THE BEE: OM-JTTA. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1912. 13 THE FAITHFUL- EM PLOYE Copyright.. Wit by International News Service. By Winsor McCay fMEli.0! STVfJ. JUST WOtctNiN . ... . , tfOR APAl line TOUi rVE.GT y . , A BOX AT THE RINti S!0 Of . '.g&'i . THBtCI BATTLE TONIGHT ! . ' ,. Q : ' 'Jf WIO.T0U JOIN HE. OiPJ . tif a - - iV VI Y AFTER A HARD l BE SOMt MAN f PkV. . 0AY3 WORK W THE ftujUKM . i t J3onus the Flying Dutchman i&S'T toiTomT UWAT PAT A AND CABLE IT If OR MtJ'NOLU! li a SO VERY , 0o' si.e TOO SHOULD DO THAT W( Sl a is Too IMPORTANT A peal' iriwrt VXJ I SHOULD ATTEND. TO IT THIS MINUTE AT IHf. Ifffe. IT rME JUiT" WHAT S )l I DfL lytMrM DATA ON I WANT TO KNOWAtOD? iSHirPING r-4 ian rTUKucn v r 1 i 1 wistr- . i ...... i j HERE ARE EIGHT VOLUMES m STATISTICS YOU'LL HAVE TO WAOE through, ill HJlf TOUf rtJH'-ALlRlGllA JINGLES IallRicht! I I don't know what ro rn WITHOUT jW BOGCEW If 1 KNOW J old mam! !tou missed Iscew the greatest W.ut tuft WITNFVSti' fh. BUT HE'D A IOST A HALF MllllftM OF iMMlAtt IF H luiMJ'T or MI5UDITf . I I 1 1 JlNCtfS BUT why cAn TOO ut HE 60 OUT I c Aeef WMFfi"" OfKJf IN AWIll? r Bin Warner, th leadlns batter and lacala be with the Htuburih Flratet dur hortatoB ot the National, leacue, who will I lac the IMS. aeaeon. WHITE APPEAR IN COURT 3o-Called Kimmel Claimtnt Comei In Daring Horning Session. LISTENS TO THE ' DEPOSITIONS Dr. Joka F. Ier aad F. C. Dan, a 'Draaal't, Mr laat tVallr la Sa War - Reaeatblre Klmafl. 8T. LOU18. Frb. .-Andrew J. Whlta retered to aa "the claimant" In the trial ot the ault In the I'nttej mate dittrlct court, of a defum-t hank ot Nllra. Mich., to recover the Insurance of George A. Kimmel, todajr momentarily atopped court proceedlnge by his entrance Into the oourt room. Altomev tor the Insurance com pa ay rushid t his side; relieved him ot bis overcoat and bat and escorted him to the seata reserved (or attorneys and Ihetr clients. - Mrs. Stella K'immcL mother, and Mrs Edna Bonsiett, slater or George A. K m met, wtre not In court trlay and White occupied the chair that Urs. Kimmel uwJ jreaterday. The claimant aoon became an Interested auditor ot the depositions ot residents ot Ntles. Mich., which wera read at the morning session. Dr. John F. Burns ot Mies. In bis depo sltlon said he knew Kimmel In his boy hood and that the claimant did not In tha least reaentble his former chum. There was no scar on the claimant's eye. such as ha knew should have been there. Another deposition, thai of F. C. Dan. a drus-elst of Mies, waa to the effect that White In no. way resembled Kimmel. White Blanrs Mis 1'aele. r While left the court room at the noon recess and In the corridor of the build ing encountered Luke Wood, receiver of tha bank, who la suing the Insurance company. "You fraud.' White exclaimed at Wood. "Too shape of a man" Wood looked after the claimant and re- narked. 'That no mora Kimmel -than I am." Then White encountered an attorney for Wood who gave tha claimant a searching fir nee. The claimant exclaimed: "Haven't you aeen me enough? you. haven't you any manners I'm not go ing to stay here any longer." - Rather than wait tor an elevator White hastened down the stairs. Prior to leaing the court room White said that his mother and sister refused to own him because of the Influence ot his uncle, Charlea Johnson. He said he spent a month In Nllea at the time he as supposed to be "dead" and worked on the books of his uncle's bank at nlicht and found out things which Johnson does not want known. METHODIST BOYS' CLUB ELECTS NEW OFFICERS The Boys' club ot the Walnut Hill 'ethodlrt church gave a supper tor Us members Thursday evening and elected officers. The officers elected were Victor vujcy, lansldcnl; Hark Williams, first vice president. In charge of religious work; Marlus Thomsen, second vice presi dent. In charge of social and literary work; Wallace Fellers, third vice presi dent. In charge ot athletics: Frank Thomas, fourth vice president. In charge ot the Junior boys' club; Leonard Hoff man, secretary: ftpeed Guyer. treasurer. After the meeting the boys pulled oft a fast and Interacting game of basket ball, which waa to decide the supremacy ot the church.. The Crescent five succeeded In taking the game by a close score of a to W. During tha first halt of the Tame the Crescents outplayed their op ponents and ended the halt by a score of U to ft TW Kemnants csma back In he second half, however, with a great determination ot winning and plied up seven saccesslve points, giving them the lead. The Crescents at this stage of the game begsn to show good team work and held their opponents down, allowing them bat four more points during the game nd taking eight for themselves. 1 The line-up: : ftomnsnts. Position- Crewenta B. Williams.. Rlcht Forward. W. Frllera V flrv....v-L.ll Forward K. Anenis C. Williams.. I'enter M. Thomsen 9. Guyer '.Right Guard F. Thomas K. Gardner... Left Guard L. Hofmao SOTJEKE SELLS THIS OUTFIELDEE TO HIXSELF. Aye "3l;fcvA I mm 1 GOAT ANDERSON. POOL HALL PROPRIETORS ' MUST PAY UP OR CLOSE Delinquent pool ball proprietors are be ing notified by License Inspector Bchnelder that unless license monies are remitted within four daya the licenses 'will be re voked. There are several proprietors who have either forgotten, neglected or hav ing secured their l(a) bond refused to pay the annual license charge. CONCORDIA LADIES WILL . GIVE PROGRAM SUNDAY The Concordia Ladles' Kinging aoelety will atva a orocram Hundav sftjirnAAn 'I o'clock at the Clermaa, Home. An ex cel Unt program haa been arranged and a large attendance la expected. MITCHELL ISJEFORE COURT Libor Leader Explains Hit Discus sion of Sis Bentenc. STATEMENT BY JUDGE WEIGHT I'nrt Says ReaaMt law reataawe teat at Sealeaee I'attl Attar Cartel asaa Waa Preaeated aa a Deasaat. . WASHINGTON. Feb. t.-John Mitchell s trial for contempt of court. In which be was Involved with Samuel Gompers and Frank Morrison, officials pt the Ameri can Federation of Labor. In oonnecUon with the Bucks Stove and Range com pany boycott rase, took an a dramatic touch at the hearing today. Mr. Mitchell had seemed to be criti cising Justice Wright, before whom be la on trial, and tha Justice bad displayed some Impatience with hla emtio. "Let ma explain this," said Mr. Mitch el). "At tha time I waa summoned to Washington to appear before this oourt I faced a long term hi prison. It was an tha day before Christmas are. I waa living in New York. I bad aot aeen my family and children, who were In Illi nois, for two months. I had bought and packed In my grip toys and gifts for my children. I was summoned to Washing ton to receive any sentence. I asked that the decision be postponed. It waa not. I waa brought here and sentenced. "I had merely dpne what I believed was my right under tha government any father bad fought to upheld. Bo when I appeared and waa sentenced, and dis cussed It afterward. I oeeJd net attempt to and did not disguise my feelings. I felt outraged." Itatesaeat by iba Ceart. "Mr. , Mitchell.', said Justice Wright, "you have shown soma bitterness toward the court for the manner In which you were sentenced. What reason have you for believing that tha court knew ot your request far a postponement T" "1 wrote to tha pwaMent at tha Ameri can Federation of Labor and asked It replied Mr. Mitchell 1 supposed that my request bad bean conveyed to the court." Ka request waa conveyed to tha court,' replied tha Justice. "It came as a demand. There waa aa atmosphere ot antagonism, about it. It waa a demand (rem tba Tlea president ot tba American Federation ot Labor for a postponement. I did not think ha had any more right to demand It than any other man." "I hava bean under the Impression that my request waa conveyed to that court and waa denied. It I have been wrong in that. I would not do tba oourt aa In justice and I regret that I hava made it appear so," said Mr. Mitchell FIRE IN GREGORY STARTS . FROM UNUSUAL CAUSE GRBOORT. 8. P.. Tro. aMSpeetel.) Oregory had a narrow escape this after noon from a disastrous fire when tha two. story building occupied by tha Kull Oldham locating firm and tha Dite tailor ing esiabllehment eras discovered to bo burning. An alarm waa turned In and tha department responded promptly, but after osmtaetlona were made no water was forthcoming and investigation dis closed the fact that tha boas Joints wera frosea. After several minutes delay ' a stream ot water was flneUr put to play on the burning building, and In a short time tha black waa out of danger. Tha flrq started In tha cleaning depart meat af the tailor shop, tha origin bring In rather a strange nature. Mr. Dite was working In tha cleaning room and stepped Into another room to get warm. He started to poke the ooala, when hla shirt sleeves became Ignited. Mr. Dlta rushed Into tha back room , where he had been working. Oaa fumes tilled tha air aad hla eatranee resulted In aa explosion which Ignited tha whole room, and but (or tha Umely assistance ot a paassrby Mr, Dlta would hava no doubt suffered serious Injury. . Ttaraea ta Play Blaffs. UT LOUIS, Feb. a-Bllly Orupp, out will meet tha Council Bluffs "T" basket t-aser at tha Council Bluffs grmraslum this evening ta ana at tba regular con tests af tha Tri-Clty league aeriea. SUIT MANY PLATCRS ARE DROPPED American League Weeding Out the Weaker BecrniU and Vets. BOSTON TEAK LEADS THE LIST It Releaaea Slxteea Srea aad De troit Caatea Kext with Mae New York Scads Plea Mew ta Atlanta. CHICAGO, Feb. . Aa tha time ap proach for tha major league baas' ball turn to stare en their southern training trips their ranks are beginning to lose the mora unpromising recruits and veter ans who are unable longer ta stand the The second American league bulletin ot the year. Issued by President B. B. Johnson here today, snows that the Bos ton dub leads with releases, having let sixteen men go. Only two of them are optional releases. Detroit eomea next with nine releases, one optional. New York has five releases, all optional, to the Atlanta dub and one to loo Angeles. The usual list ot contracts alas la givet. out It (howa that this is a see eon ot tew "holdouts" In tha younger league Among these who have signed since ttu hut announcement Is Tyrua Cobb ot De troit Releases: - ' 'By m. Louie Thomas Ten neat. Bail Krenclsco. By Detroit Deloa Drake. Jack Lively C. T. Letnera, Guy Tutwllier, Chan. Schmidt, Reyuolda, Ren fee and autcbels Providence; Ralph Htreud, Buftaio- A P. Burg topUontu), Uuca; Duncaa, Chatta nooga. By Cleveland F. H. Balr, Nashville; Gus Williams, Montgomery. By Washington Ainaworth and Seal. Youngstowa. By Philadelphia Bronkle, Cleveland. By New York-R. H. Kevelle. H. H. Russell, Ira B. Hogue, Herbert 8. Jeyneo and Barry Bailey, tall optional), Allans I. Liiecnl. Loa Angeles. . By Boston-Meyers, Schmidt, McCrone, Lonergan. White, McHale aad Ktuilay, (optional). Jersey City: Dick Urete, ce lumbue: Gunning. Undertook, Jacobs, Worcester: Jack Fourniea, Chicago: Tonne-nan, New Tork. John. Wutfll. op tlonal). Spokane; Mike Dickinson and B. Thomas, (optional), bacramento. . . Contracts: With Chicago Joe Benz. Joe Bergcr, R. Biackburne. J. J. Block. F. 8. Bodte, Baker Bonen. M. J. butler, C. H- Calla han, Thomas i'arney. ' V. J. demons, Jona Collins. W. M. Oeneet. William (ileason, W. R. Jones.. Joe Kelly. R.. W. Krelta, Frank Lane. W. Katueke. W. Mater, Geortrt Mogrfre. Oerln Mullen, Jona Nelson, O. C. Peters, Kay Powrit. Morris Hath. James bcutt. Lee Tanoe bill. G. W. White. R. H. Zeider. lid Waleh, Harry Lord and Berghammer. With Washington Huabea. Long. C. Waters, McBrtde. 8 hank. Akera. BoehH tng. Csshioo. Gagnier. Henry, Museer, Brrert. Footer, R. Mattla, W. Johnson. With Detroit George Dubbiaa and Tyrua Cobb. .. With 8c Louie Monte Cross. Tha key to success In business la the Judicious and persistent uea of newspaper advertising. SIGNAL MEN READY TO MOVE Major Hartman Says the Corps Can Etart in Two Honrs. MEDICAL MEN TO BE EXAMINED Civilian .Debtees . Waa Wish ta Ca to tha -Trent la Caae af Treats Are to Bs Given a C ha ace. Whether tba War department antici pates serious trouble along tha Mexican border jpr any place else, la the - near future, or whether the 'orcrr received here and at about twenty other army Poets to enlarge the post medical -reserve corps, means only that tha depart ment la to be kept, la strong condltloa. Is a question that la Duelling army officials .. ' a.' ' ' . Orders were sent out 'recently ordering -Milan physicians who wish to eater tha army in time of emergency or war, to -be examined by medical boards to be ap pointed by the commanding officer at each post. These boards hava been ap pointed and confirmed at Washington ind the examinations will take place erne I time la the next week. Major larry L. Gilchrist, chief suiwsoa at Fort 'mens, constitutes the board for Fort mail a, and all civilian physicians who .lah to eater the array in the isnrrs medical corps will bs examined soon by trim. . - - , Major Hartman, commanding officer at Fort Omaha, when asked If tha rein forcement of tha medical reserve corps throughout tba country means that trouble on ha American side of tba Mex ican border Is expected, replied that from I. Is view of affaire It certainly bad that look, aithouga ha knows frothing official. He saM that ha has received no orders relet! va ta tba Mexican trouble except the general order to be prepared for marching orders at an Instant's notice. "Should we get marching orders, we could be out of tba post' and en route for tba border within a couple ot hours' time." said tba major. - . ' FffiE WARDEN MORRIS TO ; ' INVESTIGATE FIRE TRAPS Fire Warden Ed Morris la planning an Investlgatioa at suspicious looking nouses, ta examine the firs and smoke ear, re arrangements. Ha baa investi gated houses where recent tires occurred end finds that in one house at 114 North Twenty-fourth street a stove-pipe had been wraped with' an old shirt ta keep the smoke from pouring out Into the room. - A f looming house tor colored people, on south Tweaty-e.ghrh street, bad a small stove In every room aad tha pipes were Joined so that a Ore waa almcst inevitable. This condltloa In tha house where tire would do tba greatest damage must bs eliminated, Mr. Morris aarerta. OVERCOAT r3 f mm we si r ii i i rx TO ORDER mm " - mT sa. AW aV mT Trousers iiimi iiMillsawssayesM i rn H Look for the "Sondes . Gentlemen" On the Streets and Get an " 9 All Wool JC Suitor OT uvercoai free Made to Your Measure With every suit tailored to your order. Free No prices changed. We wish you to bear in mind you get the extra $7.00 trousers absolutely free. Furthermore you get the same good service now and always- REMEMBERSATURDAY, FEB. 17TH, IS THE LAST DAY None given free after the sale closes. Don't come after and expect to get these free pants, for there will be none JUST THINK OF IT, A REGULAR $25 AND $30 TTP Tailored to Your u VH A Measure and an Extra $7.00 Pair of PANTS FREE It's "The Dundee," You Know World's Largest Union Tailors -Eraey stitch . stitch of style" j. W. GOT. 15til Ml) TO ORDER MEN! UNION MADE "Imitators flatter as" , TToYk?YsI means free. tSr-eni esa-aMMSsa-wMasassJa. "a mi in