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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1912)
12 Mutt's Plan Was Not So Rotten Bad at That u v... WByW Fisher i Hit rrTAST. I've r a 6fcErr scneiAe tb CaVr cwnncje To aklb - Aj(aoAeiT see ONtM otT k CHrVNCt: "TO TrMXTO HC. I COOtO NrLOFive ne To TrM".? rS e--CK 6uT SHC Ail-WAt J V.rM Me ON Te chin BeroRc x t weu.. UH( . TNS . j ? YOO lOO X). e-tk-w. MTSCUR YOU 0 OUT TO I tO WMJC IN, iHfe'U. THINK I (VMD AITP. SMC 'S mow roosee Yowf e rwo Ap-rett. se 's our ecATt& YOU JP, t'lk W,v. t UJMMJ6 fcMG'S &C.O&6Y I I AmO TALK TO He. I f " 1. 1 0 KOlffi L1KESTKE SCHEDULE (hraer of th Omaha Ban Ball Team i . Back from Metting. GOAT AJDEESOy BIJT8 EUTSZLT OatfreVae Manager ( Ike Wheollac. Pa-, T i 41 Mara Agnew to t'a m aetata' Catcher. W. A- Rourka, owner f Um Omaha baa kail team, returned yesterday from Chicago, wher ta had km altaad bi( tha eckedole aaeetlng of th WMttrn to MTU dub. Ho raparta everybody fat tened with tko sokadtuo and eager tor tha opening af tka aaaaao, Ha and moat af tha magneto cam to tka meeting de termined to has A 1M gama whadula, but whaa Iba m two Mat waa axplaliwd to than with tbo tkraa-trtp plan tW ad anted tn. favor of tha Uttor. , "JIarmoor" aa tha karnola af tha wkolo Biaatnc aaM Rotarfca, and tha WkhJU oontlnaoat waa hlrhlr fithtut aatla. Ha, n ported Sao Ifolaaa to ba la raat ahapa and orarythlni n tlta loaria la all ttt. WhUa In tha big dty Pa aold "Ooat" Andanoa to 'Ooat". klmaalf, who parcnaard a half tataraat ta tba WhcaUnc (Pa.) club of Um Caatral laacua, Andar aui alao purahand Sam Afaaw from Pa and will maka tho Omaha yooafatar hla rofular catchor thia anaoa. "Ooat" la anddtot and roanmaw of the Whaalhtc alub aad aaya tha Club la In food ataad l( and doped to bo tha ptnnant wtnnar for llll Ha aan tho duh la a motor BUkar aad ba axpocls to oava a food Aadoraon playod rlaht fMd for' th Omaha olvlb tbo tarty part of loot oaaano. and waa aold for tha aaaaon to Doa hlolnaa, whara ko dlatlafulahad klmaalf for kla aU-rwuad ptaylnc. Ho waa a foot kaaa runner aad a food wiaa wltk tha atlek. Ho wtU taka eomploto cbaraa of tko Wkocllna' taaaiir..,, . , , . JowaCo-Eds Must'." , Take Gym Work ' IOWA CITT. ta., Ia. !.-RiioGal.r-. -Tho aurrtculum of tha ValvaraJty 1 of Iowa wltk tho koftaninf of tho aaoond aaaMatar of tho current school roar took up la yaarnat tho phyotoal deoatapiaaat (of tka atb,oot'a. I, KB (J'hv. Bml-oompaV aory athlotioi for oo-mla havo aoaa In jOUtutod htr and tho followlnc oawaaa Urraaa-ad tharaJa: rint, thoorr and prao tloa of piqralcaj odiKallon, a eouraa tor thoao glrla who Intend, to teach fnna na work; aeeand. Indoor kaaa ball. , whlek.ta la ba atarted with the and of tha haeket kail otaaoa; third, heavy ap 'Daratue work, gteen under tbo direction af Aaewant lnatrvetor Oraoo Roe; Saarth folk dmnoea, planned aa one at Who ataat dollaiitful- departmanta of tho work; Bftk, arvaalaed samea, teelfnad aa apdrlal laatructloa for open air and aottlament work. Thai la the Dm time tkat lewa anlnralty haa aeeumtd-auch Partleular cam ta drla' phyateal raia lag. Tko depaitnunt hta bean placed In . (Okarca at allaa A Hoc WUUnaoa, foraMrly jot Chlcafo. . ISILVER CITY DEFEATS ' TWO TEAMS FROM OMAHA ILTKR CITT, la. Pea. k-lpectal.V- Ua tola towa ta amaH. ant kartnc to aa popalatloa. It kae a eouplo of tiaata that eaa play acme. There are two teaaw In tho hlrh O-kortl aad a tow day aco tho wianaaor of ataloaea ooat cfcalieBfea ta- tka fairer- any at Oiaaha aad Crot(Maa aalreretty. loot aaiat, an awelled ap wltk tho proov pecta of otetary paroklral upoa tkolt kaa- aa ieerie of tko UalTeralt; ot aad tno aaaloro at Crewhtoa ar- rleod aad bafora a crowd tkat filled tka they won out oat of tko by tko tocols. Thoao are the Two Big Hold Quts .From One Town jomaka i anmi rt. Uik ae- kim lOawka ana lee. 14. eklrer City Hlrh V; CraUhtoh Santera, la. The referee I waa Cttrtta at Oiaaha aad kkv work waa aatlafactorr. ' High School Seniors; Defeat Eagles of ,"Y" lka Oaaaha Hark School Heatore eaaal tko Toamc Mea CkrtatUa aeaoc atwa Sastoa ay tbo oooro of a ka-W at tko loose ntea'a Chnitlaa aaoocaukMi' iaejaaa taat aiskt. Balartto. tho kKk aKaaaot oaatar. waa tko star with, feurtoaaj at tko aiilun patnea to kk) credIL Oatd- ueaa etarred far the Balea. Orer laoa "a played eteedy and aanelaliiM. oaa. . aoMlaa- tae Kaclea tttkt at -an COLLINS AKDJROWN WIN , Chicago Amateur Billiarditt Se- xean ConUm in flew lorx. BS00XI7X MAS I1KE TBIH Bub Marquard'ton I he left) and Jack Warboa, Hew Tort pltckera, wka hare ktfaed tho koM oata becao of tho (allure of their effort to talk tho manacemenut of their team lata paylnc them mora the Otaata la tho pennant berth, trai l.rv. M.raUant waa th. atae twtrler of 1 hop. the amaJMat heaver oa tko oiaff at tba Taakat had ana ad tha beat T tho National league but rear and Ug tyij tkat ha aad eaportaaood ataoa hta work, coupled wltk Saatkowaaa'; leaded I adreat .lato tba Aa?aa keagwa. a I laaeei; BNlOKaV ' llnici '. . JeaUna ..Rr.f... I4wmj 'SS-iil o !Ur VSiiiivan '" ' -"- . Hubmm T.ft I i m . . . . " -" - m-v........ awwms aataacar S-ti. Ra Pauoa etitotea: ftoenaaa tor Mttlnaer. Jiaea ad MHWt, IGH SCHOOL FIVE TO. jPLAT AT UC0UI TONIGHT ! Tko Omaha Hbjk -relic el boaket kali kaaadf la caarga at Atkletie Director C Kaed, arUi eeaeo (or tho Capital ctty late' afteeaaoa. sbere ahapv-wm meet ta ekear aaaaal Wor eMUe wHk the Ua Ma Hik ackoot tuiatet toaJdht South Omaha Stars 'r-Lose to SquahFiye la a otoaaly ooateeml amo of baekat halt at. tba bxal "T" (rmoaetuni laat eeaakuf.' tko Houak frra admtariatered a drahbtac la tha flout b. Oaaaha mar a to fa. Baiumana. at iiht guard tor th Fauab adgrecatloa, waa the kick Point ejatnot of th evenluar wltk a total of twwmy-twe acarea ta hie credit. Jooe. loft forward (or th Mdb) llljl lade, played kts uouai aeiliiant kame and featured h. koepta hi opponent from hmdlnc the, leather epkero la the kaakrt, at opportune Uroea Th Uaeup: ... ' . . ' aaiidbara .tC).R.r.R.r.';....' ......Collin Hay ,.ur. ur. jo Rouiw ..".lC....;...'....r .. .Wnoley Baumtn ,. L.O ;uo .. ....Baberteon rellman ...... R O. K O ., ritlle ubetrturaa, Moore (or Sqitabe at riant forward, field aeale: Codna. t: Jooe, i. Weoley. 1: Roberteoo. 1: aaiutberc. t. Hayee, 1: Peltataa, ; Banmaan. - Free tnrowa: .LelUna e. Baumaaa. a, Referee. Weikay: aeorer. Rrttenaouao. lime of name, tweaty mlantea, . day turned bark PH:er Bah- to MaakrtlLe, tseothera lr(u. NEW TOKa;.' rab. k-Kube atarouard. th leadlac Pitcber of tba National learue. art aeaeea. alined today ta play with tko la PU. B1 aad M. ... YOUNG SENDS IN CONTRACT FOR TWENTY-SECOND YEAR BOSTtMt Tea. k-Dentoa T. CW) Tooa today teat la to trio? ofQre of tae Deerca TCattonaF- leacne baa ball teoas kla ataaed coatrart Par ale tamtjaei aud year tn aaajor weurae aoaa bait He H the aldeet pneber tn' potnt of yeara aad eerrtr 4a ae leairoa boo ball. CUSVELAND. Peb. aV-Tbo Ctoeoauat dak of th aatert aa baa ball learn to- :URLEY TALKING OF STAGING ENCOUNTER IN NEW MEXICO ' ALBCQVCBQUS. . N. af. Feb. k-Jeck Curler, eaa aa per of Jtat Plyaa, and pro moter at tbo Jehaaoa-rtyna kattlo ka eolvtnc tko fcoavywetcht akaaiiileaakip, aay uoaterred wtlk kwal btnlnaaa aaea relatna ta etaalnc the thjht ta Haw Mesteo. Ko denaloa waa reached. Toroarrow Cariey wtU 0 to Lee Tata u aaeot pereeaei who hare ottered UOMM jor the (lrht, Toalcht Carter Bald aa did aot beUere tha oppoonlaa of OOTeraar McSoaald woaat be eutOcteat ta an i eat ataatac th (feat hi Mew ktaikc If found adrbjaato JESS WESTERGAARO WINS TWO FALLS FROM W ASS EM BEATRICE. Mek. Feb. k.-tpeclal Tele- eram r-la a firnek wreotUni match here toatglit Jeeoo Weetercard of Deo Molaee wen (rem Oecar Waarm la otraickt folia, the firet In twortty-trro mroatea, aad ta aecoad la tfclrteea aalnetee and tweaUy- three aecoad. A bwo crowd ' tho Mhrbtrirav - ' ' S Bi Botune ft. Lea la Take Heaere rroat Boetoa la Katlaaal Taaraameat la Boe toa ortth Farrar aad Blakep Compotlaa. NKW TORK. Peb. (.-Percy Collin, the reana" amateur blluardlat from Chlcaco, defeated hla fellow townamen, C. P. Coaklln. tka International champion, thla afternoon la tho national amateur claaa A. lit balk line billiard ehamptonahlp tournament her by W to 87. Tho cob denaed acore: Coluna-Total. M: averaca 1 4: hurb rune, St. a and a. coaklln Totni. aT: a vera re. x-tl: kKk run. M. a and ft. M. D. Brown of Brooklyn won the a ren in! fame by defeating Dr. W. E. uffea- belmer of Philadelphia by the acore of Mb) W. Brown played In faultlea Mroka and hla drlrea to collect tko apberee, a well a hla cuahlen play, were of an eilntor dlnary character, in hla aeventeenth In. nlna he haaaT ap tha record hick of the tournament wltk elvhty-eta-ht. He alj lead tha other ala coateetanta In the race for tbo title.. Tka aondenoed acore: Broom-Total. Mi arrrara t Mi: kick rune, a, and 4J. nr. crrenheimer-TotaL TH: avert re. 4 1:-44; klk ruaa, B, a aad -a. BONTON. Peb. k-8t- Loula tonlht do (rated Boaton In tha NaUoaal Bllllar laadoa touraamaat. Parrar, who re pre oeatad St. Loula la tho threo-cuihlo match, won W to S. He bad aa averac, of M wltk a kick run of aevoa. Blahoi of Boetoa averaced M and had a kick run of four. AMONG .THE LOCAL BOILERS Pete LocEs Shew Style, Boiling a Clauy Total of 2,286. ' - TAKE THEM FROM THE ST.' JAMES Aacbar Man Balaer PartleoUr Star at aWoalaar wltki Hlab Plaarta -e( Ml aal Tatal el Mt ' V. . Wla Match. :; In tko Commercial league th . Pot Lock won tkree atralcht from tbo Be Jamoa, with a elaeay total of tKB. Balaar waa tha particular etar of th evonlnc. with kick elnaie of Mt, aad total of am WUaon waa high for th Bt. Jamea wltk aw. Scorec: - - " ' " ' ' ' ' PETrS'UbCH. . - let. - td. M.'Totttl. lartln .. j. let . is I ,w i7i i.i ii a .. K ,f. Angclaborc , Mt Ui 1M Toui. mi a el WROTHS rJPEClALS. lrt. t. M- Tits'. Week ! 1 lj Rueeeiit 7 - 1I Eaatman 1 Purka m 4 US Cuatck 1 ! 1" 6fl Straw l.. snr i i . in i rm in mi ... a za . in n Total . 7l ',m ,1b SCHROEDEB 8-8T. JAMBP. , let. tM. 3d. Totat Haeter 1 - 1 171 TotaU W) M 1 S."5 Tonight la the Oat City league: 8tor agalaat Monarch; Hancock-Bpeta TJth earaph company agalaat American Print ing company. Andy erown ct Ckleaco wDI challenge any bowler In tha city, came to bo .-.played on tho' new Morrlwa tlley. Y. B. Teaaa Capa Porte. A apodal maick between tha employ of th Paxtoa A Gallagher company and tha T. B. team reaulted la tavor of tbo latter. For th Oonbya Captala Green waa high with Kl.aad for tho 7. B.'o O'Neill waa tbera wlthcW7. Oraea had hick elngte gam wltk Jit. . Scores: , , . PBfiBVS. . , , . Jt.' ,d. Id. Total. Gordon 11 , 191 1 Gaunt 1M . ) 17S 4 Jenktna ........ .A... 1M ltl 11 8 Weimar .............. in 17 l tvu 1... la : Jl m ata ta 121- ta ; 417 SPECIAL MEETING OF ROD AND GUN CLUB ON MONDAY Member f tha Rod and Gtm ctuh wtT held a tpasial meeting at th Pax too hotel Monday erenlng to adopt plan for tht kaautlftcatloa af the Ceurtlahd beach property recently parehaaed by th club At tht meeting a number of plan wblck th club officer her anil be ahowa and deflatt atepo will be taken. Ta elty baa ordered a viaduct bum erer tha Locuat etreet track and tae park board ha arranged tkat the beulerard will atrotch to tko eluk'a prop trty. With tho tret railway company' procnlao for adequate ear aorvtc, ta future of tko ohib look bright. I KNOCKOUT BROWN BESTS . MADDEN IN NEW YORK BOUT NSW TORK. Feb eV-Kaockout Brswa outfought and outboxed Frankl Maddea. ta eaet aid lightweight, la ever round but tko flrat af their tea -round boat at tba Aatertoaa Boa trig cluk hi Brooklyn tonight, in Iho opening eaton Maddea tor Into Brown and loaded a couple of bard paacbaa to the Jaw- and etomach. Thereafter Brown had tha belter of every exchange. I . Unru J. novae ......l. 16 ' la Jlei . M 8trw i. li wo ! 41 WUeoa 17 JM M Toula.. ...1.. .'..., iff. W t,tm la tha Motropalltao leagu the- Beeelln MUe took throe straight from th Derby Woolraa Htggln waa hlgh.elngl. with M. and W. Bchaetder htgh total of M for tbo Miiera., Bear: ,., ..... BE8EUN MIXKR9. . . ' M Total pearaon ..: Ilggiaa ..4...,. V. Ucknetder.. Total.'.'..,.... eft 7 lei' DEKBT WflOLKNB. Hollo ,....,;.. I'ompklna dlraw ,.1,.- laL Id. . 143 11 14 461 . 14 ' l .T ' !t .' K . la, m 4 .r M4 .... ia 1ST 173 .... 114 1 ia .... 141 117 1) Total.. ..u 41 423 M . r Oa MorTteaa' Alley. Score Ik Gat City league: OATB ClTia ....V tot. Id. Evan 1? 14 dhoeman 11 1 Landatreea ,. .)..,.. r If 1 tn johneon la leu McOabo e,., 1U ' ' let 41 1.3a 1 1 Total O'Neill- Yen Dahl .... Alexander Toung v Lamb 1.. Total ... 722 rt T. B.'S. I let.' ' td. ...... IM. M m .-144 111.' IX! r let ua m 771 in H Tout. 14 W IM 1(7 Mf ttt ett 77 1 iU iavi M. Total. Id art 17S ' 4i 1M .M 1M " SB) 14i U TotaU.. Keller dtruve tcJuarry , hodcero .. Geyooa Total.., Wllhnrll Hummel Baehr ...MM...n..i Comatock Schneider , Bit 141 BLAIR PILOT, let. Id. 1K1 171 .......... IS 13 ns m , or . let 171 1 ta 791 no. av tot. 3d. 144 1M it V MP . tn. l'JS 131 M . In KLKB Ml t,4M Id. Total. It tl let m ! Ml u , at liJ U4 m iT . Total. 141 in 141 lrt 111 Total.. Berger Sayaleh It'lley Lyendecker ... Phil Walens.... RCIOS. let 141 147 Mt 1W at 711 M. 1S 1 171 1M tSi Hi X.l til 171 k4 'tits M. Total. 2 U d 4T IM 499 let 4,1 lit A "in Wlaalpeg aaptl Opoaa,' : WINNRPEO. Man., Feb. t-Bonanlel openea toaay witn irr nnaa playing in th Dingwall event Dunbar of at. Paul was defeated by Caeoldy rtnk of Winni peg by 7 la I. Caeaidy laying three in the flrat. which virtually finished the gam McMillan of Butte won from Mr- Uoaald or tno wtaupec TOIetieo .ay nor of 11 to M; Charts or Butta-wen- down to defeat before Atkinson o klanltou. tho score being M to 1 Otdham af Duluth was defeated by Ray Plumnter. U ta t , . , ... ta beano the aa of aawapaptr . Totala 1M 71 Boom la Morrlaoa teagae: . . . ALPHA. CAMP NO. L , tot. , Id. M. Total Solomon 17 lie) 170 18 C. Prtmeau 11 Hi 11 Ut Heeton IM W4 1 6 OtUkam ll 211 Id 1 Th key t aocraaa ludldsu and pea serial sdvortlslnc. 3FrjSf losing ! ttoata oaaawwjaawaaia tH " Sale a. Ml ---- V . Our Prices $15 to $40 low 14 President Ryan Asks. for $7,000 a Month INDIANAPOLIS, lad, Feb. a Act of tho forty or more parson Indicted ta tho alleged dyaaaatt eooaeerary wtU be arranged to take ptoea mmaltaaeaaely aat earner tkaa aext Menday. It waa aatd here today. L'pited State DeOriot Altaraay Ckarlea W. Millar mud tbo ejwearamaat hapid to bar la eastody all ta ma ay tha Usee the arrest of say one at Uvea bad beosaae known. Tht la to prevent tka dlecj onus of th evtf eadaata' MoMltle kr tho arraat at oa) enaa, wko could demand a copy of M tadtctnwnt Inralvtng otaera. Tko fact that several at those aedtctod kv oa tba Pacific coast maka Monday th prob able data of arroio. That tipart had he lee erred by tbo ItrteeaMUoaal AeeoetarMa at BrtaVa aad atrwctwral Ire Workers that thirty or meowed tkatr brfaartoaal aad Ibcalwftl- hy ba h to th M, m i is bar today. Mr. Urea sard: -It ta resorted her that thirty ar of oar orTxere, local a well aa batama Usaat. ar to b malreed Doa t be alarmed about ludklaetai or few lead ore gata to Jail." Mr. ftraa lafisat to Hie a I7.a a aeeatfc. Tko report J. J. esaaa aaty other report saw oxen spaa the special food at D-eaa tba ksa isemre where haaaare, the coarrteeed eataium traoo arar at the .xTraaktaa . yraa arreoced amt AgrU- Can't Depend on the Darter t , a Hen is a chance to divorces yourself from a habit, which costi both time and money.. "When yon shave your self shaving becomes a htxory, not an irksome trip to the barber shop where very often yon have to wait several minutes before yon get your tarn. A DURHAM DUPLEX razor like cut- Saturday ' 3 "Follow th BmUb Path" ? - - . Beaton Driig Company Farnam and 15th Street Now S 7.5 $20 Overcoats - - and , Suits Society ! ; Brand Clothes VOLLMER'S """"",-""1",""""1aaBja Opposite Haydeos 107 So. 16th Street T i i r