14 TOE BEE: OMAHA SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1912. The Omaha Daily Bee yprXDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATER VICTOR RQ8SWATER. KI1TQR TtF.E BCILDlXq.'rARSAM A.VP KTH. F.n tared at Oubi poctoftic aa eood- else matter. T&Rua or SUBSCRIPTION. Sunday Bm, mm year Katuiday Mee. one rear J!- Imiiy Be (without Sunday!, one year T laily Br and pwndar. on Teal 1 DKLIVERKD BT CARRIER Evening Be with Sundeyi. per mo. ..3 rally Hee tincloding Sunday), per Dally B (without Sunday), pw "-v" Address all complaints or u-reaulerHlee la delivery to Citv Clrculat'en Dept. RBxnTTASCES. Remit T araft, express or pattal order, payabl t Th Be Publlehtos company, only S-eent stamp received In payment of amall accounts. Paroooa! checks, ex cept aa Omaha and eastern cscbang. net accept. offices. Omaha Tb Bm Building. South Omaha-31 N St 1'ounrU Bluffs-7S Scott ft. Ldneom St Uttl fculldlns Oit-ao-IM Manjtiotto Building. Kansas Clty-Rellanc Ba'ldlng. Now Tork-M Wtil Trilrtv-tSIrd, Washing"'" T Kourteenth St., N. w. CORRESPONDENCE. t'omirraiuVstloBS relating to new ana editorial Mtw should b ddreed Omaha Baa, Bdltortat Department. JANUAJIT CIBCVLueTION. 49,728 Stat of Nebraska, County of Deug'.as, : Insight WUIiama. circulation manager f Tb Be Publishing company. -neinr. duly sworn, aay that tb average dally emulation, Wee spoiled, unused and re turned ooplM. (or tb meat of Jaauary, UU. waa exTM. PWIOHT WTU.tAMa. Clroulatlon Manaxer. Subscribe hi my prweenoe and esrorn to before as tola th day of rVhruary. 1U. (ai.) ROBERT HUNTER- Notary public . Saaserlbera leavles b r eessaararllr ahaald bar Ta Bee waalled t thews. Add will b extaaawa a aa re-jaaaaadU . It seems now that all Dickens lacked was a Mutt and Jeff. ' - Moreover, It iu Kin David who, la bis wrath, fin said that "all men are liar," The presumption la, ot course, tkat Omaha never, bad a real city comptroller before. Tha soft-pedal fellow mar avoid "offending anyone, but be sis la not likely to pleaae anroae. . Tb pack are are "aa la the air," It la aald. Ia which they have none the better of their patron. Most of the political partlee to which the late Oeaeral Jam B. Wearer belonged died long before he did. At the next ahlftlng ot the acene It mar be bard to tell whether Sena tor Larimer or the atenoirapher ta on trial. ' Now that Banker Mora ta out ot prleon and most people are (lad he la there is leaa Ulk of hla nopa ls condition. A cartoonlat ear Champ Clark'i face la the strongest of anr present dar politician. Perhapa, but his chancea are not. This high cost ot garden seeds will come In hand later when the prod' eta ef the vegetable garden refuse to drop down from the hot bouse price schedule. The price ot eilver le higher than It has been for years, bat still It has not been able to catch up with the price of wheat, with which we used to be told It was Indissoluble linked. Mr. Bryan la afraid the so-called Money trust Investigation will prove a fare. At that, we have had farce investigations before nearer borne, to which he haa taken no exception. Harvey Sue for Peace. Colonel George Haxver lus In him something of the hero. He ia a good loser. He is even gifted with that rare quality ot forbearance which im pels a man slapped npon the one cheek to wheel around with the other for similar treatment Perhapa If the row had been between Governor Wil ton and Colonel Watterson, instead of Colonel HarVey. and if Colonel Harvey Instead of Colonel Watterson had taken the part of peacemaker, things might hare come oat differ ently perhaps. Our assumption rests upon the. appeal of Colonel Harvei o Colonel Bryan for peace and unity in the Interest of democratic success. Could anything be more self-abnegating than this from his Weekly: Speaking at th spirit pf tolerance and consideration exemplified ta barannah. we aak Mr. Bryan to art forth frankly and fully th disparities ot political faith as ha perceive theia, with particular re gard to the eoaatruetlon of a truly dem ocratic platform and kitwll com mon ground cannot b found and a (lorloae victory won. Colonel Watterson baa never, in hla most trenchant moments, aaid half the thlnga about Colonel Harvey that Colonel Bryan baa, ret Colonel Harver thinks so much ot party that he is willing to forget and forgive and invite Colonel Bryan to join hands in a plan to work out the destiny of democracy lr aomo new formula. " " ; But. let's see how that appeals to Colonel Bryan. Keeping "the unity of the spirit In the bond of peace" has not been his most conspicuous en deavor. Bryanlsm Is alive and potent and it baa budded, bloomed and fruc tified in an atmosphere ot discord. Suppose the psrty achieved this unity tor which Colonel Harvey's patient soul yearns, whst would It profit Colonel Bryan? We ahall see what we shall see about Colonel Bryan ac cepting Colonel Harvey's proposition. What It'i ia About A salt to test the validity or consti tutionality of the taw seldom conveys a definite Impression to the public, and that is doubtless true with re spect to the suit brought by our democratic reform sheriff to knock out the law which abolished the county Jail feeding graft, and put the supplying ot meals to prisoners on a competitive contract baala. The only way to give a definlteness to this Issue is to resolve It Jnto a matter of dollars and centa, and to draw a fair comparison we must go back to the figures tor the period Immediately preceding and Immediately following the ending ot the perquisite system, which took place with the advent of Sheriff Bralley Into the office In January; 10. These are the totale BEPOIIB CONTRACT WKDINO. MOS-ror fldiui prtMnr........l14ve) rtW-ror feeding prison! l,S).t Ararat number of prisoner.... St Ararat feeding coat per yer.,,..ll.5.U AFTER CONTRACT FEEDING. UOSror feeding prisoners t.VM IKS For fwdjng prlaoner..... 1 1111 Averaa aumbar of prtonr.... M Ararat feeding coat per year, gavlnil to taxpayer Per year... Which goes to show that the law requiring a contract for supplying prison meals, put through the legisla ture by the efforts of The Bee and Its editor, has already placed over $25,' 000 in the pockets of the taxpayers of Douglas county, and will continue to be worth to them upwards ot $8,000 each year aa compared with the conditions which previously pre vailed. - of the state platform conventions. The legislature, however, deliberately divested the conventions of this power, and threw it into the primary, and no state committee action can take It out. AO greaes ef nraaoed W eaota a fendnd pooada today, No, thanks, we never take sugar In That Denver restaurant girl who topped a burglar with a pumpkin pla in the face sets the example let all femininity lata af night go wall armed with pumpkin pies. With the seal of approval and ea dormDt from onr Omaha club woman, the lima bean should be la great demand aa a subatltat for ex pansive foodstuffs. Hurrah for the been! It was purely typographical er ror that caused the refereaoa to the Irish heme rule hill as "devolution; but soma ot the Inlanders are will ing to accept that as the correct de- ScripUoa. The suffragists urge the presi dent to nam Mrs. Delva A. Lock wood to fill the vacancy on tba su preme bench. The only objection raised to Secretary Kegel la bis age. and he la bet . I I.M.M I t.3K. Tie atlectloa of Congressman Mc kinley to took after the preliminary campaign In the Interest of President Taft's renomlnation will mow meet the objection that ho is a rich man. filch men like Sprockets. Bourse, Mc f or stick scd Crane are privileged to enlist only In the Insurgent cause. . The city electrician Issues a wsrn lag sgalnst the danger of defective iiuraliation of gas fixture ss com rared with electric lighting fixtures, (if coura. If the city electrician's department were to have excloslre jnrlaidlction so one would be per raittcd to use gas at all. But why tot leava something for the gss com- mixiioner to look after? Changtaf Inauguration Day, No special opposition aeems to have developed to the reaolutlon for chang ing the date of- Inauguration from March 4 to the last Tuesdsy la April, yet Its progress In the house Is slow. Of course, this chsnge must be msde, If at all. In the form of a constitu tional amendment and It could not became effective before 1117, no mat ter how promptly the people rati fied It. The change Is urged In the Interest ot decent weather for the Inaugura tion. Congressman Henry hsa eo-n piled a table ot statistics showing that only three times since 187J. In clusive, has tnsugurstion day been fair and pleasant Here Is the table: lf7t......Orant Bitter cold: wind. WTf Majre. Snow and wind. ISM Garfield Sieet on ground. 1MB Cleveland.. ..Fair and cold. m Harrton.....l'od rain. IM Cleveland.... Snow: ookl; gala, UST....:...MeKlnly.... Clear. on McKlnley.... Drnchlns rain. 1 Rooovelt....Fln. USS Tart ...Rliaaard. Sickness and sometimes desth have ensued In consoquencei ot this tradl tional Inclemency aad the only wonder la that the results have not been worse, when all the facta are considered. March weather la never to be wholly relied upon for out-of-door exercises of this kind and when the change could be made without In volving any eerlooa complications. It shouM be. It the resolution reaches s vote In the house. It probably will go through In a hurry and It scarcely to be assumed that even the august senate would hare any rea son for obstructing or defeating it It th democratic etate committee for Nebraska wants to go on record in favor of all the constitutional amend ment a submitted for popular ratifi cation, that Is their privilege, bat It is no part of the machinery of eon- The land Question. The government's reclamation stat istician, C. J. Blanchard, raises the point that 150,000 Americans go to Canada every year to get farming land because there is not enough in this country for their accommodation. This, he says, to preface his appeal to congress for expeditious legislatloa that will Increase the area of desert land reclaimed. That is all right, but if those Americans who went to Canada for land were not. In very large numbers, selling good rich soil In the states In order to go, there would be much more occasion for anxiety on this point The Iowa, Illi nois, Missouri or Nebraska farmer who goes to Csnsda does not go there because he hsa to in order to get lend to fsrm; be goes, as a rule, for the same reason that men have al ways quit older localities to venture further out Into the newer countries. And It might be mentioned thst a very large number of these American farmers return from Canada In a rea sonably short time, disappointed. There are. Indeed, vaat stretches of lend In our western and southern states subject to the highest state of cultivation still sparsely or entirely unoccupied, and expeditious action by congress looking to the reclama tion of this land aa an Incentive to settlement is by all means desirable, but In the meantime there ia so much other land reclaimed, ready and available for tilling that the necessity of going to Canada haa not yet struck this part of the country, at least, as acute. It might become so If our gov ernment failed to act and It la well enough to have these timely remind ers from those Interested In action. but there la really no occasion for gen uine slarm, we think. The govern ment haa acted and will continue to act, though now and then too much attention to other matters tends to congest things and retard progress. An Albuquerque correspondent to the Ksnsaa City Star thinks thst the ceremonious question, "Hsve you anything to aay why sentence should not be pronounced against you?" Is rubbing It In" on the poor con r let It does seem - little thst wsy, though, of course, that was not the Intention ' ot - law. Nevertheless, sfter a man haa been charged, ar raigned, tried and convicted, then to be stood up before the jury thst found him guilty and asked, "Have you anything to say why sentence should not be pronounced against you?" you are a goner; you sre best st your own game, now, what have you to ssy for youraelf? it really does sound thst wsy, but, of course, fsllure to put the question might annul the conviction and re quire the whole ' trial over again. But failure of the prisoner to answer does not do that, so, after all, while the original Intent may have been to satisfy aa anxtoua concern for justice, the question really la now merely a polite form. QjocklnBackwanl COMPUf D FROM 0KB I Mr. Morgan's foolish nephew, who married a Japanese woman, saya, "Show me uie American woman who would step across the room to band her husband a cup ot ten." ' Out of respect for the Amer ican woman, we decline to answer. We bar great reepect tor Preald, Taft Ha Is on of th ant and best prwidenta w bar ever had. New York Herald, It will be a case of so say we all," practically speaking, when the final verdict la rendered. B ter for Fwreel Ft, Brooklyn Eai. , Th 11 per cent profit 'of the express rampant and th Ot per rent profit of th railroad on the earn bustnee may put throuth a prcl post bill before th national convention are held. FB 10. Thirty Yean Ago- A pieaaut litu party was given at th reeMence of 0nral Wilson by th Mtie Wilson for thee gueeta: Tb Mlwra Korbach. Franaiyn. Jacobaoa. Lyman, Carrie Brown. Had burn. Reoa Roe. Shear, and Messrs. Lieutenant Bourse, Butler, Hendricka, .Burnley, Morris, Swluler, Bradford, Robinson, Gurley, Wtoa and Cooper. General Agent Browning of th Ameri ca Express company has goo east with his wife. "The Mistletoe Bough" Is being re hearsed by th young ladKa of Trinity to be presented after Lent. The Omaha Glee club ha arranged for an appearance In Ccanett Bluffs on tb Ht Th contract for laying tb main sewer from the river to the foot of th alley b Dougla aad Dodg street ha been completed by the contractor. Hugh Murphy i Co., aad tb work of laying th latter! between Pouglaa and Dodge begun. Jack Snyder, h popular Union Paci fic conductor, la around with bis fees wreathed In smile. It's a boy, aad reg isters ten pounds. An auction sal of ale bead of hers and eight oral la advertised to take place at McSbaaa's 11 very stable tomor row. , Mr. Lyman Richardson has gone to Texas en a buain trip. Mrs. Newman and Mis Newman of Lincoln are vis King in Omaha, th ("Beets of Mr. and Mr. John M. Thurston. Twenty Years Ago Fred Gray of Douglas, Henry Gottach ot Sarpy, and Dnna Allbery of Waah Inston county, composing tb second dis trict republican congressional committee, met at tb Millard hotel and named April S and Washington hail as the tint and place for holding tb eongre- slonal convention. Albyn Frank, clerk of th United Slate district court, returned from Chi. oago, I wner no oreainea in several breaths of th lake eaon. Tb subject of discussion at the meet ing of Th Club at th IJnlnger Art gallery -was, "Shall th World's Fsir Be Open on Sunday J" Tb Bar. 8. V. Wtloox look th negative and J. B, Sheeaa th affirmative. Th minister de clared t would be a Hbel upon our Christian civilisation to have th fair open on the Sabbath, whll Mr. 8h thought It would be In heaping with tb largest Inter set t bar It open on Bun- day. Superintendent of Buildings Tilly ex pressed rgrt that tb city council bad vetoed bl anointment ef three plumbing Inspector, aa be said It would retard th work of hi office materially. M. Blouet gav a lecture, "America aa Seen Through a Frenchman' Eye,' at the Grand opera house. It might bar called a comedy In monologue and got through juat.as well. It furnished entertainment and amusement for many. Th Cudahy Packing company fully de- aided upon extensive improvements at II South Omaha, plant Ita plans con templated th nlrgmnt ot It cap ettv soni HO to 1,205 head ef stock dally. Irs Years Ago '. 'n ' Th slippery ground caused several so dden ts. James Batchcior, iUH South Tenth street, an apressman, it year of age, fell In an alley near Tenth street between Howard and Jackson and brok his left arm below th elbow. Fred Eggers, list North Twentieth street fell on the walk near Sixteenth and Webster trt and sustained scalp wounds. Amanda Bradley, who lived with her mother at Thirteenth and Leavenworth streets, felt where boys bad been sliding at Fifteenth and Leaven worth street a and broke her right ankle. a W. Bergen, ssot Hamilton street, a clear-maker, while crossing Twenty seventh street on Hamilton street, was struck by a coasting sled, getting black eye and a thump on the left Jan. News came of th death In Hunting- tnn. Ore., of Mr. A. w. Sutherland, eldest daughter of Captsln John A. Swob. , Th Young Woman's Christian Asso ciation basket bail team beat th girls from th nigh school at th Young Wo men's Christian association. Twenty "hustler" from 8t Paul srrlved In Omaha t look over tb Au ditorium n Its cnryeaUs stag aad th city In gnrL They wen taken In hand by Secretary Utt ef the Commer cial club and Vsadlng bustmas Aald frea Mr. Utt the ntertammnt committee eonslstad of J. F. Carpenter, F. H. Davis. P. B. Her. O. D. Klp- ttnger, Alfred Millard, T. J. Mahoney, A. C. Smith, J. A. Sunderland. W. F, Wright. John Boeson got a verdict against th street railway company la Judge 81a- hautii'a department ot district court for tLUt, wherein be bad sued for fn, Croat Fwblte Wreag. New York World. Publicity la railroad value and rgul thm of their capitalisation will not meet tb requirement t tb situation until men Ilk th tele Edwht Kawlay find it Impossible to clean cp II 1.009, M on slngls railroad "deal." Meeudy gsetk fee Hep. Houston Post Democrat who are now sumytng the future In order to select the job which they fancy will suit them at aa sUly aa the fellow wh Rno np for dinner be fore tb vlttle ban been captured tb fir built In th kitchen. larolaatarr Eareie. . Plttsbwrgh Dispatch. There really wasn't any need ot George Fred William getting bark Into politics lost to throw things at Governor Wood- raw Wilson. Th govarner haa been dodging ao many missiles of on sort and another recently that ha must already nan a backer be. In Other Lands flaw Llehts a What is Traa. trlaa? Assess the Hear aad Far Wattes of th Earth. Pres. Taft's Eecord. stl Aeslrwmats Far Oataamaer AasUtted stlstsks. Taarafore Ma le Zatttled t a People Talked Abont The Bsrdea at Mllltarlsa. Tb Carman emperor sounded tb cus tomary not ot more revenue for in creased armaments, naval and military. In bis addreaa at th opening of tb Kelch atag. In th last five years Gannaa taxes ban been aharpiy Increased on existing source of revenue, and the ust of taxable foods materially enlarged. By far the (Tester part of the Increased revenue went Into war ships and military qutp ment Htlll th demand Is for more rev enue, accompanied as usual with a system of war alarms from which th moss of antiquity haa been worn off by constant use. Germany la not aa exception. Similar foxy war alarm work overtime In Part and London whenever a particularly sane man shows dangerous system of economy la budget discussions. Enormous Increases ta th British budget, of th past two yeas want largely Into rupar- dreadnaughta. The pending French budget shows aa Increase of only &.0v),u1. while th Prussian budget calls tor an Increase of Sal.lkO.eil. Mr. Lloyd-George, th beat revenue getter Britain has developed, s about convinced that tb old world is squeesing th lemon of taxation to th limit without materially Improving the well-beli ot th people. Speaking before tb Liberal dub la London the outer day he declared th Interests ot France, Ger many, Russia aad Great Britain would be subserved by a better understa-Ming leading to a reduction of armament, i believe," he said, "with candor, franknesa and boldness It is attainable Th world would be richer for It taxes might be re duced and th money which would be saved that la now spent on armamenu could be devoted to developing th re sources of the country and improving the condition of the people. The comsrjtone of sound finance Is 'peace on earth and good will among men.'" . . Practical Serialise. Bom algniflcano attache to tb ab sence f th socialist to deputies from th palace when the address of Emperor William was read to th Invited member 1 advance of the formal opening of the new Reichstag. The surrounding circum stances alone make th Incident unusual Politically, the socialists are at war with eorernment politic, but their thundering against th system is not as destructive aa It sound. It Is part ct th gam ot practical politic. In which th socialists an adepts. Discussing th spirit of sodsllsm In Germany In th February Century. Jams D. Whelply says u is Intelltxent socialism," and wnn ora- torlcally demanding th Impossible, yields to expediency. H says: , While listening to a debate in tne Reichstag not ong ago In company with on of th younger, but most Influential members of the socialist party. I re marked upon th apparent Inconsistency of th socialist members in voting for sn Increase In th army. My companion smiled and aaid: -Oh, yes. we ssk svery- thlng In our platform, but we tax wnei w can get 'In th way w can get It We glv tb kaiser his soldiers, not only because, a every German knows, his country 1 surrounded by enemies and must be well guarded, but also Decerns we know In return w shall get some thing els for th benefit of the working .unnla. We an practical' That is th (ccret ef ail German trading, commercial aa well as political. It Is practical, ana. It may be addd, thorough." Resabllraalena ta Saala. ' Th recent astonishing about fac of King Alfonso on the question ot sus pending th death penalty In th case ef convicted mob leaden turns out to have been a shrewd tnove ot th king to allay dangerous discontent among republican workms-men. Frequent trtkes an tne outward sign of this widespread discon tent which la regarded as a menace to th throne. Th little war against th Rlnolaa tribes on th African coast sup plies a caua for opposition, and th re- oublican worklngmen an making tne moat of it. "The republicans." writes Vane Thompson In Hampton's Magasine. "have ent out agents, speakers, whisper- en throughout all th provinces, ex plaining to th men Who work and think what thl Moroccan gam means And the auUen unrest which Is eternal In the monarchy haa been deflected Into a new channel. Th cry le: -Our soldlcra shall t flrht for African gold.' And tb oeonl an on the alert A few we era th king. In order to protect his historic' rlahts In Morocco, ordered Midlers ent to Melllla. Then wsa such a public protest that th order was with drawn. A little later at Rerons ln recruits wen summoned to serve In Abe army. Exactly hM at them fled across th frontier. They wen supplied with money and means of escape by the organ isation which is working lor a repuouc In Spain. It la aa Interesting fet that moat ot the refureet from the Spaniah armv an sent to Panama, and I am in formed that they make the best elase ef workers en the canal.' A rtetaresaja Reply. Baltlmon America. The steel trust rei-lles to th gonrn ment charges that It it wsa wrong It waa th duty of th avvexaawM to ban stopped It la other words, to tba ajov ernment'a allegation, "Too an a bad trust," th steel monopoly answers, "it's all your fault." Which la picturesque. If not eonvtnetng. . Ceafldeaew SJUpuseed, Kanaaa City Times. Th -gotev anient 1s surprised and ntmJ ta lesrw that effleiala af rha Mm, stitutlon changing, which calls merely i lrUst have destroyed letters afad doeu- for votes cast at the primary, and in! menu needed to sets Wish their sunt the election. It used to be that the trunk futl ct omentary ntdence , was returned to tb defendant only be- party attitude on thes amendments' w tt.r am7HN, w N Btrtect fralit. was to be determined by resvlutioa Rnn, The feet ef W. J. Bryan an Brassing th sacred' soil ot Texas and tb Houston Poet falls to record the accompanying tremor j The trouble ot a ousted Connecticut bank have bean msgnnnd by tb re ceiver's doctor as spinal enrratan of the books, which bad not keen balanced for forty year. Tb shock of fsllure 'erred tb scales from th eyes ot the director. Secretary of Commerce and Labor Kagwl haa written th John Lester Worslng railway ef Huntington, Pa., operated by a t-ywar-old boy In his playground: "It gives me pleasure to acknowledge th re ceipt of your railway pass. Contrary ta my custom. I ban accepted H." The lat Thomas F. Grady of New York Tammany aiouthptec. was tba oratorical mecaphon t tb opposition to Cleve land's first noauaauea. and bis vocal thunder provoked General Black's his tory rejoinder. "W ton him (Cleve land) tor tba ewemlea he has made." . Ex-Mayor Daniel D. Whitney ef Brooklyn. K. T . who has Just passed his ninety-third birthday, took a half hour off rrom hi duties at hie grocery Men to celebrate tb day. He reads without (lasses and lttea buckwheat oakea and sometime eats eight or siae of them tor kreakfast Miss Lots Edmonds, th 11-yeex-old chsmpioa hiiliiisksr ot Iowa, wb la to bak a few loaves for President Taft In Whit ttouss oreaa, la destined to . take a landtag part ta tb work of th An cient Order of Housekeepers. Than would be fewer discontented wins ef congrie men ta Wasblagton It they appeared less In Whit bouse parlor aad oftcaer In th kitchen helping Mrs, Taft d up tb dUkcs. Plans for the French protectorate In Morocco ban been, oompleted and tne first steps tor practical control ef tb country bar been taken. In the main the system In Vou Is Algeria and Tunis will be followed, with such moaiiioauona as th newer conditions ta Morocco mand. Tba Fnnch rostdsat general rs to b th tree ruler. Moroccan courts, avii arrant and stats departments are to be tnsuatained with a ssmbiance or autnor- Itv. but behind them Fnnch runctlcn arte an te direct aad control, and na tive rul la practically at an end. But b emnloytnc tb existing machinery the French will Avoid the disorder aad re bellion th nslbt supremacy or Chris tians in a Mohammedan country would Inevitably bring. Tba garrison in sio- xv baa been fund at KM aaa al ready a Fnnch fore c taut saw is ac tually la tb country. Rallrewd Aeswss Sahara. A sraenUfla snlssten cSarged with snak ing th first studies tor th construction of a railroad acres th Sahara teas Just act out from France.' Starting from Oran on tba Medltemeaa th expedition will ravel first by rail and then by camel to the mountains in to center tne hare. Then on party will turn i and xamla tb. route ef ta nupcosjd railroad conascting tb Trans Bahama with th Cap to Cain by Lake Tchad and th upper Cong valley; th second will turn east te study th track ef tb Traaa-Sabaraa Knit from tb center f th desert to tb Niger at Timbuktu or Gao. On of th members ef th expedi tion wtO be Captain Cortler, whoa ear lier Journey across the desert to the Nigr was eete t th triumphs of Ba hama exploration, - . -, T '- . New York Independent. Mr. Taft is fairly entitled te a renoml nation. Ha deserve It He baa been a good president. He la not a standpatter. but a reasonable progressir. To his high of flea ha cams with aa exceptional equlp- it la executive and Judicial experi ence, and It lesislsdvs service had been added be would, probably, bar avoided aom thlnga that wn unfortunate. At the beginning of his term be and his party suffered by reason of tb memor able tariff revision blunder, but It must be admitted that his record with respect to tb saan revision ot hsw waa better than that of th controlling republic majority la congress. He sought to tm pror th bill, and accomplished some thing. But he began- th work at a tun when very little could b done, when th field far Improvement waa limited to th disagreements which a coafenaca com mittee was considering. He bad not ben a member of congress. Probably he had not been a student of tariffs and tariff legislation. For twelve yean than had been no re vision to attract his attention. H did not nails bow sensltlv public opinion was with respect to legislation affecting th cost of living. At th pres ent time, however, he stands for a down ward re vision that shall b determined by tacts carefully ascertained in accordance with a plan designed to prevent logrolling and bargaining and favoritism In th nuking of tariffs. Hla policy In other fields has been marked by projects of broad statesman- ship. W may point to his memorable prao treaties, his recommendations for a gnat extension of tb merit system In th civil same, and hla reciprocity sgreement with Canada, ' Ha has en forced tb Sherman act suggested tb appointment ot a commission for th regulation ot greet manufacturing cor porations, aad sought diligently te pro mot economy and efficiency In tb pub lic service. H domuue te b com mended for his appointments to tb bench and his defense ot th court. His patience and sense of Justice wen exhib ited la hi admirable treatment of th Mexican problem. H has sot always bean well served by hi cabinet, certain members! ot which have occasionally erred. The Balllnser Incident waa an unfortunate one. But, as ws bar aald, he baa been a good president, a Just and competent chief maglatmUi striving earn estly to serve the People. From a partisan point 'of view, a f allun to renominate Dim would be unfortunate because it weiad Involve a virtual re pudiation of hi administration, la Its convention, tne party will make, of course, a platform reviewing and com mending what th governor baa don In four years. It will enumerate ft achievements ef th president Upon th record of bl term It go Int the campaign. To withhold a renomlnation from th president whoa acts and recommendation It supports would be to stultify Itselt Upon what reasonable ground can Mr. Taft be rejected and laid asl da this yar by those who nomi nated and elected him in IMS? Wilt they ssy that h bas bean unfaithful Yr In warn potent? . . gore republicans hava been saying that Me. Taft could act be re-elected. Ir then any ether candidate for whom the party could get mom votes? Republican prospects sre not distinctly encouraging, but how could they be im proved by rejecting Mr. Taft, and thus Indirectly discrediting th party's Whit House record for th current term? . confectioner ot Omaha, advertised fc j cream during th bast three weeks' cold snap, and made good with bis propost i tJon. - Now tt the Arapahoe hardware stores will pull ajMeessful refrigerator -u we win beck up oa all former ad ertlslng arguments. , Howell Journal: Then le no good ason why aay democratic newspaper aaoiud not voice its object! one te any man seeking place npon Its party ticket Because a man has aa itching for fries doe net put him above just criticasm. World-Herald and a lot ot lesser Ugtits Is tb contrary aotwtthstaadlng. Bloonungton Advocate: The Advocate make the prediction now that after all of the amok ot battle haa cleared away President Taft will be easily re nominated by the republican national convention. All this yellow Journal criticism haa about worn out Ot course, then is no law to prevent aa many fellows sa can for It to- make a grab for tb nomination. ' . Kearney Hub: . Bryan propose . that democratic newspaper of th stat take a straw vote en presidential preference. After two weeks voting n proposes to call a confenno In Lincoln for th oonmnlenc ot the publishers, so that they can harmonise an a chete and exre to gt behind him. Now for In stance if the "straw" should show that tba. wind is blowing In Bryan' direc tion would that bo embarrassing to Bryan, ar would It not? Only one guess allowed. Norfolk Press: A farmer living ena mil from Norfolk waa going to hav a Uttl party at his nous. He wanted a few new records for his phonograph. He didn't want' to com to town for them. He ordered tar ef theav St-Si worth, mailed to him. It cost S cents postag to carry them on mil. For on cent lees, the postofttc would hav taken th same package of records to Europe. Can you blame th tanner or th man who sold th records for, waatlng a limited parcels post law? Telcamai Herald: Much noise la be ing made by dry folk In telling the farmer to test his seed corn. It look to us as though they take It for granted that the ordinary farmer does not know enough to Send to bis owa. business.. They get thai idea from th political boss who make tt hla business -te go out to the country school house to tell th farmer bow to rot. Pumping that kind of hot air Into the farmer make this editors back tired. A lot of then dty folk who an yetting "teat your seed corn" until they an red In tb face would net . know good seed oora, from pumpkin seed. Th averse farmer haa forgot more about th right kind of - sea to piant inaa most ex u cuy - chaps will ever know. . . LUIS TO A LAUGH. Mr. Hoyle-My husband loved me'at first sight Mr. Doyle I understand that you met at a masquerade ball. Judge. Hubbubs a you don't aire that tba age of miracles I past, h? nubouD not oa your lire, mens a maa ut my way who ha had th same ' oook for nearly a year. Philadelphia Record, , "An those ears to make eak for your ' euchre party tonight?" law, no, mat xoeyn tor ine xirsi prise. I want to take tba conceit out ot . Uxsl Oman. She hd a diamond ring for th Dries at her nerty. indianapolia - .Nsws. . "Whst w want," aald Mr. Dolan, "Is universal peace " "It is." replied Mr. Rafferty. i "But how'ro ws goln' to hare It till we dlini- t onstratc that somebody I able-bodied an' t IIHn' enough t see that It's keptr '' Washington War. - - TEE HEAL GOOD FELLOW. sm&sxA mss coxum. Nebraska City Pros. Our Idea of perennial jok: Th statement In th editorial column of tb World-Herald An Independent Newspaper." West Point Republican: Oorernor Aldrlch has filed for renomlnation. Despite soma expectation to th oon. trary. he haa absolutely maa gooa and has given the stats a clean-cut business like administration of lu affair. His record clearly entitles him te re-no ml na tion and re-election. ( . Are pah o Mirror: A certain leadlng Clndnnatl Enquirer. - - i Of otrre, you re good fellow; when you - line up the bar. Everybody ha a round, and then another . food cltar. i They like you for your eompasy, but aa you flick th foam You forget th real good fellow, who'a awaiting yo at bom. Of eoun. yoe'n s good fellow, and your name will head th list Whea they're fixing up some flowers for some maa you've nvr missed. You'ro a booster for your cronies, and - their virtu fill a tone Yon don't praise th real good fellow, who's awaiting you at home,. Of course, rou'r a good fellow, till your1 " round of Joy Is spent And you'n heartsick, wan and weary and you haven't got a cent; ., When you'n down and out and troubled, you know which way lo roam And you always find th real good fellow . awaiting you at bom. DR CREtfl BSxfiipoTisier ; Is a protection and guarantee against alum which is found in the low priced baking powders. "'-." v ' To be on the uie tide when buyinjr baking- powder, ngmine the label and take only brand hown to be made from Cream of Tartar GUARANTEE HMD LIFE ASSOCIATE 6l3.013.wS , ORGANIZED J ANT ART 4. 1903. . ' , PL' RE PKOTECTIO.N 1X81" RAX CK. Assets, Jaasary 1, ltla Reserve Fnad Jaaaary 1. 1813 ; securities with State Dtp! Urn at Jaasary 1 lOia . fW Insii war lasnrsae Coa erect-) Bate per Uxasaad, ago Hi (other age la proportioa). fS.7S. Mortality cost per tl.OGO Inawwac Mean Assowst Year 111, $3.10. - Depository Banks Appointed. 60. - - - ta OszliBrtss, tad leaa, Sew. , Dakota, Ongea. Boata Dskeea, Idas, Wssaiagtea, Texas Vyosetsg, aad preparla-1 ease xuaws) sad Itkthig Maa ef pfiawlng Ms beet Blsss bnsissss saws vr ovm asooan. . - Home Office: Brandeis btuldini, Omaha, Neb. Telrphna Doaela 7021. I