THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 1912. 15 BRIEF CITY NEWS stave lot Ma XL "'. a ee, Fixtures, Bargees tliasdis A xg aaaale is ge; Booth' OumMi' Canned Oysters of your dealer. ""Hi ! for nenrsst dealer's un . aaa Takee at Blank Juttos Treltachka, a satoon keeper ta Um out tins secured a commission blank and win circulate it (or signatures. Then are now MS blanks oat and sixteen peu tlona have been filed. Bait Mas Smceasafml Operation W. B. T. Bait. tt Calllortua atreet, genera, plant superintendent of tha Nebraska Talaphona company, who was operateu an last Wednesday at tha Clarkson boa pltal. Is getting alone Tory nicely. It thought by tha doctors that It will only short dm before ha win be abi. to be taken to his home. Tsrtlst for Pan from Car EU Lang was given a verdict lor l against tha street railway compaay foi personal Injuries In the law division o. tha district court. Lang claimed to hev been thrown from s car as a result o. negligence nod carateeaneat of the eon duetor and motorman and asked B.e damages for tha Injuries ha suffered. emda Are Acolyte city Comptroller Cosgrova has reeaived nouca from tiu city's fiscal agents in tha east that to J0.O city ball renewal bonds over th Issue of which there was some trouble. had been duly delivered and tha tao.e with premium and accrued In teres . amounting to S51.Ws.7f had been place, to the credit of W. O. fre. dty treasurer peolal Oars tot Bdaoators To aocom- modau tha Asbraaka members of toe de pertinent of supertn tendency of the Na tionaj Educational association that wil hold Its annual meeting In St Louis tht last of tha present month, the Burling too will add two peolal sleepers to It. train leaving Lincoln al 1 14 p. m. Feb nary S. This train will leave Oman at o'clock tha same day and arrlv, In St. Louis at t M o'clock the folloin morning. Footpad's Blackjack Hursts and Spellman Saved From Holdup V Saved Froi ' g I Bvtdently Intent unon WMently Intent upon holding up the proprietor and robbing tha store, a rob ber slipped upon J. Bpellmaa, busy be hind a counter la his grocery at 110! Wortk Seventeenth street early last night and draw a blackjack, ready to strike. As ha swung tha "sap" Its leather binding broke and Its lead shot contents rained throughout tha room. . His weapon disappointing him. the sup posed highwayman ran out of tha store. Spellman realised what had happened a few minutes later and called the pollea He took a good look at the man who had eurreptttlouely entered his store and wildly left It and was able to give a de scription to tha police. Nebraska Boy Gets v Allis Scholarship KIW RAVEN. Conn., Feb. a The Fogg and Allls scholarships In tha Tale divinity school, awarded on a basts of scholarship, are announced as follows: Fogg scholarships, class of UU, Charles H. Warren of Tottoyl, Japan; class of t Kit Elmer W. K. Mould at Schenectady, K. T., and Francis C. Sutler of Oak 'r.: I III; class of UM, Frederick E. Lea of Columbus, Kan.' t " Allls scholarships, class of UU. William B. Kilns of University Place, Neb., and Daniel B. Robinson of North Salem Ind.! class of tall. 8. K. Tbompklna of Bran- ford, Conn., and Bryant Wilson of Berkeley, Cal.; class of 114, Marvin W. Brandt of Belolt Wis., and David Dunn of Huntingdon, Pa. 1 Bellevue Secures a Financial Agent Rsv. David Tula of Newark has been engaged by Bellavue cell age to serve ss field financial agent. He Is a Scotch Fresbyterlan minister of ability and has bean associated with President H olden of Wooster university In raising td.WO.ore fund for that Institution. Hs Is an alumnus of Wooster and also of Lane Theological seminary. Rev. Mr. Tula has beea la conference with tha trustees for several days and yesterday his appoint meat as financial secretary was recom mended, by the executive committee. DEBATING TEAM SELECTED AT PRELIMINARY CONTST The high school debating team was picked at a preliminary contest held yes terday. For two hours twelve lads put forth their arguments for and against tht question: "Resolved, That immigrants to the united States Who Cannot Read and Writs Should Be Excluded." - The Judges picked the six for the team: Edwin landala. 11; George Grimes, n; leaders, Maurice Clarke, "11; Barney Xulakofsky. 11; Fred Ryplns. 11, snd Carson Hathaway, 'IS. The Judges were: Prof. Edward R. Rurke. the debating coach, and Prof. J. F. Wooiery and Ed ward E, McMillan of the faculty. w. X TAXI CHAUFFEUR ARRESTED FOR CHARGING HIGH RATE Lsms Sehlank, a chauffeur, has bean arrested' on complaint of E. A. Sullivan, real estate dealer, who claims that Be blank charges exhorUtant taxi 'rates. Tha ease comes up in polles court Sat urday. Sullivan say that Schlank charged n for taking three psseengtrs from Thirty fifth and Farnam streets to SOT Burt street and on passenger to tha liar Grand hotel. When the till was presented, Sulitvaa objected, stating that the rates were so high as to be a violation or a dty ordinance regulating tailcab traffic. EPISCOPAL MISSION BOYS PLAN TO GIVE MINSTREL Tha Boys club at St. Stephen's Epis copal - mtssioa win give a "'sugar' boy minstrel" at Jacob's Memorial hall. Saves teen th and Dodge streets. Tuesday si suing February M. for the benefit of Bt Stephen's mlsnfoa building fond. Tha avast Is completely la tha hands of tha bora sad a very attractive program baa bean arranged at considerable labor and jlOON-DAY CLU3 ENDORSES CITIZEN'S UNION FORMALLY i V I V tion-Dmr aaraaabauloa 1 II iissjiiiI e aaetness and tin af ssi at fL keaswwmily ii I n I tha Ota. leTmmsa! TbJ. acUeas vans aakea tfctarwaar Jsmcaasa at law abases sweet aw Tsaasa,. One Day Only Your unrestricted choice of Any SVIan's Heavy Weight Overcoat in Our Entire Stock at Without Doubt the Greatest Clothing Event Ever Held in Omaha All our flno heavy woight overcoats are included In this sale. There are two months of cold weather to use these coats, and they are good for next winter. Unusual Bargains are Offered in This Winter Clean-Up The overcoats we offer are our regular goods, and many are the finest ever offered in Omaha. This sale will enable hun dreds of men to wear fine Overcoats for little money. ONE DAY ONLY Entire Choice of Any Shirt in Our Store u Including all our fine Manhattan, Cluotts, Fault less. Yorke, they sold up to $3.00, Saturday for..... 500 Ken Will Get in on the Snap of Thsir Liyss Here Saturday ,s We offer for sale 500 fine hats from our $2.50, $3 and $4.00 lines, and to clean ' e m up quick we offer them at. tfl85 Den's Onion Suits, $1 .65 That sold to $5.00 and $6.00; on sale Saturday, ought from tho Cooper Knit ting Mills at tro mondous reduc tions, In worsteds, fine woolens, silk mixtures; at . ... ss : , ; ; J the h 'oust or fGf MERIT. " AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA - - Stock Ttrdi Baking Big frepani- tioni to Greet ' Student. FIVE HTODUED ASX EXPECTLD 014 I"alks Caateart at rrvatiTtrrlaa Caarefc AltraaU Crewgeg Haas Fart Creak loUler laa tales . . Fee. liar Iajarr. Joe Shoemaker of tha tTnloa Stock Tards oompany Issued nearly WO invita tions yesterday ta tha banquet to be given next Tuesday night In honor of tha agricultural department of tha Cal' varsity of Nebraska. Itr. Shoemaker stated that tha number of student visitors to the yards Ulta year will be unusually large and tha united packing Interests are making every ef fort to entertain tha hope of Nebraska In a way that will be both beneficial to the Inner and outer man. Aa far as tha plans af the day's enter tainment goes the students with their In structors enTII be divided Into squads and placed In charge of guides, who will take them through tha different departments of the packing houses, where practical demonstrations of the work will be made for their benefit The 4lan of entertainment may be sum med up In the words of Mr. Shoemaker. who Is In charge of the entertainment "We aim to eo-operate with tha teachers of the college and will make It a point to show the students something about stock on the hook as well as on the hoof.' Tha students will arrive on a special train In the forenoon and will remain all day at tha yards and packing houses. Mors snd more It Is understood tha col lege looks forward with Interest and pleasure to the yearly visit to tha stock yards of South Omaha. Old relics' Ceaecrs. One of the most unique entertainments ever given In this dty held tha attention of a crowded house at the Presbyterian church last night, when thirty men and women of tha congregation presented the Old Folks Concert." Tha feature of the occasion was that the players were all men and women on the shady aids of life. Tha play Itself was just what the name signified, an "Old Folks' Concert," without frills or thrills, Just aa old-fashioned "shindig." Many In tha audience were provoked to mirth at the sight af staid bustness men. soma dad In knickerbockers and Fauntle- roy collars, while others wore with be coming dignity the solemn If somewhat antiquated garb of forty years ago. Among the women who took part In the program there were kindly old grand mothers whose silvery hah was rendered nowise leas venerable by the strange and weird headgear that had been the pink of fashtoa back la old New England be fore theydvll war. Tha program was mads up af tittle bits of poetry, music and declamations, side lights from tha days agone. Tender old ballads that In baby days had wooed to sleep many a man and woman In the audience were again rehearsed by gentle voices that had grown no less sweat be cause of tha passing years. - Andy Barr had down bis Addle from tha kitchen shelf and old and yaung listened with rapt attention as Ma tuneful bow waked song of tha kind that always fhsds an aahe la the heart of tha atrdmary man and wcecan. A!tctp--thar tha oodcstV was a wasjuuuuel was Inspired with Indignation because of the total disregard of the ordinance that makes It Incumbent upon private prop erty owners and residents to clean the sidewalks before their names and places of business. His honor was wrethr, in deed, and stated that ha would Issue orders to Chief of Police John Brlggs to arrest any person who neglected to clean tha snow and lea before their residences. leldler feaad ITaeanseloas. E. aVSauntaina, a soldier from Fort Crook, was found last night at I o'clock lying unconscious from aa Injured larynx at Twenty-fourth and N streets. The man was found by Offloar William Coulter at the foot at the steps that led ts tha TCatery . restaurant , Dr. A. H. Kosnig ordered tha man taken to South Omaha hospital where aa ex aminatlon revealed that Bauatatne was In a precarious condition as tha result of a peculiar Injury to tha throat In the ration of tha larynx. Or. Koanlg notified tha Fort Crook authorities and the injured man will prob ably be taken to tha Poet hospital this morning. Sauntaina la a musician at the fort Dr. Koenig was unable to say whether the injury in tha throat was a recent one or caused by an old wound. Ha considers tha case peculiar. Faints Catch Fire. While connecting a stovepipe to the smoke Intake af tha chimney this morn' Ing, John Donevan. proprietor of a paint shop at 4U North Twenty -fourth street. dropped the hot pipe noon several buckets of paint In aa Instant tha shop was ablate, tha oljs and oombustlbke material catching quickly. Immediate response of the fire dsparunent prevented a large loss and tha blase was soon under con trol, but not before several hundred dol lars worth of merchandise and paints had been burned. The Larkln undertak ing parlors next door werea slightly In jured. afaa-ie City Ge-setp. Mrs. Oerll Collins Is seriously 111 at her af Ukoss prisutt (he beads of Be. Dr. Wbaeler, Whs ins-olnrs Te Old FetBS CenaarL- . Cm a Jslialn luur af taspejrSBB v t j jrUi as tan) mg rmtomr. auror r. . Mrs. T. A. Fletcher le vMtln her ana. Barry Fletcher at Crawford, Neb. Fred ThomnuHt nf RjtJstnfi ! anfesrin from a dislocated shoulder, tha result of a so-ees car aesiaent. The Wllllne- Warkars at tha rhrtatlan church will give a supper at the church oa Friday evening at e k p. m. JaV Williams mnA Vltra TrMl..n . Fremont attending the tenth annivaraarv of tha Eagles lodge in that city. Phone Bell South " Ind. P-lfM for a is at Jetter Oold Ten. Premot dallrorv to any part of tha cur. William Jetter. Next Sunder at the First PrMhtHftti church the eervlces will consist of Bible school In departments of tho organisation. Colonel C. M. Hunt, for tnsnv vara business man of South Omaha. Is la the oitr on a visit from his nrMMit hnm. i Colorado. Mrs. Mary O'Doaasll. Twsntv.ftiuk and R streets. Is confined by Illness to the rare 01 ner asiupter, Mrs. Arthur Moran of Ralston. Neb. Chief of Polios John Brrurn will maaa a round oc tne dance halls of the elty In order ta prevent th tei-pstxhoreaa wrig gles that are now In vogua Oeorge W. Ix-ldlffh. former state acnater and representative and warden of the penitentiary undr the late Governor Silas Holcomb, Is vlrlting In this city from his home In Nebraska City. Mr. Leldlgh Is here, on boetaese concerned with real aetata la which ha la interacted. Al Powell, a well known emnmlatdoa man at tha Union stock yarda, fell from a street car and Injured himself about tha tana yaeterday morning. The mjurlira were aot earwua and Mr. Powell was able to return ta hie home, Tweo-y-flttn and B streets, after Dr. R K. Schln- dei had dressed the IsMratuna. Tha ehaxr af St. Martin's church win ha entortslned by Mr. H. C. Carruthwa and Mr. Walter NItacbe at tha raeMeaMe of the latter an Friday. Fearaary a. Arraoce ssenta far a vary entertaining program have been srrwssted by the emmnittae ooa- eWttser af Mia. Laar. kUsa " m as. Mlas Caddard. A -araaram af Baeur ax aaaer use aiieauou ef atrm. SH9 SM I PIONEERS WILL HAYE SOCIAL Annual Reunion Will Be Held All Day on February 22. SEVERAL NEW MEMBERS JOIN Reeelatlea Paoeed Coasratalatla. tar. Patrick . NpGavwra Prassotloa ta Blahaprle at Dla trtot at Wresting. Arrangements for tha pioneers' annual social ware made yesterday afternoon at a mass meeting of the members of the Douglas County Pioneers' association. Tha social will be held In Baright hall on February a from 1 o'clock In tha morning until I o'dork In the afternoon. Chairmen of committees will meet at the city hall Tuesday afternoon at I o'clock to complete plans for tho social. William Klerstead will have charge of tha general arrangements committee sad the other members requested to meet are Mrs. Joeephine Carroll of South Omaha, Mra. Samuel Reese. Mrs. Al Borenson, H. T. Clarke and Frank Dallone. A resolution was adopted declaring In favor of dropping from tha roster all members who are two year, or mors In arrears In their dues. This resolution wlU affect about fifty of the M members However, before a member Is dropped the secretary will ascertain why dues hara not been paid and If poverty some good reason has prevented ha will be retained. MeOevrra Ce.gratalated. By unanimous vote the following tuUon ef congratulation was passed: Vthereas. The Douaiaa Count Aawwla- tlon of Nebraska Ploneera learns witn -pleasure of the promotion of our beloved aaeooate, uev. rainc A- Mouovern, to the eplacopate of the Roman Catholic church: therefore, be It Resolved, That we extend our greetings and congratulations to the bishop-elect es tne atsuTci ok Wyoming and an ex pression of our appreciation oi tha - served honor bestowed upon a sealous, devoted and self-sacrlfldng son of a Na- oraasa pioneer. Keeoivea. 1 nst tD loresmna nnimM. and resolution be sp,rad upon the record of thla association and that a copy, at- ceeiea or our oiiicers, oe trsjiatnitiad to nov. ratnea a. Houovern. Rev. Father McOovern Is an active member of the pioneers' association. Nsw members were received lata tha association, tncreaslcg the total enroll ment to SM. Those admitted y est stoat 'era: John C Lynch, came to Nebraska ta 177. A. C. Harts. MM. Louis Peterson, U77. Frank Dewey, lsTt, E. C. Wllber. Un. Daniel Carroll. 1M. Reports of committees were ncatved. biographical sketches of deceased awm bers being presented by ths memorial committee. Ta Review Early Hteterr. President A. M. Tost called for a rota on tha advisability of renewing tha prac tice of having members of ths f -trle-tlon review what early history of - the state each had helped to shape, it was decided to continue this phase of the work and Judge M. Langdon and John Dempster wars Instructed to prepare arti cles oa their experiences in tha stata ta tha pioneer days. Tha former will read paper at the April meeting, tha latter In May. Thai will ba made) a permanent teat ore and tha papers ss gathered will be kept af record. Mrs. Robert Lang, ffix aoath Tenti- eta street, and David initersisa, Saoth hers ef the sssni lsuuu. war res an etl ssrtenelr ta, Least Tear Intra KvtOat. that aal many women, members of ths associa tion, had never before attended a meeting and attributed the cause of It to leap year. This Invlts'vas. was quickly ac- oapted by the somen present, who as pired to help arrange the social, to which more than 1,00 are expected, and man aged their campaign so wsll that Presi dent Tost appointed aa many women as men on the committees. These commit' tees sra to select subcommittees at the meeting Tuesday, a committee to have charge of refreshments, entertainment, decorations and the program. Dentist of Omaha Weds Girl Courted Over in Asia 'Minor NEW TORK. Feb. l-( Special Tele gram.) A romance that began In Tarsus, Asia Minor, fifteen years ago culminated last evening when Dr. M. H. Toroaslsn. a dentist of Omaha, married Miss Vic toria Sagherian of Constantinople at tha horns of a friend at CM West One Hun dred and Forty-fifth street this dty. Dr. Toroaslsn mat his bride In Con- stantlnopls fifteen years ago. They fell In love and wars enraged to marry, when tha parents of ths young woman opposed the wedding because, they said, tha young man was without funds. Boon after this Dr. Torooalsu' left for tha United States and after a course -at study at ths University of Nebraska be came a dentist. Following tha marriage tha eounle want ta the Hotel Breslln and after a couple of days' visit In New Tork will go to Bermuda for a short trip. They will restds In Omaha after returning from their honeymoon trip. Dr. Torosriaa resides at SM North Twenty-fifth street and has offices tn tha Neville block. bis for settlement tha unoccupied mad as fast as our needs demand.' More Land for Poor Man, Official's Plea NEW TORK, Feb. l.-'The neossslty of expediting the reclamation of Increased areas of our deserts Is obvious,'' said C J. Blanchard, statistician of tha recla mation service tonight In an address be fore the Union League club. "This Is apparent when we consider that U0.(M good American elllsans are leaving our country every year to take np kernes under another flax because epportuaitles tn this country are limited." Mr. Blanchard declared that ths time had soma to take aa Inventory of Ameft lean resource and after asserting that ..Hen. I stability baa Its surest founda tion tn ths Individual home, referred to tha shrinkage af tha puhllo domain avail able for homesteads for tha poor man. "Our public domain, once an empire tn extant today offer, ao opportunity for tha poor man.' said Mr. Blanchard. "It will aot produce crops without aa i pendltora of money beyond the means of tho average cltlsen. Tha desert can ,be made productive only by Irrigation, which necessitates a vast outlay tn engineer Ing work. Tba most Important work our national lawinejmrs have before them, ta my mind. ta to provide tho xoeana to max avail-1 Woman Suggested for Supreme Court WASHINGTON, Feb. aPreeldent Taft's meditations on fllllag ths p recent vacancy In ths supreme court were mo mentarily disturbed today by a communi cation from the Woman Suffrage asso ciation of tha district of Columbia, sug gesting that woman ba appointed. On tha ground that woman an now voting la alx states, whlls three mora states are preparing lo adopt woman suf frage, tha president was urged to appoint one of throe women suggeetea, Mrs. Elian Spencer Mussey, Mlas Emma M. Otllett or Mrs, Belva A. Lockwood. POLISH PRIESTS ORGANIZE TO DEFEND CHURCH POWERS FARMERS NEAR VERDIGRE FLOCK TO THE INSTITUTE VERDIOREE. Neb.. Feb. l-SiMclal.) This was ths second dsy of the Farmers Inatttute here, and ths attendance was large. Tha Officers are: V. P. Nelson, pres ident; E. E. Keuhl. secretary. The success of ths meeting was largely due to their push In advertising ths meeting. Miss Louise Babln gave a cooking demonstra tion to about M women who were greatly pleased with her work, and perfected an organisation. O. Hull ef Alma talked oa alfalfa and oorn. In tha evening a large audience listened to Miss Sabin aa "What Wa Are Ourselves," and Mr. Hull on tha Farm Home." DETROIT, aOoK. Feb. sod sty of Polish priests who will act ta a body against "any attempt to secularise tha Palish parochial schools or undermine tha authority af tha Roman See" was of ficially organised today at ths convention , hara of Polish priests of ths United States and Canada. A temperance league and an organi sation ts enroots ths welfare of eawly -landed Polish immigrants wars also formed as branchea of ' ths national society. Among other Important dedatons made today by tha convention was one to establish a national Polish newspaper to expound the views of tha Polish oiaraT. Officers of the national society wars elected as follows: President Rt Rev. Paul Rhode. Cat, cago; vice president Rav. L, Eapala, Chi oago; seoretary. Rev. L Krawowakt Grand Raptda. Mich.; treasurer, Rav Eds ward Koslowskl, Bay City, Mich. Rav. John Kubackl, South Bend, Ind., was chosen president of tha tempermnoe league and Bishop. Rhode named honor- ' ary president Rav. -L. Kwaltwoskl at St Mary's oollege, Kansas, was elected ; secretary. Tha convention cams to dose early tonight. A Tea e eonM buy nothing better for female weak nn ess is, lams back and kidney I trouble than Eleotrlo Bitters. Only Itfn, -For sals by Beaton Drag Ce. v 1 The FALvTOUS 2d Floor MoCrory' Row So ind lOo Store Sixteenth and Farnam An Extrtirdisary Birjiin Eve at Sttordiy! 200 Now Spring Sample SUITS snd COATS $10 i$1 ACTUAL 125.00 VALUES TOMORJtOW we formally npcsj tlw spring; season wHJi th. remarkable aaia of aew prrn COATS mat 81IT8. A magnlfleeat asswrtineat embracing; the sample lines of foor prominent eastern makers. Every garment of marked lncUvldnality. The styles comprise both plain tailored and fancy trimmed effects. Farewell to all Winter Coats and Solta, regardless of their former An valaea J eOU 100 mew Spring Dresses, of gorge aad par. linen $3.50 and $5.00 Aetna! $10.00 valaea. EXTRA HI'rXIAL BOO aew meawalinw aad taffeta silk Petticoata, la all wanted shade and black values Bf f sweet to 5.00 SAIX KDAI J 1 e I O First showing; of oejr sew Spring- Millin ery. Gems of art. Ho two hats alike, at decided savinsr, .