SCHOOL . ALIj THE YEAR , Cemplet eeuraas la BiaWnaaa Bank. keeping, Btenography. Telegraphy. Civil Service ar galcamanahlp. Th caialogus la free for the asking. Call, writs or phone for It at once. Addraaa H. B. Borlas, President Boyles Osllege, Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED -MALE Mlaeetiaa WANTED FOR U. 8. A RMT Able bodied snmamed men between the ages ot U and It; dtlsens of United States, of good character and temperate hablla. who can speak, read ana wnta tne Engiisn Isnguage. For Informatloa apply to re cruiting officer, lltb aad Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb.; an tth Be, Sioux city, la; 1M N. Nth Bt, uneoin, nee. US MEN, bug yaara aid, wanted at onoe tor lctn railway snotormen ana accAucura: IS la UM a mcmh; no ex perience nine see ry; nne opportunity; no strlka Write immediately tor application blank. Address T-at Baa. Un AUTO BCHOOU I OMAHA. VJ I LARGE SHOPS. neiDiviprv ... .A w w' Itv xraduatsST More ears snd actual repair work than aay three western schools; let us rttovK it. H'IKTm- Ranned aentlsaian With good bsMts, between the age of N and . to call at lkht Harney Be Will start vote la nrafltabla bualneaa: onlv a small capital required; hours from I to I p. m ' WANTED Btala diatrlet and local or ganisers for da old reliable alck and acci dent Insurance lodge; splendid compensa tive. A tiercel NaUoaal Miaivalinl ao clety. Kansas Uy. Mo. Motion nlctura oDeratora In araat de mand; big pay; short hours; we give you thorough training; position secured. In ternet' I Mad an Picture School. Be Bldg. 10W RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTTSD-ga) month: Omaha exemina- tloaa May A Coaching free. Write Frank lin IneUUlta, vept. zis aa, necoeater, N. T. ' ST0P1READ! Oct Into a paying broteaeion. Learn aotomebU anglnaerlBg In our iarse training ahop. Hundrede ot auoceaalul graduates. Complete equipment of auto meblieo aad macmnery Addreea National Auto Training Ataa., ES Brandela Theater Bldg., omana, Neo. iV OUT ot emalovmant sea ua. gk) Neville Blk., lath and Harney Sts. a ru; by the Unleo Paatflo aad llllaau Cra- tral raiiroaas II yoa gala ywr training ta our sehoat Practioe en B. R. wlraa Ad dreea tor particulars, H. B. Bey lee, pres. nortec tnieoa. umana, rteo. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLUKMs, "BEST IN THE WEST." Pay and evening seaalosa all tha year, Shorthand, Typewriting, bookkeeping. Agriculture, Civil Service, ImitaminihjB. E. A. gartman. Pres., mh snd Faraanv TCTuKINO, let te ih giace. H Wei HKIJ WANTED FEMALE Paelery aad Trade. Olrls to learn hair d reeling; prteaa vary reasonable. Oppcnhclm. Id Ft, City Nat'L Maaaeaccrcra aad Paaseotlaaa THE SERVANT OIRL . PROBLEM aucvED-The Bee will rue reur Uc Help Wanted ad FKAU0 until you get the dee I red results. Bring yswr sd to Th ace unci or telephone Tyler low WANTEn-K.ll.hia bfcuekaenar. b farmer, good heme fer light party, araat furnish rerersnee. Addraaa W. o. Car man. Rockwell city, la.. R. r. D. V ELDERLT WOMAN, sood sack, deals. Ing a good home for service aad wagsa rrmne neo ana." WANTED A slrl fur scneral houaa- work; good wagaa Mil North Bab St. South Omaha South MM. WANTED (Mrl or wamaa far aeneral ncuaework: gooa noma; Heady place ana good wages. Call at one. Mra Jay Lev er y. ua N. Mth St, South Omaha, Neb, Tet So. 17. COMPETENT (Ui fer oook. KU Jack- eon hi. . Harney iea. COMPETENT, reliable white slrl for general housework, email family, one who lllcee chtidrca and can fumlah references, aha Davenport Bt Call Mar. nay arts. housework; gooa heme and small family. rnons weeater arcx. WiNTIlTi-A ,.n.,f t BrtnU wnitri ev ow. win. nHMj w. WANTED a girl or middle-aged osaaaa to help with housework and tak car ef ehlidrea; small family. UU M. BMA St. I. F, Bloom Ca., rrtb and Cuming Bta Mevtmaa StasasTO amd Cleaalag. EXPRtggMEWg Pairnrr Oa Mwrln. furaitara, packing, erenraof staraga. City auiea, aw a ma. uaug. ma, ina. a-u. Twts City itipreaa. Ull Howard. Both TeL Furaimre saeviag, I men. M hour. W. rat Masse, Art aad I aagwagie. Eteirteeood rlolla tasober. Tat W. SB B T. Warn, fitting 4 rca'g. sal Braadat. AScs Johnsoa. US- Brandcei Tha Bldg. ststherys Nuke aa, qi-l Brandeie Theater. Patoaoa, P. 0. Baraea. Paxtoa Blk. Tel. Red 7U7. Wlliard hCdy, im city Nat Bank Bldg. Palat aael PAINT. aO. lead aad tnrpeetta era M per cent cheaper now than a year ago. Take advantage of this and bay aaly strictly pure material at Marker Bra, Paint Co.. Man reraaak St, Phaas Doug. CVn a PBaoegiagb! Ealsea phcetscrapba Shslta Braa, MM Par Phalaovmoaeva. Rlsehart phatcgrapbera. Mb A Parnam. Prlattaux. Lew W. Raber, Printer, T?kV BEE BLPa BNTRANCE ON COtUT Lrexeted Prlatinr Ca.. Mtk a r.i.i Ave, in. lad. aat tor goad prlatlng. Mleaellaaeeae, TOTTNGI woenea eomlar ta Omaha aa strangera are Invited ta vtalt tha Tewog Womea'e Ckiiatian aaaodatlon betiding at St. Mary a Ava and 17th St, where they will b directed te eul table boarding place or otherwiee asststed. Lack tar cur travclerC guide at tow l.'nloa etatlaa. nXXP rVAVTKD MAIJi Agvata, Salaaaaaa aad SeUelleie. WB WANT local ageato far the new model Fox visible typewriter. Write as for eur liberal prauociuon. Type writer Inapectioa and Supply Ca,, Wastara Dla tn outers, laa. 1S Parnaas. POl'R solicit ore. at aaca, ft and aora mlasloa. N , Mee. AOENTS We pay wall and gtv ralaa ble arsnluma free fer a few hour work. Samara and catalogua trea Mad era DUhty Caw f Dwdly St, Uaoala. Neb." Clerical aad Oftloa. "CAVO"-TIlgh grmda poattlOTta. Bee. FULL dreee aulta and party drum for eale; alao for rant H ta a aight JOHN FKLDMAN. aB N. tTth. D. EM Faatarr aad TraAea. Prog stor (snaps) ycba. Enleat.Bae Bldg. WANTED Good, reliable all reuad printer, capable of taking chart ot Weil equipped country ncwapaper cfflca; wage every Saturday night. Wnta ctatmg guae lOcatloaa aad wagas expected. Waat aaaa to be an ground by MarcA L Alss a Junior linotype operator ah la aba as take ear of sneehina Olva oaatlflcauoas and wages expected. The Nemaha County Rapabiican, Aabura. Neb. WANTED More people to rates poad try with the Old Trusty laoubatar. wnta for free eajaiegua. at M. Jahasoa, Clay Cnter, NeA WANTED Railway mall Clerks. M A meatk. Short hours. No leyerfet pasitloa rur tar Ufa Omaha aaaannaliooa May Thousands af appointments coming Common education sufficient. "Pull" ua. neeeesary, Caadldataa prepared free Write far aajaple auaetlaaa Franklin 1s- stitute, aiept ill M. Koc heater, N. r. MONET TO LOAN Salary aad Chattrla. DIAMONP LOANS at tli and I per cent FLATAU, 1U4 Dodge Bt. TeL Red UU. on furniture, pianos and real estate at a vary low rate of Interest. Nebraska Loan Co. Doug. USA KB Bee Bldg. A-1BA Money MONET loaned salaried people, women keeping houae and others, without aa curlty; easy payments. Offices in 17 prla- L. Tl 1 J . ... . .. , , ew'k ou., mrmtny n. I utl Blag. uca ok aaiee enow, I, a., si Star Loan Co.. act Paxton Blk.'. to UM, without security; to suit you. CHATTEL LOANS Lowed rates and easiest terms. See others; then eee ue and b convinced thst ws will savs you money HOrSEKOI.D LOAN CO.. N. at Cor. Itth A Doug. Sla P. iMe, led. A-Sll OFFERED FOB RENT Board aad Heeaaa. O. bt K. hauls tranka P. til. A -Mil Faralabrd Rooma. ' FOR WENT Two furnished narlar rooms with host and gas. 133 8. ltd St HARNEY ST. 177. ooav front room, wall heated on bath room floor; etiictly mod ern house; electric light. 12 60. Tsa min utes walk from Bennett's mors. lffig PARK AVR rnmfr,r.hl. 1 wall furnished room, modern; gentlemaa preferred. Id 40. Harney KM. DESIRABLE furnlaheil mom: nHal family. Mil N. loth St. TeL Webster a87t SOUTH 10th St.. 111. well furniahed warm rooms In modem, detached hmu B to U per week; no sign. Tel. 7901 Now, while people era look. Ing for mora comfortable - uartera la the time to ad vertlee rear rooms for rent. Ratee le per word where th ad runa two or mora ttmea NEAT comfortsbls front room with al cove; breakfast If desired. Telephone narney i. K.riUNT furfllkhed rdnmi .( Lynnhurat, (IT B llth St. Phone P. Oeod men are hard to jret They don't wander arAnd th streets looking for signs In wind we. Whan yon need goat kelp ed raniae ta Tha Bee. Bee want ada are read by keaa, energetb) - men who wiak to batter tbatr osadl. Ilea. Rates la per word It rua tw or awr tnaaa eaav eeotlvejy. Talepbano Tyler help wAirrrD ... Mala aad aroaaass. WANTED A aaaa aad wlfs with a childroa to work on a rancb. Address B. i. Mane, Wright Wya HANDKERCHIEPS. bad aDresda eta, Me doa Cany Laundry, lltb aad steward. "' LIVE STOCK MJR SALH TTOTUIKS and HORSE for Webster am. Hit Cwalag Bt aaia, cheap. Bnl N. Est lost and rorjrp LOST-SllVar mceh bag. Reward If re- turaad to O. W, Turner, yr.tll Beard ef LOST-Whiie Phaa Maraay Angers Mat, im Dodga St Reward. PERSONS baring laat some artlsl woum Co well te call aa tha office af the omasa a council Blum a treat Railway acmpany to saairtala whether they iett K u in strati eara. Many artlclea each day are rarned la and the cempeay 1 anxleaa to restore tun to tb regbbta) ewaer. CaU Doug, laa at OMAHA A COUNCIL BLTrprg STREET HAU'WAT CUMI-AIM T LOaTT Colli don. fassala Answer ts name or Meier. savara, siarwsy err. LOOT g mail white dog, mala, with aa A hrswa bead; reward. can neo r H" Mth. LOST Abeut two weeks ago, black caya ala, with epray of gold and pearls. Hewer far retwra to Mra 4. M. Duassot awl Lafavetle Ava 'Pbo H. Kte. LOST Whits and brindls temala ball dog. Tel. Benaoa Ok RewarA medicax MBNTAL diseases earad. SB Barker BIA PR. RACK sseolellet: aerresa aad all cbrcaic ainasis, SBJ Dewy Ava. P. TUe. REMEST far acuta and ehrcnle kld- ney, liver, bladder aad art nary dleerdera uiaei iiii, pata m oacx, joints ana iea Write or ntkone gal K. lstk St. awt wis erri: lad., B-r47. MONET TO sVOAN Salary aad CTaararla. MONEY FOR SALE LET US SELL YOU SOME AT THE -RIGHT PRICE . . mora eo taaa aa rata use ar tn year, witk ft Hiwasied aost eg Bvtaat. It mm ar wiwsuisg with Una phase a? the nosy prisma aad aced ftaaactel asson ance we kauev we aaa help poo. We wUl negotiate a aaaa tor yoa aa your Real Estate, Parsoaal Freparty. ii- r,m . uwia, rukjuj. WAIia. enrol ancvnia krv , . . - ., .. . , kM,v ewn. Jku TOMOBILB. WAOE8 or ca year PLAIN NOTE bt parmaaaatly employed. Money auieklv. Bravkvtstv mmA Mn. deaaally. TOCTl CALL WILL BB AJ-PeCb.'lATED. RELIABLE CREDIT (XX SU S. afUBUPhaaaSaag, MU. MO S. BVTH ST. Two rarv warm, nlcalv furniahed rooms;. Parlor floor, modern. narney ami. OFFERED FOR RENT , aad Jostagraa. MOVING, packing and storing of house, old roods and pianos I our business. Omsha Van Storage Co.. fireproof storage, WK S. 16th, by the viaduct Branch office S3 8. 17th St. Tel. D. 41M. A-1AA. Houaea, Ina. Ringwalt Brandea Tb. Bldg. C.S WOOLWORTH AVE., l-r, mod.. Ka. alll N. Ktb Ava. l-r part mo(L, 1A (1 8. rib, -r.. fist Ku. KM 8. Sd, I and 4-r., flat STTJu,. tm A Sd. 7-r., mad., UA Bemls-Carlbarg Co.. tl-Ll Braadde Then. HOUSE Mil Dewey Ave. I rooms, modern. Moyer stationary Ca, Mil Far. nam St SIX rooms and bath; bot water beat Phone Harney KUt. SEVEN ROOMS, modern, oloae ta oar, tow rent, rnone weoecar ava.- HOt'SR. I rooma. modem, im Caaa Be: rent too. Sloreo aad Otflsaa, M CAaUB BmLDINO, ffitb and Dodga Attraetlve offleaa, angle or en eulte; hot and cold water ta nearly all rooma; rants, 17 to 190: service complete. Apply OMAHA LOAN BUILDING ASS!. STORE room, steam heated, fronting alley at 1ft and M Parnam St Have msrchandlss entrances, glass fronta. The. F. UaU. ia Ram fa Bldg. Both pnonee. STORAGE ROOM FOR RENlJ OR LEASE Fotrrth and Fifth floor Avery Bldg, 10X-11 Leavenworth Bt, wbcleeala die. trict; cloee to freight bouae: flocra dsxlll feet; office, levators, tw switch traaka and loading platforma Inquire u. W. Perrln, Mgr. Avery Co, Office entrance directly sppoelte unlca statlon.e Waraaaaaaa. Central location, on 10th Bt, with rail road epur. Building baa 11,000 square feet and good basement; steam beat Vacant May t Rant ItdUl per year. Harrison 8r Morton, FaraUbcd Hcneaatecplaa Mooaaa. THE MANUEL Two-room apartment KSOtt, The Howard, I-room, private sain, saveo. xiat sna riowara. THREE nloely ,urnlahed front hcuaa- kesping rooms. ZvLI davenport TWO modbrn houaakssplng rooma nsrnsy tin. nil Mason. W E B8T ER BT.. 4Well furaUhsd, strlotly modern I-room suite of house keeping rooma 'Phone Dougles 475L Faralshed 11 a aaea. STEAM HEATED fist all furniahed: t months Ground Hoar. UU So. Ktb Ave. talaralabea Kmsi. 4 modem rooms, parlor floor. IKS 8. Mth. THREE or four light housekeeping, modern rooms; cloee in; reference re Quired. Pay phone, Deug. attt- cvsnlngs. narnay as Hetele aad Apartmcat. Dewey European hotel, Uth A Faraam. KICELT FURNISHED ROOMS for ran lismsn. THE CHATHAM, 11 B. Uth St OXFORD and Arcade, epeclal wkly rate Dodge, running hot and cold water; tel. ennenee in every roam prleea the aama Apartaaaale aad Flata. -ROOM flat on Sherman Ava Web. ret HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and for warded; cheap freight ratee; moving end staring. Expreesmsn's Delivery Co. TeL Douglas SM. City office. 111 a 17th Bt, Bee bldg. I-KOOM modern flat Scargo Bldg, iliu N. Mth St, Mouth Omaha. lialL tU Ramg Bldg. tiotn pnenea I-ROOM, steam heated, new; Id floor, water paid; Mth and California. O-KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO, 1 . 1HI Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug, or A-XUX, Menace aad Cottage. MOD. t-r. cottage, fine repair. TAT. Met T4 8. MTH g rooms, completely mod ern. 171 6 Dun, I rooma, com pletely modern. II Thoc. F. Hail, a Kamgo bis- uict it-w s-ROOM modern cottage. Met Emmet Bt. Pbon abater la i T-Tnnana ,n Parts of the city. UOUSeS crelgh Sons A Co.. Bee BU Idg. FOR RENT ar sale cheap, beautiful aaw 7-ruem bouae aad barn; all modem; alee loccuon. Telephone Morence In. WgWJKtm nww t IiUk, i no Mason. Bat and blssoa Sts- let Tele- WEST PARNAM, new modern atucee horns; beat dlatrtct. Red PX7. TEN rooms, modern. UM 8. I7th; fine tor tw tamiuea uougias uxx. AROOM modern deaached houaa. with good yard. ta Faraam gt, ft a-roem. naeaern except neaunr. N. at oa ana tanmore Ave, A3. Harrison & Morton IM Omaha Nat. Bank NINE-KOOM bouae. modera, axcapt heat aewiy decorated. BVug Ccrby. Eey M door weat. Douglaa TM. FOUR-ROOM oottasre. aatar and aaa PhoM Harney EN or B-M7. HOUSES FOR RENT. gfl B. Mth Ava. KV-rooaa. tw bath roccaa ra los N. Mth. 14-room, an roofna hot water heat MS. 4U N. Mth. rooma, au moo era. close in, M. Ml pdga M) roema. an mdra. & ijeo 8. set iv i reoana au aasaarn. ta. tl Patrick Ave, reams, asodara ex cept heat ra. aa cannei Ave, room enoaem ax. eapt bead. AS. all 8. tn Ava, romna. cioaa in. ga lit N. llth. rooms, rkvas m. U7Jg CM N. Mth. ( rooms, part modem. IUa sua Bcward. g rooms with barn, BUI aflg rraaklta. 4 rooma. dtr water. gas. gm an gewara. roona, r.". TUE BTRON RSED CO. Phoaaa IX Ai. A-CQA . Ill E ITth. OFFERED FOR BALE ( raewilare. FOR SALE cheap, good aak si da board, commode snd other furniture. Phone Webeter Mt FOR SALE Furniture, aheap, account leaving city. !7et A ftth St Mamay IsoX EXTENSION TABLE aad dlalng chain, Phons Douglaa K7. Typaivrltaso, RENT aa Oliver typewriter from tb Oliver Typewriter Co. Douglas MIA TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES For sals or rents largest stock; best bargains. B. F. SWAN aoN CO, 1114 Faraam St, Omaha. Call ar writ. Mleocllaaecea. FOR SALE Two scholarships fa tb Omaha Commercial collage and an la Boyles collage BuMneea oftloa, Omaha Bea FOR SALE I pool tables, nsw sloth; first class oondltlon. CM. Call Harney Hi. BOW blue grass now on the enew ana have nice velvet lawn next spring aad, summsr. THE NEBRASKA SEED CO.. TeL Douglas latl. Mil Howard Stl Baa want ada will aall fur niture, ptaaoe, stoves, type, writers, sawing machioaa, musical laatrumanla, , May. clee. eta, at a oaet t only a tew eenta Don't delay get your ad la now. FOR SALE New and aecond-band carom and Docket Millard tablaa and bowling alleys and accessories; bar tlx turee or ail xtnes; sasy paymaata The BruMwlck-Balke-Coilaadar Co, - s. lth BL ID SAFES. DER10HT. llil Parnam St. SAFES-Ovarawckad with wcoad-band aafea, all Maee and makss; bargaina American Supply Co, 111 Parnam St. K Coal for etove or furnace. Try iL Harmon a weeth. w abeter sax. - FOR SALE Cheap, small reetaurant flxturea; un-bole range, all new: cash register; show caaee. etc. F. F. gsnsrt Grand Island, Nab. PERSONAL YOUNG wsmsa cecal as ta Omaha aa strangers ars Invited to visit the leong Women a Chnsuao sssoclatloa building at Seventeenth and St, Mary's Ave, , where they will be directed ta eul table bearding plaaea, or otherwiee aaaeted. Leok fur eur travelers' aid at the Union atatlon. WB rent and reuelr all kinds ot eew- Ing machlnee. Ind. A-BnA Douglas 1AA ALHKABIlA CI CLE CtA, lath and Harney Bta. Vie wage. Ritten houaa. Ms old Boston Bid. O-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Gladlah Pharmacy, lltb snd Dodga massage nMjiJr L1EBEN. mask eulte to hire. L1 How u. (ASSGE Baths, salt glow aromauc Cblcaga let & nth at, let floor. D. 7av ThAuaknJk aT r, r. , . k..v. found th home they were lookiag tor among tha real estate ada on The Be want ad page. The bom you waat to aell can be disposed ef gulckly at cost ot only a few cant through Bee want THE SALVATION ART Y anlielta eaat- oft clothing; In fact anything yen do act neee. wa collect repair and eau at 134 N. Uth St. for cost of collecdoa. ta th worthy poor. CaU phoa Douglas IIS and wagons will calt SWEDISH "" vibrator aaa o h Auuxijj-L reajete, trsatmaabA Mra. Snyder, BB) Be Bldg. Red Nva 8WCDL&H msaaasa for rbeumatlaB. musciaa. Joints. Siiiiia Kmen Ton. eta. saly Omaba msiaaiu graduate la Sweden. One. Nat l Bank. Dong nat MASSAflK ?-edUh movereenc Apt Famam. D. da. MAGNETIC 2LVi21 BEST Gray-a Nerv ISfJTn:JPjff: swetpaiA stMrmea iwi AjKimm voj, uBiana. Aaa Kap ta tho Siruatloa-Bee Advmriahaa. ' 4 v i I