Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1912, EDITORIAL, Page 11, Image 11

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The Omaha , Daily Bee
Looking Backward
This Bay in Omaha
tMrty ImH Tss Tun Age
. See Bdtsextnl Fag at seek lawas
, VOL. XTJ-XO. 204.
Peter Palmer ii Elected u President
of Association.
Selection for Seat Yew U Left ia
k the Raada of the Executive
Coeeealttee latereetlaaT
Fapers Are Read.
The Nebraska Cement Users' association
. brought their convention to a close yes
terday at the Hotel Rome with the elec
tion of officers and annual reports of the
several committees. The following ware
elected to serve one year:
President, Peter Palmer. Oakland: vice
president. VF. Ullie. North Bend; secre
tary and treasurer. Frank Whlpperman.
Omaha; board of directors, C. J. Tracy of
Loup City. J. M. Krelger of Rising City
and M. J. Peterson of Omaha.
The matter of selecting the next con
vention city was placed in the hands of
the board of directors and this question
will not be settled for some time. It Is
understood that Lincoln and Grand Is
land both want the next meeting; and
Loup City has also extended an Invita
tion. A general Jollification banquet will
be given tonight at the Hotel Rome and
arrangements will be made for the ac
comodation of about US persona, H. C.
McCord of Lincoln wilt preslde-aod act as
toast master. .
Massphrey rails te Appear.
Richard L. Humphrey, president of the
National Cement Users association, was
slated to make an address before the
convention. He was delayed, however, and
was unable to appear.
The morning session was the most
Interesting of any during the convention.
C. A. P. Turner, "father of the Turner
system of reinforced concrete construc
tion.' addressed the convention on rein
forced concrete construction and he made
his remarks doubly Interesting by the
use of stereoptlcon slides, showing hugs
buildings In the course of construction.
The John Deere building here was con
structed on Turner principles, as was the
Henshaw hotel. The speaker told of the
methods of cement construction and of
the materials that bring ths best results
His remarks were largely technical and
.-ertalned mostly to different qualities
of construction material, but from the
convention's point of view, it was an en
lightening feature-of the meeting.
Ceadra Talks ea Sand.
Mr. Turner was followed by Prof. Con
dra of the University of Nebraska. Prof.
Condra Is In charge of the physical
geography classes and Is well acquainted
with geographical conditions In this
state. He chose for his subject "Sand and
Gravel Resources of Nebraska."
"Nebraska Is one of the best states In
the union for gravel and sand purposes,
besides being a large farm state. The
sand and gravel here. I the best possible
for construction purposes and Is easy to
set at These two conditions are the
most Important. In many states sand
and gravel must be Imported for build
ing purposes, but In Nebraska we find
that It la so easy to get and of such
fine quality that we can furnish neigh
boring states with K."
Prof. Condra then analysed the" various
sands la the state. Ho said that quarts
was plentiful everywhere and that other
elements that go to make durable sand
are found In plenty.
W. F. Roney of Grand bland told of
the introduction of cement paving in his
lty. and ha said that thus tar eemsnt as
paving material was proving to be highly
successful. Orand Island has a number
of streets that are paved with cement
and Mr. Roney says that It wlD sot be
long before the dty council there will
realise the value of cement and pave all
' cf the streets with It
The paper on "Cement Silo Construc
tion," which waa to have been read yes
terday by If. L. King of Ames. Is,, was
read before the convention. Mr. L B.
Watenpeugh of Western, Neb., closed the
session with a brief talk on 'The Future
of the Organisation." He said that ce
ment and concrete was no longer an ex
periment but a material that Is known
to be aa Important factor In construction
work. He said that an organization such
as the Nebraska Cement Users' associa
tion does much for the advancement of
scientific concrete and cement construc
tion, and he said that any advancement
la concrete science that might be made
would be due to organisations such as
the Nebraska association.
Bonynge to Talk
on Banking Eef orm
The Commercial dob of Omaha has ex
tended an invitation to Honorable Robert
W. ' Bonynge of Denver to address the
club on the subject "The Promotion of a
Sound Banking System." at 1 o'clock.
Tuesday, February H, at the club room.
The invitation was accepted for Mr.
Bonynge . by Prof. Hurray 8. WUdmaa,
aecretarf of organisation of The National
Cltisens' league. Chicago.
- Prof. Wlldman writes of sir. Bonynge
as follows: "Mr. Bonynge has been a
member of the national monetary com
mission and makes sn admirable address
In explanation of the monetary com
mission's report Ha la a speaker of
much force and his addresses are gen
erally well received. Ho was formerly
a member of congress from the Denver
The appeal of the league Is to the
patrons of banks. It Is a nonpartisan
association of men of all occupation. It
Is advocating ths enactment of no bill
before congress, but It Is endeavoring to
awaken popular opinion to the very great
necessity for a reform la the national
banking system.
Vague Suit Started
Against Detective
Evidence of a shocking nature against
an Omaha man, aald to be prominent In
business circles, la valued at SUM by II.
K. Cochran, an attorney at 7 Omaha
National bank building, who claims he
has secured It tor a D. Jolly, a private
detective He started suit in district court
Friday to compel Jolly to pay him the
money and to divulge the name at the
person fur whom Jolly desired the In
The petition la vague. It alleges that he
rendered "certain sen-toes" for Jolly, who
wanted them for a "certain parson,"
whose name be would not divulge. Now
that Cochran has secured the desired evi
dence, he says. Jolly refuses to pay him
far it
Cochran refuses to give the name of the
business man. He says the evidence re
gards the maintenance of an office room
for improper purposes la an Omaha pub-
110 building.
Charles 8. Redwood, federal naturalisa
tion examiner. Is holding examinations In
the federal building for aliens who are
ready to take out their second papers.
Over twenty-five were examined Thurs
day and Mr. Redwood still has a large
number to attend to.
Some of the Instances where the appli
cants are called upon to answer ques
tions furnish extremely funny situations
snd Mr. Redwood says that he would
rather have his )o than a life pass to
the best vaudeville show In town.
" Teaterdey I asked a Greek who lives
in the Third ward 'who makes the laws
for the United States r The fellow
scratched, hie heed and after thinking a
few minutes replied. "Boob Milder aa'
Teddy Roeenfeldt" Another man said
that the reason the constitution waa
adopted was a that the eharches could
make the saloon close at S o'clock. This
same man bad beea coached for months
by his friends, but be msde the most
ludicrous mistakes of any I have exam
ined. When I asked him who represented
the executive department of the United
States he said that Steve Maloaey held
that proud position."
The Third and Fourth ward branches
ef tbe Labor League af Omaha HO bold
a Joint meeting Ssutsnway evening at S
dock at Bsrtghf" baO. Vaetaenta act
Fareaua etiuetl
AH members ef the) laetras was) Ira In
the Tatnt sad Fowrt wares) are nrxearOy
ee takes. s
fbo aoBsmasssaa farm ef fsrc?
froze the warklag roan's Dotal af rst
wfll be one of the subjects discussed by
ef Dr. Eraf.
A rlnssst
fWknrs the first as
JCew Ufa FCm: Qm
fkent sfiesngtaen yuu. Oisji siuaen.
Far sale by Beaton Drue; Ce
Thieves Get Good
Haul of Jewelry
Butler Bros, wholesale merchandise
store at 1MM-4S Howard street was en
tered by burglars Thursday night and a
large quantity of jewelry stolen, the loss
of which has not yet been estimated, but
It will probably run up to $300 or more.
The burglars gained entrance to the
building by breaking the lock In a coal
chute. From the coal chute they went
through the engine room up to the first
floor. Among the stolen articles were
seven and one-half dosen rings, set with
different kinds of stones, four solid gold
watch cases, five watches, two valuable
silver mesh bags, etgnt watch chains,
three bracelets and other pieces of jew
elry of less value.
Grand Juror Bruce
Not City Employe
John A. Bruce, a member of the present
Douglas county grand Jury, has asked cor
rection of the report that he Is an
engineer employed in the office of City
Engineer Craig. "I need to be In the
city engineer's office," said Mr. Bruce,
"but I am no longer there. I have gone
Into partnership with W. E. Btaadeven
as a consulting engineer. We have offices
in The Bee building. Lots of people still
think J am In the dty engineer's office
and I would like to have this report corrected."
John Barrett Will
Be Here Two Days
John Barrett diplomat, scholar, states
man and orator, will be In Omaha two
days, arriving February 22 and remain
ing over the twenty-thrtd. He has written
Superintendent E. V. Graff to arrange for
his address here, which will be upon the
subject: "Why Our Teirhers Should be
Interested in Our Stater Republics." He
will address the Omaha teachers at the
Lyrlo theater. He will address the Palim
psest club on Washingtonte birthday.
A successful series of meetings la ob
servance of the day of prayer for col
leges waa held at BeUevue Thursday.
The program of the day waa carried out
under the direction of Prof. W. P. Spar-
grove. The day began by separate prayer
meetings held by each of the college
classes. Ths principal meeting, at :.
was addressed by Rev. J. A. Jenkins; D.
D, of the St Mary's Avenue Congrega
tional church of Omaha. At t p. m. the
students were addressed by Rev. David
Tule of Newark, N. J., on the "Contrast
Between Pagan and Christian Prayer. '
Following this address Dr. Jenkins held
ka meeting for men in Adelphiaa hall for
informal conference, and at the same
hour the young women of the upper
classes were addressed by Mrs. Leonard,
and the girls of the freshman and sopho
more dssses by Miss Hoax. Ths evening
meeting tu conducted by the Bellevue
alumni who are attending the Omaha
Theological seminary, Mr. U F. Sweet-
land and Mr. IS. M. Dyaart, assisted by
Glen L. Rice of the Omaha Toung Men's
Christ laa association.
This Store Closes at Nine O'Clock Every Saturday Evening.
A Great Array of Valentines
ts to be found in Valentine Lane in our book and
stationery store. From the small, dainty creations,
at lc each, such as the children will want to send,
up to the finest and most elaborate made at the
highest price that is reasonable. A matchless
variety to please ail tastes.
Bookt for Valentine Gift Purpose
We will prepare any volume you might, wish to
send with ribbon bow and tend, making a serviceable
es well es an attractive and sure-to-be -appreciated gift.
Saturday only you can buy Harrison Fisher's Book ef
Sweethearts, prepared especially for Valentine Day, for
only SOo.
Dre$makera' Form$--in all tizes--at
the Pattern counter -. . . . $1.00
Shop During the Day If Possible
Corset and Brassiere Specials
New, clean, fresh corsets, direct from the
factory, in all lengths; well boned and
equipped with strong hose supporters choice of
medium bust of girdle topi and medium hips or
extra long skirt-regular 11.50 values, for Satur
day only. 83r.
Bast Conf inert, or Brassieres, SOc
This ISNOne of the very beat specials our corset
department has ever offered. Regular f 1.00 bras
sieres or bust oonfinera with removable boning,
nicely trimmed, special, for Saturday only,, SOc,
Prices in the Men's Store Have Been
Lowered Another Notch
' There is so much value at these reduced prices that few thought
ful men will pass them by.
For example-Saturday you will be privileged to choose from all
of the broken lines and odds and ends of suits
aits sad and overcoats in our stock that have formerly
Overcoats L'ayiyw. telling up to $25.00 for only $11.60. Not
xnai sola a-t y ,11 n ovoro Bvu and -intk h..t .11 mi, am
the uen rt m an t Bar karvilna tnm n.A hn
come in time to get their choice of the lot.
isjoo, at
Candy Specials -
Aesorted milan nut fudge,
worth 30c lb.. Saturday ITc
Yankee peanut brittle, worth
J 5c the lb., at 15c or a lbs. for
ii5c Ken runt's Fluffeta choco
lates, worth 60c the lb., spe
cially priced for Saturday,!!.
AM odd one swats of mom s epor
areet cwanmerc, corduroy and bium
serge fro users that news even moll
ins mp to $5.00 ere trooeoaf wife
sxie Ugh for Satmrday only--mil
ssses--eWeienweef ent m f m
mxtra apodal sn'ce ofjp j
100 Boys Suits, $1.9S
We're balancing up the various lines
In the boys' store which is reason for
these Saturday prices.
About 100 soys' k sicker booker nits
that sold up to 15.00; various materials
and patterns for ages three to fifteen
years; Saturday, S1JS.
Af few boys' odd trousers,
worth up to 75c, of)
to close, Saturday J C
Boys' odd Irons era, worth up to fl.ll),
at Tie.
aiv, BtseouBl on all boys' heavy
weight overcoats for sges I to It years.
IS Stsoenet on all Dors' heavyweight
knlckerbocker suits In all atses.
at Bennetts
All cf ear geM. silver sad braes
ornamental, mantel and wall
eloeke are Included ia one great
big sals, aatareay, at
A Third Off the
Regular Prices
Every clock Is of the highest
grade In it a class, 'handsomaly-f In
toned in the newest designs snd
fitted with movements thst are
gueranteed by both the mekere
and oureelvea. Remember, this Is
s clearance of the entire stock as
above described: II to lie values
at a third off the regular prices.
New Haven Alarm
Cloche ai25 Per
Cent Diicount.
Without an exception, New Ha
ven alarm clocks are the beet
alarm clocke on the .market and
the esls Inciiffles practically every
clock made by tills firm. They,
loo, are guaranteed. Regular prices
"6o to 13 00 each. Saturday they
go at a discount of M per cent
About 200 Women's Fine
Tailored Suits at $8.75
Y e never carry a single garment ir
to another seoson-t hat's why we hav
priced these for an immediate selling.
They are suits that' will give the
maximum of sen-ice and are made
after the most approved fashions-suitable
for street, shopping, travel and
business wear.
$19.50 and
$23.50 Val
ues for Sat
urday Only
One lot of
about 100 silk
underskirts, . I n
black and all
colors; worth up
to $10.00, spe
cially prloed for
Saturday only at
February Clearance Men s Furnishings
Hen's 60c suspenders in new
webs and patterns on sale Satur
day at 20c
16c black or tea cot tea hose,
Saturday tc the pair, or three
pairs for 2Sc
$2.00 Jersey sweaters in oxford,
nsvy or maroon colors; on sale
Saturday at 1.49.
High grade $1.50 coat shirts In
a good range of patterns and col
orings, Saturday, 89c.
$1.60 flannel shirts at $1.15.
. Men's fleeced shirts and draw
en worth $1.00 the garment Sat
urday, 89r. I
Hen's 7 So niualin night rohea,
nicely msde and trimmed, at 49c
One lot of men's $$.60 and $3
sort bats of the rough or plain
felts, Saturday, $19.
New allk knit four-la-hand ties
In plain colors or bar-striped ef
fects for spring wear, SOc each.
Women s Hosiery
Women's extra fine gusge
fast black hose of either lisle
or cotton thresd, some have
whits soles; values up to 60c
the pair, Saturday only, Sic
Msde of extra,
quality diagonal
serf ss and plain
serges In black or a
rich blue shade snd
grey mixtures of
very fetching char
acter. Thsy ars lined with
the beet fabrics and
special care was
taken to make them
the finest Bulla we
ever offered In a
regular way at 1.10
to 111.10.
The sals will begin
with all slses for
women and misses.
All of our out
Ing flannel
gowns that have
been selling up
to $1.60 each, a
good variety to
choose from,
priced for Sat
urday at
I- -aty"
Groceries, Meats and Fruits for Sunday Dinners
Knit Underwear
One lot of children's fleece lined
veate and panta, slightly soiled from
display; cbolcs of cream and arsy;
all alaea; values up to 16c, 12 if
to close, Saturday "!.
Women's Cloves
Woman's fins two-clasp kid gloves
In all of ths staple shades and black
and whits; some ars P. K. sewn; val
uee up to $1.60 the pair; Ql
Saturday, while they last oe
Weve Had a Great Business in Children's
ShoesHence, This Clearance
' Kisses' sad ehtlsrsn's high top beets with either black or red tops, all of
our legular stock of children s ehoes made by Wood at Johnson of Rochester,
N Y. all of the best leathera In foot-form ahoeH and cloth and leather
topped shoes for misses snd children; slses 5 to t, S4 to 11 and Utt to I;
formerly sold at and uii to $3.40 the pair, SaturJay, tl.S.
Boye'tample shoes of box calf and vici hid leathers,
in lace and button styles, size 4 in Cand r a me"
D widths, regular $3 values, Saturday y) 1 eTrO
If isses sad ehJdrea's rial kid shoes with petsat Isethet tips. In button
and hue styles; elses SW to 11 snd HIS to S in nidihs si and Efci, on ths bar
" Tables, Saturday, at 8o the pair.
Women' Shoee at $1.00 for Quick Clearance
The slice sre small la why ws have marked them at a dollar a pair for
Satt;'oav. They are from lines that have beea great eellers at 12 10, jioo ana
Bennett's Capitol flour, sack. ,. .I1.SS
it ids. graaoiatea sugar ree....i.oe
l-lb. csn Bennett's Capitol baking
powder and 100 stamps for. ..$1.00
Dennett's beet coffee, 20 st'pa, lb. see
t lbs Ilennett's beat coffee and (0
stamps for $140
Iargs Vaokage Oaly lea
Assorted less snd i atainpa, lb.. See
Tea sittings and 1 stampe, lb...lss
Free Demonstration
of Minute Oelatme ass Tapleoa
Charldtta Buses, mads withes
eggs, sad Klauts' Floss " ag
in Our Big furs Food Grocery
A Cook Book raaa with every
two packages sold.
10-lb, Amber Drln anyruo. specially
priced at TSe
Snidsr's cbtls sauoe and IS,
the bottle for soe
Besnett's Capitol extract and to
stamps, the bottle for lae
l-lb. pkg. Bennett's Capitol oats nr
pancake flour, with 10 atampa..loe
Cookie Cxtra peelsl--liome
cookies, Saturday only, pound.. Ue
1 cans Bennett's Capitol Evergreen
corn anl IS stamps, for. ...... :aoe
( hers Dennett's Bargain v laundry
aoap for asa
Oa 1 1 lard's olive oil, tt st'pa, hot 4 So
Snlder's pork and beans and IS
stamps, thevcen for lie
Quart ran Franco-American soup, fin
est quality, for SOs
Iso can Llbby's Happy Vale aspara
gus for , aee
Hfittrtf s And!!
3.60 the pair.
widths A. B, O,
girl's footwear.
KAVttrel atvlM and leathera in slses IU. t. SW snd 4 and
D and hi. boms have low heels and wld toes, suitable for a
Full cream cheese A IS at'ns, lb., f so
Virgins ttwlas cheese. IS st ps, lb., too
Largs Jsr Dllletles mustard loe
I cans sifted berly June Peas and 10
stamps for SSs
i pkiia. Klbow macaroni, 10 st'pa, SSs
Strawberry or raspberry lam and 10
a nun pa, per Jar for i..SSo
Creamery Butter Spec.aU
atearsey ereeeisry barter direst
from the ohura; fresh, sweet and de
licious pat an la poena sartons st
Caraateed fall weight, peeial tm
tuday, ate the peaad.
1 cans extra whole tomatoes sod
stamps, for . .. I
Fanry Had River Potatoes,
the bushel . - 81.40
$ heads plain lettuce.. 10
Fancy yellow onions, pk. 401
Holland seed cabbage, lb., 3
Fancy rhubarb, bunch, 5f
Fancy hot-house radishes, i
bunches for 5
Fsncy dates, S lbs. for 25
Jersey sweet potatoes, lb. 5
Our famous Redlands,
dox., 18c, 20c, 26c, SOc. 35
Bis bars Klactiio Spark soap for see
l-lb. box Sterling Oioas starch an 10
stamps, for
Pig Pork
Chops at
Pork Shoulder fli
Roast at . . . . 4 2C
Pig Pork Butt
at s e
Choice Lamb
Leg at . .
Country Sausage "
2 'pound for . . IOC
10-lb. package f ff
Leaf Lard, pi.ll
Chicken, Satur- Qlf
day, aC .... 7 2C
No. 1 Skinned 1 0l;
Ham at... I 1C
. 9c
Joseph Poalis, a Greek., was arrested
Thursday night for ths alleged forcible
keeping ef 17-year-old Ruth Faron of
Danville. TIL. confined In the Midland
hotel. His case 4s now being hmetigated
and he may be turned over te the grand
Acceding to the story received by the
police the faron gin wss visiting with
ber sister st C South Nineteenth street.
Last Monday night she left ts go back
to her home. It is slleged that she waa
met at the depot by Posits, who In
duced her to go up town with him and
miss ber train. She ws then kept In
the Midland hotel, tt aa aaM agauat har
With Grim Death as Driyer Faithful
Horse slakes the Bounds.
Dr. Porter la railed, bet Madlae
afaa Dead Directed His Caaaf.
fear te Drive with Corpse .
Dewa Tessa.
Frank E. Scott Jr., driver for the Ala
ml to dairy, was found dead In bis wagon
la front of the residence of Mrs. J. N.
Baldwin. 40 South Fortieth street, at 1
o'clock Friday morning. Death waa appar
ently caused by heart failure. A post
mortem examination is being conducted
by Dr. Elmer E. Porter at Coroner
Crosby's this afternoon.
When found Scott's body was cold, in
dicating that he had been dead two or
three hours. The horse had beea wander
ing about from force of habit. 1th grim
death as his driver. Scott was It years
old. and he was married to Miss Ethel
Smith. IBS South Twenty-eighth street,
on October 14 last year.
The body as found by the fumavre man
employed at the Baldwin residence. When
he elt the borne about S o'clock he no
ticed the wagon standing in front of the
residence, and It waa still atandmg there
at t o'clock, when he returned.
laejatfrles Are Made.
Thinking It strange that ths wsgoa
would be remaining In one place so song
the furnace man went to the rear of the
residence to make inquiries of the cook
ss to the driver. When Informed that
be bad not delivered the mtlk as ususl
they went to the front, opened the door
of the wagon and found Scott dead.
The Alemito office wss immediately
notified, and In tum Scott's em payers
notified Dr. lvmer E. Porter, who lives
in the neighborhood of tbe Baldwin home.
He msde a hurried examination and ex
pressed the bt'lk-f that cott had died
from heart failure. Realizing that the
coroner should have charge of the body
before It waa moved the doctor directed
his chauffeur, J. W. McN'cel. to climb
oa tbe seat with the dead asaa and drive
the milk wagon to the Alemito dairy. In
the meantime the coroner waa summoned.
Large Crowds Gather.
When McNeel drew up la front of the
dairy auut It became known on the
street that the vehicle conveyed a corpse
groups and squsds began to sassmhls,
stopping on their wsy downtown to work.
It wss not long until a big crowd, breath
less for details to satisfy their curiosity,
had gathered around the wagon. Aa
soon as ths coroner arrived tbe body was
removed to the morgue.
It Is evident that Scott expired shortly
after he suited out on his dally run, for
only a few of tbe milk bottlea had been
distributed to customers. Ths horse
hsd wandered probably for a hour before
It drew up in front of the Baldwin house,
a here It bad been accustomed to stop.
Until about a week ago Scott sad his
bride bsd been living at the home of her
parenta on South Twenty-eighth street.
From there they went to live with his
father, Frank E. Scott, 1XB North
Twenty-third street.
NEW TORJC, Feb. . -Deputy Fire
Chief Blnns, Battalion Chiefs Marshall
and Kuae and three firemen were over
come by' gee while fighting flames In
the swb-cellar of a building occupied by
the Staats-Zeltung oa William street
eerly today.
A gas meter exploded and tbe cellar
was quickly filled with gas fumes. The
three chiefs were the first to fall from
the effects of the gss and they were
carried unconscious to th streets VThree
other firemen were also overcome but
were rescued. The firemen recovered
from the effects ef the gaa
Tbe Ore waa extinguished after an
boors work. The damage waa small.
ST JOSEFII. Mo., Feb." .-ln an
effort to improve the standard of Intel
ligence In the pubUc schools here, tbe
B ard of Education has arranged for sur
gical operations at tbe expanse of the
school district to remove adenoids from
throats of ail affected poplla. Twelve
Head of the Huncipal League Talks
-to Omaha Buineii Ken,
Attorney Arthar Msllea Save Cities
Skeald Be remained to- Make
Their Owa Charters for
. Hawse Bale.
Frankfort-on-the-Matn's civic rule as a
model for cities of the United States to
follow. In modified form, was described
by William D. Foulks of Richmond. InJ.,
president of the National Municipal
league. In an address before the Commer
cial club at the noon luncheon yesterday.
"Oovernment, especially city govern
ment, has lagged behind commercial prog
ress In the United States," he sevd. "But
city government la improving, the great
evidence being tbe adoption of the com
mission form by MS dues. Ths commis
sion form Is sn Improvement, but not the
flnsl form. It concentrates responsibil
ity, but I'm not sure that It oonoontrstss
enough. I'm not sure but we ought to
hsvs one man to sasnsgs ths city, corre
spond rag to the oberburgermelstsr of th
Uermsa city. .
"Our plaa of changing our charters Is
a bad ana. The German and ErigluWi plan
of a national board of city supervleors
is a good one.
"The German cities hare a short bal
lot. Tour commission form of govern
ment Is good bees nee tt provides for a
short ballot; tt would be better It the
ballot were snorter. Until ws la Amer
ica get accustomed to netng the short
ballot, we wUI never have good govern
ment, either state or municipal.'
Blets Taxed Mere.
Frankfort, Germany, sorordlag te Mr.
Foulks, uses the poor ansa a smaller per
cent than the rich. It builds aunses for
tbe markisig.naa. allowing a rebate m
rent for each child; gives him a street
car ride of tores miieo tor 14- cents,
keeps Us staMormen snd luadmluie busy
ia tbe tailor tajp when they are not oa
the cars sod Us firemea busy la the wnv
akXpai lumber yard sraea they are net
ber yard and eupply bouses for the un
employed: appoints Its employes tor life,
com pen sates them for Injuries received
and pensions them on retirement. It op
erates a municipal theater, opera' house,
forest, pawn ahop, Intelligence office,
library, picture gallery, stock yards.
slaughter house and exposition hall; It
operates, st a profit, its owa street oar
line, gss plant, wster plant and electrio
light plant; It levies Ho personal taxes;
It has a graduated Income tax. a tax on
th unearned Increment snd a graduated
tax on real estate, the owner being com
pelled to pay according to his Income
from the property.
City owae a Forest.
The city haa a toreat of JM acree, oa
which It made a profit of KI.SM last year.
It raises Its owa grapes, makes lie owa
wine and sells It In Its owa rathskeller.
It owns xl per cant of the realty within
Ita borders, oa which It builds bouse
fcr working men on terms by which lb
leases may cease payments at th end o.
twenty years and yet hold the proper!)
tor forty years more. There are no un
sightly billboards, no tenement die trie,
and no unemployed.
All this, said Mr. Foulks. haa beea ac
complished by the centralisation of au
thority la tbe burgomasters nod over
burgomaster, all other servants of ths
dty being appointed for life or during
good behavior.
Arthur F. Muliea, former attorney gen
eral of Nebraska, speaking on "Law
Enforcement," rehashed the conditions la
Omaha as he found them during his in
vestigation In the. Donahue esse and
urged ths divorce ef tbe liquor traffic
and nouses of III fame. Us also sold the
state should allow each dty la write Its
owe charter.
Complaint that th greed Jury reesa k
poorly ventilated was made by the grand
fury this aooa and J. M. Calabria, super
intendent ef the court house, said he
arou'd do what he could to remedy the
evil. Tbe room ss none too kvrge sad
with atateea tread Jurors, two attorneys
aa a waxes t tt for boors at a ts
the air tecs bed. The rosea will be green
be kept
DETROIT. Mich.. Fab. a. -The trial to
day of the government's criminal charges
sgsinat th so-called bath tub trust waa
marked by what the government claims
to be a victory for Its aid when Vauted
State District Judge Angell ruled In
favor of th uhtnissloa of certain trade
agreements signed by members ef the de-
tense prior to the final agreement charged
la the Indictments concerning the allagid
Scenae plaa at
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venting Another Attack '
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